01x09 - Death In Chains

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Xena: Warrior Princess". Aired: September 1995 to June 2001.*
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Xena helps people free themselves against injustices.
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01x09 - Death In Chains

Post by bunniefuu »

Only a fool would challenge
the gods this way, Sisyphus.

Don't worry, Karis.
I've taken care of everything.

Sorry, sweetheart. The king doesn't
want any visitors today.

But, stick around.
I'll show you a good time.

Hey, I said no...

-Run! Don't touch her!
-She k*lled him!

How can you eat at
a time like this?

-It's a trap, isn't it?
-Patience, Karis.

You'll spoil the surprise.

Come in. We've been expecting you.

I guess you know who I am.

-And this is my wife.
-Karis. Hello.

You know my name?

I know everyone's name,
though few know mine.

It's Celesta. Are you ready to
begin your journey, Sisyphus?

Of course.

But first, there's so much
I wanna know about you...

You're not afraid of me.

On the contrary, I'm fascinated.

And how about you, Celesta?

Are you not the least bit
curious about my world?


Enjoy a sumptuous
feast of earthly delight.

All right, Sisyphus.
But this doesn't change things.

As soon as we're finished, we will go.

Splendid. After all...

...a visit from you happens
only once in a lifetime.

A toast...

...to a long life and
a peaceful death.

My flame.

What is the meaning of this?

I wasn't told
you were a sorcerer.

No sorcery, my dear.

A simple trick,
devised with wires and boards.

An illusion I created to deceive you.

But do you realize
what this means?

Of course.

And I wouldn't have it
any other way.

Looks like they're having fun.

Not that I envy them or anything.

I mean, what does she have that I don't have?

Ok... Love.

But what about the important
things in life?

Travel, adventure,
meeting interesting people...

And as for the apple,
I can pick my own.

Well, well... If it isn't the legendary Xena...

I lost my appetite.

-Do I know you?
-I'm Toxeus.

I saw you fight
Nestor awhile back.

My army could do with
a warrior like you. How about it?

Join a band of worthless,
lowlife scum...

-I think I'll pass.

I have a strict recruiting
policy. Join or die.

Another wasted death.

In the time of ancient gods...,


and kings,

a land in turmoil
cried out for a hero.

She was Xena.

A mighty princess

forged in the heat of battle.

The power.

The passion.

The danger.

Her courage will change the world.


I don't get it.

Toxeus knew your reputation.

So, why would he wanna fight

Becuase he knew my reputation.

You mean he wanted to be
known as the man who k*lled Xena.

-That's not a smart goal.
-What's up?

What's happening?

I don't know.

Take cover.


Always ready for a fight.

That's why I like you, Xena.

-God of the underworld.

At your service.

What do you want?

Hey, relax,
I'm a big fan.

Though for a while, you were
working us pretty hard down there.

I need your help.

My sister's been captured
by King Sisyphus.

He holds her at his castle.
I want you to rescue her.

-Why me?
-You know him.

You've seen the deadly tricks
he's capable of.

But you have to act quickly.
Time is short...

And the price of failure is high.

What are you talking about?

In a few hours... Celesta's
eternal flame will burn out.

If you don't release her before
that happens...

...eternal suffering will be
the fate of all mankind.

You know who my sister is, don't you?


I've been thinking...

If Sisyphus gets his way,
and nobody ever dies...

...people will have to watch
how they word things.

I mean, if you tell someone
that you'll love them forever...

It means forever.


Let me take a look.

Take this.

It's for the pain.

Is his leg broken?

Among other things.


Take this.

Go help the others.

Save your medicines.

There's nothing you can do for him.

What happened here?

Rockslide in Ketamus.

The others are old or sick.

We're heading for the hospital in Corinth.

Let me help.

Suit yourself,
but you're wasting your time with that one.

Only death will give him release.

Hold still.

-Get away from me.
-I'm trying to help you.



I've gotta stop his bleeding.

Easy, easy... You'll be ok.

-So, where you from?


Well, we have your great city
to thank for the weather.

There was once a young man, Lepidus.

And he met the beautiful Io in Carthage.

They fell madly in love.

The gods, they grew
jealous of their great love...

...and condemned them
to separate destinies.

Lepidus to live only in the summer,
and Io only in the winter.

Luckily, Aphrodite,
she took pity on the lovers and...

...thought of a way
to reunite them.


What's it gotta do with the weather?

Well, Aphrodite turned
Lepidus into snow...

...and Io into rain.

So, in the winter,
when snow falls...

...it's really Lepidus
blanketing his love, Io.

And in the spring...

Well, the gentle rain,
that's Io caressing Lepidus.

You'll be all right.


Where did you learn that?

Ah, books... I read a lot about medicine.

I meant the great bedside manner.

I guess a good story
always helps me through the hard times.

Hi, I'm Talus.


Where are you headed?

Well, I was on my way to Corinth
when I met these people.

Never seen so much suffering.


Get me some more water.

There's a pond not far from here.

Let's go.
And I've got a story for you.

And so, until we release her,
nobody on Earth can die.

Well, that explains it.

You know, awhile
ago I would've been glad...

...to hear that Death
had been taken.

-But now...
-I know.

It's like after seeing
all this suffering...

...I understand
how important she is.

You know...

Not everyone would risk so much
for the sake of mankind.

-You're very brave, Gabrielle.
-Well, I have a lot of help.

When I was a small boy,
my mother worked for King Sisyphus.

-I practically grew up in the castle.

-I could show you the way.
-That sounds great.

What's this?

Jasmine blossom.

It's a rare beauty. Just like you.



No! Stop it!

Where is she?

Some guys never give up.

You look good.

Like I said, Xena,
I don't take "no" for an answer.

I could get used to this.

Give it up, Xena!

You can't k*ll me. I'm a god!

You're no god, Toxeus.

Death's capture has kept you alive.

And when I release her,
you will die.

That's not gonna happen!

Just where I want'cha.

I'm not that easy.

I know I can't
blow out your candle, Celesta.

But I've noticed, when you're not holding it,
it burns down very nicely.

If it burns out,
I will cease to exist.

Well, that's the point.

You should've thought of that
before you came to my castle.

I had no choice.

You should not have angered Zeus.

I can't concern myself
with Zeus' petty jealousy.

My kingdom needed water.
I made a deal.

It's not my time, and you know it.

-That is a decision for the gods.
-Not anymore.

It isn't like you
to be so cruel, Sisyphus.

What happened to the compassionate
man I married?

My compassion brought death
to my door.

If I release her now, it'll be all over.

What else would you have me do?

-I want you with me, my love.
-And I will be.

In a few hours,
the candle will burn down and extinguish...

...so will Celesta.

And you and I will be together
for all eternity.

Follow me to the next village.

There we'll make our own conquests.

So, you're the new leader,


But Xena k*lled you.

-You're still alive.
-Very observant.

There is no death anymore.

But how?

That's not important.

What I need is an army
to stop Xena...

...before she ruins it
for all of us.

Who's with me?

Xena's a powerful woman.

I mean,
look what she did to you.


Maybe this will make you change your minds.


What did you have in mind?

I knew you'd come around.

Saddle up.

We'll follow Xena to Corinth.

And capture Death
for our own safe-keeping.

-What if she tries to stop us?
-How can she?

We're immortal.

And if she tries,
we'll make her one of us.


So, what do you think of Talus?

He's nice.


You're kidding, right?

You didn't hear the story he
told. It was warm and sensitive.

And it cheered up that poor man.
He's perfect, Xena.

-He's funny, he's smart, he's...
-All right.

All right. He's more than nice.

I'm glad you'll have some company.


-Where you going?
-You two head to the hospital.

-I'm going on alone.
-But what if...

Gabrielle, the hospital should be
full of people looking for relief.

Tell them about the injured people
on the roadside.

And stay out of trouble.

She'll be all right.

I hope so.

They've split up.

We'll do the same.

One of them will lead us to where
Death is held prisoner.

Follow them closely!
And report back to me!

your deaths depend upon it.

Faster. Lead the way.

Nice try.

What is it?

Xena is here to rescue Death.

-Xena? Why?
-She's a warrior.

Without death, Xena has no way
to defeat her opponents.

This makes things
much more interesting.

Water... Water...



You see what you can do for her.
I'll fetch water.

Thank you.

Don't be afraid when
I tell you this...

I died this morning.

But as I was crossing
to the other side...

...a strange thing happened.

And I wound up back here.

Where is Death?

King Sisyphus has captured her.

But don't worry.
My friend Xena will make everything all right again.

Is your friend a god?


But she knows Sisyphus,
and she can take care of herself.

But what of Death?

How will she handle her?

What do you mean?

Come closer.

If your friend touches Death...

...or allows Death to touch her...

...she will die.

Xena's in trouble.
I have to go to her, Talus.

Sisyphus has guards posted at every gate.

It doesn't matter. You know the castle.
Now tell me how I can get in.

I'll do better than that.

-I'll show you.
-You don't have to go, Talus.

We may come in contact
with Death herself.

I assure you, Gabrielle.
I'm not afraid of her.

Welcome back, Xena.

Always the grand entrance.

We need to talk.

What should we talk about?
Relive old battles?

Let's talk about Death.

Why must you be so depressing?

Don't you realize
the pain you've caused?

My subjects are overjoyed.

Their king has given them eternal life.

You're blinded by your selfish
desire to live, Sisyphus.

Now, tell me where she is...

...or I'll make your eternity
a living hell.

Still favoring brawn
over brains, Xena?

Think about it. You must have loved ones...


You never have to leave them.

Never have to watch them leaving you.

You'd have eternal bliss.

Perhaps you should take some time.

Mull it over a while.

Sorry, Sisyphus.

Time is the one thing I don't have.

On the contrary...

Time is the only thing you have.

I found an escape tunnel back when
my mother worked in the castle.

Nobody knew about it,
except us children.

Here it is. Come on.

Not much of a housekeeper, is he?

This way.


Talus, this could be dangerous.
You should go back.

And leave you alone?

There's no reason for both of us
to risk our lives.

Look, Xena's my friend.
It's got nothing to do with you.

I'm not leaving you, Gabrielle.

I've never met a girl who knows
every line of Sophocles by heart.

I'm not gonna let anything happen to her.

Thank you.

Actually, I'd rather not be alone
in a place like this.

Well, there's no need to worry about that.

You know, there's a high rate
of infection in wounds left untreated.


Maybe we should find you a doctor.
You can't be too careful.

-Then again we could just...

Get them!

Which way?


Forget him! Get the girl!

Get her!

-Wait, it's me.

What are you doing here?

Gabrielle wanted to tell you
not to touch Death.

Of course not.

Where is she? I told her
to stay out of trouble.

She was concerned about you.
I don't know where she is now.

We ran.

And there were these tall, ugly guys
who looked like they were dead.

-And then I fell in here.
-They were Toxeus' men.

We've gotta get out of here.

It's all my fault.
I should never have let her come.

When Gabrielle
has her mind set on something...

...nothing can change it.

You'll learn that soon enough.

We've got to find her.

I've never seen this part of the castle before.

It must be in one of the king's traps.
We'll never get out.


It sounds like water.

It must drain somewhere.

I found it. Let's go.

I want her!

This way!

Find them!

Where are they?

We cornered the girl, but the guy
fell down the trap door.

You lost them? Fools!

Search the castle.

Find Death
and bring her to me.

-Right. Let's go.
-Come this way, quickly.

Check behind those arches.

Come on.


Stay right behind me, Talus.


I'm ok.

I guess I'm just not used
to this much excitement.

Why were you headed to Corinth?

I grew up in Corinth.

I guess I just wanted to see it.

One last time...

Is there anything I can do?

No. Thanks.

Does Gabrielle know?

I should'a told her, I know.

How long have you known?

I started getting the pains
about a year ago.

And they've been getting worse ever since.

This makes my job
a lot tougherl.

What you're doing
is right.

There are too many people who need her.

I can see why Gabrielle
thinks you're so special.

Come on.

Sisyphus, I need to talk to you.

Not now, Karis. Xena has proved
more of a challenge than I thought.

What we've done is wrong.
I realize that now.

We've cheated Death.
How can that be wrong?

What about those who need her?

The people who are in pain?

I've given them life.
Isn't that what they want?

If I were to give myself a mortal wound,
would you have me suffer as well?

Enough of this nonsense!

If Xena wins, I die.

This hall leads to
the king's private chamber.



-Your Highness?

I want to help you.


Because what my husband has done is wrong.

Look, you can't defeat him without me.

Enough if you survive his traps,
you'll never reach Celesta in time.

Thanks for the advice.

Wait! Please.

I know another way.

Well, Xena.

It seems finally
the spider has caught the fly.

What's the meaning of this?

It's time for you to listen to reason, Sisyphus.

I agree.


It's time to let Death go, Sisyphus.

Not without a fight. Draw your w*apon.

No weapons.
There's someone you should meet.

Do you remember me, Your Highness?

My mother and I lived in the castle
when I was a small boy.


-How are you, my boy?
-Not good, Your Highness.

I'm dying.

Or at least I should be.

You were very good
to my mother and me.

Now I ask you for one more act of kindness.

Let Celesta go.

You don't understand.
If I let her go, I will die.

You shouldn't fear it.

I did for the longest time.

But now my suffering
has grown so real...

...and deep...

Now I know death
can be a friend.

-A resting place.
-You must understand, Talus, that...

...I'm not suffering.

My life can still be good.

I don't believe that.

When the good King Sisyphus...

...sees all the pain and misery
he has caused the world...

...he'll die inside a million times,
in regret for what he has done.

Don't you see? It's not how long
you live that matters.

It's how well you live.

Please, let her go.

You're a great king, Sisyphus.

Be remembered that way.

I was so concerned
with my own life...

...I forgot about the rest of the world.

I've been such a fool...

It's not too late.

I will miss you.

Don't count me out yet.

Sisyphus, there's not much time.

Xena! Talus! They're right behind me!

Stay away from those chains!

Or this young thing
will be Death's first victim.

-Let her go!

Let me.

Shouldn't you be looking
for a shallow grave somewhere?

Just a few more minutes...

Come on, Toxius...

Wouldn't you rather have me
by the throat...

...than that scrawny little girl?

-Are you offering to join me?
-Run me through and I'm yours.

No, Xena!

You unlock Celesta.
I'll handle the others.

Die, Xena!

Not today!

Get away from those chains!

-You all right?
-That was a little close.

I'm ready, Celesta.

Your time will come. First,
someone else needs me.


Wait. There's been some kind of mistake.

Gabrielle, it's no mistake.

I have to say goodbye.


I don't understand.

Talus is very sick.
He has been for a long time.

But I didn't know.

I'm ready.

No. You don't have to take him.

We saved you. You owe us.


I should've told you.

Forgive me, Gabrielle.

All I wanted
was a memory of you.

This can't be happening.

We'll meet each other again,

On the other side.

You won't forget me?

How could I?
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