Messenger, The: The Story of Joan of Arc (1999)

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Messenger, The: The Story of Joan of Arc (1999)

Post by bunniefuu »

ls anybody there?


l'm happy to see you...

...but to keep coming here twice, three times a day--

-l need to confess. -You confessed this morning. l need to confess again.

What terrible sin have you committed...

...that can't wait till tomorrow? l saw a poor monk without shoes, so I gave him some.

There's no sin in charity, Jeanne.

They weren't my shoes.

-Whose were they? -My father's.

-l'm sure he'll forgive you. -He already did. l want Jesus to forgive me too. lf we asked forgiveness all the time, we'd spend...

...our whole life in church. ls that bad?

Well, no, but....

Are you happy at home?

Yes, very.

Your mother? Everything's fine with her?

Yes, she's wonderful.

And your sister, Catherine? ls she still your best friend?

My sister's just....

She's wonderful.

What about your other friends?

-You don't like playing with them? -Oh, yes. l play with them Iots.

Everything sounds wonderful.

Yes, it is.

Then why are you here so often? l feel safe here. lt's where I can talk to him.


Well, I try to talk to him.

But mostly he's the one who does the talking.

Who is this...


He never says his name.

What does he...

...look like?


What does he say to you?

He says....

He says I must be good and help everyone...

...and take care of myself.

Do you think he's coming from the sky?


But wherever he's coming from, l think you should listen to him.

Because it sounds like he's giving you very good advice.


lt's wonderfuI! lt's wonderfuI.




Are you all right? Did they hurt you?

No, l'm fine. RealIy.

We looked for you. The English are everywhere. l was in the church. l was talking to the priest. Do you know what he said?

Tell me later. Quick, hide in here!

-Where will you be? -l'll be right here. l promise.

Well, that's what I call booty.


A woman with a sword.

Look at this.

Frenchmen are cowards, they've left the women to fight. lf that's God's will, then so be it.

Fine with me. l love women.

Hold stilI, bitch. How can I do it if you keep wriggling about?

Your turn now.

Preserve and bless the soul of our dear departed.

Keep us safe from fear and sin. Amen.

Listen, Jeanne.

Your aunt and uncIe are taking you to their house for a couple of weeks.

Just to give us time to rebuild things here.

You understand?

We give thanks for the food you've given us.

Teach us to love this land and save it from those who seek to destroy it.

-Amen. -Amen.


So good night, then.

What will happen to her?

She'll be fine.

She'll grow up, find a good man, make him some children. Don't worry.

She's been hurt, but she'lI survive. Tomorrow she'll be as right as rain.

You'll see.

l want to see a priest.

Why did she have to die?

Only God can answer that. l know Jesus says to love your enemies, but I can't. l just want the English to burn in heIl forever and ever! l reaIize your anger, Jeanne, but we must learn to forgive. lt's hard, but revenge wilI never bring about peace.

What will? And what will bring her back?

And why did she have to die in the first pIace, instead of me?

Why didn't he take my life instead of hers? lt was my fault! I was late! She gave me her hiding place!

Why did he save me?

Calm down, Jeanne. Calm down.

l don't pretend to know God's wiIl...

...but one thing I am sure.

The Lord always has a good reason.

Perhaps he chose you because he needs you for some...

...higher calling.

As long as you answer that call, your sister will not have died in vain. l don't want to wait for his call.

Jeanne, be patient. l want to be with him always.

Soon you wiIl be able to take part in the Holy Mass.

When you eat of his flesh and drink of his blood... will be at one with him. l want to be at one with him now.

So what did he say?

We must bring her to church whenever she wants.

Easy for him. He's not the one that has to do the bringing.

Come on, this is important. We mustn't let her out of our sight.

Don't worry. I will watch her like my own shadow.

l want to be at one with you now.

A message for the dauphin of France.

A message!

Captain, a message for the dauphin. l'll take it.

The dauphin! The dauphin!

Louis. Shouldn't you be learning your lessons? l don't want to. I want to fight.

You will. But for now, you must at least learn to wipe your nose.

A letter for His Majesty.

Again from this girl calling herseIf the Maiden of Lorraine. l can read for myself, you know.

She says she's been sent by God.

Charlatans. Pity there isn't enough wood to burn them.

She'll be here tomorrow.

You can't see her. We don't even know if she is from Lorraine.

What difference does it make? lf she's from Burgundy, it might be a trap.

Look. Signed "X." What sort of a name is X?

Must we assume a messenger of God can't write her name?

Trémoïlle is correct.

She says she hears voices. She may be a sorceress, a witch.

Regnault, you see witches everywhere.

She's just a peasant.

A peasant who cares about her king.

AIl she wants is to see me crowned and permission to fight for me.

Not exactly. She wants you to give her an army at your expense.

Since your mother stoIe all the gold in the treasury...

...l don't see how you can afford it. l can see her if I want to.

The English controI half of France. What have I got to lose?

The other half.

You mustn't see her, Your Majesty.

She may be an instrument of the devil.

Well, I think you should.

Here's an amusing situation. l'd love to know why my mother-in-law thinks one thing...

...and my two most loyal and trusted advisers...

...think precisely the opposite.

Because I care about you.

Come here.

Your happiness has always been my first concern, Charles.

Ever since you were a boy. l know you better than your own mother.

You think so?

Yes. l know, for example, the sickness that plagues your heart. l know how painful it is for you to have loved a father...

...without ever knowing if he was really yours.

Do I know you enough?

What has that got to do with this maiden?

Who better than a messenger from God to give answers to your questions?

You think she was sent from God?

You're a fine judge of character. lt wilI take you five minutes to know if she's a fake.

But if she's not...

...then she will give you your answers...

...and place the crown on your head.

With respect to my lady, it will take more than a peasant girl-- l'm not interested in what you think, or even what I think.

What simple people think matters.

And simple peopIe up and down this country...

...are already talking about her.

You know what simple people are like.

AIways ready to believe any old prophecy.

Like this one.

About a virgin from Lorraine...

...saving France.

And now...

...this girl comes along...

...from Lorraine...

...and suddenly there's a spark of hope in their simple minds.

You shouldn't disappoint them, Charles. lf they believe in her...

...if she can put back the fire in our army...

...then I believe in her too.

Stop it, Louis! Stop!

Louis, be quiet for once.

-She's coming, Your Majesty. -All right. Calm yourself. l urge you not to see this woman. lt reeks of a Burgundian trap.

My astrologers assure me that the timing is propitious.

Leo with Virgo rising.

Have you never noticed on the astrological chart...

...that the virgin is next to the lion?

Supposing she's an assassin?

My dear Trémoïlle, l'm not even king yet.

Who would want to assassinate me?

She's arrived. She's in the guards' room.

Fine. Fine.

l suppose I shall have to make a decision.

Why is life so complicated?

Sometimes I really wish l couId be someone eIse.

That's a good idea, sire.

What do you mean?

Let someone else pretend to be you.

And see if she can find me. A brilliant idea. lf she's been sent by God, she'll discover the trap. lf she's an assassin, she'll kilI the wrong man.

PIease. Please!

We're going to play a little game.

Now, let us pretend that my throne is empty.

Just pretend.

Who wants to be king?

Now there's a heartwarming sight.

Now, let us see.

Which one of you could possibly pass... the king of France?

AIençon, my nobIe duke, my royal cousin... fine, so brave, so rich.

So very rich. So far-too-rich to be the king of France.

Everyone knows l'm the poorest man in my kingdom.

Gilles de Rais.

Marshal of France.

FormidabIe to men, fascinating to women.

Feared by alI.

You would be perfect to sit on my throne.

So perfect that you might like it too much...

...and therefore disturb my fragile peace of mind.

La Hire.

My angry captain.

Bravest in France.

Scarred by a dozen wars but with the heart and stomach for a dozen more.

You could pass for the king.

BIoody right, I could.

Except that no one with a tongue like that could be king of France.

Well, it looks like it shall have to be me after all.

Why not you?

Jean d'Aulon.

The onIy man who's poorer than I am, therefore the only man I can trust.

Dignified, honorable, wise.

What more can we ask of a king?

-l'm not sure-- -You're not ready to die for your king?

-l am. -Good.

Until then, feel free to live like a king. Bring her up.

Sire, you know how bad I am at this sort of game.

Pretend it's not a game.

Make way for the dauphin.

-Mother? -Not now.

l have come to see the dauphin.

Who are you? l'm....

His most gracious Majesty, Charles de Valois, Dauphin of France.


l can see you are a good man.

But you're not the dauphin.

l'm sorry to insist, but I must see the dauphin.

We have no time to lose. Where is he?

He's here.

Find him yourself.

Now you'll see who'Il pass for a king.

There's no need to be afraid, sire.

l'm not the king. l know you're not yet, but you will be soon.

Out. Out.

How did you know who I am?

-Her voices. -"That's him," they said.

"The one in the corner with the big nose."


Back off!

My gentle dauphin.

Oh, my gentle dauphin.

l have a message...

...from the king of heaven...

...for you.

You only.

Follow me.

Your Majesty, I plead--

My dear Ioyal Trémoïlle, l know I can count on you...

As always, Majesty. ensure our privacy. l need to talk to her alone.

He needs to talk to her alone.


l was about 10 years old. lt was a beautiful spring day. I was taking a shortcut through the forest...

...when a strange wind...

...began to blow.

It was such a strange sound, almost like words...

...calling me.

The second time...

...was many years later. l was coming back from church when suddenly...

...the same...

...violent wind.


...a shape...

...appeared... the middle of the sky.

The shape...

...of a man.

Everything was moving so fast. So fast.

The wind, the cIouds.... l couIdn't move. l couIdn't breathe.

l was so frightened.

He was...

Then I knew that God had chosen me.

But I did not understand what he wanted me to do.

What was my mission? What couId I do to help my country?

But how? I was nothing. l was just a poor girl. l did not know anything about making w*r or riding.

So I decided to wait...

...and not speak of it to anybody.

You did well. You did well. l didn't wait long. l was going to Mass... I do every day...

...when the same...



Everything was made clear.

God had given me a message.

A message to deliver.

What was the message?

He said...

...that I must save France from her enemies...

...and bring her back into the hands of God.

And he told me that l...


...wilI lead you to the altar at Reims...

...where you will be crowned...

...the king...

...of France.

-Sire, are you--? -Fine. l'm fine.


This is, in fact, Jean D'Aulon, my loyaI friend and finest archer.

Jean, I put her in your care.

Find her suitabIe Iodgings here in the castle...

...and guard her with your life.

Sire, I won't need lodging if we're to march on Orléans.

Orléans has held out for six months.

A few days more won't make much difference. Take some rest.

Put the bags here.

PIease accept my apologies for me pretending to be the, you know....

-Could I have some water? -Water....

Yes, of course. Would you get some water?

-Anything else? -A priest.

-Now? -Yes. I didn't confess today.


Raymond, a priest.

-Anything else? -l shall also need a new warhorse...

...a sword, armor...

...and an artist to make a banner for me.

-Now? -Better today than tomorrow.

This might take a little time...

...but let me see what I can do. l shaIl also need someone who can read and write. l studied at the University of Paris until the English invaded.

-l thought you were an archer. -Yes, I am. l'm an archer who can read and write. Who do you want to write to?

The king of England.

l want to give him the chance to leave in peace...

...before I get to Orléans.

The archbishop and I have begun negotiations with the Burgundians. lf we bring them to our side--

Negotiate, by all means, but from a position of strength. lf the English take Orléans, there'll be nothing left to negotiate.

My lady, it will be the height of folly... let this child lead our army in the king's name...

...without verifying her true motives.

My lord Trémoïlle is right.

We must be absoIutely certain that she's not an instrument of the devil.

How can anyone be absolutely certain about anything?

Sometimes our intuitions are our best counselors.

We must listen to Mother Holy Church before we listen to our intuitions.


She claims to be a virgin.

Well, that's something we can examine...

...and be absolutely certain about.

Let's find out.

What if she's not? lf she's not, I'll k*ll her myself.

There is no sign of corruption or violation.

She is intact.

And what exactly was this vision wearing? l don't remember.

This vision, did it give you anything?

An object? A ring or a rosary...

...or anything by which we can verify your cIaim?

He gave me good advice.

As a child, did you have any sort of miIitary experience?


Practice in the skiIls of swordsmanship?

No. But l'm good with a stick.

Do you know what a Dijon culverin is?

-No. -lt's an item of a*tillery.

How can you raise the siege of Orléans if you're ignorant about a*tillery?

The road to Orléans is long.

And I have good captains with me. l will learn fast, believe me.

We'd like to believe you...

...but we feel that if God wanted us to beIieve you, he'd have sent a sign...

...with you.

So can you do something?

Show us something?

A sign to prove that you are sent by God? l did not come here to perform tricks.

You are aIl much cleverer than I am.

Me, I don't know "A" from "B." But this much I do know:

That while the people of France lie bleeding... sit around in your fine clothes trying to deceive me...

...when you're only deceiving yourselves.

You say you are men of God...

...yet you do not see his hand in having guided me...

...through 500 leagues of enemy country to bring you his help. ls that not proof enough?

Do you still need more signs?

Give me an army.

Take me to Orléans...

...and there you'll see the sign that I was sent to make.

-Dunois. -What?

A big one. Straight at us.

-What side? -Window side.

-Dunois! Dunois! -What?

Wonderful news.

Finally, he is sending her to us. Thanks be to God. We're saved. lt's wonderfuI.

Calm yourself, Xaintrailles. Who has done what?

The dauphin. He's sending us food...

...and an army led by Jeanne, the Maiden from Lorraine. lsn't it wonderful?

Yes. lt's a miracle.

l can't believe they are sending a woman. l wonder what color dress she'll be wearing.


With a blue ribbon in her hair to tie up Talbot.

Anyone know if she knows how to ride a horse?

She knows.

Were you sent by Lord Dunois?

Yes, they were.

-Where are the English? -Everywhere. The food? lt's coming. I rode on ahead. l have a message for the captain of the English army.

-He is Talbot. -l know.

-Can you take me to him? -He's on the other side of the river.

So why was I brought to this side of the river?

Hey, my friend!

Good to see your damn face.

La Hire, don't swear.

Sorry. Let me introduce the king's haIf-brother, the dogged Lord Dunois.

Then will you show me to the other side of the river?


Wait! Wait!

Fine! Go now if you want! But not with me!

You may have a duty to God, but I have a duty to my people.

They are starving. l'm going to take the food to the city. lf you can calm down and let me accompany you to Orléans... will be my honor to welcome you.

Jesus Christ.

The g*dd*mn English will pay for this.

Yes, they will. And so will you if you don't stop swearing.

l'm happy to welcome you in my tavern. Come on in.

La Hire, Gilles, let me show you something.

Tourelles are around here. The river crosses there.

Calm down.

Don't blame them. They've been hearing...

-...about you for weeks. -There's nothing to hear!

And why? Because l haven't done anything.

Why haven't I done anything? Because none of you will listen!

Why don't you join us?

We're discussing the campaign. l'm sorry.

Talbot has spread his forces between these forts up here.

But in the last few days some troops have been deployed to this fort.

What's this pile here?

The Tourelles. The English planned to attack...

...from there, but we broke the bridge--

-l did. -Yeah.

Which should keep them quiet for a while.

Now, my hunch is, the attack...

...wilI come from St. Loup.

And what does Jeanne think? l don't think. I leave that to God. l'm nothing in all this. l'm just the messenger.


The message?

We give the English a last chance to go home in peace.

-lf they refuse? -lf they refuse...

...we recross the river...

...and attack here... the Tourelles.

But the Tourelles is virtually impregnabIe. lf we're on the other side of the river attacking the Tourelles...

...what's to stop TaIbot attacking the city from the north?

-God. -God! Why, of course.

We'd forgotten about him.

l feel a great sorrow for you.

You're laughing now, but by tomorrow night some of you will be dead.

We can't just attack the Tourelles. lt's a very complicated matter.

What's so complicated about it?

AIl you have to do is what you're toId. What couId be simpler than that? l am the drum on which God is beating out his message.

He's beating it so hard it's bursting my ears!

You have to understand. lt's not easy, I mean, for our pride, to suddenly be usurped by....

Well, with aIl due respect... a girI.

So that's it.

To you, l'm just...

...a girl.

Put yourself in my shoes for a moment.

-How would you feel if you were me? -Knowing what I know...

...enormous gratitude.

One heIl of a girl, huh?

l warned you.

l do love her when her fire gets well and truly stoked.

Me too.

Hello, my friends!

Quite a journey.

But we made it.

Together again. Let's have some fun.

Fine. I shall look like a man.


Jeanne, stop it!

How dare you stop me from doing God's will!

He didn't say to cut your hair!

How dare you teIl me what God tells me to do!

Whatever! But since he's not going to cut it himseIf... least let someone cut it properly!

Raymond, bring the scissors. Louis, fetch the mirror.

Jeanne, stop getting so angry about everything. Calm down. l am calm! lt's God that's angry. l need to send a letter. Now.


To you, Henry, king of England...

...and you, Duke of Bedford, who call yourself regent of France...

...obey the king of heaven and abandon your siege.

Give back the keys to the towns you've taken...

...and go back home to your island.

To you, Lord Talbot, I beg you as humbly as I can beg you... the lives of your soldiers, do not bring about your own destruction.

Surrender to me, Jeanne the Maiden, who is sent here by God.


If you do not heed my warning, we shall raise a battle cry... there has not been heard in France for 1000 years.

Sire, message.

This is the third and last time I will write.

If you are still here at noon, you will hear from me... your great destruction.

Please give me your answer speedily.

Go f*ck yourself!

What did they say?

They said they'll think about it.


But I don't think they'll leave tomorrow.

l can't wait for tomorrow.

French blood is spilIing.

Wake up!


They've started without me.

There's a battIe to fight and a w*r to be won.


Sound the retreat!

My banner. My banner!

My banner!

Open the gate!

What happened? What happened? Who gave the order to attack?

God knows. lt was a bad idea.

Where are the priests?

We didn't take them. We wanted to make a surprise attack.

Dunois, you gave the order to attack?

Answer me!

-Can we discuss this later? -Sooner is better.

Wait! Wait, you'll be k*lled!


Follow me! l will give you victory!

Close it! Close the drawbridge!

To the drawbridge!

-What's she doing? -To the drawbridge!

-The drawbridge is closed. -Not for long!

Let's go!

That's mine!

lt's a great victory, Jeanne. Your victory.

We must pursue the EngIish to Talbot's camp, unless you have another idea.

First, we find the biggest army we can. Then we return to Orléans.

-The bridge is down. -The English are rebuilding it.

How do you know?

You have been with your counseI, and I have been with mine.

Come on, come on! Hurry up.

Be careful with my baby.

That's the TourelIes.



The froggy whore's coming to pay us a visit. l'd better tell Glasdale.

Put the horses over there.

Fathers, please bless them.

-Please, bless them all. -We will.

Let's plan this attack more carefully.

Good idea.


We've got visitors.


Do you hear me?

You, who call me a whore! l feel pity for you, for your soul...

...and for the souls of your men!

Yield! Yield now to the king of heaven!

Or go back to your isIand!

And you, go back to your pigsty!

Man the walls.

This morning...

...God gave us a great victory.

But it is nothing compared to what he is ready to give us now. l know you are all tired and hungry...

...but I swear to you...

...even if the English were hanging from the clouds by their fingertips...

...we'd puIl them down before nightfall.


...let aIl those who love me...

...foIlow me!

Follow me!

You were saying?

Come on!

-l go right. -l go left!

Come on!

Get that f*cking pot of oiI now!

Come on!

Get that f*cking thing moving!

Move that fucker faster! Go!

You're beautiful.

Let's see if you're powerful.

Do something!

Like what? l don't care!


-f*ck! -Too high.


-Get out of here! -But the men!

You'll get kilIed! Get out of here!

Come on, fight!

Bring the culverin!

Get out!


You'll get kilIed!

-Jeanne! -Leave me alone!

Follow me! Come on! Come on!


-Come on! Come on! -Jeanne!

Let's go!



You just k*lled my woman!

Captain! Captain! Captain!

Go to hell.

Call the physician! The physician!

Damn it!

Louis, find the physician.

We have to take out the arrow.

She'll bleed to death if we do it now.

There must be something we can do for her.

-You can pray. -Good idea.

l swear...

...that I will never swear again in my life if you save her.

But I warn you, if you let her die...'re the biggest, god-- -La Hire.

-Don't swear. -He heard me.

Why aren't you fighting?

You've been badly wounded. lt's nothing. lt's an arrow. And it's in deep.

Stay still tilI the physician arrives.

You'll have more luck with this charm of mine. lt saved my life at Agincourt. l'd rather die than use magic.

You will die if that arrow stays in you much longer.

Well, at least this one won't bother us anymore.

-Now let's go to the battle! -Jeanne.


She's nuts!

You must stay calm. You must rest. l'll rest.

But you have to...

...promise me...

...that you'lI go back to the battle. l promise.

-Jeanne. -Jeanne.


-Jeanne! Jeanne! -Jesus Christ!


Quickly! Do something!

She's sleeping.


Come on back! Why are you running away?

-Jeanne is alive. -Good.

-We have to press on the attack. -Sound the retreat.

-l promised we'd fight. -l made no such promise!

Sound the retreat!

-No. That was her order. -l'm fed up with taking her orders!

She swore she'd defeat the English before nightfaIl. lnstead, she plays the fool, gets herself nearly k*lled!

Look! Look at the mess we are in!

That's her mess, not mine!

We are worse off than if she'd never come at all.

Now do as I say and sound the retreat!

Where are you going? Hey, come back!

Come back and fight!

-What are you making? -A message for the EngIish.

What are the men saying?

She's a gift from God.

Some even caIl her a saint. l'd follow her through hell.

Will you go that far if she asks you to?

Of course I will. l've been there before.

There's one thing I don't understand. lf she's been sent by God...

...why did he let her be wounded?

So maybe the good question is, is she really sent by God?

Who knows?

God knows.

A woman with a sword.


Catherine. Catherine.


You've hurt my feelings.

Catherine! Catherine!


What happened to your precious angel?

Frenchies. Frenchies! l'll tell you what happened!

We sent the little bitch back to hell... she can go f*ck with the deviI!

What are you gonna do now, Frenchies?

Why not come out and fight? Come on! Come on!

Bastards, wake up!

Or are you too busy praying... bring your little f*cking witch back from the dead?

Do you hear me?

l hear you!

l'm alive!

May God forgive your blasphemy.

For I never will.

l never will!

What are you doing? You need to rest.

We must wake up the soldiers. Now!

My fine soldiers, wake up.

My fine soldiers, wake up!

To arms! To arms!

Wake up! Wake up! We must fight the battle!

Wake up! Wake up!

My fine soldiers, the battle has begun!

Wake up!

To arms!

Wake up! The time has come! Come on, up!

-The battIe has begun! -La Hire.

To arms!

-Wake up! -Yes?

My soldiers, we need this tower up!

We need it up now!

My soldiers, help me! Help me.


Jeanne. What's going on?

We're taking back the Tourelles.

Get ready!

Go wake up GIasdale.

-Jeanne. What are you doing? -Sending a message to Glasdale.

-With that? -Yes.

But you've got it back to front.

Listen, I know what l'm doing.

So either lend a hand or get back to bed. l'm going to send a message to Glasdale too.

My lord?


The French witch, she's back from the dead.

Hurry up, men!

Shouldn't we take some time to think about this?

Sooner is better than later.

-Jeanne. -To arms! To arms!

Good morning!

This one.

What is she playing at? l don't know! The question is, what is she doing now?

How can we plan if she doesn't consult with us?

-Did we consult with her yesterday? -You agreed to attack yesterday.

-But that doesn't count. -Why?

Because I always agree to attack. To arms!

Crazy bitch. She doesn't even know how to use it.

Come on!

Come on! Go!

Oh, my God!

f*ck! CIose the doors!

Close the doors!


Open the door!

Load the porcupine!


And pull!

Come on! Come on, hurry up!

Come on. Come on.

Never wait for miracles. Stay there.

French whore! Come and get me!

Come and get me! Come on!

What are you waiting for?

Yes? Oh, Jeanne.

Find your archers and burn that door.

Right away!

Move it! Push!

Prepare the gate!





Oh, my God!

KilI her.


-Reload! -More archers!



More archers!

Help me!

We'll load this up as a battering ram!

AIready done.

-What? -Nothing.

-Help me with these men, please. -Yes.

As you command.

-What are you doing? -Opening that door. lsn't that what you want?

Get out of my f*cking way!

Fill the caldron!

f*cking French! What the f*ck do you know about me?

Reload. Reload!

Fill the f*cking caldron! What are you waiting for?

More men! More men!

More men!


Pour the oil!

What are you doing, Jeanne? l'm playing.

What are you doing to me, Jeanne?

Jeanne! Jeanne!

Do you hear me?

Are you all right?

-Do you hear me? -Yes.

-Calm down. -Yes. lt's over.

We won.

-We won? -Yes.

f*cking bitch.


My friend, my soldier, in my arms.

-We won? -"Won"?

No, no, Jeanne. So smalI a word will never do.

This is victory!

This is glory!


What's the matter?

-What's the matter? -Jeanne.

This is glory?

This blood....

This is not possible.

-This is not possible. -Jeanne.

This is not possible.

lt is not possible.

You look disappointed. lsn't this what you wanted?


Not like this.

For weeks you've been asking for this.

Now you have it.


What are you doing?

Nothing. l'm just taking his teeth.

But you can't just k*ll a man for his teeth.

Why not? He has good teeth.

Because-- Because you can't!

What about all this?

That's different. l mean, we were fighting for a cause.

Not me. He is my prisoner. l can take his teeth if I want to.

No! You can't! Stop it!

No, here. Take this.

He's mine now. Here, you. Go.


Bravo. What about the other prisoners? Do we Iet them go too? l don't know!


We must confess.

PIease, we have to be confessed. AIl of us.

l know this is not normaI custom, but....

Everything's gonna be fine. He's gonna confess us.

Kneel. Kneel.

AIençon brings bad news.

Thousands of English are forming up on the far side of the river. l think we should count our men and get ready.

Let's go.

l'll go.


l have a message for King Henry! lt is a message from God!

Go home!

Go now, in peace! lf you do not go now, you will be buried in this field!

l've seen enough blood!

But if you want more...

...l can't stop you! l can only warn you that it wiIl be your blood...

...not ours!

l'm waiting for your answer.

Never wait for miracles. Stand by to attack.



My Lord...


That's what I call a g*dd*mn bloody miracle.

She was on her horse alone...

...facing the whole English army, and she drove them away.

Orléans is free.

We lost Orléans. l want that girl.

l want that girl burned.

May I see the seamstress? lt's too tight.

That's meant to be a crown?

-Don't you have something more regal? -The English took the real one. lt's been muddy so long, l forgot how good it looks clean.

Did you remember to clean what's inside too? l ask for a grandiose coronation, and this is it?

This is going to be an utter fiasco! l had three days. Your father's coronation took three months.

We should call for a delay.

We can't hold up the ceremony. The English might come back.

Let them. Let them see who is the true king of France.

Damn EngIish! We should be doing this in Paris, in Notre Dame. lt's more prestigious and twice as big. lt is the sacred pIace that matters, not the size. Am I correct?

Yes, my lady.

True kings of France must be anointed in Reims, with the holy oil of Clovis.

Your Grace! There can be no anointing.

What are you talking about?

The hoIy oil of CIovis, it's all gone!

But that's impossible. lt's a magic oiI. Miraculous oil. lt can never be exhausted.

-Look for yourself. -Problem? l don't understand.

The oil of Clovis, it was full the last time I saw it.

And when was that?

The coronation of King Charles Vl.

Thirty years ago? Does it surprise you it's gone?

But you don't understand. lt's no ordinary oiI. lt's a miraculous oil. lt was brought by a dove from heaven... crown King Clovis in this very cathedral.

What are you doing?

Performing a miracle.

With this sacred oiI, blessed by the hand of God the Father Almighty...

...we do anoint thee, Charles Valois... be sovereign Iord and king of this great kingdom of France...

...charging that ye shall defend the faith of our Mother HoIy Church... long as ye shall live.


Long live the king!

-Jeanne, are you all right? -l'm fine.

Why are you staring at me?

Because you have an arrow in your leg.

So there is.

But that doesn't stop you from climbing!

Go, climb! Go! Go!


Take this arrow out.

Look out!

Be careful!

Jeanne, the men are exhausted. l know, but so is the enemy. Paris is ours.

Jeanne, we're not enough.

So bring up the reinforcements.

Reinforcements? Where?

Right behind us.

Dunois with another 10,000 men.

-Jeanne, Iook behind you! -Never Iook behind. Only ahead!

Do you know how to count?

Of course I do! So, bring them up!

Jeanne, that is not 10,000 reinforcements!

That is 100 very loyaI but very tired soldiers!

But where's Dunois? And where are the men the king promised me?

He never sent them! Don't you understand?

He doesn't want this w*r anymore.

He has his crown now. That's all he ever wanted.

But my voices, they promised me.

To hell with your voices!

lt's time to face facts!

We have nothing to do here!

None of us.

Not even you.

You don't believe in me anymore?

Jeanne, of course we still believe in you. lf it were up to me, l'd chase every Englishman into the ocean.

But it's not up to us anymore. lt's up to the king.

You should go home, Jeanne.

We cannot possibly afford to pay for the size of army she's demanding.

The girl is crazy.

Orléans was a miracle.

But we can't wait for a miracle when we build a future for France!

Paris was a disaster.

God wasn't with her then. lf God deserts her, what do you think we should do?


Why did you betray me? AIl I needed was a few hundred men.

Why did you take the army you gave me?

Gave you? l wouldn't put it that way.

How wouId you put it?

We are, of course, enormously grateful for your past efforts...

...but now your task is done.

Now is the time for negotiation.

Peace will onIy be got at the end of a lance.

Why are you so bloodthirsty? Do you enjoy it?

-No. -Diplomacy is far more civilized...

...far safer and far cheaper.

l have letters here from towns under siege, where people are starving...

...begging God on their knees to help them. l'm here to answer their prayers. And you want to stop me?

France does not belong to you, Charles.

She belongs to God.

lf only she would just go home.

What am I supposed to do now?

What do your voices say?

They haven't spoken to me in weeks. Not since the coronation.

No signs. Nothing.

Maybe their silence is a sign.

Maybe a sign to go home. lt's not time yet. My mission isn't over yet.

There's still so much I have to do.

How do you know that these...

...these voices aren't just really you?

Well, they are me.

That's how God speaks to me.

Even you couId hear them if you listened hard enough.

You make it sound so simple.

So even you don't beIieve in me anymore.

Jeanne, I believe in you more than anyone. l just wish I could... you.

There is one thing you can do to help me.

Tell me.

Tell the king to give back the army that he gave me.

We have to stop her, Your Majesty. lf she raises an army and att*cks the Burgundians...

...months of negotiations will have been in vain.

Jeanne has done so much for us. l assure you, the maid has no greater admirer than myself.

But whatever we feel...

...we cannot alIow her to conduct her own private w*r.

For the sake of the kingdom, you must stop her going to Compiègne. l can't stop her.

Well, if you don't...

...l'm sure the Burgundians would be happy to oblige. lf they capture her at Compiègne--

No one can blame us.

But it could sound like we betrayed her.

-No, never. -Good heavens, no!

Don't worry, Charles.

lf God is still with her, she will be victorious.

But her army's so much smaller.

Then her faith will have to be bigger.

-Open this gate immediateIy. -l can't risk the safety of my town.

Take my banner!



My Lord.

l can't believe it.

Your romantic vision of death with all that grass growing everywhere. l must admit you have a big imagination.

But maybe not big enough.

Death is much more...


After a few months, it gets more interesting.

Then after a year, it finally becomes...


Who are you?

You don't like my face?

Maybe you'd prefer this one.

Too young, maybe.

How about this one?

Better, no?

But incomplete.

Get thee behind me, Satan.

Who are you to even think you can know...

...the difference between good and evil?

Are you God?

l'm just a messenger.

He needs me.

How can you imagine that God, the creator of heaven and earth...

...the source of all life...

...could possibly need you? l don't know.

You don't think he can deIiver his own messages?

What do you want from me?

Nothing. l'm here to set you free.

l said smile. You have visitors.

The Duke of Burgundy.

So here's the famous Jeanne...

...savior of Orléans, terror of the English.

My king will pay any ransom you ask.

Your king? Yes, of course.

What will he pay me with? Cows? Chickens? l prefer gold, and the English have plenty. l wonder how much they'll pay to have the witch of Orléans.

The English are arrogant, they can't accept...

...being defeated by a peasant girl. lt has to have been the devil's work.

God defeated the English.

And God who aIlowed you to be caught? l don't believe in God. l don't believe in the devil either.

That's why l'm never disappointed.

Sell her.

To pay Jeanne's ransom.

AIl the captains gave what they couId, as well as citizens of Orléans.

That's very generous of you. How much?

-Ten thousand gold crowns. -Ten thousand?

That's a lot.

Your Grace, I pIace you in charge of this delicate negotiation.


Get yourself ready. You're leaving.

-Who are you? -Pierre Cauchon, Bishop of Beauvais.

As you were captured in my diocese, it's my duty to conduct the trial.


What trial?

Your trial, Jeanne, on a charge of heresy.

But my king....

Didn't he pay my ransom?

The English care more about you than the French.

-The English? -Yes.

They paid your ransom.

Tomorrow you'll be transferred to their castle at Rouen.

Our Christian king, Henry Vl, king of England and France...

...places this girl in our hands, accused of heretical deeds... be tried in a matter of faith.

Take the Holy Gospels...

...and swear to tell the truth regarding anything you may be asked. l don't know what you'll ask me. You may ask things I won't want to answer.

You will telI the truth about everything. l will wilIingly tell the truth about all earthly things.

But as to my revelations, l've told no one except my king...

...Charles Vll, the one and only king of France.

You must take the oath.

Not even a king would refuse to take an oath in a matter of faith. l will teIl you all that l'm aIlowed to tell you.

But as for the rest...

...even if you thr*aten to cut off my head, I won't tell you.

Begin with your name, assuming you're allowed to tell us that much.

My name is Jeanne.

My little cross was taken from me. May I have it back?

Show us a little more cooperation first.

Where were you born? ln a village called Domrémy.

How old are you?

Nineteen. Or thereabouts.

Were you baptized?

-Yes. -Recite Our Lord's Prayer.

Not unless you hear my confession.

Jeanne, listen to me very carefully.

We are aIl men of faith...

...and we shall earnestly strive for the salvation of your body and soul.

We do this in the name of our Church...

...who opens her arms to those who return to her.

We cannot help you unless you submit to our judgment and authority.

Take heed of this charitabIe admonition...

...for if you persist in refusing our help...

...we shall have no choice but to abandon you to the secular powers. l think you know the punishment that would await you.


...wilI you please recite Our Lord's Prayer?

Not unless you hear my confession.

You aren't helping yourself by refusing to submit to our judgment.

You, who claim to be my judges... be carefuI!

For you too will be judged.

Take the prisoner away!


Silence! Clear the room!

Clear the room! CIear the room! ln future, we should conduct our inquiries away from public pressure.

Let the English burn her. Why must it involve us?

Because it's our clear duty to root out heresy wherever we find it.

Father Vincente.

You're the most venerable here. What do you think? l think this trial is a masquerade. l won't be part of it anymore. l'm wilIing to be her judge, but not her executioner.

That's what l'm trying to ensure.

The verdict comes at the end of a trial, Cauchon...

...not at the beginning.

l am going back to Rome... give my report to our Holy Father, the Pope.

This is ridiculous. Now l'm the one who's on trial and being judged.

Arrest him.

What are you doing?

This is an ecclesiastical court!

This is English territory. l have the right to do anything. ls that clear?

Our Father, who art in heaven, haIlowed be thy name.

Give us this day our daiIy bread. Forgive us our trespasses.

Forgive us. Forgive and not-- Forgive us, then forgive them.

Forgive them, then forgive us. Forgive them.

Why did you yeIl out there?

What are you doing? You can't stay here. Go away!

Why? Are you waiting for someone else?

-Yes. -Who?

My visions.

Your visions?

They're going to visit you in here?

Yes. That's what I pray for. l want to see that. Mind if I stay on the side? I won't bother you.

No! No! You can't! Or else they won't come.

-Why won't they? -Because I have to be alone.

They won't come anyway.

What do you mean?

Why wouId they?

Because l've been faithful to God, and l've followed everything he's said.

-l've done everything he's ever asked. -God asked you to do something?

Yes. Lots of things.

You mean God said, "l need you, Jeanne"?


But he sent me signs.

Signs. What signs?

The wind. The wind.

-Wind? -And the clouds. Ringing.

Ringing cloud?

The dance. The dance.

The dance.

The sword.

The sword lying in the field. That was a sign.

No, that was a sword in a field.

No. No. That was a sign.

No. That was a sword in a field. lt can't just get there by itself. lt can't. A sword just doesn't get there by itself.

True. Every event has an infinite number of causes, so why pick one?

There are many ways a sword might get to a field.

Seems a perfectIy valid explanation, but how about this one?

There are other possibilities.

Or even faster.

And that's without counting the inexplicable.

From an infinite number of possibiIities, you had to pick this.

You didn't see what was, Jeanne.

You saw what you wanted to see.

This voice that you say appears to you... it an angel or a saint, or does it come from God? l won't tell you any more about that. l'm more afraid...

...of displeasing him than not answering you.

You're afraid of displeasing God by teIling the truth?

-No. -Did God forbid you to teIl the truth?


My revelations were for the king of France, not for you.

When you first saw your king, was there an angel over his head? lf there was, I did not see it.

Why did your king believe in you without any proof?

Go and ask him yourself.


When you were taken prisoner, did you have a horse?

Yes. A half-steed. Black.

-And who gave you that horse? -My king.

How many did he give you?

Five steeds and a few hackneys.

As much as for a lord. What an honor.

Did he give you other weaIth apart from those horses?


What about all those dresses you were given? Silk dresses, weren't they?

Yes. Yes, I was given a few.

But I never had time to wear them.

Still, pretty wealthy for a peasant girl, wouldn't you say?

You look pretty wealthy for a servant of God, wouldn't you say?

You launched an attack on Paris, didn't you? l tried to.

You ordered Paris to surrender in the name of the king of heaven?

No, I said, "Surrender in the name of the king of France."

That is not what is written in the evidence.

Look for yourself.

l can't read.

Yes, I forgot.

God sent us an illiterate peasant to carry out an important mission.

Do you think God made the right decision?

To take an ignorant girl to save the kingdom of France? l leave that answer to God.


Calm down, I beg you.

How can l, when l'm the laughingstock of the court?

This girl has a way with people, but we're making progress every day.

As long as she's alive, our armies refuse to fight. Understand?

They need proof God's on their side! lt's not for us to burn her. That's your prerogative.

You must find her guilty!

We can't do that unless she admits to bIasphemy.

What are you waiting for?

You've got a castIe fulI of racks! t*rture her!

You'll never get anything out of her that way.

And besides... must reaIize that severaI of my colleagues are scared.

Scared? Of a girl?

Scared to make a mistake.

Suppose she's right.

Suppose she has been sent by God.

Whose side are you on? l'm on the side of Holy Mother Church.

You have a sword?

-Quite a few. -Didn't you also carry a banner?


Which do you prefer? Your banner or your sword? l was 40 times more fond of my banner.

Why? Did it have some particular value or power?


lt's just, a sword is a w*apon.


-And so I prefer my banner. -Why?

To avoid k*lling anyone.

So if you'd not been carrying your banner...'d have k*lled more people?

No. No. Of course not. l never k*lled anyone.

Then perhaps the temptation to k*ll would have been stronger...

-...too strong perhaps. -No, no.

No. I warned the English to go back home. l begged them not to force us to fight.

We have witnesses who can confirm... were not always carrying your banner.

Yes, perhaps.

Sometimes you carried just your sword?

Yes. I don't know.

Did you use the sword?

Yes, I used it to-- l held it up--

You held up your sword and flourished it about like this! l don't remember.

You were in the battlefieId with your sword...

...waving it about...

...charging against the enemy, screaming...

...fighting for life...

...and you expect us to believe that in all this excitement... never k*lled anyone?

No. I never k*lled anyone.

l can't believe you can lie. l'm not lying.

Leave me alone! l can't remember. l never k*lled anyone.

Let me help your memory. l don't want to hear! l didn't k*ll that man!

Leave me alone!

Stop. Stop. I can't remember.

The battles were confusing! I was only defending myself as best as I could.

There was dust and smoke and noise. l was being att*cked on all sides.

So maybe, perhaps, I fought back. But it was only to defend myself.

So your memory's coming back?

-Yes. -Good.

Now, tell me why God let aIl those battles happen in the first place.

He's so powerful. He's the creator of heaven and earth.

He could easily have stopped all that blood and misery. Why didn't he--? ls he the one who spread blood and misery?

-ls he? -But he could have stopped it.

What did he get? Pleasure?

PIeasure from watching us k*lling each other in his name?

-ln his name? -Yes. ln his name.

We fought and k*lled in his name, the king of heaven!

-Really? -Let all those who love me, follow me!

"Let all who love me, follow me!" Where does God get mentioned?

Come on, Jeanne.

Be honest.

-You fought for yourself. ln your name. -No! l was defending myself as best as I could.

Everyone has the right to defend themselves, don't they?

They do! ShouId I have let myself get k*lled?

No. You did fine. l'd even say well done. ln fact, the ones you kilIed probabIy deserved it, don't you think?


No. l never thought k*lling would bring about peace.

-l agree. -Peace will only be got... the end of a lance. -l don't agree.

Why do you keep changing your mind?


Why are you doing this to me?

You get pleasure from hurting me?

PIeasure. That's a difficult word to define.

When does the pain end and the pleasure begin?

When did your pIeasure begin, with that...

...sword in your hand? l never took pleasure... hurting anyone.


Set me free. Set me free.

You will be, Jeanne.

You will be.

Jeanne, my very dear friend in Christ...

...we, your judges, desirous of reaching a true and Iawful verdict...

...submitted a transcript of your trial to the University of Paris.

After careful consideration, the scholars have concluded with us...

...that you have committed many grievous sins. l ask you to listen carefulIy to their opinion... detailed in these articles.

"Article 1:

You said that by God's command you have continually worn men's clothes...

...and you have aIso worn your hair short...

...with nothing to distinguish you from the soldiers.

As to this articIe, the scholars have declared...."

Don't abandon me. Please.

Where are you?

Where are you? Please.

ls this what you want? ls this what you want?

Do you want me to... burn...


...being confessed?

Finally, article 12.

"You have said you won't submit yourself... the judgment of the church militant, but only to God."

The scholars say that you have no comprehension...

...of the Church's authority...

...that you've perniciously erred in the faith of God...

...that you're a chiId of superstition, a wanderer from the faith... invoker of demons, an idolater and a heretic.

We once again admonish, beg and exalt you... cast out and recant your erroneous beliefs... signing this recantation.

PIease. lf the Church...

...wants me to say...

...that my visions are eviI...

...then I do not believe in this Church.

Perform your office!


Jeanne, I beg of you, sign.

Don't you understand? l'm trying to save you. l want to be confessed.

Sign this and I will confess you myself.

And may I go to Mass?

As often as you like.

Now, for the love of God, sign.

Sign, Jeanne, and you'll be free of your chains.

Free of the fire, Jeanne.

Thank you.

You know what you just signed?

You just signed away his existence. l didn't mean to.

For you...

...he's a Iie.

An iIlusion.

No, no. He told me that I would be confessed. ln the end it was you who abandoned him.

May I have that back, please?

You have nothing to regret.


Give it back to me!

Give it back!

Take her away! Take her away!

Silence her!

There. She has recanted.

And we accept her repentance...

...for the Church never cIoses her arms to those who return to it.

Now she's your martyr, not ours.

No. No! No, please.

No, please. Please! Please!


Here. lf you want to get dressed, try these for size.

My lord bishop!

Come to see for yourself.

Well, take a look.

You see? Dressed as a man again.

Her repentance didn't last very Iong, did it?

The Bishop of Senlis was passing by...

...and was on hand to witness her relapse.

And by what miracIe did these cIothes get here?

Not a miracle, my dear Cauchon. An evil spell.

This girl is a witch, and tomorrow she will burn for it.

Have the stake prepared in the marketplace.

Jeanne, I don't understand.

Why did you do it?

And you. Why did you lie?

You promised l'd be confessed. l know. lt was the only way to have you saved from the fire. lt's not my body I want to save. lt's my soul. l ask only one thing:


...hear my confession.

l can't, Jeanne. l can't hear your confession.

l'm very sorry.

You want to confess?

l'm listening. l've committed sins, my Lord.

So many sins.

l saw... many signs.

Many signs.

The ones I wanted to see.

l fought...

...out of revenge...

...and despair.

l was all the things...

...that people beIieve...

...they are allowed to be...

...when they're fighting for...

...a cause.

For a cause.

l was...


...and stubborn.


Yes. Cruel.



You think you are ready now?



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