09x14 - No Strings Attached

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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09x14 - No Strings Attached

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:

Hey! Where are you going?

Want to see a picture
of my new girlfriend?


What do you think?

It's a plane.

We were just allotted

$2.4 million dollars
in new funding.

I just hope that we
earned the allocation

based on our merit.

It's the least I could do.

Helen is complaining

of intermittent right side
abdominal pain.

I think it's a tumor.

I doubt it.

I didn't realize
you were back

on surgical rotation.

Nothing has changed.

I'm losing
what little
strength I had,

and sensory function
is non-existent.

What do you want, Robert?

I want my arm back.

Oh, my God...

LOC on scene,
but awake

when we got there
with GCS of 13.

Calm down. We're going
to take care of you.

Oh, God!

What we got?

Auto versus multiple
peds at a high school.

Open facial fracture,
abdominal pain.

Sounds like she dumped a lung.

BP's 110/70.

Tachy after one liter.
Name's Gayla Ray.

Break out the epistaxis tray,
page trauma.

Gayla, do you have
any medical problems

we need to know about?

That's a "yes."

Is this the full arrest
crush injury?

Pinned between the car
and a wall.

Bunch of kids got nailed

on the front steps
of their school.

Drunk driver?

Worse, 16-year-old got
a driver's license.

Still no pulse.
Resume CPR.

You try and tube
her in the field?

Twice, but she's way anterior.

Had to scoop and run.

Car versus pedestrian--

steel's going to win every time.

Chest full of sub-cue air.

Tube in every hole
and pronounce.

And since Pratt went out
of his way

to wear a tie
this morning,

let's let him do
chest, airway,

and needle the

She's young, she might convert.

Yeah, and there might
be a brand-new Hyundai

behind door #1,
but more than likely

it's a jackass and 50 cases
of elbow macaroni.

Vaseline gauze.
I'll give you $200

if you've got a surgical
candidate on that gurney.

ENT, ortho and
general to start.

Okay, let's turn her.

I can't breathe...

Don't try and
swallow, okay?

We'll get that
blood out for you.

I'm scared.

Don't be.

Rocket Romano never lets
anything happen

to pretty girls
like you.

Tachy at 120.

BP's 100, systolic.

Frazier tip suction
for the nose.

Zygoma is mobile.

It looks like a LeFort three.

Does it hurt when
I press here, Gayla?

Okay, we need to operate
on your belly,

but don't worry, you're
going to be fine.

You have a minute
to speak privately?

I've got a girl losing blood
by the pint,

but sure, let's have
coffee and donuts.

Call Maser in the OR,
tell her we got a hot e-lap.

You think a posterior bleed?

Place to start.

I left you a number
of messages.

A gram of Cefotetan
and make sure

the blood bank gets a clot
this time.

Even sent a memo.

She stable enough for CT?

Tachycardic and hypotensive.

Let's get this
little minx upstairs.

That's all right,
I'll take her.

What do you think
you're doing?

Based on your fine assessment
and e-lap.

Call and have one of
the surgical residents scrub in.

I already did that
for Dr. Romano.

Despite the fact
he has no OR privileges?

I'm a supervising attending.

Only on procedures
you're capable

of performing yourself.

What are you saying?
I can't scrub in?

I'm saying, read my memo.

Let's get this young lady

to the OR.

Oh, and
congratulations, Kerry.

No one deserves it more.

If you can't vote,
you shouldn't be able to drive.

I got my license the
minute I turned 16.

Yeah, but you were never
a teenager-teenager.

You're responsible.

I was a total idiot.

All I cared about
was finding a boyfriend.

Hmm, nothing like now, right?

Do you think
Carter can cover

the last hour
of my shift?

He's leaving for Belize.

Ah, the scuba thing.

Mm-hmm. A week of fun
in the sun.

Yeah, while you get
stuck here in the rain.

Well, all of his diving buddies
are nitrox-certified,

whatever that means,
and I can barely snorkel, so...


What do you have,
a date or something?

A friend of a friend set me up
with some guy.

Blind date.

Just proves that some
of us never really
leave high school.

Sasha Melman,

16, bilateral femur fracture.

It's amazing she's not worse.

Book, shoes, blood everywhere.

It hurts
so much!

Sasha, I'm Dr. Lewis.

Can you wiggle your toes for me?

I don't think I can.

Good popliteal pulses.

Okay, page ortho.

A gram of ancef and 300 of gent.

Are my friends okay?

Yes, we're
helping them.

Helen Broznich,
up and limping at the scene.

Vitals stable, no LOC,
no chest or abdominal injuries.

Any ETOH or
dr*gs on board?

She denies both,
but she's agitated.

He's choking me.

This the driver?

Helen, I'm Dr. Weaver.

Where are you hurt?

Everywhere, all the time.

What's open?

Trauma two.

( alarms beeping )

Come on, damn it.

Still agonal.

Try isuprel, wide open.

What's going on?

You completed the PEA algorithms
ten minutes ago.

She's young, we want
to give her a little longer.

You gave her a lot longer.

Call it or I will.

Oh, sorry, I thought
the room was clear.

Is she dead?

Gallant, get Helen
to another room for now.

That's Terri. Is she dead?


I thought I hit the brakes.



What do you figure
this cost the taxpayers?

"Kerry, congrats to the
best doc in Chicago.

Alderman Bright."

Think he's trying to get her
to change teams or what?

My guess?

Or what.


You know, I could
pick up a bottle

of this stuff for us
tonight if you want.

That stuff is about
200 bucks a pop.

Well, I guess
you're buying then.

( laughs )

Dispo'ed Mr. Pagini.

Waiting on a bed
for Mrs. Golove.

Mary Galloway
is up in CT.

And I'm off to the second
largest barrier reef

in the world.

Bring Dramamine.

And repellent.

They got mosquitoes the size
of eagles in Belize.

Not to mention pirates.

So, Deb?

You and Pratt, huh?

Uh, yeah, I guess.
You guess?

Well, we're not, you know,
exclusive or anything.

ER? Oh, Hi, Maggie.

We're just kind of
casually attached.

Here, hold,
let me check.

Frank, did we hear
anything from OB

about a bed for Kim Cohen?

No, but I've got your
mom on line one.

Abby? Line one?

Yeah, I'm on my way out.

Could you take a message?

You mean another one?

Maggie called?


I don't know.

She wants
to talk to me.

Make it up, be a
family, whatever.

You're not interested
in doing that?

No, not really.

If you're mad at your mom,
you should tell her.

Don't just ignore her.

Okay, thanks.

I took a split shift
so I could see you off.

My flight's not for hours.

I know.

Did you see the car coming?

Two-inch scalp lac,
GCS 15, no LOC.

I was going to throw
in a few 5-0 nylon

and send her home
with a head sheet.

Did you hear
the squeal of brakes?

Switch to prolene.

Blue stitches are easier
to find for removal.

Any other minor injuries
in the accident?

Uh, just the driver
in curtain three.

Bad ankle.

Apparently, she lost control
of her car.

Dr. Lewis, this one's
got a clotted PICC line.

Can you take him?

Oh, yeah, sure. Just give me
a couple of minutes. okay?

16-years-old with
stable lateral
malleolus fracture

and multiple abrasions.

Blood alcohol and tox screen?

First thing cops
had me check.

Came back clean.

Head CT's negative, but...

She's concussed?

Well, it's hard to tell.

Hi. I'm Dr. Lewis.

I remember you.

Said she was here last week.

Got diagnosed with hepatitis.

Oh, yeah, right.

So, um, uh, Helen,
what happened today?

Uh, there are these squirrels
at my school.

I saw one in the road.

And you swerved?

Squirrels are
rabies carriers.

So are raccoons.

Is my dad here yet?

Uh, we'll go check, okay?

Well, she's not
jaundiced enough

for hepatic

Yeah, she'd be altered,
not just weird.

Dr. Lewis,
your blind date called.

The restaurant you picked
doesn't work for him.

Oh, for God's sake.

He wants you to call
him and regroup.

Hey, you choose
someplace exotic?

Yeah, a steak house.

( laughs )

So, Keener's

will now be supervised
by Dr. Corday.


What about Jocelyn
Gaine's Billroth Two?

Uh, push it if possible.

I'm buried
in administrative backwash.

If not?

Anspaugh will take it.



There's going to be a press
conference in a few minutes.

I wouldn't miss it
for the world.

Look, I know
you wanted the position,

and I just wanted to check in
and make sure

that you are feeling okay
about this.

Well, how
am I feeling?

Um... pretty damned
grateful, actually.

I've got a good
heart, a good soul,

and unlike our newly
appointed liaison,

two good legs.

Dr. Weaver, we're ready for you.

Ask yourself what you did
to deserve this, Kerry.

A lot of hard work, actually.

Yeah, and what your
Alderman wants in return.

He doesn't want anything.

Not everyone's an opportunistic
assh*le like you.


So I'm told.

You still okay
with me going?

Yeah, I said I was.

And you meant it?

What are you thinking?




Your mom.

God, no.

Come on, tell me.

A song.

Oh, yeah?

Which one?

From the '70s.

It's goofy...

"Blinded by the Light?"

"Love Will Keep Us Together?"


* Rubbing sticks
and stones together *

* Makes the sparks ignite...


* And the thought
of something, something *

* It's getting so exciting

Are you done?

* Skyrockets in flight

* Afternoon delight

( laughter )

* Aaa....
No, no, please don't.

Please don't.

( laughs )

( phone rings )

You going to get that?


It's an utterly
thankless position.

No money, endless paperwork,
countless meetings.

But it still remains
a great honor.

Therefore, on behalf
of the Board of Commissioners,

I am proud and privileged
to name Dr. Kerry Weaver

as Medical Liaison
to Cook County's

Public Health Care

( applause )

Thank you, Alderman.

I, uh, couldn't have accepted
this position

without the continued support
of my colleagues here at County.

Dr. Weaver,

how are you qualified
for this office?

You mean can
a non-policy wonk
do the job?

Uh, well, running a
trauma center is perhaps

the ultimate
training ground

for public
health care,

and we are in a
health care crisis.

This position allows
me the opportunity

to apply practical
solutions to problems

that have been
dealt with

all too
in the past.

Are there any
other questions?

How will balancing two demanding
jobs affect your home life?

It won't.

She's single.
So am I.

And we make a
handsome couple,
don't you think?

( laughter )

Thank you.

Hey, I reached
Helen Broznich's father.

No chicken either, huh?

I'll come back.

They actually fry tofu.

Okay, well, I'll see you
tonight at 7:00. Bye.

Your, uh, your date's
a vegetarian?

No, a vegan, whatever
the hell that means.

with a face.

No meat, no eggs, no dairy.


Oh, you're the guy
with the PICC line.


Need a doc
over here!

Oh, got to go.
You want these?

Oh, I...

Wilma Rasmussen,
94 years old,

with fever and altered
mental status, BP 85/60.

That's pretty low.

No, she's had
pneumonia before.

This is different.

Her daughter.
She live you?

No, I live with her.

Hey, save some
donnatol for me.

Cut it out.


I just
need two tabs.



No, actually, I'm the one
who should be apologizing.

I was out of line

This is work,
and the last thing

you need to deal
with is gossip.

I get that,
and I respect it.

You do?

Yes, I'm the same way.

Hey, Pratt.

I have a patient waiting
for you in curtain one.

I'll be right there.

So you two
going to get engaged?

No, not even close.

I don't know
about that.

Pratt's been acting
all in love.

Dizzy, weak,


Classic symptoms of
a low blood count.

Tinnitus, palpitations...

Drove my wife nuts
over it.

She divorced me
because of it.

Trouble is, you don't
look anemic.

Yeah, but in
pernicious anemia,

symptoms may occur

even in the absence
of a low hemoglobin.

Trust me on this, Doc.

If I don't
get a shot soon,

it's going to get
a lot worse.

You been taking B-12?

Up until two months ago.

I went to see my doc
in '86

'cause I was feeling
really run down.

My doc made
the diagnosis.

Since then, I've been
feeling real fit,

as long as I stay
regular on it.

Bastard died on me
a month ago.

My doctor.
That's why I'm here.

For your B-12 fix?

Yeah, I take up to 100
micrograms IM a month,

but, you know, I think
since it's been so long,

I should take half
a milligram.

I'm way overdue.

I think I'll need
to check out a few things

before we go
prescribing anything.

Save yourself the trouble.

"Victims of
pernicious anemia"?

You're looking at the president.

So what do you think
it is this time?

Your mom has
a kidney infection.

Does that explain
why she's so groggy?

but she also has

a number of other
health problems.

Haleh, can you
send this up for culture?

Hang 500 of Levaquin

and start her on dopamine
at five mikes per kilo.

Well, that
sounds serious.

At 94,
everything's serious.

Excuse me, our friends
were brought here.

There was an accident
at our school.

What are their names?

Terri, Sasha,
and I think Janey,

and Lisa also
got hurt too.

Can we see them?
Are they okay?

Excuse me,
we can only give

that sort of information
out to relatives.

But they're
like our best friends.

Have your parents
call the school,

and they'll update you on
everything that's happening.

Was it that bad?

Did they die?

Oh, God, we totally
cut class today.

I can only give that information
out to relatives.

Was she there?

Did she see
this happen?

Hey, wait, wait,
you can't go in there.

Helen, you have
to tell us what happened.

Why are you
asking me?

Who all got hurt?

You don't even know me.

Forget her.
She's a freak.

Let's call my mom.

She friends
with the principle.

They're popular.

You did good, kid.

Thank you.

I only wish I'd fallen off
a stage two years ago.

Would have kept us
from appointing

your god-awful

Still having
trouble with that?

Ah, Kennedy had
chronic back pain

and ran the country.

The least I can do
is tolerate a bum knee.

You know what,
let me write you a prescription

for some more Vicodin.

That's all right.

Don't be ridiculous.

Why suffer if you
don't have to.

Touch base later
this week?

Look forward to it.

Uh, don't put
your pen away.

I need another signature
for a subdural.

So, uh, congratulations
on your appointment, by the way.

Thank you.

So what is it, a county
committee type thing?

Something like that.

Well, if you can get us
two more nurses a shift,

I'm all for it.

Still no word from Dr. Kovac?


And you tried
calling him again?

Yes, ma'am.

Yeah, Luka,
this is Kerry Weaver.

I'm down two attendings
and up 40 patients.

If you don't get in here

and start working
your scheduled shifts,

I'm going
to call the INS,

tell them your
green card's a fake

and have your ass

You'll need longer arms

if you're planning on
treating her from here.

Why haven't you
cleared her yet?

She still needs
a posterior splint.

Dr. Weaver?
Hold on.

Look, we're buried
here, Gallant...

Look, I realize that...

It's the Emergency
Services Committee....

If you and your

can't handle a simple
ankle fracture, I'll do it.

Now clear the bed.

Where do you want it?

In the lounge and I don't
want to be disturbed.

What'd I miss?

Two more messages
from your mother.

She says it's very
important that you call.


Carter get off okay?

Yes, he did.

Mm, five Sigma Nu's
loose in Belize...

Hope they brought
a lot of bail money.

You know, I still have
friends on the PD

who could run a background
check on your date.

Already checked,
no arrests.

Or he hasn't
been caught yet.

Aren't you the optimistic one.

Hey, you don't have
any plans tonight, do you?

Excuse me?

Carter's off with
the boys, it'd be fun.

Dinner and drinks?

Oh, don't let her
talk you

into being
her chaperone.

How is it everyone knows
I have a blind date?

You told them.

Got a lady outside,
won't get out of my cab.

I need a doctor.

Where's she hurt?

I don't know.
She ain't moving.

You know her name?

Yeah, right.

Showed me her
birth certificate

before I gave
her a lift.

Ma'am, ma'am, wake up.

She's been beaten up.

Come on, open your eyes for us.

She's got a weak
radial pulse

and there's blood
on her hands.

Ma'am, ma'am, can you
tell us what happened?

Oh, wow.

Oh... come on.
Let's go. Let's go!

I'm not going to get paid, am I?

No hemotympanum.

Systolic's 120
after the first liter.

This may burn
a little.

( groaning )

It's okay, I'm just
numbing up your belly.

Do you know
who did this to you?



Need to pick my kids
up from school.

Can arrange to have
them brought here,

but we need
to know your name first.

Monica... Walker.

Monica, we have
to figure out

if your going
to need surgery.

Got to go...

No, no.

You have to talk
to the police later.

No... can't do that.


Somebody beat you
pretty badly.

She owes me 11 bucks and change.

Check the bra for cash.


She's a hooker, that's
where they keep it.

Hey, get the hell
out of here, now.

Out, out!

What have we got?
What have we got?

Penetrating abdominal
injury of uncertain depth.

And these are?

Three lab-coated tumors.

You're teaching?

This is a teaching hospital.

Good bowel sounds,

Can you tell how long
the knife was?

'Cause you sure as hell
didn't get in on your IQ.

Help me retract here.

Only into the sub-Q,

but there could be an
intraperitoneal component.

Deep fascia's intact.

Gram of ancef
and update her tetanus.

So no surgery.
That' right.

You boneheads in the ER

are going to have to work
for a change.

Irrigate the wound,
loose approximation,

and follow serial exams.

Let's go.
That way, what way.

Whose signature
do I get for the chart?

Excuse me?

For the official
surgical consult?

I'm head of surgery
and chief of staff.

That should do it.

That way.

Turn left.

I don't like
to be touched.

Dr. Weaver's
almost finished.

They'll hate me
even more now.

Who will?

at my school.

Why, because
of what happened?

Helen, what happened was tragic,
but it was an accident.

It was rainy, and you
lost control of your car.

Who was your
attending on this?

Dr. Lewis.

Get her.

Helen, do you ever
have any problems

with rigid muscles
or jerkiness?

I can be a real spaz sometimes.

You shouldn't be
so hard on yourself.

What is it, Kerry?

She has gold-colored
deposits in the cornea.

I don't like
to be touched.

Kayser-Fleischer rings.

They're pathognomonic
for Wilson's disease, right?

What's that?

Your body may have an
inability to excrete copper,

causing it to build up
in the liver and the brain.


We'll need to run
some tests to be sure,

but I'll be
right back, okay?

She was here a week ago?

I treated her
and released her.

Did Gallant
do an eye exam?

Of course he did,

but Wilson's is a total zebra,
especially to a med student.

Yeah, what's
your excuse?

Well, the rings may not have
been this prominent last week.

Okay, send off
a serum ceruloplasmin

and find me when
you get the results.

She's having
trouble breathing.

Your old lady.

Pulse ox down to 82
on five liters.

What's happening?

Respiratory rate's up to 30.

The fluid we gave your mom
to raise her blood pressure

is going to her lungs.

Normally, we treat with
lasix and nitroglycerin,

but those would lower her
blood pressure even further.

Oh, God.

Sharon, I know you love
your mother very much,

but you need to think
about how aggressively

you want to handle this.

You don't

I need her.

Of course you need her.

I need her
Social Security checks.

Another 4-0 nylon.

He was a regular.

Just went nuts on me.

May be time for
a new profession.

Got to feed my kids.

How old are they?

Luke's seven,
Christy's 12.

They know what you do?


Don't need to.

I'm there when
the leave for school,

there when they get back
and I'm there

till they go
to sleep at night.

Wait, you go out
after they're in bed?

Look, I'm not a junkie,

and I don't have a pimp.

I just work enough
to support my kids.

But they're home by themselves.

That was fast.

I don't want
to talk to him.

Well, they have
to document the as*ault.

I don't want
to talk to the police.

She doesn't want
to file a report.

You Abby Lockhart?


Officer Beechum, Chicago PD.

We were asked
to come find you.

Minneapolis PD has reported
that a small aircraft

your brother Eric Wyzcenski
was flying has disappeared.

Your mother asked us
to notify you.

Apparently, she was unable
to reach you by phone.


Okay, what, what does
that mean, "disappeared"?

Where was he?

Well, radar last picked him up
over Lake Superior 11 hours ago.

You can call
the FAA up there

for more information.

I'm sorry.

Okay, explain to me

how somebody
just goes off radar.

What you are saying is
you think he went down.

Right. What-what are
the other possibilities?

Okay, did...

did you have
any communications from him,

like a Mayday or whatever...


Yes, I'm reachable here.

I thought he was
an air traffic controller.

He always wanted to fly.

He just got his license.

Did you reach Carter?

I had him paged in Miami,

but I guess the flight
already took off.

Does your mom know anything?

I haven't called her.

Do you think you should?

I think I'm stressed
out enough as it is

without having to deal
with her, too.

Yeah, you should go home.

Do people know?

About Eric? Some.

I'd rather they didn't.

You should still go home.

I'm going to stay.


Hold, please.

Radiology needs you to send
Stewart back up-- film's bad.

Abby, guy from the school
district dropped off

Monica Walker's kids.


The hooker
with the slashed belly?

All right, okay.


Okay, I'll take you
to see your mom now.

Is my mom
going to be okay?

Yeah, she is.

Did she get mugged again?

Thanks anyway.

Kids are here.

Go ahead, go right in.

Hey, guys!
Oh, it's good to see you.

She denied everything.

Told the cops she fell
through a window.

Probably tell her kids

the same thing.

You think it would
be better

if she told them
a john slashed her?

Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Mr. Marshman?

Could you turn your
hearing aid down, please?

Thank you.


Labs back
on your B-12 guy, Vitelli.

Hemoglobin's 14,
hematocrit's 42.

Anything wrong?

Stan, my man,
it's your lucky day.

You giving me my shot?

No. Your doctor never did
a Schilling test on you, did he?

I knew it was unlikely,

given your age,
your ethnicity.

My grandmother is
from northern Europe.

Ninety percent of pernicious
anemia patients have

the anti-parietal cell antibody.

And your blood test
was negative for it.

So I'm in the ten percent
without the antibody.

You have
a normal cobalamin level.

Do you know what that is,

Vitamin B-12.

And what causes
pernicious anemia?

B-12 deficiency from
lack of intrinsic factor.

You don't have the disease.

You never did.

I can stay home
and take care of you.

Don't even think about missing
school on my account.

He's only trying
to get out of a
math test anyway.

Am not, butthead.

My little
brother's goofy.

Ignore him,
that's what I do.

Were you talking to me?

They're good kids.

I do the best
I can, you know.

I really do.

I-I-I don't think
I'm going to be able to get home

as early as I thought.

How... well,
how about a late supper?

Kerry? Labs are back
on Helen Broznich.

Sandy, I'm going
to have to call you back.

Is the father here?

Yeah, you want me
to tell him?

Absolutely not.

I'm Dr. Weaver.

Walter Broznich.

This is all so terrible.

How, how are
the other girls?

Uh, I'm not sure.

I shouldn't have let Helen drive
in that damn rain.

She going to be okay?

Mr. Broznich,
in addition to the injuries

that your daughter sustained
in the accident,

we found that she has
a rare disorder

called Wilson's disease.

I'm confused.

Last week you people said
she had hepatitis.

She does, in the
sense that her liver

is inflamed as a result
of copper accumulation.

I have some
in my brain, too.

Wilson's is
a genetic condition

that can cause both psychiatric
and motor disorders,

in particular,
jerky movements.

It's usually not symptomatic
until adolescence.

Is that why I hit the gas

and not the brakes?

That would be
my suspicion, yeah.

It's curable?

It's manageable.

There's a Rick Kelly
who's a wildlife artist.

Click on that
other Web site.

You think it's
the rock climber?

Oh, cute!

Especially with those
tight shorts.

( laughs )

What are you doing?

Ah, Google-ing your blind date.

That's so rude.

If you want to know anything
about him, just ask me.

Why? You've never
even met him.

( gasps ):

( laughs )

Buns of steel, huh?

Are you sure this is him?

( chuckling )

What's so funny?


Sorry about what's happening
with your brother, Abby.

Hopefully, they'll find
him safe and sound.

Well, I'd better get
back to the phones.

Where'd you say
that Bell's Palsy
patient was?

Exam One.
Here, I'll show you.

I wish you'd just go home.

Why? So people can
talk more freely

about my tragic family?

That's not where
it's coming from.

You know that.
They're concerned.

Yeah, I know.

Oh, what we can do is
interview the children,

get a better sense
of their home life.

Yeah, and if she's got customers
going home with her,

there could be endangerment
as well.

Who, who's this?

Uh, Bruce Dorchester,
social services.

I'm new.
I don't think we've met.

So if your findings
support removal,

will the children be
kept together?

Uh, we'll make
every effort, yeah.

Um, why, why are
you doing this?

Abby, I know you
mean well, but we're...

But what?
They're good kids.

Their mother provides for them.

Yes, by actively
prostituting herself.

She has been arrested twice.

Is she under arrest now?

She admits to leaving
her minor children

home alone at night.
Oh, come on!

That's neglect.
Come on, we've seen
much worse.

By law we have
to report this.

Look, I shouldn't have
to explain this to you.

You have to explain it
to somebody. It's wrong.

This isn't your call.
Is it yours?

You're a nurse, Abby.

You don't have
the power to make

this kind of decision.

I think this sucks.

What is her problem?

She's using accessory muscles

to breathe now.

She talking at all?

Asked where
her daughter was.

Where is she?

Bathroom, I think.

Go to 20 mikes of dopamine.

Mrs. Rasmussen?

I need to talk to you
about your condition.


Your lungs aren't working
too well anymore.

Neither is your heart.

If it gets much worse,

we're going to have
to intubate you.


Your daughter has asked us

to do everything we can
to save you.

But in situations like this,

often, the treatment is worse
than the condition.

There's something you can sign

called a "do not resuscitate"



There are plums
in the backyard.

They're so lovely.


Do you like plums?

( sighs )

I brought an umbrella
just in case.

It is beautiful from up here,
isn't it?


Listen, if, uh,
if you need any help,

need me to make some calls,
answer some questions, I...

Do you believe...

people can die instantly?


I don't know. I'm a nurse.

I don't know if I believe it
happens instantly.

A second can seem
like a lifetime.

Like when you hit the brakes
to avoid hitting another car

it seems like it takes forever
to stop.

But maybe, if you go nose-first
into the water

at 200 miles an hour,
it is instantaneous.

At least, I hope it is.

Why do you think he went

I don't know.

I better get back to work.

So you say you're sick,

you're broke,
you're unemployed and uninsured.

Yeah, sure,
come on over.

Mr. Wilner is regular again,
and I'm out of here.

What you getting into?

Uh, I think I'm going to stay,
do some studying.

Missed a diagnosis today.

Happens to the
best of us.

Hey, you get one of these?

from Baltimore?

Frank, Exam
One's cleared.

Tell it to the next clerk.
I'm history.

( phone rings )
Damn it.

Sounds like Leon's having
a nice time, huh?

Oh, hi, Dr. Carter.

Guess he's adjusting okay.

Yeah, she's right here.
Just a minute.

Abby, Carter's
on the line for you.

Uh, I'll take
it in there.

Well, have a good night.

Yup, you, too.

Plan on it.

Hey, how you doing?


Thought you'd be out
painting the town by now.

Huh, all my friends
are too tired to go out.

You're kidding me, right?

They all have
pernicious anemia.

Everything in my life
was built around it.

Support groups, therapy,


So, what do I do now?

Well, you could try
enjoying yourself.


So your flight
was all right, then?

Um... Eric's plane disappeared.

Went off radar or something.

They don't know.

Um, have you been
in the water yet?

No, Carter, you don't have
to do that. You...

Carter, he could show up
in an hour.

I just want to wait and see
what happens, okay?


All right, I have to go.

I'll call you later.

( bangs phone )

( sniffles )

( sighs )

Night, Abby.

Good night.

Hope everything's okay.


Okay, I'm taking six more.

You might want to cut down
on the caffeine.

Or give some to Connie.

Her shift started
ten minutes ago.

You need something done?

A nipride drip in One.

I'll do it.

You rock.

Am I crazy, or have you
been here since yesterday?

Well, there's no
place like home.

Help! I think my mother's having
a heart attack.

How's this?

It smells better anyway.

I don't know how you people
stand all this crap!

Me, either.

You want some privacy?

I want to get the
hell out of here.

All right,
I'll see what I can do.

They still haven't found you
a bed upstairs?

My dad went
to find out about it.

Did anybody else die?

In the accident?

A couple of girls
were seriously injured,

but they're in recovery now--
they should be okay.

So just Terri died?


Not Sasha?


I don't know how that happened.

It was raining
pretty hard.

Sasha was meaner.


They weren't
very nice to me.

They were never very nice to me.

Come on, now...

( child screaming ):
No! No!

Mommy, I'm sorry.

No! No!

It's going to be all right.

Mommy, why are you
letting them do this?

Come on, kids.

Just till I get better.

Everything will be
all right.

It's okay!

( screaming )
Everything's going
to be all right.

Mommy, no!

I love you.

It's okay.

No! No!


She left them
alone at night.


What happened?

She coded.

Shocked her twice,
intubated her,

and she converted.

Guess this
rules you out

as the second
signature for her DNR.

It's what she wanted.


Kerry, I need
to talk to you

about Helen Broznich.

Keep her systolic above 90,

and let's get her
up to the MICU.

It may not be the disease.

What may not be?

What are you
talking about?

Helen hated those girls,
and from what I can tell,

they weren't too crazy
about her either.

Well, teenagers t*rture
each other in high school.

Believe me, I remember.

Yeah, but they get upset
when they run over classmates.

Her flat affect could definitely
be part of the Wilson's.

Kerry, just because she has
a metabolic disorder

doesn't mean she didn't know
what she was doing.

Are you implying that she
hurt those girls on purpose?

She seems disappointed
that more of them didn't die.

That's what I'm implying.

Dr. Weaver, the appy in
Four is asking for you.

Excuse me.

And your blind date called

and said he'd just
pick you up here.


I have a brother
that's single.

Clotted PICC line.

Maybe I missed my turn.

I got up and walked
around for a while.

Uh, here's a tip:

never give up your place
on the waiting list

in a county hospital.

Ah, that's no big deal.

Yeah, it's a huge deal.
Come on.

No, really, it gave me a
chance to, uh, people watch.

Well, that's putting
a positive spin on it.

So, why do you
have a PICC line?

Uh, stage three-C
testicular cancer.

These two should be reviewed
in surgical committee.

You got it.

I remember you.


How'd I do?

Very, very well.

'Cause you promised
you'd take care of me, right?

Get some rest.

Send them to
the Q.A. office?


Mr. Dresden can transfer
to 4 west,

and I am going home
to soak my feet.

have a minute?

Dr. Romano,
what can I do for you?

Well, I read your memo,

and I think your
concerns are valid.

So, I'm willing to limit

my surgical supervision
to fifth-year residents.

Keep going to physical therapy.

Wait, wait,
look, hear me out.

They already have
all the skills they need,

and I would just be there
to comment and observe

as a... as a formality.

You have physical liabilities.

It'd be one or
two cases a week,

during which I wouldn't
have to lift a finger.

We simply cannot expose patients
or the hospital

to unnecessary risks.

Look, look, look, look.


keep me on the schedule,
even if it's in name only.

Dr. Romano...

Damn it, please
don't make me beg.

Until your recovery
has progressed further,

let's use your expertise
to help our students.

They ready for us?


I'd like to get
a psychiatric consult

before admitting Helen
to the medicine floor

for treatment.


Mr. Broznich, although
the disease impacts the brain,

it-it doesn't necessarily
explain all behavior.

What do you mean?

Your daughter has the ability
to make decisions.

She goes to school,

she drives a car...

I don't understand.

I think you need to speak
with the police again.

I'm a spastic.

You said that.

No, Helen, I didn't say that.

That's why I hit the gas
and not the brakes.

I'll send the detective in here.


It-it's not
the disease?

That will have
to be decided.

It was her?

I don't know.

She-she could
have done this?

I don't know.

Okay, I'm going to inject

something called streptokinase
into your port,

which should dissolve the clot
and make your line functional.

Which is a good thing

because your white blood counts
are almost nonexistent.

I had chemo ten days ago.

Your neutrophils
are below 500,

making you

to life-threatening

The ER's the last place
you should be.


I kind of like it here.

Okay, now I know you're sick.

When you're
done with this,

you need to go home,
sit tight,

take your temperature

every four hours.

Anything above 100.4,
and you get your butt back here.

Wouldn't it just be easier
to stay?



You out of here?


Any word?

Is Carter coming back?

No, I told him not to.

You don't have
to be alone tonight

if you don't want to be.

I don't think so.

Call me if you need me.

I'll be fine.

Is that him?

Uh... yeah.

Have fun.


( chuckles )

I'm Susan Lewis.

Rick Kelly.

So, you ready to go?

Uh, actually, I have
to stick around with a patient.

Um, uh, a kid
with testicular cancer.

I should have called you.

I drove in
from Lincoln Park.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Okay, then, uh,
should we reschedule?

Uh, probably not.


Well, you know,
when you meet someone,

and you can tell if there's
a connection or not?

Um, actually,
I don't want to give up steak.

I'm sorry.

What happened
to your date?

Oh, wasn't meant
to be, I guess.

Let's get you a
shot of neupogen.

( soft moaning )

Did you get new furniture?

Feels different in here.

( Pratt chuckling )

It's less crowded.

Ah, maybe that's it.

You miss him?


I never lived with anyone,
outside from my parents.


No, they weren't around much.

I guess that's why sometimes
I love my alone time.

( laughs )

Nah, not me.

I grew up around a
whole bunch of cousins

and kids in the projects.


I like it loud.

The more the merrier.

You like kids?

Why do you ask?

I don't know.

You ever think
about having them?

( laughs )

Okay, okay, you're
not the maternal type.

No, no, I-I love kids.

Well, good.
Me, too.

I, uh... I had one.

You have a kid?

I gave him up
for adoption.


I don't know,
it's complicated.

He's being raised
by good people.

Aren't you good people?

I guess, um, I wasn't ready.

Well, I'm going
to go take a shower.

All right?

Mom, are you there?

Look, I'm sorry
I didn't call you back earlier,

uh, but I need
to talk to you now.

Mom, if you're there,
could you please pick up?

Okay, well, uh,
maybe you're sleeping.
Call me back, I should be home.
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