03x19 - Ricky Loses His Temper

Complete collection of episode scripts for the TV series, "I Love Lucy". Aired October 1951 - May 1957.*
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Lucy & Ricky Ricardo live in New York, while Ricky tries to succeed in show business -- Lucy who is always trying to help -- usually ends up in some kind of trouble that drives Ricky insane.
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03x19 - Ricky Loses His Temper

Post by bunniefuu »

("I Love Lucy" theme song

Hi, honey.

Oh, hi.

Where's Little Ricky?

He's still asleep.

Was he good?

Oh, he was just perfect.

What a disposition
that kid has.

Just wonderful.

Just like his old man.

Oh, he's a little angel
all right.

Wait till you see
what I bought.

Lucy, not another hat.

Now, don't say a word
until you've seen it.

Now, don't you think

that's the most
beautiful hat

you've ever seen?

Yeah, I think it's great.

You do?


You know, frankly, I never have
liked that hat on you.

What's the matter, honey?

You never like my new hats.

You always like
my old ones better,

so this time I put
my old one in the box

and I wore my new one.

You dirty double-crosser.


I never can seem
to outsmart you.


Aw, you're such
a clever husband.


(still laughing)


You should have seen your face

when I said I didn't
like your new hat.

Yeah, I guess it was
pretty funny all right.

(both laughing)

Well, wait, wait, wait,
wait just a minute.

I didn't say
you could keep it.

How much is it?

Well, you just
keep on laughing, honey.

How much is it?

Oh, come on now, honey.

Come on, Lucy.

You're in such
a good mood.

Why spoil it?

Look, if I tell you now,
you'll just get mad.

There's no sense in
you losing your temper

every time
I bring something home.

Why don't you wait till the
bills come in for everything

and get mad all at once?

Now look, I'm not going
to lose my temper.


Just let me see
the price tag.



No. Now,
look, look, look.

Isn't this beautiful?

Don't you think it's worth
almost any amount of money?

No. No?

Price tag.


Como te vas pagar 49.50

Now, now, now,
por sombrero...!

Honey, you said you
weren't going to get mad.

That was before I knew
how much it cost!

But it's such a beautiful hat, and
I needed it.

Needed it?!


You got a closet
full of hats.

I haven't either.



What are you doing?

What do these look like?

Well, they do look like hats,
don't they?

Yeah, they do
look like hats.

But none of those look
good on me.

Oh, I wouldn't say that.

Now, this is a lovely
little hat, look at that.

And look at this one.

This is one of my
favorites of all times.

Look at that hat there!

And this hat--

this is a Jim Dandy here.

Look at that one.

And this is
a beauty. Look.

Now, what, there you are.

Now, isn't that the
most ridiculous thing

you've ever seen
in your whole life?

You got a fortune

invested in each
one of these hats,

and now none of them
look good on you.

You only got one head.

Why do you buy so many hats?


And don't cry. I
don't like it when you cry.

(cries harder)

Don't do that!

I should never have married
a hot-blooded Cuban.

I should have married
a cold-blooded Swede.

(continues crying)

Now don't cry!

Every time I
spend a little money,

you lose your temper.

What do you mean
I lose my temper?!

I never lose my temper!

Well, you're the first person I
ever saw whose veins bulge

just because they have a
good disposition.

Go look at yourself.

Go on. Take a look.


(phone rings)

(tosses mirror)



May I speak to Mr. Ricardo,

Uh, just a minute.

It's for you.


Hello, Ricky,
this is Morris Williams.


I lined up a
ventriloquist for you.

Oh, good.

I've been going over
the act with him,

and he's perfect for
what you want.


Besides, he's the only

available in town.


His name's Sir Hume.

Oh, yes, yes, Sir Hume.

I know his act.

Now, about price...

I also know that he was
getting $250 a week

at the Domino Club.

Well, now, his price is $500.

What's the matter with you?

You think I'm crazy
or something?

Temper, temper.

Oh, listen, don't give me that.

I haven't got any temper.

I just don't like to be rooked,
that's all.

$500 A week. That's the
most ridiculous thing

I ever heard in my life.

Well, uh, wait a minute.

Let me check with my client.

We got him.
He's blowing his top.

Look, I want that job.

Yeah, he needs food.

My voice is getting weak.

Let me handle this.
I know my psychology.

Besides, you're
the only act in town

that can do this
and he knows it.

Sorry, Ricky.
That's our price.

All right, I'll give you
till tomorrow noon

to come to your senses.

Quinientos pesos una semana

para un dummy y


Now temper, temper.

And don't say, "Temper, temper."

Oh, you're right, there's no
sense in my fighting it.

And it's just part
of your personality--

big brown eyes, black wavy hair
and a lousy disposition.

You couldn't keep from
losing your temper

if your life
depended on it.

What do you mean
I couldn't

keep from
See? losing my...

See? Look,

I-I'm just not going to
fight it anymore, dear.

I'm just going to accept it.

Well, maybe you're right.

Nobody's perfect.

I got to accept you
with all your faults, too.

That's right, dear.

That's the only sensible way to
look at it.

After all...

What do you mean "all
my faults"?!

Like your 'stravaganzis.

What "'stravaganzis"?

You couldn't keep
from buying a new hat

if your life
depended on it

and it may.

I could, too.

I could keep from buying a
new hat for a...

a... a month.

How much would
you like to bet?



How do you arrive
at that figure?

There's a hat I want to buy with
my winnings.

Well... uh-huh. See?

All right, then I'll give
you a better bet.

I'll bet you $49.50 that I can keep
from buying a hat

longer than you can keep
from-from losing your temper.

Okay. You got
yourself a bet.

All right.
Starting right now.

Well, in just
a minute, dear.

Take that hat back!

What do you think I am,
made of money?!

We'll start from now on.

Oh, come now.

I bought that hat
before we made the bet,

so I get to keep it.

Now, just a minute.

I have to pay for it
after we made the bet,

so it goes back.

I won't take it back!

What do you think of that?!


Oh, no, you're not gonna
catch me as easy as that.

Take it back, dear.

I won't.

Yes, you will.

It's an order.

Take it back.


You must.

I don't must.

I'm sorry you have
to take it back.

Yeah, well...

What's the matter?

Oh, look, Lucy, they're
having a half-price sale.

Oh! If I look, I'm lost.

Just lead me in, Ethel.

I'll return the hat
and get it over with.

Okay. Come on.

Half-price sale.

Wouldn't you know it, today?

Here's the door now.
Look out.

Oh, heavens!

Hello, Mrs. Mulford.

Hello, Mrs. Mulford.

Why, Mrs. Ricardo,
what's the matter?

Nothing. I'm just
fighting temptation.

I don't want to see all
the goodies.


She bet her husband

that she wouldn't buy
another new hat.


I have to return
this one.

You mean that adorable hat you
bought yesterday?

Please, don't t*rture me.

Just take it back.

Come on, Ethel.

Let's get out of here.


Oh, Mrs. Mertz, can
I show you something?

We're having a special on
cocktail hats.

Cocktail hats?!

Oh, Ethel, Ethel,

that feeling's
coming over me again.

I can't fight it.

Get me out of here.

Help me to be strong.

Okay. Come on.

Cocktail hats.
Cocktail hats.

Oh, Mrs. Mertz.

What is it?!

Oh, isn't
that darling?

What is it?!
What is it?!

Uh, uh, nothing,

It is, too, Ethel.
Tell me about it.

Oh, come on.

Just telling me about it
won't hurt anything.

It's just a hat.

It's all covered with
little pearls.


And it's a lovely shade of

Oh, no, not turquoise!

Oh, turquoise!
I love turquoise!

Lucy, Lucy, it's just an
ordinary shade of blue.

Now, come on.


It's half-price.

I'll take it!

Now wait a minute.

You haven't
even seen it.

I don't care.
It sounds so wonderful.


Now, Lucy, Lucy...

What about Ricky?
What about the bet?

Oh, Ethel...

Lucy Ricardo,
you see that door?

You march right straight
out of this door.

It's got little pearls
and everything

and a little feather.


Oh, all right.

Go ahead.

You can make it.

It's an original.

I got to have it!


Oh, isn't it

Oh, Ethel, look
at it.

Oh, Mrs. Mulford,
won't this look wonderful on me?

Please, Mrs. Ricardo,
don't ask me that.

You know I never try to
influence my customers.


Will you take it
with you?

Yes. Uh, I mean, no.

Send it out
tomorrow. 'Course.

Oh, and be very careful of
it, Mrs. Mulford.

Oh, I will.

Come on, Ethel.

I got a lot of work to do.

I got to make Ricky
lose his temper

before they deliver
that hat tomorrow.

Hi, honey.

Hi, dear.

Oh, what a night.

Tough, huh?


What are you doing up so

Oh, I couldn't sleep,

so I thought
I'd read for a while.


How did everything go
at the club?


I made everybody come
back and rehearse.

That's why I'm so late.


Gee, that's right, it's 4:00.


You didn't lose your temper,
did you, dear?


That's good.

You take your
hat back?

Oh, yeah, sure.

I'm dead tired.

Dead tired, huh?


Yeah, I'm ready to

Just ready to drop,
poor baby.



Good night, honey.

Good night, dear.


Sweet dreams.
Sleep tight.

Sweet dreams.
Sleep tight.

(music playing loudly)

What's that?!
What's that?!

What's that?!

What's the matter, dear?

Is it too loud?


Is it too loud?

Is it too loud?!

(music playing softly)

No, no, it isn't too loud.

I just thought it
might disturb the neighbors.

Oh, oh, well,
I'll turn it off, then, dear.

That was very thoughtless of me.

Thank you very much.

That's all right,

Good night, dear.

Good night.





Please, please, please, please.

I-I can hear that
all the way over here.

Oh. Oh, I'm sorry, dear.

Oh, I won't do it anymore.

That's all right.

I'm very sorry.

That's all right.
That's all right.

Good night, dear.

Good-good night.


(crunching loudly)

(crunching loudly)

You want something to eat?


Have a cr*cker, honey.

I don't want... Oh!
Oh, honey,

I'm sorry.

Oh... baby.


Good night, dear.

Good night.

(crunching louder)

(crunching continues)

What's the matter, dear?

Something wrong?

No, no.


Everything's lovely.

You sure you
don't want a cr*cker?

No, I don't want one, no.

Good night, dear.

Good-good night.






(continues hammering)


Not right now.

Well, you let me know.



(door slamming)

(raucous flapping)

Sorry, honey. 7:30.

Got to have the sheets for
the laundry man.


Yes, dear?

I know
what you are trying to do...

but it's not going to work.


I was only trying to help, dear.

You never can find
your slippers in the morning,

so I nailed them to the floor.

Uno, dos, tres,

cuatro, cinco,
seis, siete, ocho,

nueve, diez...

It was very thoughtful of you.

Lucy. Did
you get it?

Here it is.

Has he lost
his temper yet?

No, and I'm in a
terrible mess.

That hat's gonna be
delivered any minute.

I hope this works.

Oh, it'll work.

You see that design,
those leaves?

Well, there's a hole

in the cut there in the
middle of each leaf.

Oh, yeah.

Now, you fill that
up with liquid

and when he drinks it,
it dribbles all over him.

Oh, boy, and he's wearing a
white dinner jacket!

A white dinner jacket?

Yeah. He's taking
publicity pictures.

That's what gave
me the idea.

Oh, what a break.


I think tomato juice
might look just ducky

on that white coat.

Don't go beyond that line.


See? It'll all spill out

before he gets
a chance to drink it.

Oh, yeah. Okay.

Uh, Ricky!

I'll see you later.

Where are you going?

I don't want to be here
when he blows his Cuban top.



Lunch is ready.

All right.

(Ricky yawning)

Sit right down, dear.

Thank you.

What's the matter?

I don't trust you.

I apologize.

What is this?!

Well, it's, uh, it looks like
toma... tomato juice, dear.

It's a lovely shade of red,
isn't it?


Hello, Fred.

Who shot him?


Well, did he cut
his throat?

No. He dribbled tomato juice all
over himself.


Well, has he lost
his temper yet?

No. Still under control.


Ricky, I brought back

your golf club
that I borrowed.

I was practicing
in Central Park

and a tree jumped
in front of me.

(all laughing)


(phone ringing)


Hello, this is Morris.
Is Ricky there?

Uh, just a moment.

It's somebody named Morris.

Tell him I'm not home.

Uh, he's right here.

Just a second.


Hello, Ricky, we've
thought it over carefully

and he can't do it for
less than $500.

I see.

Well, if that's the man's price,
that's the man's price.

I can't afford it.

Uh, is this Ricky Ricardo?

Yes, this is Ricky Ricardo.

Well, look, maybe 500
is a lot of money.

Let me check with my client.

He didn't even raise his voice.

He must have somebody else.

Listen, I want you to get me
that job at any price.

Uh, Ricky,

just because of his great
personal regard for you,

he says he'll do it for 350.

I'm sorry, we'll just
have to forget it.



Okay. We'll do it for 250.

Well, you know...
as a matter of fact,

I only have $200 left
for that act.

$200? You know he gets 250
everywhere he works.

All right, all right, I
don't want to be unfair.

I'll give you 250.

Oh, thank you. Thank you.

All right.


What happened?


Was it bad?

No, no, no.

As a matter of fact,
it's very good.


Yeah. I just...

I just learned a
wonderful lesson.

Oh, you did?

Yes, sir.

I didn't lose my temper
and I saved $250.

Well, that's wonderful!

And you know
something else?


I owe it all to you.

To me?

That's right.

So, I'm going to
buy you a new hat.


what about the bet?

Oh, forget about the bet.

Honey, from now on,

I'm going to be the
happiest, calmest man

in the whole world.

Well, honey,
that's wonderful.

Well, I'll, I'll call up

and-and order the hat that
I want.

No. Look, go around,
shop for a while.

I'll buy you
any hat you want.

Oh, well, I know the hat that
I want, dear,

and I'll, I'll call up

and I'll have them send it over on
their fastest delivery.

Okay, sweetheart.


Hello. Hello,
Mrs. Mulford.

This is Mrs. Ricardo. Yes.

Mrs. Mulford, do you know

that darling little turquoise
hat with the pearls

that I liked so much yesterday?

Yes. Would you put that
on my charge

and send it out, please?

Yes, on your fastest,
speediest delivery.

Thank you very much.

(doorbell buzzes)

Well, they certainly have
fast delivery.

They-they have very
good service there.

Yeah, that's the one I
ordered all right.


Yes, sir?

When did you buy this hat?

How's that?

When did you buy this hat?

Remember, you
learned your lesson.

I remember.

When did you buy the hat?

Yesterday afternoon.

Yesterday afternoon?

Yes, sir.


You bought the hat
yesterday afternoon?



(both guffawing)

That means that you
lost the bet yesterday.

Yes, I guess it does.

(both guffawing)

And you made me

go through all that
t*rture for nothing.

Yeah, I guess...



Oh, that's a k*ller.


Ah! Oh, oh, Ricky! Ricky!

("I Love Lucy" theme song
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