03x08 - Walk the Line

Episode transcripts for the TV show "FBI". Aired: September 2018 to present.*
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Drama about the inner workings of the New York office of the FBI,
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03x08 - Walk the Line

Post by bunniefuu »

- I swear it never stops.

- I finish a memo, boom, I need to write a brief.

I finish the brief, boom, I need to draft a motion.

Then that jackass Snyder tears it all apart.

He says my writing is pedestrian, my research is outdated.

Maybe it's time to start looking around, find a smaller firm, less pressure.

Less money too.

We don't have to buy the condo.

We can stay where we're at, rent for a few more years.


Money is the root of all evil, the reason people suffer.

We must stop the exploitation of the working man and the pain we suffer.

To do that, we need to make them suffer, make them feel our pain...

What the hell?

Anyone call ?

Yeah, five minutes ago.

Money is the root of all evil...


Gotta go to the other side!


- Okay, let's go.

- Come on, girl.

- Okay, let's clear the area.

- Go, go, go.

Come on, Tess.

Here you go.



There you go, Tess.


- Got something?


Good girl.

Front tire.

We must stop the exploitation of the working man and the pain we suffer.

To do that, we need to make them suffer.

Just some idiot making a political statement.

- Look at this.

- Yeah, real fresh.

Rich people suck?

Never heard that before.



So the car was parked right there, detonated at : .

There's three dead.

Still trying to ID them.

Techs know what kind of b*mb it was?

Well, I mean the car was blown to pieces.

We don't even know the make and model yet.


Any idea what this is all about?

Right now, it appears to be political.

There was anti-capitalist audio playing down the block.



Any witnesses?

Yeah, but they all had their eyes and ears glued to the gold car.

You know, the whole Nashville thing.

Which is probably why they did it that way and created a diversion yards from the actual crime scene.

All while spreading their gospel at the same time.


All right, people, listen up!

We got the names of our victims.

Number one, Mark Heller, , male, white, he worked in commercial real estate.

Janet White, , female, Black.

She was a nurse at Mt.

Sinai Hospital.

And Benjamin Lopez, , male Hispanic.

He was a law student at NYU.

Let's dig into these three people.

Was this a random attack, or were these people targeted?

Was one of our victims perchance the bomber?

I don't know.

Let's get to work.

Kelly, Elise, let's make sure we pull as much surveillance video as possible from around the b*mb site and the gold car that had the audio recording.

Whoever planted that device likely planted the b*mb too.

- Hey, Jubal?

- Yeah?

I have something interesting across the street from the site.

- Great, put it up.


There's a guy pacing back and forth.

He seems real agitated, but here's what's interesting: He pulls his phone out at : , presses a button.

Let's presume for the moment he presses send.

He then turns and hurries off in the opposite direction.

Seconds later, the b*mb detonates.

Can you get a clear shot of his face?

Running that through facial rec now.


Got it.

Nicholas Katz.

Poly-sci professor at the New School.

There's three prior arrests all in the last months and all for curfew violations.

Okay, so he's an activist.

And a member of the Democratic Socialists of America.

Which would explain the anti-capitalist recording.

Let's get an address.




- FBI!

Federal agents!


Go, go, go, go!

- Put the g*n down now!

- Drop the w*apon!

- Oh, my God.

- Negative contact.

- We're clear!

- Turn off the video game.

Take off your headphones.

Okay, what the hell is going on?

We need to talk to you about the b*mb that exploded in Queens, so keep your hands where I can see them and do not move.

I had nothing to do with that b*mb.

This is ridiculous.

Well, we have you on video near the site pacing back and forth, looking at your phone, then seconds before the b*mb explodes, you scurry off in the opposite direction.

So it doesn't seem that ridiculous to me.


I was supposed to meet my girlfriend...

My-ex girlfriend for dinner, but she kept changing her mind.

She wanted to come, she didn't wanna come, so finally I just took off.

While you were waiting for your ex, did you happen to see anyone or anything suspicious?

I did, but I'm loathe to discuss it - because it's pure speculation.

- What does that mean?

It means I saw a guy standing on the corner staring at a building.

He never moved, he just stood there watching, and then right before the b*mb went off, he took off running.

- What did he look like?


He appeared to be Middle Eastern, dark hair, dark skin.

And you didn't tell anyone?

You didn't think to call the police?

I'm sorry, what was I supposed to do?

Call - - and say, "Oh, I saw a suspicious Middle Eastern dude running down the street"?


That's exactly what you're supposed to do.

It's not .

No more "See Something, Say Something." What if I were wrong?

Then what?

What, I become the new posterchild for anti-Muslim hate?

No, gracias.


Yup, back at you.

Hey, guys.

Hey, Rina, hey.

- I-I didn't...

- Yeah.

I, uh, got back to counterterrorism last week.

I was gonna text you, but...

- Yeah, no worries.

- I'm glad you're back.

Good to see you again, Isobel.

- Yeah, you too.

- So where we at?

We have a witness who saw a Middle Eastern looking man exit a black Chrysler, loiter for a few moments, and then took off seconds before that same black Chrysler detonated.


We've been looking for more surveillance video, but so far, we've been striking out.

Well, we're striking out over here too.


No chatter, no intel, but we're reaching out to our various assets to see what they know.

- Okay, great.

- We'll work this together then.

- Yeah.

- Great, thanks.

Hey, I'm really glad you're here.

Yeah, I'm excited.

It's a new chapter, you know?

Kinda feels like anything's possible.


Y'all got something, huh?

b*mb Techs were able to cobble together the VIN number.

His car was reported stolen yesterday afternoon outside a hardware store in Queens.

And, Boss, I pulled some camera footage.

There's the car.

Now watch this guy.

- Yeah, yeah.

- Okay, any hits on facial rec?

No, he never turns around.

But he was holding a full cup of coffee.

Steam, small sips, limited head tilt.

Roast & Bean, café three doors down.

I had them send over credit card data of all purchases within minutes of the theft.

Only one Middle Eastern surname on the list: Rob Salem.

I just ran it through the DMV for approximate age, height...

That looks like a match to me.

Get the address over to Scola and Tiffany... good work.


We got a few questions.


Don't be stupid, Rob.

- I wasn't gonna.

- Mmm.

What can I do for you?

You can tell us why you stole a black Chrysler yesterday.

- Excuse me?


And we got the whole thing on video.

You know, if you're gonna steal a car, you probably shouldn't buy coffee first.

And if you do, you definitely shouldn't pay with a credit card.

Okay, yeah, I stole the car.

What'd you do after you stole it?

Drove it back to Astoria, corner of th and nd.

Met the guy who asked me to do it, got paid, went home.

- Who's the guy?

- Don't know.

Oh, yeah, really?

That's the best you could do for me?

Look, man, I was just hanging out smoking a cigarette.

This guy starts talking to me, bums a smoke, we start chatting.

Next thing I know he says, "You steal me a car in the next hour, I'll give you , bucks, cash." It's crazy I know, but it's the truth.

What did he look like?

Dark hair, brown eyes, thin, about my height.

Middle Eastern?


I don't know.


But he didn't have an accent or anything.

He say anything about a b*mb?



Why would he say anything about a b*mb?

'Cause the car that you stole blew up last night.

The black Chrysler was the...

Aw, man.

I had no idea, I swear.

- Let's go, turn around.

- Hands behind your back.


- You know the drill.

- The Salem story checks out.

- He doesn't appear to have ties with any known t*rror1st groups.

Just a local kid looking to make some quick money.

Do we have video of him talking to the suspect?

Uh, no, not yet.

Where did this meeting take place?

What part of Queens?

Astoria, right near th and Steinway.

Salem said he had just had lunch at a restaurant called Tannourine.

I know it.

Syrian restaurant.

A guy named Hassan Ali owns it.

We've been monitoring him for a few years.


Yeah, so ' ", thin, dark hair.

Matches the general description Salem gave.

I mean, it's not much to go on.

Yeah, but it's something.

We've got a CI in the neighborhood.

- I'll get on that right away.

- Great.

No, sorry.

I don't know anything about that.

I haven't heard anybody talking about it either.

- Do you know Hassan Ali?

- No.

Got a restaurant at Steinway and th - called Tannourine.

- So?

We think he might've been involved in the recent bombing.

Which means we need you to start hanging out there.

All right, start talking to people, taking photos.

You need to speak to my attorney first.

Excuse me?

Look, I'm tired of the way you guys are treating me.

All right, every time I...

What the hell are you talking about?

Look, from now on, if you want to talk to me, speak with my attorney first.

This guy for real?

"Mona Nazari." Anybody know her?


That's... my girlfriend.

She left the U.S. Attorney's Office two months ago and opened up her own legal clinic, so it is possible she's representing him.

That's great, but I just don't know what the hell she's trying to do for Vega.

We made a deal with him two years ago after he got busted for armed robbery.

On top of that, he was undocumented, facing deportation.

NYPD reached out, thought he may be interested, so we made an arrangement.

Okay, has he delivered any valuable intel?

Some, but nothing that's led to any arrests, so he owes us.

He doesn't get to just walk away now that we really need him.

Look, what I'm saying is, girlfriend or no girlfriend, if Vega doesn't live up to end of the bargain, he'll be back on a plane to Damascus real soon.


All right.

I can't believe you guys are still trying to pressure Vega.

Why do you say that?

He's undocumented, got pinched for armed robbery.

He stole $ worth of food from -Eleven and had a small knife in his pocket.

If he were white, he would've gotten a gentle slap on the wrist.

But he's Muslim from Syria.

Means he's valuable.

So you guys leveraged him.

"Spy on your friends, and we'll let you stay in America." Maybe, but that's kind of irrelevant now.

He either cooperates, or he's gonna get deported.

It's not that simple.

- It is that simple.

- Three people just died.

That's not Vega's problem.

Mona, I don't want to fight about this.


I'm just trying to do my job.

Your job.

Being a loyal Fed no matter what the circumstances.

♪ ♪ [SIGHS]

That's not fair.

Look, I think there's a middle ground here.

What are you talking about?

If you guys agree to make Vega a permanent legal resident after this operation's over, he'll cooperate.

If not, he's not stepping foot near that restaurant.

You sure he would agree to something like that?

Talked to him ten minutes ago.

Told him he should take advantage of this opportunity.

Try exploiting the people exploiting him.


You're good.

I'm just trying to do what's best for my client.

- Coffee for you?

- Thank you, Connor.

Hassan was seen talking to a few suspicious foreign nationals about a month ago.

One of the men's cousins is a known t*rror1st in Syria.

Yeah, I get it.

I know, it's not a lot, but it's all we got.

I assume you've spoken to his lawyer - and resolved all this?

- I did.

She said he is willing to cooperate as long we can help secure permanent legal residence when this is over.

He wants to renegotiate the deal?

Are you kidding me?

Well, that's what his lawyer said, so with all due respect, it kind of is what it is.

I think we should go for it.

We need all the help we can get.


Hassan Ali is our ultimate target.

He owns the restaurant, and he spends a lot of time there too.

Do you have any evidence that he's actually involved in any of this, or are you just speculating?

We never said that Hassan was guilty.

We just said that he might be involved.

Based on what?

Based on our intelligence.

Do you have anything more specific than that?

The day of the bombing, someone who fits the general description of Hassan offered a guy , bucks to steal a black Chrysler that was used in the bombing.

And that happened a half block away from his restaurant, so we're not just picking names out of a hat.

That street gets a lot of foot traffic.

All right, it's probably just a coincidence.

Well, for now, let's pretend it's not a coincidence, okay?

All we can do is find information, and chase potential leads.

- Okay, okay, I get it.

- I'll do my part one last time.

This is Hassan Ali.

These are the other people that we think might be involved.

- Wait, wait, I know that guy.

- His name is Joseph.

- Mm-hmm.

- That's good.

He works at the restaurant.

He's a waiter.

Yeah, but he's not a t*rror1st.

He's like the nicest guy I ever met.

Okay, look.

You are going to go to the restaurant, you're gonna find Joseph, you're gonna start talking.

If things go well, you're gonna bring up the bombing.

- We'll take it from there.

- If you have an opportunity, I want you to get access to the back room.

Once you get in there, I want you to take pictures of everything, okay?

Photos, letters, packages, bills.

Whatever you can.

Look, Vega, I know this is hard, but...


No, this isn't hard.

This is cruel.

This is evil.

You're asking me to spy on my friends and my neighbors.


Because I'm Muslim.

- No.

- Yeah, yeah.

You should be ashamed of yourself.



♪ ♪ We've got eyes on Vega.


Assalamu alaikum What's going on?

- Good to see you.

- You too.

- Good, good.

- How's this?


Thank you, brother.

I just saw your Uncle Raph the other day.

- He's looking good.

- Uh, yeah, yeah...

You doing okay with all this?

What do you mean?

You know what I mean.

- Hey, I'll be right back.



I'm fine.

I just, uh...

I just separate my two identities.

You know, when I'm at work, I'm a Fed.

When I go home, I'm the Egyptian kid from Queens.

That must be difficult to compartmentalize like that.

No, not for me.


You ready to order?

You hungry, man?

- Oh, I'm starving.

- All right.

I'm gonna get the mezza platter, some fool, and chicken shawarma.

All right, you got it.



Do you know Vega Assad?

No, we never met.

Big fish is here.

- Assalamu alaikum.

- Assalamu alaikum.

- I think it was on...

- What was it, th Street?

- Yes.

- He's an electrician.

You work for Ray Haddad?

I went to high school with him.

No way.

How's he doing?

He's doing great.

Thank you.

That was quick.

Now he just needs to reel him in nice and slow.

Yeah, no, work, it's going really strong.

I mean, the only thing that could ruin it, of course, I suppose would be the police.

What do you mean?

Oh, well, you know how they are.

Always looking to cause problems.

Especially when a b*mb goes off.

You know, the minute something explodes, anything, firecrackers, we get harassed.

I get it, trust me.

My restaurant is under surveillance all the time.

The Feds have this crazy idea that I'm involved with some terror group.

Of course they do because you're a Muslim.

You get paranoid for real.

I mean, I got so anxious, I installed a security system.

It cost me $ , .

That could be useful info.

I don't blame you.

At least now I got eyes all over the place.

Comes in handy too.

The other day I saw an older woman fall on the ice.

I was able to help her.

Small world too.

I know her sister, Yvonne.

- Are you kidding me?


You know Yvonne and the other lady, Valerie...

- Yeah?

- Those are my cousins.

Yeah, we live in the same building.

That's what I love about this neighborhood.


- We're all connected.



Very nice to meet you, Vega, but I need to go.

Yeah, no, please.

No problem.

No check for him.

He is my friend.

Thank you.

Assalamu alaikum.

Alaikum assalamu.


♪ ♪ - What is he doing?

- I don't know.

- Hey, Joseph, hey.

- My mother just texted me, man.

I gotta go give her a ride somewhere, okay?

I gotta cancel the order.

I'm sorry.

No problem.

- Assalamu alaikum.

- Alaikum assalamu.

- What the hell was that?

- What's he doing?

Hey, Vega.


What the hell was that, man?


What the hell was that?

The place was practically empty.

It was the perfect time to take some pictures...

I can't do it!

I'm sorry, all right?

I tried.

I really tried.

I can't do it.


These are good people.

Not if they're planting bombs.

But you don't even know if they are.

You're just speculating.

You're guessing!

That's part of the process, Vega.

We're investigating.

We're looking for evidence.

If we don't find any, then we move on.

There's nothing to worry about.

So tomorrow you are gonna go back there and you're gonna take advantage of your relationships, - you understand me?

- I just told you.

I'm not doing it, all right?


I'd rather be deported, for real.

All the spying you guys are having me do, I...

I actually thought about k*lling myself today.

I mean it.

I thought might be the best way out of this nightmare.

I don't wanna die, but I don't want to be a traitor either.

The FBI stole my soul.

So please...

just leave me alone.

Leave me alone.

Vega, you don't wanna do that.

Aw, go to hell.



We need some good news.

Tell us Vega's making some progress.

- Well...

- Yeah, I think he is.

He met with Hassan last night, turns out they have some close friends in common, so there's a high level of trust right off the bat.

Great, did you manage to get any photos, gather any actionable intel?

No, unfortunately the opportunity - didn't present itself.

- But we are very confident that he's gonna be a valuable asset.

- Okay, great, stay on him.

- See what you can learn.



- Thank you.

- Thank you for having my back.

I'm getting uncomfortable with this line that you're walking.

- Maggie, I'm fine.

- Everything is under control.


Because the last I checked, our informant told us to go to hell.

He did, but I'm going to talk to Mona right now.

I'm gonna get this whole thing back on track.


just listen.

I know that this situation's got to be complicated for you, so if you want me to take point, I'm happy to do that just take some pressure off.

Thank you, okay?

I got this.

I promise, all right?

I'll call you.

- He's out, Omar.

- We had a deal.

We offered to make him a permanent legal resident.

He doesn't care.

He'd rather roll the dice in court.


Oh, I get that, but you know there's no chance you can win, right?

He's gonna get deported.

I don't care how good of a lawyer you are.

You do not stand a chance if Rina Trenholm is gunning for you.

Maybe, but I'm still gonna try my best to do everything I can to protect him.

And I get that as well, but a b*mb just went off three miles from here yesterday morning, and three people were k*lled.

- That's not Vega's fault.

- None of this is Vega's fault!

You guys like to pretend like it is!

You cut him some terrible deal two years ago, and you think you own him.

Okay, you need to slow down because you keep saying "you." I did not make that deal.

This is not on me!

You sure about that?

What the hell are you talking about?

You don't see me doing everything I can so this guy does not get deported?

Yeah, by forcing him to sell out his integrity and risk his life?

You don't get to be the good guy here, Omar, I'm sorry.

You just don't.


- What is it?

- Another b*mb just went off.

Target was a branch at Freedom Regional on th Avenue.

Techs confirmed it was a pipe b*mb, mostly nails and glass.

Two injured, no deaths.

Three witnesses saw a man in a hoodie, dark hair, possibly Middle Eastern hanging out in the lobby of the bank for few minutes, drop something, then head out.

A minute later was the expl*si*n.

Okay, any indication it's tied to other bombing?

Nothing yet.

But we've got agents pulling video.

Inside, outside, everywhere we can.


Okay, so folks, what's going on here?

We got a new and different b*mb.

It's less sophisticated.

What does that mean?

Same group, different device?

They ran out of high quality expl*sives, didn't wanna steal another car, or they're running low on funds and supplies and getting desperate, or...

there's another bomber out there.

So let's find a connection, yeah?

I have video of the expl*si*n.

Okay, yes, okay.

Throw it up.

Eyes up.

All right, good news is nobody died.

We caught a break on this one.

But let's not plan on getting lucky again.

Let's dig in.

All right, Ian, let's pull the video from the pole cam we installed outside Hassan's restaurant this morning.

Okay, Hassan left the restaurant minutes before the pipe b*mb detonated and then he returned minutes later.

- Where's the b*mb video?

- Put it back up.

Elise, can you put Hassan's photo up?

Thank you.

I don't know.

I mean, that could be Hassan.

I don't know, can you throw his associates up and run facial comparison?

- Can't we get a better visual?

- No.

Video's low res, but we're on it.

We're chasing every cam within a mile from the bank.

Well, you know, I like your pluck, Kelly, but we need more than pluck.

We need results.

So keep digging.

Elise, let's find a nexus between these two b*mb sites.

What do they have in common?

Who do they have in common?

Thank you.


- Hey.

- We're all over it.

I can't definitively connect the image to Hassan or any of his associates.

All right.

Can't rule him out either.


We tried to put Vega back into play, but...

But he thought that Hassan might have made him.

But the good news is that he got Hassan talking, and we were able to identify an opportunity.

- What are you talking about?

- Well, Hassan said that he has a very sophisticated surveillance system at his restaurant, lots of cameras pointing outwards, so maybe one of those cameras caught the conversation between Salem and whoever gave him $ , to steal that car.

I'm not sure we have enough for a warrant.

No, but could be enough for a sneak and peek.

It's risky, but it might make more sense to use Vega.

Yes, I agree, but he's too anxious.

We don't think he can pull this one off.


All right, go for it.

What are you thinking?

I'm trying to find evidence, Maggie, and the only lead we have is Hassan's security system.

I agree with that, but...

And the only reason that we have Hassan's security system is because of Vega.

You are trying to protect Vega from getting deported.

No, no, Maggie, you're wrong.

I am just trying to do my job and chase what's in front of me, and I keep trying to tell you...

I know what you're trying to tell me.

You're trying to say that you're really good at separating your personal life from your professional life.

But what I'm telling you is that you're not very good at it.

You are bending over backwards to try to help Vega because you think he got screwed.


Stop denying it, and stop pretending that you're just doing your job.


Let's get to work.

We got some video to steal.

What's up?

Hassan just closed up two minutes ago, lights are off.

Ian ready?

Yeah, he's in a covert vehicle on the south side of the street.

On our order, he's gonna cut the electrical feed.

Okay, let's go.

Give Ian the signal.


♪ ♪ OA, it's in here.


All right, we're copying files, but we need a minute.

Maybe two.

Heads up.

Heads up.

Hassan is here.

I repeat, Hassan is here.

He's walking toward the front door.

You gotta buy us some more time.

Oh, my goodness.

Thank God you're open!

I'm starving.

I'm sorry, miss.

We're closed.

I just forgot my phone.

Oh, come on, man.


I got two gummies kicking in right now.

I can't tell you how bad I need some of them chicken kabobs!

Some of that hummus!


We probably need another seconds or so.

I'm, like, getting on two...

Okay, okay.

We're good.

Oh, I get it.

Okay, I get it.

Naw, I see.

I might have to write up a report on social media and let everybody know how you treat Black folks.

I'm closed.

Has nothing to do with that.

Trust me, miss, I know all about racism.

I'll tell you what.

Come back tomorrow, lunch, dinner, doesn't matter...

on me.

Okay, we're good.

We're heading out.

You can turn the electricity back on.

Go, go, go, go.

Well, thank you.

That's very nice of you.

Thank you, I appreciate you.

See you tomorrow!






- We made it out.

- We got the security footage.

All right, let's blow it up.

Running facial rec now...


Got it.

Philip Stafford, , owner of Formex Fitness LLC, resides in Westchester.

Okay, does Stafford connect in any way to Hassan Ali?

- I'm not seeing anything.

- Yeah, me neither.

What else can you tell me about Stafford?

His LLC filed for bankruptcy three weeks ago.


One of the creditors, his landlord, was Hedler Realty.

The President of which is Mark Heller, one of the victims from the first bombing.

Another creditor was Freedom Regional Bank.

Okay, people, time to pivot!

We have a new suspect: Philip Stafford.

Let's get an address and scoop him up.

- I'll send it your way.

- I didn't see that coming.

That Vega was right?

Hassan didn't do it, we just profiled him?


On me.


- FBI, don't move!


- Where's Philip?

- He's not here.

He hasn't lived here for three months.

We're getting a divorce.


What the hell is happening?

We think he may be involved in two recent bombings.


What are you talking about... Ma'am, do you know where he is?

We need to talk to him right now.

No, he's been struggling.

He's been staying with friends, cousins.

- What's his mental state like?

- Uh, not good.

He's angry and erratic.

I won't even let him see the kids.

He's... he's so full of hate right now.

He's spiraling.

He's desperate and broke.

He asked me for a loan the other day.

$ , .

I said no.

Well, you just changed your mind.

You're gonna call him up right now, tell him that you feel terrible, and that he can borrow the money.

But he's gotta pick the check up here.

At the house.




Hi, Philip.

It's me.

No, no, no, no.

The kids are fine.

I was just...

I was, um, thinking about things and, uh, well, if you still want me to lend you the money, I can.

So why don't you swing by the house, say hi to the kids, and I can give you the check.

Okay, good.

He'll be here in minutes.

We'll call you when we know more.

Suspect will be driving a gray Infiniti, New York tags, Oscar, Peter, Allen, .

Can you confirm the wife and kids are off the premises?

- Yeah, confirmed.

- Just left headed north.

Got eyes on a gray Infiniti.

Okay, let him walk to the front door.

We'll take him here.

That's not Stafford.

What the hell?


Don't move!

Whoa, whoa!

Whoa, don't sh**t.

Don't move.

Stay where you are.

- Who are you?

- Jason Cassidy.

- What are you doing here?

- I don't know.

What the hell are you talking about "you don't know"?

I was walking by th Street, and this guy was acting crazy.

Said he'd give me his Rolex and Infiniti if I delivered this letter to his wife, and I did.

I mean, what was I supposed to do, say no?

He saw Stafford outside of Damaso's Market in Greenpoint.

He was standing outside of his Infiniti smoking.

Had the letter in his hand, too, like he was just waiting for the right dude to walk by.

He's escalating, giving away his valuable assets like that.

Yeah, he's spinning out all right.

Knows his wife tried to set him up.

Talks about all the shame, guilt, how he worked hours a day to succeed but no one cared.

Any indication who his next target might be?

Uh, yeah, his "rich bitch" sister-in-law, Ashley.

"She poisoned our marriage.

She said you deserved better.


That's why I tried to expand.

That's why I went bankrupt, because of her." Okay.

Hey, Jubal, it's OA.

We need help locating the sister-in-law of our suspect.

We believe she's his next target.

- Guys, check it out.

- This is Ashley Dorsey, Philip Stafford's sister-in-law non grata.

We need to find her fast.

Let's go.

Okay, she is a Managing Director at Crestford Capital.

Park Avenue.

According to her sister, she's there right now.

Okay, Elise, give her a call, tell her what's going on.

Tell her we have agents on the way to her now.

Get some agents over there, and let's find Stafford now!

Credit cards, traffic cams.

- Metro card.

- Exactly.

No, I mean I just got a hit on his actual metro card.

He got on the N train at Ditmars Avenue in Astoria minutes ago.

Okay, Kelly, what's Ashley Dorsey's home address?

I'm guessing it's in Lower Manhattan.


Church Street.

- We got eyes on Stafford.

- We got him.

- FBI, stop moving.

- Don't move.


Put your g*n on the ground using one hand.

Other hand in the air.

I didn't wanna do any of this!


I swear.

But the system is rigged!

No one cares about regular people.

Put the g*n down.


- Are those his nephews?

- Hey.

They got nothing to do with this, Philip.

They're kids.

Put the g*n down.

- [g*nshots]



♪ ♪ Hey.

Turns out those two kids weren't even his nephews.


Dude was just trying to go out with a bang, huh?

Yeah, guy just snapped.

Too much pressure I guess.

- Hey, OA.

- Yeah?

Uh, I'm not trying to get in your business, but I overheard you talking to Maggie earlier.


Yeah, what's up?

This idea of trying to keep things separate, you know, compartmentalize your two identities, I get it.

I used to do it.

It don't work.

You gotta own who you are.

Who you really are.

If that's enough for some of these white folks around here then to hell with them.




Thank you, Tiff.

I appreciate it.


OA, we need to talk.


We know what happened.

That Vega backed out of the operation.

Yes, because he was concerned...

Because he didn't wanna help the FBI.

That may be true.

But without him, we wouldn't have known about the security footage, we wouldn't have chased that lead, and we would not have gotten Stafford.

OA, we know that this is complicated for you for many reasons.

You were trying to do your job while trying to protect Vega at the same time.


♪ ♪ You're right.

I was.

Because what we did to Vega wasn't right, okay?

We squeezed him too hard.

We forced him to spy on his friends, his family, religious leaders...

And we didn't even know if they were actually t*rrorists.

We just assume they are or that they might be.


Because of their religion?

Because of their nationality?

That's not okay.

Not anymore.

These guys don't wear masks, Zidan, or have names on the back of their shirts.

They live insular communities protected by friends, relatives, and sometimes religious leaders.

- That's a fact.

- Yeah.

Yeah, that's why we need informants.

We've saved hundreds, maybe thousands of lives doing it this way, so please, don't play the poor, exploited Muslim card.

Okay, 'cause this kid, Vega, he was on his way to Syria until I intervened.

Until I helped him out.

I let him stay here with his cousins and siblings.

I even got him a job.

OA, you know what you have to do, so get it done.

Vega Assad, you're under arrest.

Vega, I have your back.

I'm gonna help you get through all this.

There was nothing that I could do.
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