09x15 - A Boy is Falling Out of the Sky

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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09x15 - A Boy is Falling Out of the Sky

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:

So why do you have
a PICC line?

Uh, stage three "C"
testicular cancer.

You have a kid?

He's being raised
by good people.

Aren't you good people?

I was worried about you
because I love you.

You mean
you think I'm crazy?

Mentally unstable.

Suddenly plagued
by a psychiatric illness.

What do you think?

You mother asked us to notify
you that a small aircraft

your brother Eric Wyzcenski
was flying has disappeared.

She was unable
to reach you by phone.

Explain to me how somebody
just goes off radar.

( keys jingling in door )

( clock alarm beeping )

( drops keys on table )


( beeping continues )

( unzips jacket )

( beeping continues )


( beeping stops )

( train clacking )



The intercom thing is broken.

Did I wake you?



Want to come in?

Uh... no. I'm on my way to work.

You remember that place where
you used to practice medicine?

I told you
I needed some time off.

Yeah, and
you've had it.

Rumor is you've quit,
but I've seen nothing official

so I've scheduled you to work

the 12:00 to 12:00
shift today.

I still have some things to do.

Yeah, and one of them is to
decide whether you still want

to be a doctor.

Be in by noon or don't
bother coming back.


My God!

Oh, my God!

Oh, God, don't move.

Don't move. Call 9-1-1!

Don't move. Hey!

Wait, wait, wait!

Come back here!

You could be
seriously injured!

You assho...!

( clattering )

( gasps )

You scared me.

You okay?

When did you get here?

A couple hours ago.

You were still sleeping.

Any news?

How about some breakfast?

Can you eat?

Did the phone ring?

I thought I heard
the phone ring.


You could just leave
that stuff.

I'll clean it up later.

You want some aspirin?

Will you call me
if they call here?

Where you going?

I took a shift.

You're going in?

I've got to keep busy.

Well, let's go
do something.

You must be exhausted.

Don't go to work.
I can't drop it.

I'll call for you.
I'm going to work.

Hey, hey, hey.

They're going
to find him.

Thank you
for coming back.

If you cancel your cell
phone and call your bank,

you should be okay.

Yeah, I got to
renew my license,

get a new phone,
replace all my credit cards.

Hey, listen up!

If anybody gets a scruffy
white male in his 20s

who looks like he got hit
by a car, find me.

Where's Pratt?

Paramedic ride-along.

What, did you clip somebody
on the way to work, boss?

I wish.

Hey, where were you?

Curtain Three.

No, when I needed you.

I called you about a
dozen times last night.

Oh, I must have had
my phone off.

We had a deal-- if I call
you and it rings once

you're supposed to call
my cell and bail me out.

Wait, I thought you canceled
with that guy.

Well... I did, but
he kept calling me,

so I just met him
later for drinks.

Oh, you caved.

I know, I'm a sucker.

Was it that bad?

Well, let me put it
this way--

I almost had to fake it.

An orgasm?

A seizure.

I called you at 11:00
to commiserate

but you still weren't home.

I spent the night
at his place.

Whose place?

"Spent the night,"
spent the night?

Hey, Dr. Lewis.

Do we lavage
for a rectal temp of 92?

Is she altered?

Yeah, but she has a history
of Alzheimer's.

I want details.

Hi, I'm Dr. Lewis.

She wandered outside
for over an hour

before I realized she was gone.

Passive external

Put her on heated
humidified O2 by mask.

Uh, she's usually more alert.

They upped her medicine.




She, uh, probably just has
a mild case of hypothermia.

I'll check on her
as she warms up.

Thank you.

What are you doing back here?


Respiratory distress.

I think it's pneumonia.

Do I really have
to wear this thing?

I mean, I've just got
a cough, right?

Temp's 102.6.

Neutropenic two days ago.

( sighs )

You have no white blood cells

and this place is crawling
with germs.

CBC, blood
and sputum culture,

chest X ray
and half a gram

of imipenem IV.

Did you miss me?



One of my guys found him
this morning when he opened up.

He's a bum.

Must have crawled in here
last night sometime

after we locked up.

( opening car door )

I can't get a pulse.

Get me the quick-look paddles.

Sorry, Doc.

This is our show.
You just watch.

Then why am I here?

To appreciate what we do.

No pulse. No resps.


Looks like lividity.

Is that some
sort of disease?

It's pooling blood.

This guy's dead.


Where you going?

Back to the bus.

You're supposed
to observe us.

This guy is a corpse.

And whatever you two do with
corpses, I don't need to see.

I'm going back in the rig
where it's warm.

Hey, Doc.

If you pronounce this guy,

we can call the coroner
and all get out of here.

I thought this was your show.

That's more of a
guideline than a rule.

( sighs )

( knocking on door )

( knocking continues )


( knocking )

( groans )


( clears throat )

Hi, John.


Is Abby home?

Um... no, no.

She went to work.


What did he take?
Crystal meth.

He was just
smoking some glass.

I think I'm having
a heart attack.

What do I...?
Wait, you can hear it,

You better do something

before it bursts
out of his chest.

You think this is funny?

he never smoked before.

He just started puking
and freaked out.

The long-term side effects
of crystal meth

include brain damage,
paranoia, hallucinations...


Later, Zeki.

Don't let them give you
a baboon heart.

( breathlessly ):
I didn't even want to do it.

Please don't let me die.


tox screen
and a UA.

What is...?

Your brain.

Let's get him on
a cardiac monitor

for a couple of hours
until he calms down.

Give him two of Ativan
and then call his parents.

No, no, don't call my parents.

My parents will k*ll me.

No, dr*gs will k*ll
you, not your parents.

You don't know my parents.

Need some help here!


Jared? Jared, wake-wake up!

Get a gurney.



Okay, what happened?

My son.

He got run over.

Get Weaver back here.

I need a backboard
and a c-collar.

You should've
called 9-1-1.

They weren't coming.

Okay, put him
down slowly.

Try not to move his
head or his neck.

Prep a trauma room
and page surgery.

What's his name?


Jared, can you hear me?

Can you open your eyes?

I got a pulse
and shallow resps.

Did you see the car
that hit him?

My car. I hit him.

Spiders, snakes, scorpions,
any member of the weasel family

rats, any kind of vermin--

these are thing I spray for;
these are not pets.

Bunnies, puppies, kittens.

Anything you can cuddle,
those are pets.

Which do you have?


I'm not kidding.

They banned me
from the pet store.

They keep my picture posted
by the gerbils.

But you're a doctor.

Please, I'm only good
with people.


( inhales )

Although I had
sea monkeys once.


And on the package
they're really cute.

These little families
swimming around

with crowns on their head
through the underwater castle.

Turns out they're
just brine shrimp.

( chuckles )

Everybody knows that.

How old were you
when this happened?



I'm just kidding.

I was a teenager,
just like you.

I'll check on you later.

I'll be here.

He's back.

Yeah, I thought I buffed him up
good enough last time.

Sure he's just not
back for the company?

I think he has
a crush on you.

Oh, please.

For starters, I'm
old enough to be...

Well, I'm an older woman.

Mmm, here's to you,
Mrs. Robinson.

Dr. Lewis.

Lab and films are back
on your boyfriend.

You guys are sick.

And Mrs. Langston
is starting to
come around

when you get
a chance.

You know, younger men
have a lot of energy.

Not when they have cancer.

Oh, sorry.

You know, sometimes I forget
they're sick.

I know. Me, too.

So... you and Pratt are going

together now?

You think he thinks that?

I don't know
what would give him that idea.

Have you guys
seen Abby?

Uh, yeah, Trauma Two.

Thought she was working triage.

Bad MVA.
Little boy.


6-0 cuffed tube

and a two mac blade.

I-I thought he was in the house.
He must've run out

to say good-bye.

Full trauma panel,
type and cross for six.

Oh, my God.
I was-I wasn't going fast.

I was just backing up.

I-I was just backing up.
The dr*gs are in.

( sobbing )
He's loose.

Set of crits
and a foley.

Sats are down to 91.

Cricoid pressure.



She wants to talk to you.



I can't.


What's happening?

Your son
isn't breathing

on his own.

That was fast.

Well, your white blood
count's up to 1,900,

with 80% segs
and bands.

Uh, my immune system's back.

Yes, it is.

But I have pneumonia?

Because your metastatic lesions
haven't decreased in size.

But I had two more cycles.

They should have responded
by now.

Well, at least it's not growing.


How long?

Four minutes
and 30 seconds.

How long do you wait?

Five minutes.

And if he doesn't
breathe after that?

That would be
a strong indicator
of brain death.

Jared, I just got off
the phone with Daddy,

and he'll be here
really soon, okay?

He'll be here
any minute.

No excursions.
SATs are okay.

No spontaneous breaths.

No ocular vestibular response.

That's five.

That's it?

I'm sorry.

Jared can't breathe
without the ventilator.

When you're ready,
we can talk about

how long you want him
to be on the machines.

No, my husband... Oh...

( sobs )

You have to give my husband
a chance to get here.

We'll do everything that we can.


He hates it when I leave.

( sniffling )

Stalls me

with hugs and kisses.

He was running out

to give me another hug.

You should really just go home.
There's nothing

you can do here.
I don't want to go home.

I don't want to stay here.
I want to talk to Abby.

She's just a little
preoccupied right now.

Her brother is missing.
There's not a lot that
she can do right now.

Look, you have cops coming in
and out of here every day.

She must know one of them.
We have to go down...

The FAA has got the Coast
Guard searching on both
sides of the lake.

I called the FAA.
I called the Coast Guard.

They won't give me any
information over the phone.

They think I'm a t*rror1st
or something.

They keep referring me
to the Chicago PD.

Okay, well, if it makes
you feel any better, I
know the desk sergeant.

I can call him.
Yes, yes, John, thank you.

But we have to go down there.
We have to push them.

I know she's busy,
but we've got to do something.

Okay, let me
go talk to her.
I want to talk to her.

No, please, Maggie.
Just give me one minute.

Look, I can
find her myself.
No, no...

Please, we'll
deal with this.

Just sit right here,
and give me a minute.

John, we have
to find Eric.
I know.

Is everything
all right?

I thought you
were off today.
I am.

Hey, if Abby needs
to go, she should go.

I was surprised
to see her.

Yeah, I just need
to find her first.

Trauma Two.

Is Luka here yet?

The Croat?

Does he still
work here?

I guess not.

Dr. Weaver?

There's a guy in Triage,
looks like a possible MVA.

Think he matches
your mugger's description.

All right, tell the nurses
to keep him busy.

I'll be right there.

Hey, Gallant, bad news.

Pathology lost
Mrs. Pinkus' pap smear.

You need to swab her again,

and stand by
while they examine it.

Just swab her again?

Yeah, that bad, huh?

Possible wrist fracture,
multiple abrasions.

He said
he fell over a curb.

That's him.

Get security
and hard restraints.

How about giving me
something for the pain?

My freaking arm's broken.

Where's my purse, creep?

I don't know what
you're talking about, lady.

Hey, get back

into bed.

You can't keep me here.

Hey, man!

Get out of my way.

Is she manic?

She's upset.

She's blond.

So are you.

Look, his plane
disappeared yesterday.

She wouldn't
decompensate overnight.

I've seen it happen.

Well, then make
your own assessment.

Can't you deal with her?

She's not my mother.

Who knows?
Maybe she can help...

What's wrong?
This machine is going off.

Bradying down.
Are we treating?

Yeah, till her husband
gets here.

All right, mig of atropine.

No pulse.

Starting compressions.

Mommy's here, Jared.

Mommy's here.

Oh, sweet boy.

I've got you.


No change at all?

Some cancers are more
resistant than others.

Then why would the oncologist
put him through that?

Well, he said 20%.

Well, if you would give me

the appropriate
IV antibiotics and oxygen

and whatever
pain meds

he needs to stay

I would like to take him
home as soon as possible.

My white count's up, Mom.

I can beat the pneumonia.


You need
to think about

how aggressively
you want to handle this.

There's a good possibility you'd
be put on a breathing machine.

Fine. Let's do it.

And then what, hmm?

More pain?

More nausea?

More infections,

I can take it.

I know you can.

You have been... so brave

and so strong.

But do you want to spend
the rest of your time

on machines
in a hospital?

What choice do I have?

You are not going
to take any more.

You're not going
to take any more.

I only have
nine left.

Nine what?

You already took
the big one.

I'll look at the...

I'm not going
to relax.

I'm not going
to relax.

Kelly Graham, full-term,
vitals stable,

three minutes apart.

Just get it out.

I want an epidural.

You didn't give her

She said no dr*gs.

I changed my mind.

I think I need to crash
at your place tonight.


I took care
of the roach thing.

Just need a few days
for it to air out.

Uh, uh, no.

What? You'd make me
get a hotel?

I have a thing.

What thing?

A thing.

Oh, more secrets.

No, it's dinner with Susan.

You know, she's been kind of
lonely and depressed lately.

Oh, my God...

Oh, she let loose
a geyser.

Get him away from me.

You know what?
I got this.

You can go.

All right, I guess
I'll see you then.

Yeah, I'll see you.

No, what are you doing?
Don't send him away.

Who? Dr. Pratt?

I love him.

He thinks pregnant
women are sexy.

Oh, ow!

No, no, don't push!

I have no control
over this thing.

Mrs. Langston, do you
have any chest pain,

any shortness
of breath?

Comprend pas.

Can she speak

She used
to speak it fluently.

Since she was a teenager.

Not anymore?

The Alzheimer's

started affecting her speech
a few months ago,

but now she can only
speak French.

Her first language?

I never bothered
to learn.

I never needed it.

Je voudrais un
petit gout de melon.

It means, "I would like
a taste of melon."

It's the first full sentence
I learned in high school,

and, uh, the only one
I remember.

Poule au pot?


Uh, we'll try and find
a translator.

Maxed out on atropine.

Try another round of epi?

( popping )
What was that?

I may have broken a rib.

V tach.

Okay, charge to 100.

We're going to have
to shock him.

Will he feel that?

You don't have
to be in here.

I'm not leaving him.

Okay, clear.

Got a rhythm.

Got a weak pulse.

Is he alive?

He has a pulse.

Better mix up
some dopamine.

Are you sure you want us
to do this?

Quit asking me that.
He's my son.

Abby, I'm flying
to Cleveland.

I bought you a ticket
if you want to come.

I talked to some
police sergeant.

I used John's name, and he said

that all search
and rescue operations

for Lake Superior are
stationed out of, uh...

out of the, um...
Cleveland District Command.


( pounds door )

I am not flying
to Cleveland, Maggie.

Have you spoken
with anyone else?

The FAA Chicago field rep

told me he would
call me...

The FAA is not going to tell you
anything until after the NTSB...

I don't need them
to tell me anything.

What? You don't care?

Eric is dead.

He is missing.

He was trying to k*ll himself.

No, no, he was not.

He did not.

He was in therapy.
He was on his meds.

You sure about that?

Yes, I'm sure about that.

Did you watch him
every day, huh?

Did you make sure
he was...

He was not suicidal.

I saw him.

Two weeks ago,
he came to see me,

and I didn't get it then,

but now I understand
what it was.

He was at peace
because he had a plan.

No, no, he was doing well.
He was on schedule.

Even showed me a picture
of the damn plane.

Planes crash, Abby,
and people walk away.

He came to say good-bye.

People walk away, Abby!

It was good-bye.

( clears throat )

You're in the wrong place
if you got a sore throat.

I, uh, have
a specimen.

Good for you.

Put it with the rest.

I was... I was told to
wait while you did it.

You see this body here?

I got three more just like it

before you.

Okay. I guess
I can, uh,

leave it and
come back later.

Like I said, put
it with the rest.

( cup dropping )

Sounds like you're going
to need another specimen.

Uh, Dr. Upton?

Just leave it.

I'll get someone
to clean it up.

Uh, Dr. Upton!

Is that supposed
to happen?


Well, don't just
stand there.

Unzip it.

Someone told him electrical
current neutralized snake venom.

( laughs ):
Yeah, and kills you.

Hey, again.


I'm going to go
and restock the rig.

Do you mean steal stuff?


So, how's Mom?


You know, the
lingerie labor.


Big boy--
nine pounds, six ounces.

Ooh, that's a keeper.

And that's the most
important thing, isn't it?

That she keeps it.


Oh, you know,
you like kids.

You-you like pregnant women.

That's great.

How about you just relax?

I didn't expect you
to be a mom, that's all.

I'm not a mom.

I had a baby. That's all.

Hey... I feel for you,

but we all made mistakes
when we were young.

Hmm. I wasn't a teenager, Greg.

It was two years ago.

Yo, got to roll.

LOL slip and fall
on Dickerson.

Yeah, in a sec.


Listen, you feel
guilty about something,

that's your thing.

I don't care
either way.

At least I know
how you feel.

That's not
what I meant.

Hey, Pratt,
there's someone

I want you to meet.

Yeah. Not now.
In fact, you've met him before.

Come here. You, too.

Listen, I'm riding
with 37 today.

We had a...

slip and fall.

Not anymore.

You don't look lonely
and depressed to me.



Holy crap!

You pronounced
this guy.

And he scared

the hell out of me

when he came
to in the morgue.

His alcohol level was .322.

His blood was

Even the two of you should know

you're not dead
until you're
warm and dead.

Yeah, but he had lividity.

We call that dirt.

Excuse me?

Dr. Lewis, could I speak
to you for a moment?

Of course.

Uh, this is Dr. Pratt.

He's going to give you
a nice, warm bath.

With bubbles?

( laughs )

Later, dude.


With bubbles.

( laughing )

I don't want Sean
to suffer anymore.

I know it's grim right now,
but he seems

pretty determined.

Can you tell me
something different

than all the oncologists?

Every specialist?

Because if you
can tell me

that he has a chance...

And it's Sean's decision.



He didn't even want to do
the second round of chemo.

But he did it for me.

I made him.

( sniffling )

Do you have any
idea what it's like

to watch someone you
love suffer like that

just because
he loves you?

Mrs. Simmons...

He went through hell
to get to the point

where he... and
I finally accepted

that he was
going to die.

And then he met you.

He likes you...

as a doctor
and as a woman.

( sniffles )

And without
meaning to or not

you're giving him false hope.

I just want Sean
to come home.

( sniffles )

He'll listen to you

if you tell him
that's what's best.

Mr. Kroll.

I'm very sorry,

but your son has suffered
a severe head injury.

What are you saying?

He shows no sign of
any brain activity.

The machines are
breathing for him.

And we've been keeping
his body alive

until you got here.

I didn't...

I didn't see him, Michael.

I didn't see him.


There must be some kind of hope.

I know that you need
to believe that,

but you have to understand
your son is gone.

He died.

Multifocal PVC's on lidocaine.

What does that mean?

He'll soon fall back
into cardiac arrest,

and we might be able
to stop that temporarily,

but not

I need to see him again.

Can I see him?

Of course.

I don't know how you work here.

Look, I'm sorry.
I didn't mean...

Abby, don't say anything.

I thought I could control him.

I thought I was,
and maybe I was blind or

or refused to see the signs,

or maybe I'm just nuts.

But I'm not ready to bury him.

The last time
I saw my son,

he was alive,
and that's my reality

until someone proves otherwise.

He is alive.

Will the El take
me to Midway?


Will the El take me
to Midway?

Eastbound track.

I'll call you from Cleveland.

Where's your mom?

Uh, she's out getting stuff
from the nurse to take home.

You don't have to put yourself

through this, Sean.

Not for her.

What about me?

The most you'll get will
be a couple of months.

It's not a cure.

My mom wants you to talk me

into going home with her,
doesn't she?


What would you do?


I can't answer that.

I don't want to die.

Then you should fight.

With everything you have.

( sighs )



Looks like I just lost 50 bucks.

You shouldn't gamble.

Hey, Frank, where's Weaver?

She's at Personnel,
looking for new docs.

You, uh... you
still work here?

I think so.

Seizing teenager
in Triage.

Drug user?
Yup. Coming off
a meth high.

Just started...
tonoclonic activity.

How long?

Maybe two minutes.

Did you give him anything?

I pushed four of Ativan.

Uh, recheck a temp.
He's burning up.

Amphetamines can
raise body temperature.

The high fever makes you seize.

( beeping )

Oh, man.

It's 107.3.

We need to keep him
on the monitors.

Grab four liters
of irrigation.

We need to get

his temperature down now.

What about ice packs
to the axilla?

That won't work.

Then start a cold
gastric lavage.

We don't have time.

Give me the saline.

He needs to be wet

to increase the heat transfer.

He's seizing again.

No. He's just shivering.

V fib.

What's that?

It's an unstable

What will that do to him?

His heart isn't pumping enough
oxygen through his body,

and in a minute, it'll stop.

And that's
when you would shock him?


( stifling sobs )

( stifling sobs )

I love you, baby.

I love you,
sweetie, so much.

( phone ringing )

( phone continues ringing )


Yeah, this is she.

Uh, was it...


( monitor beeping )

Well, then, where's my brother?

Did he leave a-a bag
or a note or-or...?

Is it?

Well, do you think...

Do you think
you could leave it there

so if he comes...?

No. Okay.
They found
his plane?

Uh, what's the name of the town?

Thank you.


Yeah. Tied down in a field

outside of-of Sault Saint Marie.

He's alive.

And he cared enough
to tie down his plane.


Guess Maggie was right.

God, I'll be right back.




What the hell are
you doing, Luka?!

He was cooking his brain.

He needs to be
on a monitor!

Ice immersion can cause an
arrhythmia or a heart attack!

Not in a young,

healthy patient.

He'll get frostbite.

He won't be out here that long.

Temp's down to 104.

Okay, that's good.
Let's put him on a gurney.

I just saved
his brain,

heart, kidneys,
and liver.

Yeah, well, I guess
it's a good thing

you decided
to finally come in.

Where is it?
I don't see it.

A little further north,
like Canada?

No. Michigan, I think.

Oh, wait, here it is--
Sault Saint Marie.

Michigan, yes,
you're right, Michigan.

You know, you were right.

About what?

He's okay.

Yes, but you could've
just as easily gotten

the other phone call...

and in his mind, it
wouldn't have been selfish.

It would have been a
whole lot of other things.

He doesn't want
to be a burden.

He's not.

Well, we have to
make sure he knows

that he's not.

He's canceled
his cell phone,

but he still has
his e-mail address.

Don't you think
we could send him
a message?

I think if he wants to get
in touch with us, he will.

Abby, I have
a little money.

You and I could go up
there and look for him,

or I could hire
a private investigator.


We don't get
to do anything.

We just have to wait.

( sighs )

He's my son.
How can I wait?

It's really hard,

but you just have to...

go about your life,
and do everyday things.

Go to work, do your laundry,
clean the house.

You know, just try
to keep your mind off

all the horrible things that
might be happening to him,

and... and you do that...

for a week, or a month,

or maybe... a year.

And then someday
he'll show up,

and we'll drop everything
and go to him.

Or we get
the other phone call.

( sighs )

Welcome to the outside
of the disease.

Sure looks good
for a corpse.

You heard?
( chuckles ):

Look, I'm sor...
Hey, listen,
I wanted to say...

No, go ahead.

No, no, you go.

Well, um, before...

you know, maybe
you were right.

Maybe I was a
little judgmental.

That's good to know.

Look-- I feel like people
are judging me all the time,

and I hate it.

So, if I did that to you,
then I'm... sorry.

Especially because I like
you and respect you.

I mean, what the hell
do I know anyway?

You sure don't know
how to apologize.

( laughs ):
No, I don't.

( chuckling )

So, what were
you going to say?

You want to see
a picture of him?


( sighs )

You know, I get these letters
from his adoptive parents,

and I look forward
to getting them,

but I also don't.

His name's Michael.

( chuckles )

He's black.

( chuckles )

Okay, okay,

It's a great combination.

He's beautiful.

Thank you.
You almost

Uh, yeah.

Just give me ten minutes.
I'll be right there.

Night, Dr. Chen.

You told me you were going
out with Lewis tonight.

Uh, yeah.

Jing-Mei, come on.

I'm just taking
the paramedics out.

I told Harms and Morales
that I'd buy them dinner.

I only see Harms.

Why don't you
come with us?

I don't think so,
but, uh, have fun.


What's wrong?


What'd he do?

He has a date.


Yeah, with Harms.

The paramedic?

( sighs ):
It's my own fault.

You're forgetting
the #1 rule of dating:

men are scum.

And women don't know

what the hell they want.

Am I right?
I'm right, right?

They all want a commitment
till you give it to 'em,

then they want
their freedom.

So, naturally,
you oblige.

Then, they accuse you
of trying to be
with somebody else.

I'm telling you,
you can't win.

Women can be hard
to figure out sometimes.


Nah, you know who's got it
all figured out, I think?


No, I'm serious.
Just listen to me.

Look, there's two
guys living together.

Toilet seat's always up.
Channel's always on ESPN.

You can drink beers in bed,
leave clothes on the floor.

I'm telling you--
gay cats got it good.

Why are you
telling me this?

I have no idea.

I thought you were on vacation.

I thought you quit.

Can you take hives in Four?
Bad seaweed wrap.
I'm not on.

Just one more
I was never on.

What are you
doing here?
I have no idea.

John, did you
call Trauma two?

Yeah, Transpo's
moving him now.

Grief counselors
are in with the parents.

Did you want to stay
and work a swing?

( laughs ):
Not a chance.

You already missed
half your shift.

I told you
I had things to do.

Well, good, you
can work a double.

Ward's full.
You better get started.

I did start.

Hey, the prodigal
doctor returns.

Why is there a Sumo
wrestler in One?

See? Like you never left.

Takeout should be
here any minute now.



What you reading?

Uh, Mansfield Park.

For like,
the 45th time?

No, it's just
the third time.

Why read, man,
when you got TV?


You know, I don't, uh...

I don't want to wait.

I, I think that
we should try again.

You feel like there's
something missing
here, Kerry?

( chuckles ):
Yes... yes.

Okay, well, are you
sure you're ready?

I was thinking
that it should be...

( sighs )

I was thinking that it
should be you this time.


Kerry, honey, listen.

You know what I do.
I'm the roofman.

I can't swing a Halligan

when I'm six months

You could take a leave.
I mean, you're younger.

You'd have a better chance.

Listen, I know I'm
supposed to feel

like I want to carry
a baby, but I don't.

Once that baby's
inside of you, it's...

I mean, it's incredible.

I mean, it's, it's...

I don't want it.

I don't want it.

And I know that makes
you feel like I'm not a...

a total woman
or something, but...
No, it doesn't.

It doesn't...
doesn't make me feel that.

( sighs )

Babe, listen to me...


We're being
totally honest here.

I can't.

I'm sorry,
but I, I can't.

Not even for me?
Come on...

Don't do that.

Come on.
That's not fair.

Well, none of this
is fair, Sandy.

None of it's fair.

Call the takeout guy.

Should've been here by now.

( sighs )


Don't put it out on my account.

I only wanted half.

Nobody smokes
half a cigarette.

I do. And I'm trying
to quit.

Oh, back to that, are we?

I like routine.


like disappearing on me.

I know. I'm sorry.

It's no problem.

You had bigger concerns.

Yeah, like ruining
your vacation.

Who knows? You might've saved me
from a shark attack.

Run away, Carter.

Run as fast as you can.

( sighs )

Where's Maggie?

She went home.



Well, you want to hide out
at my place for a while?

Did you hear what I said
about running away?

I block out about half
of what you say.

Only half?

Negative half.

I'm sorry.

No. You're right.

I am negative.

It's hard not to be

when you attract misery
everywhere you go.

I'm not going
to let you do this.

I'm like a magnet
for it.

And you shouldn't have
to deal with this.

Now you're pissing me off.

Maybe you should just
cut your losses.

You know, Eric is alive.

You could take two seconds
and rejoice in that.

I did.

I hugged you, and then I ran
away to find my crazy mother,

and I never even came
back to thank you.

Thank you for
traveling all night.

Thank you for working all
day just to be with me.

You're welcome.

'Cause, you know,
my life is on hold.

It will always
and forever be on hold.

You don't want
to be on hold.

Then don't put it on hold.

I have no choice. You do.

Right, your life sucks,
now and forever.

There's nobody
that you can love.

There's nothing you
can do about it...

You don't want me to love you.

Can I decide that for myself?!

Fine, decide.
What do you want?
What do I want?!

I want you to stop
being so afraid,

I'm not afraid...
I want us to stop
being so careful,

I want to marry you!

( helicopter approaching )

I want to marry you!

Oh, you're proposing?


You're crazy!

Well, then I'll fit right in!
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