03x04 - Triggers

Episode transcripts for the TV show "9-1-1". Aired: January 2018 to present.*
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Emergency response providers who put their lives at risk to save others.
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03x04 - Triggers

Post by bunniefuu »

ANNOUNCER: Everyday heroes doing extraordinary things.

9-1-1 returns.

We're gonna find you.

ANNOUNCER: Catch all-new episodes Mondays and check out our other Fox programs.

Prodigal Son, Almost Family and The Resident.

There's more to the story than you know.

Only on Fox.

(intense music)

(sirens wailing)

-(truck honking) -(tires squealing)


MAN: Everyone, please keep moving to the designated safe area.

(fire alarm ringing)


My God, that's the biggest damn fire I've never seen.


I hate fire drills.

City mandates we do 'em every three years.

Can't fight city hall.

BOBBY: First alarm was triggered at 12:20.

Call came in 30 seconds later.

Boots down, hoses out by 12:43.

That's what?

Four minutes over our allotted response time.

Ouch, that's gonna cost us some points.

HEN: Somebody's gonna have to explain that to the new fire marshal.

BOBBY: There was a stalled bus blocking both directions on Grand.

Vehicles couldn't clear a path, which delayed our arrival.

And yet the 144 managed a response time in under six minutes.

That's a full 17 minutes ahead of the 118.

The 144 is five block away.

I hear you, Bobby, I do, and--and--and I wanna help.

I gotta be impartial here, you know?

Look, if I'm gonna do this kind of light duty, I gotta take it seriously, gotta be strictly by the book, just how you would want me to be.

For what it's worth, I'm proud of you.

I'm glad you didn't throw away your career just 'cause you had a little setback.

I learned one thing from that tsunami: it's that I don't quit. I fight.

I'm gonna keep on fighting until I get back to where I belong: with my team putting out fake fires like this one.

You're enjoying this way too much.

Be careful not to logjam at the stairwells.

I have to-- oh.

MAN: Why do they always do these things during lunch?

My carbonara's gonna turn to mush.

(chuckles) I don't know.

You okay?

It's not a real fire.

You expecting paparazzi?

This is a fake fire. Why can't we use a fake hose?

Hey, Buck, how we doing?

You don't wanna know.

(loud explosions)

(ominous music)

(music swells)


Think Alan's having a seizure.


(intense music)


(people gasping and moaning)

MAN: All right, let's get you up first.

(quirky bass music)

HEN: These things are unpredictable.

Epileptic seizures could be triggered by strobing lights, even sounds.

ALAN: I'm just so embarrassed.

HEN: No need to be.

The event seems over.

Just to be safe, we're gonna get you to the hospital, okay?

-Thanks. -CHASE: Hey, there.

Chase Mackey, tenth floor, Mackey, Gaskin & Whitmore.

I want you to know I saw everything and I have reason to believe this building is not in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

There's several legal options you might wish to consider.

-HEN: Sir? -CHASE: Hmm?

You might wanna wait until they're in the ambulance before you start chasing it.


BUCK: Well, it's a good thing this wasn't an actual five-alarm fire.

Yeah, that is a good thing.

Probably doesn't help that you're a man down.

You know, I will be sure to mention that in my report.


No problem.

-(phone buttons beep) -(siren whirs)

You've had it twice as long as me.

It's not even your game.

HEN: Denny, let Harry have a turn.

Why can't he play with his own stuff?

Cut it out.

Play nice, or I'll take the game away.

KAREN: We have one more round of tests, and then we do the trigger shot to induce ovulation.

36 hours later, we go in for the egg retrieval.

Doctor's hoping to grab 15.

15 eggs?


I thought you two wanted a baby, not a baseball team.


No, we're expected to lose half at every stage of the process, so we start with 15 in the hopes of getting 2 or 3 viable embryos.

Oh, oh, okay.

Well, I've always been an overachiever, so my money's on the baseball team.


-DENNY: Give it back! -HARRY: It's my turn!

-DENNY: It's my game! -HARRY: It's my house!

-DENNY: Give it back! -HARRY: It's my turn!

-ATHENA: Kids! -(gasps)



You need to teach us how to do that.


What if Denny doesn't like having a sibling?

What's not to like?

Kids are better with siblings.

It makes them better people.

Wait a minute. (scoffs)

Both Athena and I are only children, and we turned out just fine.

Yes, you are both wonderful adults, but I just--I don't know who I'd be without my brothers.

They made me kinder, more understanding, more willing to share.

Yeah, well, our little one is struggling with the concept of "sharing is caring."

What if they're at each other's throats all the time?

ATHENA: Oh, they will be.

Mm-hmm, May, she loved having a baby brother, right up till that part where he started walking and talking and getting into all her stuff.


Oh, I'm not sure we considered that part.

Our family's not just growing; it's changing.

It'll be an adjustment, but you two will do just fine.

Denny'll love having a brother eventually.


CHIMNEY: Your brother is driving me crazy.

You weren't there.

Okay, he was enjoying it.

I never seen a man make check marks with such enthusiasm.

Give a guy a little power, he goes mad.

Hmm, said the pot about the kettle.

Hey, Captain Chimney is safely behind us.

I'm a wiser kettle now.

Actually, you were the pot in that scenario.

(plate shatters)

(ominous music)

-Hey. -(gasps)


-What's wrong? -Nothing, I'm fine.

I--I just, um-- I'm so sorry.

No, no, no, just leave it. I'll grab a broom.

No, I got it, okay?

I just--I--I didn't realize, um--

Maddie, are you okay?

I didn't realize how-- that--I didn't realize that it's late, and--and so I should-- I should go.

(door slams)

CHIMNEY: Really wasn't sure what to say after that.

"Hey, Maddie, you know I'm nothing

"like your psycho ex-husband, right?

I'm not the kind of guy you need to be afraid of."

Because she was.

I mean, it was just for a second, but... she looked scared.

Not really sure what to do with that.


Oh, I'm sorry, is my crisis boring you?

Sorry, uh, didn't get much sleep last night.

Christopher's been having nightmares ever since the tsunami.

He and half the city.

That's gotta be expected, though, right?

Ah, he's waking up screaming and crying.

Tried talking to him about it, but he won't open up to me.

Says he's fine.

Yeah, lot of that going around.

HEN: Careful, guys. Hall monitor's here.

BUCK: You guys paint?

Why does the place look smaller?

I think your head just got bigger.

(all chuckle)

BOBBY: So Fire Marshal Buck decides to drop off his report in person.

Is that a sign of maturity?

Or is it just revenge for all the times I've written you up?

Actually, uh, you passed.

I bumped up the numbers, got fancy with the math.

You don't know math.

Which will be my excuse if anybody calls me out on it.

Uh, speaking of, did any of you guys get a call from that lawyer?

The ambulance chaser?

He wants to talk to me about the building violations.

Think somebody might be suing them.

Yeah, he was passing out cards like candy.

LENA: Hey, Diaz, I need a spot over here.

Got you.

Hey, good to see you, man.

Uh, who--who's that?


Her name is Lena Bosko.

Her station was smack in the middle of the impact zone and her crew was temporarily reassigned, so I brought her over here.

-You replaced me? -What? No.

Then what's that right there?

Buck, relax.

I promise you your place will still be here for you when you're ready.

Cap, I'm ready now.

-Buck, listen to me-- -(fire alarm rings)

We will talk soon.

(fire alarm ringing)

-(doors slam) -(engine turns over)

(sirens wailing)

(somber music)


CHRISTOPHER (echoing): Dad!

(ominous music)



CHRISTOPHER: She was drowning. She was drowning.

She was drowning. She was drowning.

She was drowning.

-EDDIE: Hey. -(gasping)

She was drowning. She was drowning.

Oh, it's okay, buddy.

I'm here.

It was just a dream.

It's just a dream.

You're safe.

(ominous musical sting)

Has he talked about the tsunami at all?

I'm still not sure what he saw that day.

We're getting there.

Christopher talked about being at the pier with Buck, how they played games.

That part isn't the reason he's waking up every night screaming.

His subconscious is still processing the trauma.

He's working his way through it.

I know it's hard.

You love your son. You wanna fix this.

But it'll take some time.

Just wish he'd talk to me about it.

Maybe he's trying to communicate in other ways.

(tender piano music)


A drowning woman.

Yes, he does seem to be fixated on her.

Lot of people died in that tsunami.

I know Buck tried to shield Chris from most of it, but--

I'm sure your friend did the best he could.

They were separated a long time.

Who knows what else he saw.

Or who this drowning woman was.

He'll tell us when he's ready.

In fact, if the opportunity's right, he might tell you first.

Is there anything I can do until then?

Just keep loving him.

(computer beeps)

911, are you there?

WOMAN: I--I'm--I'm here.

(ominous music)

Ma'am, are you all right?

WOMAN: I hear a--

(shakily) I think-- I think I might need--

Are you injured?

WOMAN: No, no, not-- not really. I just--

MAN: Hey, who the hell you on the phone with?

WOMAN: I'm sorry, you've got the wrong number.

(phone clicks)


(tense music)

(computer beeping)


(keyboard clacking)


(computer beeping)

(line trilling)

MAN: Hello?

(pulsing tense music)

MAN (angrily): Hello, who is this?

Uh, good morning, sir.

I'm calling to inform you that starting as low as $49.95, -our cleaning service-- -MAN: We're not interested.

Take us off your list, and don't call back.

(computer beeps)

(dramatic music)


(pounds desk)

Multiple calls, multiple hang ups.

Now, according to the call logs, no one ever said anything.

She never said anything until today, and I think that she was about to ask for help but he came back.

Okay, we'll send someone out, do a welfare check.

No, that'll make everything worse.

(sighs) Look, I know that you think this is triggering something personal for me, and...maybe it is.

But it doesn't mean that I'm wrong.

I don't think you're wrong.

You identify with her. You want to help her.

I get it.

But if she's not ready to accept that help...

Yeah, there's nothing we can do.

Been doing this eight years.

I wish I knew the magic words to make someone realize they can get out.

Still haven't found 'em.

But maybe they just don't work over the phone.

911, what's your emergency?

CHASE: So we could agree there was some negligence during this fire drill.

(scoffs) Nah, I wouldn't agree with that, no.

Your after-action report says the LAFD exceeded the evacuation time requirement by 12 minutes.

That's actually a pretty decent time for clearing a 35-story building.

Look, all your questions seem to be about the department.

I thought your client was suing the building.

Clients, 42 injured people the LAFD failed to protect.

This is a class action against the city on all of their behalfs.

You're suing the city?


And you think I'm gonna help you with that?

I find disgruntled employees often make the best witnesses.

Uh, I'm--I'm not disgruntled.

I looked into you.

I know about the accident, how you've been fighting with the LAFD to return to full duty because of the blood thinners.

They're just trying to protect the department.

And who's protecting you?

Yeah, I can take care of myself.


You know, the city that you're trying to make look bad is not some corporation.

Those city employees, those firefighters that you can't wait to smear, are heroes, so you wanna know who's got my back?

They do.

See, there' more than coworkers or friends.

They're my family.

There's nothing stronger than family.

(upbeat music)

CAMDEN: Don't touch me, scuzzbag.

JESSE: You're the scuzzbag, tool!

CAMDEN: Nobody likes you at school.

Ma, he's doing it again.

Camden, I told you not to say things like that about your brother.

CAMDEN: I can't help it if it's true.


Jesse, there's nothing I can do right now.

There's never anything you can do.

Ow, quit it!

-Mom! -Camden.

CAMDEN: I'm not doing anything. He's lying.

JESSE: I'm not lying. You're lying.

(tires squealing)

JUDY: Don't make me have to stop this car.

CAMDEN: Mom, he was asking for it.

JESSE: No, I'm not. You're just a big, fat jerk.

(horn honking)

-Stop! -Here's two for flinching.


Camden, I am not gonna warn you again!

You understand what I'm saying?

-BOTH: Mom! -Oh, my God!

-(horn honks) -(tires squeal)

(boys laughing)

Why are you laughing?

It's not funny!

You shoulda seen your face.

JESSE: She was all like, "Ah!"

(all laugh)

Oh, so now you're on the same side.

Fine. (laughs)


CAMDEN (whispering): The road is gone.

(dramatic music swells)


Driver's name is Judith Spivey.

She and her two sons are trapped inside the vehicle.

Mom's unconscious, but the kids seem to be okay.

It looks like they tumbled a bit before catching on the brush.

We better get to work before we lose any more ground.

Eddie, set up the winch.

Lena, I want you to get down there and anchor that vehicle.

Take it slow.

Too much weight and this cliffside can come down.

We don't want that car to go along with it.

(tense music)

Hey, Cap, I'm worried about the mom.

Maybe the crash just knocked her out, but she's still not awake.

All right, harness up.


(intense music)


CHIMNEY: Guys, I'll be right with you.

I'm gonna check on your mother.


(wind howling)


Cap, pulse is steady, but she's out like a light.

We're gonna need the basket.

On it, Cap.

-(radio beeps) -How the kids doing?


LENA: Hey, I'm Lena.

What are your names?

I'm Camden.

He's Jesse.

No, no, no, no, no, no!

The car started shifting!

Get clear!

(line clangs)

(metal creaking)

(wind howling)

-(boys scream) -(glass shatters)

(intense music)

Lena, Chim, what's your status?

-LENA: All good, Cap. -CHIMNEY: All good, Cap.

The damn car dropped another 20 feet.

BOBBY: Ground's too soft. It's not gonna hold.

Hop in the cab.

Be prepared to bug out of here if this thing goes south.

We need to clear that ambulance and all nonessential equipment, pull back as much weight as we can from this cliffside now.

(dramatic music)


You guys okay?

(truck horn honks)

That's our signal to move.

-Camden, we're gonna-- -Take Jesse first.

I'm not leaving mom.

I'm not leaving you.

Jesse, listen to me.

You need to go with her.

I'll be right behind you.

It's gonna be okay.

Go now.

LENA: Come on, Jesse. Grab onto me.

Passengers secured. Green light.

Copy. Bring him up.

(intense music)


CHIMNEY: Cap, we gotta get the mom up.

Is she dead?

No, Camden, she's not dead.

Good, Jesse's only nine.

He's too little to not have a mom.

(tender piano music)

(car creaking)



All right, how 'bout we make a deal?

You do exactly what I tell, I get you both out of here, and no one loses their mom today.


HEN: Hey, let me take a look at you.

(radio beeps)

Lena is coming down with the basket.

Hey, Bosko, hold the basket steady while I get Mom in it.

Here we go.

One, two, three!

Cam, stay with me.

Your mom's gonna be good.

All right, Lena, she's all yours.

(suspenseful music)

Come on, kid, you're riding with me.


Come on, kid, you're riding with me.

-Okay? -Yeah.

BOBBY: Okay, get her loaded up.

(rocks clatter)

EDDIE: Cap, we're running out of time.

Get ready to cut her loose.

(rocks clattering)

Chim, you gotta move.

CHIMNEY (over radio): Get us out of here, Cap.

Green, green, green!


-(metal clanging) -(glass smashing)

Safe and sound.

BOBBY: Cutting it kinda close there.

I wanted to make an entrance.



LAFD, ma'am. You were in an accident.

-(moans) -We're gonna take you to the hospital now to be checked out, okay?

(weakly) But my-- I've got--I've got kids.

(sentimental music)

They're taking care of each other.


I looked for priors on that name you gave me, Vincent Dagastino.

Couple D&Ds, drunk and disorderly, a few years back.

Uh, one speeding violation about five years ago.

So no arrests for battery, as*ault, anything violent?

ATHENA: Nothing that made it into his record.

I mean, if you're not sure, I could, um--

I could do a little more digging, call some friends.

MADDIE: No, that's okay.

I'm not really sure about anything.

I feel like maybe I'm chasing shadows here.

(insects chirping)

Um, but thanks for your help.

ATHENA: Anytime.

Uh, yeah, I really appreciate it.

(death metal blaring from radio)

-Bye. -ATHENA: Bye.

(loud death metal continues)


(tense music)


MAN: Hey, I'm home. What's for dinner?

(timer beeps)

ATHENA: Mmm, mmm, do I smell candied yams?

I still can't believe that you invited him without talking to me first.

I just wanted him to know that no matter what, he's still family.

Thought dinner would give you two time to work things out.

Athena, I didn't tell him.

I thought you said he came by the firehouse.

He did, but then we had to go out on a call.

(doorbell rings)

-I'll get the door. -Hmm.

I'll get the wine.


BUCK: So I told that lawyer off big-time.

You know, I said, "You're not gonna get me to sign any affidavit that blames the 118 for anything."

Appreciate that.

BUCK: Please, the nerve of that guy to think I would turn on my friends? Uh-uh.


Whew, I missed your cooking, Cap.

Well, I miss your eating.

Never have to worry about leftovers.

-Collard greens? -Oh, no, not for me.

Uh, I can't eat those, not while I'm on the blood thinners.

Too much vitamin K.

Oh, it sounds like you're taking your health very seriously.

I figure the better I manage this, the sooner I can go back to work.

That's very mature of you, Buck.

BUCK: Thank you.

Hey, that--that lawyer, uh, he did get me thinking.

There's strength in numbers, right?

Maybe I could get everyone to sign a statement of support or something, show the higher-ups that--that you guys don't think I'm liability.

-Buck-- -They'd have to listen, right?

-I want you to listen to me. -BUCK: If you told them that I was ready, I mean, these--these dumbasses, they would--they would have no right to keep me--

I'm the dumbass.

Uh, what?

You're not ready.

That's what I told them when they asked.

Would anybody like any corn bread?

BOBBY: Thank you.

You're the reason they won't let me back?

The medication is the reason.

Bobby is just worried about you, Buck, that's all.

We all are.

I thought you were on my side.

I thought you were my friend.

I am your friend.

I am also the captain of almost 20 other firefighters whose lives and safety depend on decisions I make, and I can't put them at risk.

If you're not operating at 100%--

(pounding table) I am at 100%!


May--maybe even more, you know?

I--I--I've never f-- felt so good.

Buck, I know that you went through a lot in that tsunami and maybe you feel like you can survive anything.


Like a knife in my back.

Um, Athena, I just wanna say thank you for inviting me.

I'm sorry. I--I--I--I gotta go.

BOBBY: Okay, Buck, hold on.

ATHENA: You don't have to leave.

BOBBY: Buck.

(somber music)


(dramatic musical sting)

(insects chirping)

(woman shouting indistinctly)

TARA: You have to listen to me.

He's just a friend.

(glass shatters)

(ominous music)

VINCENT: Tell me the truth, damn it!

Don't make me do something you'll regret.

TARA: That is it, Vincent! That's it!

VINCENT: You really think I'm gonna believe that?

-TARA: Yes! -VINCENT: Get over here!

TARA: No, no, Vincent, stop, stop!

Just let me go!

Vincent, where are you going?

VINCENT: I just told you!

I'm getting something out of the car.

(ominous music)


(engine turns over)

(tires squealing)

Watch where you're going, moron!


(dramatic music swells)

CHASE: If you go down this road, I need you to know suing the city is not a small matter.

Look, all I want is my job back.

But if you don't win, not only will you never work as a firefighter in Los Angeles again, I doubt any department in the country will hire you.

(tense music)

They'll see me as a... a squeaky wheel.

Or worse.

You see, once a potential employer perceives you as litigious liability, it is impossible to unring that bell.

Not if I win.

Then I'm back with the 118, a--a firefighter.

You should also be aware that during this process, it's best to have no contact with anyone from or tangentially connected to your station house.

That means no texts, no calls, nothing that could compromise our case.

(somber music)

I'm not sure we have much to say to each other right now anyway.


I'm alone in this fight.

LENA: "Keep loving him."

Did he write that on a prescription pad?

Doesn't sound like you're a fan.

Hands up.


The headshrinkers have their place.

It's a very touchy-feely place, but that works for some people.

Oh, not you?

I went to one once...

When I was a kid after my dad died.

This lady had hand puppets.

(scoffs) Did that help?

I made her cry, and then I told my mom I didn't wanna go back.

Oh, great, I feel encouraged.

Look, everyone deals with trauma differently.

I don't know your kid, but I know what worked for me.

It was when my mom told me how she was feeling, that she was sad and that it was okay.

However we felt, we were in it together, no matter what.

-Sounds like good advice. -She's a good mom.

(Jimmy Buffett's "Margaritaville" playing)

CYNN: You bitch.

MOIRA: Who are you calling a bitch?

CYNN: Who do you think, bitch?

You said that we were gonna sell all of Mom's stuff and we were gonna split the profits 50/50.

I'm sorry, it's not as easy for me as it is for you.

I told you, you can't be overly sentimental.

It's just things.

I know. I'm trying.

-You're trying? -Yeah.

What about the lamp?

I was the one who gave that to her.

You know what?

If you wanna walk around and just pick up all the cheap crap you bought her, go right ahead.

Oh, that filled with vodka got Mom through her book club meetings.

She loved that cup.

I'm sure she did.

What the hell are you doing over there anyway?

Are you gonna help me with this or not?

I'm making margaritas.

You didn't think I was gonna get through this little reunion of ours sober, did you?

You know what? I bought her this blender too.

Oh, my God, why is everything a competition with you?

(blender whirs)


-I said-- -(blender pulses)

I'm sorry, what?

Okay, are you gonna--

(blender whirring)

Are you gonna offer me some of that?

I guess.

But try not to get too hammered.

I don't need you puking all over Mom's house.

I was 14 years old.

Why do you always bring that up?

Because somehow I was the one who got grounded.

Oh, yum.

You know, actually, I could use a blender.

Haven't you gotten enough?

You still pissed about the ring?

Of course I'm upset.

The favorite daughter gets the family heirloom, the one-- (sighs)

That should have been mine, but she left it to you, so...

No, you can't have the blender.

Hold on. Why should you have gotten the ring?

She bought you a condo.

That was a loan, and I paid her back with interest.

-Of course you did. -Yes.

'Cause you're Little Miss Perfect and I'm the screwup. You know what?

This was Mom's apology, and I'm accepting it.

(Jimmy Buffett's "Margaritaville" continues)

Just promise me that you won't let anything happen to it, okay?


That you keep it in the family.

(cheerful tropical music playing)



For safekeeping.




-To mom. -* I blew out my flip-flop


* Stepped on a pop-top CYNN: (snoring)

* Cut my heel, had to cruise on back home *


* But there's booze in the blender *

* And soon it will render

* That frozen concoction that helps me hang on *


* Wastin' away again in Margarita-- *

The thief is out here.

BOBBY: Thief? I'm sorry.

Uh, dispatch said it was a medical emergency.

CYNN: It's both.

(dramatic musical sting)

Why is this happening?

Divine retribution, Moira.

HEN: Hmm, or more likely, it's an allergic reaction.

BOBBY: All right, ma'am, is there anything in the house that you're sensitive to, medications, foods?

She used to break out in hives when she was stressed.

I'm not stressed?

Our mom just died, so I'm--I'm a little stressed.

Stress wouldn't do this.

Which one of you played bartender?

I did, why?

Phytophotodermatitis, it's a fancy name for margarita burns.

Citrus over a certain temperature and UV light conditions can trigger a chemical reaction.

Ma'am, this ring finger, can you feel it?


HEN: An Epi should bring down the swelling, but we're gonna have to cut this ring off.

No! Uh-uh! No! You cannot cut that ring.

That is my ring, and I do not give you authorization to cut it.

Your sister's finger is turning blue.

That's the step before black, when it's dead.

Her whole finger could fall off.

That sounds horrible.

Can't you just cut the finger off now before that happens?

BOBBY: Ma'am, I understand that it's a sentimental object, so we'll save you the pieces.

I'm gonna give you the shot.

Oh! (gasps)

BOBBY: All right, hold still.

(saw whirring)


I sold it.

The buyer's already paid me a lot.

MOIRA: I knew it.

You are, without a doubt, the worst person...

-Hey, hey, hey. -I have ever known!

Come on, aren't you sisters mourning your deceased mother?

Aren't you supposed to be teaching each other empathy instead of setting each other off?

Only child, right?


BOBBY: Okay, just hold still.

(saw whirring)

Okay, Hen.

(ring snaps)

All right.

(ponderous music)


Remember, sharing is caring.

JOAN JETT: * I hate myself for loving you *

* Can't break free from the things that you do *

* I wanna walk, but I...

MADDIE: Excuse me.

Do you know how this works?


Yeah, it's, uh, not very intuitive, but once you know all the routines, it's really easy.

I could show you.

Oh, no, I wouldn't want to put you out.

Oh, it's no trouble. I'm a trainer.

Of course you are. I'm sorry. I'm new. I--

I'm Tara.


Um, do you, by any chance, have any openings in your schedule?

Actually, I'm free right now.

So is the first session.

Oh, okay, well, why not?

Let's get you started on... the treadmill, get you warmed up.


Okay, I'm already sore.

(both laugh)

Well, that's scientifically impossible, but if you get that recovery drink I recommended, -that should help. -I will.


So we're on again for next Thursday night?

Are you sure 9:00 isn't too late?

I do shift work, so I'm used to the crazy hours.

-(phone buzzes) -MADDIE: Ah.

So what do you do?

I'm a nurse.

(car honking frantically)

Look like my ride's here.

(ominous music)


Maddie, this is my husband, Vincent.


Nice to meet you.


You too, Vincent.


Maddie's a--a new client of mine.


We're gonna get stronger together, right, Maddie?


TARA: See you next Thursday.

(car door slams)


(elevator dings)

(curious music)


Wow, this is a surprise.

What are you doing here?


Thought I'd try and catch you before you started your shift.

I wanted to talk to you about the other day, the plate or what happened after the plate.

Oh, that was nothing. You just-- you startled me, that's all.


It wasn't nothing, Maddie.

Not exactly sure what to call it. Uh...

Okay, I swear it had nothing to do with you.

I know.

At first, I didn't, but we had this call today... uh, yesterday, I guess.

This car fell off the cliff Oh, yeah, I heard about that, the mom and her two kids, right?


Well, the older kid, he was probably 12 or 13.

I could see him trying to be strong for his brother and his mother, and it just took me back to when I was a kid trying to be strong for my mother while some doctor explains cancer to us, and it just triggered all these emotions in me.

You never told me about that.

Well, I had never really thought about that in years, but all of a sudden, there it was.

You know, I didn't plan it, couldn't control it.

It just happened.

There's gotta be a word for that.

I'm sure the Germans have something.

It's probably 27 syllables long and completely unpronounceable, but whatever it is, it's a part of us, who we are, and I just never want you to ever feel like you have to hide that from me.


(tender music)

No more hiding.



I'm gonna call you later.

Can't wait.


(gentle music)


(timer beeping)

(whispers) Hey.

(whispers) Hey, you awake?

It's time for the shot.


You could flirt with a girl a little before you knock her up.

(chuckles softly)

It's also a beneficial activity when trying to induce pregnancy.


Are we still doing this?

This is not just about what I want.

It's about what we want.

When I was a little girl, I was lonely.

Not all the time, but after my dad left and my mom was working two jobs, I felt very alone in the world.


I don't want Denny to feel that way.

He may not like the idea of a sibling right now, but there'll also be wonderful times filled with love.

Hell, they can commiserate about their crazy mothers.

(both laugh)

They'll never be bored.

No. (chuckles)

I'm ready if you are.



Tuck these feetsies in.


Let me see those pearly whites.

Whoa, whoa.

Whoa, very pearly.

Good job.

Hey, buddy, you know if there's anything bothering you, you can talk to me. You know that, right?

I know, Daddy.

(tender music)


Love you. Good night.



(sentimental music)

(papers rustling)



Is this Mom?


Is that who you've been dreaming about?

Why didn't you tell me?

(whispers) I don't wanna make you sad.

EDDIE: Oh, my.

Hey, hey.

There's nothing wrong with being sad.

I loved your mom and I miss her, probably always will.

But... we still got each other, which means we're gonna be okay.

(whispers) Okay.



I love you, Daddy.


(doorbell rings)

Buck, is everything all right?

I'm sorry to come by so late.

ATHENA: Who is it?

It's Buck.

BUCK: Just wanted to apologize to the both of you for walking out on dinner.

ATHENA: Oh, things just got a little heated.

No need to apologize.

Why don't you come on in?

-BOBBY: Yeah. -Sorry, I can't do that.

Uh, this will be the last time we can talk for a while.

Buck, what is going on?

(ominous music)


I thought you should hear it from me.

I figured I should be the one to deliver this.

I'm suing the city, the department, and you for wrongful termination.

Come again?

I told you I wouldn't stop fighting until I got my job back, and I won't...

Even if it means fighting you.
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