02x03 - Daniela

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Cold Case". Aired: September 2003 to May 2010.*
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02x03 - Daniela

Post by bunniefuu »

Help a girl get home, papi?

See my bag got stolen and I need
some bread to get on the bus.

You got some change to
spare for a bus ticket?

You know, get myself home?

Man, you gotta be jiving me.

Go on, get out of
the way, baby girl!

Let Marquette do her thing!

You better split!

- He get you bad, baby girl?
- Mellow out, Marquette.

- I'm cool.
- Oh, no, you ain't.

Don't get in close till
they slide you the bread.

Give them half a chance, cats'll
cop the merchandise for free.

This merchandise ain't for sale.

Well, it might make life
easier if it was.

Who you saving yourself for, huh?

Shining knight on a white horse?

Maybe I am.

Take me far away from here.

And go where?

Anywhere I want.


Hey, mamacita!

Looks like your knight's
calling, baby girl.

Help a girl out, papi?

See, my ma's real sick
and I gotta get home.

I just need some bread
to get on the bus.

You buy, Scotty?

I'll buy, even though it's your turn.

- You're detectives, correct?
- Yeah.

Where do I go if I know something?

About what?

My husband.
Low-rent son of a bitch.

I just told him to pack his bags
and get out of my house.

I'm filing for divorce.

Because he hit you?

He visits prostitutes.

He's has a fixation
with that type of thing.

We can't arrest your husband
for that, ma'am.

I can't believe
I married that pervert.

We can arrest him for as*ault.

If you're willing to press charges.

I told you why I'm here.

And I told you what we can do
and what we can't.

Maybe this will change your mind.

I found it in that
bastard's belongings.

Daniella. She one of the
prostitutes he frequented?

No. She's the girl he m*rder*d.

Ex-wife on the warpath.

A woman scorned
makes a hell of a snitch.

Label says the
film was made in ' .

Guy must have been a kid
when he made it.

Go ahead.

Some kid.

Well, this Kaitlin claims
she just came across this film.

Just as likely she knew
about it all along.

Saves it for when hubby
falls out of favor.

Presumed homicide.

May ' . A jane doe.

Could be a match.

Trash bag found containing
women's clothing,

a handbag, all soaked in blood.

And rose petals.

In the clothes, the blood,

Never found a body.

Yeah, but with all the skull
and brain matter in there,

- no way Jane doe survived.
- Probable cause of death,

g*nsh*t to the head.

Get the date on that film?

AV confirmed the year is
off a piece of film leader.

Waiting on what month.

You remember this Jane doe
from ' , boss?

Garbage bag full of rose petals, sure.

Job went cold day one.
No id, no body, nothing.

Maybe now we got a name.

Daniella. / AV snapped
a print off the home movie.

Pretty girl.

Lot of good it did her.

My wife's just after my money.

But she won't get a dime.

She didn't earn it.

She earn those bruises, John?

- I didn't k*ll anybody.
- It looks like you did.

In eight millimeter,
black and white.

Oh, I was a kid.

It was a game.

Ask the girl yourself.

Can't. She's dead.

Well, one less cesspool
polluting the world.

Oh, well. / Seems to me you got
a thing for those cesspools.

Multiple arrests for solicitation,
five counts of assaulting working girls.

You put one in the hospital.

Hit them if you can't hit it.
That's your problem, John?

Those charges were dropped.

How'd you hook up with Daniella?

How anyone picked up
that type back then.

Driving around the old bus depot.

Donna SummerÀÇ 'Bad Girls'

Man, come on.
This scene's a bummer.

We wouldn't be here if that
squeamy bitch didn't run out on us.

Because you're a pervert, man.

Cassie didn't want to be
your damn p*rn star.

Out of sight.

Let's go.

Hey, mamacita!

- Mamacita!
- Cut it out!

Looks like your knight's
calling, baby girl.

Oh, come here, kitty.

Help a girl out, papi?

See, my ma's real sick
and I gotta get home.



So, uh, you ready to work it,
good looking?

I don't hook, I just need
some bread to get home.

Oh, right on.

See we're students,

film students,
and we just need an out of sight,

drop-dead knockout like
you to star in our film.

What kinda film?

Smile for the camera.
Click click, and that's it.

That better be all,
you hear what I'm saying?

I got protection.

I bet you do, mamacita.

Just the movie.

Nothing else, right?

Nothing else.


We scored a joint, then we drove
around looking for a motel.

Finally, we ended up at her place.

And you stuck a g*n in her face.

She was alive when we left.

I have the rest of the film to prove it.

Better hope you can find it.

Well, if you don't
believe me, ask Chris.

He was there.

We'll talk to Chris.

Oh, you know, she said
she wasn't a whore,

but when Chris got
out of the car to score,

she gave me some.

For free.

We were dumb kids.

A few months from
graduating high school,

putting our mark on the world.

Aiming for the stars.

We did John's stupid movie
and then we left.

She was alive.

You recall where her place was?

Gray's ferry. Dickinson street.

Good memory there.

Bad one. That night.

How so?

See, John was always crazy.

And that night, I mean...

he just went out of control.

The Knack ÀÇ 'My Sharona'

Keep sh**ting.
Come on, keep sh**ting.

And you...

do the funky chicken!

Come on, mamacita.
Do the funky chicken.

Come on, mamacita.

Come on, come on, mamacita.

Come on, do it.

Do the funky chicken.

Do the funky chicken.
Come on, like this.

Like this, come on.
Do the funky chicken, damn you.

Hey, man, let go of her.

Do it!

Get off of me.

Don't touch me!

You whore!
You stinking cesspool!

Be cool, man! Be cool, man!

Keep filming or I'll
blow her head off!

Okay, man. Just don't
do anything stupid.

I'm on film, right?
You got me on camera, right?

Right. I got you.

You're gonna die.

Oh, you're gonna die!

Please don't hurt me.

Tao tao mao, mamasan!

Tao tao mao! / John!


What, don't you get it?

Come on, man.

The best movie ever made!

Tao tao mao!
Tao tao mao!

You're crazy, man.

Okay hint.

Russian roulette in the rice paddies.

Get out of here!

Get out of here! Get out!

- She can fight.
- Get out of my place!

- Okay.
- You're a jerk, man.

Come on. Come on!

Get out of here!
Go! Get out of here!

Let's go.

We went home, and that was it.

I never saw that girl again.

What about John?

Kind of stopped
hanging out with him.

Beginning of the end of
the friendship, you might say.

He said he got some play
from Daniella that night.

Yeah. But John always
said a lot of things.

That girl was just a scared kid.
she wasn't a pro.

You think John might've gone
back, finished what he started?

Ever go back there yourself, Chris?

For what?

She's a pretty girl.

Maybe you couldn't
leave that alone.

Think I might've blown my
chances that night, don't you?

Stanley kubrick dug up
the rest of his film.

- Had the negative in his basement.
- Brought it in an hour ago.

AV transferred it to video.

So this pick's up right after the psycho
boy supposedly sh*t Daniella.

Like they said,
she was alive when they left.

The film was a fake.

Vera tracked down the lab records.
It was processed in march .

And Jane doe's trash bag
turned up in May.

Two months after
the film was made.

So maybe these
boys aren't the doers.

Well, Jeffries and Vera found
Daniella's apartment a half hour ago.

They got CSU with them.

Oh, it could be
a wild-goose chase, Scotty.

The connect to
Jane doe is looking thin.

Want me to give them
the heads up, boss?


Hey, Jeffries.

Looks like this job
might've d*ed on us.

That's not all that d*ed.

We just luminoled the scene.

It's a bloodbath.

Last known resident in that basement
was a Daniella, no last name.

Landlord said she
disappeared May .

Same time Jane doe's
belongings were found.

DNA from the blood in the floorboards
matches the blood in the trash bag.

- So Daniella's our Jane doe.
- Yeah.

Keeps our two filmmakers in the mix.

How about this landlord for the doer?

Guy volunteered
his prints and blood.

- We'll run them for a match.
- Any shell casings at the scene?

Nah, doer was real careful.
Waed the blood off the walls pretty good.

I want to drill this landlord,
find out where Daniella came from.

Same place she disappeared to.

She didn't grow up in the bus depot.

Check prostitution arrests
around the depot in ' ,

find someone who knew her,
maybe they know her story.

You got it, boss.

Place was never
no more than storage.

I turned it back after Daniella left.

You said Daniella disappeared
some time in mid May?

You recall the exact date?

One day she's here
and next day gone.

Took most of her stuff so
I figured she'd run off again.

- She was a runaway?
- Hung at the old bus depot.

That's the kinda tenant
I had in those days.

- Know where she came from?
- Nope.

Hear any g*nshots coming
from her apartment ever?

Round here,
g*nshots are like sunrise,

an everyday sort of thing.

Ever see these kids hanging around?

Daniella already had a man.

- What do you mean?
- Some crazy latin who shacked up here.

Always yelling at her like she'd
downed the last taco or something.

You ever get a look at him?

Heard him, though, loud and clear.

Every weekend, like clockwork.

You got someone staying in there,

- you owe more rent.
- Nobody's staying.

Just heard chico going off.

I'm barely getting by.
I can't pay more rent.

Well, then he ain't staying here.

He'll be out.

By tomorrow.

What was this boyfriend's name?

Edwin... Eduardo.

I seen Daniella bring in mail
for him from time to time.

She end up giving him the boot?

No. Heard him back here
the very next weekend.

You ever try for a piece
of her latin ass?

Make up for that rent
she couldn't pay?

You can't blame me for trying.

She was something.

Yeah. A desperate kid.

I wasn't gonna do nothing to her ain't
already been done a million times before.

He's a real Romeo, that one.

Looks like magazine pictures
taped up on the wall.

Wonder who put them up?

Romeo sure didn't.


No windows in this place.
Gotta look at something.

Maybe these were her windows.

I was lucky.
Got out while I still had my teeth.

Now I'm helping other working girls
do the same, one soul at a time.

According to arrest records,
you worked the bus depot back in ' .

Did you know a girl named Daniella?


- Yeah.
- Have any idea where she came from?

Not from here.

Daniella was...

She was a shining star.

- Didn't belong on the streets?
- Nobody belongs there, baby.

She's dead, isn't she?

We think she was m*rder*d in ' .

I told myself she got out
when she stopped coming around.

Always said she would.

Funny how things work.

So what else can an old whore do
for you fine-looking gentlemen?

You ever see these
two around the depot?

Looks like every other white boy trolling
around for colored tail back then.

Daniella never gave none of that up.

So she wasn't hooking at all?

Uh-uh, baby. No way.

Anita Ward ÀÇ 'Ring My Bell'

Get some bread for this ring,

get that jive turkey
landlord off my back.

- Who's that?
- You high again, Marquette?

I told you about him.

Not him. Him...

Edwin castillo.


He, your man?

Oh, you can tell
Marquette, baby girl.

Some cat from a long time ago.

From home?

He follow you here?

He follows me everywhere.

He gonna be mad
you selling his ring?

He ain't the real thing.

Know what you mean, baby girl.

Guess old Edwin
didn't scratch her itch.

Did you ever meet him?
This Edwin?

Daniella was real secretive-like
with them guys in her life.

What guys?

This one and, and that other one
always picking her up from the depot.

Red camaro kid, what I called him.

Never saw his face,
just that fine-looking ride.

I thought you said
she wasn't hooking.

Well, hooking ain't what
that was about, baby.

Shoulda seen Daniella's face
when he'd drive up.

Looked like she was falling in love
for the first time, every time.

Daniella had a live-in
boyfriend, latino guy,

and this camaro kid on the side.

So we're thinking a love
triangle got her k*lled?

One theory.

You ran boyfriend's name
through autotrack?

No hits.

Edwin castillo,
Edward, Eduardo...

guy ain't in the state of PA.

Maybe loverboy got rid of him, too.

Hey. What do you got?

camaro registrations,

and you'll never guess
who owned one.

Meet the camaro kid.

Me and her had a thing.

So what?

A thing?

We hear Daniella was head over heels.

One-way-street kind of thing?

I was a kid. So sh**t me.

You lie to us once, makes
me think you'll do it again.

It isn't the kind of thing
that you tell the world.

We ain't the world.

We're homicide.

After that night, I went back,

to say I was sorry.

England Dan & John Ford ColeyÀÇ
'I'd Really Love To See You Tonight'

sh**t you in the head,
you come near me.

I didn't know he was
gonna do that. I'm sorry.

The Empire state building.


It's on your wall.

And the Eiffel tower, and the
leaning tower, what you call it?


Yeah, that.

I'm gonna see those places one day.

Yeah, well... good for you.

So are you.

That's why you put
them up on your wall.

So what?

I'm sorry about last night.


New York's only a few hours
away so if you're not busy...

maybe... sometime...

I mean, only if you want to.

We can...

go see the Eiffel tower or something.

You mean the Empire state building.

Yeah, that.



And that's how it started.

How long did you see her for?

Two weeks and then it was over.

My pops would have k*lled me

if he found out I was
dating a Puerto rican girl.

Class act, your pops.

You don't know my pops.

I was a wonder bread kid
from the suburbs.

It never could have worked.

Ever meet Daniella's boyfriend,
the guy she lived with?

She never told me about a guy.

You ever take her to see
the Empire state building?


It seemed like her home
had bad memories for her.

Daniella was from New York?

Across the river. Jersey city.

Why'd home have
bad memories for her?

I never asked.

No missing persons report in Jersey
matching Daniella's description.

How about the boyfriend?
You autotrack him in Jersey?

- Looking.
- My bets are on him for the doer.

Goes from yelling to a more
direct kind of communication.

My bet's on lover boy Chris.

Because he lied?

Because what gets you in the end

is what you love.


Found the boyfriend.
Edwin castillo.

fifth street, Jersey city.

New jersey.


Detective Rush,
Philadelphia homicide.

It's about Edwin castillo.

My baby's dead?

That's not why we're here.

- Then where is he?
- That's what we wanted to ask you.

I haven't seen Edwin in years.

He ran real wild as a boy.
We fought.

But I always thought
he'd come home one day.

Well, we need to
find him, Ms. Castillo.


We think he was
involved with this girl.

Do you recognize her?

Ms. Castillo, you know this girl?


That's my son.

That's Edwin.

So she was a he?


That's impossible.
Look at her.

You mean him.

Makes motive that
much stronger for Chris.

Fall in love with a girl
and finding out she's a guy.

Or his pal John.

He got a piece of that, too.

Oh, I want to be there
for that interview.

Love, Daniela.

Even as a kid, he was
signing his name as a girl.

Mom give you these?

She and Edwin would fight day and night
about him wearing make-up, jewelry.

He ran away after one
too many screaming matches.

The fights continued over the phone.

- The arguing the landlord heard.
- Yep.

Yeah, mom always figured
Daniela would, uh, grow out of it.

You mean Edwin.


Will, you remember Jay lambert,
the firearms instructor at the academy?

Oh, goes by Jillian now.

What, the perm?

The perm was a man?

- Yes, sir.
- Your kind of girl, Vera.

She's better looking.

See me.

We got to talk more
about Daniela, John.

And what you got off of her.

She was a talented girl.

Except she was a guy.

- And I'm the queen of England.
- Well, your highness.

Meet Edwin.



That isn't possible.

Kind of explains her talent
on your joystick, huh?


Cassie was right.

Who's Cassie?


Who's Cassie?

This girl I knew in high school.

She knew something was up with that.

Cheap TrickÀÇ 'I Want You To Want Me'

Where you been at, Chris?

For months I don't see you.

You're a bummer, baby.

- I've been busy.
- Yeah, he's got some squeeze.

- Who?
- She isn't some squeeze.

Who is she?

You taking her to prom?


Check out our flick, Cass.

You could've been a star.

Is this that pervert movie
you guys did?

I got to split.

Chrissie, baby,
where you going?

Who is that?

Some outta sight
dynomite hooker chica.

She looks like your blow up doll.

Shut up, Cass.

There's something funny about her.

Nothing's funny about her.

So your friend Cassie knew?

She was always talking.

But I guess she must've, yeah.

Did Chris know?

Go ask him your own damn self.

And for the record...

I made that up about,

you know.

I never touched that.

You can't have it both ways, John.

Lie twice.

Three time's the charm.

I didn't lie.

You weren't with
Daniela for two weeks.

It was a lot longer than that.

And then you found out the truth.

- I didn't k*ll her.
- You mean him.

Your friend Cassie was figuring it out.
Maybe everyone else would, too.

So putting a b*llet in Daniela's
head was the only way out.

It happens once.

You only get one chance.

You don't walk away
when it happens.

When what happens?

You find the one you've been
looking for all along.

It didn't matter what she was.

She was my chance.

Van MCoyÀÇ 'The Hustle'

You can do it.
Oh, yeah.

And shake.

Let me show you one. Ready?

Yeah. / One, two, and turn.

And turn.

Shake that groove thing, white boy.

I love this song.

Aren't we supposed to be doing
this after the prom, papi?

You gonna come with me?

You don't want to, that's cool.

It ain't that.

Come here then.

You don't see me.

I want the world to see me.

For who I really am.

Stop. Please.

I see you.

Who you really are.
I see, Daniela.

K.C. And the Sunshine BandÀÇ 'Please Don't Go'

Dumb kid.

Thought taking her to a stupid
dance would change anything.

She didn't even come.

Why not?

He clammed up.

Won't say why Daniela
was a no-show at the prom.

Sounds like they got past
the hard part before the prom.

So what else
could've caused a rift?

John say when prom night was?

May th.

Around the same time
Daniela disappeared.

So maybe something happened
that night made her disappear.

- Let's head out.
- Where we going?

Find the girl dying to be
Chris's prom squeeze.

Like I remember high school prom.


Beats me who he brung.

So you don't remember Chris?

Just barely.

It's too bad, because he
remembers you, Cassie.

Wonders what
happened to you, where

you ended up.

I got pregnant.

That's where.

Good-looking guy.

I would've been head
over heels myself.

He barely knew I was alive.

Wanted him to bring you
to the prom, huh?

Would've changed my life if he did.

But he didn't.

You remember this girl, Cassie?

From that movie they made.

Chris was gonna bring her.

So that's who he meant.

When he showed up like
that at the prom.

How'd he show up?

He was all b*at up.

The Village PeopleÀÇ 'Y.M.C.A.'


Chris! Hey.

What happened to you, baby?

He hit you again, didn't he?

And her. / Who?

Your date?

Chrissie, shh, baby.

Hey, I'm here for you.

I've always been here for you.

Get off of me, Cassie.

He made her go away.

He made her go forever.

Who was he talking about?

Who hit him, Cassie?

The one person Chris
could never face up to.

His pops.

Gave the kid a real shiner
the night of his prom.

Made Daniela go away that night,


No wonder he hasn't talked
to you in years.

Just wanted what was
best for my son.

- You'd do the same.
- What? k*ll a girl?

I never touched...

- Daniela.
- So you knew what she was.

Not at first.

Just didn't want my son messing
with some runaway.

Gave him a piece of my mind.

With your fists.

He had it coming.
Wouldn't heed me.

So how'd you find out...

what Daniela was?

The night of that dance...

I followed Christopher...

to a part of town he...

he never should've set foot in.

What're you doing, Chris, hmm?


didn't I tell you to stay
away from her!

Don't you touch him!

What the hell?

It's a guy!

This thing is a guy?

You did it with a man, Christopher?


With a f*g?

Don't say that.

You turned f*g?

Chris, tell him.

Dad, please...

Tell me what you did with that thing.

- Tell him, Chris!
- Tell me what you did.


I didn't do nothing with him.

You stay away from us.

Let's go.


Take your trash out of here.

Let's go!

Chris went to the prom that night...

like a normal boy.

End of her. End of story.

Chris gave Daniela
a rose corsage?

He took it back.

Rose petals...

from Daniela's corsage.

The one you gave her prom night.

- I got nothing to say to you.
- But then you to it back.

- The corsage.
- She made you.

So why were the petals found
with Daniela's bloody clothes?

Unless you went back.

All she wanted was for
the world to see her as a girl.

- Like you did.
- Until your pops found out.

And then you were ashamed of her

and hid her things so no one
would know what she was,

and tossed her away
like a piece of trash.

- No.
- Where'd you put her, Chris?

Daniela was your chance.

And you don't walk away from that.

Because maybe
it's the only one we ever get.

Your father made you walk
away once, Chris.

Don't do it again.

But I already did.

I just walked away.





I came back, see?

I came back for you, Daniela.

I came back.

BreadÀÇ 'Goodbye Girl'

All your life you've waited

for love to come and stay

And now that I have found you,

you must not slip away

I know it's hard believing

the words you've heard before

But darling, you must
trust them just once more

because baby,
Goodbye doesn't mean forever

Let me tell you goodbye doesn't mean
we'll never be together again

If you wake up and I'm not there,
I won't be long away

because the things
you do my goodbye girl

will bring me back to you.

I know you've been taken,

afraid to hurt again

You fight the love you feel
for me instead of giving in

But I can wait forever,

a-helping you to see

That I was meant
for you and you for me

So remember
goodbye doesn't mean forever

Let me tell you goodbye doesn't mean
we'll never be together again

So remember
goodbye doesn't mean forever

Let me tell you goodbye doesn't mean
we'll never be together again

Though we may be so far apart
you still will have my heart

So forget your past my goodbye girl

because now you're home at last.
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