06x06 - I'm Pregnant

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Nanny". Aired: November 1993 to June 1999.*
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After being fired from her job she is mistakenly hired to care for the family of a widowed Broadway producer.
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06x06 - I'm Pregnant

Post by bunniefuu »

You know,
I never gave Maxwell a wedding gift

and since the days of me sleeping
in my own room are over...

Thank God.

...so I was thinking, why not turn it
into his very own home gym?

-That's good.

Keep him strong and healthy.

Men who marry the Fine women,
tend to die young.

Why is that?

Because they want to.

Anyway, I got this amazing contractor.

Wait till you girls see
what's being done in here.

-Oh, my God.
-Oh, my...

What are you doing here?

I thought you were gonna be out
shopping all day.

Well, I finished early. I'm good at it.

You said you were going to be
in bed all day--

Sylvia, Yetta,
do you have to stand there?


I can't believe you're doing this.
What must you have been thinking?

That we wouldn't get caught?

Fran, I just turned 21. I'm an adult.

Well, as an adult, I should advise you
that you better get your tushy out of bed

before your daddy comes home
and kills you.

Hi, I'm Nana.

And you know who's fault this is
gonna turn out to be, don't you? Mine.


I'm the one that said you were an adult,

I'm the one that said
you were responsible.

I'm the one that told him to trust you.

Fran, I-- Oh, my God.

And this is why men
that marry Fine women die young.

She was working in a bridal shop
In Flushing, Queens

'Til her boyfriend kicked her out
In one of those crushing scenes

What was she to do?
Where was she to go?

She was out on her fanny

So over the bridge from Flushing
To the Sheffield's door

She was there to sell makeup
But the father saw more

She had style! She had flair!
She was there!

That's how she became the nanny

Who would have guessed
that the girl we've described

Was just exactly what
The doctor prescribed?

Now the father finds her beguiling
Watch out, C.C.!

And the kids are actually smiling
Such joie de vivre!

She's the lady in red
when everybody else is wearing tan

The flashy girl from Flushing
The nanny named Fran

What the hell do you think
you were doing?

-Well, I think it's pretty obvious--
-I know what they were doing.

-I wanna know why they were doing it.
-Well, I think they were--

I know why they were doing it.

Hey, what's all the noise?


All right, how much have I missed?
Have any trust funds been cut off yet?

-Would you just get out of here?
-Everybody out.

-Oh, but, Dad, this is--

Out. Out.

I'll be in the kitchen.

Well, there's a shocker.

Honey. Honey, honey, let's just calm down.

Maybe we should go sit around the table,
have coffee, cake,

Not now.

Look, I think I know
what you're gonna say.

-I want you out of my house.
-Yep, that's what I thought.

Care to explain yourself, young lady?

Well, Fran said that whatever we do
in our own apartment, we could do here.

Why don't you just feed me
to the sharks, why don't you?

Ms. Fine, in my office.

Right now.

Great. Now I'm back to Ms. Fine.
Thank you very much, young lady.

Yes, good afternoon. I'm calling
about your ad for the '93 BMW.

Yes, well, the car sounds wonderful.

You think I sound sexy, eh?

Well, I've got wavy black hair...

hazel eyes.

I'm about 6-foot-2. What about you?

I'm a petite, strawberry blond.

I like moonlight, Burt Bacharach

and leather.

Yes, I'm alone.

Are you serious?

That'll really turn you on?

I'm Popeye the sailor man.

I'm Popeye the sailor man.

I'm strong to the finich,
Cause I eats me spinach,

I'm Popeye the Sailor Man.

-You are a pathetic excuse for a man.
-...turn everything into a screaming match

Listen, I don't agree or approve
of what she did either,

but she is 21 years old
and she does love the guy.

If she loves him, she can wait.
We waited five years.

You know, that's a little bit
of a sore spot with me.

I can't believe you gave them permission
to do that and in our house.

I did not.

You know, you're just upset
because you saw them.

Yes, well, you're right.
Didn't care for that.

Sweetie, you must have assumed
that they were--

Assuming isn't knowing.
Assuming means you could be wrong.

People assumed we were having sex
when you were my nanny. They're wrong.

Again, a sore spot.

Look, I want you to talk to Margaret
and forbid her from having anymore.

Okay, honey.
And while I'm doing that

why don't you schlep Opie to Floyd's
for a haircut?

Please, would you just go
and talk to her?

Okay, okay. But I'll tell you,

it's gonna be pretty difficult
for me to tell her

she can't do something that,

well, I recently discovered,
is just so amazing.

I don't care.

Thank you. I don't care.

Come on, it was just a joke.

What do I have to do
to get you to sell me your car?

Well, it's a little embarrassing,
but would you consider being

a workout partner for someone
who's trying to get back to a size 4?

"Back to" implies she was there once.

What would I have to do?

Well, all you'd have to do is
hold her legs while she does sit-ups,

spot her when she does squats,
blot the perspiration from her cleavage.

I could handle that. It's a deal.

I hope it'll be as much fun for you
as it is for me.

First thing,
could you help me get into this?

I hate you. I hate you.

There you are.
Where have you been?

-Well, you know, your father wants us

to talk about what happened
between you and Michael yesterday

and I just want you to know, honey,
that as your mother

you can share with me
anything and everything.

Well that wasn't the first time
Michael and I--

Don't over communicate, sweetie.

Now, come on. The important thing is
that you have to talk to your father.

But before that happens,
we're gonna give you a little makeover

and turn you into the Maggie
that he wants to see.

The sweet, young,
sexually non-active Maggie.

Fran, I really don't think
that this is a good time.

Honey, don't be scared.

You'll just march yourself right in there
and open with,

"Daddy, your last play was so funny."


you're gonna apologize

and as you skip out, it wouldn't be
a bad idea to hold on to that.

Fran, I really need to talk to you.

Okay, sweetie, but just,

do you think
that you can squeeze into this?

Fran, I think I'm pregnant.

Well, then this definitely won't...

Fran? Fran?


Nice rug.

Fran, please, I need you.
You have to get up.

Honey, you know, next time you tell
me that you think you're pregnant,

could you do it on carpeting?

Fran, what am I gonna do?

Well, are you sure, sweetie?

All I know is that I'm late.

-Well, how late?
-About a week.

Now, when you say about a week,
how many days do you mean?

-Five? Six?

Oh, my God.

-Didn't you use protection?
-Well, of course I did.

Well, you obviously didn't buy quality.

Don't you know that is the one thing
you pay retail for?

Fran, what am I gonna do?

I mean, who would have thought
that Daddy would be right?

You know what, honey? Let's not go there
unless we absolutely have to.

Oh, Dad.

I'm so sorry. Thank you so much.

I'm never gonna do it again.

-Excellent work, sweetheart.

-Hi, Mom.
-What do you mean by that?

Oh, you meant me. Oh, he meant me.

Good to see you, son.

Okay, now the first thing
that we gotta do is buy a pregnancy test.

Who's pregnant?

Yetta, you gotta promise me
you're gonna forget

everything you just heard.

Don't worry, it goes in one ear and--

I think we're safe.

Did you get the test?

Okay. So let's see here.

It says, "If you're not pregnant,
it'll turn pink.

If you are pregnant, it will turn blue."

As will we all.

Honey, this wouldn't have happened
if you had just listened to me.

You said I could do whatever I want
in our own house.

Whatever, not whoever.

Fran, I'm so nervous.

Sweetie, listen. Whatever happens,
don't worry, you're not gonna have to go

-through this by yourself.
-Oh, I'm so glad that I have you.

I love you.

But I don't wanna put pressure
on you or anything,

but if for some reason you are pregnant

life is going to change forever.

No husband, no house, no money.

And it ain't gonna be
a picnic for you either.

I'm putting on my makeup.

God, that'll take a month.

I want my money back.

Your car is a piece of junk

and it smells like some animal died
in the trunk.

No, no, he's at the vet.
He's at the vet.

Sorry, buster, the check is cashed,
the car is yours.

That was my life savings.

Niles, I had no idea.

It looks kind of mauve.

Well, we still have a minute left.

You know what, I'm still freshening up.

Darling, I had to come back
and finish what you started.

So why don't you open the door
and we can freshen up together?

Not now.


What is going on in there?

Nothing, nothing.

What was that?

A ding?

Fran, would you open the door now?

What do I have to do
to get a little privacy around here?

Lock the door?

Why is my daughter holding
a pregnancy test?

Well, you know,
there could be so many reasons.

Let me see here.

Well, suppose you give me
one of those reasons right now.

-You better start thinking.
-I was gonna tell you after.


Your father thinks that we should go
to the gynecologist and find out for sure.

And sweetie, next time...

lock the door!

Fran. Maggie.

Welcome to my new examining room,
Ribbons and Lace.

This place is gorgeous.

I'll tell you, it's a lot different
from my old gyno's office,

but then again, how do you give
a former car wash glamour?

May I offer you gals a cookie?

-No, thanks, Dr. Reynolds.
-Oh, look at this.

They're shaped like giant Midols.
How clever.

I bake like a banshee
during my time of the month.

All right, Maggie,

here you go.

Is that stunning.

I paint on silk on the weekends.

-There you go, honey.

Fran, you're gonna stay in here
with me, right?

Of course, baby, I'm not going anywhere.
I'll be here the whole time.

Go change.

The poor kid is so nervous.

Doctor, you have any idea when
you're gonna find out

the results of the tests?

It'll be under 20 minutes.

And while you wait,
I have videos of the Lilith Fair.


Look at this. You keep your instruments
in a bun warmer.

How considerate.

Boy, I'll tell you, I'm so happy
that Maggie is in such good care,

because I'll tell you,
I am like a nervous wreck.

Now, what can we do
to make Fran feel better?

I'll tell you, I could use
a glass of wine.

Well, I have a dry Merlot
or an oaky Chardonnay.

Maggie's test results should be ready
in just a few minutes.


Doc, is that you with Hillary?

Yes, she comes to see me
once a week.

Isn't that a little bit often?

Well, wouldn't you
if he was your husband?

Dear, while now we're waiting

I'd like to ask you a few questions.
Have you been feeling fatigued at all?

Who wouldn't be exhausted
after what I've been through.

You meant her. Go ahead, sweetie.

I don't feel tired.

Have you felt a little lightheaded
or nauseous?

Well, if you are,
you might have gotten that from me.

Ever since I came back from the island,
I have had a low-grade nauseousness.

You know what I'd like to do?

I'd like to focus on Maggie
for just a moment.

Now, Maggie, have you had any cravings?

No, not really.

Okay, no cravings.

I have Ms. Sheffield's results, doctor.

Just as I suspected, your tiny
little figure is going to remain intact.

-I'm not pregnant?
-You're not pregnant.

-Oh, my God.
-Oh, sweetie, you're not pregnant.

Oh, my God, are you lucky.

Honey, I beg of you,
remember how this felt.

I know that you're old enough
to make your own decisions,

but, sweetie, there are just
some consequences

I don't think you're ready for.

-I love you, Fran.
-I love you too, angel.

Very nice.

-I'm gonna go call Michael.
-Okay. I'll meet you out there.

Oh, God, doc, I am so relieved,
I can't tell you.

Before you go, come back to me.

I'd like to focus on Fran
for just a little bit.

-Well, fatigue, lightheadedness,


Oh, my God, doc, are you thinking
that I might be pregnant?

Oh, my God.

-Excuse me.

Would you happen to know who owns
that BMW with the for sale sign?

What's it to you?

Well, I'm a collector.
I will pay top dollar.

What if I were to tell you

that I sold it to a dear friend of mine
who needs the car desperately?

Well, what if I were to tell you
I'll double what he paid for it?

Money talks, butler walks.


You know, I have been thinking,
and I feel so guilty

about taking your life savings
that I wanna buy the car back.

Why are you being so nice?

Can't I act like a compassionate
human being?


There's got to be something
up your sleeve,

although I don't know
how anything else would fit

with that big arm in there.

All right, just forget it then.

No, wait, wait, wait. I'm sorry,
I'm sorry. I do want my money back.

It's just that I'm not used to you being
compassionate and nice to me.

Well, don't get used to it.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

-Where's Maxwell?
-He's in the study.

-Fran, my darling.
-Honey. Honey.

I've got the most amazing news for you.
For us.

I already know, Margaret called me
from the doctor's to give me good news.

No, no. Something else.

And I have to say, thank God.

Well, Margaret's much too young
and frankly, I'm far too old.

Well, why?
What does it have to do with you?

I'd insist on Margaret finishing college

and that means you-know-who
would be bringing up baby.

And we've only just got married.

I'm not ready to share you yet.

No, no, the last thing we need right now
is a baby running around the house.

Anyway, come on.
Tell me, what's your good news?

Bloomingdale's is having a big shoe sale.

Come here.

Yetta, why does everybody around here,
treat me like a baby?

They won't tell me anything.

Yeah, what about me?

People tell me everything,
and in two minutes I forget.

I'm sorry, Yetta.
It must be hard for you.

Well, sometimes,
but sometimes it's a pleasure.

See, for instance

if I hear news that upsets me,

ten minutes later,
I'm on top of the world again.

Thanks, Yetta.

For what?

You gave me something
to look forward to.

I wish you were my great-granddaughter.

I am your great-granddaughter, Yetta.

You are?

You see? I'm on top of the world again.
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