06x15 - To Helicon and Back

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Xena: Warrior Princess". Aired: September 1995 to June 2001.*
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Xena helps people free themselves against injustices.
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06x15 - To Helicon and Back

Post by bunniefuu »

- To a strong Amazon nation.
- To a strong Amazon nation.

- How's the eye?
- How's the hand?

Fine, why?

I thought maybe you
sprained it on my face.


Ah. Hope you don't mind if
we borrow her for a while,

- but, um, the ceremony is...
- ...Amazon only...,

like the other ones.
Yeah, that's okay, I, um...

I'd rather sleep rough out
in the forest.

Well, have a good time at the party.
Don't do anything I wouldn't do.

To a strong Amazon nation.

Hail Varia!
The new queen of the Amazons!

Death to the Amazons!

They got Varia!

Let them come to us!

They've kidnapped our queen.

In the time of ancient gods,


and kings,

a land in turmoil
cried out for a hero.

She was Xena,

a mighty princess
forged in the heat of battle.

The power.

The passion.

The danger.

Her courage
will change the world.


- It's from Helicon.
- That's the fortress on the coast.

Our best warriors will leave
immediately... to rescue her.

We need a commander
who's familiar with the terrain of Greece.

It should be Xena.

No. The Amazon nation can only go to w*r
under an Amazon queen.

That means you, Gabrielle.

The fortress is on an outcrop.

The mountain pass
is the best route to attack from.

- Therefore, it's the best-defended.
- Exactly.

We attack by water.

- Good call.
- Good teacher.

All right. So tonight, I'll sneak
through the pass..., knock off the leader,

and try to create a diversion
while you and the other Amazons

come off the water
and... take 'em from behind.

Xena, are you sure about going
after their leader on your own?

I can handle him.
Let's hope Varia can.


the great Varia.

I'm guesssing this is not
how you planned on

spending your first day...
as queen of the Amazons.

In the name of all the Amazons...,
I demand...

You are in no position
to demand anything.

What kind of madman are you?

You invite the wrath
of the Amazon nation on your head...

- by kidnapping me?
- Actually...,

I had intended just to k*ll you.


plans change.

Whoever you are...

Whatever your grudge is
against me...,

my sisters won't stand for this.

They'll come after you.

I know.

Not long now.

Are you all right?

Stay there.

Lend me some coins?

What for?
We don't even use the same money.

I know. But knowing my luck,
if I owe you money, I'll survive.

No, I'm-I'm serious.

Are you okay?

Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mmm.

Some warrior, huh?

I'm worse than Joxer
facing the dryads.

Everybody's afraid.

Some people are just better
at hiding it.

You'll do fine.



I was surprised to see you
at the Amazon camp.


Oh, I'm sorry.


It's not nice to meet you,

I've been hit like that before...

but never by a mortal.

I was born of Artemis!
The greatest of all the Olympians.

That's why you hate the Amazons.

She watched over them, taught them
everything they needed to survive,

yet they abandoned her.

That was not the Amazons' fault!


It was yours.

You're a good enough fighter.

So what?
Does that make you a god?

Oh, what does it matter, Xena?

Everyone knows you've lost
the power to k*ll gods.

You m*rder*d my mother.
Now you're gonna pay.


First you. Then
every one of those b*tches

until there's not a single Amazon
left to draw a breath.

Starting with those fools
bobbing out there in the water.

When we hit the shore,
disembark in silence.

The element of surprise
is our greatest w*apon.

Fire the catapults!



What's that noise?

Get down!!!


We can't stay here
much longer!

What'll we do, Gabrielle?!

Stay calm!

We're taking the beach!

But they've got catapults!

We're taking the beach!


- Gabrielle! We've gotta move!
- Where is she?!

Tyro! Come on!

Come on! Get up!
We gotta get out!

This is gonna be our graveyard!

- We are not dying here!
- Fire!

There's cover
if we make the sand dunes.

We need a diversion
to draw out their fire.

Trudis, can you do it?

I'll go.

For us.

I'll do it.

She's never gonna make it.

We don't have any other choice.

Now! Go!!! Go!

Move! Run!

Run! Don't stop!

Move! Move!

- Go! Go!
- Help! Don't leave us!

Come on!

Get down!

Stay low! Get down!

Someone's coming out of the water!




What happened?

Why didn't you do something?!

Why didn't you stop them?!
They've got catapults!

We are going to die.
We are all going to die!

You listen to me.

Yes, they've got catapults,
and yes, we are going to die,

if you don't pull yourself together!

Ya hear me?
All of you, keep calm!

Get back. Get back.

You Amazons
deserted Artemis...

when she needed
your worship the most.

For that... I will k*ll
each and every one of you.

They're being led by Bellerophon;
that's the son of Artemis.

Do you understand?

He's gonna destroy us.


You should take command.
Take it.

The Amazons aren't going
to listen to me, Gabrielle.

You're it.

You're it.

But maybe...

we can come
to some kind of understanding.

They've stopped.

- Let's get out of here!
- Stay put.

- Shouldn't we make a run for it?
- That's what they expect.


Come on!



- Gabrielle..., I've got an idea.
- Ready the catapult!

It won't buy us much time,
only seconds,

but it's the only chance
we've got.

Come on.



Run fast! Move!


Gwyn-Teir! No!!!




- No.
- At least we're out of the line of fire.


Wh-Why aren't... aren't they firing?

Bellerophon said a queen
should die with her tribe.

It's good to have you back, Varia.

The troops are waiting
for their orders.

We'll wait for nightfall,
then we'll retreat.


I have got to get my troops
home to safety.

Varia, Bellerophon
will come after us.

He will not rest until
the entire Amazon race is annihilated.

We have to stop him, Varia.

- How?
- If we go by water,

we can take up a flanking position
on the other side of the fortress.

I think the wounded
will be better off here.

They'll be completely defenseless
against Bellerophon's men, Gabrielle.

I am not leaving
any of my soldiers.

Xena, carrying the wounded
will slow us down.

More of us will be injured...
or die.

You're right.

I'll tell the others.

I was blindfolded...

but there was definitely
a track they brought me down on.

And if I came down...

...then we can go up.

Then we won't have
to go through the water.

We'll need a volunteer
to find the path.

I'll go.





You tried to k*ll me!

Let me handle this.

Bellerophon promised
to spare you all...

if Varia k*lled Gabrielle.

Well, that's it, isn't it?

Your tribe for my suffering?

He wouldn't have made good
on his promise, Varia.

He swore on Artemis' grave.

I'm so... sorry.

The Amazons are a sisterhood,

- You broke those sacred bonds!
- She's a traitor to the tribe!

Such treason
should be punished by death!

I will not have
that kind of justice!

But she's not coming with us.

I can't worry
about the enemy and you.

As an Amazon queen...,

I give you my word,
I will not harm you.

We can't leave her here,

I'll take your word, Varia.

But you are no longer queen.

You're thinking of giving yourself up
to Bellerophon, aren't you?

- It would settle things.
- Only for a moment.

Then he would turn around
and come after us again.

That's the thing about vengeance.
You're never really satisfied.

You did the right thing
about Varia.

She doesn't deserve to be condemned.

She was desperate to save
her tribe, I know that.

It made her do something
she never thought she'd do.

Just like you're going to have to rally
your troops to fight again.

Maybe die, Gabrielle.

If that's what I have to do...

Why are you looking at me
like that?

Just doesn't seem like
the Gabrielle I know.

It's not me, Xena...,

but it is the queen of the Amazons.

That's who I am,
whether I like it or not.

A shark.
I saw a shark!

Something just brushed my leg!
Something big!

- Keep still, everyone!
- Yes.

They're drawn to movement.

Travel safely, sister.

Was that honorable?
I don't think so.

Would you have given yourself
for her?

You sent her spirit in peace,


Come on.

Queen Mawu-Ka.

Queen Gwyn-Teir.

Your friend.


Their blood...
on the shores of this land.

Our sisters have died...,

but death... is not an end
to their spirits.


it's a pathway...
to an afterlife.

And when it is my time
to join them...,

I want to know... that I can
grasp them by the hands...,

I can look them...
all in the eyes...,

and tell them...

that their blood...
was not shed without purpose.

That we finished the job
that they began.

More of us may die today...,
but the Amazon nation...,

it will live on...

That is the duty
that we carry...,

and the everlasting honor...
that we will hold.

You okay?

Yeah. Yeah, I did
what I had to do.

I rallied the troops.

Gabrielle, I can see
that you're in pain.

Xena, don't.
Don't say that.

Don't try to make me feel better
about this.

Half of my tribe...
lies dead on the beach.

Now I have to be as cold...
and ruthless as I can be.

I'll do whatever I have to
to keep these women alive.

Let's end this now then.

You know what you have to do.



When will you learn?

I've already beaten you twice.

It's once.
But who's counting?

Is that fear I see in your eyes,
Warrior Princess?

So disappointing when a warrior
falls short of your expectations.

A horse.

A horse!!!

- Yah!
- Yah!

- Yah!
- Yah!

Xena. What's the matter?
Confronting your reputation?

No, confronting yours.

And that wasn't fear you saw
in my eyes before.

It was disgust.

I k*lled your mother
to save my daughter.

And you k*lled the Amazons
to avenge your mother.

So the Amazon k*lled
your soldiers.

Why add one more name
to the ranks of the dead?

End it here, Bellerophon.

Make the decision to walk away
from the cycle of k*lling.


Or I'll make the decision for ya.

Oh, you forget, Xena.

You can't k*ll me.
'Cause I'm a half-god!

You forget.
You're half mortal too.

It didn't have to end this way.

Oh, yes.

It did.

Come on! Get up!


It's over.

Come on!
Let's get out of here!

You won.

I don't think I did.

With each battle...
I lose more of myself.

w*r's tough on us all,


Queen Gabrielle.

Your people need ya.

To a strong Amazon nation.

To a strong Amazon nation.

To a strong Amazon nation.

To a strong Amazon nation.
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