10x15 - Blood Relations

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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10x15 - Blood Relations

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:

My parents were
in a car accident.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Yeah, it happened in some
province north of Suzhou.

Um, I'm pregnant.

( crying )

You did it.

We have a baby.

( no audio )

It's nice to finally
meet you, Dr. Corday.

I look forward to working
together again, soon.

Excuse me. Can someone
get the door, please?

( knocking on door )
Get me the hell out of here.

Nice place.

Yeah, it's okay.

( woman groaning )

( groaning, shivering )

( grunting, panting )

Oh, God...


Nolan, wake up. It's happening.

( grunts )

It's freezing.

You turn the heat down?

Nolan, get up.

Rise and shine.
The baby's coming.

We'll drop you at Gram's
on the way.


Earth to children.

You need to get dressed now.

Clay, come on.
Get up, honey.



Clay. Clay.


Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Shannon? Shannon.

( grunts ):



( panting ):


( grunts )


Nolan, wake up.

Nolan. Nolan.

Nolan? Nolan!

Captioning sponsored by


The alarm didn't go off.


It's time for you to leave.

What time is it?

Time to get your butt
out of bed.

Shh! He might be up.

I don't hear the TV.

That's probably why
you should get going.

Could I at least
get a shower?

( giggling )

Think I found a roach.


Just an old raisin.

Why are you up?

Why are you?

I'm going to that stupid
aquarium thing with Oscar.

( TV playing )


When are we going
to get satellite?

( changing channels )

we should probably talk.

They have, like, a
thousand channels
or something.

( changing channels )


( clears throat )

I took out T-bones
for dinner.

I'll bring the ketchup.

Ah, over my dead body.

Oh. What time
should I pick you up?

Oh, that's okay.
I can take the El.

Come on, baby.
It's icy out.

I wouldn't want the little
Martin kid getting hurt.

Don't do that.


Make assumptions
about last names.

Oh, little Petey then.

Little Jenny?

Until my name changes--
if it ever does--

he or she is a Lewis.

Okay, whatever you say, Mommy.

Don't do that either.

Okay, I've got to go. Bye.

Okay, Bye.

Oh, hey, when are you going
to introduce me

to your old man?

He knows about me, right?

Did you tell him about the baby?

Not yet.

Don't you think you ought to...

I gotta go. Bye.


( distant sirens wailing )



Am I late
or are you early?

There's no point staying
in bed if you can't sleep.

Oh, tell me about it.
Chuck snores.

Either I need earplugs

Separate bedrooms.

You say that
like it's a bad thing.

So, is this going to be a rush
or depress the hell out of me?

The latter.

It's multiples,
all from the same address.

( woman sobbing )

Vicki Bennett,
38 weeks pregnant,

in active labor
and fully dilated.

Why is this happening?
( grunting, sobbing )

I'd say your baby
was ready.

through the contraction.

Let's set up a BOA kit
and a fetal monitor.

Okay, so, Mom's in labor.

What's wrong
with everyone else?


Rest of the family was found
unconscious in their beds.

Was the heat on?
It's 10 degrees out.

What's the story?

We have possible
CO poisoning.

More family members coming in.

Need some help here!


How long
has he been seizing?

Started as we pulled up.

Altered mental status prior.

No signs of head trauma.
Is he
on anticonvulsants?

Not according to
his wife, and she's
the only one talking.

Eight- and ten-year-old
are right behind me,

out cold at the scene.

What have we got?
Looks like relative hypoxia.

I got this one,
you take the kids.

Clay Bennett. Altered
but coming around in the rig.

Complains of nausea,
vital signs normal.

You feeling sick, dude?

( vomiting )

This one nauseous, too?

Complains of headache,
good vitals.

Okay, you take the boy.
I'll deal with the girl.

Hi. My name's Abby.

We're going to try
to make you feel better, okay.

( Vicki screaming )
She's crowning.

Where's my family?

They're being taken
care of, Vicki.

Fetal heart rate's 105.

I don't understand
what happened.

Oh, we're not sure
what happened,

but we need you
to stay here a while, okay?

Okay, let's get Mom
on 100% O2 by mask.


No one would wake up.

Neela, labs. Now.

CBC, type and Rh,

UA and ABG with
carboxyhemoglobin level.

When an entire family passes out
in winter,

we assume
it's carbon monoxide poisoning.

It can happen if your heater
doesn't vent properly.

But I didn't pass out.

The fetal hemoglobin has
a higher affinity for CO.

( grunts ):

In English.

Don't apologize. Just explain.

The baby's blood latched
on to the carbon monoxide.

That cleared it from your body

and it kept you
from getting sick.

Does that... does that mean
the baby got it all?

Okay, big push
with the next one, Vicki.

Here we go.
( Vicki screams )

Stand by with
an umbilical line kit

and a pediatric
intubation tray.

Mr. Bennett? Mr. Bennett?

All right, we need to get him

on a non-rebreather
and draw an ABG.

Neonatal laryngoscope?

Bottom right.

That's six of Ativan.

Okay, push another two.
How's Mom?

Lucky she was pregnant.

Hey, Pratt, Morris
needs you in here.

Yeah, well,
I'm a little busy here.

Well, let me rephrase that:
his patient needs you.

Go ahead. I got this.

I want you to hang Dilantin
after eight of lorazepam.

All right, keep
Dad's airway secure.

What's the problem?

He won't listen.

I want my mommy.

Yeah, yeah, hold on.

Girl with a headache.

Pulse ox 100%
on two liters.

I don't have to draw
blood gas, do I?

Yeah, you do.
I told you that.

But her sats
are normal.

Pulse ox measures oxygen
dissolved in the blood,

not bound to hemoglobin.

It's normal in CO poisoning.

I told him that, too.

Damn, who's the resident here?


You okay?

Is my family dying?

It just... it sort of
snuck up on us, you know?

I mean, I don't...

I don't think
either one of us planned it.



It happens.

People date.

You okay back there?


You want to
talk about this?


He's gonna start
breaking down muscle cells.

Open up the fluids.

Come on, man.
Enough is enough.
Dilantin's in.

He keeps this up much longer,

we're gonna get
irreversible brain damage.

So, what do we do now?

Start a drip
and hope it works.

How fast should
I run it in?

Wait. Wait.
Hold up. Hold up. Hold up.

Mr. Bennett, can you hear me?

Carboxyhemoglobin 35%.

He needs
the hyperbaric chamber.

No, only if it's over 40.

Or has significant
neurologic impairment.

Yeah, but we don't
know that yet.

Just keep him on oxygen.
We'll give him 30 minutes.

If he doesn't wake up quick,
then we'll talk hyperbarics.

( Vicki screams )

Baby's distress
probably induced labor.

It's a good thing, too.

Otherwise they'd all
be dead right about now.

Fetal heart rate's
down to 80.

Why us?
Late decel.

Okay, you really got to push
hard with this next one, Vicki.

Here we go.

( Vicki grunting )

Good head of hair.

Get ready
with a receiving blanket.

What did we do?

Okay, head's out.

Bulb syringe.

One more push, Vicki.

( grunting )


It's a boy.


We're good people.
We go to church.

hang in there, Vicki.

Neela, deliver
the placenta.


Yes, you.

How is he?

Having a little
trouble breathing.

One for color,
one for tone.

Zero for respirations.

Something's wrong.

What's wrong?

Starting compressions.

Uh, his heart's
not beating all that well

because it's been deprived
of oxygen.

What about the brain?

( sobs ):
Oh, God.

I need to intubate.

.3 of epi and draw an ABG.

Let's find out how much
carbon monoxide he's taken in.

Bad enough when residents
can't get in on time,

but when attendings are late,

it sends a message
that time is amorphous.

7:00 a.m. is 7:00 a.m., people.

And the minute Kovac gets here,
I want to talk to him.

Yes, ma'am.

Stop surfing the Web
on County time.

Oh, Dr. Weaver?

Fair warning:
Henry's colicky,

Sandy's pulling a 24,
and I haven't had any coffee.

What do you want?

Placenta's out.

Neela, 20 of pit.

Why isn't he crying?

He's got a tube in his throat
to help give him oxygen.

He's got a good
strong pulse, and
he's pinking up.

Labs are back.
Just try to relax.

And I will find out
how your family's doing.

Mom's carbon monoxide's
in the safe range.

She's 19%.

How's the
little hero?

Is that coma range?

He needs hyperbaric therapy.
What's going on?

Your son has

a very high level
of carbon monoxide

in his body
that we need

to clear out
very quickly.

Kind of like
scuba diving.

One way of
doing that is

putting him in a big
pressure chamber.

Take him down
to a pressure

equivalent to 66 feet
of seawater;
he'll get three times

as much oxygen.
Will he wake up then?

That's our hope.
Can I hold him?

Uh, yeah, you
can touch him,

but the sooner
we start treatment,

the better
the result.


Oh, he's... he's beautiful.

Yeah, he is.
Okay, sorry, Vicki,
we got to go.

We're going
to do everything we can.

( crying )

Take this.

( sobbing )

You did a NICU rotation, right?

I need you in the chamber
with him.

Oh, wait.
You're sending me?

Yeah. A nurse
will be with you.

They're waiting
for you upstairs.

I thought an attending
should be going with me.

No. A dive takes too long.

Well, how long?
A couple of hours.

Is that a problem?


Here you go.

Take off your gown.
Put on these booties, okay?

No lipstick, no makeup,

hair spray, nail polish,

They're all flammable.

Okay, remove any
watches, jewelry,

electronic equipment.

Do you have any
unfinished root canals,

temporary fillings, caps?

Uh, no. Why?

Okay, trapped air
in the tooth socket can expand.

Do you know how
to clear your ears?

I don't think
I can do this.

All right,
just pinch your nostrils,

blow against the closed glottis.
Let's go.

No. I can't
go in there.
What, are you claustrophobic?

Is there time to
get a replacement?

What do you think?
Come on.

All right, hook
him up to the vent.

I'll set the clock.

Patient and attendants set?

Go for it.

You're not going to
panic on me, are you?

Initiating pressurization.

( high-pitched motor whirring )

Does this stay this loud?

You get used to it.

( panting )

I'm sorry.
Can we stop now?

Ten feet.

Uh, do we have a problem
in there?

My ear's bothering me.

Take us up two feet.

Hold your nose,
blow to equalize.

( sighs )

I'm sorry. Please,
can we stop now?

Resume pressurization.

( panting )

You should really be
on the postpartum floor.


It's all right, honey.

Mommy's here now.

Everything's going
to be fine.

You're not doing them any favors
by not taking care of yourself.

How is he?

He's a little groggy.

You just had a baby.

If I can't be
with my baby,

I want to be
with them.

Vitals q 30 minutes,

CBC in two hours.

Mom's good and cranky.

How's Dad?

Just woke up.

Neuro exam is nonfocal.

Oriented to person,
place and time.

Could still have long-term
neuro-psychological deficits.

She know that yet?

Ah, no. She doesn't need to.

The girl's
headache subsided.

Yeah, and, uh,
how's the boy?

He's hungry,
wants a snack,

but he's worried
about Mom and Dad.

Yeah, me, too.

Any word on the baby?

In the chamber.

What's his pOH2?

He has a name.


Can you make sure
whoever's with him knows that?

Of course.

What's the verdict?

Oh, four hours
at 100%,

they should
all be clear.

The baby's
another story.


So, how are you doing
with your pregnancy?

Oh, yeah.

Fine. You
know, tired.

A little scared.

About having one?

About what happens
after you do.

Every winter,
it's the same thing.

Is there any sort
of air conditioning?

go down,

heaters get
turned up,


I mean, why does it have
to be so bloody hot in here?

Well, when
pressure rises

in a fixed

it's going
to get warm.

Ideal gas law.

PV equals NRT.
What about it?


Time to give the kid
an air break.

It prevents
oxygen toxicity.

I can hardly breathe.

Well, too much,
and he could seize.

How much longer?

Uh, hour, 40.

( rapping on window ):


His name's Samuel.


The baby.
The mom wanted you to know.

How are you doing?


Okay, good.

I'll see you
in a couple hours.

( panting )


I examined Mrs. Krall,
and she won't require surgery.

She passed her kidney stone
half an hour ago.

She wants to turn it
into a brooch.

I'm sorry. What?

Okay, let me guess.

Henry has colic,
and you're barely sleeping.

Yeah. Did Ella
have it, too?

Terrible teething.

It's no cakewalk now, though.

Uh, tantrums,

a constant demand for toys,
refusing to eat.

I hate to say it,
but, uh, in some ways,

it gets harder.

Yeah, must be twice
as hard by yourself.

You have any


I met a teacher recently.

He's a nice man.

Nice is good.

Yes, it's nice.

Okay, open up.

All right,
there you go.

Oh, with a minute
to spare.

That's me,


Dad says she
has strep.


It's been going
around her school.

Okay, let's see.



You have a fever, young lady.

Anything else,
stuffy nose?

No, it's just
my throat.

Okay, let's have a look.


Looks pretty red.

A doctor's going to want
to take a culture.

How long's that going to take?

Oh, waiting room's
pretty packed.

Six to eight hours.

Look, I just started
a new job...

It'll be
okay, Daddy.

Why don't you two take a seat,

and we'll call you back
as soon as we can?

Okay, thanks.

You think
Alex is okay?

Uh, I don't know.

Maybe you should
bring him to my
place tonight.

We can talk more,

watch something
on the big screen.

I'm not sure.

I'll cook.

This where I sign in?


Can we talk about this later?

'Cause I need
to get back to work.

How can I help you
today, ma'am?


Morning, Kerry.

Guess I should
be grateful

it's not afternoon.

You're late, which makes me late
for a budget meeting.

Look for the deduction
in your paycheck.

Could be worse.

She could have
an M16 strapped on.

What's this?

Oh, place across
the street

does dry ice

It's a prenatal
care package for Kem,

plus some stuff that they,
uh, need at the clinic.


Yeah, I hear
they're really desperate

for roses in the Congo.

How long has it been?

Since we've seen each other?

34 days.

16 hours,

12 minutes.

But we E-mail each other.

She says she's really
starting to show.

All right.

See you later.

Would you hand me a tissue?

He really misses her.

( sirens wailing )

Married 36 years.

He gave my mom flowers
every anniversary.

Swore he loved her
till the day she died.

That sounds sweet.

'Course he loved his
girlfriends, too.

( sirens wailing )
They just had you
and your sister?

Yeah. Both raised
by crazy people.

Couldn't have turned out
more differently.

MAN ( muffled ):
Let go of me.

I guess they did
the best they could.

Yeah. That's the scary part.

20-something John Doe,

found down behind a building.

Just let go of me, please.

Where is all this blood
coming from--

GSW, knife wounds?

None that we found,

but he wouldn't exactly
let us check.

Fistfight maybe?

The other guy won.
Just let me go, please!

Altered and agitated.

Tachycardic at 128,
BP: 160/92.

Got to be
on something heavy-duty.

( grunts )

I hate your guts!

66-year-old male,

acute shortness
of breath,

febrile, sats 94%.

I'm on my way out. Sorry.

Bed-bound secondary
to a pelvic fracture.


Hey, Carter.

Hey, how are you?
When did you get back?

Last week. I
couldn't leave China

until my father
was stable enough
for transport.

I'm sorry to hear
about your mom.

Yeah, she had
a fatal PE,

and now my dad's
got pneumonia.

Been taking care
of him at home.

With nursing care?

No. He doesn't want
anyone else

in the house.
It's been hard.

Hey, Deb.
Deb, how are you?

Hey, Jerry.

Hey, Dr. C,
good to see you.

Hey, Malik.
Are you all right?


Hey, Dr. Chen.


Sorry. What's the problem again?

My grandson is
coughing too much.

I need to see Dr. Weaver.

Uh... she's not in.

My daughter said
to have her check him.

Ma'am, he'll be seen
by a doctor,

but I can't guarantee you
which one.

( speaking Spanish )


Sandy and Dr. Weaver--

they live together.


It's evil!

You hear me?!

Found a meth pipe.

Want to guess what
the tox screen's
going to say?

Uh, still do a full workup.

He could just as easily
be that way from a head bleed.

It's everywhere.

It's everywhere!

You want hard

Try Ativan first.

No free fluid.

Morrison's is clear.

No signs of trauma.

Where's the wound?

I can't finding anything.

Nothing, not a scratch.

It's demons!

It's demons all around us.

Hematocrit's normal.

So, he's not

or externally.

Let's hope he works
at a meat-packing plant.

Hey, Dr. Lewis,
you got a minute?

Yeah, uh.
You know what?

Call the cops in
case he doesn't.

What's up?

Nancy Natarelli, 42,

with nausea,
and fatigue

times two weeks.

She's afebrile,
normal vitals,

lungs clear, abdomen soft,
uh, no CVA tenderness.

Her meds include kali phos
and, uh, arsenicum.


Oh, I got five
kids at home.

I can't be sick
like this.

That's a lot
of diapers.

Who are you telling?

Had three of my own already.

These five are theirs.

You're pretty young
to be a grandma.

You think it's the side effects
from the Saint John's Wort?

It's probably just
a stomach virus,

but we'll run some
tests to make sure.

So, why are
you taking it?

Are you depressed?

Just thought I'd be done
raising kids by now.

Okay, we'll be back.

CBC, chem panel, UA?

Could be pyelo.

Uh, yeah,
and run a psych history,

and make sure
she's not clinically depressed.

All right.

Dad's coming around.

He's okay.

All right, Vicki, you need
to get back to your bed

and put your mask on.

He's talking
and everything.

That goes for you, too.

How are you feeling,
Mr. Bennett?


What happened?

Uh, do you know what today is?


Vicki said that

the baby saved our lives.

Uh, yeah.

He did.

Is he going to be okay?

( breathing shallowly )

You're not making it go
any faster staring at it.

Why do they have to make
these chambers so small?

Been in smaller.

Hey, we're over
halfway there, okay?


Please, don't say that.

You have no idea
how hard this is for me.

You want Valium?

Calm your nerves.

No, I just...

I need to get out of here.
Wait a minute.

He's stable now.
He'll be fine.
I know, but just...

If I don't get out of here,

I'm going to lose it.
Do you understand?

Uh, problems?

I'm stepping into the air lock.
Bring me up.

Well, are we okay with this?

Yeah. Get Dr. Olivera
to take her place.

( panting )

Yeah, lucky for you, it's easier

going up than going down.

Hurry, please.


( alarm beeping )

heart rate's 180.

Is the other doctor en route?

Yeah, I paged him.

Breath sounds decreased
on the left.

P waves, not SVT.

He's got a

Uh, 40 feet.

Do you need a surgeon in there?

No, we need to
reinflate his lung.

( alarms beeping )
Pulse is weak and thready.

( sighs )

Bring me back down.


Open the crash cart
and prep the chest.

PVCs. Are you coming back in?

Just until
the other doctor arrives.

60 feet.


My ear...

It's bleeding.

You perfed your eardrum.

Don't worry. It grows back.

Come on.

We're at depth.

( panting heavily )

( panting loudly )

He's got a subtle
right middle lobe infiltrate.

Sure makes me appreciate
our healthcare system.

Had to wait a week for
a chest film in Suzhou.

Low-grade fever.

It's probably just
early pneumonia.

Or pulmonary embolus.

Can he get a VQ scan?

Doesn't need one.

D-dimer's negative.

He's low probability for PE.

Does he, uh, walk at all?

He can, but he won't,

and I can't make him.

Since his surgery,
he's been depressed,

a bit demented.


Just stares at the TV.

So, what happened?

They skidded off some back road
in the middle of nowhere.

Car flipped.

My mom never
regained consciousness.

Jing Mei?

I'll let you two
get caught up.

Thank you, John.

What's going on?

Um, I'm having my dad
checked for PE.

When did you
get back?

Um, last Monday.

You should have called.

How are you,
Mr. Chen?

( speaking Mandarin )

( speaking Mandarin )


Maybe the ET tube's
just down too far.

No, with tracheal shift,
it's a tension pneumo.

Give me a 22 gauge.

Are you all right in there?

Alcohol wipe.
Are you sure that
you're up for this?

Where the hell is Dr. Olivera?

Coming in.



How's the heart rate?

( alarms beeping )
Back down
to 128.

He needs a chest tube.

You start.

I'll get there
as soon as I can.

Five centimeters of water
on the thoraseal.


Sleeping like a baby now.

No sense
in keeping him in here.

Pupils are four

equal and reactive,

and he has
beautiful irises.

Can you move this guy
to Sutures?

Sure thing.

Yeah, just wait
till he comes to,

and realizes
we took his crystal meth pipe.

Won't be so cute then.

And Malik,
you have a standing order

for five of Haldol.

You got it.


You think he'll be
able to tell us

what happened to him?

Doubt he'll remember.

It's sad.


He's somebody's kid.

Morris, I got a call
that my son was here?

Yeah, he's
in Curtain One.

He's really cute.


He just wouldn't
stop coughing.

Hi, baby.

Handsome boy, Kerry.


He's eating okay.

But he was very

I checked his ears.

They are fine,
and lungs are clear.

Belly's soft.

It's probably just a cold.

Come here, baby.
Come here.

Go with Mama.

Yeah, yeah.

I appreciate
you keeping them company.

Right. Uh, nice to meet you.


He was a very
helpful man.

All right, Grandma needs
to get you home.

There's too many germs
in this place.

Just, uh, keep
the humidifier on.

Mm-hmm, okay.

And-and give him some Tylenol
if he gets fussy.

But what you really need

is some sleep, sweetie.


Will you be home late
again tonight?

Probably not.

He yours, Dr. Weaver?

Yup, all 16
pounds of him.

Oh, sweet.

There's my...

There's my guy...

Severa, how much morphine
did you give Dolly Zuzich?

12 milligrams.

Hey, you seen
that little girl's father?

She's not with them?

No. Came in with her dad.


Christy, where's your dad?

Um, he's coming
right back.


After work.

He just leave you here?

I'm okay.

Come on.
Let's get you inside.

15 blade,
fifth intercostal.

Hate doing procedures
on infants.

Getting more

20 seconds.

Stay superior to the rib.

What? You'll have to speak up.

Into this pleura.

Keep your pinky
in the tract

so you don't lose it.

Inserting tube.
Trachea's midline.

I can't thread it in.
I can't see.

Wipe my brow.

Wipe my brow!

( sighs )

We're equalized.

I'm here.

I'm in.

3-0 silk.


Heart rate's
down to 110.

( exhales )

Hi, Dad. It's me.

Hey, I put that Foley
in Babe Grunhard.

You owe me.

Oh, yeah, could you
get 40 of prednisone

to Peenie
Sudar in Two?

No, uh, me, Susan.
Your daughter?

Uh, what's up?

Well, you know,
not much.

I was just calling
to check in.

( whispers ):
Tell him.

Excuse me, Doctor?

Um, Dad, you
know what?

I'm sorry. I
have to go. Bye.

You should
be in bed.

We want to know
about the baby.

I will go check
right now.

Here, why don't you come
back inside with your family?

Hey, Dr. Lewis?

Nancy Natarelli's
test results.

Oh, young grandma?

Yup. Now I know why

she was more
tired than usual.

Positive ICON.

So, you want me
to tell her?

Uh, oh...
There she is.

That's okay.
I'll do it.

Can you do me a favor?

Call the chamber
and find out

how that baby's doing, okay?



Oh, hi.


Is something wrong?

Um, well, that depends.

You're pregnant.

No, I-I can't be.

I-I'm on the pill.

Unfortunately, Saint John's Wort
can make oral contraceptives


Oh, my God.

I'm pregnant?

Coming through.

Um, yeah.

You know, I'm sorry.

Dr. Gallant can answer

any questions you have.

I'll be right back, okay?

Clara Waskowitz, 50s,
multiple s*ab wounds

to the neck,
chest and abdomen.

Don't hurt him.
How much blood loss?

Scene was covered in it.

BP's 78 over palp, no sats.

It was the dr*gs...

Her lung's down.
What's open?

This happen
on the street?

backed up.

Husband's in
the next rig.

Come on.
Let's go.
But it wasn't his fault...

Multiple s*ab wounds
to the torso.

At least as many as the wife.

Hard to tell who's worse.

Whoever did this
must have been
really pissed off.

Is it broken?

Yup. That's
what happens

when you hit someone
with your fist.

( coughs ):
Spare some

Get a job, dude.

What do you think
you're doing?


How about you,
sweet stuff?

Feed the poor?

Leave her alone,

and get back
to your bed, okay?

I'm not talking to you.

I am talking to...

( loud hacking cough )

Get back to your bed.
Damn it.


He spit on me.

You're okay.
You're okay, honey.

We'll get you something else
to wear, okay?

Let's put her
in a gown.

Where are her parents?

Dad left her in Triage,
had to go to work.

I brought her back here,
thought she'd be safer.

Okay, let's do one better
and find her a room.

Good deal.

Hey, uh, I never
got an answer.


Well, some pasta, wine,
a little X-Box for Alex.

Uh, I don't think
tonight'll work.

Tomorrow night then?

Actually, I was thinking

it might be a good time
to take a break.


You know, just take it slower.

You know what I'm saying?

Uh, no.

No, I don't.

( sighs )

We're not exclusive, right?

We're just, like,
dating or whatever.

No commitments, no strings,
no co-parenting, just...

Keep it casual, okay?


Sam, Dr. Kovac...

Double trauma.
We need more hands.

She's out.

Come on, Clara.
Open your eyes.

I can't get the line.
I'll do it.

Forget the dr*gs.
Let's tube her.

BP's dropping.

54 systolic.

Suction on high.

Need another set of hands
for this neck bleeder.

Bradying down. 53.

Three through the wall wounds
to the right side alone.

Gee, haven't seen this much
blood since this morning.

More cricoid.

You think the speed freak
had something to do with it?

Who knows? 30-French
and curved kelly.

Can you see the cords?

Throat was slashed,
but it didn't touch the trachea.

I'm in.

Me, too.
Mig of atropine.

Left lung is up.

He was pretty bloody.


Meth pipe boy,
and he was hallucinating.

Laceration to
the left axilla.

( alarm beeping )


Charge to 200.

Stabbing victim, right?

She a surgical candidate?

Uh, not a very good one.


Still V-fib.

The husband's next
door. Try him.

Charge to 300.


Ten s*ab wounds,
mainly abdominal.

Still hypotensive. 64/48.

Hang another two
on the rapid infuser.

Home invasion,
robbery gone bad?

Gotta be more personal
than that.

Where are you?

He's got free fluid in the
belly with hypotension.

Urine dips negative
for heme.

Cops said their house
was broken into.

Doesn't mean they
don't know who did it.

Good breath sounds.

Red line for a open laparotomy.

Hang two grams of cefotetan.

How come there are
only men in here?


Probably ischemia
from the hypotension.

Let's do a subclavian.

And keep the
blood pouring in.



It's been 40 minutes.

And eight units of O neg.

I guess that's it, Clara.

Time of death: 10:54.

Hope this wasn't evidence.

( man shouting )

Look. I guess it was related.

I didn't do anything!

( panting ):
No. Let me go!

Let go!

Look, I didn't do anything.

I didn't know them!

Hey, so, what's the story?

Kid went nuts,
stabbed his parents.

k*lled one of 'em, right?

Starting to ascend.

Thank God.

You did great.

More like Samuel survived
despite me.

No, seriously,
you did great.

You okay?

Feeling a little funny.

Are you having
chest pain?

A bit.

Abort ascent.

What? No.

There's crepitance
and subq emphysema.

Probably blew out a few
air sacs on the way up.
Oh, no.

Look, if we ascend
too rapidly,

we could collapse a lung.

So we'd better do
an hourlong decompression.

Another hour?

How long will he be under?

At least four hours.
Maybe more if we
get into the chest.

Make the next two
units type specific.

Excuse me, but we need
to get his statement
as soon as possible.

The man's been
stabbed 11 times.

Let him survive surgery first.



So, what brings you to the ER?

Transcatheter embolization

of pulmonary arteriovenous

That's quite a mouthful.

And you?

Uh, stabbing victim.

Lacerated liver
and spleen,

open laparotomy, thoracoscopy
and probable pericardiectomy.

Push the Medical Executive
Session until next week,

and tell Anspaugh
to contact me

before scheduling meetings

I'm expected to attend.

You think you'd like
to go out sometime?



I'll call.

Yeah, you do that.

I thought you were
dating a teacher.

I am.

No, prostate cancer
with back pain and leg weakness

cannot wait a day for an MRI.

Sign here and here.

Yeah, well, you know what?
We're short-staffed, too.

Dr. Lewis?

You got Chuck on line one.

You know what, tell him
I'll call him back.

Okay, you know what,
you have five minutes

to hire someone because
I'm sending this guy up.

Rough day?

Just typical.

Mom's staring at the clock.

You were supposed to find out
about the baby?

Oh, crap.

How long ago was it?

Two hours.

Oh, you know what, just
tell them I'm pregnant.

Maybe they'll cut
me some slack,

and I'll have someone bring
Mom down to the chamber.

Yeah, I'll get a wheelchair
and take her myself.

You almost done?

Need to check labs.

Uh, can you, actually, use
one of the other terminal?

What are you doing
over here anyway?

None of your beeswax.

Dawnie Dinovo's asking for
a new albuterol prescription.

Labs are back
on our orphan.

Positive for strep.

We can't treat her
without parental consent.

What's wrong?

I'm okay.

Well, you seem kind of...

Don't read into things.

Excuse me?

Hey, Mr. Grover, you're back.

Where's my daughter?

Isn't it your job to know?


Dr. Kovac examined Christy.

She has strep throat.

But worse than that,

she's been traumatized
by being left alone here.

What happened?

Is she okay?
She's fine.

No, she's not.

There are drunks here.

Junkies, psych patients.

Yeah, and doctors
and security guards and nurses.

She's ten.

She could have wandered away,
been abducted, assaulted.


He abandoned her.

I'm a single dad, okay?

I gotta feed my kid,
so I gotta go to work.

What am I supposed to do
when it takes six hours

to get her seen
by a doctor?


Honey, are you okay?

Did anybody bother you?

Give her 250 of Pen VK.

He responded well
to the therapy.

Oh, my God.

It's okay.
It looks worse than it is.

Are they ready yet?

Yeah, they just came out.

Hey. Is this Mom?

Yeah, can she see him?

Yeah. He can see her.

He opened his eyes
a few minutes ago.

Hi, Samuel.

It's Mommy.

Spontaneous movement.

He'll need another round
of treatment tomorrow,

but he looks good.

When can he go home?

Probably in three days.

He'll need to be in the NICU
overnight for observation,

and you'll be in OB.

( laughs )

We didn't plan
on having a third.

But thank God
he came along.


What are you still
doing in there?

Possible pneumomediastinum,
among other things.

You should've had someone
replace you.

Thanks, Sharon.



How was the aquarium?

See any sharks?


Listen, I was thinking

maybe you and me
could do something
by ourselves tonight.

I mean, we haven't
really had the chance

to talk about things.

Like you and Luka
having sex?

Well, that wasn't how
I was going to put it,

but yeah, that.

What's there
to talk about?

I don't know,
how you feel.

Whether or not it
hurts your feelings

or pisses you off
or whatever.

I'm fine.

Hey, how's the baby?

Oh, great.

How's the rest
of the family?

Just finishing
disp orders on Dad

and the other kids now.

Oh, man.

What a hell of a day.

It's not even lunch yet.

Only got half
a shift to go.

Since when did you become
so optimistic?

Dr. Carter,
come have a look.

( woman coughs on computer )


John, is that you?

Oh, my...! Yeah.

Oh, my God.
How did you do this?

I found out the
consulate had a webcam.

Oh, you look great.
How are you?

She can hear me?

See for yourself.

( Carter laughs )

What do you think?

How come some women
have little volleyball tummies

when they're pregnant...


...and others don't?

I felt a kick yesterday.


High-speed MVA with
multiple fractures.

Oh, I got it.

What do you think?

I think you're both beautiful.

You get the VQ results?

Normal, negative Dopplers
on the legs.

So, no PE.

That's good.

Well, he still needs
to be admitted for pneumonia.

Get him on IV antibiotics.

Yeah, but you knew
that was gonna happen.

It's common at his age.

Least you're amongst
friends here.

So, how long you going
to do this?

Take care of him 24/7?

Because, you know,
there are assisted
living situations.

My father's going to get better.


I was at the hotel, asleep,
when my mother died.

She was all alone.


Your breath sounds are equal.

( panting ):
I told you I'm fine.

I'm sure you are,
but once we're out,

you'll need a chest x-ray.

How much longer?

Three feet and rising.

Come on. Come on.

If it is pneumomediastinum,
it'll resolve on its own.

Excuse me.

Wait, wait!


( panting )

Out of the way, please!

Excuse me.

( Malik yells )
Watch yourself.

What the hell?

( panting )

( hockey game plays on TV )

Regular here?

Uh, yeah, every Tuesday
with his buddies.

Black Hawks fan?

Maple Leafs.
Don't ask.

Hi, Dad.

I thought you said 6:00.

Ordered you a beer.

Um, there's someone
I'd like you to meet.

Oh, he's nuts.

That was not
a cross check.


Chuck Martin.

Pleased to meet you, sir.



You two had dinner yet?

I'm gonna have a baby,
and Chuck's the father.

You're gonna be a grandpa.

They couldn't score a goal
to save their lives.

You marrying her?

If she'll have me.

About damn time.
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