02x16 - Whose Woods Are These?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Wonder Years". Aired: January 1988 to May 1993.*
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02x16 - Whose Woods Are These?

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ What would you do
if I sang out of tune? ♪

♪ Would you stand up
and walk out on me? ♪

♪ Lend me your ears,
and I'll sing you a song ♪

♪ I will try not to
sing out of key, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, baby, I get by ♪
- ♪ by with a little help
from my friends ♪

-♪ All I need is my buddies ♪

-♪ High with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ I'm sayin' I'm gonna get higher ♪ - ♪
try with a little help from my friends ♪

- ♪ Whoa-oa-oa-oa, yeah ♪
- ♪ ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

-Ready or not, here I come!

-Every kid needs a
place to go to be a kid.

For paul and winnie and me,
that place was harper's woods.

It was 10 minutes from
home if you walked it,

But to us, it was a
world all its own.

- Gotcha!
- No, you didn't!

- Did so, winnie!
- Did not!

-We'd grown up there
together, playing games,

Catching fireflies on
long summer evenings.

Sure, they called
it harper's woods,

But we knew better.

Those woods belonged to us.

[Fly buzzing]

[Lawn mower droning]

Springtime, 1969.

The grass was growin'.

All around me, buds
were popping into bloom.

Yeah, the sap was
definitely rising.


-Hey! Be careful, will ya?

I paid 12 bucks to have
those blades sharpened!

-Right, dad.

-The grass could wait. It
was time to make my move.

[Lawn mower thuds]

-[Clears throat]



-She smelled like mist.

-You smell like grass.


-It smells nice.

-Yeah, well, I guess I'm
gettin' kind of sweaty.

[Water pouring]

You... You need
some help with that?

-No, I'm almost finished.

-I don't mind.

-Yep, it'd been a long
winter for winnie and me,

But now things
were going fine...

More than fine.

-So, uh... You want
to take a walk?

-That'd be nice.


-Where do you want to walk to?


Uh, I don't know.

Anywhere, I guess.

Say, maybe...

-[ Chuckling]

- Harper's woods?

-Alone at last, in
harper's woods...

Where winnie and I had
had our first and only kiss...

Centuries ago...

Last september.

That memory had haunted me.

And now here we
were, alone again...


And eve...


And paul.
- Paul!



-Great. Go for a little
nuzzle in the woods,

And what do you get?
- [Sneezing]

-An allergic best friend.

-I've been looking
all over for you guys!

-Yeah, well, you found us.

-Paul, are you all right?

-No, I'm trying to tell ya...




-Wow... A triple!

We hadn't seen paul this upset

Since the day his
goldfish disappeared.

-There's men and trucks
all over the place!


We haven't seen any trucks.

-Nope. No trucks...

Just lips.

-Look, paul!

If this is some kind of...
- Kevin?

[Vehicles approaching]

-Then, suddenly,
we'd been invaded.

[Brakes squeal]

[Indistinct talking,
car doors closing]

-Let's get this gear
unloaded, guys.

-All right. Let's move it!

-It was amazing.

They'd just
arrived, in our spot,

Like they owned the place...
- Hey!

-Oh, no, hey, start those
stakes over there by that rock!

- Like we weren't even there.
- Hey, mister!

Hey, you kids are gonna
have to get out of here.

-Well, so much
for introductions.

-Oh, look at these bozos.

Hey, come on, guys! What,
do I have to do it all myself?

Come on, here!

I mean it. Beat it, huh?

-Wait a minute.

This hippopotamus was kicking
us out of our own woods?

-You can't do this!

-Yeah, we have a
right to be here, too.

-[Laughs] is that so?

Okay, okay. You can stay.

But just until the
'dozers get here,

And then you got to go.


-Did he say "bulldozers"?

-You kids are standing
on a construction site.

Haven't you heard?


-Oh, amazing. They
don't even put up signs.

-It was... Horrible.

-You can say goodbye
to your woods, kids.

They're comin' down.

There's gonna be a
shopping center right here.

Charlie, give me a couple
of marks on this tree.

This tree's comin' out.

[Indistinct talking]


-Here you go.

There's more
stakes in the truck.

-We needed help,
and we needed it fast.

Funny... It had
taken us 20 minutes

To stroll up to those woods.

We made it back
in 67 seconds flat.

[Door slams]
- mom! Dad!


-What is it, honey?

-You okay?

-They're tearing
down harper's woods!


Well, they're gonna
bring in bulldozers!

They're gonna turn it
into a shopping center!

-Gee, what was it
gonna take here?

Did I have to drop a b*mb?

- Well, we know that, honey.
- What?!

-Thought they weren't
starting till next week.

-You know?!

-Kevin, will you
wash your hands?

They're all muddy or something.

- Mom!
- Do as your mother says.

-Okay, maybe they
hadn't heard me.

Maybe they thought I
said... Some other woods.

[Water running]

-You know you left
the lawn mower

Out in the middle of the yard?

-Dad! I'm talkin' about
harper's woods!

We got to stop them!

We got to do something!

-Kevin, you haven't
played up there

Since you were children.

-This was incredible.

Didn't these people have souls?!

They were talking
about harper's woods

Like it was some kind of...

-It's just a vacant lot, kevin.

[Liquid pouring]

-Wonder if there'll
be a loehmann's?


-I can't believe it.

My mom's all excited that
there's gonna be a yarn barn.

-My dad said its been in
the papers for months.

-It was irresponsible.
13 Is a busy age.

Who has time to read the papers?

-We depend on these
people for information,

And then they let you down.

-Well, there's got to
be something we can do.


I wonder if old man
harper's heard about this.

Isn't there an old man harper?

There's no old man harper?

-The getting of wisdom
is never a pretty sight.

-Well, we can't just
give up. We have to think.

-Winnie was right.

We had three keen
seventh-grade minds.

We could lick this.

-We'll make a list!


Who's first?


I'll tell ya what to do.

-Well, any port in a storm.

-This is a democracy, isn't it?

Then exercise your rights!

-Good. Good advice.

- But how do we do that?
- Simple.

There's a planning board meeting
every sunday night, downtown.

Julie's father's a member.

You should go there
and state your case!

-You should demand to be heard.

You should fight
for what's important.

w*r-era music plays]

You have to take action.

Kevin, we are the people.

-I think we should do it.


-Great! Let's go!

Can you give us a ride?

-Not me.

I got a date.

[Indistinct talking]


-Well, how are we
gonna get home?

-Regards to the agency's
low-interest loan of $55,000...

-May I help you?

-We want to make a statement...
About harper's woods.

-Oh, well...

I don't have that on my agenda,

But there'll be an open
mike after the meeting.

-And if I can call
your attention

To, uh, page 9 of
the staff report...

It's right near the
top of the page.

Item number, uh, two...

-We supposed to get a
variance on that last one?

-Yeah, I know. That's gonna
come up in a few minutes.

I just want you to...

-All right! This was the ticket!

A place where things got done.

-You can see the position
of their property, uh,

In regard to this project.

-Yep, you could almost hear
the wheels of democracy turning.

-It's $75,000. It's just a typo.

Now, charles, we got... I
think everybody got this...

We got, we got a letter
from mr. And mrs. Carol...

The energy report
indicates that...

That the current installation
doesn't necessarily, uh...

-Of course, some wheels
take longer than others.

-Yes, now, there were some
other things we need to talk about.

Uh... [Papers rustle]

Kevin arnold?


-I see that you
would like to speak

About harper's woods.

Well, the, uh, the floor
is yours, mr. Arnold.


[Man coughs]

-Your statement, mr. Arnold?

-I-i... Came here tonight...


I have something to say.

There's a little piece of
land, not far from here,

A place called harper's woods.

You might have passed it
on your way here or there.

It's not much to look at...

A few acres of
trees, some boulders,

A couple squirrels
and some birds.

But there's something
you didn't see, I'll wager,

Something you can't see.

'Cause there's
something in those woods

That you can't
see with your eyes.

You have to look
with your heart.

It's my childhood...

And his...

And hers.

Ours is a world...

Too careless with its memories.

Please, I beg of you...

Don't take our childhood.


Kevin's right!

What's wrong with us?!

[Up-tempo music plays, cheering]

-Order! May we
have order, please?!

This is highly irregular!

[Cheering continues]

I mean it, now! Order!


So, if, uh,
everything's in order...

[Gavel bangs]

This meeting's adjourned.


Wait, wait!

We have something to say!

-Well, of course you do.

But perhaps you'll
come back next week.

-Next week?!

[Engine revving]

Somehow, I didn't
think we had that long.

- You fell asleep first.
- I didn't.

-I think you did, kevin.

-Winnie, I did not
fall asleep first!

- Something was happening to us.
- Did so.

-Just when we needed
each other the most,

Paul and winnie and
I were falling apart.

-We should pour sand
down the gas tanks

Of those bulldozers!

-[Sighs] winnie, please.

-Hey, we could hijack 'em!

Bet I could start
one of those babies up!

-Paul, that is so lame.

- Oh, you got a better idea?
- I couldn't have a worse one.

-This had to stop.

-Winnie, don't be so mean...

Just 'cause it
was a stupid idea.

-What's wrong with my idea?!

-Like we're really
gonna hijack a bulldozer?

-It was like a fire,
spreading in a forest.

-What we should do...

Is sneak into their office
and steal their plans.

-Talk about stupid.

-Don't call her stupid!

- I can speak for myself, kevin.
- Yeah!

- Shut up, paul.
- You shut up!

- I don't need this!
- I don't, either!

-Great. All we wanted
was for someone to listen.

Now we weren't even
listening to each other.

[Locker door slams]

It wasn't fair.

Men with bulldozers, parents,

Planning commissions
that meet at 4:00 a.m.

It made you wonder,
were they in this together?

Yeah, that was
it... Them against us.

Just one big, heartless...

Assistant principal.



Is that the way we
turn blind corners

In school corridors?

-No, sir.

-Well, then, suppose you
go back around the corner

And show me the
proper way to do it.



-Like I said...

Them against us.

-Hey, bud, get off my back!

-Rule number one of
junior high school...

For every action...

There's a reaction.

-We seem to have a
problem here, kevin.

You agree?


-Rule number two...

Avoid trick questions.

-I'm not sure, sir.

-Well... We do.

I've been watching you, kevin.

I see things. I hear.

And in this case, I think I
know what the problem is.

-[ Sarcastically] sure. Uh-huh.

-I think I know
what's bothering you.

-You do?

-And just for a second,
I almost liked the guy.

-You think you're special.

-Just for a second, though.

-I've been the assistant
principal of this school

For over 20 years.

And in that time...

I've seen people like you
come and go every single year.

Hundreds of 'em.
Maybe thousands.

You walk the halls,
you go to class,

And then you're
gone, just like that.

[Snaps fingers]

Gone with the wind.

I'm gonna leave you to
think about what I've said.

And when you think
you understand...

You can go.

I'll be outside.

[Scoffs lightly]

-Amazing. Was this guy joking?

"Gone with the wind."
That's a movie, right?

Sure, I'd think about it...
For about one nanosecond.


And then a funny thing happened.

I started to think about it.

Who were all those people?

Did anyone know?
Did anyone remember?

It was weird.

Sitting there in the middle
of a crowded school,

I suddenly felt
completely alone.

[Door slams]

-I-i didn't do that.

Did i?

-Rule number three...

Never write something
you can't erase.

-You're grounded,
buster! You hear me?

No parties, no friends!
You're grounded!

-Nice goin', dorkface!

It was a real dumb stunt.

- Wayne!
- [Laughs]

-Wayne was right.

The fact was, I wasn't
sure myself why I'd done it.

Except that nothing
seemed... Permanent, anymore.

Harper's woods.

Paul and winnie. Our friendship.

What'd it all mean?

-Grow up, butthead.

-Well, there ya had
it, in a nutshell...

The plain, unvarnished truth.

It was time for me to
stop acting like a child.

It was time to face facts.

It was time... To take a walk.

[Insects chirping]

That night, I went to say
goodbye to harper's woods.

[Twig snaps]

-[Clears throat]

-Remember when we carved those?

-[Chuckles] yeah.

Third grade.

-I thought it was second grade.

-No, it was fourth grade.
I remember it distinctly.

-Well, one of those grades.

-We heard about what
you did in diperna's office.

Pretty stupid.

-Really stupid.

-Okay, it was stupid. Can
you just forget about it?!


We have a plan.


-It just might work.


-See, first, we chain
winnie to the bulldozer.


-Well, you see, it works
better if it's a girl.

-Are you crazy?!

-And then tomorrow, when
they try to start it up, we...

-Paul! Will you stop it?

-Well, what?

-Well, I mean, in the first
place, it's not gonna work!

I mean, they're just gonna cut
that thing with a bolt-cutter.

Then you'll be out
$2.50 for a new lock.

And in the second place,
winnie's gonna get in trouble...

If she doesn't
freeze to death first!

And in the third place...

It doesn't matter.



Well, look around!
It's just a vacant lot!

In a couple of years,
we won't even remember!

-I guess I wanted

Paul and winnie to
face the facts, too.

Wasn't gonna be easy.

Maybe growing up never is.

-One... Two...

Three... Four...


- What is she doing?

-Seven... You better get going!

-Forget it!

- Come on!
- I'm not gonna do this.

-I'm only gonna
count to 20. Eight...

-Let's go! Come on!

-Maybe every human soul

Deals with loss and
grief in its own way.

-Let's go!

- Some curse the darkness...
- Kevin!




- Some play hide-and-seek.

- 16...

-That night, paul
and winnie and I

Found something
we'd almost lost.

-♪ There are places

I'll remember ♪
- we found our spirit.

The spirit of children.
- ♪ All my life ♪

♪ Though some have changed ♪

- The bond of memory.
- ♪ Some forever,

Not for better ♪

♪ Some are gone ♪

- And the next day...
- ♪ And some remain ♪

- They tore down harper's woods.

-♪ All these places
have their meanings ♪

♪ With lovers and
friends I still can recall ♪

♪ Some are dead,
and some are living ♪

-♪ In my life ♪

♪ I've loved them all ♪
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