02x13 - The Missing Q.C.s

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes". Aired: September 1971 to present.*
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Adaptations of British mystery stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's contemporary rivals in the genre.
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02x13 - The Missing Q.C.s

Post by bunniefuu »

[indistinct talking]

Right, sir.

New York to Southampton
via Liverpool.

We have the name
of the passenger.

Now, what are
the cabin requirements?

A single cabin.

Single cabins port
and starboard here, sir.

From midships to stern.

That cabin.
A .

A . Ah.

Now, can I give you
a little advice, sir?

I'd recommend further forward.
That's a bit toward the stern.

You get a bit
of roll there, sir.

I want A .

Well, I really recommend
that you have --

Did you hear me, sir?
I said I want cabin A .

Oh, yes, sir.
You have what you want.

I was only trying to advise.

- MAN: $ . Correct?
-That's right.

[ Foghorn blowing]

[Sea gulls squawking]

In Edwardian times there
lived many detectives

the rivals
of Sherlock Homes.

- Are you arguing with me?
-No, ma'am.

This ship vibrates.
I can't sleep at night.

Probably the reciprocating
engine, ma'am.

- Quite normal.
-"Normal." Rubbish.

I've complained
to Lord Altington,

and perhaps he'll
do me the courtesy

of reciprocating with a more
plausible explanation.

I say, Horrocks.

I hate to mention this, old boy,

but last night I had a bit
of a run-in with my steward.

Wanted a drink.
Not late. Uh, midnight or so.

He seemed reluctant to oblige.

He's looking even surlier today.
Name of, um, Garnett.

Garnett? Uh...


I shall change
your steward to, um...

Masterson, Sir Edward.

I think you will always find him
most obliging.

Good chap.
Spot on.

Good grief, Taylor.

Mrs. Vanrenen's.

Are my eyes deceiving me,

or have you been trundling that
stuff between the baggage room

and her cabin
ever since we left New York?

Eighth load this trip.

There's no room
to swing a cat in there.


[Telephone rings]

Purser's office.
Horrocks speaking.

Yes, sir.

Immediately, sir.

Hold the fort, will you,

Yes, sir.


Captain wants to see you
on the bridge.

I have to see Lord Altington.

Captain's orders
have precedence.

Lord Altington pays my wages.
And yours.

Do me a favor, Clayton.
Say I can't be found.

Do I owe you any favors,


Then I shall tell the captain
that you were more frightened

of Lord Altington's tongue
than his.

Damn you, Clayton.

Purser, I don't know whether
it's yourself or your clothes,

but your appearance
needs smartening up.

Now, do that.
Smarten yourself up.

Oh, damn it, man. Stop fussing.
That's enough.

Now, Mr. Horrocks, in case
it's escaped your notice,

we're breaking two records
on this voyage.

One, we're carrying the largest
consignment of bullion

ever to across
the North Atlantic.

A quarter of a million in gold.

Two, we're making
the fastest-ever

transatlantic crossing.

New York, Liverpool,

So I've heard, my lord.

Eight nights.
We've been at sea four days.

Indications are
the thing's in the bag.

Yes, my lord.

I've received a complaint
from a Mrs. Pallin.

Vibration disturbing her,

- I know about that, my lord.
-Oh, do you, indeed?

Then may I remind you
it's your responsibility

to deal with such complaints.

You explained, of course,

that we were
on a record-breaking run.

No, sir.

I understood you didn't wish
the passengers to know, sir.

I didn't wish them
to be disappointed

if for any reason
we failed to bring it off.

But we're past the halfway mark.

hours in hand.
I have every confidence.

No need to keep it under hatches
any longer.

Very good, my lord.

There are two men on board --
a Mr. Fox and a Mr. Gaylord.

They come from the scrapings
and leavings of our society.

The ill-named
"gentlemen" of the press.

I've seen them, my lord.

They're here
to give our crossing publicity.

Yes, my lord.

You will treat them
with such generous consideration

that they will not do
the dastardly on us

in the unlikely event
that we fail

to reach Southampton
in eight nights.

Yes, my lord.

Get them drunk
and keep them drunk

from here to Southampton docks.

Certainly, my lord.

Lastly, the safety
of the bullion

is your entire responsibility.

I understand that, my lord.

You will double your checks
on the specie room.

Yes, my lord.



Mrs. Vanrenen again?

- Second lot tonight.
-Oh, dear.

I'll go and have a talk
with her.

[Knock on door]

Come in.

- Mrs. Vanrenen?

Oh, uh, allow me
to introduce myself, ma'am.

Ship's purser.

Yes, Mr. Horrocks?

Madam, this cabin is, um,
a little overfull of luggage.

If there was to be a storm,

it might fall
and do you serious injury.

Allow me to explain,
Mr. Horrocks.

For there is an explanation.

You see, my husband died
days ago.

Oh. I offer my humble
condolences, ma'am.

He was American.

When he died, I wanted to return

to the comfort of my family
in England.

- Hence the luggage.
-Yes, ma'am.

All our personal effects.

At the cost of some
inconvenience to the steward,

whom I will reward,

I am now sorting through
everything for the first time.

Discarding this, keeping that.

I quite understand, ma'am.

Well, the task
will soon be completed

and the cabin tidy once more.

I understand you have
the electric telegraph on board.

- Yes, ma'am.
-I have to go to London.

Is it possible to telegraph
for hotel accommodation?

I shall be happy to do that
for you, ma'am.

[ Laughter,
chamber music playing]

Mr. Gaylord, Mr. Fox.

May I introduce myself?
Horrocks. Ship's purser.


Are you the chap who brought
the case of champers?

- Yes, sir.


And as soon as the cogs
need further lubrication,

I'll be happy to send up
another case.

- Oh, delightful.
-Real sport.

And if there's any other service
I can do for you...

Well, as a matter of fact,
there is.

Mr. Fox and I have just
concluded that our brains

are in an accelerating state
of decomposition.

You couldn't possibly write
words of copy

about this
record-breaking attempt?

I'm afraid I'm not very good
at the writing lark, sir.

Nor me.

Trouble is, this kind of record
isn't of any interest to anybody

except the owners of this ship.

Contrary to our editor's quaint,
old-fashioned notions --

Prompted by a handsome drop
from Lord Altington.

Quite so --
Boredom is not news.

So, Horrocks,
come up with something.

How do you mean, sir?

Well, you're carrying a fortune
in gold in your specie room.

Chuck it all overboard.

Then we can write
that it's been lost at sea.

A scoop.
A veritable scoop.

Toot toot.
[ Laughs ]

Or better still,
get somebody to steal it.

I'm afraid it's impossible
to steal it, sir.

On? Why?

Well, the specie room
is impregnable.

And, anyway, how would
you get the stuff ashore?

Excuse me, sir. Could I have
a word with you, please?


Good night, gentlemen.
Enjoy yourselves.

- Good night, old boy.
-Toot toot.

Sorry to bother you, sir, but I
thought I'd better inform you.

I've just walked
through B Deck pantry.

I think you should see
what's going on down there.


- Last card, Mr. Clayton.
-Yes, I know.

Ohh. The curse of Scotland.
of diamonds.

Any use to you?

Oh ho ho.

Um, guineas.

All right, your guineas
and up guineas.

You're bluffing.

Call me.

Another drink?

What's going on here?

Mr. Clayton and I
were just having

a little thrust
at the cards, sir.

Against captain's orders.

But you wouldn't report us, now,
would you, Mr. Horrocks?

How much have you lost, Clayton?

None of your business.
I'll see your guineas.

Have you got it, sir?

I'll add it to my note.

Oh, no, no.
I'm afraid not, sir.

I already have your notes
for £ .

That's quite enough.

Have you the coin
to raise me guineas?

God help you, Clayton.

Lend me guineas,
will you, Horrocks?

I'll pay you back shortly.

I'm sorry.
It's out of the question.

Thank you, Mr. Clayton.

I'll have the £ when we dock
at, uh, Southampton.

And after that,
I'll play you again.


[ Door opens ]

[Door closes]

Does he cheat?

No, he's just skillful.

You can't give him £ .

-£ .

I have
other gambling debts ashore.

- Oh, you must be mad.

God almighty.

If only I could get my hands
on £ ,

I could pay everyone a little,
and that would suffice.

Where are you going to get
a fortune like £ ?

- Well, you could help me.

Oh, come off it, Horrocks.

It was in the Liverpool paper.
Your uncle died.

They printed his will.
He left you £ , .

-It's spent.
-I don't believe you.

- True.
-On what?

I can't tell you,
but it is spent.

Look, I'm not asking for £ .

All I want
is a couple of hundred.

I can pay Mr. Taylor £
and £ to my shore debtors.

I haven't got it.
I really haven't.

I don't believe you.

It's impossible for a man
to spend £ , in a year,

Unless you've got
some secret vices

times more expensive
than mine.

The only money I've got
are my earnings.

And even if I had money,
I wouldn't pay your debts.

Go to the captain.

That's impossible. You know
gambling's not allowed on board.

Tell him everything.

What, and ruin my prospects
for a promotion?

At least he might cancel
your debt with Taylor.

So you refuse to help
a brother officer in need.

I told you,
go and see the captain.

I've a good mind
to k*ll you, Horrocks,

take your keys,
and rob the specie room.

Don't be daft.

Mind my advice, Mr. Clayton.

Good night.


Specie room checked.
Bullion intact.

[Bell ringing]

Well, Mr. Clayton?

I wondered, um...


Do you think we'll make it, sir?

Our owners instruct me
we'll make it.

That's all right in theory,
I suppose.

Lord Altington
is not a theorist.

Our passage will take
eight days,

or many of us
will be looking for a new job.

Do you follow?

Yes, sir.

[Speaking indistinctly]

...and asked him
to come around to my house.

He brought his list of figures,
and I showed him mine,

much as I dictated to you.

Now, the interesting thing was

the disparity of the two lists
was around the region --

- Morning, my lord.
-Get out of my way, Purser.

The difference was about . %.

Good morning, Mr. Horrocks.

Good morning, ma'am.

I've only been on deck
three minutes,

and I feel
quite refreshed already.

- Yeah.

It is a bracing day.
Not too cold.

Was that Lord Altington?

Yes, ma'am.

I'm most impressed --

I've just been looking
at the passenger list.

Two knights and one
peer of the realm on board?

The Town Line
must attract the nobility.

That can be an advantage
and a disadvantage.

Why's that?

You will often find that men
who've received knighthoods

for exceptional services
to their country

are also exceptional
in other directions.

Exceptionally loud,
exceptionally rude,

and exceptionally mean.

[Chuckling ] Oh, come,
Mr. Horrocks.

You're far too amiable a man
to hold such strong opinions.

I've been ticked off
for it before, ma'am.

A purser isn't supposed to
hold opinions of his own.

Why are you different?

Well, I've been a comparatively
short time at sea.


Before that, I was
a shipping clerk in Liverpool.

I'm not so steeped
in the tradition

of the mercantile marine

that I haven't still
a few opinions of my own left.

years is a long time.

Oh, I don't know.

Not if you love the sea
and the service.

My husband loved the sea.
He was a great sailor.

We would go sailing
on the few afternoons

he took away
from his business affairs.

They weren't many.

I fear he overworked.

He was only , Mr. Horrocks.

A terrible tragedy, ma'am.

Forgive me, ma'am.
But you're a young woman.

I'm sure your husband
would have wished you

to have the courage
and fortitude to go forward

and make a new life
for yourself.

You're very kind, Mr. Horrocks.

Thank you, ma'am.

My steward tells me

we're carrying a fortune in gold
on board ship.

True. It's a big responsibility
for me.

Why is that?

Seeing to the safety
of all valuables aboard

is part of my job.


How do you feel
about taking responsibility

for such a fortune?

To tell you the truth,
I'm a little bit worried.

Good evening, Sir Edward.

Uh, g-g-good evening,
uh, Horrocks.

He's a bit of a card,
isn't he, Robbins?

Well, Liverpool tomorrow and all
the usual dockside chaos.

I'm turning in.

- You should do the same.
-Right, sir.

See you in the morning, lad.

- Good night, sir.
-Good night.

[Knock on door]

[Sea gulls squawking]

[ Foghorn blows]

We have many fine restaurants
in Liverpool.

I hope you will find this one
satisfactory -- the Tara Hotel.

Your bill will, of course,
be taken care of.

Oh, jolly good show.
[Clears throat]

Oh, you'll -- you'll find a cab

the other side
of the customshouse.

- Thanks, old boy.
-Liverpool lasses, here we come.

Enjoy yourselves, gentlemen.

Uh, Mr. Horrocks,

this is Mr. Jacobs
of the Royal Northern Bank.

- Oh, how do you do, Mr. Jacobs?
-Mr. Horrocks.

Might I ask how you intend
to transport the gold?

I've a motor vehicle
and three porters on the quay.

We'll take it direct
to Lime Street terminus,

and thence it'll go by rail
to London.


Robbins, get the porters aboard.

Yes, sir.

Meanwhile, we will check
the consignment.

[Door closes]

This way, if you please,
Mr. Jacobs.

If you'll follow me.

[ Foghorn blows]

Now, then.


Six full and six empty.

I regret to say, Mr. Purser,

we've been robbed
of £ , in gold.

And the responsibility, sir,
is yours.

My God.

Ridiculous! Outrageous!
How could it happen?

I don't know, my lord.

And you, Inspector, are stating

there was no forcible entry
of the specie room.

I've examined it
thoroughly, sir.

However, I shall go over it
again, inch by inch.

But there's no doubt in my mind

that entry must have been
through the door with a key.

- Your key, Mr. Horrocks.
-No, my lord.

Is it possible that anyone
could have used your key

to make a wax impression?

It's out of the question.

This key is kept on a chain
'round my neck hours a day.

Which leaves us with
the inevitable conclusion

that you must be the thief.

No, my lord.

If not the actual thief,
then the thief by default.

The responsibility
of the bullion was yours.

My lord, Inspector Trent,

why isn't this ship
being sealed off

and the passengers stopped
from going ashore?

Have you taken leave
of your senses?

If we imprison the passengers,

news of the robbery will get
to the press in no time.

We shall be known as the line
whose vessels anyone can rob,

the Northern Bank the bank
who can't be trusted

to guard the bullion
of its customers.

- Correct, Mr. Jacobs?
-Uh, indeed, my lord.

We sail in three hours.

Inspector, I consider it
your duty to accompany us

to Southampton to continue
your investigations.

Oh, I'm afraid
that won't be possible, sir.

This ship cannot leave Liverpool

until I've completed
my preliminary investigations.

We're on a record-breaking run.
Know what that means?

- I'm sorry about that, sir.
-And I'm sorry about you, sir.

Your chief constables
a very good friend of mine.

- Know what that means?
-Yes, my lord.

So you will make the passage to
Southampton with us. Understood?

Yes, my lord.

- And you, Horrocks.
-Yes, my lord.

You will remain purser
on board this ship

until we dock in Southampton.

Unless the gold and the thief
are discovered by then,

you will be dismissed.

- Yes, my lord.


Oh, Mr. Horrocks.

- Oh. Ma'am.
-What is going on?

Nothing to worry about, ma'am.
Nothing to cause alarm.

Mr. Gaylord says
there's been a robbery.


But he went ashore
two hours ago.

No, I saw him talking
to a steward outside your office

about minutes ago.

Um, I'm sorry, ma'am.
You must excuse me.

Yesterday afternoon.

And he never said
a word about it.

Robbins, have you seen
Mr. Gaylord?

Yes, sir.
He's just gone ashore.


[Chamber music playing]

[indistinct talking]

- Good evening, gentlemen.

Horrocks. You cunning deceiver.
Have a drink.

What are you saying, Mr. Fox?

I went back to the ship.
Forgot my pipe.

Steward told me
some lucky fellow got off

With £ , in gold.

Now, that's a real story.

To hell with
transatlantic records.

Just a rumor.
There's no truth in it.

It's also rumored
that you could have pinched it.

You look as though
you need a drink.

I think I do.

What's your tipple,
Mr. Horrocks?

An extremely large malt.


You, uh -- You wanted me, sir?

I wanted Mr. Horrocks, lad.

Yes, sir.
Well, I've been looking for him.


Well, it seems
he's disappeared, sir.


Well, I think
he's gone ashore, sir.

GAYLORD: Our editors
were absolutely delighted.

Got telegraphs
back from them straightaway,

saying the whole story
had gone straight to press.

Make all tomorrow's
first editions.

Wouldn't surprise me if we
didn't get promotion out of it.

Mm! Deeply indebted to you,
old boy.

Not true.
Not a word of truth in it.

No, of course not.
Cue for another drink.

Isn't that our first officer?

So it is.

- And a comely looker with him.
-His wife.

You think
they'd take a drink with us?

Well, with the Town Steamship
Company paying, why not?

I should promote your offer,

If you will excuse me.


Horrocks, I...

Um, I don't think
you've met my wife, Esther.

- Good evening.
-Good evening.

Well, I would ask you
to join us,

only my wife and myself are
having a private celebration.

Oh. Champagne.

Yes, the finest.

Might I ask
what you're celebrating?

- Why?
-Mm, curiosity.

Well, we're celebrating
my promotion to captain.


Well, it hasn't happened yet,
but I --

I told Esther I'd probably make
captain this trip or the next.

She slightly anticipated events.
Haven't you, darling?

However, I shall be captain
soon enough.

Do start.

Do you know
the specie room's been robbed?

Yes. And you're
in a great deal of hot water.

How very unfortunate for you.


celebration must be costing you
a great deal of money.

Well, what are you getting at?

You're not suggesting
that this was paid for

by robbing the specie room?

I have never wittingly
slandered anybody, sir.

But I must say what I think
if it will further the truth.

Oh, don't give me
a wind, Horrocks.

Get to the point.

It concerns Mr. Clayton, sir.

- I know he --
-Oh, come in. Come in.

Ah, Mr. Horrocks.
I heard you were here.

- Where the devil have you been?
-I went ashore, Inspector.

Yes, and he's apparently
come back with some gossip

you might care to listen to.

Oh? What?

Mr. Clayton, our first officer,

has gambling debts of some £ .

Has he, by Jove?

He tried to borrow money
from me.

I refused him.


He threatened
to rob the specie room.

[ Scoffs ]
Clayton rob the specie room?

Utter nonsense.

I thought so myself
at the time, sir.

But at the moment
he is at the Tara Hotel

spending a large sum of money
on a celebration with his wife.

- Large sum of money.
-Well, what of it?

I can't help wondering
how he came by it, sir.

What do you damn well mean
by that, sir?

Be careful what you say.
There are laws of slander.

Which are second in precedence
to our need to solve this crime.

- Go on, Mr. Horrocks.
-That's all, Inspector.

And not very much.

While we're about it, take a
look at this man, Inspector.

Clayton tells me that,
in months,

you've managed to spend
the entire £ ,

your uncle left you.

Do you wish to comment on that?

I would rather say nothing,

So I wonder what expensive vices
you have, Purser.

And I'd advise you
to go carefully.

Because the fact
of the matter is

that you are still
suspect number one.

It seems
that I am suspect number one.

Impossible, sir.

My orphanage -

You're the only one on this ship
who knows about it.

Yes, sir.

Setting it up used every penny
of my uncle's legacy.

And I need every penny
of my wage to keep it going.

But Lord Altington
expects his pursers

to give their whole existence
to the job.

He'd be furious if he knew
I had another interest

outside his wretched company.

True, sir.

As far as the outside world
is concerned,

I'm just a man who squandered
£ , in months

on some mysterious vice...

...and therefore have
every motive for the robbery.

You are in a predicament, sir.


And I fear I will not find
a solution in this.

[Knock on door]


We've searched two decks.
Nothing so far.

- Wait outside, will you, lad?
-Yes, sir.

Had any thoughts about any other
suspect crew or passengers?

I can't think of anybody,

- Odd.
-How do you mean, "odd"?

I've talked to the barman.

Sir Edward Markham
has run up large bills

which he hasn't paid.

You, as purser, would know this,
of course.

Sir Edward is an honorable man.

And a well-known London rake.
And a bankrupt.

And therefore
a first-class suspect.

I must say he has
been behaving mysteriously.

Has he?

Bring your keys.
We'll search his cabin.


This ship will be sailing
for Southampton in minutes.

The only remaining gangway
is on C Deck, aft.

Will all visitors
please leave immediately?

The only remaining gangway...

- Horrocks.

Good evening, Sir Edward.

...please leave immediately.

- What on earth is going on here?

Good evening, sir.

Inspector Trent.
Liverpool Police.

You presumably know there's been
a bullion robbery on this ship.

I had heard, yes.

We are therefore searching
certain cabins.

Why my cabin, Inspector?

You have been observed
on occasion

creeping about the ship...


...in a suspicious manner
and late at night.

Can you explain?

Oh, that.

Well, the explanation's
quite simple.

We're both men of the world,

- Why don't you ask my maid?
-Your maid?

I think you'll find her
most forthcoming.

Oh, sir --

Mr. Clayton's wife gave me this
letter just before we sailed.

She said I was
to hand it to you personally.

Thank you, Robbins.

"Dear Horrocks, it is true
that I have large debts.

It is true that I made playful
threat to rob the specie room.

It is true that tonight

my wife laid on an expensive
meal at the Tara Hotel.

But this was paid for by money
borrowed from a moneylender."

Listen to this, Robbins.

"On your gossiping tongue, these
facts could prove most damaging,

and I have therefore
decided to stay ashore

until the real villain
of the piece is discovered.

I would earnestly suggest you
make every effort to find him.

For if I end up in jail,
it will be your doing.

And on my solemn word of honor,
I'll k*ll you when I get out.

Yours truly, Godfrey Clayton,
First Officer, RMS Oceanic."

Well, he certainly won't achieve
anything by running away, sir.


When I walked
the boat deck last night,

I heard banging noises
coming from below,

in an area
where the specie room lies.

I thought nothing of it
until these recent events.

Find the villain, Horrocks.

Your life is at stake."

What are you going to do, sir?

The key never left my person.

They couldn't have brought
the gold through the alleyway.

The thief would have been seen.


The answer must be in here.

And Clayton said
a banging noise.

A banging noise.

Banging noise.

[ Clanking ]

[ Thudding ]

That sounds like wood.

It is wood.

TAYLOR: Mr. Horrocks?

Mr. Horrocks?

Taylor, just the man.
Come in here.

- Give me a hand.
-What are you doing, sir?

Knock the -- Knock those
rivets off, will you?

- That's impossible, sir.

- They're solid steel, sir.
-No, no.

They're wood painted
to look like steel.

Go on.
Knock them off.

Very good, sir.

-Well, I'm damned.

Yeah, go on.
Knock them all off.

The bulkhead is steel.

The rivets are wood.

A false bulkhead.

Behind it, the real bulkhead
with a hole cut in it.


Inboard of the specie room
are the ship's water tanks.

No, no.

No, it must be
from above or below.

You stay here, Robbins.
I'll be on the boat deck.

Yes, sir.

[ Foghorn blowing]

Ship's water t*nk
about feet from here.

But where is it filled up?

Water t*nk
immediately below here.

The equipment lowered down here.

No, no, no.
It's too exposed.

No, it's impossible.
Take too long. Bound to be seen.

There has to be another way.

[ Clank ]

My God.

ROBBINS: Mr. Horrocks!
Inspector Trent wants you!

What's going on?

[ Footsteps departing]

Mr. Horrocks.

Oh, my God.
What's happened?

May I remind you, Inspector,

that we dock in Southampton
in four hours?

What progress have you made?

Beyond the fact
that I am now reasonably certain

that the bullion was somehow
got ashore at Liverpool

and that our principal suspect,

First Officer Clayton,
has vanished,

there's no much more we can do

until Mr. Horrocks
returns to consciousness.

Luckily, our Mr. Horrocks
was endowed at birth

with a singularly thick skull.

I have no doubt he'll recover.

I fancy that any statement
he makes

will be vital
to my investigation.

I fancy it will, Inspector.

-[ Knock on door]
-Come in.

Mr. Horrocks' compliments, sir.

He requests you come
to his cabin.

He what?

Well, he thinks he knows how
the specie room was robbed, sir.

Good grief, Purser.
You look appalling.

[ Weakly ]
My lord. Inspector Trent.

Please be seated.

Mr. Horrocks, I trust you are
fit enough to make a statement.

First things first.

I want a telegraph
sent to Mrs. Clayton.

Tell her to come to Southampton.

I have definite proof
her husband is not guilty.

Proof? What proof?

Before anything else,
let me tell you --

the specie room,
how it was robbed.

Never mind how it was robbed.
Who robbed it?

The thieves, two of them,
approached their task thus.

Imagine this box
to be the specie room.

They found a way of
gaining access from the side.

It's impossible!

They cut a hole
in the starboard bulkhead here.

What, with a pair of scissors,
I suppose?

No, my lord --

with that newfangled oxyhydrogen
steel-cutting equipment.


Purser, are you hallucinating?

I don't understand
a word you're saying.

No, my lord.

Having moved --

Having removed a section
of the starboard bulkhead,

they took out the gold.

Then came their diabolical plan.

They brought in --
through the hole, like this --

a new, false section
of bulkhead,

made of steel

but with wooden --
w-wooden riv--

I can't hear you.

False section?
Wooden what?

HORROCKS: [ Groans]

When he's recovered his senses,
call me again.

Yes, sir.

Did you understand any of that?

Something about
a new bulkhead section

brought into the specie room,
disguised with wooden rivets.

- Wooden rivets?

Come on.
We better take a look.

The plan, Robbins.

The plan, lad.

- Sir.
-[ Groans ]

Inboard of the specie room here
are the ship's water t*nk.


HORROCKS: Between the t*nk
and the deck,

a gap of five feet.

A catwalk.

C-Crawl across...

...to the -- to the specie room.

But that's impossible,
Mr. Horrocks.

Mr. Horrocks.

Come along, lad.

We'll take another look
at the specie room.

I can't get a proper statement
out of him

when he's in this condition.



It's the only way of access.

It must have been.

The thieves entered from...

...from cabin...

...A .

They must have done.

No time left.


Cabin A .

[Knock on door]

TRENT: Extraordinary.

But how could anybody
get behind there, sir?

It's impossible.

[ Thudding ]

[Hollow thudding]

[Water bubbling]

- Look.
-What's that, sir?

Scorch marks on the metal.

It looks as though this edge
has been cut recently.

Oxyhydrogen cutting equipment.
Mr. Horrocks was right.

- Go fetch the plan.
-Yes, sir.


Mr. Horrocks has gone, sir.

- What?

Well, don't stand there!
Go and find him!

HORROCKS: Hello, there!

The specie room!

Anybody in the specie room?

Mr. Horrocks.
It can't be.

- HORROCKS: Stand back.
-it is.

Mr. Horrocks!

Stand back!

[ Clangs

[ Grunts ]

Mr. Horrocks.

That's how it was done,

So I see.

But -- But who did it?

Who did it?

- Taylor, for one.

He was the one
responsible for this.

He also happens to be

the steward responsible
for cabin number .

What's that got to do with it?

You'll see.

Robbins, go to the --
to the Royal Bar.

There's a whist drive on there.

More than likely, the occupant
of cabin will be there.

- Yes, sir, but I --
-Use any excuse you like.

But get the said occupant
back to the cabin.

I'll be waiting.

Yes, sir.

If it's not asking too much,
who is the said occupant?

One thing at a time, Inspector.

I can't have you arresting
anybody on such a serious charge

unless you're absolutely certain
of their guilt.

I will try to extract
a confession.

Meanwhile, you will be listening
outside the door.

[indistinct talking]

I Laughter]

- Shh!
-[ Clears throat]

[ Door opens ]

Mr. Horrocks.
What are you doing here?

Good evening, ma'am.

What has happened to you?

A misfortune, ma'am.
Happily nothing too serious.

You look terribly ill.

Sit down.

Thank you, ma'am.

When did this happen?
Have you seen the ship's doctor?

Yes, ma'am.

Surely you should be in bed.

I'm afraid that's impossible.
I have unfinished business.

- Then I will rest.
-What can I do for you?

A small matter.

Just in case you should ever
happen to travel with us again,

we like to know as much
as we can about our passengers.


For instance,
you say you are a widow.


But I believe you are
not a widow, Mrs. Vanrenen.

I think you are an actress.

I don't follow.

Being a widow
was a clever excuse

to explain away the
extraordinary amount of luggage

you found it necessary
to keep in your cabin.

I don't understand.

It's quite simple, ma'am.

In collusion
with the steward Taylor,

you booked a specific cabin
on this ship.

This one.
Cabin A .


Those trunks were supposed to
contain your personal effects.

In fact, they contained,
amongst other things,

steel-cutting equipment.

Cutting equipment?

When this ship docked
at Liverpool,

the oxyhydrogen cylinders,
the damaged piece of bulkhead,

and the gold went ashore
in those trunks

as the household effects
of an apparently harmless widow.

Leave this cabin at once, sir!

Which way, ma'am?

Through the door?

Or this way?

Through the exit so ingeniously
made by Mr. Taylor?

[ Gasps

Oh, yes, we realize
you couldn't have

brought this off single-handed.

The sheer weight
of the equipment involved --

to say nothing
of the technical skill --

required someone
of unusual strength

and exceptional craftsmanship.

Taylor suited
your requirements exactly.

Well, ma'am?

So, Mr. Horrocks,
you've had your say.

Now I'll have mine.

The existence of that panel
is a complete surprise to me.

You have not one shred
of evidence against me.

And I deny absolutely
any knowledge

of what you've just told me.

I assumed you'd say that, ma'am.

Unhappily for you, however,

Mr. Taylor
has already confessed.

- What?
-He told me everything.

- Oh, no, he'd never turn --
-Against you?

I fear he has.

[Crying ] Oh, my God.

Might I suggest
you turn King's evidence, ma'am?

Admit your guilt and give
evidence against Taylor?

You do admit it, don't you?

How can I deny it?

Did you hear everything,


Get some rest, Mr. Horrocks.
You've earned it.

Mrs. Vanrenen, I must ask you
to make a statement.

Come along, sir.

Good day, ma'am.

[ Crying

Quite unforgivable.

What's that, sir?

I tricked her, lad.

A terrible thing to do.

What, Taylor's confession,
you mean?

I thought that was
damn clever of you, sir.

It was the only way.

How could she do it, Robbins?

How could she do it?

Don't know, sir.

Gosh, sir, Lord Altington will
be pleased to hear about this.

Let me list your crimes, Purser.

One, never mind the fact
that the gold will be recovered.

It should never have been stolen
in the first place.

Your responsibility.

Two, you pointed an accusing
finger at a first officer

who I've now had to promote

in order to avoid
being sued for slander.

Three, I employ you
to give your total energies

to your work with my firm,

and it turns out you divide
your time between the Town Line

and some backwoods orphanage.

- How did you know that, my lord?
-Oh, yes, I know all about that.

Amongst other things,
I'm on the board

of the Charity Commissioners.

- Did you know that?
-No, my lord.

You should make it your business
to know such things.

Yes, my lord.

All of which argues
a degree of ignorance

and incompetence on your part,

for which any rational employer
would be fully justified

in dismissing you immediately,

Yes, my lord.

Well, now, it seems
that despite all the odds

we shall have broken the
transatlantic record after all.

So you catch me
in generous mood.

I'll merely demote you
to one of my smaller ships.

The RMS Bombay.

I trust you'll wake up
your ideas

and in future
carry out your duties

in a more correct
and efficient manner.

You may go.


Give this
to your wretched orphans.

[ Clinking ]

Thank you, my lord.

[ Foghorn blows]

Ah, Clayton.

Oh, Horrocks.

Kindly address me as "Captain,"
would you, please?

Oh, may I congratulate you, sir.
Have you a ship?

A new command, a new ship.

And where do you think
we're off to now?

I've no idea, sir.

We're going to join
Lord Altington for dinner.

You should enjoy that.

Bon appétit.

Let me tell you something,

I shall never, never tolerate
a purser like you

aboard any ship that I command.

Might I ask the name
of your ship, Captain?

Yes, it's not the largest
in the Town Line,

but it's a fine vessel --
the RMS Bombay.

- Bombay?

Well, I'm sure the Town Line
will find you

the best purser available,

Oh, yes.
I'm sure they will.

Good night to you, Captain.

Goodbye to you, Mr. Horrocks.

[ Chuckles ]
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