09x18 - Finders Keepers

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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09x18 - Finders Keepers

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:

I'll take him up myself.

Dr. Romano, your arm.

Damn it!

I'm fine.

Let's just, let's go.

Let's roll.

We're going to Las Vegas

Are you ready?

I've asked Robert
to consider

sharing the Chief of Staff
position with you.

I'd rather cut
off my good arm.

Fine. Congratulations, Kerry.

You've just become
Chief of Staff.

That was a gift.

From a grateful patient?

Grateful girlfriend.

I have a few meetings with
department heads later.

Otherwise, I
would have waited.

Oh, yeah, of course.

I'll have all this
sent to your home
by week's end.

Dr. Weaver?

Maintenance is here.

Send them in.

What happened
to Brenda?

We had to let her go.

She seemed unwilling
to make the transition.

Centered, right
above the backs
of the chairs,

and at museum level.

I always hated
the Impressionists.

Look, it's a
lateral move, Robert.

All that sugar-coating
of the truth.

Believe me, it
wasn't my idea.

Dr. Anspaugh thought

it might be a
good interim step.

That's strange, because
this little power play

smacks of a certain
estrogen-based malice

I've grown
all too familiar with

over the years.

You know... I really
wish you'd try to
appreciate the fact

that we're trying to
do you a favor here.

What you're doing
is bending me over

and driving it
up the chocolate highway--

let's be honest.

You're a one-handed
surgeon, Robert,

not to mention a human
resources nightmare,

and a lousy

who's burned more bridges
than you've ever built.

You're lucky to
have options at all.

Oh, you're suggesting
I have some.

Yes, you do; you have three.

It's this, it's teaching
or it's out.

Could I get your
home address...?

Bite me, Nancy.

Dr. Romano, I have
some billing give-backs
from Anesthesiology.

Not my job.

Cardio Admin's
on line one for you.

Take a message.

Well, what
do I tell them?

That I don't work here anymore.

( door opens )

What are you doing?

I'm taking Mrs. Tucker to X ray.

That's what
orderlies are for.

Park Granny and go help someone
drain an abscess.

Yeah, but I got...
You're a med student.

You're not doing scut,
you're not doing squat.

Hey, Green Card, I want all your
performance evals by day's end.

I want something to read
when I'm on the can.

Why do you think, Igor?
You're on my hit list.

Who supplies
the nurses' scrubs?


Switch to Lindeman's.

They hug booty better.

What the hell are
you looking at?

Oh, hey, hey, hey, everybody!

Great news--
pinata out in the parking lot.

Andale, andale.

They're here for
one of their kids.

Yeah? Well, they need
to stop having kids.

Clear them out
or you're fired.


Let me rephrase that;
you're fired.

You can't fire

I just did.

Hey, pituitary boy.

You talking
to me?

Yeah, I lost my arm,
not my olfactory nerve.

Sic Security on the bum
taking a crap over there,

and get me a list
of every staff member's salary,

including yours.

What was that
all about?

Meet the new boss.

And get rid of
this coffee machine in here!

You losers can pay
for your own java!

Oh! At times
like this,

I wish I practiced
in Florida.

No, it's too humid.

Plus, you'd miss me.

Huh, well, I wouldn't
miss the wind chill.

Hey, Dr. Chen,
how many candles?

Hey, I said no cake.

Happy birthday,

Like you even knew.

Yes, I did.

And I got you something.


And I figured if you
weren't busy later,

I would take you
over to the Grotto,

and maybe we'd get some
champagne afterwards.

Ooh, you thought this through,
didn't you?

Yes, indeed;
why wouldn't I?

How you doing?

CDs, jewelry
and personal accessories,

all at discount rates.

Uh, no, thanks.

Ladies love stuffed animals.

Five bucks
for this little cutie.

Don't make
me hurt you.
Hey, hey,
this is America.

If you can't sell crap
on the street,

we're not a free society.

Come on, get
out of my way.

Okay, I should be back
by 6:00.

She woke up early.

So make sure she
takes a nap, okay?

Okay. Hey, you like
the sign I put up?

Yeah. It's, uh, sweet.

Okay, my darling, bye-bye.

Hey, kids love stuffed animals.

Five bucks
for this little cutie.

No, thank you.
Comes in pink.

You're scaring her.

I got dolls in here, too.

Go, go!

( screaming )

My foot! My foot!

Told Haleh she was fired.

Said it was a management tool.

Always fire someone
the first day.

Lets them know
who's boss.

He can call himself king
as long as I get severance.

Hey, Abby, can you park
Mrs. Strohm here in Exam One?

Uh, no. We lost
another exam room.

( sighing )

Go park her in the hall.

Weaver never had an office.

Said he'd take the lounge
if we're not careful.

And put our lockers where?


Oh, that's great.

So, now our personal stuff
can get stolen, too.

Too late.

Brand new leather gloves
right out of my locker.

Real leather?

Yeah. Why?

Animals died to make them.

Right, and we should all wear
canvas shoes.

Oh, God!

I could use
a little help here.

What happened?

Corday's nanny
ran over his foot.

With her freakin' minivan.
I'm crippled.

How did this become
your problem?

Elizabeth decided
that it was an E.R. case.

Yeah, it's typical.

We got any open beds?

Yeah, if he's a
paying customer.

Otherwise, park him in the hall.

For anyone late
for his or her shift,

be advised
that I am now in charge

of this human cesspool.

Say good-bye to the warm fuzzies
of the Weaver era,

and hello
to the age of efficiency

and cost effectiveness.

Future tardiness will result
in a docked paycheck

and/or letter to file.

And once you do get to work
on time,

you will treat, you will street,

and you will do so
as quickly as humanly possible.

Any questions?
Didn't think so.

Medivac, two minutes out;
auto versus ped.

Kovac and Carter,

and keep dispositions
under 20 minutes.

Doctors Lewis, Chen and Pratt
can focus on clearing the board,

and you can get me
a breakfast burrito,

extra cheese,
hold the salsa.


Get your love at home.

Should be

Romano in charge.

Seen any movies


Tried that sushi place
at Navy Pier yet?


It's good.

Long time now...

that you've been together.

Yeah, a year?


That's nice.

Josh Rushing, 37.

Long way from County.

Busy day; we go
where they tell us.

Scalp lac,
multiple contusions.


He's suffering
from exposure.

He's been down
a while. Homeless?

After a couple
of days out,

looks homeless.

Is Susan Lewis
working today?

Yeah. Why?

Jack-knifed rig on the Dan Ryan

with an SUV
trapped underneath.

Damn it, we got to go!

Okay, on my count--
one, two, three.

CBC, lytes, bun,

and let's get an accu-check.

His wallet says he's
an accountant from Indiana.

What's he doing
walking the back
roads of Illinois?

Got a clavicle deformity
on the left.

Exercise? 18 in the right A.C.
with a liter up.

Accu-check is 96.

Not in loafers.

Pretty isolated
out that way.

Lucky they found him
at all.

All right, what have we got?

A possible car
versus pedestrian.

Vitals stable
but unresponsive.

This is why
I went to med school--

so I could practice
veterinary medicine.


Both lungs are up.

He doesn't need
a chest tube.

I'll be the judge of that.

Not in the middle
of a trauma.
Who is it?

It's a collect person-to-person
from Zagreb.

No blood in

Your dad?

No free fluid,
no pericardial

...named Gordana.
effusion, nothing.

Catch. May I?

Hello. Don't ever call
this number again.

Why did you do that?

Hey, you want to chew the fat
with the peasants back home,

dial Ten-Ten-Call
the Third World.

Okay, c-spine, chest
and pelvis to start.

He needs a rectal.

Oh, um, I took the liberty
of checking the union manual.

You can't fire nurses.

They have their own
administrative authority.

You have to lodge
a complaint with
the nurse manager.

Fine. Tell Hally,
or whatever her name is,

that she can stay.

She already went home.

Uh, good, good, good.

Then have her come back,

but make sure she deducts
for the time she was gone.

And give me
b*llet points

on who I can pink slip,
and for what reasons.

There are six unions
on the floor.

That's 12 volumes
of material.

Fine, do yours last.

So, uh...

so, what's the story here?

Sammy got ahold
of Dad's nail g*n.

Who knew he'd use it
as a w*apon?

He's a seven-year-old boy.
Everything's a w*apon.

This the nail g*n injury?


Well, Dr. Corday's
got this now.

Apparently, Sammy didn't think
it was loaded.

No. I knew.

Well, the puncture appears
to have glanced off the rib.

You'll be fine.

D.T. and a
gram of Ancef?

Yeah... and, uh,

a psych consult
for the son, perhaps.

So, how's it going
down here?

Want to hear
something scary?

I miss Weaver.

Fresh pot.

Enjoy it
while you can.

How you doing?

Very well, thanks.

New digs, new
crappy coffee.

Interest you in a cup?

I'll pass.

Smart woman.

Look, I think it's awful,
just to let you know.

A waste... really, of your...
of your skills, your talents,

but, um, I'm sure
it will be temporary.


Anything I can do
to help?

( clattering )

You could sh**t me now.

B.P. stable 120/78,
and the tox screen's back.

No dr*gs or alcohol
in his system, crit's 50.


Neuro exam looks non-focal.

I don't know.

On his own, no car,
out in the middle of nowhere.

You think he
was robbed?

Still had his wallet
with him.

Maybe he got dumped.

Maybe his
wife knows.

He's wearing
a wedding ring.

They're trying
to track her down.

100 of thiamine,
just in case.

Did you know about it?


The Romano coup d'état.

No idea.

Does it mean anything?

Yeah, we're screwed.

Dr. Weaver.

John, I have to

turn over a number of
outstanding projects.

Resident's time study,

a Q/A of our portable
ultrasound training.

I'd be really grateful
if you'd see them through.



So... how long is Romano
going to be down here?

What makes you think
it's not permanent?

Because whoever
runs the department

has to have good communication
and clinical skills.

He is, uh... he's
an experienced physician.

His background
is entirely surgical.

John, you have to be
associate professor

before you can be considered
for department head.

I don't want his job, Kerry.

I just don't want
to have to do two of them.

All right.

Which one of you smartasses
stole my crutch?

( speaking Croatian )

Do you have any plans
for tonight?

Oh, me and this guy named TiVo.

We're going to curl up
in front of the tube. You?


Everything okay?

Woman I went to med school with

has a patient who's very sick.

Young boy.

Is he terminal?

Post shunt Tetrology
with pulmonary atresia.

He's outgrowing
the shunts.

He needs unifoc
and complete repair.

That's a pretty
specialized procedure.

( man groaning )
Yup, so special
it can't be done there.

Nicky Broomer,
fell while running.

Shoulder dislocation and
probable rib fracture.

Vitals normal except
for pulse of 120.

( screaming )

This guy's
a runner?

He's a junkie.

He gets chased
by the cops

on a regular basis.

He fell on the sidewalk,
all right? It was wet.

Are you high now,

No, and he's staying
that way.

Mint condition.
The entire lot.

The sky's the limit
as far as mark up

and the whole shebang's
yours for only 30 bucks.


I thought you said
you couldn't walk,

your foot hurt so bad.

I hopped.

I'm on the phone here.

Yeah, take two Tylenol
every four hours

and get a real job.

Hey, it's at 3:00.


Cake for Chen.

Oh, right, right.

So, Chuny, what do you think--
flowers or candy?

Ah, it's got to be
something she can wear

or what's the point?

Okay, let's see
who's losing the dispo race.

Why that would be...
Dr. Pratt,

who will now be punished
for his indolent ways.

Lower back pain in Two,

and an unknown intestinal
disturbance in Four.

Chop, chop.

In second to last place
we have Dr. Lewis.

Well that's to be expected
from one who ovulates.

She gets the maggot
infestation in Two

and then of course
we have Mr. Gallant

who's doing Cadillac work ups
on Yugo patients.

How are you, hun?

Don't tell me.
Don't tell me.

Says right here,
"My blood pressure is high."

Well, hell, so's mine.

But rather than go
to a busy ER,

I stay home and take
my prescribed medication.

Have you tried that
at all?

She's also diabetic
and her EKG...

Is entirely unnecessary.

Give he a sublingual

and send her to clinic.

Yeah, but that's not a...

Are you filling
some sort of

special needs quota
here, Mr. Gallant?

You need me to say it slowly in
the language of your people?

( slurred ):
Sublingual Nifedipine.

And when you're
done with her,

pick up six more.

She's your patient,
not your mother.

They're letting any
bottom feeder

with a check into
med school these days?

Actually, Gallant is one
of our best med students.

Well that
doesn't bode well

for the future
of emergency medicine

but maybe by the time
he gets his license

we'll all be dead.

Typical, as Chief Resident,

I assign the med students
their cases.

Oh, when,
every other Tuesday?

Any patient here
over six hours

is a failure of your
management skills, not mine.

Treat, turf, or dispo.

With all due respect,

you don't have a background
in emergency medicine,

and quite frankly,
it isn't all that simple.

Feast or famine?

Hey, you're back.

Yeah, another chopper
beat us to the punch.

Is Susan around?


( screaming )

Okay, your screaming isn't
making our job any easier.

This is hard for him.

Settle down, okay?

It hurts like a son of a bitch.

It's going
to continue to hurt

unless we pull
your arm out.

Radial pulse
is still strong.

Oh, God, please help me!

Maybe you should
just go ahead

and give him more
of versed or Fent.

Yes! Yes!

We already did,
he should be unconscious.

Then why is he
still screaming?

I don't know.

His ribs are broken.

Yeah, that and he's
going through withdrawal.

I can't take it, baby!

Hey, Susan.


I got a guy here
who says he's your husband.

What's he look like?


tall, dark hair, flight nurse.

Yeah, that's him.

( man continues screaming )

You were in Las Vegas
for, like, two days.

And three nights.

We met on the plane
on the way over there.

Hung out all weekend.

Were you sober
at any point?

Sunday night,
we wanted burgers

so we took a cab
to this drive through.

Turns out to be a mini-chapel.

Ah, so you figured,

"What the hell,
let's get married."

I know, it was impulsive.


Okay, it was really,
really stupid.


I'm getting it
annulled anyway.

I haven't seen him
since the wedding night.

Well my flight
left the next morning,

he stayed there for a week.

He could have married
six other women by now.

Hey, do even remember
his name at least?

Uh, Chuck...


I think.

Good luck.

Hey, stranger.


Look, Nifedipine
is contraindicated.

I'm not bottoming out
her pressure

and stroking this lady out.

Gallant, you are preaching
to the choir.

He's the one that needs
to be educated about this.

And he wants to hear
that from a med student.

Look, obviously he needs...

Blah, blah, blah.

Go talk to him.

If there's a problem
I'll take care of it.

Got a lot of people scared.

Not you.

Still need to pay my rent.

Come on, Romano's bark

is so much worse
than his bite.

Easy for you to say.

You can walk away
if you want to.

So, Susan got married,

Can't call her indecisive.

Call her crazy.

When are you people
going to do something?

Oh, God...

So I spoke
to an attorney.

Yeah, me, too.

He said annulling
the marriage should
be fairly easy.

That's what my guy said.

I have to admit,
I was a little worried.


Well, you know.

It was consummated.

Oh, yeah, right.

A few times, as I remember.

More than a few times.

The cabana?

Right, right.

Right, but since we
never lived together,

I figure it shouldn't
be a problem.

You say anything to anyone?

Like who? My mom?

She'd kick my ass if she knew
I deprived her of a wedding.

Same with mine.

I kind of figured it wasn't
anyone's business, you know?


And pretty tough
to explain, too.

who are you telling?

Kind of had
to have been there.

Yeah, made sense
at the time.

Guess you have to get
back to work.


Morales, you don't write,
you don't call.

No time to radio.

24-year-old female,
passed out at Marshall Field's.

No trauma, no seizure.

You were shopping?

We were registering.

Debra's pregnant.

Don't tell me, you were
going to say that next.

BP's 100/60.

Sats are good.

Do you remember
falling, Debra?

I remember feeling weak,
but I haven't been eating.


Start a second line
and put up another liter.

Morning sickness?

Oh, bad.

My first wife had three kids.

She never even burped.

Maybe I'm not cut out for this.

What have we got?

Debra Strickland,

pregnant syncope, 18 weeks.

Hi, Debra.

Any cramping or spotting?


Okay, let's spin a crit,

check a glucose and dip
a urine to start.


That hurts?

Mm-hmm. And my belly.

It never did before.

How about when I do this?



Abby, can you see if
Linda Woo is still here?

I can check.

Finally get
a surgical candidate?

Oh, God, I need an operation?

Not necessarily.

Stripe in Morrison's.


And in the pericolic

Probably blood judging
from her hypertension.

Put the probe back
over the kidney.

It is.

That doesn't look like it.

It's not.

Surgery's here.

What do you have for me?


18 week IUP
with hypertension,

intraperitoneal fluid
and a renal mass.

Obvious ex-lap

for tissue diagnosis
and staging.

Who are you?

Dr. Robert Romano,

head of surgery
less than a week ago.

Who the hell are you?

This is Dr. Woo.

She started yesterday.

Ma'am, do you have any medical
problems or allergies?

Are you deaf?

Um, let me page Corday.

I'll do it.

BP is dropping, 86/62.

Any moron can see she needs

surgical intervention for

Take her up.

I'm sorry,
what's your position here?

Your practical
and intellectual superior

with over 20 years
of surgical experience

versus the two years
of ass wiping

you call residency.

Take her up.


He was diagnosed
at birth,

but access to any kind of care
has been limited at best.

He's been revised?


The last time,
five years ago

and the surgical team that
performed it in Croatia

has disbanded since then.

And there's
nothing else in Europe?

Nothing they
can afford.

And County's pediatric

thoracic group does
unifocalization all the time.

Free of charge.

Yes, but he's not a citizen.

Neither are we,
but we are here.

Look, even if you get
a surgical team

to donate services,
who's going to pick
up the hospital tab?

With some PR,

charitable contributions
could cover it.

Yeah, but Kerry would still
have to sign off on it.

Are you on
good terms with her?

Uh, not really.

Well neither am I.

Look, leave it with me,
I'll see what I can do.


Where's Dr. Woo?

She... left.

You need to teach
your residents

to have thicker
skin, Lizzie.

She only cried a little.

Pratt's consoling her.

Oh, dear.

Crit's 19, type and
cross for eight

and transfer two as
soon as we get them.


Interperotineal fluid
and a mass.

And pregnant with
profound hypertension.

My guess, renal cell CA.

Necrotic mass
obscuring and deforming

the capsule of the left kidney.

Bleeding across
the peritoneum,

more like metastases.

She'll definitely
need surgery.


I'd like a CT of
the abdomen if I can

and have OB involved
as well.

She's stable enough now.

Yeah, sure, why don't we
get a third consult,

maybe ask the janitor
what he thinks.

I'm down here less than a day,

already I'm starting
to hate surgeons.

Is something wrong
with the baby?


The baby's quite healthy,

Dr. Romano.

You have a minute?

Less than.

It's about my high blood
pressure patient this morning.

I should have
pointed it out to you,

but the use of
sublingual Nifedipine

is no longer indicated
because of a number

of case fatalities
from stroke.

I never said Nifedipine,
I said up her Metroprolol.

Works fine for

No, actually you said
Nifedipine and you said...

Okay, okay, listen,
okay, Goofus.

I'm the doctor, you're not.

It seems to me that
if it is your intention...

My intention is to serve
out my time in this hell hole

without having Affirmative
Action imbeciles like you

make me regret ever
having gone into medicine.

Your minute's up.

Hey, where are my b*llet points?
Uh, right.

Well, obviously you can't fire
medical students,

but failing them is a bad idea,

because then they just have
to repeat the rotation.

I'd suggest a marginal pass.

All right, what else?

( Nicky groaning )

You can, however,
fire care partners.

What the hell's
a care partner?

I can't stand it.
I'm in pain.

It's like a...
non-union orderly.

Hey, you.
What's your name?

Ah, I can't stand...
I'm in pain...

Yeah, you pay
union dues, Jim?

Good. You're fired.

I need something!

That is putting me on edge.

Yeah, well, it was a lot worse
when his girlfriend was here.

Tell Lewis to gag him,
sedate him, or k*ll him.

She's on break.

What? Is there some prerequisite
for working here?

You have to be
a know-nothing drag ass

who doesn't
wear a watch?

I always suspected
Weaver would k*ll her own mother

to get out of this dung heap,
and now I know why.

Because apparently,
only the Chief

of Emergency Medicine
is concerned

with clearing the board.

You got to help me.
Hands off, low life.

Oh, somebody...
All right, you.

Where are
your parents?

I don't have any.

They died in a car
crash last year.

( moaning )
Bummer. So, what's your problem?

I need it
bad, man.

I need something
really bad.

Hey, Chuny, could you
move him into Exam Four?

My pleasure.
Come on.

Oh God, I need a push.

Wait. Just one more paragraph
in the lab tech union manual.

Can you make sure

that I see all of
Romano's patients

before anyone gets
dispo'ed today?


Thank you.

Thank you.

Doesn't mean you
don't have to
work with him.

Okay, where were we?

Um, I reached
for the soap,

down I went, landed
right on my... rump.

Well, that's not good.

Any loss of consciousness?

No, just loss
of dignity.

I know, I know,
I'm late, I'm late.

I had to move Nicky.

He was driving everybody crazy.

Oh, sorry,
thank you.

And I sent up labs on your
hyperemesis patient,

dispo'ed your "no longer itchy"
rash guy.

Yikes, was I gone that long?

I'll tell you what.

If you take Sandra here,
we'll call it even.

I got to go check
on a patient up in CT.


Slip-and-fall in the shower,
possible wrist fracture.


On what?

Your newlywed status.

Ooh, lucky.

Excuse me.

Oh, I've probably
been looking for Mr. Right

ten years longer than you,
and still haven't found him.

( coughing )

Last time it happened,
they kept me here.

( coughing )

You're done?

I think so.

What happened
to your arm?

Are you physically incapable
of keeping your mouth shut?

I mean, were you born
that way or something?

None of your beeswax.

Breathe deep.

Hey. What do you do
for soft asthma?

A couple of nebs
and some prednisone?

You're asking a nurse?

Yeah, what you said,

only I take an
adult dose now.

What he said I said.

Then discharge with follow-up.

Okay. That took all
of eight minutes.

See people,
it can be done.

What can be done?

Oh, BS-ing your
way through a
shift, I suppose.

Hey, listen, I didn't mean
to be nosy before.

I was just
making little talk.

Small talk.

Dr. Kovac,

your exposure guy is coming to.

Any word
on Rushing's wife?

No, they're still
trying to get
hold of her.

Mr. Rushing?

Mr. Rushing,
can you understand me?


Do you know
what happened to you?


( labored breathing )


Your car?

( labored breathing )

Where are they?


My kids.

We were driving...

Walked to get help.

Oh, my God.

Go get the police.

His kids are still
out there somewhere.

( shuddering )

( soft groan )

So, how long
have you been married?

Um, two years.

Some people think the age
difference is a problem,

but I can't keep
up with him.

We're going to minimize
the exposure

to protect the baby.

"Our little accident,"
Bill likes to call him.

Oh, you're having a boy?

Just a guess.

Will you be
able to tell?

No, not with this.

Oh, good.

I want to be surprised.

Okay, you have
to lay very still,

and there's an intercom
in case you want to talk.


CT Abdo/Pelvis with...

and without.

Fine cuts right
through the kidney.

Debra, when we sh**t

the rest of the dye in,
you may continue

to feel kind of a warm
tingling sensation.


Well, there it is.

Some smaller masses
in the abdominal cavity, too.

But, hey,
I'm just the tech.

Hematoma and fluid
from where the main tumor bled.

She's going
to need a nephrectomy.

Yeah, like now.

Well, I guess Romano was right
about one thing today.

Is it almost over?

What are their names?

S... Sally.


Do you know
how badly they were hurt?

It was dark.

( labored breathing )

I just remember crying...

B.P.'s stable.


Pulse is 106.

They were

so scared.

( crying )


Uh, another liter

of warm saline.

Do you recall
where it happened?

Do you recall
when it happened?


( crying )

They're dead, aren't they?

We're trying
to find them.

I'm going to start
calling some of this in.

Okay, this guy's
approaching the six hour mark.

Is he stable?

Just finishing up a Heimlich.

Which is the cheesy ER way
of dealing with a pneumothorax.

I did it so he could stay here

in case his
family's found.

So turf him to medicine.

Let them hold hands
and sing "Kumbaya" there.

His kids could
be seriously hurt.
That's right.

But he's not, so get him
the hell out of my trauma room.

What, what, what?

Is this mandatory therapy crap
making you a little soft, Kovac?

Do us both a favor.

Stop seeing your shrink.

I don't believe in it,
and frankly,

if you're that screwed up, quit.

Where the hell
have you been?

Get back to work.

Hey, welcome back.

Right. X ray's
backed up,

and she's complaining
of a headache.

Let's get her
to curtain area three

and give her some Tylenol.

You could probably
use a lunch tray by now.

What I could
use is a husband.

Does yours
have a brother?

Oh, no. Damn!

Kippy, my man!

Foot still
hurts like hell!

I should sue
you clowns.

Yeah, yeah, look,
I'm in a rush man.

What you got
for the ladies?

Stuffed animals.
No, man.

I need something
that a lady can wear.


I got some handmade jewelry,

some perfume...

tie-dyed T-shirt!


We got some new items in.

How much?

What's this doing here?

Uh, we always have cake
when it's someone's birthday.

Woman pops a kid out,

what the hell difference
does it make what day it is?

No more official
or unofficial recognition

of birthdays.

Oh, you can't be serious.

Singing, blowing out candles,

By the time
it's all said and done,

everybody's had a half-hour
break with pay.

It fosters community.

Yeah, and lethargy
by the looks of things.

Sandra Haycox.
What about her?

She has a broken wrist.

Cast her and cast her off.

She's complaining
of a headache now.

Uh-uh. Tell her to take a number
and get back in line.

One complaint per visit.

Hey, who ate my cake?

( girl screaming )

What happened?

front passenger in
a single-car MVA.

Seat belt,
shoulder harness.

Air bag deployed.

Pretty hard
from the looks of it.
Facial abrasions.

May have a
ruptured globe.

Why was she sitting
in the front seat?

Ask Grandma.

The tumor outgrew
it's blood supply,

then part of it died,
ruptured and bled.

That's why
you passed out.

It could rupture again
at any moment,

so it's important
that we remove it

and the kidney
as soon as possible.

Well, what kind
of a tumor is it?

We don't know.

And we
won't know

until we get a
pathology report.

Do you think it's cancer?

Let's take this one step
at a time.

My mother died of cancer.

If that's what this is,
I should know.


I should know.

It appears likely

to be renal cell carcinoma, yes.

And, if it's as
aggressive as it seems,

it's possible
that you would require chemo

and radiation therapy
following surgery.


is unadvisable
while pregnant.

You said it was aggressive.

Yes, but...

Take it out.

Take everything.

Are you saying you wish
to terminate, as well?

Just... just do it all at once.

Typically, those
procedures would
be done separately.

If you had
the surgery,

and then waited
until after

the baby was born...

I want the chemo.

( crying )

I want it now.

We're going

to leave you
alone to talk.

( crying )


I guess she figures
she can try again

if she beats
the cancer.

In three week's time,

the fetus might be viable
outside the womb.

She could fight it then.

She doesn't want
to take that chance.

She's young.
She's scared.


* La gallina busca
el maize y el trigo *

pH is still over nine.

Pilar, how many fingers
do I have?

No veo nada!

* Los pollitos dicen
pio, pio, pio *

Do you think
the blindness
is temporary?

I've seen alkali keratitis
go both ways,

but this doesn't look good.

How's Grandma?

Well, she needs an immobilizer
for her knee.

Otherwise, she's fine.

What a difference
height makes, huh?

Why would anybody put their kid
in the front seat?

She begged me to.

She's my only

I just wanted
to make her happy.

Could you grab
a couple of
Morgan Lenses

from the eye
exam room?

Yeah, sure.

Okay, this isn't
going down

as one of my
better days.

That applies
to all of us.

Wait a minute.

Why is it quiet
all of a sudden?

( sighs )


It was too hard to watch.

So you went
out and scored?

You weren't doing anything.

I had to.

You want Narcan?

Put him on
a monitor.

At least
someone's happy.

Of course, it would be pro bono.

Have you looked
at our budget lately?

Every time we open our doors,
we're working pro bono.

We're in a deep deficit,

I could contact local
cardiac surgeons

and specialists, ask them
to donate their services.

Which would account
for about 25%

of the total costs,
and forget about Medicaid.

The boy's not even
a U.S. citizen.

Well, that might
be something

that would
interest the media.

I mean, look at
the-the separation

of the Guatemalan
conjoined twins.

Well, somehow,
I don't think

a Croatian kid needing
a Tet Repair is going

to get the same draw.

Kerry, he's nine years old.

He'll die without it.

And we're just not able
to help right now, I'm sorry.

( pager beeping )

Kerry, can I ask you something?

Are you as concerned

about Robert as I am?

Uh, more precisely...

his mental health.

He seems...

broken by this assignment.

He's a cockroach.

He'll refuse to evolve,
and yet survive us all.

Talk to me
about residents.

Um, you need beaucoup

but you have a more
powerful w*apon

in scheduling.

As long as they
don't pull more

than 16 shifts a month,

or work more than
three nights in a row,

you can book them
for every weekend,

holiday, or playoff
night you want.

That's good stuff.
Thank you.

How come the delinquent hasn't
been dispo'ed yet?

Uh... that wasn't on my
list of things to do.

You didn't give Eddie
enough prednisone

with his albuterol.

Let me get something straight.

You overrode my orders?


Before he can leave,
he needs to be able to walk

and hold normal sats,
which he can't do.

Uh-oh, you screwed up.
No, I did not.

Maybe you haven't
been listening.

There's a lot of basic
medical treatments...

Because I believe
I've made myself clear.

a surgeon wouldn't
do every day,

and a lot of people here
who can help you...

You don't question my judgment.

keep from making
critical mistakes...

You do not
override my orders...

that would result
in serious injury...

and you sure as hell don't

get too comfortable here,
Dr. Carter.

This is my ER now.

And it stands for one thing--

Everyone's Replaceable...

even you.

I need to know what
to tell the guy.

That better be
a local call.
It's a police matter.

They haven't found
the car yet?

We checked every road,
bridge, and river

within five miles of
where we found him.

Why not ten or 15?

There's no way he
could've walked that far

with those injuries.

He was getting help
for his children.


I'm already covering
a lot of territory.

With search teams,
with dogs?

It's 40 degrees
out there.

Look, we're doing all we can.

Luka, where's Dr. Romano?

I don't know
and I don't care.

Hey, Chuny, how's it going?

Don't even.


Thought you
were long gone.

Yeah, I just wanted to check

and see how Robert
was doing.

As expected,
he was abysmal.

He has no patient rapport,

severely stunted
interpersonal skills,

and he's incredibly

Qualities consistent
with most surgeons.

Kerry, the guy doesn't
know what he's doing,

and he doesn't
want to learn.

And he almost k*lled
a patient today

by prescribing
an antiquated treatment.

But obviously, you stopped
him from doing so.

Yeah, but I can't stay
on top of the guy 24-7.

I'm trying to shift him to
a more administrative role.

What are you going to do,
chain him to his desk?

Look, the ER may
not be the best
fit for Dr. Romano,

but it's all
the man has.

Just make it work,

or better yet,
work around him.


Excuse me. I'm Diana Rushing.

I got a message
saying my husband
was brought here.

Yeah, Dr. Kovac;
he treated your husband.

What is it?
Rushing's wife.

I'll take you to him.

Is he okay? Been
worried sick

the whole drive over
here-- I'm from Indiana.

He's stable, but he's
obviously very upset.

When did you see
them last?

Josh left home four
days ago. Who's "them"?

Your husband
and your children.
What children?

He said he was with them
in the car when he crashed.

We don't have children.

Her caretaker says

she's been complaining
of white discharge.

She have her
period yet?

Says she's a real woman.

Mindy, hi, I'm Dr. Lewis.
How are you feeling?

We're going to do a test
on your private parts, okay?

Set up for a pelvic.

It's probably a simple
yeast infection.

Sandra? How's your headache.

Did the acetaminophen help?

Sandra... Sandra?

I need a crash cart.

I thought she came in
with a broken wrist.

She did.
What happened?

I don't know.
Pulseless and apneic.

V-fib. Charging to 200.

And clear.

Unit number six, going up.

Tumor mass has invaded
the renal artery wall

and sections of the vena cava.

You want me
to call again?

They won't tell me anything
I don't already know--

it's stage 4B by the size
and the spread of it.

Let's take the kidney out.

Dr. Corday, call on line one.

If it's Path, put it on speaker.

Pedicle clamp in place.

Metz to divide the vessels.

Dr. Corday?

Yes, Dr. Meechum,
what are your findings?

Furhman Grad four

with sarcomatoid pattern
and a high mitotic picture.

( sighs )


Thank you.

Done. Steel bowl.

That's bad,
I take it.

Irresectable. We'd be doing her
a favor if she bled to death.

Her chance of survival is less
than 2% at this point.

Get her husband up here.
I want to speak to him now.

Charge again to 360 and clear.


It's been 20 minutes.

Uh, try another amp of epi.

And... clear.

No pressure, no pulse.

A headache, a fall,
a blown pupil...

possibly jogged an aneurysm
she already had.

No way you could
have known about it.

No way she could have
known about it.

Yeah, I'm sure she wasn't
planning on dying today.

( sighs )


Well, he's depressed.

That, combined with aspects
of disassociative disorder

allowed him to create this
weird, negative amnesia.

Was it a psychotic break?

Mm, not per se, but
he definitely needs
inpatient psych care.

When he talked about them,
he made them sound so real.

Well, to him they are.
Right now, anyway.

But they won't always be.

With the right meds,
it'll all fade away.


Cervical motion



Mindy, do you have
a boyfriend?


You're pretty young
to be having sex,

much less
unprotected sex.

You need to tell him
to use condoms.

What are those?

That's not a good sign.

Can you tell me his name

so we can make sure
he gets checked?

He cleans floors.

He says he loves me.

400 of cefixime
and a gram of azithro.

We're just going to help
you get dressed, okay?

Oh, man.

You want me to call
the facility?

Nah, call the police first.

It's official. This has been one
of the worst days of my life.

Careful. Don't jinx yourself.

( sighs ):

Good night, everyone.

Happy birthday,
Dr. Chen.
Oh, thanks.

Hey, my gloves.

Camel colored

with lambskin inside,
are those mine?

No. Greg just gave
them to me.

They were in my
locker this morning.

Yeah, so what? I bought
those out on the street.

You bought these on the street?

Yeah, from Kippy.

Oh, my God.

It's a long story.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, I mean...

( scoffs ):
I can't believe you bought my
birthday present on the street.

Yeah, but it was a good deal.

I mean, they're genuine leather.

If I were you, I'd put
them under a Wood's lamp.

( chuckles ):


What are you doing here?

Well, I know we're
not supposed to
see each other

until the lawyer's office,

but I figured if your day
was half as bad as mine,

maybe you could
use some company.

Well, eight-year-old
blinded by an air bag,

woman keels over
of an aneurysm,

junkie sh**ting up
in the E.R.,

and a teenage Down's Syndrome
girl with the clap.

Hmm. We had a family of four
trapped in a burning vehicle,

only one kid survived;
he's 18 months old.

You win.

What'd you get?

Oh, the, uh, burger
and fries we never got.

Knit one, purl two?

You take much longer,
you're going to be sewing scabs.

If I go faster, the edges
don't evert well.

I love watching
med students suture.

It reminds me
how good I am.


What did you say?

He said "was."

Loose stools in Exam Four.

Knock yourself out.

We're almost there.

Skin stapler will be next.

Cut, please.

Pressure's steady
at 110/68.

He's here.

Mr. Strickland...

( sighs ):
...I'm afraid we've discovered

a highly malignant
and inoperable cancer.

Stapler ready.
Your-your wife's
chance of survival,

even with the most aggressive
form of chemotherapy,

is extremely poor.

But not impossible?

The one sure thing is that she
will survive long enough

to deliver your baby

if she doesn't seek treatment.

However, in order
for that to happen,

you'd have to reverse
her decision.

How close are we?

Almost closed.

She wants to live.

Mr. Strickland...

if you wish to overrule
your wife's decision,

you're going to have
to do it quickly.

The GYN team here is standing by
to perform an abortion.

( gasping )

I want her to live.

Your wife is going to die.

She's going to fight this.

Do you understand
this baby has a chance?

I ca... I can't.

I just can't.

Dr. Corday...

Dr. Corday.

Mr. Strickland.

Let's get her draped.

Start with
the sterile spec.

( sighs )



And stop skimping
on the peanuts.


how about putting
something on

for those of us in the room
without hairy knuckles?

Something wrong
with this show?

Yeah. It only appeals

to adults making less
than 20 grand a year.

30 grand.

Oh. Car wash gave
you a raise-- good for you.

I'm a copier tech.

Well, that explains
the dirty fingernails,

but not why you enjoy watching
half-naked chunky-trunks

pull tractors
with their teeth--
must be some sort

of h*m*-erotic thing
for you, I guess?
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