03x14 - The St. Valentine's m*ssacre

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Wonder Years". Aired: January 1988 to May 1993.*
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03x14 - The St. Valentine's m*ssacre

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ What would you do
if I sang out of tune? ♪

♪ Would you stand up
and walk out on me? ♪

♪ Lend me your ears,
and I'll sing you a song ♪

♪ I will try not to
sing out of key, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, baby, I get by ♪
- ♪ by with a little help
from my friends ♪

-♪ All I need is my buddies ♪

-♪ High with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ I'm sayin' I'm gonna get higher ♪ - ♪
try with a little help from my friends ♪

- ♪ Whoa-oa-oa-oa, yeah ♪
- ♪ ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

-Let's see, now. Where were we?

-Paul told you?!

-He says you're crazy about me!

-Oh, yeah.


-♪ ...love, love ♪

♪ Love, love... ♪

-Once upon a time,
it was... Simple.

If you liked somebody,
you let 'em know.

And if you didn't...

You let 'em know.

One way or another, you
knew where you stood.

But as you get older,
communication gets more...


-I told you, I never want
to speak to you again!

-Let me explain that.

See, I knew winnie
was crazy about me.

She'd said so to paul.

But for some reason,
now she was having trouble

Saying exactly how she felt.

-You're rude, insensitive,
thoughtless, and smug!


See what I mean?

-She didn't really mean it.

Did she?

-Don't ask me. I got
problems of my own.


-Things were grim.

Paul and I had been set adrift

In a leaky boat on
the sea of love...

Or something like that.

-In honor of this
very special day...

We're all going to make
some little valentines.

[Students groan]

Now, you'll need
construction paper, glitter,

And doilies.

-Actually what we needed were
enlistment papers for the foreign legion.

-Man, you guys are pathetic.

Look at you.

Tearin' your guts out
over a couple of chicks.

-What do you know
about it, hobson?

-I know a few
things about women.

You should do what I do.

Forget 'em.

Heh heh.

-If I could just get
her to talk to me.

I mean, it's just a... A
misunderstanding, right?


What's that?

-A valentine... For carla.

-Come on, paul. This
isn't kindergarten.

She's never gonna fall for that.

-You got any better ideas?

-No, but that'll never work.

-Oh, paul!

This is the sweetest thing.

-Like I said... Pathetic.

Look at 'em.

It's embarrassing.


But effective.

-Give me a pen.

-Oh, no. Not you, too.

Am I the last man left?

-Look, just give a pen.

-Should have known.

You're just as much
of a doofus as he is.

-Maybe, but at least now I
was a doofus with a plan.

All I needed was
a little privacy.

A little peace and quiet in
which to think, to ponder,

To let the poetry
in my soul run free.

It was going to be my
greatest literary effort.

-[Thinking] "dear valentine.

"Please forgive me.

Love, kevin."

-Hey, give me a
break. I was only 13.

Now all that remained was
to give my heart to winnie

And let poetry do the rest.

-Is there something I
can do for you, kevin?

-I need to talk to winnie.

-I'm sorry, but that
won't be possible.

-I just have to explain...

-Gwendolyn doesn't wish
to speak to you right now.

I hope I make myself clear.


Made you wonder if longfellow

Ever ran into
anything like this.

There was only one thing to do.

Pull rank.

-Hey, you!

- Me?
- Yeah.

You a seventh grader?

-Yes, sir.

I skipped a grade.

-Well, I need you to
do something for me.

-Well, I'm kind of late
for archery practice.

-It'll only take a second.

Here. Slip this in the third
locker from the end down there.

Left of the stairs.

- Yes, sir.
- And don't let anyone see you.

You got it?

-Yes, sir!

-Yep, where there's
a will, there's a way.

Heh heh.

Any minute now.




I said, "left of the stairs."

-This is left, sir.

-No, it's not!

-Yes, it is.

Like, see, I'm the stairs,
and this is my left.

- Never mind.

We have to get it back.

-I don't think we can, sir.


I got to get to archery.


-Okay. No reason to panic.

I-i could handle this.


[School bell rings]

-Right after third-period
history class.

It's funny how the
hundred years' w*r

Can take exactly 100 years

When your heart's
deepest thoughts

Are sitting in an
unauthorized locker.

[School bell rings]

The task was simple...
Stake out the locker,

Reason with its owner,
and, if necessary,

k*ll to get back that valentine.

-I mean, I'll fight him any day.

-k*ll... Or be k*lled.

-You got a problem?


Not a care in the world.


-Ah, what did I have to
worry about, really?

This whole thing was
just a little mix-up.

Any rational human being
could understand that.

Unfortunately, this was
no rational human being.

This was... Becky slater.

[Dramatic music plays]

A face from my past.

-Friends?! I'll
give you "friends"!


Hi, becky.

-What do you want?


There's this...


In your locker.

- "Thing"?

-Yeah, well...

It's not supposed
to be in there, and,

Well, I need it back.

-What kind of thing?


It's a... A valentine.

-A valentine?


Except, it's not...

-Oh, look.

-Becky, you have
to give me that.

-I don't have to
give you anything.

[School bell rings]

-Oh, becky, come on!

-Bye, kevin!

-Look what carla gave me.

Of course, chocolates
make my face swell up

Like a dead fish, but
wasn't that sweet?

-Very sweet.

-You know what?

I think love is even better
the second time around.


-There's carla. Got to go.

-It wasn't fair.

Paul was getting chocolates,

While all I was getting was...


May I sit down?

- Becky slater

Out for blood.


-Sure. What was it gonna be?

Blackmail, extortion?

The way she was
holding that note,

You could tell she had
one thing on her mind.


I forgive you.

- What?
- What?

-I didn't know

You'd been carrying the
secret around for so long.

- Huh?
- Huh?

-To think, all this time,
you've been suffering.

-Becky, we have to talk.

-I know.

-You haven't told anyone
about this, have you?

-Oh, please. Oh,
please. Oh, please!

-Of course not.

-Good. Now, listen.

-I wanted you to be
the first to know.

-Hey, becky kissed kevin!

-The first maybe...
But not the last.

-Becky slater
kissed kevin arnold.

-Where are you going?


-First things first.

Right now I had to beat the
rumor ripple to winnie cooper

Before she got the wrong idea.

-Becky slater
kissed kevin arnold!

-Becky kissed kevin!

-[Echoing] becky slater
kissed kevin arnold!

Becky slater
kissed kevin arnold!

Becky slater kissed...



-Kevin, winnie has
a message for you.

-She does?

-I hope you and becky will
be very happy together.

-♪ My funny valentine ♪

Let's see, now. Where were we?


-Oh, yeah.



-Yep, my valentine had had
exactly the right effect...

On exactly the wrong person.

-I think it's so romantic

We got back together on
valentine's day, don't you?

I mean, who would have
guessed in a million years

It would happen
today? Would you?


-Susan beecham's
having a party tonight.

It's couples only.

I thought you could
pick me up around 8:00.

-Becky, stop!

-Oh, yes!

-I had to put an end to
this... In no uncertain terms.



-I'll give you "friends"!

- Can't make it to the party.

-Why not?


My family always has this...

Big, huge valentine's
day dinner.

-A valentine's dinner?

-Uh, yeah.

It's kind of a
tradition in my house.

You know, relatives
come, mom cooks.

Stuff like that.

-Yep, we all stand
around the piano,

Singing valentine's carols.

-Well, okay...

If you have to be there.

-Oh, I do.

-Who needs a stupid
party, anyway?


-I'd be happy to come.

See ya tonight.

-And suddenly I'd gone
from head over heels

To in over my head.

I needed someone
with field experience,

Someone with insight

Into the workings of
the adolescent heart,

Someone like...

[Heavenly music plays]

-Hello, kevin.

-Hi, miss white.

-Mrs. Heimer.




How's 8th grade?

-Yep, miss white was
someone you could talk to.


Something wrong?

You seem... Troubled.

-What did I tell you
about this woman?

-I-i guess.

I'm just...

A little worried about...

This... Friend of my brother's.

-Is it a girl?

-How did she do it?!

-Well... Yeah.

See, he really likes this girl.

[Sighs] only he can't seem to
find the right way to tell her,

Because she hates him, because
he did some really stupid stuff.

-I see.

-And all he wants
to do is apologize,

But she won't even
talk to him, so...

-"My heart has never
left you for a second.

"And I am and shall be

"The one whose love for you

Is without measure."


-It's from rostand's
"cyrano de bergerac."

- Oh.
- Cyrano...

Was so afraid of rejection,

He wouldn't confess his
true love for roxanne.

He chose to hide
behind the written word,

Afraid to stand
face-to-face with her.

So many people would
rather suffer in silence.

-So what you're saying is...

-Speak from the heart, kevin,

And never be afraid.

-And you think
that'll really work?


-Okay, if she was sure
of it, I was sure of it.

-Miss white...

-Mrs. Heimer.

-Did it work out for
them... Cyrano and roxanne?



-What happened?

-He died...

And she became a nun.


We have to talk.

-Heck, I couldn't have her
living in a convent, right?

-I told you,
there's nothing to...

-Just listen to me, okay?



What time should
I be there tonight?


-I'll leave you two alone.


-Kevin? What was that all about?

-I have to talk to winnie.

-Kevin, I don't understand.

-Becky, that valentine
wasn't for you.


-Look, I'm sorry, but...


I can be graceful about this.

-I stood there, my
heart in my hand.

It was time to give it
to its rightful owner.


-I don't want to talk to you.

-Look, winnie, I'm sorry
everything got messed up,

But we can straighten it out.

-Just leave me alone.



I know you like me!
- Shh!


I lied to paul.

I did tell him I liked
somebody else.

He asked me who...

And I said you.

But I didn't really mean it.

I just wanted to
let him down easy.


-I never knew until that moment

How much it could
hurt to lose something...

You never really had.

-What are you so
miserable about?

-Hobson, she
walked out of my life!

-Like I said, what are
you so miserable about?

Hey, think of it this way.

Now you can hang out with me.

-I don't think so.

I... Kind of want
to be by myself.

-Man, you're hopeless.

-And there you had it.

Nothing left to do
but wander on home

And help mom baste
the old valentine goose.

After all, my story was told.

It was all over.

[Bell dings]

Well, almost over.

[Dramatic music plays]

[Bell dings]

-[Evil laughter]

-This is what she meant
by "taking it gracefully"?

[Bell dinging]

I guess it was kind
of a low moment...

For me at least.

For craig and becky, however...

It was a match made in heaven.

-You okay?

-I could use some
help getting up.

[Birds chirping]

-In a way, it was a perfect end
to a perfect valentine's day.

[Intro to "what becomes of
the brokenhearted" plays]

-♪ As I walk this land
of broken dreams ♪

♪ I have visions
of many things ♪

♪ But happiness
is just an illusion ♪

♪ Filled with sadness
and confusion ♪

♪ What becomes of
the brokenhearted ♪

♪ Who had love
that's now departed? ♪

♪ I know I've got to find ♪

♪ Some kind peace
of mind, baby ♪

♪ The roots of love
grow all around ♪

♪ But for me, they
come a-tumblin' down ♪

♪ But happiness
is just an illusion ♪

♪ Filled with sadness
and confusion ♪

♪ What becomes of
the brokenhearted ♪

-You're such a jerk.


-Why'd you have to embarrass
me in front of everyone like that?

-Me embarrass her?!

-I didn't mean to!

-You're such a jerk!


-Okay, I was a jerk.

But I didn't have to take
this. I'd suffered enough.

It was time to tell this chick
exactly what I thought of her.

-I like you, winnie!

-And... Furthermore...

-Do you...

Like me?

-I lied.


-About paul.

What I told him...

Was the truth.

I like you.

-This is yours.

-I don't have one for you.

-That's okay.

We can share this one.

-There was only one
thing more to say.

The simple thing...

The brave thing...

The thing that was
in both our hearts.

-Want to study for
our history test?


[Intro to "you're all I
need to get by" plays]

-Face it.

We were a long way
from kindergarten.

And maybe we were learning

That speaking from the
heart isn't always easy.

That afternoon, winnie and I
chose to leave those words

Hanging warm and unspoken
in the winter air between us.

But I think we both
knew they were there,

And we'd get to them someday.

The thing is, we just didn't
have to hurry anymore.

-♪ I'll sacrifice for you ♪

♪ Dedicate my life to you ♪

♪ I will go where you lead ♪

♪ Always there in time of need ♪

-♪ And when I lose my will ♪

♪ You'll be there to
push me up the hill ♪

-♪ There's no ♪

♪ No looking back for us ♪

♪ We got love sure enough ♪

♪ That's enough ♪

♪ You're all ♪

♪ You're all I need ♪

♪ To get by ♪

-♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
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