01x03 - Dreamworker

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Xena: Warrior Princess". Aired: September 1995 to June 2001.*
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Xena helps people free themselves against injustices.
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01x03 - Dreamworker

Post by bunniefuu »

You think you're man enough
to test my blade?

Do you?
Your type are all cowards!

I've met and defeated
tens of hundreds of your type!

So come on.
Make your move.

Or are you waiting for me to make
the first move?

First mistake?

Well, that's your first mistake;
waiting for my mistake.

'Cause I don't make mistakes!

Ha! Let that be a lesson to you.

- Are you finished with my sword?
- Don't do that!

- This is not a plaything.
- I said I'd get some wood.

I didn't say
how I was going to get it.

You're lucky the tree was unarmed.
You could've been hurt.

Maybe I wouldn't if someone
would teach me how to use it.


You know, doesn't it make
more sense

that I should learn
how to defend myself?

I think it makes more sense.

Don't confuse defending yourself
with using a w*apon.

When you pull a sword,
you have to be ready to k*ll.

- You don't think I know that?
- No, I don't think you do.

People are too quick
to go for their sword.

It should always be
the last resort.

I don't want to learn to k*ll,
I want to learn to survive.

All right.
The rules of survival.

Number one:
if you can run, run.

Number two: if you can't run,
surrender and then run.

Number three: if you're outnumbered,
let them fight each other,

while you run.

- Number four...
- Wait.

- More running?
- No.

Four is where you talk your way out
of it, and I know you can do that.

It's wisdom before weapons,

The moment you pick up
a sword, you become a target.

And the moment you k*ll...

The moment you k*ll...

Everything changes.

What is it?

- Sweetie...
- Trouble.

Easy pickings.

Is this the "run" part?

Not yet, but just be ready.

Nice day, isn't it?

That depends on you.
What do you want?

Oh, we're but poor men

trying to scrape an existence
in this evil world.

Every now and then we ask
for a little something from travelers...

like your horse,
your gold,

or any jewelry
you might be carrying.

And I think I'll have
that fancy sword of yours too.

Now, all things considered, I think
a surrender would be a good start.

I accept.
Gabrielle, take their weapons.

- Get them!
- Come on!


Get the little one!
She's got a sword!

k*ll her quick!

I know this sword. Only
one person carries a sword like this.

- You're Xena, aren't you?!
- Do you really wanna find out?

My reputation is going to soar!

- Run!
- Run for it!

- Come on!
- Let's get out of here!

Very good.

Did you notice the young one?

She has a fire about her.

And yet she didn't stain herself
with blood.

Morpheus'll be pleased.

Yes, she's the one.
She's perfect.

In the time of ancient gods,


and kings,

a land in turmoil
cried out for a hero.

She was Xena,

a mighty princess
forged in the heat of battle.

The power.

The passion.

The danger.

Her courage
will change the world.


I still can't believe it.

They came right for me
when I picked up the sword.

Maybe they thought
you were a threat.

You're waiting for the right moment
to say "I told you so", aren't you?


I'm waiting for you
to say it for me.

I don't know what I was thinking.
Maybe something like...

"Xena needs my help" or...

"I wonder if I could take
some of the heat off Xena."

In both cases, no.

I'm gonna pick up
some more salt pork.

I'll meet you back here
in a few minutes.



Is that your friend?

- Yeah, why?
- Oh, no reason.

Just strangers in town, is all.

What can I do for you?

I need a sharpening stone
and some oil.

Who do I report
a dead highwayman to?


Your friend... didn't k*ll him,
did she?

- No.
- Oh. Well, that's good.

What difference does it make
who k*lled him?

Hey! Elkton!
Get outta here!

I... I know, I'm sorry.
I-I wouldn't've come, but...

- but my horse has lost his halter.
- Out! Now!

Please. I can't guide him
very well with just a rope.

I'm warning you, old man...,
leave. A-A-And don't come back!

Why don't you just sell the man
a halter?

Because I don't do business
with his kind.

- But I'm not a mystic anymore!
- A gryphon can't change its feathers.

Mystic, ex-mystic, it's
all the same! Go on, out!

I'm no... mystic!

Sure that looked cruel,
but, uh...,

he's one of them.

So, it was a sharpening stone,

No, I've changed my mind.

I need a halter
for my horse.

- Hey! What are you doing here?
- Aren't you open?

Well, of course I'm open,
young lady, but...

what are you doing in town?
You're supposed to be off

by the water's edge
until after the Solstice.

Unless you've got no reason
to fear Morpheus.

Morpheus? God of dreams?
Now, why would I fear him?

Ah. You must be experienced

Yeah! I mean,
I've had experiences.

- Are you always this nosey?
- I should have known,

otherwise, why would you be
in my shop?

Looking to replace your arms?

Lose your w*apon of choice
in a battle, did you?

Yeah, right!
Big battle!

You don't look like a fighter.
Sure, that's your strength.

Like the beautiful seed hidden
in an eagle's dung.

Nice image. Mmm.

Ah! Now let me see
what I can show you. Ah.

The steel..., it's from the Albanian
mines of Iskander Beg.

It's the most beautiful sword
I've ever seen.

And... Oh! Believe me,
I've handled plenty.

Um... But, um..., maybe
something more... petite.

Ah. Well, let me see
what's over here.

- Oh, how cute.
- It's a breast dagger.

Oh... You mean, it's designed
to pierce the breast

- into the heart of your enemy.
- No..., not quite.

Oh. A breast dagger.
Yeah, I like it.

Yeah. Yeah.

Get out of town, mystic.

It-It's a halter!
Who did this?! Who?!

Thank you! Thank you.

Did you get
your sharpening stone?


What's the matter with you?

What do you mean?

I don't know,
you just seem... bigger.

Oh. Hmm! No, I'm not. It's just this
mountain air. I feel motivated.

You didn't find a sorcerer
to enhance your motives, did you?

Would you get over it?

Wow! Look at you look at that?!

I wonder what else is
in these clothes.

They're hand-me-downs,
you know?

I know.
Wisdom before weapons.

I'll keep this for the time being.

Ha! It's not like your breasts
aren't dangerous enough.

That was a joke.
You can laugh.

What's going on?

Get on the horse.



They took her.
Where are they?!

They're probably at the... fortress
of Morpheus by now. It's the Solstice.

The.. mystics need
a young maiden.

We normally send
our young girls away.

- I thought you knew.
- No.

Your eyes practically lit up
when you saw us come into town.

What are they going to do
to her?!

By the gods, you're strong!

Every Solstice..., the mystics
come down from the mountain

and they take a young girl.
We never see them again.

That blind man...,

- he was a mystic.
- Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah, go and see him!
If you dare.

Soon, my lord Morpheus.

I think you will be pleased
with your bride...

as soon as she proves herself

Let me out of here. Believe me,
you are in big trouble!

My child, I understand
your confusion.

But take heart.
You are being honored today.

Okay. Keep talking.

You have been selected
to be the bride of Morpheus.

Bride? Morpheus?
No, you've got the wrong girl.

Take my word for it.
I'm not the wifely type. I...

Well, I sleep late; I don't know
a lick about housework.

And children?! I mean, look
at these hipbones. No way.

None of that matters
to Morpheus.

Really? Well, what does matter?
I've got lots of faults.

You're to go through
a series of challenges

against worthy opponents.
If you survive,

you will become
the honored wife of Morpheus.

If not, you'll have been sacrificed
in the name...

Wait a minute. Back up to that
"if you survive" part for a moment.

The challenges will not be easy.

And each one will be
a fight to the death.

Who's there?

I'm not as blind
as you think I am.

I have senses you can't
conceive of! Come on, speak up!

- I'm not here to harm you.
- That voice...

You were in the store today.
You bought me that halter.

I want to know
about the mystics.

They're evil.

A perverted cult that worships
the dark brother of the dreams gods.

I know all about them.

I was a mystic once...,
back when the order was good.

But why do you ask?

And who are you?

My name is Xena.

They took my friend,
and I'm going to get her back.

She's been chosen
as Morpheus' bride.

She's going to lose
her blood innocence.

Blood innocence?

Your friend
has never k*lled anyone.

She will go through
a series of challenges.

She will be tricked into k*lling
to survive.

As soon as she does that...,
she will be sacrificed.

You know
where this fortress is.

Take me there.

It's no good.
It-It's hidden in the mountains

and well protected
by an army of warriors.

It would take you months...,

to fight your way in.

By then,
your friend will be dead.

Unless you're the one.

In a dream vision,
I... I saw a warrior

who could travel the Dream
Passage and defeat Morpheus.

You must be the one.

A woman with a dark past.
Strong and brave.

I'm the one.

The world of dreams is made
of many passages.

It is possible to follow one
from one location to another.

Essentially, you bypass
the physical world.

What can I expect?

Everything in the dreamscape
comes from your own mind.

Once in, Morpheus will know
everything that you know.

He will use that
to try and stop you.

Drink this... and lay back.

This is N'Kama oil.

The instant your soul
enters the Dream Passage,

your body begins to lose
its life fluids.

N'Kama oil...
will give you more time.

- How much time is that?
- Just a few hours at best.

You must find
the exit door

at the other end
of the Dream Passage.

Once you pass through it, your
body will reunite with your soul.

If not...

the body dies.

Until then, I will guard it.

Don't worry...,
I'm a gentleman.

This... is the fire of dreams!

This... is the key.

Morpheus knows
what we're up to.

Listen to me carefully, Xena.

He will try to use your own mind
against you.

If you can defeat him there,
you'll win. Don't be obvious.

Remember, this is
your dream passage.

The gods... be with you.

[...] Xena! Xena! Xena!

Xena! We've been waiting for you,
our queen!

Our brilliant commander!
We've taken another town!

They're all dead as you wished!
Every one of them!

As you ordered!

I left all this behind me!

You can't change who you are!

And you are a warrior.
To be feared and obeyed.

- And those that don't...
- ...die!

[...] Xena! Xena! Xena! Xena! Xena!


Do you know me, Warrior Queen?

Should I?

This was my village.
All gone now.

Your people came
and wiped it out...,

and me, as you commanded.
Did you know I had a name?

- I didn't do this.
- My name is Mesmer.

- My wife's name...
- I'm sorry. I..

Sorry to know my name?

Oh, that's right.
Your victims were always faceless.

You never knew much about them,
did you? Or cared.

I am Baruch.

I had two brothers..., one fifteen
and the other twenty.

They were k*lled too.
Do you wanna know their names?

- No, I left this behind me.
- Septim and Valius.

I am Dolas. My brother and I
were the first to die.

His name was Linius.

Stand back!

- We're not crowding you, Xena.
- It's the weight of your conscience.

You can end this, Xena.
You can end it... easily.

k*ll us. You know how.
Take the sword.

Septim. Valius. Septim.

I won't do it!

It's a trick!
You're trying to slow me down!

You're using the past
of a Xena long dead!

I'm not her anymore!!!

The innocent has a friend who
has entered the Dreamscape Passage.

This is Elkton's work. Find him
and you will find her body.

Morpheus wants them both to die.

No, no!
It's happening too fast!

Morpheus is draining your life
quicker than I expected.

You... You must hurry, Xena!
You must hurry!

We must flee!

- The first challenge awaits you.
- First challenge?

How many of these challenges
are there?

Enough for our lord, Morpheus,
to make an estimation of your worth.

So... if I get through this,
then you'll let me go?

By the grace of our lord, Morpheus,
of course.

"Of course"...

- What's this for?
- You want to win, don't you?

Find your way
to the other end, innocent.

There'll be two men trying
to stop you. Stop them first.

If you're outnumbered,
let them fight each other.

Very good, innocent.

I had thought
you would have k*lled...,

but you didn't.

Rest now. Morpheus requires
a second challenge soon.

They're going to sacrifice me.

They're going to sacrifice me not.

They're going to sacrifice me.

They're not going to sacrifice you.

- Xena!
- Wait.

I don't know
if you're real or not.

You don't know if I'm real?

This is my dream.
I'm the only one who is real.

Tell me something about you
I don't know.

How's that going to prove

Morpheus can guess anything
I know.

Tell me something about you
I don't know.

Very well. All right.

N-Nobody but my mother
knows this.

I had six toes on my right foot
when I was born.

Don't look!
It's gone now!

It must be you.

Yeah, it must be you.

Morpheus would've used something
vaguely familiar to me.

My dreamscape passage
and your dream must be overlapping.

- Nice outfit.
- Yeah.

- Are you all right?
- Listen to me, Gabrielle.

They want you to k*ll. And
no matter what, you can't do it.

I thought they wanted me
to marry Morpheus.

Morpheus wants you
to lose your blood innocence.

Once you do, you'll be
sacrificed as his bride.

I-I've already been through
one of their challenges.

And there were two of them. I did
what you said; they k*lled each other.

Does that count?

If it did, you'd be
on your honeymoon by now.

Okay. Option A is out.
No k*lling.

So let's talk about option B.

- What is it?
- I need time.

Use what you know
to defend yourself

until I can break through
the passage into the fortress.

What do I know that's going
to keep me alive until you show up?

- What's the matter?
- I don't know.

I feel strange.



That's what you're good at!

- Use your mind, Gabrielle!
- Xena?



Xena... Xena?!

I don't suppose you want
my breakfast order.

Prepare yourself
for the next challenge, innocent.

This one will not be quite as easy
as the first.

You shouldn't fear using
a blade to protect yourself.

- Morpheus would understand.
- I bet he would.

He seems like
an understanding kind of god.

What if I just k*lled you
right now?

Is that what you wish to do?

It was a hypothetical question.

I don't suppose that y-you'd want
to let me sleep a little longer,

would you? I mean...,

I'd hate to show up the blushing
bride with circles under my eyes.

Just, uh, seven or eight hours?

Time is not on your side,

I know about your friend
in the Dreamscape Passage.

I have warriors
looking for her body.

She'll be dead long before
she could help you.

Look for wagon tracks.
Manus wants them dead.

This is all the N'Kama oil
I have, Xena.

Morpheus, you're not gonna win!

Save yourself, innocent.
Morpheus wants you to succeed.

I'll bet he does.

I won't be needing this.

Yes, innocent.
Draw blood.

Use what I know.
Use what I'm good at.

I'm not really good at anything,

talking. Huh.
Slow down! Not all at once.

I mean, let's face it,
I'm going to get a bit tired.

So why don't we be fair
about this?

Whichever one of you is the best
fighter, I'll take you on first.

And then the second, and then,
well..., the easy pickings.

So, who is it?
Who's the best?

You? Really?
Well, I would have thought...

that would have been my guess.

Clever girl.

I guess we know
where they place you.

One of you has got to be
better than the other.

No! No! No! No!

You're smarter than
I gave you credit for, innocent.

Somehow, you've learned that
Morpheus demands you spill blood.

You've had two opportunities.

The next challenge
will not have options.

You take the life offered you,
or you die.

Surprised to see me again?

Not really.
Nothing surprises me anymore.

How about me?


Even in your weakened state,
you can't forget your first.

And I was only the first of many,
wasn't I?

The first notch on your hilt.

Here. I still have the scar
where you slit my throat.

You att*cked our village.
Friends of mine,

people I grew up with,
died under your sword.

You were still an innocent
then. Like Gabrielle.

- Soon, she'll be just like you.
- She's going to taste blood.

She'll be haunted
by all the familiar demons.

There'll be a first k*ll
to remember.

Like me. And a last k*ll
to try and forget.

Like me.

Everything you have felt,
she will know.

The screams of her m*rder*d
will deafen her.


And there's nothing you can do
to save her.

Your body in the outside world

and you die along with it.

- I can stop you.
- With what?

This is my dream.

My passage.

I control it.

Hold on, Gabrielle!
I'm almost there!

No, no, Xena,
you can't leave yet.

You haven't passed
your final test.

Who are you?

Oh, you know me.

You know me better than
any opponent you've ever faced.

This might be your dreamscape...,
but you can't control me.

I am you.

You can't go through that door
until you have the key.

And you can't go through life

trying to deny
that I'm the real you.

We were so happy all those
years, don't you remember?

Putting fear into all.
Pushing aside

those who stood in our way.
Taking what we wanted.

- Ah, those were the days.
- That wasn't me.

That was never
who I really was.

Oh. Well,
let me ask you this.

Back then,
didn't it feel right?

Everything we did
felt right. If felt... good.

- But it wasn't.
- Oh, how would you know?

You think this goody-goody act
of yours is going to last?

There's no glory in being a hero,
ask around.

You're weak without me, Xena.

But the fire is still there.

Join me.

All through
this Dreamscape Passage,

I've had to fight people
I've k*lled before.

And I couldn't bring myself
to k*ll 'em again.

But as I face you..., I realize
it can mean only one thing.

Yes. It means what?
Tell me.

It means I finally get
to k*ll you.


Xena?! Xena, hurry!

Defend yourself, innocent.

He'll k*ll you
as soon as you come within reach.

Pick up the sword.

You can't defeat me.

I'm stronger!
I've always been stronger!

You're just a dark reminder
of a disease I once had.

If you were that strong,
I would never have left you.

But I did.

Ever wonder how the rest
of the world sees you?

Curious? Watch as if you had
the eyes of your victims.

- Hold him!
- No!

You men don't know
what you're doing!

Don't let Manus
get away with this!

Pick up the sword!

No, no, my sister.
You can't leave.

You still haven't found
the key.

You take for granted
all your gifts and talents:


Everything you are today
came from me.

Every spark of noble quality
that made you a great leader:


The strength that made men
tremble at your name...,

it all came from me!

You understand?

I understand. If it weren't for you,
I wouldn't exist.

Whether I like it or not,
you're the key.

You're the key.

There's only one way out
of this dreamscape: you!

You're the key
to my nightmares.

And no matter what part of me
you think you are...,

I control you.

What happened?
Where is she?!


- k*ll her! k*ll them both!
- Xena, catch!

I knew you'd come!
Well, I thought you would.

I almost gave up on you.

You have no idea
what kind of enemy you've made.

Morpheus will not be denied.

You think he's just going to let you
walk out of here?

- Punching's all right?
- I'm impressed.

This is the last of it.

- How much do I owe you?
- Owe me?

After taking away
the fear of the mystics?

After... making this valley
a safe place to raise a family?

- Ten per cent off everything.
- You miser!

Don't you dare charge her
one single nugget of gold!

Lord Elkton. Ah, of course not.
Just kidding.

I hope so.

Unless you want nightmares
for the rest of your life.

- What do you think?
- Very nice.

I take it you got
your old job back.

My old job as Mystic Head Priest
and my eyesight?

Tomorrow, we start
the grain festival.

From now on, the only thing we'll
sacrifice will be corn, thanks to you.

Glad I could help. What
did you decide to do about Manus?

Manus? That was easy.

We decided to put him
into his own dreamscape passage...

and let his past demons
decide his fate. Xena,

you and your friend have saved
this valley, these people, me.

From now on..., we'll worship
the three dream god brothers...

the way they were supposed to be,
with joy, not fear.

Speaking of your friend?

Ah, she's waiting for me.
I have to go.

If you're ever in this area...,
well, you know where to come.

I do. Thanks.

And, um...

Sweet dreams.

Ready to go?

I could have k*lled someone.

I mean...,
I was capable of it.

We're all capable of it.

The point is,
you didn't cross that line.

But I got close enough
to peak over.

And what I saw scared me.

See how calm
the surface of the water is?

That was me once.

And then...

The water ripples and churns.
That's what I became.

But if we sit here long enough,
it will go back to being still again.

It will go back to being calm.

But the stone's still
under there.

It's now part of the lake.

It might look as it did before,
but it's forever changed.

Come on. Let's go.

For your first s*ab at wisdom,
you did all right.

I was just saying that
for your benefit.

You didn't think I meant it,
did you?

Huh! Not me, I wasn't fooled.
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