04x21 - The Passed-Over Story

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Nanny". Aired: November 1993 to June 1999.*
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After being fired from her job she is mistakenly hired to care for the family of a widowed Broadway producer.
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04x21 - The Passed-Over Story

Post by bunniefuu »

I don't know why I applied to Princeton.
I'll never get in with my SAT scores.

Honey, you wanna get in,
forget your SAT scores.

Just attach your father's TRW.

Fran, I have to go
to an out-of-town college.

If I stay in this house,
I'm not gonna have any social life.

It's the house?

It's amazing. You win three Tonys,

and suddenly
everyone's returning your phone calls.

Miss Fine, you'll never guess
who's agreed to star in my new show.

Don't tell me it's the woman
that was snubbed by the Academy

for best director for the best
motion picture ever made, Yentl?

Let me ask you something.

If Barbra Streisand and your mother
were both drowning,

who would you save?

I'd save my mother.

Barbra can walk on water.

I give up. Well, I got Morgan Faulkner.

Oh, my God! I love Morgan Faulkner.

Morgan Faulkner?

I went to high school with her
when she was Marcy Feldman.

-She happens to be a great actress.
-And one hell of a magician.

She made half her nose disappear
between 10th and 11th grade.

Behave yourself.
She'll be here in a few minutes.

Well, I'm going upstairs.

I can't stand to be around people
who are ashamed of who they are.

Don't you even want to see her?

And have her find out I'm a nanny?
Have you gone mental?

We were the most popular girls
in high school and very competitive.

-What happened between you?
-Well, I'm a maid,

and she's on the cover of Elle.
I'd say we have a winner.

She was working in a bridal shop
In Flushing, Queens

'Til her boyfriend kicked her out
In one of those crushing scenes

What was she to do, where was she to go?
She was out on her fanny

So, over the bridge from Flushing
To the Sheffields' door

She was there to sell makeup
But the father saw more

She had style, she had flair
She was there

That's how she became the Nanny

Who would have guessed
That the girl we described

Was just exactly
What the doctor prescribed?

-Now the father finds her beguiling
-Watch out, C.C.

-And the kids are actually smiling
-Such joie de vivre!

She's the lady in red
When everybody else is wearing tan

The flashy girl from Flushing
The Nanny named Fran

Sylvia has invited us over
for the Jewish holiday.

Is this the holiday Miss Fine said
you can't eat all day then stuff yourself,

or you light candles then stuff yourself,

or the one where you build a straw hut,
then stuff yourself?

I believe it's where you hide crackers
from small children,

then stuff yourself.


Maxwell, I don't wanna look
a gift horse in the mouth, but--

Then don't floss in a mirror.

Why is Nanny Fine hiding
from Morgan Faulkner?

They were at high school together,

and Miss Fine's a little embarrassed
about being a nanny.

What about you? Aren't you embarrassed
about being a butler?

-I don't know Morgan Faulkner.
-No. I mean, in general.

Morgan, do come in.

I am so thrilled to be working with you.

Wait two weeks and see if you say that.

-I'm his partner, C.C. Babcock.
-It's a pleasure.

Wait five minutes and see if you say that.

Miss Faulkner, I am such a big fan.

-I got your autograph at the Whiskey Bar.
-The Whiskey Bar?

-I'm sorry. I don't remember.
-Why would you? I was never there.

Your daughter's very beautiful.

Is there a Mrs. Sheffield?

Are my ears burning?

Morgan, it's Fran.

Fran Fine.

From Hillcrest High.

Miss Fine, Morgan meets so many people.

Why doesn't she recognize me?

She's the one that got everything changed.

That Fran Fine.

Don't tell me you're Mrs. Sheffield?

Let's just say,
we don't need to sign a piece of paper.

But the kids adore me.
I live here. You fill in the blanks.

So you're the nanny.

And the blanks are filled.

Ma, how come you're cooking for 12
when Passover's a week away?

What Passover?

I did five minutes of a Jane Fonda tape.

I feel lightheaded.

Ma, do you ever question the choices
that you make in life?

Sometimes I'm sitting across the table
from your father...

-and I look at his face...

-And I wonder,

is he gonna finish that lamb chop?

I'm wondering what Jane Fonda tape
you were exercising to? Klute?

Ma, put the fork down for two seconds.

I'm very upset about something.

Mr. Sheffield hired Morgan Faulkner
to star in his new play.

Darling, what's bothering you?

That she's a big star and you're a maid?

Mamaleh, don't look
into other people's windows.

You never know
what someone's life is truly like.

You see the woman across the alley?

For years, I envied her fancy apartment,

and then, one day,
I realized she was born blind.

What makes you think that?

Her bedroom window
looks directly into ours,

and she has never even looked.

Ma, she wasn't born blind.
She made herself that way.

What's cooking?

I've been experimenting with recipes
for your mother's Seder.

I've made kreplach, knaidlach,
tsimmis and gribenes.


Boy, Niles, you're really
taking this seriously, aren't you?

Oy, I've been eating like a chazer.

My pants I can't zip,

and when are you getting married already?

You know, it takes a lot more
to being Jewish than just cooking.

There's a whole other wiener
you gotta schnitzel, mister.

Where's Mr. Sheffield?

He's with Miss Fancy-Schmancy,
movie star, big shot.

You know, this is getting scary.

Quick, eat a piece of ham. Play a sport.

You're far more sanguine about
Miss Faulkner than you were yesterday.

First of all, welcome back.

Second of all, I'm trying.

You know,
I don't like to look through windows.

Fine. All right. Thank you.

Just wait till you see this marquee,
Morgan. It just went up.

-My name better be above the title.
-Of course it is.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

Excuse me.

Hi, Morgan. I didn't know you were here.

I'm sorry. Do you need to clean in here?

For your information, I don't clean.

I'm not even a real nanny.

I'm in the witness protection program.

Come on, Fran, you don't need to pretend.

It's just me, two-time Academy Award
winning Morgan Faulkner.

Did I mention I just did a pilot?

Really? What airline?

I'm sorry. I--

I shouldn't look through windows.

You know, your life seems very glamorous,

but I'm sure you live like a gypsy.

You don't even have a real home.

Well, actually,
I have a compound in Malibu.

But you're lonely.
You don't have any real friends.

Well, I don't get to see Demi and Uma
as often because I'm dating a Kennedy.

-Does your mother live at the compound?
-I hardly ever see her.

She moved to Boca.

Would you fill out
this lotto card for me, please?

Fran, I got rejected
from Princeton and Vasser.

Sweetie, come here.

If it makes you feel any better,
I didn't even go to college.


I didn't go to college either.

I know what that girl needs.

I just lost my assistant.
It's a great job. It's exciting.

-She'll meet celebrities.
-Wait a minute.

You can't give a kid like that a job.

Not when I've known you
since high school.

Can't you throw me a bone?

I can't believe Morgan took away
the only daughter I never had.

How many shiksa goddesses
do they think I got in me?

For dessert at your mother's Passover,
I thought I'd bring some nice fresh fruit.

You're gonna slide a cheesecake
under that, aren't you?

You're not going to want a rich dessert
after such a heavy meal?

Yeah, we are.

Niles, take a look at this poster
for the show.

Doesn't Morgan look incredibly...


I wanna see.

She looks gorgeous.

Is it retouched?

No. Yes.

Maxwell, I just saw the posters of Morgan.

-They are--

Miss Fine is a little sensitive
about Morgan right now.

Thank you.

Doesn't she look stunning?

I mean, hot, sexy.

Why are you being so hurtful?

I've got nothing.

I make minimum wage.

I don't have a man in my life.

I'm probably gonna die alone like a dog.


Nanny Fine, I am so sorry.

I feel terrible.

Got guilt?

I would have made such a good mother.

Look at this. It's almost 9:00.

What kind of an irresponsible idiot

keeps a kid out on a school night?
I'll never know.

I'm going to Eric's.
Be back in a couple of hours.

Okay, honey. Have fun.

Miss Fine, do you think your anger
and dismay could possibly be coming

from a belief that Morgan
has something that you haven't?

Like what? Other than it all?

This isn't about me and Morgan.

Ever since Maggie took this job,
I never see her.

I have nothing to do all day.

You could take care
of my other two children.

No, I'm distancing myself from them.

I owe them money.

Dad, this job is so exciting.

Morgan is fabulous.
I'm learning so much from her.

She's k*lling me!

Now, now, Miss Fine,

this job is the best thing
that could have happened to her.

Cool. Because I'm going to Europe with her
and I'm not going to college.

She's k*lling me!

Look at this.

I just figured out how to add
ten more seats in the theater.

Lose the damn wheelchair row.

My daughter is not giving up college
to go to Europe as Morgan's gofer.

Why would anyone want
to spend their entire life

waiting on someone hand and foot
like a bloody lackey?

For the glory, sir.

Would you look at the beak
Morgan had in high school?

You know, her first acting job
was sitting on Baretta's shoulder.

How is Margaret gonna make anything
of herself if she doesn't go to college?

I know four years at Oxford
opened a lot of doors for me.

If Margaret isn't gonna listen to me,

I'm gonna go down there
and make Morgan fire her.

You could lose her forever if you do that.

-C.C., my daughter isn't--
-Not the string bean. Morgan.

Mr. Sheffield, I'll go and take care of it.

I mean, you're not gonna get Morgan
to fire Maggie.

The whole concept of firing eludes you.

Look who you've got on the payroll:
Harpo, Groucho and Drain-o.

Would you please tell this guy
that I am not a hooker?

It's okay. I know her.

-I'm sorry. Did you wanna come in?

I'm gonna make this short and sweet.

Evita is playing on pay-per-view.

Can we talk in a couple hours?

Fran, I need to get down to rehearsal.
What's on your mind?

Well, Mr. Sheffield wants Maggie
to go to college.

He does not want her
schlepping around after you.

Personally, I think she's a blond heiress
with legs up to here,

so higher education is no es necesito.

But it's your job
to make Mr. Sheffield happy.

From your mouth to God's ears.

He is cute.

And impotent, a tragic irony.

God, this takes me right back
to high school.

I can see why we never got along.

Well, you were always acting
superior to me,

bossing me around all the time.

That is ridiculous.

Zip me up.

-Get that.
-Wait a minute.

We're going right back
into our old patterns.

You don't want cracked crab?

Maybe this one last time.


I don't know what the big deal is.
Maggie won't be an assistant forever.

She'll make connections. She'll go places.

If I'd listened to my father, I'd be
working in that bridal shop in Flushing.

Well, you know, you and me, we got out.

But Maggie is not
the mover and shaker that we are.


Hi, angel.

This job is so cool.

Today, I met Woody Allen.

-Is that exciting?
-I know.

You stay away from him.

Listen, honey, I know that you think
that this job beats going to college,

but I just hope that someday
you don't regret it.

How do I know I'm gonna regret it?

I can't dwell on
all the negative, horrible things

that might happen in the future.

I keep forgetting you're not Jewish.


Happy Pesach!

-So, did we say that right?

I hope this brisket goes
with what you're serving.

It's perfect with potato latkes.

Assuming that you brought some.

I just want to thank you for inviting me.

Please, Niles, you're like family.

Is there anything else I can do?

Well, you prepared the food,
I guess it's only right

that you have the pleasure
of serving it too.

Would you start with the gefilte fish?

And maybe you'll make
a little radish rosette?

before you make yourself comfortable,

would you bring Uncle Morty
his holiday hair?

Hi, everybody.
Mr. Sheffield, Happy Passover.

Miss Fine, where's Margaret?
Why isn't she with you?

Let's see,
going to a club with Johnny Depp,

or sucking on whitefish bones?

I see. She's gonna finish out the day,
then she's fired and going to college?

Well, actually,
I sort of let her make that decision.

You what? Are you out of your mind?

Tomorrow, I'll fire her.
But first, I'll practice on you.

This is the holiday where we don't yell
and then stuff ourselves.

"Why on this night
do we eat bitter herbs?"

"To symbolize the bitter and cruel way
we were treated in the pharaoh."

"Why on this night
do we dip our foods in saltwater?"

"To remind us of the tears we've shed."

"Why on this night
do we recline on a pillow?"

"Because once we were slaves
and now we are a free people."

That was beautiful, sweetheart.

You forgot the last question.

"When is daddy
gonna marry my daughter already?"

That question was to remind us
of my suffering.

Why don't I get that?

Would you?

If she thinks
I'm coming for Rosh Hashanah,

she's got another thing coming.



What are you doing here?
Why aren't you working?

Actually, I quit.
I thought about what Fran said.

Honey. What did I say?

Well, you know,
how I'm a blond heiress, and I needed--

Fast forward.

But that I don't want to regret
not going to college someday.

Did you tape Evita?

-I'm so glad, sweetheart.
-Here. Sit down.

You're rehired, Harpo.

You know what?
She is such a sl*ve driver.

I walk in there,
she wants me to turn around,

drive to the airport in rush hour

to pick up Barbra Streisand and James--

Brolin? Give me the keys.
Give me the keys!

It's the miracle of Passover.

The Messiah is coming.

Does everyone eat like this
on the Jewish holiday, Miss Fine?

Why do you think
we wandered the desert for 40 years?

We were walking off the meal.

I'll never eat again.

I'm so full.

I can't even move.

You know, call me crazy,
but I could go for a little sweet.

You know,
I could go for a bissel cheesecake.

I made some strudel.

You know, I could have some napoleons.
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