10x05 - Out of Africa

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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10x05 - Out of Africa

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:

I made a few decisions.

Like what?

I need you to
cosign a loan.

Sneaking out of the house
like this

feels a little


You say unseemly; I say sexy.

Are you glad
to be home?

Yes and no.

I miss it.

Well, you're part of something

that's in constant motion
over there.

Any break from it
you get is a luxury.

( salsa music plays
from boom box )

If it drops below
20, dump it.

All of it, yes.

No, no, no,
no, no.

No, no, no.
No, no, no.

You bought this five
points ago, right?

Now, it-it looks like a loser.

Right, right.

Last time I take a tip
from my contractor.

Jeff, come on.

I'm on the El.

The car is gone.

Just please...

Just get rid of this,

then we're done, all right,
and I'm out?

No more damn cartoons!

Por favor?

Don't you know
what they're doing?

Mis ninos estan mirandolo.

Please stop hitting that.

The poison that they're putting
in those little brains.

Luka, I heard
you were back today.

Relax, we've all
been here a while.

Someone redecorated?

Different furniture,
same patients.

They send signals
through the animation.

Call Weaver.
What are you,
an idiot?

Nice to see you, too, Frank.

Wonderful to have you back,
Dr. Kovac. Call Weaver.

You're Dr. Kovac?

Archie Morris,
one of the new R2s.

Hey, Morris,
can you take this guy?

Uh, sorry, lab run.

We need to see him now.

The ducklings could use
some guidance.

We've been short on attendings.

Where did they
put the lounge?

Down there, but you really
should really check in

with Weaver first.

What are you,
an idiot?

They use
the coyote

as a messenger of evil.

Relax, Mr. Yurman.

is a Cyrillic

They send signals.

All Hallow's Eve,
and the loonies are loose.

Please, somebody
help me, please.

I need help.

Oh, God, he fell out
of the shopping cart.

I must not have
strapped him in right.

Did he hit his head?

I'm not... I'm not sure.

I saw it.
He hit his head.

Did he cry?

No. He was just quiet.

What does that mean?

I.O. kit and a pedes bag mask.

What should I tell Weaver?

I'm looking for
the charge nurse.

Charge nurse?

We have a charge nurse?

Uh, "Abigail Lockhart"?

I think she's off today.

Come back tomorrow.

( loud thudding )

( glass shattering )

Aah! He was going nuts,
so we locked him inside.

Where's the vent?

I'm going to pepper-spray him.

Wait a minute. What happens

when that stuff gets
all over the place?

He's throwing
dirty sharps,

Let them do
their thing.

We've got patients
with allergies...

You got a better idea?

Chuny, five of Haldol.
Go. Come on, baby.

What are you doing?

We're going in. Hold onto this.

( glass shattering )

All right, you--
you do the honors.

When you see the opening,
go for his thigh.

We're going in now.

Let's go.

( groaning )

Get off me, Taliban pigs!

Morris, what are you doing?

Get in here! Now!

I have a nuclear device
in my ass,

and I'm not
afraid to use it.

Morris, make
it happen!

Get off me!

Hold his head.

Who are you?

Whoa, whoa,
the thigh, the thigh!

( groaning )

Yeah, nice
and slow.

Got it.

Oh, please tell me
you work here.

Sam Taggart-- new nurse.

How much longer, little girl?

I'm sorry, ma'am,

but you're still
about 20 down on the list.

20 minutes?

I'll see what I can do.

So, what's today's
excuse for Triage
being a stinking,

cesspool of humanity?

The healthcare system?

Yeah, well,
if things gets too backed up,

you can try stabbing some
of these deadbeats in the neck.

That ought to have them running
to Northwestern.

Hey, can you check out
this lady?

Shallow forehead lac
from a fall, doesn't look

like she'll need stitches.

She's hungover.

If you just do a quick exam
and clear her,

I'll take care
of the steri-strips.

Dr. Kovac needs me in Trauma.

Frank, which attendings

should I be focusing
my rage on today?

I just came on.

Kovac is in One--
baby with a head trauma.

Colonel Kurtz?
I thought he was dead.

Hey, look at that.
Nice hand.

Yeah. You want
to see it in action?

You'd have to buy
me a drink first.

Good breath sounds, sats 94.

BP's up to 130/85.

Okay, get a collar
on him and, uh...

Your name again?


Neela, tell me why
is he hypertensive.

Intracranial hemorrhage?

Another Mig of Ativan.
It's okay, sweetie.

Mama's here.
( phone ringing )

Heard you had a head trauma.
You need a hand?

Load him with 20 per
kilo of phenobarb.

Yeah, you can
answer the phone.

Heart rate's down to 120.

Tone's decreased.


No hemotympanum.

What does that tell you?

No basilar skull fracture.

Is everything in his brain okay?

Dr. Weaver
holding for you.

One thing at a time.

We'll get a
CT and wait

till he wakes up.

I'll take it in the hall,

Wait here till I get back.

Is it all right
if I draw the blood?

Uh, kids are tough.

It's not a good
student case.

You're students?

She is. I'm a doctor.

Resps are
still shallow.

Biceps contraction flexes
the elbow.

Momentary pause locks the elbow,

the terminal device.

Biceps opens the hand.

Triceps closes the hand.

Hey, check out Robo-doc.

How do you have time
to loiter around

making moronic comments

when your loser in Two is
still waiting to be dispo'd?

I'm good at

Rule-out small
bowel obstruction,

still waiting on
a surgical consult.

Oh, well, I didn't see
him with an NG tube.

'Cause I didn't drop an NG tube.

Well, gee, you think
surgery might expect you to?

Let's see what they say.

No, let's do it and see

if you can get through
a single damn shift

without pissing off one of the
other departments, all right?

You should grease that thing.

You're starting to
get a little squeaky.

Get out of here.
Where was I?

Oh, yeah. Okay, co-contraction
releases the elbow.

Biceps flexes the elbow.

I wouldn't use that
to do a rectal.

( stifling
chuckle )

Sats are dropping.

Down to 86...

Is he moving air?

What's happening?

He's apneic.

He's having
trouble breathing.

Get me... get me a 4-0 ET tube
and a miller one blade.

You're going to intubate?

What are you doing?

We're putting a tube

in his airway
to help him breathe.

( alarms beeping )

I can't see anything.
I need more suction.

Heart rate's above 100.

Maybe we should
get Dr. Kovac?

I'm sorry, Kerry,
I tried to tell the kid

that his seizing
was inconvenient for you.

Luka! Luka,
that R2 is intubating.

I'll call you back.

Sats are down to 75.

Okay, stop.

I think I'm almost there.

Pulse is
dropping to 86.

Stop! He's starting
to brady down.

The apnea's
probably transient.

Just bag him
through it.

Everything okay?

It's okay now.

Sats coming up-- 83, 84...

Why don't you step outside

for a little while?

No. I'm not
leaving him.

Why don't we go sit out
in the hallway?

That way, I can get
more information

from you, and I think

your son might be
a little more comfortable.

( breathing heavily )

With a sedated
baby, you need

to try bagging him first.

I thought his
airway was...

I know what you thought.

We were late.

We were in a hurry.

Henry's school had
a Halloween barbecue, and...

I should have strapped him
in better.

We forgot
to pick up the hot dogs.

Why don't you go
get your mom a soda?

The machine's right
around the corner.

She doesn't drink soda.

How about some
bottled water?

Mrs. Martin, are you okay?

( sighs )


( laughs )


my therapist prescribed me,
um, Zoloft.

Maybe I'm...

Maybe I'm not
reacting well to it.


I've been... a little down.

My husband and I
are getting divorced.

He's trying
to take the kids away.

That must be hard.


We were together for 12 years,

and suddenly one day,
he wakes up hating me.

I don't know what happened.

I'm sorry I have to ask this,
but have you been drinking?


I can smell it on your breath.

I'm just trying
to help you, Paula.

71-year-old male,
vomiting for five hours.

Tachy at 114, BP: 116/72.

Put him in curtain one.

I'll be there in a minute.

I wasn't drunk.

I really wasn't.

Would you take
a blood alcohol test?

( sighs )

Can you make me do that?

That's not the best answer.

No. Uh...


I made a mistake.

Okay. I'll, uh, be back

when I hear anything about Adam.

Okay, okay.

Here, Mom, drink this.

Look, stop handling me.

I-I can do it by myself.

Ben Hollander.
Neighbors called 911

when he didn't
answer the door.

Resps are 18,
100% on room air.

Hi. I'm Dr. Lewis.

Have you had any fever,
loss of appetite, dizziness?

I mean, all-all this
over a-a bad plate of shrimp?

Chuny, Pratt asked
if you'd check again

on his surgery consult?

Can't someone else do it?

Abby's off.

The new girl's on Triage,
and no one else speaks English.

Okay. All right,
you can sit up now.

How's the baby?

He went to CT.

( grunts softly )

Whoa, oh.

Have you had any dizziness?

No, no. I just...
I just got up too fast.

The ST segments
look odd.

( sighs )

PVCs and scooped STs.

Didge toxicity?

Are you on any medications?

Uh, something
for cholesterol,

a few others for

blood pressure, um,

gout, water pills,

and, uh, I dissolve a pill
under my tongue

for-for an allergy.


It's a heart medicine.

Sounds, uh, sounds familiar.

Okay, we're going
to give you some fluids now.

Oh, Glenlivet,
I hope.

More like Gatorade.

And we'll need an EKG
and a blood test.

Look, is-is all
that necessary?

Just humor me.

Keep him on a monitor
and get a didge level.

I-I'd rather go home.

Not until we know you're better.

( sighs )

What do you have, Gallant?

Uh, Mr. Hernandez
twisted his knee.

We're waiting
on X-ray.

It's possible MCL,
so I want to be sure

there's not
an avulsion fracture.

What kind of work do you do?

I'm a carpet

Do you like it?

Makes you appreciate
standing up.

It's anserine bursitis.

Cancel the X-ray and put him
on Indocin for a week.

How did you diagnose that?

Focused history
and physical.

No x-rays in
the Congo.

I smelled alcohol

on Paula Martin's breath--
the baby's mom?

She didn't seem drunk
to me, just upset.

I think
we should call Social Work.

The baby needs
to be admitted overnight.

Let the floor team deal with it.
We've got patients stacked up.

If the floor team
deals with it,

it falls through
the cracks.

So what? We turn this
into a bureaucratic mess?

No. I don't want the kids

to come back tomorrow
with something worse.

Fine. Make the call.

Gallant, will you
help me in Exam Two?

A skater boy.

Neela, give me the history.

Epigastric pain,

improved with a GI cocktail.

Chem 20's pending.

She speaks English pretty good.

Better than you,
in fact.

So, what did you
hope to find out
from the labs?

He was in pain. I was worried
about pancreatitis.

But he improved
with the antacids.

Hey, is that Pratt
in there with Lewis?

No, it's Gallant.

Oh. I always get those two
mixed up.

Must be the goatee.

Send him home on
an H2 blocker.

I thought we weren't supposed
to discharge them

until the labs are back.

Yeah, that's why Triage looks

like a refugee camp.


Get his phone number
and call him back in

if his labs are abnormal.

But trust me, they won't be.

We ought to send
the whole staff

to the dark continent.

Frank, where the hell is
my surgical consult?

Your surgical consult?

Exactly my
question, doctor,

and I use that
term loosely.
Follow me.

Your upright abdomen shows
a few air-fluid levels.

So, in all likelihood,

this infamous patient
of yours has an ileus,

not a bowel obstruction,
leading you to?

Admit to medicine.

Bingo! Do
not pass go,

do not occupy
another bed

and do not continue
waiting for Dr. Godot

to come down from surgery
and offer the same diagnosis

that I am offering for...

Except that
I'm not comfortable dispo'ing

until he is cleared
by a surgeon.

Fine, allow me.
No. Someone who still
has privileges.


Hi. Nice costume.
You're a day early.

I'll tell you what
privilege I do have--

the privilege to
make your life the
tenth circle of hell.

You need an assessment

on a possible
bowel obstruction?

Pardon me?

I started
my surgical
rotation today.

I'm back in
med school.




Could you breathe for me, sir?

You waited 3h hours
for Abby?

Well, I never meant
to quit med school forever,

and it seemed like
the right time to go back.

I only have
one year left.

Where'd you
get the money?

Begged, borrowed,
threatened my ex-husband.

Good for you.

As soon as I paid up,

they put me right back
on rotation.

And Corday sent you
down for a consult?

Well, she was jammed.

She figured I could handle
a bowel obstruction.

So, no more nursing?

No. I'm still going to be
taking a few shifts for a while.

I need the money.

Wow, you must
feel great.

I do.
And tired.

I was up till 3:00

studying the branches
of the facial nerve.

We have a parotid
resection later.

Oh, yeah.

Ten zebras bit
my cockatoo.

It's a mnemonic:

Mnemonics got me
through med school.

Are you from the OR?

No, I'm not,
but she is.

Crush victim-- looks like
an intra-abdominal bleed.

Hypotensive, 92/60.

Pulse 115
after two liters.

Open an adult
intubation kit.

Any LOC?

normal mentation

and vitals
on scene.

You're the consultant?

Coat looks good on you.

Primary survey complete?

I'm fast, but
not that fast.

Then get faster.

Sats are dropping.
Sats are dropping.


Oh, goody.
"Surgery's" here.

BP: 64,

Both lungs are up

and clear;
heart tones good.

Trachea midline,
no JVD.

Infuser's primed.

Belly is distended,
tender and tense.

So, surgical candidate or piece
of meat, Miss Lockhart?

Pulse 120.

I'm going to consult
my attending.

Well, this should be the Butcher
of Birmingham herself.

Dr. Corday?

I have a crush victim,

hypotensive with
an ecchymotic belly
and a deep lac.

You might want to come...

Yeah, thank you.
That's enough.

Lizzie, she'll be right up

with an intubated
surgical patient

and her tail
between her legs.

Any idiot can see
that this patient

is on his way to the OR.

He needs a Foley
and an NG tube,

Now, where can
you find a nurse

when you really need one?

Hmm. Oh, hey, how about you?

Excuse me?

That's okay.
I'll get the Foley.

Miss Haldol,
there's nothing

I find sexier than a mute girl
covered in blood,

so keep your head down
and your mouth shut.

You sound just
like a guy

I used to date--
he's dead.

No gag.
Time to go tubular.

Okay, why don't you let me
take Abby through this?

Why don't you
tube this guy

and leave the mentoring
to me, okay, Tarzan?

Okay, let me the end tidal
C02 detector.

Either fetch
me some urine,

or don't let the door
hit you on the ass.

Okay, big tongue,
big cords.

You're in.

Bag him up.

It's okay, Adam.

You're just tired now.

Don't wake him up,
okay, sweetie?

How was the CT?

Is his brain okay?

There are
some good signs,

but we're going to have
to wait to be sure.

Paula, Social Work's

coming down
to talk to you.

You called them?

I am concerned
about your drinking.

( sighs )

I told you...

You said you've been
under a lot of stress.

I don't need to talk
to a social worker.

It doesn't help.

There've been prior incidents?

Are you
in the CPS database?

It was nothing.

Let's go, Kovac.
We're not on Zulu time here.

Pressure's holding,
104 systolic.

How far up
the tube?

Until you run
out of suture.

Almost done.

No, done. Tape it.
Now, let's go.

Dr. Romano, Dr. Anspaugh
is waiting upstairs for you.

He needs surgery now,

not when she learns how
to tie a knot.

That is some poisonous,
one-armed midget

you got running
this place.

Damn it.

Luka, Weaver's
looking for you.

I'll call her back.

She's in the hall.

( Kovac sighs )

You're fine here, right?

You're fine.

I need some xeroform.

She'll also need
some elastoplast.

Yeah, I'm on it.

You're Samantha?


Neela. If you need any help...

but more likely than not,

it'll be the other way around.

If you're going to come back,

we need to set
some guidelines.

Gallant, roadburn
in Two is gone?

He skated out of
here an hour ago.

We need a guarantee
of 36 hours a week.

Dr. Kovac, this lady's
been waiting a while.

My name's Athena,
like the goddess.

I-I'm getting to her.

How about 72?

72 hours?

Rule out apply
in curtain Four?

Still waiting on CT.

Since 9:00 a.m.?

I'll do six 12s a week,
every week.

Are you trying to buy yourself
another burnout?

Hey, in Africa, I did
18 hours a day every day.

This is a piece of pie.


Let's pretend CT was down.
What do you do then?

Uh, send him to
another hospital?

No, it'll be
too much.

I want to work.
I need the money.

Does he have
rebound tenderness?

Obturator and psoas signs?

I'll also require
four weeks' notice

next time you decide
to skip town.

Hey, give me the shifts,
and I'll do even better.

I'll give you eight.

Because two months from
now, I'll be gone again.

Two months?

I'm going back.
( taps glass )

Before you order
a $3,000 test,

you should do a
thorough exam.

To Africa?

For how long?

I don't know. I'll
see when I get there.

Uh, can you sign
off on these?

Acute CVA,
esophageal impaction.

Fine, but I'll need it
in writing.

Yeah, draw up
a contract.

Dislocated thumb,

And from now on,

you'll be answering
to Dr. Romano.

Oh, then we should definitely
talk about a raise.

Two months ago,
Henry burned his hand

while left alone?

I had a job interview.

There was something on TV
he didn't want to miss.

He tried to make grilled cheese
while I was out.

I was only gone an hour.

Our database also turned up
an incident at school

when no one came
to pick him up.

A teacher took him home
with her?

For a few hours
till I could get there.

Mm, Kyle, my husband,
was supposed to do it.

based on this pattern

and Dr. Lewis' suspicion
of alcohol use,

we'll need to remove

the children from the home,
pending further investigation.


Since their father
is able

to provide care, Adam and Henry
will be placed with him.

I'm not...

I'm not a bad mother.

It's just for a
little while, Paula,

until you can get back
on your feet.

Most cases like this

are resolved
within six months.

I-I had breakfast
with my lawyer.

We had to go over the papers.

Do you understand
what I've told you,

Mrs. Martin?

He-he ordered me a Bloody Mary.

He said
everything would be okay.

Do you play the drums?

No. My dad hasn't moved
his stuff out yet.

So that's your magic wand.

Do you believe in it?


Some sorts, I suppose.

Yeah. Me, neither.


I'm sleepy, Mom.

I know.

Hey, big guy.


Hey, buddy.

You okay?

Adam fell out
of the cart.

He hit his head
on the floor.

How is he?

He's making
some eye contact.

It's a good sign.

I'm sorry.

If you want to mess
up your own life,
that's fine.

I was upset.

I-I... I just came
from my lawyer.

Adam was crying...

So-so i-it's Adam's fault?

It's my fault?

I got here
as fast as I could.

How come it's never
your fault, Paula?

It's never your fault.

A little
suction, Annie?


Oh, it's Abby.

Tenth unit type-
specific going up.

( sighs )

You know, Elizabeth,
if I had another inch,

I'd be a happy man.

Maybe then you wouldn't feel
such a need to show off.

Slide the distal stick
another centimeter.

Damn it.
Give me your hand.

Easy, ducky,
I got it.

Okay, folks,
here we go,
a new target--

six centimeters of
IVC repair in 30 minutes.

30 minutes?

Dr. Dorset?

I'm not sure
you have the stamina.

It's your wife on the line.

Take a message.

Leave your reading
glasses at home?

Well, they really
don't help that much.

Is your vision better
in the periphery?

I can take a look with
the ophthalmoscope.

Not unless you know a cure
for macular degeneration.

( sighs )

Well, there are a lot
of new treatments--

therapy, rhuFab...

That's for...
that's for wet MD.

I-I have the dry kind.

How far along are you?

Far enough.

The paramedics
brought this in.

It's an empty
bottle of digoxin.

Oh. Congratulations.

Mystery solved.

The prescription
was filled yesterday.

Uh... can-can I...
can I go now?

I'm worried it
wasn't an accident.

E-Excuse me?

Have you had
suicidal thoughts?

Yes, yes, in the, uh...
in the seventh grade.

I was a...
I was a pudgy child.

If you don't answer
the question seriously,

I'll put you on a
psychiatric hold.

Have you ever
considered su1c1de?

Look, I'm-I'm a 71-year-old man
who's going blind.

I've considered everything.

I'd be... I'd be crazy
if I didn't.

Dr. Lewis, hot MI rolling in.


Do me a favor.

Will you talk to someone
about these issues?

What-what issues?

Your diminished
visual capacity,

your compromised
ability to self-medicate,

the depression...

Let-let-let me see
if I understand.

You won't keep me here

if I volunteer?

My way will take a few hours.

If I put you
on a psychiatric hold,

you'll be here for three days.

Dad, he looked at me.

Hey. You okay, little man?
Are you okay?


Adam's waking up. Mom.

Paula, Paula?

I forgot something
in my car.

I've been here
less than a month,

and I already hate
the place.

That's a step up.

You hated your internship
after the first day.

Mom. Mom!

Oh, my God.

( screaming ):



Get an ambu-bag and a gurney!

Mom! Mom!





Paula, can
you hear me?

Partial and full
thickness burns

over 90% of her body.

Singed nasal hairs,
soot in the mouth.

Move those people away!

Oh, the smell.

Don't breathe
through your nose.

PAULA ( weakly ):
I saw him.

Give her something for pain?

Saw him see me.


Okay, push ten
of morphine.

Someone, put up
a screen here.

Paula, you have a lot
of burns over your body,

including your throat.

What happened to your head?
I'm fine.

Take him to a room
and get him cleaned up.

Really, I'm fine.

All right, just dress it here.

( raspy breathing )

( coughing )

Am I going to die?

We need to put a tube
down your throat for oxygen.

You won't be
able to talk.

How long?

I'm dead, aren't I?

Mrs. Martin, do you
want us to intubate?

No, I need to
talk to my son.

I want to explain.

Poor chest excursion.

She might need
an escharotomy.


can you feel this?

She burned all
her nerve endings.

Prep with Betadine.
Ten blade.

Get ready to intubate.

( raspy breathing )

( retching )

Step back, Morris.

She's got what,
90% body surface area burns?

That means...
10% chance of surviving.

For what?

A few days in
a burn unit,

till she gets septic

and dies from the infection?

It's not my party, but the lady
doesn't want to be tubed.

She's suicidal. That overrides
her right to refuse care.

( raspy breathing )

Is she a psych patient?

I thought
she was that baby's mother.

Oh, God.

( paper crinkling )

Hey, loose lips.

Corday around?

I have some post-op films
for her.

Why don't you
leave them here?

I'll make sure
she sees them.

I'm in no mood
for a demonstration

of female solidarity.


Can you...
can you slow down, please?

She's doing an elective

at Boston
Children's Hospital.

She's a student?

Things have been very, very
strained between us.

I haven't slept with her.
It's been, like, weeks.

Months, I meant months.

So, what did you do,
hide her pictures in a drawer?

It was a cabinet

Uh... you're not going
to call her, are you?

Oh, come on.
You've got to be kidding me.

Coffee-- is it
too bloody much to ask?

Well, at least we had a shot
with this guy.

It says here that most
blunt abdominal injuries

die at the scene.

That's blunt aortic injury.

Oh, right.


Still, he probably would've
thrombosed in post-op anyway.

it's a complicated procedure.

Yes, more so today than usual.

And to think that I was worried
about it being too soon

when the real problem was
I was allowing myself

to feel something
for an absolute...




( laughing )

And I knew it. I knew it.

There's no shame in that.

SATs 97 on 100%.

Urine output?

Uh... over 100cc's per hour.

Okay, we'll wait
to intubate her

until she's seen
her kids.

( whispers ):

I'm going
to go see him right now.

I'll be back
in a minute.

Come on, guys.

Get back to work.

You want me
to talk to the father?

No, I'll do it.

You seem a little...
No, I'll do it, Luka.

I don't even know if that
kid should go in there

because it
could traumatize
him even further.

So could
never seeing her again.

I never shouldn't brought
Children's Services into this.

You were looking out
for those kids.

The fact that she did this
proves you were right.

Yeah, all it did was
cost them their mother.

( door opening )

( sighs ):
Can you take Henry
to the family room?

No, I don't want to go.

We have a TV and
candy in there.


Uh, you know what, buddy.
Do me a favor.

Come over here.

Watch over Adam for me, okay?

Call the Burn Unit

and make sure
they have a bed ready.

God... what the
hell happened here?

I knew she was
messed up, but I...

I never imagined
anything like this.

( sighs )

How is she?

She's not doing well.

She told him to lie.

They didn't go back
for hot dogs.

She wanted to pick up some beer.

Adam's going to be all right.

He's responding well.

I shouldn't have never filed
for custody.

I should've just grabbed these
kids and run away somewhere.

She wants to see Henry.

Look, Mr. Martin, I know
this is a very difficult time

and you're angry.

But she's going to die
and you need to think about

what's best in the long run
for him.

She wants him
to see her like that?

She wants to say good-bye.


I won't.

Well, no one's going
to make you

do anything
you don't want to do.

( voice cracks ):
I don't want to.


I heard she was nuts.

I heard we were
taking her kids away.

That'd make anybody nuts.

Enough to do a kamikaze
in front of your own son?

I don't know.
Never been there.

Where? I'll take you.

( laughs ):
Yeah, I bet you would.

New girl's kind
of intense, huh?

God, I wish this
shift was over.

So why don't you
call it a night?

I don't want everybody to
think I'm some kind of wuss.

It's too late for that.

Some kind of wuss?
Isn't that a movie?

So, they move
that psycho-mobile yet?

Yeah, the bay's
clear to traffic.

They'll be towing it
out in a little while.

She couldn't park
around the corner, huh?

You sure you should
be doing that?

You said you were a doctor.

I am a doctor.

Then what are you?

a good question.

How's that for wound

Utah arm's working
for you, huh?

better than you are.

Finish this up
for me, will ya?

Hey, wh-what are you doing?

Scar control.

Hey, Chuny,
can you get me some 4-0 nylon

and a fresh needle driver?

I thought Romano was doing that.

Yeah, right, he was.

Would you-would you
get Dr. Lewis for me?

She's in
with another patient.

She said
it would be three hours.

I've been here over four now.

The counselor's
on his way, sir.

Just a little longer.
I promise.

This patient is one of ours?
From today?

I think I remember her.

How long was she in Triage?

Not sure.

GCS 2-2-3.
Left pupil blown.

Whoa. Careful, sir.

Okay, hold it.

Get me her chart.

Anybody here
recognize this woman?

Both of you, come with me.

Head lac and a hangover.

Spontaneous resps,
but hypoventilating.

You knew about this patient?

I'm not sure. Maybe.

BP's up: 177/96.

She was waiting
for 11 hours

and left without being seen.

I don't know.

What's her name?


Like the goddess.


Lady's got
a massive brain bleed.

20 of etomidate
and 100 of SUX.

8-0 ET tube and a mac three.

You better let me do that.

It was my miss. Let me try.

Etomidate and SUX.

Heart rate's down to 54.

Systolic's 198.

I can't see crap.

Careful, watch the teeth.

51, 48, 47...

Okay, okay, I
see chords. Tube.

It won't pass.

V-fib. Lost the pulse.

( Morris groans )

The tube is too big.

Starting compressions.

Okay, settle down.

One milligram of epi,

charge to 200.



He's awake and alert.

Oh, God.

( softly ):
Thank you.

Can I can see him?

Can I touch him?


He's been reaching out
at objects

and looking back at people.

He's going to be
fine, Mrs. Martin.

( groans )

Oh, that's the tears.

( moans )


He's pretty upset.

He won't come in?



It's better.

I need to write something.

Can you help me?

Can you help me
write for him?

I can write it down.

Dr. Lewis.



Try to forget.

Remember I love you.

Charging to 360. Clear.

No rhythm...

No pulse.
Another round of epi?


Asystole. Uh, how
about dopamine?

It's almost an hour.

We're done.

Five-minute physical exam

could've picked
up the bleed.

We would've had
time to operate.

Instead, she waited 11 hours
and left without being seen.

This woman had
nowhere else to go.

If we can't find a way
to take care of people like her,

nobody will.

Get me out
of here!

Why are you
experimenting on me?

Please, somebody!

Somebody, help!

( crying ):
Honey, I need you!

He's taking me away!

He's getting me
out of here!

Take me away!

Hey, can you get that guy
back in here?

Hey, Morris.

Wait, wait, wait.
Morris, hey, hey.

Where are you going?

We've still got
two hours left.

Triage is all backed up.

I've had enough, okay?
I quit.


We didn't get this far
to just walk away.

I only got this far because
you've been carrying me!

I haven't.
Come on...

I haven't been...
I'm sick of
being carried!

Morris, you bailing?

Let him walk.

Don't miss your train,

Hey, he's just testing you,
Mor... Morris!

You just tested him, right?


Great. That worked out well.

Listen, everybody's
not cut out for this.


Let's get back to work,
and remember,

the jury's still
out on you.

No one's answering
at his home.

You don't have a car,
do you?

( sighs )

I knew I should've
put him on hold

or had a guard sitting
by the door.

Hi, this is Dr. Lewis
from the county ER.

I need a unit dispatched
for a possible su1c1de.

I'm on hold.

Paula's on a vent.

They're ready to move
her to the burn unit.

Did you write down
everything she needed to say?

I'll give it
to Mr. Martin.

Okay. Tell Paula
that I'll come
check on her later,

and have them page me
if anything happens.

Hey, you guys going
on a run?

Nope, just
brought one in.

Can you do something
for me?

( classical music blaring )

( knocking )

Is... is there a problem?

Hey, are you contemplating
your career change?

Yeah, something
like that.

This is Dr. Corday.

Elizabeth's fine.

Pleased to meet
you. Sam Taggart.

It's her first day.

Uh, yeah, you have
that County glaze about you.

Um, I hope it wasn't
too terrible.

That's not like
my last few jobs.

I'm used to getting hit hard:

knife in the eye.

Here, you... you get a chance
to catch your breath,

clear your head once in a while.

Yeah, that's what
I love about County:

all the quiet time.


So, you used to be a nurse?

I still am. I guess.

I'm going to be taking
shifts for a while.

You're in transition?

Kind of.

Eh, that's a good place to be.

Um, well, we're on our way
to grab something to eat.

You want to join us?

Oh... I still got
a few hours to go.

I'm just waiting on my guy.

Hey! In fact...
here he is.

You two have a good night.

You, too.

Is this your new hospital?


It's even crappier
than the last one.

Hey, watch it, kiddo.

We can't take
care of them if
we never see them.

Cooper-- there,
Neela-- there.

Gallant, over there.

Neela, are you with us?


We provide good care,
and we're going to do it faster.

Everybody, listen up.

We're going to form a line
down the hall,

and you'll be examined
three at a time.

Hey, I was here
before them.

Really doesn't matter, sir.

By 10:00, everybody here

will have been examined
by a doctor.

I-I waited over
three hours.

No one... no one came.

I kept... I
kept my promise.

Thank you. You could've
answered the telephone.

I like music
when I work.

Is this your job?

No, no, it's just a hobby.

I used to make, uh...
architectural models.

You're retired?

You need two good
eyes for that...
that kind of work.

Do you know of
a Crown Hall?

Down at IIT?

Yeah, that was designed
by Mies van der Rohe.

Yeah, I've heard of him.

Mies and I worked
together in the, uh...

in the '60s.

This is beautiful.

Mies lived his
life by the...

by the laws of

order, space... proportion.

One: there has
to be an...

Is someone pouring your pills
for you?

internal logic... an-an order--

in-in any design.

I can set you up
with a weekly pill dispenser

to avoid any other mishaps.

Two: space

is the real work of art.

The... the building
merely exists to...

to-to shape it.

I could also arrange
for a visiting nurse to stop by.

And three: proportion.

Always be aware
of how the structure fits

into the...

I want to help you.

( pager beeping )
the-the world
around it.

Is that your

Uh, no, it's a patient.

I thought I was
your only one.

I have to go. She's dying.

I need you to promise me

you're not going
to k*ll yourself

in the next 72 hours.

But... but M-Monday
would be okay?

I'm off the hook by then.

Oh, so this is
kind of a...

a career move for you?

Okay, it's a...
it's a deal.

Tinea versicolor?

It's a superficial
fungal infection.

Clotrimazole cream
twice a day for two weeks.

Shouldn't we take
a scraping and do
a KOH stain?

No reason to. Just treat it.

It's k*lling me.

Vesicles on the drum.

Bullous myringitis
caused by mycoplasma?

for ten days.

Leftover Chinese food.

My husband never throws
anything out.

Benign belly.

Compazine suppository
and check posturals.

What are you
nutmeats doing?

Clearing Triage.

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