03x07 - Athena Begins

Episode transcripts for the TV show "9-1-1". Aired: January 2018 to present.*
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Emergency response providers who put their lives at risk to save others.
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03x07 - Athena Begins

Post by bunniefuu »

ANNOUNCER: Everyday heroes doing extraordinary things.

9-1-1 returns.

We're gonna find you.

ANNOUNCER: Catch all-new episodes Mondays and check out our other Fox programs.

Prodigal Son, Almost Family and The Resident.

There's more to the story than you know.

Only on Fox.

(tense music)

So Darius...

May tells me that you're not going to college next fall.

No, Ms., uh, Ms. Grant.

Mrs. Nash.

Um, I'm taking a gap year and then hopefully Stanford.

Stanford is a great school.

What do you plan on studying?

Well, both of my parents are doctors--

What does one do in a gap year?

Bounce around Europe with backpack and a rail pass?


Mom, be nice.

I'm not being nice?

No, you're being Grandma Bea.

So what kind of doctor do you plan on being?

You know, just working with, um...

Darius, I didn't even go to college.

Wait, that's an option?


(door bell rings)

BOBBY: I'll get it.

Oh. Um, we should get going.

We don't want to miss the movie.

Come on, Darius.

Wait, May, I thought the movie started at 9:00.

Well, you know, traffic and parking and we need time for the bathroom and ticket booth and all that, so we're probably already late.

Dinner was great. Pleasure meeting you all.

Yes, I'll see you soon at 11:30 when you drop May off at the door.

At the door.

Okay, all right.

Have fun.

Elaine, hey. What are you doing here?

I'm sorry to bother you at home.

Didn't mean to interrupt your dinner.

Oh, no, we just finished.

You want something? Come on in.

No, no, um...

I had some unexpected news today, and...

I didn't want you to hear it from anyone else.


We found the g*n that k*lled Emmett.

(dramatic music)


Are... are you sure?

Yeah, I had them check and double-check before I came here.

Who's Emmett?

I have no earthly idea.

Who's Emmett?

Uh, Emmett Washington.

He was my fiancé.

-(phone buttons beep) -(siren whirs)

Found it during a traffic stop.

Tomas Alma. 19.

Too young to be Emmett's k*ller and currently not speaking to us.

g*n has probably gone through a lot of hands since '91.

I'm putting a lot of guys on this one.

You don't have to worry.

Look, I may have to take a few days off.

I'm sorry if I stepped in it the other night.

I didn't know that--

That I haven't talked about Emmett in 20 years.

There's no way you could've known.


If I hear anything, I'll call next time.


SINGER: * All you've got to do now, express yourself *

DR. DRE: * I'm expressing with my full capabilities *

* And now I'm living in correctional facilities *

* 'Cause some don't agree with how I do this *

* I get straight, meditate like a Buddhist *

Waste of time.

It's not a waste of time, Athena.

We're opening ourselves up to the world of possibilities on offer.

Please. What kind of person upends their whole life because someone handed them a flyer?



Ladies, can I interest you in an exciting career opportunity?

LAPD's looking for the best and the brightest to join our ranks, and you three seem like prime candidates.

Appreciate the sales pitch, but we're already on our career paths.

Lawyers and police are all part of the same system.

We just get to the bad guys first.

You seem cool, but the only people folks hate more than lawyers are cops.

-Okay? -At least we're paid better.

-That's right. -True.

EMMETT: People only hate police until they need us.

No, sometimes they hate you after.

(laughing) Let's go.


I'm Emmett.

In case you decide to give us another look.

SINGER: * All you've got to do now, express yourself *

GABI: Wouldn't mind giving him another look.

-Wow. -Hmm.

"Where's that soap you put in the dishwasher?"

"Which dry cleaners has my blue suit?"

(laughs) I swear that phone never stopped ringing.

Aww, Daddy's lost without you.

I can't believe he let you come out here by yourself.

Well, he knew better than to try to stop me.


It's been hard, you so far away from home.

I am half a mind to make your father move out here so we can see you more often.

You couldn't get Daddy here for five days.

How you gonna get him here for the rest of his life?

That's where you come in.



We've talked about this.

I have to finish law school and get a good job, then I will find a good man, and I will give you grandbabies.

You do not get to shuffle the order because you're bored in Florida.


Oh, Athena. I didn't tell you.

Your daddy said Mrs. Kingston passed away last night.


She's you age. What happened?

They're saying cancer, but I think it's more like heartbreak.

She never got over losing that girl.

Did they ever find out what happened to Tanya?

Who took her?

Not sure how hard they looked.

You know, Mrs. Kingston went to that police station every month begging for help, searching for answers.

Maybe she has them now.

(somber music)


YOUNG MC: * Bust it

(Young MC's "Bust a Move")

* This here's a jam for all the fellas *

EMMETT: Well, the department's goal is 20% female officers.

We're about halfway there.

10%? Wait, wait, wait.

I'll be outnumbered nine to one?

What? That's--talk about sticking out in a crowd.

I imagine you'd stick out in any crowd, regardless of the demographic makeup.

Well, now I'm starting to wonder exactly what you're trying to recruit me for.

All right, all right, look.

I can spout off facts and figures all night.

It'll be boring, not to mention a terrible way for you to decide what to do with your life.

Yeah, well, how did you figure it out?

Hang up the classifieds, throw a dart?

Sixth grade.

Two narcotics detectives came to my class.

They had a slide presentation for us.

Reasons to join the LAPD?

Nope. Crime scene photos.

Pictures of people who died because of dr*gs.

The way those guys talked about our world, our community, how broken it was, it opened my eyes.

That's when I knew I had to do something to make it better.

SINGER: * Baby, you got it ATHENA: Quit law school six weeks later.

HEN: Wow.

I had no idea. I never even suspected it.

Athena, you are good at these secrets.

Don't be mad.

You know, you once told me that it's the not knowing that haunts us.

You were talking about yourself.

Well, I've seen what comes from living with ghosts, the toll it takes.

I mean, the man who fired that b*llet had already taken so much from me.

I wasn't gonna let him have the rest.

I just put all my grief, my pain, locked it in a box.

That's the only way I knew how to move forward.

So how does it feel now?

Now that Pandora's cracked open that box.

Feels more like I'm the one who's cracked open.

I mean, I know they have a million questions.

I'm just not ready to answer them.

So that's why you're here with me?

You're hiding.

I...I don't know how to talk about... him without talking about what happened after him.

I mean, I threw myself into my job.

Just focused all my efforts on trying to make a difference, you know?

In the world, the department, my way of honoring him.

Okay, so... you got the g*n.

That's a big break in the case, right?


Can you track it?

Well, technically, I can't do anything.

I mean, everyone from my captain to my husband has made me promise not to go near it.

Just let the detectives do their jobs.

(laughs) Athena.

You have never been one to be hung up on a technicality.

(dramatic music)


-Hey. -Hey.

Thought you could use a pick-me-up.


Yeah, I didn't get much sleep.

Me, either.

You've been keeping tabs on the case?

Emmett was my partner.

Never sat right that we couldn't solve it.

Wasn't much to go on.

Just a b*llet and this guy.

I mean, I stared at him so many nights, I could probably draw him from memory.


I'm sorry. You like it with sugar.

It's fine. I'll be right back.



(sighs) Ugh.

I gotta go and pick up the kids.

I'll talk to you later.

-Yeah, okay. -All right, thanks.

Hey, Athena, wait.

I know we've both been waiting for this a long time... but I promise you, we're gonna find him.


We will.

SINGER: * Back to life

* Back to reality

* Back to the here and now

* How ever do you want me, how ever do you need me *

WATCH COMMANDER: As for our new faces...

Carter, you're with McCluskey.

Franklin, you ride with Sanchez, and, Morris, you're with...

Morris. Okay, well, that's a typo.

Just...come and see me. Okay, that's it.

Pool assignments are on the board.

Don't get dead, and don't dent my cars.


(indistinct chatter)

Hi, Officer McCluskey?

Hi, Athena Carter. It's a pleasure to meet you.

No, it's not. Look, for whatever reason, I keep getting shouldered with schooling you people.

Oh, hell.

No, I don't mean it like that, so don't go there.

So you don't think women can do the job?

I think you don't want to.

Or at least not for very long.

I've been doing this for 28 years.

I've passed down my knowledge to five female rookies, all who fell in love, got married, and left the force to have kids, so I got... what do you call it?

Abandonment issues.

Hmm. I'm serious about this job, so I'm happy to take any wisdom you want to send my way, but you should treat me the way you would any other officer.

SINGER: * Ooh, ladies first

* Ladies first CHORUS: * Ooh, ladies first

* Ladies first

* Ooh, ladies first

(Queen Latifah's "Ladies First")


QUEEN LATIFAH: * The ladies will kick it

* The rhyme that is wicked

* Those that don't know how to be pros get evicted *

* A woman can bear you, break you *

What the hell did I say about my cars vis-à-vis dents?

Carter, do it again, I'm putting you on hose-down duty.

(knocking at door)

So how was the first day?

-Oh. -(siren wailing)

MONIE LOVE:* Pleased with all the beats and rhymes *

* My sisters have employed, slick and smooth *

I need you to turn around, put your hands up now.

MONIE LOVE: * To my sister, can I get some? *

QUEEN LATIFAH: * Sure, Monie Love

* Grab the mic and get dumb, yo *

(both grunting)

MONIE LOVE: * Believe me

* When I say being a woman is great, you see *

* I know that all the fellas out there will agree with me *

WATCH COMMANDER: Finally, I'm told the LAPD is on track for the fewest number of officer-involved sh**t since 1981.

Now, let's try not to sh**t anyone until the '90s, okay?

EMMETT: Ma, this is Athena.

It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Washington.

Emmett was right. You are a beauty.


Hope you brought protection.


From the girls at church.

When they see you with my boy... ooh.


ALL: Four, three, two, one.

Happy New Year!


So that happened.

Come on, after midnight's when the real crazies come out.

I don't want to miss it.

You're just excited you get to sh**t people again.

Oh, that's right. I forgot about that.

QUEEN LATIFAH: * You never catch me at my worst *

* You get the drift?

* It's Ladies First

(sirens wailing)

(indistinct radio chatter)

(dramatic music)

Damn, bitch. Watch the cuffs!

Exercise your right to be silent before I force it on you.

McCluskey, we got another one for processing.

EMMETT: Excuse me, prosecutor, but I object.

This is not your sector.

But it is my collar. You know Mack.

He doesn't believe in being confined to sectors.

EMMETT: Yeah, but he sure knows how to find primo crime scenes.

ROMERO: Emmett.

Escorting our wounded friend to Mercy West. Meet me?

EMMETT: Right behind you, Rick.

So you working Sunday?

No, I'm off. Why?

EMMETT: You'll see.


We better call the restaurant, tell them that we're gonna be late.

Or we could just stay in.

Order a pizza.

Where's the phone?

Found it.


This wasn't how I thought it would go.

I had a whole speech planned.

I was gonna do it when they brought out the tiramisu.

I love tiramisu.

I know.



Athena Carter... will you marry me?




(heartfelt music)


I love you.

I love you, too.

Oh, my God, I can't believe you said yes!


BOBBY: I'm back.

ROMERO: You forgot the sugar? You played me.

ATHENA: I wanted to keep you out of it.

Why? You don't think I want a crack at this guy too?

Emmett was my best friend.

Whatever you're up to--

You can't be a part of it, Rick.

Look, I don't know what's gonna happen, but there's a pretty good chance I'm gonna be out of a job when it's done.

I'm not taking you down with me.

I'm willing to take that risk.

I'm not.


This is everything we have on Emmett's m*rder, including background on the g*n's most recent owner.

I've highlighted some interesting ATM withdrawals.

Hey, Bobby.

BOBBY: Rick.

What's going on?

Nothing. Rick's just upset.

That you're investigating Emmett's m*rder on your own?

The thing you told me you were not gonna do?

Look, Athena, just talk to me.

I know what it's like to lose someone.

I did not lose someone.

He was taken from me.

Now you may understand my pain, but you do not understand struggle.

I need to do this.

Bring his k*ller in? On your own?

Oh, no one else has gotten the job right.

Why not me?

I'm more than capable.

Well, there is a man who has gotten away with m*rder for almost 30 years.

You think he's gonna be happy to see you show up on his doorstep?

Don't much care about his feelings.

No, I want you to care about our safety.

There's no backup.

Nobody knows where you're going or who you're talking to.

It's reckless, dangerous.

It's necessary.

He needs to pay for what he's done.

And I need to make sure that that happens.

I have to do this. It has to be me.

-Why? -Be...


Because I'm the reason that Emmett was k*lled.

I'm the reason he's dead.

(dramatic music)


MICHAEL: Wait, wait, wait, hold on.

She didn't say anything else?

-Completely shut down. -Oh, come on.

I know I shouldn't be mad at her, but--

Wait, let me skip right to the end, brother.

You should be. We both should be.

Well, my hands aren't clean here.

I've... hid things too, from a lot of people.

Which she knew before she even walked down the aisle.

Look, we told her our secrets.

We spilled our guts, man. And she told us nothing.

Well, she did forgive us.

Well, I'm gonna forgive her, too, right after I finish this bottle.


Moved my things into Harry's room.

Why'd you do that?

So you'd have a place to sleep of this bottle.


A guest in my own damn house.

Hey, you know what, man? I built this patio.

And you did a great job.

I know. And you're welcome.

-Wait, still no word from Mom? -No.

MAY: You know I could text her.

Say I'm in the hospital, or something.

She'd come running.

Then k*ll us all.

-Yeah. -MAY: She'd still come.

She's my mom.

Hey, May, can you keep an eye on your dad?

I'll be right back.

MAY: Where you going?

Calling reinforcements.

(indistinct radio chatter)

MCCLUSKEY: 12 Adam 30, we are Code 6.

I repeat, we are Code 6.

Out of car on investigation?

Except we're neither.

What central don't know won't hurt 'em.

Okay, so what are we looking for?

Him. Police 101.

Follow the money.

How do you know he bought it here?

The guy made multiple ATM withdrawals to pay for it.

Last one? From the ATM cross the street.

An hour later, he's in his car with this g*n on his way to k*ll his boss.

How could I know that would happen?

It's called a 10-day waiting period.

I got a lot of friends who can do me a lot of favors, but I won't help you if you don't help me.

Tell me where you got this g*n.

Come on.

Couple came in a couple of weeks back.

Said they found it in the attic.

Name and address is probably fake.

But the thumb print is real.

It's the girlfriend's.

Marianna Petrossian.

LAPD. I'm looking for your boyfriend.

Which one?

The one who used your fingerprint to pawn a m*rder w*apon at Ray's Loan and Collateral.

MCCLUSKEY: (chuckling) Come on. Criminals are dumb.

They won't ever admit that.

I mean, they all think they're geniuses.

Smarter than us for damn sure.

Sounds like you admire that.

MCCLUSKEY: I find it useful.

Always let them think they have the upper hand.

Right until you take them down.

Modest little number.

Not your standard stock and trade.

Where'd you get it?

Are you sure I did?

Because I have been having quite the day.

The most recent owner led me to a thumb print, which got me to a girl whose father bought it from a co-worker who took it in a divorce.

The ex-wife picked it up at a g*n show from a dealer who got it from a collector who claimed he bought it on the street.

Check this... your street.

I did a favor for a single mom.

You're a detective?

LAPD, ma'am.

About the g*n?

My ex gave it to me.

For protection.

I always kept it in the g*n safe.

I locked and unlocked that thing a million times.

Be careful.

Never realized the kids saw me doing it.

That they knew the combination.

(g*nsh*t echoes)

I just...I got rid of it.

Do you know where your ex got it?

His cousin.


I didn't get it from anyone.

I found it.

You found it?

Yeah. My first big job.

A motel.

I was prepping one of the rooms.

Took off a vent cover, and...

ATHENA: Remember which motel?

They may still have records.

I doubt it.

It was the Crestview on Crenshaw.

(sighs) They tore that down ten years ago.

Said they were building a shopping center, and they never did.

The lot's just dead.

(dramatic music)

Something smells good.


Heard your life blew up again.


(footsteps approaching)

Hey, hey.

Don't be too hard on Bobby.

You worried about him? (laughs)

That's new.

He showed more sense than you ever have.

Calling me.

Admitting he needed help.

You can't help with this, Mama.

All these years I respected your wishes.

I never spoke of Emmett.

Thought it would let you heal.

But you never did.

It sounds silly.

But I thought maybe if I could find the man who k*lled him, Emmett would finally be at peace.


He's been at peace for decades.

You're the one still battling this.

It was not your fault.

He was there because of me, Mama.

Because he loved you.

And you loved him.

Wherever he is now, he knows what I know.

You would have taken that b*llet for him.

(melancholy music)


I just don't know how to tell them.

I don't even know where to begin.

Maybe you can start there.


BEATRICE: So handsome.

The son I always wanted.


So I could've had a completely different dad.

No. No, you couldn't.

You'd be a completely different person.

You are who you are because of your dad and me and who we were when we had you.

I have regrets about Emmett and how he died, but...

I do not regret this family.

I love you all, and I could not imagine my life without you in it.

We all love you, too.

(poignant music)


I'm sorry, Mom.

I wish we had known about him sooner.


MICHAEL: Hey, but we know now.

And we do not want you to put this in a box for another 30 years.

BOBBY: Go get your answers, Athena.

We'll all be here when you're done.

I really appreciate your helping me with this.

I know it's a long shot.

Of course.

How long of a shot are we talking about?


'91? We don't keep calls that far back.

Uh, not the audio.

You know what? We'll still have the logs.


Wow, that is a lot of calls.

Can you filter by location?

Crestview Motel on Crenshaw.

Just under 2,000 calls from '91 to '96.

2,000? I thought the motel was in L.A., not a w*r zone.

Early '90s, a little hard to tell the difference sometimes.

Okay, all I'm seeing here are date, time, address, and some code.

How can we get more information?

I put in a request.

They bring it up from the warehouse.

Bring what up?

So do you want to start at the beginning or the end?


We can meet in the middle. Okay.

BESSIE: * I want to rap that jack, sometimes *

* I get a hump in my back, sometimes *

* I'm going over here, sometimes *

* Can my honey come back, sometimes *

* I want to rap that jack, sometimes *

* I get a hump in my back, sometimes *

* I'm going over here, sometimes *

* Can my honey come back, sometimes *

* I want to rap that jack, sometimes *

* I get a hump in my back, sometimes *

* I'm going over here, sometimes *

* Can my honey come back, sometimes *

* I want to rap that jack, sometimes *

* I get a hump in my back, sometimes *

* I'm going over here, sometimes *

* Can my honey come back, sometimes *

* I want to rap that jack Athena, there were two calls from the Crestview on the same night within an hour of each other.

February 17, 1991.

Does that date mean something to you?


Uh, okay, 10:22 p.m., a noise complaint.

Report of a man screaming and banging on the walls.

Caller didn't leave a name.

It was a low-priority call, so I'm not sure a unit was dispatched.

And then 11:14 p.m., call came from the motel manager.


Uh, victim?

African-American male, early 20s, police and medical were dispatched to the scene, treated subject for suspected heroin overdose and hand lacerations.

(camera shutter clicking)

-Did he-- -Transported to King General.


(melancholy music)


I found him.

Hey, you think your mom would be good with that Chinese place on Slauson, or should I be thinking fancier?

No, I'm sure that's fine.

Okay, I'll see you in 20.

ATHENA: Wait, no. Uh...

I forgot to get cream for Mama's coffee.

Could you stop by on your way over and pick some up, please?

EMMETT: And rack up some future son-in-law points?


(both laugh)

I'll see you soon.

That bought us some more time.

BEATRICE: I'm not sure we need it.

The fit is perfect.


Oh, he's a good man.

You're gonna have a wonderful life together.

Emmett should've been here by now.

(phone rings)


Yes, this is Athena Carter.

(sirens wailing)

(dramatic music)

(indistinct chatter, echoing)




I'm Elaine.

I'll, uh, walk you in.

Looks like he walked into a robbery.

Wrong place, wrong time.


I can have someone drive you home.


Someone needs to tell his mother.


(dog barking)

(footsteps approaching)

DENNIS: Boy, don't you open that door.

Get out of here. Can I help you?

Sergeant Grant, LAPD.


Which one of my kids is in trouble?

I work with at-risk kids.

I see a lot of you guys.

I figured that's why you're here.

I'm here about the night of February 17, 1991.

(melancholy music)


DENNIS: I remember when the police released this.

I was panicked.

Convinced someone would recognize me.

For months, I was terrified to walk down the street.

I thought they'd send more of you.

I'm not here for them.

I'm here for me.

(sighs) You're her.

Officer Washington is survived by his mother Tina... and his fiancée Athena Carter.

Is that supposed to make me feel better?

That you memorized his damn obituary?

No. It just...

I wanted you to know that I never forgot about him.

And I never forgot about what I did that night.

Me neither.

You spent months afraid you'd be recognized?

I spent years searching every face I saw.

Wondering was that man the one?

Was his face the last thing that Emmett saw before he died?


You have no idea what decades of not knowing does to a person.

I'm not here for your excuses or your apologies.

I'm only here for your knowledge.

What happened that night?

I was out of my mind.

I was consumed with no thought beyond getting my next fix.

It seemed easy enough.

The store had money. I had a g*n.

But he was moving too slow, and my brain was moving too fast.

I didn't even remember pulling the trigger.

He was dead before I knew there was another person in the store.

I woke up in the hospital four nights later.

And that's when I found out I had k*lled a cop.

I thought they would come for me, but they never did.

You could've turned yourself in.

I told myself that God had given me another chance.

And I took it.

I got clean, and I went to church...

And I tried to live a life of service.

I tried to live a life in service.

For the life I took.

And I know this don't mean much--

It doesn't mean anything.

He was trying to help someone, and you k*lled him for it.

But you didn't take just one life.

For his mother... his friends, for me, you were a wrecking ball, tearing through our lives.

But we managed to put the pieces back together.

But there will always be cracks.

I'm sorry.

You claim you're a good man... now.

But Emmett was always a good man.

Oh, he believed in second chances, too.

He'd be impressed with the life you've built.

But you built it on the back of a dead man, and I, for one, can't get past that.


You have carried my burden for almost 30 years.

It's time you let me take it back.

(static, indistinct chatter)

(Beatrice grunts)

Oh, God.




I talked to that moving company today.

They're coming by tomorrow to give us a quote.

(dramatic music)

Oh, my God.

What is this?

Traffic stop gone wrong. Someone got it on video.

They're gonna k*ll him.

No. Reporters said he's alive.

BEATRICE: I'm glad you're coming home.

I'd hate to have you out there.

I'm not.

I'm not going with you, Mama.

I'm staying here. I'm going back to the job.

What are you talking about?

I joined the force for a reason.

You joined for a man who's dead.

Don't follow him into the grave!

You have no idea who I am, do you?

You're my daughter, and you are not staying here to be a part of that.

That is why I need to stay here.

So there can be more officers like me and less like them.

What difference does that make?

Those cops... they think they're doing the right thing.

Someone needs to show them that they are wrong.

You're a fool, and I cannot allow you.

It is not your decision, Mama.

And it is not your business.

Okay. We'll be there soon.

ANDRA: * You're broken down and tired *

* Of living life on a merry-go-round *

* And you can't find the fighter *

* But I see it in you so we gonna walk it out *

* Move mountains I'm ready.

ANDRA: * We gonna walk it out

* And move

* Mountains

* And I'll rise up

* I'll rise like the day

* I'll rise up

* I'll rise unafraid

* I'll rise up

* And I'll do it a thousand times again *

* And I'll rise up

* High like the waves

* I'll rise up

* In spite of the ache

* I'll rise up

* And I'll do it a thousand times again *

* For you

* For you

* For you

* For you

* When the silence isn't quiet *

* And it feels like it's getting hard to breathe *

* And I know you feel like dying *

* But I promise we'll take the world to its feet *

* Move

* Mountains

* Bring it to its feet

* Move

* Mountains

* And I'll rise up

* I'll rise like the day

* I'll rise up

* I'll rise unafraid

* I'll rise up

* And I'll do it a thousand times again *

Can I help you?

ANDRA: * For you

* For you Athena.

ANDRA: * For you What are you doing here?

We made an arrest.

Oh, no, no.


Oh, baby.

ANDRA: * And for that we have each other *



ANDRA: * We will rise

* We will rise

* We'll rise


* We'll rise

* I'll rise up

* Rise like the day

* I'll rise up

* In spite of the ache

* I will rise

* A thousand times again

-I found him. -BOBBY: Good. I'm glad.

ANDRA: * And we'll rise up

* High like the waves

* We'll rise up


ANDRA: * And we'll do it a thousand times again *

Hey, hey. I've got you.

I've got you.


BOBBY: I've got you, I've got you.

ANDRA: * For you

(Andra Day's "Rise Up")
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