02x01 - Heart of Darkness

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Wonder Years". Aired: January 1988 to May 1993.*
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02x01 - Heart of Darkness

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ What would you do
if I sang out of tune? ♪

♪ Would you stand up
and walk out on me? ♪

♪ Lend me your ears,
and I'll sing you a song ♪

♪ I will try not to
sing out of key, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, baby, I get by ♪
- ♪ by with a little help
from my friends ♪

-♪ All I need is my buddies ♪

-♪ High with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ I'm sayin' I'm gonna get higher ♪ - ♪
try with a little help from my friends ♪

- ♪ Whoa-oa-oa-oa, yeah ♪
- ♪ ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

-As seventh grade wore on,
I began to have nightmares.

I'm walking into
sort of a... A cave.

A long, dark tunnel.

I think paul and
winnie are with me.

But... But then they're
not. I'm all alone.

I don't even know why
I'm going into the cave.

I-i-i'm terrified.

But I just know that I have to
keep going, deeper and deeper,

So deep that it's like
I can't even remember

What the daylight
is like anymore.

And suddenly...

I'm in second-period math class.

In pajamas.

With feet.

-I guess I was under
a lot of stress.

There are a lot of things
about junior-high life

That might seem simple to
an outsider, but they're not.

Take the 15 minutes before
homeroom every morning.

What you do with
those 15 minutes

Says pretty much
everything there is to say

About you as a human being.

If you were cool, you had
places to go, people to see.

And if you weren't...

-Do you want to stand, or
do you want to walk around?

-Well, what did we do yesterday?

-We walked around for a
while, and then we stood.

-Well, let's... Stand
around for a while,

Then we'll walk.

-The crucial thing was to
never let the conversation die.

Then you'd look like two
guys with nothing to do.

-Hi, you guys.

-Winnie! Hi!

Look, kevin! It's winnie!

-It was winnie, all right.

Winnie, who had dumped
me, stomped on my heart,

Left me in the dust

For a lousy eighth-grader
named kirk mccray.

But I had my dignity. I
wouldn't let it show.



So, did you have a good weekend?

-Okay, now. Be
carefree, yet restrained.

Aloof, yet available
at the drop of a hat.

-Yeah, sure. It was fine.

-Good. Good.

-So... Do you guys
want to walk around?


Steady, boy. Steady!

-Where's kirk?! Don't you
want to walk around with him?!

-Oh, nice goin'. Very smooth.

-You guys are still my friends.

-Hey, winnie! Hey, winnie!

Hey, winnie, come over here!

I think kirk wants to
tell you something!

Come on! Winnie, come on!

-Uh, I think you
better go over there,

Or she might pop a vein
in her head or something.

We wouldn't want that to happen.

-Yeah, well...

I guess I'll see you guys later.

-Yeah, later.

-And that's when it hit me.

This thing was bigger
than kirk mccray.

Our winnie was
ascending like an angel

Into junior-high heaven.

Our winnie was
becoming a cool kid.

-Psst. What'd you
get for number 1?

-No way. Get outta here.

-Oh, come on, man.
Don't be such a wuss.

-Forget it. Get outta here.

-Don't worry about it.

The old bag can't
even hear herself fart.

Just let me...

-Get outta here, you jerk!

- "Get outta here, you jerk."

-Gary cosay. You know the type.

The kind of guy who,
at the tender age of 12½,

Looks like he shouldn't
come out by day.

-Psst. What'd you
get for number 1?

-What a joker.

This guy thought he was so cool,

People would just be waiting
in line to give him their answers.

-X equals 7.

-See? Did he burst into flames?

-Hey, what can I say?

It just seemed like the
thing to do at the time.

And look, it
happened once, okay?

Let's not make a
huge deal out of it.

-What'd you get for 2?

-Y is greater than
or equal to 14.

-Great minds think
alike. That's what I got.

Psst. Hey, man. Come on.

-Kevin, are you crazy?
You're gonna get caught.

-Paul, forget it.

-Forget it? What do
you mean, forget it?

-Paul. Look.

-Ritvo's gonna nail you.

She's not as stupid
as she looks, you know.

-Thank you, mr. Pfeiffer.

-You're welcome?


Paul and I were a tad
out of our element.

My hunch was that one
or two of our colleagues

Were repeat offenders.

I felt like dennis the
menace on a chain g*ng

With lee harvey oswald
and the boston strangler.

-I thought you said she
couldn't hear herself fart.

-Yeah, well, I guess you
talk louder than she farts.

-My mother's gonna k*ll me.

-Relax, man. Your mother's
never gonna find out.

-Oh, yeah, like my mother's

Just gonna sign
my detention slip

And forget to look at it.

-What's her first name?




-Life's not that hard, man.

Take it easy.


-You can't just do that.

-Why not?

-Paul was right.
What was I thinking?

Cheating in class,
forging my mother's name...

This wasn't me.

-Yeah, why not?

-Kevin, it's almost dark
out. Where have you been?

-I was with paul, mom.

-That night, I had
another nightmare.

I'm back in the cave.

I can't see a thing.
It's total blackness.

I take a step, and then,
suddenly, I'm falling.

I-i try to grab on
to anything I can,

But there's nothing there.

I just keep falling and falling,

And then, finally,
I hit something.

Math class again.

In my underwear.

-You know what it
is? It's the contacts.

Ever since she got contacts,
she thinks she's so cool.

She's turned into a real snob.

You know when my mother
took me to get contacts

And I found out I'm
allergic to them?

Well, now I'm glad.

I'd much rather wear
glasses and be a nice person

Than contacts and be a snob.

I can't believe she
thinks she's better...

-Paul! Who cares
what she thinks?

-Yeah, who cared?

So what if winnie was
making new friends?

We were making new friends, too.

-Hey, man. Can
you do me a favor?

-Sure. What?

-Could you keep this in
your locker till lunch?

-Um, sure. No sweat.

What is it?

-Hey. You're paranoid,
man. You know that?

It's just some stuff I
need for friday night.

-Well, what's friday night?

-Uh, you know, sometimes

I just crash out in
the woods all night.


-Yeah, my old lady's
always hassling me.

Sometimes, you know,
I just got to get out.

-Yeah, I know what you mean.

-You do?

-Yeah. My old
lady's the same way.

-Yeah? Hey, look, if you guys
want to come, man, that's cool.

- No, thanks.
- Yeah, sure!

-Yeah, like my mother's
just gonna want me

To sleep out in the woods.

-Just tell her you're
sleeping over at my house.

-Don't be so paranoid, man.

-A cheap trick... Turning a
12-year-old's sense of manhood

Against his sense
of intelligence.


-Cheap, but dependable.

-Keep the change.

-Come on. Let's walk
around for a while.

-I could tell paul was wondering

Why I wanted to do it,

Why I was acting this way,
why I even liked this guy.

The truth is, if he had
asked me straight out,

I wouldn't have been
able to answer him.

-Hi, you guys.

-Oh, hi.

-The night before the
campout, I had another dream.

I'm carrying winnie
through the cave.

She's in great pain. I
think her leg is broken.

I've got to get her to help.

You got to help us!

It's her leg! I
think it's broken!

-So, who is this gary character?

-Just a kid at
school. Right, paul?

-Yeah, just a kid from school.

-Well, how do you know him?

-From school.

He's in our math class.

-Is he a good student?

-I think he got the same
grade as I did on the last quiz.

-Well, I think I better just
call his mother anyway and see.

-Mom. Come on.

We're gonna be
right behind his house.

And his mom is gonna be
right there the whole time.

-Go ahead.

Here's the number.

Call her if you want.

I mean, what's the difference
if you trust me or not?

-Talk about a cheap trick.

-God, I hope my mother
doesn't call your mother.

-She won't.

-I hope your mother
doesn't call gary's mother.

-She won't.

-I hope gary's
mom doesn't call...


-Hey, man. Sorry I'm late.
I had to get some stuff.

-No problem. We
brought some stuff, too.

-Great. What do you got?

-Lots of good stuff.

Look, we got some marshmallows,

Some kool-aid.

I think there's some twinkies
in here somewhere. Oh, here.

-Oh, and I got a snakebite
kite too, just in... Case.

-I can see it's
gonna be up to me

To liven you guys up a little.

-All right, I'd been
into this so far,

But this was ridiculous.

I mean, what did
this kid plan to do...

Smoke 900 cigarettes in 3 hours?

If he thought it made him
look tough or something,

He was mistaken.

I mean, smoking cigarettes
just proves you're stupid.

It was pathetic.

-Got an extra butt?

-♪ When lights close
their tired eyes ♪

♪ I'll soon be
with you, my love ♪

♪ Give you my dawn surprise ♪

♪ I'll be with you,
darling, soon ♪

-It relaxes me.

-No, thanks. I don't smoke.

-Yeah, you can start
on the brew, pfeiffer.

Unless you'd
rather have kool-aid.

-I couldn't believe
it... A can of beer?

A 16-ounce can of beer?!

This thing was going too far.

Thank god paul, at
least, had a level head.

Go on, paul. Just say
it. Say... Just say "no."

Just say "no."

Just say "no."

Well, let's face it...

Kids in those days were
not as smart as kids today.

-♪ I'm with you, my love ♪

-God, I love to party.

I could party 24
hours a day, man.

-♪ Yes, I'm with you, my love ♪


Me too, man.

-You know the band "purple
andy"? They go to central.

- Yeah. Yeah. Sure.
- Sure.

-I usually party with them.

My girlfriend goes
to central, too.

She got honkers
out to here, man.


-You guys goin'
out with anybody?

-Nah. Not right now.

Used to be going out with
this girl winnie cooper.

We broke up.

-Whoa! Yeah, winnie...
She's pretty cute.

A little flat, but cute, man.

Kevin likes 'em flat.

Gimme a butt, man!

-I thought you didn't smoke.

Only when I drink.

-Yeah, well, carla healey's
no raquel welch, paul.

-She's got a handful.

-Yeah, like you'll ever know.

-You can't go out with
one girl for too long.

Before you know it, they, like,

Want you to walk them in
the hall every day and stuff.

- Yeah, no.
- Yeah, no.

-I was starting to
feel a little better

About this whole
winnie cooper thing.

Hell, she was flat.

And I'd be damned if I was
gonna walk with her every day.

-Give me another hit.


-What, man?

-I-i-i don't know.

Let's go do something.

-Like what?

-I don't care! Anything!

-I know.

About a quarter-mile
from here, there's a cave.

It's really cool.

-Did he say... A cave?

I couldn't believe it. It
was just like my dream.

I wanted to stop, but something
kept propelling me forward.

Beneath my placid,
innocent, suburban world

Lurked a subterranean
land of nightmare.

And I was about to enter it.

-Okay. That was
fun. Let's go back.

-What are you
talking about, man?

-That's not a cave.
That's a sewer.

I'm not going in a sewer.

-It's not a sewer.
It's a storm drain.

-Come on, kevin.
Don't be paranoid, man!

-My god. I'd created a monster.

- You know what it's
called when you explore a cave?
- What?

- Hey, you know what it's
called when you explore a cave?
- What?

Hey, hey, you guys, you
know what it's called...



-Say it, don't spray it, paul.

-Spelunking, lunking,
lunking, lunking, lunking!

-I think I liked paul better

Before he became such a fun guy.

-Okay, this is it.

Isn't this cool?

-Wow, man. This is great.

-This pipe comes all the way
from crestview shopping center.

You can crawl up in there
and wind up right behind sears.


-This one comes from
over by the rec center,

Near where the men's room is.


-I know I was impressed.

-And this one...

Nobody knows...

Where this one goes.


-I thought I heard something.

There was a guy once
who went into that pipe

To try to find
out where it went.

He never came out.

They say he starved to death.

And then there
was this big storm,

And this whole thing
flooded, and he drowned.

They didn't find him
till six months later.

-Okay. Now I was really scared.

And like any 12-year-old boy

Who's trying not to
show that he's scared,

I got argumentative.

-Wait a minute.
Which one was it?

Did he starve to
death or did he drown?


-No, you can't do both.
It's either one or the other.

-How do you know?!

-Because it doesn't
make any sense.

I mean, he can get really,
really hungry and then drown,

Or he can starve to death.

But then he can't drown,
because he'd be already dead.

-Hey, man, look, all
right? I knew this guy.

He was a friend
of mine's cousin.

-So that means he can die twice?

-Alls I know is they
just found parts of him.

The rats ate the rest.


There are still
parts of him in there.

-Let's get out of here.

-Hey, you were the
one who wanted

To come in here
in the first place.

-That's before I knew
there were dead-body parts.


-I heard it again. Listen.

-Shut up, gary.

-Come on, gary. Stop.

Stop it. Come on, gary! Stop!

-I'm dying!

Help me!

Ohh, I'm dying!

-I'm not kidding,
gary! Knock it off!

-Shut up, gary!

-Cut it out!

-I'm dying!

-Shut up!

-Stop it, gary! Stop it!

-Shut up!

Ow! My leg!

-Paul, you okay?

-Stop it! Stop it!

-Shut up, you jerk!

God, I can't believe you guys.

You're really scared?

Aww. What's the matter,
pfeiffer? Are you crying?

God, I can't believe
you. You're crying.

-You're a real
jackass. You know that?

-Ohh, I'm dying! Ohh!

-Shut up!

Just shut... The hell... Up!

-Oh, I'm dying! Ohh!

Ohh, I'm dying!


Hey. Hey, where
are you guys going?

Hey, come on. I
was just kidding.

-When I look back on it
now, I feel sorry for gary.

When all was said and
done, he was just a little kid.

And I guess he needed friends.

But all paul and
I knew that night

Was that we wanted to go home.

-Kevin? What are you doing here?

Did something happen?

Are you okay?

-Yeah, we're fine. We
just felt like coming home.

-It was the truth.

But not the whole truth.

And looking at my mom and my dad

Standing there in their
bathrobes, worried about me,

I felt a little sick about that.

-Well, come on in.
It's cold out there.

Honey, you should
have called us.

We would have
come to pick you up.

Paul, are you limping?

It looks to me
like you're limping.

-I don't know why,
but that night,

For the first
time in a long time,

I didn't have a
single nightmare.

-That's orange!

-No, it's not. It's red.

Look at the orlando
cepeda. They're both the same.

-No way! But that's,
like, practically maroon!

-But it's the same team.

Hi, you guys.

- Hi.
- Hi.

-Are you guys mad at me?

-What do you mean?

-Well, yesterday in the hall...

You just looked like
you were mad at me.

-I don't know what
you're talking about.

-Yeah, me neither.

-Okay. Forget it.

-Hey, winnie.


How come you're
wearing your glasses?


-How come you're
wearing your glasses?

-Oh, I lost one of my contacts.

I look so stupid
in these things.

-No, you don't.

You look good.

I'm serious!

You look much smarter.

In fact, paul and I were
just saying the other day

How dumb you look in contacts.

Weren't we, paul?

- Oh, yeah. Tell me about it.
- No, really.

I'm surprised your teachers
haven't started grading you down

Just because you look dumb.

-Oh, you're one to talk.

-Hey, I'm just being honest.
I would not lie about this.

Would I lie about this, paul?

-I've known him for 12 years,
and he would not lie about this.

You definitely look
stupid in contacts.

-You guys!

-Who's gonna tell you these
things, if not your friends?
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