Sherlock Holmes and the Deadly Necklace (1962)

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Sherlock Holmes and the Deadly Necklace (1962)

Post by bunniefuu »

Why aren't you playing, Robbie?

Look! There's something floating out there.

Oh, pretty good. Let's throw stones at it.

This is more fun that playing ball. What do you suppose it is?

I bet my aim is better than yours. I got the best aim in my class.

But you're not as good as we are. I am, too.

Hey mister, look at that. Check it out. It's a neat thing.

It sure is.

That's a funny-looking fish.




A dead man.

Wait here.

Why don't you watch where you're going? Sorry, governor.

No harm .. go along.

Did Mr Holmes tell you when he'd be coming back, Doctor?

Well, I expect he'll be back about nine o'clock, Mrs Hudson.

It's just striking nine now, Dr Watson.

I've a beautiful roast beef in the oven and I don't want it to burn.

Well, I'm sure it will be delicious whatever time you have it Mrs Hudson.

I'm worried about Mr Holmes.

I fear he is gravely neglecting his health.

Yes, I quite agree.

He keeps working so very hard and he eats next to nothing.

Maybe it would be wise for him to see a doctor?

Oh, I think he's had enough of doctors with me as his fellow lodger.

A doctor like you deserves a more obedient patient.

A housekeeper like Mrs Hudson deserves masters who can appreciate her cooking.

Fortunately sir, you appreciate it, don't you.

I certainly do if that's any consolation to you.

Help .. help!

What was that?

Help .. help!

Oh my goodness. Give me a hand.

Oh, but Mr Holmes ordered that nobody should come in the house in his absence.

I can't help that. Get some water.

Now .. now, where is my bag?

It's down in your car. Oh, so it is.

Where is he?

In the bedroom.

Good evening, Watson. Holmes!

Oh, you scared me half out of my wits, Mr Holmes.

I thought I made it entirely clear that under no circumstances whatsoever ..

Was anybody to be allowed in here without my express permission.

But you looked as though you were dying. There can be no exceptions, Watson.

Oh, good heavens, my roast!

Now, where is the shipping column?

The shipping column? Uhuh.

Now what are you doing? I'm looking for the liner movements.

The liner movements?

Hmm .. here we are.

"Thaysia" .. just docked.

Karachi, Suez, Benghazi. What comes from Benghazi, Watson?


There were no Arabs on board. Oh.

A new case, Holmes?

An old friend of ours has been going to the docks recently.

Waiting about for all the ships coming from Benghazi.

Oh. An old friend? Who?


And I intend to find out why.

But Holmes.

We all know that Moriarty is the greatest criminal in the country.

Why don't the police do something about him?

Take care, Watson. If it came to the Professor's ear that you ..

Called him a criminal, you'll be sued for slander.

But we know ..

Knowing .. and proving a thing are two very different matters, Watson.

As I need hardly remind you.

It's my duty to bring him to justice.

And how do you propose to do that?

With the help of The Times. All I could possibly need to know is in The Times.

It's the best informed and most reliable newspaper in the world.

Oh, yes.

The most reliable. Now, Watson.

What is the purpose of The Times?

Why, to supply information. Exactly.

And also, to advertise. That's why the advertisements are on the front page.

None of this nonsense about sensational headlines to whet the reader's appetite.

And then after the advertisements, what is the next most important thing?

The sports page.

Brilliant, Watson. The weather, the arts.

The news. Shipping news.

And finally .. yes, finally .. politics.

The Times is also the least obvious and most efficient w*apon a man could have.

Now .. pick up that dagger.

The dagger? Go on, pick it up.

Alright, and now what am I supposed to do?

Try and hit me.

Hit you? Holmes, are you feeling yourself?

Come along, Watson. There's nothing to worry about. You won't hurt me. Come on.

No, I can't. Really, I .. Very well then. Try it from there.

Now. Here .. come on. Nothing to worry about old man.

No, I'll tear your dressing gown, you know.

Watson, for the last time.

Here, on guard. Alright, if you insist.


Don't move, Watson.

You had better keep the dinner warm, Mrs Hudson.

Watson, get the morphine. Quick.

Mrs Hudson, be good enough to telephone Scotland Yard as quickly as you can.

Ask for Inspector Cooper and tell him I want him here immediately.

Of course, Mr Holmes. Immediately.

Jenkins .. who did this?

Who did this to you?



This time you're going too far, Holmes. How am I going too far, Inspector?

I find a man stabbed to death on my doorstep, so naturally I send for you.

Oh, we know all about this Jenkins.

He's served at least twelve sentences in prison.

I have no sympathy with informers.

He may not have been a very respectable member of the community, Inspector.

But he was of considerable help to us. And I trusted him.

Indeed. I am sure you did, Holmes. But what is particularly interesting is.

That your private investigation has now been fatal to him.

A serious accusation.

Are you by any chance proposing to arrest me on a charge of m*rder?

Scotland Yard has often requested your help, as you know, Mr Holmes.

However this time, no request has been made.

Under no circumstances can we sanction you undertaking private investigations.

Without having received official authorization.

I am not employed by Scotland Yard, Inspector. I am a private citizen.

I do what I believe to be right, and I will accept all responsibility for it.

This country has a police force and a legal system for citizen's protection.

And nobody has the right to take them all into his own hands, Holmes.

You only step in after a crime has been committed.

I, on the other hand do my very best to prevent any before it takes place.

Hmm. You just proved how capable you are.

We are fighting a w*r with Moriarty and I propose to continue it.

With or without the sanction of Scotland Yard.

We will be pleased to cooperate, Holmes. If you informed us of your activities.

That's precisely what I'm doing.

Professor Moriarty must be brought to justice.

Ha-ha. Here we go again, Holmes.

You know, the last time you lectured me about that ..

Professor of yours, I finally decided I ought to pay him a personal visit.

We had a most interesting conversation. About his criminal activities?

No. About archaeology.

Aha, so you are an archaeologist, too?

I confess I didn't understand a word. The Professor is an excellent lecturer.

Have you been in his house? Yes.

It is extraordinary. There are magnificent things in it.

Have you ever asked yourself how he can afford all that ..

On the salary of a university professor?

Oh, he comes from a wealthy family.

The Professor's brother is a Station Master in the west country.

When he himself came to London, he didn't have a penny in his pocket.

And yet he manages to spend at least ten thousand pounds a year.

Where do you suppose it comes from, Inspector?

From forgery, robbery and burglary?

And m*rder! And I intend to prove it.

I think it might interest you to learn.

That Professor Moriarty is on the list this year of those to be knighted.

Did you accuse Sir James Moriarty of m*rder, Mr Holmes?

It would give me the greatest pleasure, Inspector, to see the Knight hanged.

Take my warning, Holmes.

You do not stand for the law. We do.

You are welcome to do so, Inspector. Good day.

Good day.

Cooper isn't really a bad detective, Watson. He just lacks imagination.

Why do you suppose Jenkins was k*lled while he was coming here?

He was bringing me some information.

It must have been important information if somebody was prepared to k*ll him.

It was.

He tried to tell me something before he died.


His last word was "hair" wasn't it?

Yes, it was.

And then he did something strange with his hands.

I've got it. Watson, come around here.

Pick up the lamp. Turn it round so that the light shines on my hand.

That's it. Now look at the wall.

Look at the shadow. What does that make you think of?

A bird. Go on.

What kind of a bird? A pretty large bird.

You're getting warm.

An eagle? That's it.

A hare and an eagle.

A hare and an eagle. What does that remind you of, Watson?

A public house.

Brilliant, my dear fellow. Positively brilliant.

George, when does your ship leave again?

Let's sit here, Watson.

What are we meant to do now we're here? Patience, Watson. Patience.

Well I suppose we can have a drink or something.

Oh yes .. very well.

Yes, gentlemen? Two half pints of bitter, please.

Well, I wonder why Jenkins sent us here.

That's what we're here to find out, my boy.

A strange atmosphere in this place you know.

Two half pints of bitter.

See those men over there? Those sailors from the Thaysia.

If I remember correctly, our Professor is more than interested in the Thaysia.

Oh, you mean the ship from Benghazi? Precisely.

Which room are they in? Number four.

You stay here, Watson.

Wait a minute. I say ..

Well, then he said he had to bring his mother along, too. After all ..

Well hello there, sweetheart.

Hello. How about a little drink?

Do I know you?

No handsome, not yet. But we can fix that in a hurry.

Ah, yes. I'm quite sure.

What will you drink? I'm partial to champagne. It puts me in the mood.

Why, you have what you wish.

Yes, order anything you wish. You know handsome, you're a real gent.

I absolutely adore men who are shy. Especially at your age.

Oh, I'm a married man, you know. Oh?

All of the real men are already married, dearie.

The ones who aren't are always the ones that nobody wants around.



I feel like confiding in you. Hmm?

My mother is in the hospital.

They tell me she needs an operation. Tut, tut.

Maybe you could help me? Certainly I could.

You really mean it? Of course .. I'm a doctor.

I'll operate on her. For nothing.

And I'll cut you up too, if you like.

My goodness, you're a doctor.

What are you doing in here?

Me? Uhuh.

I am a spy.

I watch .. and I follow.

And I listen .. at the keyhole.


Come along, Watson. Come along. Oh, Holmes.

I was just ..

Where are we going? We are going to listen at a chimney.

What did you say? We are going to listen at a chimney.

It's quite logical, surely? Oh yes. Yes, of course.

We're going to listen at a chimney. Shush.

I hope you're satisfied with your room, Daniel.

Yes, it's quite comfortable.

In comparison to the one I spent the last six years in, that is.

I've been waiting for you for a week.

If I'd had my way I would have come back to London six years ago, Professor.

It's no fun being cooped up in prison in Egypt.

It was pure misery.

They were six long years.

From morning until night they keep you working on road construction.

In the sweltering heat.

Where is Harrison? Dead, Professor.

Ah, but wasn't he on the Thaysia? Naturally.

One evening he tried to push me overboard, but ..

He slipped on the deck and fell overboard himself.

You must have given him a little assistance?

Yes, of course.

After all, I was only defending myself.

It was my life or his.

He's no loss.

Let the fish have him.

Well, well. Poor old Harrison.


Samuels, I have located the man we are looking for.

The man we're looking for? Where is he?

One moment. First, we have things to discuss.

[ From Moriarty's room: ]

"Don't you think you're being just a little unreasonable, Professor?"

"Without me, the deal wouldn't exist."

"Don't be so sure about that. Besides, I'm going to do all the dirty work."

"I have worked out all the details. It will be a very simple job."

"A simple job, but only I can do it, Professor!"

"Those are my terms, Daniel. Take them or leave them."

Sixty percent for you. Not bad.

Consider what the Cleopatra necklace is going to bring.

I think you're forgetting what it cost for your release from that chain-g*ng.

The price I paid were those six years.

"I suppose I have no choice."

"Alright, what of the plan?"

We must get rid of Blackburn first and then you do your job.

Have you any idea what you're asking? Where is Blackburn?

In a house outside of London.

It's not far from ..




Alright Watson, you had your little joke. Now come along.

There was somebody listening.

The police?

I doubt it.

Well, Holmes. Never take a clumsy old doctor along with you.

I got all the information I require, Watson.

Blackburn. Thaysia.

Up to now, there has been one m*rder. No, two.

One of the sailors on the Thaysia was stabbed to death and thrown overboard.

How do you know that?

Don't you ever read The Times, Watson?

It's often advisable to do so when you want to know anything.

Moriarty was after a man named Blackburn who lives in the country.

He sent for two men from Africa and one of them k*lled the other one.

The question is.

What is he after?

Well, hadn't we better turn the whole case over to Scotland Yard?

What case? The Jenkins case? They know all about that one.

The Blackburn case? Which hasn't even happened yet.

And the Moriarty case, which they refuse to believe.

Let's go. Where are we going?

To the offices of The Times.

Here is your breakfast.

Sorry, Mrs Hudson, but we'll be back for lunch.

Thank you.

Just what are you looking for?

We have to find out when Moriarty was in Egypt, Watson.


Oh, Miss.

Will you please bring me volume 105? One moment, I'll get it.

Thank you.

We shall soon know.

Holmes, couldn't you be ..

Just a little less mysterious?

You know my methods, Watson.

Here you are. Thank you.

August .. September.

Now then.

This is it. Here we are.


"Discovery of Cleopatra's tomb."

"World experts in consultation."

"In El Faiyum, a group of English and Egyptian archaeologists .."

"Have discovered a tomb containing treasure."

"The tomb is believed to be that of Cleopatra."

"Professor Moriarty."

"Eminent English archaeologist."

Yes, Go on. Well go on, Holmes.

A moment, Watson.

"Thefts of priceless treasures."

"Following the reported theft of priceless treasures from the tomb."

"Two English engineers named Harrison and Samuels have been arrested."

"A third .."

"Peter Blackburn."

"Has disappeared at the same time as a casket of gold and precious stones .."

"Containing a golden necklace which belonged to Cleopatra herself."

Watson, we must prevent another m*rder.

Holmes, I just don't know what you're talking about.

There isn't a moment to be lost, man. Where are we going now?

To a delightful little Hertfordshire village by the name of Barnett.

A Hertfordshire village?

[ g*nsh*t! ]

[ g*nsh*t! ]

[ g*nsh*t! ]

It's Peter's g*n. He's hunting again.

He must be stopped. If we don't stop him, we let a madman run wild.

He's as sane as we are.

So why doesn't he call the police if his life is threatened?

Threatened by whom? Why doesn't he tell us?

I've no idea.

[ g*nsh*t! ]

Why don't you let me take you away? He is my husband.

I can't just run away as if I were free.

No. But there is another way out. You don't owe Peter anything.

His fears have k*lled his love for you, and besides he's dangerous.

I'd never forgive myself if anything happened to you.

What are we to do?

He got away.

Peter, why don't you confide in us?

You must tell us what you're afraid of. If you don't, we can't possibly help.

How often must I tell you my life is in danger?

Why won't you or the police believe it?

You are seeing ghosts.


Ghosts that hide behind bushes and then drive away in cars?

Oh but we do believe you, we do Peter.

You need help, Peter. And not only from the police.

Ah yes, you mean a doctor, of course?

Don't think that you are fooling me.

I know exactly what you both would like.

You are trying to find a way to get rid of me.

I can't go on like this any longer.

We seem to be living in a trap.

What and who are you afraid of?

We hide away here in this terrible old house?

What are we hiding from? Won't you say what you're afraid of once and for all?

How can we help you if you have no confidence in either of us?

I am your wife. Not your enemy.

Don't you trust even me?


I trust nobody on this earth.


It's no use.

What are we to do?

Don't worry, Ellen.

Leave it to me.

Goodnight Emily. Goodnight.


Hartley Hall is in this locality I believe?

Yes, sir. It's down the street and straight ahead.

You're thinking of buying it, are you?

It's been unsold for quite some time. We're not buyers.

Mr Blackburn still lives there? Yes, sir.

I wonder if you can tell us the name of the local Police Inspector.

Inspector French. Inspector French?

That's right. Would you kindly telephone him.

Tell him Mr Sherlock Holmes would like to see him immediately.

It's a matter of the greatest importance.

[ g*nsh*t! ]

[ g*nsh*t! ]

Mr Holmes?


And you are Inspector French? That's right.

Delighted to meet you. How do you do?

Doctor Watson. Would you care to sit down and join us for a beer?

With pleasure.

Can I have a beer please, Miss? Straight away.

Now, what can I do for you, Mr Holmes?

Mr Blackburn is the tenant of Hartley hall is he not?

He is.

Am I right in assuming that he is in constant fear for his life?

As a matter of fact he's in contact with the police at least once every month.

In that case I think we should get out to Hartley Hall immediately.

You mean right now? Right now, Inspector.

[ Telephone ]


Just a minute.

For you, Inspector. For me? Ah yes.

Thanks, Emily.

French speaking.

Yes, naturally.

I'll be there right away.

Peter Blackburn is dead.

The head is completely shattered.

Shot at close range, don't you know.

We'll leave everything as we found it, until the police and Scotland Yard come.

Inspector Cooper telephoned to say that he'd be right along.

By all means, let us leave everything to Inspector Cooper.

Where were you when Mr Blackburn met his death?

I was in my room.

I was doing some reading before turning in.

Then I heard a shot, and I ran downstairs.

Was the door open? No.

Aha .. the m*rder*r broke in through the french windows.

He set flypaper on the pane so the piece of glass wouldn't make any noise.

It's unquestionably a professional job.

What did you find when you went to the room, Mr King?


Did you see anyone running away?

No, I didn't. Where was Mrs Blackburn?

Up in her room.

I told her to stay there because I didn't want her to see this.

Do you think he committed su1c1de?


That pane of glass was pushed in from the outside.

There are traces of blood here. The m*rder*r must have stepped in it.

So that leaves no doubt whatsoever.

Mr Blackburn surprised a burglar and was k*lled.

The culprit then ran away leaving the m*rder w*apon behind.

Scotland Yard will surely make the same deduction.

It's not quite as simple as that, Inspector.

Peter was rehanging that picture over the fireplace yesterday.

That's why the hammer was here.

Why did the intruder leave this ring? It appears to be of value.

I guess he was frightened and overlooked it.

Where is Mrs Blackburn now? She's upstairs. She's ..

Terribly upset, naturally.

No doubt, Inspector Cooper will take her statement.

But why did the k*ller take Blackburn's wedding ring?

Maybe he didn't wear one?

Oh that's right. I can't remember Peter wearing a wedding ring.


Then I suggest we send for the butler.

Ask the butler to come here.

Oh, there you are.

Did Mr Blackburn wear his wedding ring above or below the serpent ring?

Below the serpent ring, sir. You're quite sure?

I would swear to it.

We shall see what the Inspector thinks of that.

Watson. I seem to remember some very interesting trees in the garden.

And I'd rather like to take a closer look at them. What about you?

Oh yes .. yes.

If you're looking for trees they're right in front of you.

That will be Scotland Yard.

Yes. Inspector Cooper, no doubt. Don't you want to see him?

No, not yet.

What do you suppose that is?

It looks remarkably like a grave.

A grave? But that's not large enough to bury a dog.

Careful, Watson. Don't spoil the footprints.

Leave that to the Inspector. But what can possibly be buried there?

Clothes. Very old clothes.

Old clothes?

I see.

He must have tried to defend himself with the hammer.

Precisely, Inspector.

A faultless deduction.

Ah so you knew about this m*rder too, Mr Holmes?

Knew? No. But I suspected that it would occur.

Were you acquainted with the deceased? I was not.

I heard him mentioned for the first time quite recently.

By whom?

By a distinguished archaeologist whose name is Moriarty.

Ah, so you naturally assume that he's the m*rder*r?

I'm afraid it is not quite as simple as all that, Inspector.

The gentleman in question has a perfect alibi.

"Professor Moriarty, the famous archaeologist."

"Will deliver a lecture on Egyptian antiquities at 8 o'clock tonight."

"At the Pen Club."

And Blackburn was k*lled between 9 and 10 o'clock?

Correct. So it cannot possibly be Moriarty. The lecture is over at 11.

Well, we know Blackburn was m*rder*d before 11. Have you any brilliant ideas?

I never deliver a theory, Inspector, without all the facts at my disposal.

Mrs Blackburn.

You say that your husband feared for his life. Is that correct?

Do you happen to know whom he feared? I don't.

May I take the liberty of asking you a personal question?

Yes. Were you happily married?

You have no right to ask such a question.

I was speaking to Mrs Blackburn. May I have your answer?

I loved my husband.

Where are you going?

I'm going after somebody out there. I saw him too.

Have patience, Ellen.

Oh why didn't Peter confide in us?

It looks as if his ghosts were real after all.


You nearly broke my arm.

What's going on?

Did you catch him? Watson nearly caught me.

It's ridiculous to search any more in the dark.

Inspector, please alert the police in this district .. and that of St Albans.

To block all the roads and put a guard at the railway station.

Would you please give me your right shoe, Mr King?


Your right shoe, Mr King.

Thank you.

Wouldn't you agree Holmes ..

That these footprints may have come from this slipper?

Oh, undoubtedly.

The prints lead to the door.

Again, quite correct.

Well, Mr King?

I must have stepped in it, I guess. When I went to the door.


Wasn't it more likely that you ..

Took out the pane of the window from the outside to make it look like a burglary.

And returned inside to do the m*rder?

Paul couldn't possibly have done such a crime.

That's what we shall see. One moment, Inspector.

I'll have to ask you please, not to interfere in this, Mr Holmes.

I merely wish to point out that the footprints do not stop at the door.

Mr King's footprints lead to a heap of earth over there.


This clothing is perfect evidence.

Mr King, why did you bury these garments and to whom do they belong?

Mrs Blackburn, I trust you can furnish the information that Mr King will not.

Mrs Blackburn had nothing to do with it.

Mrs Blackburn .. Mr King.

Will you please follow me.

I am forced to take you both to London with me I am afraid.

You have indeed reconstructed the case correctly, Inspector.

My compliments on your perspicacity.

And now perhaps, Mrs Blackburn will be good enough to say what really happened.

I ..

Well, I had just turned the lights off.


Where is Peter? I have no idea.

I'm going down. I'm going to come too.

Sorry .. we've got things to do. What is all this?

Ellen, go to your room. Peter, what happened?

He came up from behind me.

Fortunately, I had the hammer in my hand.

The hammer?

What are you doing with that g*n?

I'll call the police. No!

But the man is dead.

Who is he?

You .. you must help me.

What do you expect me to do?

First .. we must get him undressed.

What do you intend?

Ellen, get out of here, please!

Get out!

Blackburn shot away the man's face to make the police think it was him.

He put his serpent ring on the finger but couldn't get his wedding ring off.

Mr King then buried the clothes. Which accounts for his footprints.

Peter wanted to be declared dead officially.

He wanted us to begin a new life.

I'm not yet convinced of the fact that the deceased is not Peter Blackburn.


Look at this man's hand.

Dark .. tanned skin.

Calluses all over the fingers and the palms of the hand.

The hand of a man who has done considerable manual labour.

This could not possibly be Peter Blackburn.

This is senseless, Ellen. Peter can't stay hidden away forever.

Come on, Inspector.

There is a secret room over here.


Open up.


Peter .. it's me .. Ellen.


A knife without a handle. The same as with Jenkins.


What are you cleaning out your pipe now for?


Before Blackburn died, he tried to write the name of his m*rder*r on the table.

Obviously with his wedding ring: M-O-R.

Does that convey anything to you, Inspector?

M-O-R ..?

Many words begin with M-O-R.

Morgue, morning. Or Moriarty.

You told us that Moriarty has an alibi.

My dear Inspector, Blackburn had a secret.

Moriarty wanted it, and when he'd gotten it, he had him m*rder*d.

Do you know the secret, Holmes? Naturally. I read The Times.

Well, Charles.

Samuels? No, Blackburn.

He'd already taken care of Samuels for us.

I always maintained that Samuels would come to a bad end.

Even in Egypt he was a troublemaker.

And if anybody is stupid enough to ask for forty percent, well ..

Charles, I also maintain greed will get you nowhere.

Do you follow me, Charles? Naturally, Professor.

I say, I'm awfully sorry. My foot slipped the clutch.

Just look at what you've done to my car. Now you control yourself.

There isn't much damage. Oh no?

What's this all about?

This stupid idiot bumps smack into my car.

How dare you! You mind your language.

Your licenses, please.

That's right, officer. Take his name. He'll have to take care of the damages.

Hello. I say .. are you free? Yes, sir.

Will you take me to Park Lane Road? Certainly, sir.

Move your cars please.

Thank you for your kindness, Constable.

You are most understanding.

My keys!

My keys are gone! Really?

Well, I'll help you find them.

Yes, hello. Ha-ha.

Would you be good enough to wait over there until I return? Over there.


Ha-ha .. you don't expect to find them under there, do you?

Unless you stole them they have to be there.

What would I do with your keys?


Here you are.

I beg your pardon.

9 Hartley Road. Hurry.

Aha. What have we here?

Ah, The Times.

What's the surprise for today?

You told me you always find something of import in it.

Today it contains something very special.

Really? What? Look for yourself.

Ah .. the famous necklace.

Precisely. The necklace and the casket.

That's why Peter Blackburn was m*rder*d.

You've solved the case Holmes. Right under the noses of the police.

It isn't solved yet.

I'm simply getting the evidence together to hang Moriarty.

Gentlemen, I am highly disappointed.

I am not at all impressed.

This blatant lack of discipline in our midst.

Could make me undertake measures ..

That you'll find most regrettable.

We weren't given orders to guard the necklace.

I require personal initiative.

Do you realize the consequences of failure ..

In this organization?

[ Door knocks ]

Charles? Yes, Professor.

Come in here.

Come in, I say!

Shut the door.

Where have you been?

I had a slight accident. An old idiot drove right into me.

But there isn't much damage. Where is the car?

I came by cab so I wouldn't be late. I see.

But I thought you said there was very little damage?

Ah, yes. Only I couldn't find the keys afterwards.

You traitor!

You are the fool to whom we owe our failure.

They set a trap for you and you fell right in to it.

Of who, Professor?

Sherlock Holmes.

You are mistaken.

But it isn't a Daimler. That wasn't Sherlock Holmes.

The man driving the Daimler was his friend, Watson.

And meanwhile, Holmes stole the keys to the car.

And then came here.

Would you like to become acquainted with this little plaything, Charles?

I can only hope that Holmes has gathered enough evidence.

To hang you for Blackburn's m*rder, Charles.

That's all you deserve.

Gentlemen, I trust your are sufficiently intelligent ..

That I need not convince you that the necklace be recovered with utmost speed.

You have exactly 48 hours.

I believe I shall turn over the supervision of this mission.

To one of our most farsighted and reliable collaborators.

Inform the doctor immediately.

I take it that you are now convinced Inspector ..

That Professor Moriarty's activities are not entirely legitimate.

It's incredible.

A world-famous authority on archaeology.

A common thief.

And a m*rder*r. Precisely.

[ Door knocks ]


Oh, Professor Moriarty.

This is indeed a pleasant surprise.

Mr Holmes doesn't seem as pleased as yourself, Inspector.

Do you know this gentleman?

Yes, we have already had the pleasure.

Am I welcome to join you? Please do.

We met in court, as I recall. The Perry case?



Yes, quite so. The name escaped me for a minute.

A burglary case, wasn't it?

Yes. Perry stole some jewellery in Milan.

Of course you didn't know anything about it.

Naturally not, Mr Holmes.

The jury was quite convinced at the time, as you will recall.

And this necklace. Has it also been stolen?

Yes, it has.

I must confess that this is the reason for my visit here today, Inspector.

That is the missing Cleopatra necklace in its original casket.

It disappeared over six years ago during our excavations in Egypt.

Where was it located? In your study, Professor.

My study?

Naturally, you don't know anything about that, either.

Even though your men stole it for you, and m*rder*d Blackburn into the bargain.

Inspector, I will not permit anyone to insult me in this crass fashion.

Unfortunately for you, Professor, Mr Holmes can prove his statement.

That casket was found in your study.

In a Mummy's case.

You know Inspector, this gentleman reads too many detective stories.

Sherlock Holmes has tried to slander me on several occasions.

But his accusations have always been a fiction.

I would be delighted if he would search for this Mummy case in my study.

I assure you there is none.

Do feel free to investigate, Inspector.

In any event I'm pleased these priceless jewels are in the right hands.

No doubt you will turn it over to the Egyptian government.

The Egyptians will be informed of its recovery, Professor.

As soon as we have their consent, the necklace will be sold.

Together with some recent archaeological discoveries, at auction.

Then its destiny will be fulfilled. Just one moment, Professor.

It may be slightly more difficult to remove this casket from Scotland Yard.

Than from a somewhat poorly guarded Mummy case.

I could cause you very great difficulties had I a mind to.

Difficulties you would not forget.

Out of respect for Scotland Yard, I shall forgo doing so.

Good day, gentlemen.

A highly successful little interview .. hmm?

I confess I won't sleep until I have disposed of the damned necklace, Holmes.

And of course you are going to receive your 10% of the price of sale later.

Just be patient. Patient for what, Inspector?

Do you think it's going to be stolen again?

No. Nobody could manage to steal it from here.

I certainly hope you're right.

And I personally will carry the box under heavy police protection ..

And bring it to the auction block.

Splendid, Inspector.

If you don't have faith in me, Holmes, I'd be happy to have you along with me.

It's your affair, Inspector. I'm not the police.

Then may I inquire .. what you are now planning?

All in good time, Inspector. All in good time.


"Next Monday the Cleopatra necklace is to be sold at auction."

"The property of the Egyptian government."

"This necklace may be the most valuable archaeological discovery of all time."

"The sale is a great event."

How much do you suppose it will bring?

It doesn't matter now.

I don't want anything more to do with it.

But Ellen, Holmes asked us both to stop in at the auction.

Oh Paul, must we?

You know how much he helped us. After all, he must have his reasons.


Come here.

We'll soon be far away from here.

There will be nothing to remind us of this nightmare.


The archaeologist deigns to meet the criminologist.

For a secret meeting of the two great minds.

You are doubtless aware ..

The necklace of Cleopatra comes up for auction tomorrow at Mosley's Rooms.

It should bring a very high figure.

It is bound to.

To tell the truth Holmes, I didn't feel sure you would accept my invitation.

My dear Professor, how could I possibly forgo the .. pleasure of your company?

The feeling is entirely mutual, dear Mr Holmes.

Frankly, I do regret you have such an opinion of me.

Oh, but I have nothing against you personally, Professor.

On the contrary, the fertility of your imagination greatly impresses me.

This afternoon for instance, at Scotland Yard.

A masterly performance .. masterly.

And now, Professor?

I shouldn't be surprised if you were a natural mind-reader, Holmes.

As it happens, I was thinking of making you a proposal.

Indeed .. would you like to sit down?

Thank you.

A partnership, Mr Holmes.

A partnership, Professor?

Let's say �6,000 per annum and naturally a share of the profits.

In my opinion, m*rder is not profitable.

You underestimate me, Holmes.

We are both men of logic and we possess extraordinary intellects.

But we are both wasting our forces warring against each other.

And if I may say so, dear Holmes, this is illogical.

We should unite our talents and forces.

Such a partnership would be sure to succeed.

There is no doubt it would, Professor.

Then I may assume you accept?

The picture you paint is a very alluring one.

There is only one answer that I can give.

Much as I regret it.

I shall have to continue to waste my energies.

I have only one ambition at present.

To see you hanged!

A regrettable decision indeed.

Mr Holmes.

Does this belong to you? It has a somewhat familiar look.

One of my favourite playthings.

But it has one small defect.

It slips once in a while.

Accidents will happen, Professor.

In any case you lose, Mr Holmes.

[ Whistle ]

Your move, Professor.

Well, I hope it won't get us into trouble with the police, Holmes.

Using those whistles was a good idea.

Elementary, my dear Watson.

How about him?

No .. out of the question.

I know about the card-shark.

Full house.

Hmm .. he might pass .. when he's sober.

He never drinks when he's working.

How do you like Frank? He's alright.

I don't trust Frank. He's always chasing women.

So what?

And besides, he talks too much for my taste.

How is that one?

Oh, not at any price.

He's under police observation. You might as well bring along the police.

I must have at least two men. You won't get that, will you.

Hey, come and have a drink! Oh.

On your way now. I'm not finished with him yet.

Leave him alone, Mike. Not worth it, is he?


If you say so. What's next?

How about a beer, huh?

Waitress, one whiskey, one beer.

Where did you learn that?

I spent fifteen years with a knife-thrower.

He used to pin his wife down every night. On the sides, of course.

And he never slipped once.

A nice little toy, doctor.

It comes in handy from time to time.

Where did you meet this knife-thrower?

Tell us .. in a circus?

Not exactly.

We used to share a room as a matter of fact.

Bars in front of the window. A lovely view out.

Over the moors.

You were in Dartmoor?

I didn't say that, did I?

Good health.

What are you up to now? That's my business, chum.

I don't approve of this fellow.

Oh? Well, come to think of it, I don't think much of you, either.

I wouldn't have thrown one of these if it had been to save your lovely hide.

Where did you dig him up anyway? A ladies hairdresser's?

Well, thanks for the beer. Just a minute.

What's your name? What's your game, mister?

Alright, boys .. What's the idea?

Just a minute.

That's all.

These are alright. Release papers from Dartmoor.

What were you sentenced for? None of your business.


Oh, most interesting.

Herewith, Lawrence Alexander Kopernick, originally sentenced for burglary.

Is to report weekly at police headquarters to his parole officer.

Alright. Now you know.


Alright. Well, let's have a talk.

Sit down.

If you are interested, we might have a job for you.

How much?

Oh ..

It pays.

Here, you have a map of the underground sewers.

Now, that's where we're planning to operate.


Now, here ..

We are here.

And over here, is the Moseley auction house.

The police van will take this route.

I have the entire circuit under heavy guard. Holmes thought it advisable.

He believes the necklace will be snatched before it gets to Mosley's.

It seems rather far-fetched to imagine anyone trying to steal a package ..

From a sealed police van right in broad daylight.

In any event, I will be in the van with two of my men.

Yes. We'll leave in exactly 15 minutes. Right you are, Inspector.


Get a move on .. go ahead now.

Help! Help me out of here!


And here is the vase. 1,200 BC.

Exceptionally well preserved. Bidding to start at a thousand pounds.

Do I hear eleven hundred?

Ah, eleven hundred. Twelve hundred.

Do I hear thirteen hundred?

Thirteen hundred.

Will anyone offer fourteen hundred?

Do I hear fourteen hundred?

Going at thirteen hundred.

Thirteen hundred. Going, going .. gone.

Sold to the gentleman in the centre.

The head of a tomb statue. The only known one of its kind.

What am I bid?

Head of King Amenhotep the 2nd.

Do I hear any bids?

Ladies and gentlemen, I regret to inform you.

That the Cleopatra necklace which was to have gone on sale today.

Has been withdrawn from the auction as it is not available.

It's been withdrawn? What's the meaning of this?

I don't understand why it is that the most valuable things always vanish.

Thirteen hundred.

Do I hear fourteen?

Does anyone bid fourteen hundred?

Going at thirteen hundred.

At thirteen hundred.

Not bidding, Professor?

I have the objects I'm interested in. Are you quite sure?

Unless you should happen to be aware of something which might tempt me.

Far be it from me to give suggestions to an expert such as yourself.

I understand you believe in buying as little as possible.

That is what is most satisfying.

Somehow, many of the best objects do find their way into my own collections.

Not always, Professor.

Is there a Mr Holmes here?


Would you please step into the office? Thank you.

What am I bid for this unique example of early Egyptian pottery?

Ladies and gentlemen, do I hear any bids?

Nine hundred pounds.

Nine hundred pounds. Do I hear a thousand?

One thousand.

Do I hear eleven hundred?

Yes. And give the information immediately to the commissioner.

Oh, Mr Holmes.

Have you heard about what occurred? I warned you, Inspector.

No doubt, it will interest you to learn ..

That the men who were involved in the theft have been apprehended.

Yes. I know.

How could you know that?

Why do you think the police were in the right place at that time, Inspector?

My friend, Dr Watson was good enough to notify Scotland Yard.

It disappeared under my very eyes.

This is no joking matter. I wonder where it can be?

On its way here by post.

A package for Mr Holmes.

Thank you.

There you are. Thank you.

Now if you will excuse me, I will get back to the auction.

Err ..?

Do I hear twenty-one hundred?

For two thousand pounds. Going, going .. gone.

Excuse me.

Would you please announce that the Cleopatra necklace has arrived.

It can be reinstated in today's auction.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to announce that ..

Contrary to prior withdrawal, one of the most precious of archaeological finds ..

Will be on sale today.

The Cleopatra necklace.

We are fortunate that it was restored to the collection in time for auctioning.

The necklace is in perfect condition and is being offered for sale ..

In the diamond-encrusted jewel case in which it was discovered.

I would like to enquire about what proof exists ..

As to the authenticity of the Cleopatra necklace.

With us today is one of the most noted archaeological experts in the world.

Professor Moriarty.

Would you be good enough to give us your opinion of this necklace?


This is indeed the necklace attributed to Cleopatra.

May I extend our appreciation.

I am asked to offer this necklace for �100,000.

May I call for a bid of one hundred and ten, please.

Do I hear an offer of one hundred and ten?

One hundred and ten thousand. One twenty.

One hundred and twenty thousand. Do I hear one hundred and thirty?

One hundred and thirty thousand. One hundred and forty!

One hundred and forty thousand pounds.

Who finally purchased the necklace? A collector from Texas.

Ah .. I feel I won't be able to breathe until it is out of the country.

Now perhaps you'll tell me what I got these roses for?

Oh. Roses?

Yes, the roses. My dear Watson, you're a married man. Don't be so unromantic.

Oh, Mrs Blackburn, may I offer you our felicitations?

Oh, and our warm wishes for your future happiness.

Thank you. It's very kind of you.

Oh .. Thank you.

Frankly Mr Holmes, we were wondering why you insisted on our coming here.

Mrs Blackburn.

You've just seen the disposal of a thing which has caused you great anguish.

I asked you to come, to see that there is still some truth in the old saying:

All's well that ends well.

Thank you.

Ah, Professor.

The great master detective in police custody.

May I? With pleasure.

Here is a little toy which I think will interest you very much, Inspector.

Watch it.

You should treat my little toy with more care. After all, it is an art object.

Whiskey in the handle of a walking stick.

I find it helps to take a small drink when it's chilly in London, Mr Holmes.

Thank you. I never drink before six.

Would the Inspector like one?

No. Never on duty.

Doctor Watson? No thanks.

I'm not in the least chilly today. What a shame.

Frankly, it's sad to see England lose such a magnificent piece.

Anything more I can do for you? No thank you, Professor.

But we shall need you very soon.

To examine an object of archaeological interest I presume, Mr Holmes?

Not exactly.

Scotland Yard recently nabbed a g*ng of thieves who specialize in art objects.

How interesting.


The trial will be interesting, too.

Especially for you, Professor.

I feel sure that you will take a prominent part in the proceedings.

You can always rely on my goodwill, Inspector.

In so far as my schedule will permit.

Good day, gentlemen.

As it happens I'm going in that direction myself.

Much obliged. My pleasure.

0h I say. Isn't that Professor Moriarty?

Yes, and he's with the buyer from Texas.

Well, at least the necklace is safe now.

Don't underestimate Moriarty, Watson.

Come along. We've work to do.

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