01x02 - Chariots of w*r

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Xena: Warrior Princess". Aired: September 1995 to June 2001.*
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Xena helps people free themselves against injustices.
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01x02 - Chariots of w*r

Post by bunniefuu »

And so, Zeus, in his appreciation,
turned the two lovers into oak trees.

And then do you know
what happened?

Somebody built
a boat out of them?

No. Their branches intertwined,
and they spent the rest of their days

in each other's embrace.

What's the point?

Come on, Xena.

I believe everyone

will find their tree in the forest
someday..., even you.

I find the strongest trees
in the forest stand alone.

You don't have to be strong
all the time, Xena.

Sometimes it's good for the soul
to be soft.

Oh, yeah. Look,
I'm gonna ride up ahead

and see if we can ford
the Meleatus River.

Otherwise, we'll have
to double back two days.

Let's find some place
you can wait for me.

- What's wrong with this place?
- Hello, beautiful.

Another place sounds good.

Come on, blondie,
tell me a story.


- Don't forget about me.
- I won't. Yah!

Hang on! A little more.

All right!

- Ow!
- Are you all right?

Hold the peg like this. See?
And you won't hit your hand.

- Dad?
- What?

How come those riders
destroyed Tynus' barn?

Does that mean
we're going back to Troy?


No, no matter what happens,
this is our home now.

Told you!

- Darius?
- What?

How's it coming
with the little carpenters?

Oh, don't you worry.
We'll have your barn up in no time.


Sarita, come on. Let's go cut
some more boards.

What is it, Sarita?

You know, there's nothing there,

- You got it?
- Yes!

What is it this time?


Take cover!

- Argolis, where's your brother?
- I don't know.

Go, go, go.



Thank you.

- Who are you?
- A friend.

Archers! Fire!

In the time of ancient gods,


and kings,

a land in turmoil
cried out for a hero.

She was Xena,

a mighty princess
forged in the heat of battle.

The power.

The passion.

The danger.

Her courage
will change the world.


I'll take these.

- No, I need them.
- Not here.

Not in my house.

I've never done this before.

It's all right, I have.

Put a poker in the fire.


Everyone, out. Out!

- Do we have to?
- Yes.

We always miss
everything good.

So, who was I fighting
back there?

They were the men of Cycnus...,
a w*rlord.

He's laid claim
to our lands.

Looks like he was doing
more than that.

The arrow didn't pass through.


No, it's bad.
You'll have to push it through.

I don't think
I can do that.

Do it.

Now break the arrow head.

Pull out the shaft.

Oh, thank the gods that's over.

Not quite; get the poker.

W-W-Wait, uh...
You're not gonna... just...?

Leave us.

Hello, Father.

You're growing more powerful,
my son.

Ares will be pleased.

My warrior education
is complete.

I'm ready to take your place.

Nah, there's still something
missing: the desire to k*ll.

You're wrong. Today I k*lled
a great warrior in the valley.


She fell before
I could ask her name.

A woman? You think that
would impress the god of w*r?

- But she was a...
- The honor of keeping Ares' horses

falls to the mightiest warrior.

He will not choose you
merely because you're my son.

- You must prove yourself worthy.
- I am.

Yeah? Why haven't you conquered
this valley yet?

These farmers dishonor the god
of w*r with their peaceful ways.

Strike them down.
If your brother Stentor were alive...

I am not my brother.

Everytime I see you in battle,
I'm reminded of that.

Now..., am I worthy of Ares?


Did you see the way
she bashed up those guys?

Zing! Pow!

Do you think she's gonna die,

If she does...,
I get her horse.

- Do not.
- Do to.

I'm the eldest. Besides,
you're too little to ride.

- Am not.
- Are too.

I don't know what you guys
are arguing about...,

it'll take more than an arrow
to get rid of me.

Father, she's awake,
she's awake!


I'm sure she'll be here
any minute.

She's very dependable.

Of course..., she also takes
a lot of risks.

You gonna have a drink or not?

Yes, thanks.

- It's not a gift.
- What?

Oh. Huh. I have money.

I'm not a big drinker.

Do you have any water?

You have
a very nice establishment.

How late are you open?


So this giant had me trapped
in a boxed canyon.

Did he try to step on you?

Yeah, sure he tried,
but I was ready for him.

I jammed this big...

Um, feather...

You mean, you tickled
his foot with a feather?

Well, not just a feather.

See, you gotta remember
these guys have really big feet.

I had to use the whole goose.

- You got an exciting life.
- Do you travel with your family?

- I don't have a family.
- I wish I could ride with you.

No, you don't. The road is
a hard place to live.

Not knowing where you'll sleep,
what you'll eat...

I don't often share a meal
with such good company.

Neither do we.

- Hey. What's your name?
- She doesn't talk.

- No?
- Not since we lost her mother.


We have to talk.

Why is that woman still here?

She's not one of us, Darius.
She fights.

You've seen that with your own eyes.
Her kind make enemies.

- She'll have to leave your home.
- No, she saved my son.

She's a guest in my home
until she's well.

There's talk, Darius.

Your house has been without a woman
for a long time,

but... but this is not the answer.

By keeping her here,
you break your oath.

What oath have I broken, Tynus?

To live only for peace.

To care for a wounded woman
is not an act of w*r.

She lied to you.

Other people have heard
of this woman. She's no warrior.

She's a m*rder*r, a k*ller.

As soon as she's able
to ride, she'll leave.


You know, I hope, for your sake,
she recovers quickly.

You can't be thinking of leaving
in your condition.

I left a friend back in the last
village. She depends on me.

Your friend can take care of herself
for a few days.

You need more rest.

- Look, if what Tynus said is...
- What Tynus said is true.

I've done some horrible things
in my past.

Your past is your past.

The Xena I know risked her life
to save my son.

That's who I let
into my home.

And I appreciate it,
but it's time for me to move on.

It's all right.

Are you so brave that you fear
someone caring for you?

- What's that?
- Trouble.

The silo! Our food!

It's a bit early
for a celebration.

Can I have some water,

Let me buy you
a mug of ale.

But then you'll owe me.

How generous.

Of course I have to decline.
What would people think?

I mean, me, a...
a young, innocent girl...

taking gifts
from a swarthy stranger?

Hmm. The gossip alone
would send this town reeling.

Is that "yes"?

Well, not in the customary sense
of the word.

But maybe you could help me.
I'm looking for a friend of mine.

- I can be your friend.
- I'm serious.

And you'd better back off
before I find her.

It's Xena.

- The Warrior Princess?
- Yeah.

Well, I like it.
I could be a friend to both of you.

And I'm looking for my boyfriend.

Big, strong, jealous type. Huh.

And there he is now. Hmm.

He's resting...

after polishing his giant,
lethal sword collection.

He's not your boyfriend.

- Oh, you don't think so?
- No, I don't.

- Pretend you know me?
- Uh... No problem.

What are you doing?

- Where are my weapons?
- We don't need you to fight.

Who else, Darius?
Someone has to stop them.

No, I meant
we don't want you to fight.

Tynus just told me, they're
giving us a peace offer.

We're meeting them
in town.

Is burning the silo
a peace offer?

Don't be foolish; Cycnus
only respects power.

Xena, I went to w*r once.

I went to w*r.

I lost everything
I was fighting for.

I am sorry...,

but you can't make peace
with warmakers.

I know these people, Darius,
I was these people.

But Xena, something changed you.
Maybe we can change them.

Can't you see that this is our last
hope before bloodshed?

It's worth a try, isn't it?

For the sake of peace.

So, uh, how long've we
been seeing each other, ah...?


And you fell madly in love with me
the moment we met.

Well, it's no wonder. The...

way you kiss.

Uh... What brings you
to this place?

Ah... I'm looking for my best
friend. Maybe you've seen her?

Six feet tall, dark hair,
lots of leather.

She fights like the harpies
in a bad mood.

Her name's Xena.

Uh... No. Uh... Sorry.

And this friend of yours,
you were... you were close?

Are you kidding? Like this.

I don't know
what I'm worried about.

If anyone can take care of herself,
it's Xena.

So, what do you do?

I, uh... I work for my father.

I took over for my brother
after he died in battle.


he makes me do things
I never thought I would.

Things I regret.

Hmm. I can understand that.

My mother always wanted me
to get married and have kids.

And I remember... telling her

that I'd always be grateful
for the way that she raised me...,

but she couldn't expect me
to pay for that with my future.

That's, uh...
That's very insightful.

It's a gift. Anyway,

I came to a point in my life
where I had to make a choice.

And I thought about who
I really was..., and I made it.

Well, look, uh...
I-I gotta go.

Um... Maybe I'll see you around

I'm ready.



I just don't think
that you should wear...

this... to the meeting.

Well, I don't have anything else.

Come with me.

Come on.

This should fit you.

I've never worn
anything like this before.

It belonged to my wife.

I couldn't. It wouldn't be right.

Well, it's either this
or the warrior outfit.

I... just don't think the settlers
will react very well to that.

Well, I don't think a dress is gonna
change their attitude toward me.

Ah, you'd be surprised
by the power of this dress.

She was wearing it
the first time I saw her.

Even more reason
why I shouldn't wear it.

I don't wanna spoil
a beautiful memory.

Xena..., my wife's memory
lives on in my heart.

I want you to wear it.

You called for me, Father?

I've made things easy for you,

How's that?

I've arranged a meeting

to talk peace
with these simple farmers.

You mean it? We're gonna have
a council of peace?

And I want you to go
to the meeting and talk to them.

Definitely. Uh...
Everything can be worked out.

And k*ll them all.

Make me proud of you,
my son.

Make Ares proud, huh?

Make sure he kills them all.

- Dad,
- Hmm?

since we're meeting the men
who burned our grain,

does that mean we're friends
with them now?

Not quite.

But still we're hoping for peace...,
and maybe friendship.

It might require a sacrifice,
so we've decided to give them Lykus.

- What?!
- Hey. Argolis!

Don't taunt your brother.

But it's so much fun.


it looks like we're ready
to go to the meeting.

Uh... While we wait
for the others to arrive...,

I'd... like to say how...
how happy I am

we're going to be able to... settle
this issue once and for all.

Now you see? I told you
we could trust them.

- What's she doing here?
- I invited her.

We need peace-makers,
not warriors.

- She could ruin everything.
- I thought that...

It's all right.

I'll wait back here.

Uh, the v*olence in our valley
is unnecessary.

We have to learn
to live together.

I'm... I'm so glad we can...
meet like this and...

- talk over our differences.
- I think this is gonna work.

My father has a... a solution.

And it's... it's my job
to present it to you.

We know you came here
from Troy,

and are tired
of the scourge of w*r.

We are tired too.

We want peace
just as you do, but [...]


We... We need to keep
communications open.

It's the only way
we can find a solution.

I hope we can all
agree on that.

I told you she'd ruin everything!

Everybody out!

- After them!
- No. Let them go.

Why couldn't you
just stay out of it?

Darius, those men were
waiting there to slaughter you.

Do you really think
you could've made peace with them?

- Well, I guess I'll never know.
- Don't run;

sometimes you have to stand
and fight.

Do you think I like running?

Part of me would love
to pick up a sword.

But I have seen the pain
that w*r brings.

I can't do that again.

Your suffering will not be eased

by letting men like Cycnus
crush the innocent.

Xena, I need to take
my children to safety.

It's what I have to do.

Where're you goin'?

To do what I have to do.

The warrior woman defies me
and still lives.

You failed.
k*ll you right now.

- No. No, it wasn't his fault.
- Then whose fault was it?!

Mine. I-I didn't give
the signal in time,

and I ordered them
not to give chase.

- Why?
- I-I couldn't bring myself

to m*rder those helpless people.

My son, the coward.

You disgrace the memory
of your brother.

Are you gonna fight Cycnus?

If it comes to that.

You can't go;
they'll hurt you.


It's something to eat.


You can still change your mind,
you know?

I wish I could.

Take care.

Thank you.

Please, ex-excuse this intrusion.

I've come to assure you...

that we were in no way responsible
for the disruption of the meeting.

It was Xena.


She-She's not part
of our community.

We want nothing but peace.


Yes, and peace you shall have
very soon.

All your people.

Eternal peace.

Now go back to your flock
and await the slaughter.


- Prepare my chariot.
- No... No, wait!

Where are you going?

To do what you should've done,
to k*ll the warrior woman.

Ah, she's just passing through
the land.

I mean, there's no reason
to k*ll her.

The warrior woman is Xena,
a curse on our family.

She k*lled your brother.

But... my brother fell in battle
near Corinth.

Your brother was m*rder*d
by Xena.

Like a coward, she k*lled him
when his back was turned.

I'm going with you.

Let me avenge
the death of my brother.

How I've longed to see
that fire in your eyes.

It's time for Xena to die.

Xena! It's me!

Where have you been? I've been
looking all over for you.

I ran into a little trouble.

You? Trouble?
That's a surprise?

You couldn't send a messenger?
I was worried sick!

I'm sorry.

Did you just apologize?

There's a farmhouse
down the road; nice people.

I want you to wait for me there.

Where are you going?

No, no. No...
I'm not waiting around

while you have all the fun.
Now, come on.

You going to just stand there
all day?

I think I might have found
my tree in the forest.

He was cute, in sort
of a... a rugged, outdoorsy way.

At least I thought so.

things were going fine

until we started
talking about his father.

And then he just... gets up
and leaves.

Well, now I have no way
of finding this guy again.

What if I'm supposed
to intertwine with him and have kids?

Now I'll wind up some lonely,
pathetic woman like...

Never mind.

You haven't heard
a word I said.

Xena, what is it?

- Get on the horse.
- No, no, no. I...

I want to help you.

You can help
by getting on the horse.

I need someone
to distract them.

I'm not very good
at this horse thing.

Just head downstream
and don't stop!


Come on! Come on!

Go! Go!


- Yah!
- Xena, which way?!

Yah! Faster!


Never mind, this way!

Yah! Yah!

Faster! Yah!

Hold on, Gabrielle!

Xena, I'm gonna fall!


Hold on, I'm coming!


Are you crazy?!


If I die,
I'll never talk to you again!

Jump, Gabrielle, come on!


You call that a jump?!

No, it was a frantic leap!

Best I could do!

Hold the reins.

I've lost my chakram!

Is that supposed to be funny?!


That's your overbearing father?!

Stay outta my way!

Don't tell me that's him.

'Fraid so.

Remind me to talk to you sometime
about your taste in men.

Xena..., I've waited a long time
for this moment.

- Have we ever met?
- It was the battle of Corinth.

You k*lled my son.
You remember the name Stentor?


- He died trying to make peace.
- Not true.

He was a brave warrior,
and you stabbed him in the back!

He came to me under a banner
of peace; his own men k*lled him!

You'll pay for that foul lie.

What are you waiting for?!
k*ll her!

No! This is it, Sphaerus.

This is your moment of choice.

Father! Enough!

- The k*lling stops here!
- Get out of my way!

No. No one else has to die.

You're wrong.

At least one more has to die,

and if it has to be
my cowardly son, so be it.

Peace is an illusion, coward.

There's only w*r!...

death!... victory and vanquish.

There's no compromise!

Give up! You can't defeat me.


No. You're right.

I can't.

But I can still win.

I'm not gonna fight anymore,

- Here.
- My brother died for peace.

I'm no better or worse than he.

I should've done this
long ago.

If you had done this...,

I would've died proud.

Call your people together again.

No tricks.

We will have peace.

Hey, stranger.


I, uh...,

understand you're leaving.


I wanted to say to you that...

Well, that...

I really don't know
what to say to you.

Y-You know, you did
a... a wonderful thing today.

You saved a lot of people.

I know he was a terrible man.

But he was my father.

Do you remember what I said
about making a choice?

I don't have any regrets.

I have to go.




No problem.

To prosperity!

To the future!


Can I talk to you?

I may...

I may have been guilty
of a misjudgment.

Not that we agree
with your methods...

You're welcome.

And don't worry, I'm leaving.


Xena. Xena!

You can't leave.

I have to.

Who's gonna teach Lykus
how to ride?

I can so ride!

Can not!

You guys will be just fine.

What's wrong?


Dad, she spoke!

Daddy, I want Xena to stay.

I wish I could.

Why can't you, Xena?

- Don't you like us?
- Of course she likes us.

Uh... Now, kids, go.

I have to talk to Xena
for a moment.

So, what have we got
to talk about?

I know words
really don't mean too much.

But all I can say
is I have a home.

I have a family.

There's no reason you
can't have those things too.

One day, maybe.

The strange thing is,
I have never thought

about having any of these things
until now.

I hope you find your happiness.

I did.

I just have to leave it
for a while.

Are you all right?

Yeah, fine.

Do you ever miss
your family?


But not as much
when I'm with you.

So, do you want me to drive?

Not on your life.
Not on my life.

- Hey.
- Hmm.

You sure
you don't want to ride?

Not till they make those things
closer to the ground.

I learned something
really important today.

That you can find goodness
in unlikely places?


And that I really, really hate
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