02x17 - How I'm Spending My Summer Vacation

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Wonder Years". Aired: January 1988 to May 1993.*
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02x17 - How I'm Spending My Summer Vacation

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ What would you do
if I sang out of tune? ♪

♪ Would you stand up
and walk out on me? ♪

♪ Lend me your ears,
and I'll sing you a song ♪

♪ I will try not to
sing out of key, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, baby, I get by ♪
- ♪ by with a little help
from my friends ♪

-♪ All I need is my buddies ♪

-♪ High with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ I'm sayin' I'm gonna get higher ♪ - ♪
try with a little help from my friends ♪

- ♪ Whoa-oa-oa-oa, yeah ♪
- ♪ ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

[Max steiner's "theme
from a summer place" plays]

-Ever since I could remember,

The coopers' annual barbecue

Had been the first
event of summer.

It was a neighborhood tradition,

The herald of good times.

Japanese lanterns
glowed in the dusk...

And warm breezes carried
the smell of burgers

Sizzling on the grill,

And the sounds of kids
having the time of their lives.

But maybe the
best thing about it

Was that it happened the
first week of summer vacation,

One day after...

[School bell rings]

The last day of school.

It was kind of a solemn moment.

Eight months of
relentless education

Were finally erupting in a
blast of summer madness.


Is this great or what?

What's the matter?

-Well, I think I'm
gonna kind of miss it.

-Leave it to winnie cooper

To get all sentimental
about things.

You had to love her...

speaking, of course.

-So, um, sign my yearbook?


-And... Maybe I
could sign yours?

-Give it back to
me fourth period.

Gotta go.

-Yep, you could
feel it in the air...

Hope, potential...

Who knew what the
summer breeze might bring?

-Sign my yearbook?

-Uh... Sure.

-We really had a great
year. Don't you think?


-There was one
minor problem here.

I didn't have the slightest
idea who this girl was.

I had to think fast.

"Have a neat summer."

Okay, it was cheap,

But it did have a certain flair.

-Men, we've worked together.

We've played together.

I'd like to think we've
learned together.

It hasn't been easy.
- Gonna be a long one.

-I've had to push.
I've had to yell.

Sometimes I've had to
double-knot my hard shoes

And kick you
square in the fanny.


[Clears throat]

But it's been worth it.

38 Weeks ago,

You arrived here

A ragtag bunch of softies.

Now you're leaving

A hard-boiled cadre
of young athletes.

That's something to be proud of.

This summer, when
you're out there,

Think back on the guy
who made it all possible...

Ed cutlip...

Human being, a man,

An educator.

Sure, maybe he didn't
have a master's degree...

But he was fair...

-What's he doing?


-Oh, my god. Was it possible?

Cutlip was falling apart
before our very eyes.

It was horrible,

Like watching a bug
die on a window sill.

Someone had to stop this.


[Children groaning]

-And someone did...


- Joey putnam.

It was his last act
of seventh grade,

But it was his finest.
[Whistle blows]

-Wynan. Get a mop.

The rest of you... 60 Laps.

That's 6-0, and no shirking.

Let's go.

Let's go!


-"So we beat on...

"Boats against the current,

Borne back ceaselessly,
into the past."

-Let's face it...

No one could press
pages quite like miss white.

-Did you feel the sensual
power of fitzgerald's imagery?

-Yes! Yes!


Okay, so maybe she
was a little old for me...

This year.

-Now, before the bell rings...

-But, heck, just the other day,

I-i could have sworn I
felt a whisker coming in.

- I have an
announcement to make.

-So, maybe, just
maybe, next year...

-I'm in love with
kevin arnold...

And I don't care who knows it!

Oh, kevin!

-Miss white!

-Yes, kevin?


What did you say?

-I said I'm getting
married this summer.

And when I come back next year,

You'll all be calling me...

Mrs... Heimer.

-Heimer? Heimer?!

What kind of name was
that for miss white?!


Can you say "heimer"?

- Heimer.
- Heimer.
- Heimer.

-Oh, well.

Maybe part of loving
is learning to let go.

[ "La vie en rose" playing]


-Four more hours,
one lunch period,

And a few arias
were all that stood

Between me, paul, and summer.

I wasn't gonna let
anything ruin that.

-Got your bike ready?


-All right, so, tomorrow morning

We have to get my
tent out of the garage.

-Yep, I could feel it now...

The wind in our faces,
the open road ahead,

Our knapsacks on our backs.

-I can hardly wait! Can you?

-We gotta talk.


In the history of mankind,

No good has ever come
from those four words.

-What do you mean
you're going away?

How come you
never said anything?

-Well, the schwartzes
kept changing their minds.

-The who?

-The people we're
sharing the cabin with.

And, look, it's not that bad.

We'll only be there
until labor day.

-Paul, that's the whole summer.

-No, you see, not technically.

The summer officially
goes until september 21st.


-[Sighs] okay, the whole summer.

Anyway, I'm gonna
have a lousy time.

-Oh, yeah? Where you going?

-Lake cohasset.

-Oh, so basically you'll be
swimming, fishing, sailing,

And water-skiing.

-I guess.

-Paul, why don't you just admit

That you're gonna
have a great time?

-I was asking for
the impossible.

I'd have to try another tack.

-Okay, tell me one thing
that's gonna make it lousy.

-I had him on the ropes.



-Yeah, are you kidding?

With all that standing water?

Do you have any idea
how many diseases

Are transmitted by mosquitoes?

-The man was a master.

-Well, at least we'll have
the barbecue tomorrow night.

-Yeah, sure.

Except I'm leaving
tomorrow afternoon.

-Well, how about tonight, then?

-I gotta pack.

[Indistinct conversations]

-I was mad...

Mad at paul... How
could he do this to me?!

He was ruining my summer.

Wait a minute.

I still had winnie.

Winnie wasn't the type
to up and leave you.

She wouldn't pull
a stunt like that.

She was thoughtful.

Look at her...

Mulling over what to
write in my yearbook,

Carefully choosing her words.

Wait a second. This
was serious mulling.

Something was
definitely going on here.

Sure, we'd had our ups
and downs, our missteps,

But we were older, wiser.

It was time to let
her know how I felt.

It was time to make poetry...

No matter what the obstacles.


I had filled an entire
page with phrases

Like "never change,"

"Always stay the
same," and "good luck."

Still something was missing.

It needed something more.


Okay, it was a bold
and reckless move,

But I was a bold
and reckless guy,

And these were bold
and reckless times.

-I'm finished.

I tried not to hog
up too much space.

-Me too.

Here's yours.

Well, I'll see you later.

-Yeah, see you later.

-I couldn't wait
another second...

To read all those
wonderful things

Winnie had been too
embarrassed to say in person.

All those secret
passions and yearnings

She'd kept bottled up
inside for the past year.

"Have a neat summer!"?

[Girl shrieking]

[School bell rings]

[Children cheering]

I hadn't even left
school grounds,

And already my summer
vacation was a bust.

-Four. And twist.

And twist. And twist.

-Hey, kevin, it's
starting to clear up.

Don't you want to get
dressed and do something?

-It wasn't fair.

I was doing something.
I was hiding out.

-Well, the barbecue
tonight will cheer you up.

-I don't think I'm gonna go.

-What? Why?

-I just don't feel like it.

-Wild horses couldn't
drag me to that party,

Not after I'd made a
total fool of myself

All over winnie
cooper's yearbook.

-I just want to stay home, okay?

-I think you should go.

-[Sighs] mom.

-Honey, they're expecting us.

It really means a lot to them...

Especially this year.


-Kevin, you're gonna go.

That's all there is to it.


-Great... First my best
friend walks out on me,

Now I have to die
of embarrassment

In front of thousands
of partygoers.

I couldn't take it.

-Why can't we go on vacation?

-Maybe next summer.

-Well, it's not fair!

I have nothing to do!

-What was that?


-I'm not exactly sure,
but I believe he said,

"I have nothing to do."

-Nothing to do?


-All right, start in the corner,

You clean out the junk,

Then you work your
way to the center.

Then you sweep it
out and hose it down.

-That's all?

-After that...

We'll see about the attic.

-Well, so much for
madcap vacation plans.

[Metal scraping]


-I had finally hit bottom.

[Footsteps approaching]

-Hi, kevin.

-[Breathing deeply]

-What are you doing here?

-I was just taking a walk.

It's a little hectic at
my house right now.

-Do you need any help with this?

-No, that's okay.
I can handle it.

It's part of my
really neat summer.


- "Oh"?!

I'm dying of embarrassment,

And she gives me, "oh"?!

-Well, maybe we can talk
about it tonight, at the party.

-Yeah, well, I don't
think I'm gonna be there.


-Boy, now she was
really makin' me mad.

-Well? Did you
show it to anybody?

-Show what?

-Well, the yearbook.

You know, what I wrote?


-Yeah, well, you can just
forget about it, okay?

'Cause I didn't
mean a word of it.

I mean, you can
just rip out the page

And throw it in the
garbage because...

[Footsteps receding]

-It was amazing.

It was our first kiss
since that day last fall

In harper's woods,

The day winnie's
brother, brian, died.

I'd been waiting to
kiss her again all year,

And now that it had happened,
I felt as confused as ever.

There was only one
thing I was sure of...

I was a man on fire!

-♪ Love waits for no one ♪

♪ Who knows where
it's gonna go? ♪

♪ Passion, like an
ember blowing ♪

♪ One spark, and
it's out of control ♪

♪ Lighting up the
darkest night ♪

♪ Love's on fire ♪

♪ Burning with
flames so bright ♪

♪ Love's on fire ♪

-Welcome to my summer of love.

[The platters' "smoke
gets in your eyes" plays]

[Indistinct conversations]

There was the usual
crowd of people

At the coopers' that evening,

But to me, it was strictly
a two-person affair.

-♪ My true love was true ♪

♪ Oh oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ I of course replied ♪

- Hi.
- Hi.

-What do you say after a kiss?

-What's that smell?


-It smells like...

A saddle.

-Oh, I guess it's my
aftershave lotion.



Well, I mean, I didn't
actually shave.

I just sort of put it on.

I-i can go wash it off.

-Oh, no, that's okay.

-So, um...

Want to sit down?


-Uh, can you take
this to my dad?

-Uh, sure.


-♪ Smoke gets in your eyes ♪

-Okay, so she was busy.
That was understandable.

After all, it was
her parents' party.

-Hi, mr. Cooper.

-♪ So I chaffed ♪

♪ And then I gaily laughed ♪

-Okay, so everybody was busy.

No problem. The
evening was young.

-Mr. Ermin would
like to talk to you.

-Oh, my gosh... Mr. Ermin...
The genghis khan of lawn care.

He had a lawn the
size of wyoming.

-I understand you're
looking for work, son.

[Grill sizzling]

-♪ I am without my love ♪

-This evening was
heading nowhere and fast.

[The chordettes'
"never on sunday" plays]

- Winnie!
- Hi.

-Do you want to take a
walk with me somewhere?

-I can't. I have to help out.

-Come on, only for a minute.

-Winnie, would you take
these to your father?

-[ Groans]

-Mom, I'm changing the records.

-Honey, please.

-♪ Or you can kiss
me on a wednesday ♪

-Um, I'll change the records!

-♪ Saturday is best ♪

-Don't mention it.
Just here to help.

-♪ But never ever on a
sunday, a sunday, a sunday ♪

♪ 'Cause that's my day of rest ♪

♪ Most any day ♪

♪ You can be my guest ♪

♪ Any day you say ♪

-In the course of the next hour,

I watched winnie wear
a groove in the patio

Between her parents.

There was only one
possible explanation...

She was avoiding me.

-Wait a minute.


-Yeah, we'd already said that.

- Listen...
- Did you have a burger?

-Winnie, are we gonna have
some time alone or not?


-Okay, I promise,
in a few minutes.

I gotta go.

[The flamingos' "I only
have eyes for you" plays]

-♪ My love must be
a kind of blind love ♪

-Five burgers and
three hot dogs later,

I was finally fed up.

-♪ I can't see anyone but you ♪

-♪ She-bop she-bop ♪

-She wasn't helping her parents.

She wasn't doing anything.

She was just standing there.

Okay, enough was enough.

The game was over.
Let's lay out the cards.

-♪ She-bop she-bop ♪

♪ She-bop she-bop ♪

-What is with you, huh?!

-♪ Are the stars out tonight? ♪

-One minute you like me,

And then the next
minute you don't!

First you kiss me,

And then you act like
you don't even know me!

You've been doing this all year!

I mean, if you like
me, then say so!

But if you don't...

Then... Don't act
like you do, okay?


-Kevin, I have to go
away this summer.



With my mom.

We're going to
my aunt's in maine.

-I don't believe this!

I mean, what about my summer?!

Paul's going away
with his parents.

Now you're going
with your mom...

-♪ I only have eyes ♪

♪ For you ♪

-And then, for the first time
that night, I looked around.

-♪ We're in a garden ♪

-The music was playing...

Couples were dancing...

Holding each other tight.

-♪ Or on a crowded ♪

-But not everybody.

-♪ Avenue ♪

-♪ She-bop she-bop ♪

-♪ You are here ♪

-And suddenly I
began to understand.

-♪ So am I ♪

-♪ She-bop she-bop ♪

-♪ Maybe millions
of people go by ♪

♪ But they all disappear ♪

-I wanted to tell winnie

I understood what was
happening to her family.

I wanted to say something
that would give her comfort,

Something incredibly wise.


-Will you write to
me when I'm away?


-I miss my brother.


[Simon and garfunkel's
"scarborough fair" plays]

-♪ Are you goin' to
scarborough fair? ♪

-That summer, kids everywhere

Swam, water-skied, and sailed,

While winnie cooper struggled
to keep her head above water,

In a family torn apart
by anger and grief.

-♪ Remember me to
one who lives there ♪

♪ She once was a
true love of mine ♪

-I pretty much
stayed close to home.

I mowed mr. Ermin's lawn.

I went fishing with my dad.

I watched a man
walk on the moon.

-♪ Tracing a sparrow on
snow-crested ground ♪

-I considered myself...

Pretty lucky.

-♪ Blankets and bedclothes
the child of the mountain ♪

-♪ Then she'll be a
true love of mine ♪

-♪ Sleeps unaware
of the clarion call ♪
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