02x08 - Hiroshima, Mon Frere

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Wonder Years". Aired: January 1988 to May 1993.*
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02x08 - Hiroshima, Mon Frere

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ What would you do
if I sang out of tune? ♪

♪ Would you stand up
and walk out on me? ♪

♪ Lend me your ears,
and I'll sing you a song ♪

♪ I will try not to
sing out of key, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, baby, I get by ♪
- ♪ by with a little help
from my friends ♪

-♪ All I need is my buddies ♪

-♪ High with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ I'm sayin' I'm gonna get higher ♪ - ♪
try with a little help from my friends ♪

- ♪ Whoa-oa-oa-oa, yeah ♪
- ♪ ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

-Sometimes, when you're a kid,

You lie awake at night

And ponder the
kinds of questions

That grownups have
long since stopped asking...

Questions like, what
does it feel like to be dead?

Are time and space
really infinite?

What was there before
the universe began?

-Why are there
people like wayne?


-I could never figure it out.

Even in his sleep, my brother
seemed to hate my guts.

I guess he'd just
never forgiven me

For something I did to
him very early in life...

I'd been born.

Then, to make things
worse, I stayed.

Not that the wayner
didn't try to adjust.

In fact, our relationship
eventually settled

Into a fairly stable pattern.

I always imagined that things

Would pretty much
always be that way.

But I guess no matter how much
your brother hates your guts,

And no matter how
much you hate his,

There's always
something you hold back.

There are things you could
use against him that you don't use.

No matter how much you
hate your brother's guts,

You don't really
want to hurt him...

-What are you looking at?

- Until, one day,
things go too far.

-And on that day of reckoning,

The spear hurled with a
grunt at the dawn of man

Lands at midnight with a flash
of light and a mushroom cloud.

-And so we conclude
section 7 of "our dying planet."

Any questions?

Very well.

Next week we
turn to section 8...

"Radiation and mutation...
What are the risks?"

"We will explore the proposition

"That your generation may very
well be the first to experience

"The widespread...

Uh, widespread..."

Can you read that word?

-Uh, it looks like "cancer."

-Oh, yes. Of course.

"Widespread cancer

Sure to follow nuclear
industrial accidents."

-Hey, sunshine,
don't sugarcoat it.

We can take it.

-And now, on a lighter note,

Let's turn to our
science projects

On pollutants and toxic waste.

Miss clark, miss rodino,
are you prepared?

-What are we gonna do?

-I don't know.

-We pour in the
hazardous waste here...

Let it stand overnight,

And then we study
the ecological impact

On wildlife and
their environment.

-Well, he's gonna call on us.

-I could understand
paul's concern.

Our project was due today.

But, hey, all we really
needed was a conclusion,

And, uh, a theory,
maybe a test subject,

Another week or so to finish.

-Mr. Arnold, mr. Pfeiffer.

-Uh, we need a
little more time to...

-I see. Are you
having a problem?

-Uh, our results
have been, um...

Uh, inconclusive.


-Very well.

But I'll expect to see
something on monday morning.

You understand?

-Y-yes, sir.

-Now, smog and noise pollution.

Mr. Fisher, are you prepared?

-Here, this one looks easy.

-Oh, let's do one
with these little guys.


-Yeah, they're neat!

-No, too much trouble.
We need something simple.

-Like what?


- Fungus?
- Yeah.

- Disgusting!
- But easy.

-I am not doing an
experiment with fungus.

I want to work with animals.

-Paul's mother wouldn't
let him have a pet,

And I guess he felt
a little deprived.

Once I caught him petting
the angora sweaters at sears.

It was pretty
embarrassing for both of us.

I don't know, paul.

-Hi! Hi! Hi, there!

Yeah, you. I'm talking to you!

-Did I have a heart of stone?

-You're so cute! You know that?

-All right, we'll go
with the hamsters.


All right! Did you hear that?

We're taking you home!

-But this is a scientific
experiment, paul,

And we cannot think
of these as pets.

-Oh, yeah, I understand that.

And you understand
that too, don't you?

Yes, you do! Yes, you do!

-Paul, you better close the
cage, or they're gonna get away.

-They wouldn't do
that. They like us.

-If we lose these guys,
cantwell will k*ll us.

Oh, here! I'll
protect them for you.

- No, wayne, stop.
- Wayne!
- Let me see him.

- Hey, hey, hey!
- Wayne!

- Wayne!
- Stop!

-He's fighting me. He's
gonna make a break for it!

-Come on, wayne!

- Give me it!
- Wayne! Give him back!

Give it back, wayne!

-Back, boys.

Wouldn't want to
see anything happen

To your little rat,
now, would we?

-They're hamsters!

-Hamsters? Really,
how interesting.

Do hamsters always
land on their feet?

- Wayne!
- Wayne!

-We needed help.
We needed... A stick.

A bat! A big bat!

We needed... Angela chompsky.

-Wayne! It's your girlfriend.

Hi, angela.

The last thing he'd want
is for his little brother

To embarrass him in
front of angela chompsky.

Oh, angela!

-No, he'd rather
embarrass himself

In front of angela chompsky.

-Wayne, give it back!
You're gonna squish him!

- Hey. Back, scrote.

Or the little guy gets it.

Mm, what do we have here?

Why, it's the twin peaks.



If this animal has offended you

In any way whatsoever...

I want to go mountain climbing!

- Wayne!
- Wayne!

Uh-oh! Uh-oh!

Hamster out of control!
Hamster out of control!

- Wayne! Wayne!
- I can't control it.

- Oh, god! Look out! Look out!
- Wayne! Wayne!

- Aah!
- Aah!

- Wayne!
- Wayne!


-Okay, um, the
effects of a bad diet

On laboratory hamsters.

We feed the test
hamster a steady diet

Of processed snack
foods... Such as this.

The control hamster
receives regular hamster chow.

We then compare the time
it takes the two hamsters

To successfully
run through the maze.

Oh, they're still upset
from this afternoon.

Weaser's breathing
very fast, and, uh, puffy...

I mean, the control
subject has the, uh, hiccups.

Maybe we should go
to my house and do this.

-Relax. Wayne
won't try anything.

Not with mom and dad around.

-Oh, no. What was that sound?

- Mom! You're
wearing high heels.

-It could only mean one thing.

-Your father and I
are going out, honey.

-Oh, no!

-Okay, get the rats
out of the kitchen!

- They're hamsters!
- Mom gave us permission.

-Mom, you're not gonna let them

Do their stupid
experiment in here.

-I already told them they could.

-But angela's coming over.

-Angela's coming over?

In your dreams!

-Eat your heart out, sonny boy.

She wants me. Now, beat it!

-You beat it.

- No, I'll beat you.
- Yeah, right.

- Yeah, I'll beat...
- Yeah, get off me, stupid.

-Now, can't your father and I
leave the house for two hours

Without you two at
each other's throats?


-Wayne, you and angela
can use the living room.

Kevin and paul
can use the kitchen.

-Mom, you don't want
these little rodents in here.

I mean, we eat in here.

-It'll be all right.

-They're so dirty and smelly.

-They are not. They're clean!

-They leave these little
pellets all over the place.

And they're gonna get
in your walls and breed.

-Wayne knew just
how to play mom.

If there was one
thing she dreaded,

It was that animals would
get in her walls and breed.

-Kevin, I want them in
the cage at all times.

Do you understand?

-Yes, mom.

-I'm gonna go get
the vacuum out,

And I want you to
clean up after them.

-I don't care what mom says.

As soon as they're gone,
you're gone, butthead!

-No, I'm not, butthead!

-Yes, you are, dorkface!

Things were going badly.

I needed help in a big way.

-Dad, mom gave me permission

To do my project in
here, and wayne's...

-I don't want to hear it.

- Karen? You're in charge.
- Karen?

- Can we rely on you, honey?
- Don't worry, mom.

Now, go on, or you're
gonna miss your movie.

-Okay. Bye-bye.

-It came down to this...

My last hope for
peaceful coexistence

Lay in the hands of a
17-year-old flower child.

And yet... Call it crazy...

I felt a sudden rush
of faith in my sister.

-I'm outta here. You
guys are on your own.

-Well. All right.
Where do we stand?

Dad's gone.

Mom's gone.

Karen's gone.

Well, who's next in
the chain of command?

Of course. How silly of me.

Why, it's me.

And I say you two are
out of here right now!

-You get out of here.

-All right, I didn't
want it to come to this.

-Stop it, wayne!

-Leave weaser alone!

- "Weaser"?

Oh, don't want to hurt
little weaser, do we?

- Give him back, or I'll...
- You'll what?

-Give me a break.

The guy outweighed
me by 4,000 pounds.

-Or I'll take him back.

-He'll take him back.

-Back! Get back!


-You wouldn't dare.


Stop him!

-You don't scare me, wayne.

-It's getting heavy.

-All right! All right.

-Say, "I give up, o mighty
wayne, my lord and master."

-Eat it!


The blades whirl so fast,
you can hardly see 'em.

-Stop him!

-I give up, o mighty
wayne, my lord and master.

-Now turn it off!

-First, I want you to
pick up all that junk,

Take it into your bedroom,
and then close the door.

And I don't want to see either
of you for the rest of the night!

-Give me the hamster.

-When you're in your
room, and not before.

And then I'll give it to
your little lab partner here.

That's what I
like to see, boys...

A little cooperation.

-All right! Give it!

-All the way in.
Not in the hallway.

-I'm in!

-Paul, check him.

-He's in the bedroom.

-This is the last I want
to see of you, pfeiffer.

-One of these days...

I'm gonna k*ll him.

I'm gonna smash his
brains out, rip 'em to pieces!

-Rip his eyeballs out and
roll them down the sewer!

-Are you okay, weaser?

-Uh, I'll...

-Split his head open
like a ripe melon!

-Come on, kevin. It's
time to feed them.

-What? Oh! Right, right.

-Next time, I'm
not backing down.

I don't care what he does.

-Hi, angela? Yeah, it's wayne.

I pretty much have the
place to myself right now,

So why don't you come on over?

-We should make
another column here

So we can put the
results side-by-side.


-And then later,
we collate them.

De, de, de, de, de,
de, de, de, de, de, de!

- Paul?
- Sorry.

- Can we go on?
- Okay.

-All right, now,

What was his last
time running the maze?


-Do you think this
experiment is safe?

-Sure, it is.

Mr. Cantwell wouldn't let us
do a project that was dangerous.

-No, I mean for
weaser and puffy.

-They'll be fine.

They are kind of cute,
though, aren't they?

-He likes it when you
scratch him behind his ears.

Hi, there. Hi.

Hi. You're cute, aren't you?

Yes, you are...


-All right, now, uh,
let's look at the data.

- Right. Data.
- Yeah.

- Right, right.
- Yeah.

All right, now next
we have to measure

The test subjects' response
to highly sugared soft drinks.


-Where's the root beer?

-Oh, it's in the... Kitchen.

But we can't go back in there.

Wayne said if we were...

-Hey! This is my house, too.

He can't control our lives.

-Oh, come on,
angela, you promised!

Well, your hair looked
pretty clean to me.

I'll tell you what...

I'll wash it and
blow it dry for you.

Oh, come on, angela.

I'm just gonna keep
calling until you say yes.

I'm gonna make
your life miserable.

I'm gonna bug you and
bug you until you can't r...


You're really coming over?

Okay. All right. See
you in 10 minutes.

What are you
looking at, dorkface?

You know, I thought I told you

What part of the house
you were restricted to.

Or am I forgetting?

It just seems so fresh
in my mind, though.

-I guess you were right
about angela wanting you.

She sounds pretty desperate.

-Oh, shut up, butthead.

-All right, all right.

Touchy, touchy.

-He's starting to turn orange!

-That's from the cheese doodles.

See? It brushes off.




Okay, now let's check
his heart rate.
- No, no, no. Not yet.

-Why not?

-He doesn't like it
when you handle him

Right after he's eaten.

I think it gives
him a tummy ache.

-Paul was starting to lose
any semblance of objectivity

About this project.

I realized I'd better
put my foot down

Before it got out of hand.

-Maybe you're right.

Let's give him five
minutes to digest.

-Okay, so I have
a very light foot.

What could five minutes hurt?

I didn't want to make
the little guy sick.

-Oh, angela.

I'm glad you could make it.

I know it's short
notice and all,

But I just had to see you.

-♪ Wild thing ♪


-♪ You make my heart sing ♪

-He doesn't look too good.

-His time's much slower.

-No, weaser! Not that way!

-You can't interfere, paul.

-Dead end! Dead end!

-You can't help him, paul!

He's confused.

I'm telling you, the
diet's getting to him.

-That's the purpose
of the experiment.

-We're playing god here!


- We have no right.
- Paul.

- It's unnatural.
- Paul!

It's not like it's poison.

I mean, millions of people
eat this food every day.

-Well, whose fault is that?

-Look, this'll be his last
run through the maze.

- Then we can put him in his ca...
- He needs a drink of water.

-We're supposed to
be giving him root beer.

-He needs a drink of water!

-I could see that paul
was past reasoning with.

-Okay. I'll get him some water.

-And some alka-seltzer.

-Oh, but angela, I thought
you were coming over.

Oh. Oh, are you serious?

Oh! Are you kidding me?

I do stuff like that
all the time, too.


Come on! Come on over.


Or... Or I could
come over there?



-W-where's the water?

-Forget it.

-But he needs a glass of water!

-Paul, let's just
finish the experiment.

- Hamster patrol.
- Stay out of here, wayne!

Stay out of here, wayne.

Now, mother told you to be sure

To clean up after
those little devils.

- Give me that!
- Stop it!


Wayne, get out of here!

-Work, work, work. It's
all I ever do around here.

-Get out of here! Get out
of here! You're gonna...

-Just trying to help you.

-Get out of here!
You're gonna hurt them!

-Now, would I do
something like that?

I'm just tryin' to...

-No! Weaser!

-At that moment, as I
looked at my brother,

Something snapped inside me.

I didn't hate his
guts... I hated him.

I hated everything about him.

And at that moment, I
didn't care what it cost me.

I didn't care about anything.
I just wanted to hurt him.

- You want to know why angela
wouldn't come over?
- Shut up.

- Because she doesn't
like you, wayne!
- Shut up!

-She doesn't. Nobody does!

- Shut up!
- No!

You may be bigger than
me and stronger than me.

But you know what,
wayne? I have friends.

Nobody likes you, wayne.

You're just mean to
everybody all the time

Because nobody likes you.

You're pathetic.

-He died that men might learn.

-It's okay.

Oh, weaser!

-I didn't see wayne very much
for the next couple of days.

In fact, I stayed out
of the house a lot,

So as not to run into him.

-What are you doing here?

-Nothing. What
are you doing here?

-None of your business.

Look, I'm sorry, okay?!

What do you want
me to say? I'm sorry!


Well, it was a
stupid thing to do.

-I know that!

What do you
think I am, an idiot?!

-You don't think I
meant to do it, do you?

Do you?


Sorry I said all that stuff.

-Look, I'm going home,
okay? Are you going home?

-Yeah, I guess so.

-As my brother and I
walked home that day,

I guess we both knew

That things would never
be quite the same between us.

Everything would be
more complicated now.

Now we both knew
that I could hurt him.

The funny thing was, I'm not
sure I was glad about that.

-♪ Ooh-hoo ♪

♪ Ooh-hoo ♪

♪ Ooh, brother,
brother, brother ♪

♪ I know you've been
laying back a long time ♪

♪ But I love you, love
you like no other ♪

♪ Oh, brother,
brother, brother ♪

♪ I've been watching
everything you do ♪
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