09x03 - Insurrection

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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09x03 - Insurrection

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on E.R.:

I've been here for
sixteen hours.

I have been ignored
and yelled at

and called honey
and sweetie and bitch.

And all I've had to eat is
gummy bears and diet coke.

I'm not leaving until
I get what I came for.

Those are my friends G.

Yeah, well this is my house.

Mine too.

Oh, what you pay rent?
C'mon watch out man.

No does that mean I can't
have no friends?

How, how you doin'?

How you doin', how you doin'?

( metal rattling in jar )
How, how you...?

How you doin', how you doin'?

How, how you doin'?
How you doin', how you doin'?

Oh, how you doin'?

Hey, why is there a rule-out MI
parked in the elevator lobby?

Because there's
no beds.

Well, Two's open.

Two was open.

Lithobid 300 in Five,
50 of Benadryl in Six.

Susan, I know that the
system is overwhelmed...

The system?
...but you know, you've
got to manage it better.

Kerry, I swear to you,
I am about

to lose it so
unless you want
to take over...

Move all noncriticals
off of monitored beds

and into the hallway
and treat and street triage.

Have you seen
the hallways?

How you doin'?!

Does he have
to be here?

Dr. Kovac says
he can go

as soon as his
banana bag's done.

Then do it
Are you serious?


Room 1847, please.

is this guy yours?

Yeah, yeah.
Mr. Fierson?

Come on.
Get out of my way.

Eric Wyczenski.

I'll lean on Mercy

and see if they can accept
some of the overflow.

Break some legs
if you have to.

Hey, it's Abby.
Um, I'm totally swamped here.

I'm not going to be able
to make lunch

but, uh, page me
and we'll reschedule for dinner.

Frank, call security.

You have to let me go.

Your patient?
I'm not supposed
to be here.

What's he doing
with the box?

You'll k*ll me!
You'll k*ll me!

Mr. Barney,
we don't want
to k*ll you.

We want to help you.

I take it you
called security.

( thumping, grunting )

Probably out ticketing
our cars.

Are those the same guys

that plant those
orange stickers
on our bumpers?

Oh, yeah,
they're multitalented.

They're impossible
to get off.

Try Goo Gone.

Goo, Goo, Goo, Goo Off
from Pep Boys.

Really, that works?

it comes right off.

Do you know how
to get blood out
of white suede?

Try white vinegar
and club soda.

Hey, how you doin'?

How you doin'?

PRATT ( chuckling ):


Hey, check this out.

Foreign body.
Ten inches.

Extra-large vibrator,
still on.

One day, I'm going
to show you

my bowling pin X ray.

Little guy,
but very flexible.

( chuckles )
Ten out of ten.

My pain
is ten out of ten.

Mr. Mullen, today
is not a good day.

I know,
I got a slipped disc.

I need a pain shot.

But you don't care.
I just saw him

bending over
the water fountain.

I seen the guy in here
15 times

in the last two months
asking for Demerol.

We're doctors, okay?

That's it.
We shouldn't have to take down

a needle-throwing psychotic.

We can't be everywhere
at all times.

Simple law of physics.

We need you here
when we call. Period.

We've been through this
over and over again.

Why can't we hire
a new company?

Hey, I'm

MVA rolling up.

I got turnover
up the wazoo.

Ten bucks an hour
is not going to keep

any half decent guys here.

What's open?

You're kidding, right?

Harkins, Gown up.
You're with me.

I am in agony here.

Turf this guy
to the pain clinic.

Nah, I'm waiting
for him to lebs.

Leave without being seen.

Near-miss auto
versus pedestrian.

GCS 14, no LOC.

BP and pulse stable
within normal.

I am not leaving!
Give me my shot!

Can you tell me
your name?


Hey, Morales,
move your patient.

I'm waiting for a bed.

Muevete, amigo.

Right. ( mumbles in Spanish )

Have you been drinking,

I thought he was nice.

He paid me extra.

Then he tried to run me
over with his Mercedes.

Oh, God.
Did you call the police?

Yeah, I got them on speed dial.

We got swelling
to the right

lateral malleolus.
We got abrasions

to the left forearm.

Uh, Dr. Carter,
I think she's posturing.

No, she's greedy.

Okay, um...
can you let go?

I worked hard for that.

She'll put it in a safe place.

Does this hurt?

( inhales sharply ):
Lower, lower.

Right in here?


Bilateral lower quadrant
tenderness. What next?

Ask if she sees a gynecologist.

Do you see
a gynecologist?

Yeah. Every Sunday
after confession.

One, two, three.

How did he fall
out of bed?

He can barely move.

They'd just gave him
a bath or something.

Are you in pain,
Mr. Berk?

Forget it.
He's gorked out.

What nursing home?

Garden Sunrise
in Schaumburg.

Sunset is more like it.

Yeah. I wouldn't send
my mom to that dump.

And I hate my mom.

This the hip fracture?

Yeah, hard to
get a baseline.

End stage Huntington's.

Luka is screaming
for you.

Says he's been waiting
for 45 minutes

for a lighted speculum.

Well, I'm an hour
and 45 minutes behind.

Great. Piss him off some more.

Protecting his airway.
( man moaning )

That's a clue.
What do we know, Gallant?

Huntington's hits you
in your 30s and 40s.

Start with emotional

and depression.

Leads to a
progressive loss

of motor control and
cognitive function.

Death in ten
to 20 years.

He's been
diagnosed for 15.

Let's roll him.

What's he pissed about?

Well, hurt.

About what?


Oh, no, he doesn't care.


Nasty pressure sore.

10x18 centimeter decubitus.

Have you talked to him
about it?


I don't have to. He's fine.

Is that sacrum?

All the way down
to the bone.

You know, we got this.
At least get him his speculum.

B.P.'s 80.
He needs fluids.

Hey, Abby, I need a
frog-leg finger splint.

Try central.


I need a detox bed

for the child prost*tute
in the hall.

Oh, yeah, they're
as jammed as we are.

She's 12 years old.

Cocaine, probably crack.

Okay, I'll see
what I can do.


Tubo-ovarian abscess.

Ooh, lovely.

Hey, how does
Original Thai sound?

Tonight, we take
your brother out.

I get to hear
some embarrassing
childhood stories.

He's allergic to MSG.

That's unfortunate.

HARKIN ( grunting ):
I really think

we should
switch places.

Come on.
Keep it coming.

Kovac's pelvic exam?

Curtain Three.

You push enough Valium?

Any more and he'd
be unconscious.


We'll let him pick the place.

He doesn't know any places.

First time in Chicago?

Usually, we have to meet
up in a strange city

in front of some
psychiatric institution.

You said your mom
sounded fine.

She is. She does.

She's fine.

How about Morton's?

He's not a vegetarian,
is he?

No. Beef's good.

You started.


Didn't know when
you'd get here.

Did you say
you're done?

You can put your legs
down, Mrs. Lundgren.

Effie, please.

Lundgren's my husband's name.

Mrs. Lundgren tried to
vacuum out her period.

Menstrual extraction.

Very common practice.

Practice for what?

The day when the men
who run the world

take away your freedom
of choice.

Until then,
you could perforate your uterus

end up infertile
or bleed to death.

If men needed abortions,
there'd be drive-thrus

with beer on tap
and TVs tuned to ESPN.

It's still no reason
to do this

to your body.

You got to wake up, honey.

We're at w*r.

Conscientious objector.

( exhales )


type and screen,
Beta and a urine.



So, are you taking
any oral contraceptives?

Want to give me
a reason to?

These are yours.


That's it?

"Sorry" and "Thanks"?

What do you want
from me, Kathy?

I don't want anything.

Uh, Icon, too?


Menstrual extraction.
You want Icon, too?

Uh, if you want.

You okay?


No, that was just, uh...

You know...

But are you okay?

Managing 14 patients

a little too much grappa
last night.

Other than that...

Other than that.

Hey, I'm-I'm happy for you,

A golf ball?

The size
of a golf ball.

Around your fallopian tube,
near your ovary.

What do you do
to get rid of it?

might clear it up.

If not,
laparoscopic surgery.

It's sexually

No, duh.
I ain't stupid.

Well, then maybe
you can tell me your name.

Your real name.

Tina. Tina Jones.

Well, Tina Jones,
I don't know

what got you in here
at 12

but if you want
to make it to 20

you've got to stop
smoking crack.

I can get you into
a detox bed today.

Yeah, that'll fix everything.

That'll fix
one thing.

Then maybe you can get
started on the rest.


Lewis want you to ship McPheny
to outpatient.

Not now, Malik.

When do I get
my money back?

After detox.

You can't do that.

Sleeping with strangers
for money.

That's what you want?

I've got to take care
of myself.

Well, I'm trying to give you
a chance to do that.

You don't know what it...

You don't know.

I know it's not too late.

School, friends...

birthday parties.

The things a girl your age
should be doing.

You have a choice.
I'm giving it to you.


High-speed MVA coming in.

Excuse me.

Excuse me.

I will be right back.

Hey, do you...?

Hey, Gallant.

Why is Stella
on a monitored bed?

Positive Homans'.
She could have DVT.

quick question.

Triage, down the hall,
to the left.

Go get a venous doppler
and then street her.

You are not
her personal physician.

Hi, I'm looking
for Abby Lockhart.

She's a nurse here.

Are you Eric?

Hey. John Carter.

Sorry, things
are a little crazy
around here today.

Yeah, the guy at
the desk told me

that you were closed
and to go home.

I was expecting
an Air Force uniform.

Oh, well,
I'm undercover.

Dr. Carter? Excuse me.
Um, what do I do

if pathology refuses
to analyze a foreign body?

You get a Polaroid
for the medical record.

And how do I get
a camera?
Look for one.

Do I have to puke
on the floor to get

some attention
around here?

We have heart att*cks,

and bleeding ulcers
and they're all ahead
of you, okay?


I have been here
for four hours

and you haven't done...

...a damn thing.
My God.

What are you
doing here?

I thought you were going
to feed me.

I am in pain every single minute

of every day.
Don't you

check your messages?

I am talking to you.


No, not him.
He doesn't want to help me.

Dr. Pratt is
only concerned

that you're building
up a tolerance

to the narcotics.

Yeah, well, that's

why I need more.

Is it like this
every day?

Who the hell are you?


Well, yes, Eric,
I'm in pain every day

and they don't want to do
anything to help me.

You know, if I came in here

in a suit and tie

they'd give me my meds
in two minutes.

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
now get out of here.
It's about time.

Wait a minute.

Take it or leave it.

One Vicodin's not
going to do it.

Well, that's what
you're going to get.

Go play Lakeshore.


Oh, yeah, thank you.
Thanks very much.

You know, you think you're a
bunch of heroes, or something?

You know what, look around!

You are not
doing anything!

You're not helping


( grunts )


Get out of here.

We like excitement.

Did you hear
she got a dog?

Yes. "Dumpy."

Is that right?

'Cause he was dumped
at the pound.

Yeah, it turns out
he's got a vitamin deficiency.

He needs a special diet

so she cooks him bacon and eggs
in the morning.

She never made me breakfast
in my life

but she'll cook for the dog.

No, no, she cooked for you.

Well, she can cook for the zoo
as long as she's happy.

I mean, she's good, even.

I think maybe this time...



I'm sorry I wasn't there
the last few times.

It's okay.

No guilt.

It's not our fault, remember?

( door opens )

Hey, Abby, where's the baggie
of fingertips?

Uh, in Exam Two.

The cops brought them in
before the run got here.

It ain't there.

Chen's freaking out.

Baggie of fingertips?


Two neighbors tried
to trim their hedge

by hoisting a lawnmower
in the air.

Thank you.


You know what?

I don't think I'm going
to be able to get a break

so maybe we should meet
at your hotel at 6:00.

Adele Newman
for you on two.

Uh, can you take a message?

Or 7:00 actually
would be better

and then we can
go out to dinner,
show you the city.

Well, I can't

'cause I got to get
an 8:15 bus to Offut.

What's Offut?

Offut Air Force Base,
my new station.

Abby, I need a transfusion
set up in Five.

Okay, in a minute.

Uh, it's a menstrual
extraction victim.

I thought
you cleared her.

A different one.

Some kind
of party.

One hell of a party.

You're getting

Um, reassigned.

I got to report
in the morning.


Yeah, it's the Air Force.

C-Can you hold this
for a second?

Okay, blow out
all your air.

( exhales )

Now breathe in.

Oh! Right there, honey.

Yeah, yeah.

Abby, can you order
a right upper quadrant
ultrasound for me?

Yeah, in a minute.
Have you seen
a bag of...?

It's in a bucket of ice
by the X rays.

Thank you.


Don't ask.

When did this happen?

Last week.
Got to read your e-mail.

Well, how come
it's so soon?

I'm sorry.
That's top secret.

( men arguing )
Okay, I got 'em.

What happened?

Uh, got here
before they did.

They're all
in one bag?

Guess they didn't sort them
at the scene.

Well, we need to
sort them now.

Okay, one minute.

Where is this?


Hey, hey!

Is she going to get
her clothes back?

They're in a bag
under the bed.

I heard it's
kind of pretty.

It's closer to you,
it's closer to Mom.

Abby, LOL in Four
has diarrhea.

Oh, good. You said
you needed a stool sample.

You could scrape
it off the floor.

Mm. Starting to appreciate
why you dissed me.

I'm sorry.

You actually like this?

Yeah. It's not that different
from air traffic controlling.

Without the menstrual


Where her shoes at?

Yeah, in a minute.

You go do what
you got to do.
I'll wait for you.

Okay, I'll be right back.

Hey, Frank, take care
of my baby brother.

Is he potty-trained?

Turned him off

his decube, and
he bottomed out.

70 systolic.

But he is so pale.

Is it a hematoma?

Are you his nurse?

No, I'm his mother.

16 in the left AC.

He's still got good veins.

Get some O-neg
from trauma

type and cross four more.


I'm sorry.

I... it was

the best home
that I c...

I could get.

I don't have much, and...

Nothing definite
on the ultrasound.

Get me a triple
lumen kit.

Pressure's up to 86.

He's-he's in pain.
Can't you give him something?

He's had 200 fentanyl.

It could be the cause
of his breathing problem.

But he's suffering.

Can't... can't you see
how much he's suffering?


( monitor flatlining )



Hmm, what?

What are you doing?

( monitor beeping )
Loose connection.

Can I get a bed now?

This would go
a lot faster

if these guys identified
their own fingers.

What if we made a mistake?

You think this
is a pinkie

or a ring?

Looks like a cocktail wienie.


I got Morales' TIA in Four.

Oh. Yeah, put
her on a 12 lead.

I'll be right there.

Have you guys seen my brother?

What's he look like?

He's about six feet,
he has brown hair

looks like me might be
my brother.

Mmm, yeah,
he's cute.

I think he went
to get some coffee.

Oh, yeah. The place
was tripping him out.

Yeah, I wonder why.

Pratt, you have three thumbs.

Unless one of
your patients
is a circus freak.

Look, if you think
you can do a better job...

Just did.

Then be my guest.

What's this?

Match game.

Pratt's having a little trouble
"fingering" it out.


Come on. That's funny.

So you got my detox bed?

Uh, sh**t.

I have to call
Adele back.
I'm sorry.

You didn't admit her?

No. They're clearing
a space.

Then where is she?


Frank, did somebody move

the navicular
fracture in Two?

I think she eloped.

Why didn't you come
and get me?

She didn't say anything.

She just took off
with some guy.

( clicks tongue )

He asked me
for her clothes.


He asked me
for her clothes.

I didn't know
who she was.
I'm sorry.

I asked you
to get her a bed.

I was trying to
get her a bed.

You think he was her pimp
or something?

Her pimp, her dealer,
her boyfriend.

Damn it.
I had her talked into it.

Well, who let
the guy back there?

The hell
if I know.
Dr. Carter.

The whole world
can waltz right
through here.

Dr. Carter!


No, no, no, no, no.
Nobody move.

All right, it's cool.
Nobody move.

It's cool.

It is not.
It's not cool.

I am in pain.

I need Demerol, and you're going
to give it to me.

Yes, I am.
I am going to... Abby?

Go to Drug Lock-Up,
get a case of Demerol...

I don't need a case.

I just n...
I just need my shot.

150 milligrams.

Okay. 150 milligrams then.

See? There's no problem.
It's all right.

Look, no problem.

No, we got a problem!

This here's supposed
to be a county hospital.

( whispering ):
Call the police.

Call the police.

You're supposed to
care about people,
but you don't!

You don't care!

I care now.

( chuckles )

Yeah. That's right. You do.

What's taking so long in there?

I'm coming.

You care 'cause
I'm making you care

'cause I got this g*n.

Because I'm the one

who gets to decide.

You don't have
to decide...

No, I get to decide
who's going to feel pain

and who's not going
to feel pain.

Just like you.

Every day.

Show it to me.

Show me it.

Show me the label.


Stay right there, Eric.

Okay, come on.
Come on. Come on.

Hurry up. Hurry up.

We're going to help you,
give you the shot.

Why don't you put
the g*n down?

I'll hold onto it
if it's just the same with you.

Okay, where do you want it?

Why'd you want to be a doctor?

Excuse me?

A doctor.

Was it the money?

That's part of it.

And what's
the other part?

It's complicated.

Well, explain it to me.

I mean, you can't tell me
that you actually wanted

to help people.

Or maybe you did, right?


maybe you all wanted
to help people

but then
little by little

you realized
that there's

just too many
people to help.

( moans softly )

Who's going to survive?

Thank you.

Hey, remember this...

...for next time.

( panting )

How much did you give him?


That'll do it.

( sirens blaring )

Is he breathing?

What do
you care?

I don't, but why don't
you get some narcaine

off the rig.

We'll need to monitor
his breathing.

Pratt, get a gurney.
Four-point restraint.

Put him on a pulse ox
and call psych.

You should go inside
and lie down.

I'm fine.

You should go lie down.

I don't need to lie down.

Where you going?

Hey, whatever happened
to those metal detectors?

Not now, John.
Where's Chen?

We were supposed to have
those a year ago.

It's all part
of the security plan.

What security plan?

So you like it
here then?


Keeps the days from blurring
together, you know.

What are you doing, Abby?

You came on
the wrong day.

From what I can tell
you're smarter than

most of the people
here-- smart enough

to know you shouldn't
be working here.

Well, that career advice
is just a little bit late

but thank you.

You don't find it even
a little self-destructive?

No, no.

And, honest, I think I'm happier
than I've been in a long time.

Besides the g*n in my face,
you know.

What happened to med school?


I have to go back to work.

I'm sorry, but, um, uh...

call me and
give me your numbers.

I got three more hours.

I know, but
I'm already juggling

like, ten patients
and there's more stacking up

and I know I'm not going to have

any time, so call me
and have a great trip.


John, read the newspapers.

County healthcare
expenditures are down

over 30%...

I don't have to read
the newspapers. I'm here.

And security is not
a place to save money.

Yeah, we're wasting it
on patient care.

Oh, come on, Kerry

you know these aren't
the same budget cutbacks.

We were supposed to have the
metal detectors two years ago.

It's not just
the metal detectors.

Well, I think
it's a start.

If you put them up,
you've got to man them.

Oh, that's a crazy idea.

I'll talk to the medical
executive committee.

Hey, where do you
want him?

Take him straight to the unit.

Now. We need it now.

We need a secured
triage area

we need more guards,
we need better guards.

You just work on
clearing the board...

I cannot clear
that board!

I am treating a 12-year-old girl
on the street, cracked up

PID, tubo-ovarian abscess,
run over by a car

and I've got two minutes
to spend with her because...

Yeah, and we're getting
even more buried

while we stand here
arguing about it.

...I somehow managed

to talk her into to detox.

Before I can get her a bed

we let her dealer
pimp boyfriend

walk in here and waltz her
right back out.

John, I am just as
frustrated about this...

Then do something
about it!

I am!

Just treat your patients.

Wow, way to go, boss.

Frank, where's
the yellow pages?

Bottom shelf.

Hey, in the future

can we try not to agitate
the drug seekers?

It's not my fault
they got a g*n in here.

I never said it was.

What are you doing?

I'm ordering
metal detectors.

Now you're talking.

Let's get some cattle prods
while you're at it.

Shut up, Frank.

So he went home,
got the g*n

and came
all the way back.

He probably went to
the corner and bought it.

Dr. Lewis.

God, sometimes
I hate this place.


Pulse ox 90.

He vomited twice
before I could turn him.

There's little use
for the PEG now.

He can't breath.

Get an RT and set up
for a vent.

Okay, he's full
of junk.

Aspirated and decreased
on the right.

Not again.

His cords are scarred
from last year.

He was on the vent
two months.

Meds are in.

Be ready to roll him.

The etomidate
might make him vomit.

Once you put the tube in,
that's it, right?

That's not coming out.

No, that's... yeah,
we want the bulletproof.

What's he doing?

Contracting out
our new triage area.

Are we finally getting that?

Yeah, yeah,
and I've got

the phony purchase
orders to prove it.

Gallant, what did I
just tell you about Stella?

What? She has
a positive Murphy sign.

That's because you keep
feeding her cafeteria food.

Dr. Carter, I still need
to rule out cholelithiasis.


Do it.
Get her out of here.

Street her before she presents
with something else.

She's going to suck
him dry, isn't she?

Yes, she is.

No, no, sooner than that.

As soon as you can.

Why don't you just come out
and take a look at the space?

What are you doing?

I'm trying
to make us all safer.

You ordered six
metal detectors retail?

Yeah, they should be here
in about a half an hour.


We have a procurement

that handles all
capital expenditures.

You canceled it.

Yes, I canceled it.

This is not your job

and believe me,
you don't want it.

We had another 15%
budget reduction
again this year.

I am just trying
to keep the doors open.

Well, close them

'cause it's not worth it.

You shouldn't have to risk
your life to work here.

Of course not,
but you have to be
responsible about it.

You have to get
competitive bids.

No, Kerry, you know
what's irresponsible

is letting this go on
as long as we have.

And I have been
in staff meetings

14 hours a month

for the past two years
working on this.

Where you going?

To the ambulance bay
to wait for my metal detectors.

When he calms down
have him see me.


( phone ringing )

Answer the phone,

You know, we have
patients to care for.

He's right, Kerry.

Do you have a plan?


Plain or peanut?





Gum? Cheetos?

How 'bout some nylons?


Well, I hear they sell panties
in vending machines in Japan.

Save your quarters.

You sure?

You know, chocolate is
the universal comfort food.

Listen, I'm sorry
about what happened.

But the guy was
a known drug hound

and I wasn't going
to play his game.

But you got to understand

I would never do anything
to jeopardize you.

Carter, maybe, but not you.

Not my future lover.

( chuckles )

Hey, look, look, look,
I'm sorry, okay?

Look, sometimes I get a little
punchy when I get nervous.

Hey, I was scared, too.

Oh, oh, you were scared?

You know, I'm the one who almost
had a cap busted in my head.

( chuckles )

Oh, oh,
and that's funny, too.

Cap busted
in your head?

Come here, come here.

No. What are you doing?

I'm consoling you.

Well, don't.

All right?

( sniffling )

You finished?



I want plain M&Ms.


Did you hear
a fire alarm?

Oh, not another

Now what?

I have no idea.

Well, you got
everybody out here.

You should say something.

Why are you talking to me like
we're planning a prison break?

In case this thing
gets ugly.

You don't know me?
That's right.

Hey, what's going on?

Talk to Norma Rae.

We're not working

until the install
some metal detectors

and get some
additional security.


Oh, cool.

My shift's over
in an hour anyway.

Uh-oh, looks like
a showdown.

Listen up!

Unless you are on
a scheduled break

you are in violation
of your hospital contract

and are all in danger
of being summarily fired.

Part of our contract

that the hospital
provides us

with a safe
working environment.

Look, today's incident
was, uh, eh... horrific

but we are already taking steps

to ensure that
it doesn't happen again.

You always say that,
but nothing ever happens.

I don't always say that.

We've heard it before.

And this is how you choose
to solve the problem?

Hey, what's going on?

We got
a 62-year-old man

hypotension, low back pain.

BP's 80 palp.

You better do something
about this today.

Yeah, and everyone here
needs to get back in there

while they
still have a job.

Don't even think about

that patient, Gallant.

Get him in there,

you are a student.

You don't have a contract,
you just fail.

All right, let's go.

Could be
a ruptured aneurysm.


It'll be another couple hours

before I can get him
up to the OR.

But his stats
have leveled off

and we're giving him
as much pain medication

as his blood pressure
can tolerate.

Do you know what it's like to
watch someone die for 25 years?

That's what I did
with his father.

Every day.

I can refer you
to another nursing home.

I don't know what
you're planning now...

He was a singer.

Did you know?

When he sang, it was the most
beautiful sound in the world.

And I...

I prayed it would pass him over.

When he got to be 29, I thought

my God, maybe we got lucky.

Then he started
having trouble at work.

He'd forget things...

and when he'd talk

sometimes it was
hard to understand.

And of course...

of course, he couldn't sing...

It just takes
everything away.

You... everything.

Can I have a piece of paper?

What for?

I'm going to start work
on my resume.

You'll be fine.

I know.

Usually they just
decapitate the leaders

of the insurrection

and send the peasants
back to work tending the fields

but thank you.

What took you so long?

Abby, I need a repeat blood gas
on my Huntington's patient.

We're staging a walkout.

Yeah, I get that.

I need a PH.
He's throwing PVC's.

In fact, I have ten
other patients

on monitored beds
who no one is watching.

So maybe somebody will
pay attention.

So you quit, go
outside and pout?

Too many patients.

No room.

Overwhelmed staff,
and it's dangerous.

This keeps up, we're not
going to able to treat anybody.

News flash:
The healthcare system sucks.

Our job is to
treat people
in spite of it.

Well, I can't.
Not anymore.

And I don't expect you
or anybody else here not to.

But I can't do it.

So, too bad to the
ten-year-old with status

asthmaticus arrests?

We've had one staff member
m*rder*d on duty...

Or the mother of three
with pyelo...

I'm trying to save the people
that roll in here tomorrow!

I know, Carter, you're
an emergency room doctor.

It's about getting
through the shift.

Do you even know
how many g*ns and knives

pass through here
in a year?

( sighs )

No, I don't.

But I do know how
many people are
depending on us

at this very moment.

I got stabbed.

Lucy got k*lled.

And today, Abby and Chen get
a g*n to their head.

I'm sorry. No.

( sighs )
It's got to stop.

Otherwise, it's not worth doing.

Fine. You know what?

You fix tomorrow.

I have to go

treat the patients
that need us today.

( sighs )

He coded?

You think they closed
the paramedic runs?

I can't tell.

Think that they
replaced us all?

I can't tell.

Think it's going
to rain?

Look-- a new recruit.

Shouldn't she be waving
a white flag?

Dr. Carter, let's, uh,
take a walk.

The metal detectors will
be here either tonight

or tomorrow morning.

And we've accelerated
our negotiation

with the new security firm.

What about triage?

Construction starts as soon
as we can approve the bids.

Thank you.

No. No, you don't get
to thank me.

You get to go back inside
and clear off that board.

You were already
four hours behind.

Fair enough.

And it will be hard

to avoid a disciplinary
committee hearing.

It's nothing
personal, Kerry.

Yeah, well, uh,
speaking of that

I had hoped to control
some of these costs

but now that we're paying more
for immediacy

you'll have to offset that

by either laying off
three senior nurses

and hiring new grads,
or canceling X-ray

and lab service after 10:00 p.m.

Whatever you think.

No. You forced us
to do it this way.

You get to decide.

Well, you can't
run a trauma

in the middle
of the night

and have to go
to the lab.

That's true.

Nurses then.


I want their names
on my desk

first thing in the morning.

( applause )


Thank you.

Very nice,
very nice.

( chuckles )

( sighs )

What are you doing?

I know you're not
going back inside.

Oh, I got patients.

Wait a minute,
wait a minute.

Shouldn't you
be getting

like, some very serious
therapy right now?

What, and ruin all this hard-won
repression and denial?

So, you're serious, huh?

Go home, Pratt.

Are you sure you're good?

You know, it's
not your fault.

Go home.
All right.

You okay?

Oh, people have
to stop asking me that.

Yo, I am

Come here.

That proletarian
revolt you staged

left us a little
short-handed down here.

( laughs )

Oh, did you think
that was clever?

It wasn't a joke.


I told Weaver
to fire you

but, uh, you can't
trust a lesbian
to do a man's job

so instead, I ended
baby-sitting three gorks

and a dirtball
with the DT's.

Last time I did
ER scut work

I had ponytail
and a lava lamp.

I do not enjoy
revisiting those days.

Am I clear,
Dr. Carter?


Dr. Romano, uh, the TAB is
"A" negative.

Should we give her RhoGAM?

Huh. Well, apparently

some of the med
students take their
oaths a little

more seriously
than the doctors.

No. She gave
this speech about

what it means
to be a doctor.

Well, that you need
to figure out all by yourself.

I'm looking for a doctor.

Why don't you try
sitting in chairs?

Right over there.

We'll be with you
as soon as we can.

Is it true construction is
starting in a week?

I don't know.

You know what they say
about construction.

Nice work,
Dr. Carter.

Oh, let's hope
you feel that way tomorrow.

What do you mean?

You should go home.

And lie down?
And lie down.


Dr. Carter,
I need you

to sign a Prevacid
script for Exam One.


Yeah, well, she still has
a esophageal reflux.

She's still here?

I was outside with you.

Which I appreciate.

( clears throat )


I'm looking for a doctor.
Oh, right here.

We're very
busy, sir.

You need to
take a seat

and someone will
see you as soon
as they can.

I need to see him.

I know he works here.

Did he treat you
for something or... ?

I don't know
how to get home.

I lost my way.

You can't be here,
and I can't help you

unless you tell me
who you're looking for.

Tell me where he is.

We need you to leave.

Hold on.
I took the wrong train.

I didn't know
which way to go.

Where do you live?
G. Get G.

He's my brother.

Who? Who is G?

G! Greg!

What does
Greg stand for?

( crying ):
Greg Pratt.

Somebody get Greg Pratt
for me, please.

( crying )

* Won't you take me to...
Funky Town? *

New career?

I've been on hold
for 15 minutes.

Hold that. Trubull's
had his ReoPro.

Let's move him
to the cath lab.

Uh-huh, mm-hmm.

Shelby's chest
is negative.

Let's treat him
with ibuprofen.

Yeah, I'm still waiting
on the dig level on Six.

What's his name?
Uh, Cardova.

Yeah, find him,
get it, and
then find me.

Okay, great.
Can you find
my stethoscope?

I left it in
the ambulance
bay somewhere.

Wasn't your shift over,
like, four and half hours ago?

Five and a half.

How long are you staying?

Till we clear the board.

So, you decided
to die here, huh?

Uh, excuse me.
Deb, I sent you home.

You know, I was in the middle
of six criticals

when that psycho came back.

So, go home now.

No. I-I've got
about a dozen
charts to finish.

Oh, forget the charts.

I just got stood up.

Let's go hit a club.

Hot date?

Hot, but clearly not datable.

Orbital's playing
at the Shadow Room.

You know, what the hell?

I lost a patient;
I almost got k*lled by another.

I'm in.

You, too, Abby.

Girl's night out?

No, I think I'm
going to go home.

Yeah, if I'm going

you're going.

You're asking him?

Okay. No, uh,
late night


No male strippers.

Okay, you got it.

Give me ten minutes.



Dr. Lewis

Dr. Tsung on three.


Primary on your Huntington's.

Dr. Tsung, this is Dr. Lewis.

I saw your patient,
Phillip Berk.


He came in this morning

with aspiration, pneumonia,
and cellulitis.

We intubated him
and gave him antibiotics

but he got septic
and died about an hour ago.

Have you seen him
in the last month?

Yeah. Would you mind
signing the death certificate?

Yes. Yes, thank you.

Thank you.
I'll send it right over.

No coroner?

We can release the body
to the mortuary.

Are you older or younger?


His mama took me
in when I was nine.


Was she nice?

Not really.

So, what happened
to your family?

Don't know,
don't care.

G's my family.

What happened to you?

I went by the hospital.

What, you got lost again?

I remembered where
the hospital was.

Come on.

Come on.

Look, I tried
to call you.

Nobody answered

so I got Shannon
down in personnel

to get me
your address.

That place sucks, G.

Yeah, thanks.

I knew I threw my back out
as soon as I fell.

How you doin'?

My chiropractor--

she says I have mild scoliosis.

Everybody's got
mild scoliosis.

That's just something
chiropractors say.

You can't give me anything?

No. I think
you'll be fine.

Oh, Donahue is

guaiac negative.

Schwartz's repeat
accu-check is 87

and the urine Icon
is positive
for Mr. Ramirez.

Can I go home now?

Find my, um... ?

LOL with altered
mental status

and lower abdominal pain.


Little old lady.

How you doin'?

All right, down to one board.

Dr. Carter, thought
you might want

to sign for these.

Four entrances,
six metal detectors. Rush.

How you doin'?
How you doin'?

Yeah, that's right.

How you doin'?
How you doin'?

You want to show me
where you want them?

Right this way.

* Oh...

How you doin'?

Don't make many
night deliveries.

We got to pull
the old ones out?

No. These are the first.

Hey, how you doin'?

I'm good.

( dance music plays )

That is the last
time I ask a guy out.

Oh, you asked him out?

Yes, and he
stands me up.

Who was he?

Oh, he's in...

ca-capitalist... m.

Or private equity.

Something or other.
I don't know.

One of those
undefinable money jobs.

See, then, right now

you'd probably be sitting
in his apartment listening to...

Thelonious Monk... or...


You're right.

But women who date
those kind of men

don't get vomited on

on a regular basis.

Or get a g*n to the head.

Another one?

Yes, thank you.

No, thanks.

Where is she anyway?

I think she went
to the bathroom.

You think
she'll be okay?

Yeah, I think
she's going to be fine.
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