05x03 - The Bobbi Flekman Story

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Nanny". Aired: November 1993 to June 1999.*
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After being fired from her job she is mistakenly hired to care for the family of a widowed Broadway producer.
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05x03 - The Bobbi Flekman Story

Post by bunniefuu »

Miss Fine, it's been two weeks.
The mourning period has to end.

It's just so tragic.

I mean, it shouldn't have been.

A lot of people screw up their first date.

Now get out of those depressing clothes.


I need to wear this. It gives me closure.

Besides, black is slimming.

And I'm gonna need it.

There's nothing more pathetic than a woman
who eats out of frustration

because she doesn't have a man.

Do you have any more of this
mesquite barbecue sauce?

Because it is really yummy.

-Will you just forget it, Brighton.
-But Dad--

-It's never gonna happen.
-Never gonna happen?

Just because I screwed up with Elton John,
you're not gonna date me again--

You meant Brighton.

I won a radio contest

and the winner gets Brian Setzer
to sh**t a video in their house.

Brian Setzer? I love him.

He used to be a Stray Cat. I've been
listening to him since the early-'80s.

Hey, is it true back then
people used to listen to their music

on some sort of primitive, large,
black, vinyl disk?

Only when we weren't enjoying
our favorite pastime: child hurling.

-The answer, Brighton, is still no.

But what's the big deal?

I mean, it's three hours
on a Friday night.

Look, maybe your father
has plans Friday night.

Dinner for two, al fresco, at Nello's.

starting with the fried artichokes,
God willing.

No. I do not have plans Friday night.

-And I am not leaving this house.

You want one?


She was working in a bridal shop
In Flushing, Queens

'Til her boyfriend kicked her out
In one of those crushing scenes

What was she to do, where was she to go?
She was out on her fanny

So, over the bridge from Flushing
To the Sheffields' door

She was there to sell makeup
But the father saw more

She had style, she had flair She was there

That's how she became the Nanny

Who would have guessed
That the girl we described

Was just exactly
What the doctor prescribed?

-Now the father finds her beguiling
-Watch out, C.C.

-And the kids are actually smiling
-Such joie de vivre!

She's the lady in red
When everybody else is wearing tan

The flashy girl from Flushing
The Nanny named Fran

I can't believe they won't let you
have a cat in a dorm.

You told me that your cousin had a pet
and she went to Columbia.

A chicken. At the University of Bogotá.

Well, wow, aren't you hot stuff.

You know who you remind me of?

Barbara Stanwyck from The Big Valley.

Fran, I just wanna look cool
for when they come

to check out the house
for the music video.

-You do.
-By the way, how can I thank you

for getting Dad to say yes?

Get your dad to say yes.

Brighton, you are so pathetic.

I mean he walks around the house all day
with his guitar

and he doesn't even know how to play.

Hey, you wear a bra.

Hey, at least I've actually seen one.

Why don't you shut up!

-No, you shut up!
-Hey you, knock it off.

You're young adults.
Stop acting like children.

Hi, come on in.

Who are you?

Bobbi Flekman, VP of Record Promotions.

-Say hello to my assistant, Chloe.
-Hello, it's nice--

I'm talking on the phone.

Oh, they're so sweet, they're so fresh.

Come on, they're the hottest band in town.

Don't you love Wu-Tang Clan?

With chicken or pork?

Yeah, well, if you saw her,
you'd understand.

Brighton! The record lady's here!

I'm Fran Fine, the nanny.

Wow, you're sure living fat.

I'm just retaining a little.
See, I had some salty fish last night.

You, don't talk so much.

I'm sorry, did you lose your train
of thought?

No, it's just your voice
is so annoying, honey.

Hi, I'm Brighton Sheffield.

-It's such an honor--
-I'm nobody.

Hi, I'm Brighton Sheffield.
It's such an honor to meet you.

What a handsome boy.

You're gonna look great
in all the publicity pictures.

Chloe, make a note:

Let's get some color
on this milquetoast punim.

Where's the father?

I gotta have him sign
some of these release forms.

God, that was so weird.
She looked just like you.


Well, maybe in about 10 years.

-Who are you?
-Bobbi Flekman.

Well, aren't we chic.

But what's with B'nai B'rith Barbie
out there?

We're gonna get along just fine.

C.C. Babcock.
I'm Maxwell Sheffield's partner.


Well, it's nice to meet a sister
who's made it to the top.

Where's your office?

Well, I travel a lot.

Sometimes I work here
and sometimes I work...


Well, where's your partner?

He's the guy I'm really trying
to nail down.

Well, get in line.

Do we have the hots for our boss?

Have we seen our boss?

Honey, you look like a smart woman.

You're not, but you look like one.

Baby, you're a doormat. An old shoe.

And no man is worth it.
Stop being a masochist.

I am not a masochist!

Well, don't go.

-Oh, my God. Bobbi!
-Oh, my God.

Maxwell Sheffield.

You know, I knew
that name sounded familiar.

-How the hell are you?
-I'm great. I'm great.

You know, we go back to London days.

I tried to get him to produce
my friend's play,

but he thought it was a dog.

-What was the name of it? Hair?

Cats and Hair?

So, listen, Bobbi.

-We have to have dinner together.
-All right.

C.C., are you doing anything?


Make reservations for us, would you?

Miss Babcock, I feel so sorry for you.

You're going to be alone and miserable
for the rest of your life.

You heard what just happened?

No, what just happened?

-Nanny Fine, thank God.

Get in there and flirt with Max.

Why are you wearing pants?

Let's put it this way.

If I miss one more waxing appointment

I'm gonna be pulling a beer wagon
for Budweiser.

There's a gorgeous woman
shamelessly throwing herself at Maxwell.

I know, but I blew it on the first date.

Not you. Bobbi Flekman.

Now go and put on a short skirt
and get in there and flirt.

It's too late. The man hates me.

So you blew it.

Are you gonna let one lousy date
discourage you? You wuss.

I didn't even let his wife stand
in my way.

You think I'm pathetic now,

you should've seen me
as her maid of honor.

Forget it. He's never gonna ask
me out again.

It's only because he's torn between you
and the other woman he loves.



Don't you see?

Bobbi Flekman is an amalgamation
of the two of us.

She is everything he is searching
for in a woman.

Beauty, brains, and a slut.


You know, you may be on to something.

You know, what's wrong
with this whole relationship

between me and Mr. Sheffield, don't you?

I'm not in it.

Well, maybe Mr. Sheffield
and Bobbi Flekman are just friends.

You're always saying
how you wanna meet new people.

That's different, Val. That's me.

What the hell does he need to meet
new people for?

Everybody he needs to know is right here.

Yeah, and you know what I don't get is?

How could he be attracted to you and her?

The guy's taste is all over the map.

You know, this isn't even really about me,
Val. I'm concerned about the children.

I mean, she's a career woman.
Kids are just an imposition to her.


-Val, would you go?


Have you ever been concerned
about losing Daddy?


He was sexually attracted to Kate Smith.

How I get any action from that
chubby chaser I'll never know.

I tell you, one disastrous little date

and Mr. Sheffield is already
looking at someone else.

I mean, if I thought that he liked
older women,

I would've told him the truth.

Ma, what am I doing wrong?

Darling, you were always very attractive
to men.

But you never knew how to reel them in.

Somehow I never passed that onto you.

-I just give up. I just give up.
-Don't give up.

-Say you're at a buffet.

And there's one piece of cheesecake left.

And some obnoxious woman tries to grab it.

-What do you do?
-Cut in front of you, Ma.

Exactly, cut right in front
of that Bobbi Flekman

at the man buffet.

And grab your piece.

Ma. How am I gonna do that?

Your Chinese chicken salad's here, Bobbi.

Fran, she thought...

Bobbi's thinking, honey.

-Brian, bubbie.
-Bobbi, baby.

Maxwell Sheffield, Brian.

-Mr. Sheffield, nice to meet you.
-How do you do?

You know... I was in a rock group once.

Yeah, the Strawberry Sheffields Forever.

Yes, those were the days, my friend.

We thought they'd never end.

You're a friend of Pete Townshend's,
aren't you?

Yeah, you're that guy that passed
on Tommy.

Tommy, Hair, Cats.


Who are they?

They're the rest
of the Brian Setzer Orchestra.

Do you got enough food?

We did.

How am I gonna lose weight
with all this food here?

Remind me later. I'll give you
my trainer's number.

-Excuse me, Miss Flekman.

There's a limo driver out back...

who has a message for you from a musician.


You mean Sting?


Oh, my God. Brian Setzer! Brian Setzer!

Brian, baby.

Sheffield's daughter wants an autograph.
Do you mind signing your CD?

Sure. What's her name?

-Frannie Fine.
-Frannie Fine.

-Thanks, sweetie.
-You're welcome.

-Where's Mr. Sheffield?
-I don't know, Miss Flekman.

-Did you just change clothes?

I almost blew it, didn't I, Fran?

Val. Go home! Go!


A damned inconvenience
is what this whole thing is.

There's nothing worse than having
to accommodate

a bunch of rude dilettantes
with over-inflated egos.

Did you ever have to run out in the middle
of the night to buy somebody tampons?

-Then shut up.

The only reason I keep this stupid job
is because I'm hoping

she'll put me in a video.

And you don't think it's pathetic
to compromise yourself

just for a shot at 15 minutes of fame?

Chloe, call Casting.

We need to fit someone
into the Esther Williams bathing suit.

Is it cut high on the sides?

Kick off your shoes start losin' the blues
This old house ain't got nothin' to lose

I've seen it all for years
Start spreadin' the news

We got room on the floor,
Come on baby shake somethin' loose

Well the house is a rockin'
Don't bother knockin'

Yeah the house is a rockin'
Don't bother knockin'

The house is a rockin'
Don't bother, come on in

Cut! Cut!

What happened? I thought
you were gonna be in the music video.

No, no. I was only kidding.
I'm not going to make an idiot of myself.

-The bathing suit didn't fit.
-It was a petite 12.

All right, everybody, take five.

-We'll try it again.
-Well, excuse me.

If you opened up one of the seams
in the back, I don't turn around.


Oh, Bobbi.

Yeah, that's me.

We gotta talk about us.

You know, it's over for me and...

-it's time to move on.
-What's over?

Well, it's obvious that you're crazy
about me,

but it's just never gonna happen.
I mean, I'm old enough to be...

that adorable nanny's mother.

Bobbi, forgive me.
I'm a little confused here.

I was under the impression
we were just good friends.


Are you telling me that there's nothing
between us whatsoever?

Well, I'm dreadfully sorry if I've given
you the wrong impression.

No, no. That's okay. That's okay.

You know I misread signals all the time.

At my age you tend to become
muy desperado.

Well, anyway, gotta go. Ciao.


Bobbi, forgive me.

I don't know what came over me.

All of a sudden I felt something...

Something I've been fighting ever since
I laid eyes on you 20 years ago.

But I thought that you said
that we were just friends.

That, no, that's just a line I use
when I feel a woman's getting too close.

I've used it on my nanny
thousands of times.

Bobbi, are you all right?

Yeah, it's just I like your nanny.

And I feel sorry for her
and I'm gonna go to her.

-She needs me.
-No, no. Wait.

I think I love you.

No. Get away from me.
Leave me alone. Leave me alone.

Leave me alone.

Call me crazy. Call me impulsive. But...

will you marry me?

How could you propose to...

You know, there is a band waiting
in there.

-And I do have a rabbi on speed dial--
-Miss Fine.

You knew it was me?

Well, of course I knew
it was you all along.

Well, then I'm holding you
to your proposal.

And in New York State
a verbal agreement...

-Don't push it.
-... is a binding. Done pushing.


Why were you kissing Bobbi Flekman?

To thank her.

Don't you remember?

Elton John dropped out of my show,
thanks to you.


Well, Bobbi was kind enough to talk
to Mick Jagger about replacing him.

So it's imperative we all make Bobbi
very, very happy.

I don't get today's music.

The Red Hot Chili Peppers?

Give me the '60s.

Cream. Vanilla Fudge.

Now that was a turn-on.

Well the house is a rockin'
Don't bother knockin'

Yeah the house is a rockin'
Don't bother knockin'

Yeah the house is a rockin'
Don't bother, come on in

Well kick off your shoes
Start losin' the blues

This old house ain't got nothin' to lose

I've seen it all for years
Start spreadin' the news

We got room on the floor

Come on baby shake something loose

Well the house is a rockin'
Don't bother knockin'

Yeah the house is a rockin'
Don't bother knockin'

Yeah the house is a rockin'
Don't bother, come on in

Cut! Cut!

Get that damn butler out of the shot!
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