02x05 - Just Between Me and You and Kirk and Paul and Carla and Becky

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Wonder Years". Aired: January 1988 to May 1993.*
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02x05 - Just Between Me and You and Kirk and Paul and Carla and Becky

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ What would you do
if I sang out of tune? ♪

♪ Would you stand up
and walk out on me? ♪

♪ Lend me your ears,
and I'll sing you a song ♪

♪ I will try not to
sing out of key, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, baby, I get by ♪
- ♪ by with a little help
from my friends ♪

-♪ All I need is my buddies ♪

-♪ High with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ I'm sayin' I'm gonna get higher ♪ - ♪
try with a little help from my friends ♪

- ♪ Whoa-oa-oa-oa, yeah ♪
- ♪ ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

-There she is. That's the one.

What have you done with
spock's brain? What have you do...

-When you're 12 years old,

You've got a lot of strange,
new territory to explore.

For paul and me, that
meant the basement

With carla healey
and becky slater.

Paul and I weren't the world's
greatest make-out experts,

But I figured all I had to do

Was wait for the
sign from becky.

That was the sign.

-Hi, mom.

So, you're doing laundry.

-Yeah, i-i thought I would.

-You're folding, kevin.

-Kevin, what's
that on your neck?

-Mom, be cool.

-Oh, this?

It's... I-it's a bug bite.

-Ugh. It was embarrassing
for everyone.


-Almost everyone.

-I don't know, mom.

Looks to me as
though it just might be...

A monstro-hickey.

A love bite. A
big, juicy lip burn!

But, uh... That's just a guess.

Take this upstairs.

-Why don't you kids come
upstairs and watch tv?


"Star trek's" almost over.

-As soon as it is.


- Dr. Mccoy, engineer
scott, and myself

Were taken prisoner inside
a highly complex civilization.

-A bug bite?

Well, what did
you want me to say?

-I'll give you a bug bite.

Wait! Aah!

- No, no!

-And so the days passed,
carefree and lighthearted.

Paul and I seemed to
have found a truce

In the w*r of the sexes.

Everything was simple and fun.

In other words, it had to end.

-Hey, kevin, come
here for a second.

I want to ask you something.
- Huh?

-I want to ask you a favor.

-Kirk mccray wanted
to ask me a favor?

Kirk mccray, who had
stolen winnie away from me,

Who had humiliated me,
defeated me, ruined my life?

Eh, but I was over
that. I had becky, and...

-I need you to talk
to winnie for me.

- What?!
- What?!

-I need you to talk
to winnie for me.

I mean...

Well, I understand
if you don't want to.

-No, kirk, I want to talk
to winnie cooper for you

Almost as much as I want to
be stabbed through the heart

50 Times with a
dull butter knife.

-But, I mean, she'll take it
better coming from you.

She really likes you.

-She does?!

-She does?

-Well, yeah.

I mean, you guys are really
good friends, aren't you?

-Y-yeah, I guess so.

-So, do you think
you can just ask her

If... If she still likes me?

-I thought you guys
were going steady.

-Oh, man.

I-i don't know what's going on.

I mean, she didn't say anything,

But it's just the
way she says it.

You know what I mean?

She's gonna dump me. I know it.



-I don't know.

She didn't say anything
to you, did she?

-Me? No.

I-i mean, I hardly ever
talk to her anymore.

-Do you think you can
just ask her for me?

-Kirk, I don't think it'll
be such a great idea...


I mean I don't know
what else to do.

You know... I mean, I've
liked girls before and all,

But not like I like her.

There's just
something about her.

You know what I mean?



But I just don't think...

-If it's a hassle,
you know, forget it.

-Wait a minute. I could do this.

What's the big deal?

Winnie cooper's
yesterday's news.

Anyway, I had what's-her-name...

Uh, becky. Yeah, I had becky.

-Kirk, wait a minute.

-You'll do it?

-Yes, I'll do it.

-Hey, thanks, kev-bo.

- "Kev-bo"?

-You're gonna what?!

He just wants me to
ask winnie if she still...

You know, still likes him.

You can't do that.

-Yes, I can!

-Kevin, you're talking
about winnie cooper here.

I mean, get real.

-What's your point?

-Look, I just know
that if carla dumped me,

I could never go and talk to her

About liking the guy
she dumped me for.

-She didn't dump me, paul.

-Especially if it's
somebody like kirk mccray.

-It doesn't bother me, okay?

-Somebody older
who's, like, twice my size...

-What difference does that make?

- Who's got muscles out to here

And a dark tan in the
middle of the winter.

-Well, maybe I'm
not like you, paul!

Maybe I'm just a little more
secure than that, okay?

-Yeah. Sure.

-Look, there's no reason
I can't talk to winnie!

We're still friends!

All I have to do is
go up to her and say...





-Hi, kevin.


-Grab her! Squeeze her!

Kiss her on the lips!




I ran into kirk mccray
this afternoon.



-I didn't see him today.



-He's a pretty nice guy.


Kirk wants to know
if you still like him.


-Kirk wants to know
if... You still like him.

-Why doesn't he ask me himself?

-Because he's a
coward and a fool,

Not worthy of your...

-Uh... Because...

I guess, um...

He really likes you,

And he doesn't want
to make you feel weird.

-He just wants to
make me feel weird.

-I don't know.

Do you mean, do
I like him like him,

Or do I just like him?

-The first one, I guess.

-Well, I like kirk.

But I'm not sure
I like him like him.


A-are you mad at him?

-I'm not really mad at him.

-Oh, so you like him.

-I didn't say I liked him.

I said I liked him.

-Let me have that
one more time. Slowly.

-She's not mad at
you. She likes you.

She's not sure if she
likes you likes you,

But she likes you.

When she first liked you,
she liked you liked you,

Unless she just
thought she liked you

When she really just liked you.

But she likes you.

-I knew it. I'm a dead man.

- Not necessari...
- Come on. You heard her.

What am I gonna do?
- I don't know!

-She's waiting for me to
make the right move, isn't she?

- Maybe.
- What's the right move?

-I don't know!

-Should I give her something?

-I don't know. You could try.

-Yeah? Like what?

-I don't know!

-Well, what would you give her?

-Look, kirk...

Maybe you should just try
and figure this out by yourself.

I'm not the best guy to
be giving advice about this.


-Look, I got to get to class.

-How about this?

-What is it?

-My all-star patch.

-Your all-star patch?

-Yeah. She could, you know,
sew it on her sweater or jacket.

Girls do that, don't they?

-How am I supposed to know?



-Could you give
this to winnie for me?

Kirk, come on!

-Please? It's the last
time I'll ask. I swear.

-I can't!

-Look, if it was you and you
really liked winnie cooper,

I'd do it for you.

-What am I supposed
to do with this?

-You could sew it on
your jacket or sweater.

I don't know.

-I can't do that.

-It's just a way of
showing friendship.

-Come on, kevin. You
know what it means.




-I think I have to
break up with him.


-I think so.

-This may be none of
my business, winnie,

But I think you're
doing the right thing.

-I mean, there's no
use dragging it out.

-You are so right!

-We can still be friends.


-You know, I really tried.

-Hey, when it's over...

-It's over?

-I'm sorry.

-I knew it. She
likes someone else.

-I don't think she
likes someone else.

-Did she say she didn't
like someone else?

-Well... She didn't
say she didn't.

Look, she said she still
wanted to be friends.

-She said that?!


-I know. I know.


Get a grip on yourself.

-But, now, kirk raises
an interesting question.

What if she does
like someone else?

Maybe that's what this
whole thing is about.

But how can you
find out without...


- "Paul-bo"?!

-I need you to ask
winnie something for me.

Come on, paul.

If you liked winnie,
I'd do it for you.

-You would not.
You'd be mad at me.

-Come on, paul.
What's the big deal?

-Well, I can't go up to winnie

And just ask her
if she likes you.

-You don't.

Look, first you
say, "hi, winnie."

And then she says...

- "Hi, paul"?



"How are you doing?"

"Fine." You're fine.

- "Fine."

-"So, I heard you
broke up with kirk."

- "Yeah, I guess I did."

-"Was it because
you still like kevin?"


Kevin arnold?

You must be joking!"

-Forget it.

Forget the whole thing.

I thought you were my friend.

-Take it easy. I'll talk to her.

-Never mind.

-I'll talk to her.




What are you gonna say to her?

-Trust me.

-Things were falling into place.

Kirk and winnie had broken up.

And why?

Because she'd never
really forgotten me.

All those golden
moments we shared.

Our first kiss.

I can still remember
the way she looked.

She looked...

Just like that.

-What's going on, mccray?

What do you mean?

I thought you and
winnie broke up.

Didn't I make that clear?

-We did.

-Then I saw you guys making out.

-I know. Isn't that weird?

-Then what's going on?!

-I don't know.

I can't figure it out myself.

I asked eric antonio
to ask her for me.

-Eric antonio?

-Yeah. I hope you don't mind.

-I can't believe this.



Come here for a sec.

-Did you ask winnie for me?

-Why would he talk to winnie?

-I couldn't talk to winnie.

She was with eric
antonio all afternoon.

I think he likes her.

- What?!
- What?!

-I told you... All we
did was talk about you.

- "You" who?

- Both of you.
- Both of who?

-Look, will you just answer the
question? Do you like her or not?

-Well, sure I like her.

-Well, do you like her like her?

-Not like you like her.

-You like her?

- I thought everybody knew that.
- You mean, you like her
like her?

-Yeah, I like her. I liked
before you liked her.

-You mean, you went
to talk to her for me

When all this
time you liked her?

Now you like her?

Is there anybody else that likes
winnie cooper I should know about?


-Well, she does have those
tiny little freckles on her nose.

A joke! A joke!

-Well, who does she like?

-I don't know. She
likes you both.

-You mean, she
likes us likes us?

-Well, who does she like better?

-Yeah, who does she like better?

-Yeah, who does she like better?

-I don't know. I'll ask her
tonight. We're going skating.

- What?!
- What?!
- What?!

-Hey, kevin.

Becky slater wants to
know if you're mad at her.


Poor little becky.

In all this confusion, I'd
forgotten all about her.

But now there was
only one thing to do.

I had to tell her the truth,

And not through any
go-between, but face-to-face...

Like a man.

Oh, god. Look at her.

Poor, sweet flower of a girl.

God, I hated to hurt her.

Well, just get it over with.

-Becky, we have to break up.

I still like winnie cooper.

We can still be friends, though.

-I know.

I know.


-Oh, yeah! "Friends"?!

- Unh!
- I'll give you "friends"!


-I guess that was when
it first occurred to me.

I really didn't
understand girls.

I mean... And let me
be absolutely clear

About what I mean.

I really... Didn't...
Understand... Girls.

-Interesting specimens.

-Spock, where are we?

-It appears, captain,

That we are on an alien planet

Inhabited by strange
beings with long hair

And very short skirts.

-Well, hey, since I was
having the fantasy anyway,

I figured I might
as well do it right.

-Who are you? What
do you want from us?

-Highly illogical
question, captain.

These are alien beings.

They think and act in ways
you cannot hope to understand.

-Well, what can we do?

There must be some
way of fighting back.

Bones? Scotty?

-I'm afraid we have no choice

But to submit to
their every whim.

We are their captives.
They control us completely.

-No, this can't be.

We're human beings! Can't
you understand that?!

We're men!

We're men! Men!

-Hey, kev, you okay?!


-You okay?

-♪ A winter's day ♪

-Well, that night I
caught up on something

I'd been needing to
do for a long time.

I just shut the door
and laid down on the bed

And put in two hours of good,
solid adolescent self-pity.

-♪ Gazing from my window ♪

♪ To the streets below ♪

♪ On a freshly fallen,
silent shroud of snow ♪

♪ I am a rock ♪

-Until winnie got home.

-Where are you going?

-Just over to
winnie's for a minute.

-It's a little late, kevin.

-Just for a minute.

-Can't this wait till tomorrow?

-A reasonable question,

But at the moment I was
not a reasonable man.

-No, it can't.

-♪ I have no need
of friendship ♪

♪ Friendship causes pain ♪


-♪ It's laughter and
it's loving I disdain ♪

♪ I am a rock ♪

♪ I am an island ♪

-I had fun. Thanks a lot.



-Were you at the skating
rink tonight? I didn't see you.

-I wasn't there.

-Hey, you want to hear
what winnie said about you?



Well, I guess I'll
see you in school.

-See ya.




It's cold.

It almost feels
like it might snow.


Look, winnie, what
are you doing?

-What do you mean?

-What are you doing with eric?

-We went skating.
He's nice to talk to.

He's just a friend.

-Yeah, what about kirk?

-I broke up with kirk.

-Yeah, I saw the way
you broke up with him.

In the hallway?


I don't know. I guess that
wasn't such a good idea.

-You guess?!

-Well, what business
is it of yours, anyway?


I'm your friend, that's what!

-Well, if you're my friend,

Then why are you
being like this?

-Like what?


Oh, I don't know.

Look, don't get all upset.

I have to ask you something.


-I just have to know
if you like me or not.

A-and don't give
me any of that...

"Like me like me" stuff.

-Well, that was it.

A straightforward,
face-to-face yes-or-no question.

And I was gonna stand
there until I got my answer.

-I don't know.

"I don't know."

What do you mean
you don't know?!

-I mean, I don't know!
I really don't know!

I wish everyone would
just leave me alone.

I don't know what I'm doing.

-This was something new.

I mean, I always figured girls
knew exactly what they wanted.

They knew. They had a plan.

But maybe they didn't.

Maybe they were just
as confused as we were.

Isn't that great?

It's... It's horrible.

They don't know, either.

That means nobody knows.

-Y-you mean, you...
Really don't know?




I'm sorry.

-What for?

-I don't know.

-As I stood there
that cold night,

I realized, for the
first time in a long time,

That winnie and I were
feeling the same thing.

We were both
completely miserable.



-Knock, knock.

-Who's there?

-Sam and janet.

-Sam and janet who?

♪ Sam and janet evening ♪

You're supposed to laugh.

-I am.

-You are?


Maybe I'm not
laughing laughing...

But I'm laughing.

-Okay, winnie.

Some enchanted evening.

We'll see.

-♪ Mm-mmm ♪

♪ Mm-mm-mm-mmm ♪

♪ Someday we'll be together ♪

♪ Ohhhhh ♪

♪ Say it, say it,
say it, say it again ♪

You tell them.

♪ Someday we'll be together ♪

♪ Oh, yeah ♪
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