03x01 - Summer Song

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Wonder Years". Aired: January 1988 to May 1993.*
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03x01 - Summer Song

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ What would you do
if I sang out of tune? ♪

♪ Would you stand up
and walk out on me? ♪

♪ Lend me your ears,
and I'll sing you a song ♪

♪ I will try not to
sing out of key, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, baby, I get by ♪
- ♪ by with a little help
from my friends ♪

-♪ All I need is my buddies ♪

-♪ High with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ I'm sayin' I'm gonna get higher ♪ - ♪
try with a little help from my friends ♪

- ♪ Whoa-oa-oa-oa, yeah ♪
- ♪ ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

-It's one small step for man...

One giant leap for mankind.

-♪ What goes up... ♪

-By the end of
that summer of 1969,

A lot of things had changed.

The mets were
headed for first place.

-♪ Talking about your troubles ♪

-Woodstock was a
household word...

-♪ Ride a painted pony... ♪

- And winnie cooper's
dad had moved to chicago.

And it wasn't over yet.

-Is that everything?

-The traditional
arnold family vacation.

-Okay! Let's get started!

-What I loved
about our vacations

Was that they always
seemed to rekindle

This wonderful sense
of family togetherness.

-Do we have to do this?

- Dad, I'm 17.
- So?

- Wayne?
- So bourgeois.

-Honey, where's wayne?


-The fact was, we were starting
to outgrow this annual ritual.


Honey, it's time for you and
delores to say goodbye now.

-That's what we're doing.

-Out of the car.

-My brother was a
victim of bad timing.

Two weeks before, he had
met the girl of his dreams,

Only to have her ripped
away by a trip to ocean city.

-Hey, mr. Arnold.
Sorry I'm late.

-There were other changes, too.

-I can't wait! This
is gonna be great!

-I'm not coming.

-Want to stay home
and get a haircut?

-I'm coming. I'm coming.

-All right.
Everybody in the car.

-Um, mr. Arnold?

My suitcase?


-I was the only one who
didn't seem to care either way.

I wasn't exactly looking
forward to the trip,

But I was tired of
the old neighborhood.

And there was nothing
keeping me here anymore.

Winnie's letter
had seen to that.

-Kevin, we're
almost ready to go!

-Okay, mom!

-Winnie wrote about how
bored she was in maine

With her mom,

About how much she looked
forward to coming home.

But then...

She'd met somebody.

His name was chip,

And he was the all-state
champ of everything.

She deserved it, I guess.

And even though
I'd never met the guy,

I was pretty sure I hated him.

-Okay. Let's get started.


- Bye.
- Bye. See ya.

-Yep, maybe a family vacation
would do me some good.

-Wayne! Come on!


[Mid-tempo music
playing on radio]

-Watch it, butthead.

-Hey. What'd I do?

-You crossed the line.


-Of course, I'd have to
survive the car trip first.

-Remember how we used
to play the alphabet game?

Come on. It'll be fun.

I'll go first.

There's "a," as in danville.

"B," "c," as in block.

Who's next?

-I don't believe this.

-Everything okay, pal?


-I-i think we'd
better pull over.

-What none of us figured on

Was the awful reality of
actually traveling with paul.

-Get him out of the car.
[Tires screech]

Hurry up. Quick! Quick! Come on.

-Ocean city...

Where mom and dad had
spent their honeymoon in 1949.

We'd grown up hearing
them talk about it...

Quaint seaside bungalows,

The soft drum of the surf...

[Jackhammer rattling]

Kind of a castaways' paradise.

-48 Bucks for two lousy rooms?

What happened to this place?

-Two rooms?

Who am I staying with?

-You ain't staying
with me, karen.

-I don't want to
stay with you, wayne.

-Good. I hope you
don't want to stay.

Why don't you go
on a peace march?

-I'm not talking to you, wayne.

-All right, you
two. That's enough.

- If I could be there...

-Yeah, you'd be there if
louis hadn't dumped you.

-Wayne, I don't want any
arguing. We just got here.

-My best friend was witnessing

Just how low my
family could sink.

-Don't worry.

By the time we check in,

Everyone will be
in a great mood.

[Water dripping]

[Door thuds]

rattling in distance]

-Think I need a drink.

["Drunken sailor" playing]

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-The captain kidd cod
looks kind of fun, honey.

-Four bucks?

For a piece of fish?

-Um, I think I'll have
the barnacle bucket.

-This place is embarrassing.

- Honey.
- Well, it is.

It's just so...

[Glass thuds]

-Will you please just have fun?

This is costing a damn fortune.

-Somehow, dad's pep talk
had failed to rally the troops.


-My only consolation

Was that paul seemed
to be feeling better.

-Tomorrow we hit the beach.

Suntans... Bodysurfing...


[Gull crying]

-Yep, I always had paul.

-Come on. Let's go.


Are you okay, honey?

-Yeah. Why?

-It's your face.

You look like
you've got a sunburn.

-Mom, how can he have a
sunburn? We just got here!

-Still, his face did
kind of look like

A petri-dish experiment.

-Is it red?

And blotchy?

This is not good.

This is definitely not good.

-What is it?


I must have eaten fish.

-Well, what do you have
to do, call an ambulance?

-No. I'll be okay.

I just have to stay
inside for a day or two.

-A day or two?

Paul, that's the
entire vacation!

-How could paul do a
rotten thing like this to me?

-Thanks for thinking of
me, pal, but I'll be okay.

Trust me.

-Heck, you don't even
know what long is!

This is not long!

You should see the guy
karen was talking to!

-Who was karen talking to?

-Can we please try
to have a good time?

Karen's going away
to college next year.

This is the last time we
all have to be together.

-Why are there
so many flies here?

[Rock music playing on radio]


[Music continues]

-Kevin, where are you going?!

-For a walk.

-I couldn't figure
out what had happened

To the vacations
we used to take...

When we did things together...

And everybody was happy.

[Down-tempo music playing]

[Music ends]

But that was ages ago.

I was 13 now, and
summer was almost over.

All around me, people
were having fun...

With their
boyfriends named chip.


-♪ I ♪

♪ I love the colorful
clothes she wears ♪

♪ And the way the sunlight
plays upon her hair ♪



What's your name, brown eyes?

-Uh... Kevin!

-[Laughs] you sure?


-Well, kevin, can I
ask you something?

-Could she? Would she?


-Can I have my hat?

- Here.
- Thanks.

-Well, I guess that was that.

Who was I kidding anyway?

This girl was definitely
out of my league.


I'm teri, with an "-ri."

-I beg your pardon.

-That's pretty.

-How old are you?

-How old am i?

Well, uh, gee. Let me see here.


-Forgive me.

-How old are you?



I had heard about these
feminine traps before.

There was no right
way to answer this one.

-Well, you're too
pretty to be just 14.

-Then again...

-I'm 15.

-I was gonna guess 15.

-Sure you were.

-My god. She touched my leg!

Was that an accident?

-So, you want to sit down?


-My adolescent mind was
spinning out of control.

This was amazing!

This was incredible!

This was... An older woman!

-♪ I'm pickin' up
good vibrations ♪

♪ She's givin' me excitations ♪

♪ I'm pickin' up
good vibrations ♪

♪ She's givin' me... ♪

[Accordion playing,
wayne slurping]

- Where you been?
- Out.

-From now on, I want to know
where you go, when you go.

-First you tell me

That I have to come
on this stupid vacation.

And then you tell
me to have fun.

I try to have fun,

And then you get mad
at me all over again.

I hate this!

[Music continues]

-I'll be right back.

-Okay, maybe my timing
wasn't the best, but...

-Mom... Can I go to the pier?

I mean tomorrow night.

-By yourself?

-No, not exactly.

-With who?

-Just... Teri.

-Who's teri?

Some boy you met on the beach?

-Not exactly.

-Well, what do you mean?


I didn't want mom to think

I was having some kind
of illicit rendezvous.

This would have to
be handled delicately.

-Some bimbo he met on the beach.

-She's not a bimbo, wayne.

-Can I have a beer, mom?

-Wayne, go back to the room.

- But...
- Now.

[Music slows, ends]

You promise to be back by 9:30?



-And we have lift-off.

I wanted to leap! I
wanted to dance!

I wanted to kiss her!

Aw, what the heck?

-Bless you.





-Okay. We'd
exhausted that topic.

-So, you like bumper cars?


-♪ Wouldn't it be nice
if we were older? ♪

♪ Then we wouldn't
have to wait so long ♪

♪ And wouldn't it be
nice to live together ♪

♪ In the kind of world
where we belong? ♪

♪ You know it's gonna
make it that much better ♪

-It's odd... I'd
only just met her,

But already I felt like
we'd known each other for...


-♪ Wouldn't it be nice
if we could wake up... ♪

-I think she felt that way, too.

-♪ ...in the morning
when the day is new? ♪

♪ And after having
spent the day together ♪

♪ Hold each other close
the whole night through ♪

♪ What happy times together
we've been spending ♪

♪ I wish that every
kiss was never-ending ♪

♪ But wouldn't it be nice? ♪

-I think I'll name
him brown eyes.

He's all ugly and
covered with warts...

Like you.


-Earth to kevin.

-I'm here. I'm just
looking at the pictures.

-That's all you've been
doing for the last hour.

-Even at 13... Sorry, 14...

I knew it wouldn't
be a good idea

To tell her I was gloating...

Gloating that I now had
proof that this night was real.

-I think we look neat together.



-You know, kevin, you
seem very mature for 14.

-And... So do you.

For 15, I mean.

-Does that bother you?

-No. Does it bother you?

-Yeah. It really does.

Gotcha! [Laughs]

-I was definitely navigating
uncharted waters.

-Mm, I love the beach.

-Yeah. Me too.

-You guys come here every year?

-Well, my parents spent
their honeymoon here.

-Oh, really? It must
be very romantic.

-Yeah, I guess.

-Do you know what I feel
like doing, brown eyes?

-I couldn't help but wonder

If what she felt like doing
was what I felt like doing.


-That's what.

-I was prepared to die now.

Okay, I should ask her
to wait for me now...

Just until I get out
of junior high school.

Then we can get married.


-Yes, brown eyes?

Would... Would you...

I mean...


-You want to go
rafting tomorrow?

-I'd love to.

-Then it's a date.

-Except... We don't do much
rafting in albuquerque.


-I have to leave tomorrow.


-We have to.

Dad got called back early.

Why didn't you tell me?

-Would you have had
any fun tonight if I did?

-Okay, granted... Girls
mature faster than boys,

But this was too rational.

-I guess not.

-I have to go in now.

-So that's it?

-I'll miss you, kevin.

-Yeah, sure.

-I'll write you. I promise.

-Didn't you have a good time?


I had a great time.

Come on. I'll walk you home.

-That's okay.

I want to remember
you just like this.

That cute little smile and
those big puppy-dog eyes...

And your hair all messed up.


-I knew at that moment
that life was not fair.

Sure, I'd write to her, and
maybe she'd write to me.

Then what?

Could we really
wait for each other

For the next 10 or 12 years?

It was hopeless.

I'd never felt pain like
this before in my entire life.

It felt... Wonderful.

[Music playing in distance]

A lot happened on
the beach in ocean city

That summer night in 1969.

But of course, none
of it was permanent.



-Well, after all, winnie
was my next-door neighbor.

-How you doing?


-Sorry about your
dad moving to chicago.

-Well, yeah.

-So, uh... How's chip?


-Okay, maybe I was
asking for trouble,

But I had an ace or
two under my own...

-We broke up.

I guess it was just one
of those summer things.

You know?

[Thunder rumbles]


-So eighth grade, huh?

I think it's gonna be good.


Yeah. Me too.

- Welcome home.
- Welcome home.

[Both chuckle]

-When you're 13, it's a
long way to albuquerque.

Teri told me about
getting her learner's permit

And taking her first
drive with a stick shift.

She wrote of our
night at the beach.

She told me she
missed me so much

That she cried herself
to sleep at night.

And she promised to write to
me until we saw each other again.

I keep that letter
in an old shoe box.

It was the only letter
she ever wrote me.
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