10x16 - Forgive and Forget

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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10x16 - Forgive and Forget

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on E.R.--

I'm Gillian.

I was working with Luka
and John in the Congo.

We really haven't
had a chance

to talk
about things.

Like you and Luka having sex?

We're not exclusive, right?

No commitments,
no co-parenting.

Keep it casual,


My dad's got

Been taking care of him
at home.

I met a teacher recently.

He's a nice man.

Do you think you'd like
to go out sometime?

Hey, Abby,

you're going
to be a great doctor.

Thank you.

It's, uh, dum ke pasadey.

One of my students'
parents gave me the recipe.


( clears throat )

Where were you born?

Tell me about your parents,

your first kiss.

( laughs )


( clears throat )

You're terrible
at small talk.

Well, they're quiet.

We have to take advantage
of every minute.

( sighs )

All right. Uh,


Father's a surgeon,

Mother's a university professor
in mathematics.


First real kiss.

Neal Mitchell.

Seventh grade.

Your husband-- it was cancer,

wasn't it?

So, you're divorced?

Uh, that's the story
on the school parking lot.

But we were never
actually married.


She left
when Syd was three weeks old.

And Melissa was only 20.

She was scared.

Is it too spicy?

But you-you like Indian food,
don't you?


( laughs )

I'm sorry.

You know, I-I thought
because you were English.

I thought all Brits, like...

Here, let me fix you
something else.

No, no, it's lovely.

Daddy, we're tired
of drawing.

Um, well, then,

how about a movie?

( knock at door,
French pop music plays )

I'm here.




I should have called.

Alex went to the movies
with Austin,

and-and I hadn't seen you
in a couple days.

Yeah, I've been working nights.

Yeah. I'm
on days.

I thought you might want
to get some dinner or something.

I can't.

Yeah, I guess...

( laughs )

Yeah, I should have
called first.

No big deal.
I will, uh...

I'll see you at work.

Yeah. Sorry.

No. Please.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Yeah, see you.

Is the food here?

Uh, no.

Oh, too bad.

I'm starving.

( quiet laugh )


Mr. Welling, you
need to calm down,

and then I can help you.

I told you,
the VA burned all my files.

Now, my back is k*lling me.

I can barely walk!

Whoa, you're standing.

Look, it's a miracle.


the guy needs psych.

They've seen
him five times

in the last
three months.

He's not getting

Are you having any, uh,
suicidal thoughts?

Hell, no. I'm not
going to k*ll myself.

I'm going
to k*ll him.

His B.P.'s elevated.

We could call medicine,
see if they have a bed.

Just let him go.
Why do you care?

I'm going to frag
his redheaded ass.

Then I'm gonna piss

all over his
useless corpse.

Mr. Welling.

Hey, Mr.
Welling, wait!


I'm going to make you cry.


I love the smell

of crazy in
the morning.

Back on days?

Yeah, till 6:00.



Olecranon bursitis can
go home after Ancef,

and bleeding
esophageal varices

is on hold for
the GI lab.

Can I at least
take off my coat first?

Altered LOL is getting
sedated and scanned.

She needs a
Foley and an NG.


See ya.

Dr. Kovac, I need you

to eyeball
a perilunate dislocation.

What's this?

I don't know.

Weaver's office decided
it was time

to box up all
the residency applications

for the past ten years.

I called
to have them picked up.


And it would be my
privilege to call again.

If you check his neuro-circ,
I can get him blocked.

Uh, what is
with all these boxes, Frank?

That's where
I keep my list

of idiotic questions.

Dr. Chen,
this is Eliza.

Two centimeter

extending through
the vermilion border.

I just split my lip is all.

I promised we could
see her quickly?

Oh. Hi, Eliza.
Let me see.

Ooh, looks like
something got you pretty good.

She wasn't aiming at me.

As far as
I can tell,

she had an altercation
with her girlfriend.

Ooh, lesbian cat fight.

Somebody grab a video camera.

Chuny, can you please put Eliza
in curtain one

and draw up 10cc's
of one percent with epi?

Sure. Come on.

Going to get her settled,

and I'll talk you
through a three-layer closure.

Hey, do you want me
to call social work,

see if we can get her in one
of those BBL support groups?

Big black lesbian.

( chortles )

You know what?

You're a horrible man.

Do you think
it's pleasant

being greeted every day
with a fusillade of h*m*,

xenophobic ranting from a bigot?

From now on, I expect
nothing from you

except silence.

Blissful silence.


Must be somebody's time
of the month.

So, Gillian left me a message.

I didn't know
she was in town.

She wants us all
to get together and have dinner.

I need two-doctor consent

for an unaccompanied

Uh-huh. Sure.

So, we can talk later

about the, uh...
Yeah, right.

( whistles )

Dr. Carter, do you think
you have a second

to take a look at him?

Dr. Carter,
they're a minute out.

Sorry, EMS is bringing in
a probable septic patient.

Uh, he came in
on a bus all alone.

He's kind of freaked out.

Woke up with right-sided
testicular pain.

The school nurse sent him in.

No nausea, no dysuria,

no trauma, not on any meds.

Any nausea?

No. I said that.

Hey, Brian.

This is Dr. Kovac.

He's going to check you out.

Hi, Dr. Kovac.

Nice to meet you.

So, you're having some pain,

It hurts a lot.

Did the school nurse
call your parents?

No. I live with my dad.

He had a meeting
this morning in Detroit.

He's probably still
on the plane.

Uh, was there anyone else
I can call?

An older brother or sister,


No, ma'am, thank you.

Okay, Brian,

I have to take a look.


uh, can you get

a container for the UA?


Don't worry, Brian.

Dr. Kovac is the best.

She's really hot.

Charlie Taslitz, 42,
fever and hypotension.

Baseline brain injury,
but he's taken nosedive.

Tried four sticks,
but I couldn't start a line.

Where's all the blood from?

He pulled out his PICC line.

You're his nurse?

I take care of him.

All right, nice and easy,
one, two,

three. Good.

All right, he's burning up.

Sepsis on top
of the blood loss.

Rectal Tylenol?

Yeah, and CBC, lytes.

Type and cross for
four cultures times two.

( man groaning )

And hang
Zosyn and Vank.

How are you doing,
Mr. Taslitz?

He can't talk anymore.

He can't walk or move
or anything.

Did he have a stroke?

No. He crashed his forklift
at work two years ago.

A bunch of steel crushed him.

He got brain damage.

Uh, Dr. Chen?

Hmm? Ooh, John.

Do you clean his G-tube site?

Twice a day.

He used to be
at an extended care facility,

but I wanted him
home with me.

They showed me
how to do everything.

Grab a fresh tube.

( alarm )
B.P.'s 82/58.

t*nk two liters of saline.

( groans )
I don't have a line.

Are you hurting him?

Try the, uh,

I did.
It's completely sclerosed.

Okay, we're going to have
to go central. Grab a kit.

Um, Dahlia,

your father has very low
blood pressure

and a serious infection.

I know. That's
why I called 911.

We need to give him fluids
and antibiotics.

But even if we do,

there's a chance that
his heart could stop beating.

Has he discussed his wishes
with you?

I told you, he doesn't talk.

Temp's 103.4.
Does he have a DNR?

A do not resuscitate order?

No, no, no, he doesn't have
anything like that.

You have to help him.


Page Corday.

Could you see
through someone's
clothes with this?

Nope, doesn't work.

Already tried.

How you doing, Brian?

Much better,
thank you.

Morphine's kicking in.

I'll go check
on your urinalysis, okay?

I'll page urology.


The ultrasound is normal.

It's not surgical.

Doppler's not
100% sensitive,

especially with
all that edema.

He's got a positive
Prehn's sign,

a normal cremasteric reflex
and a low-grade temperature.

It's probably epididymitis.

He's a kid with
possible torsion.

He only has a
six-hour window.

He could lose
his testicle.

We wait for his urine
to comeback, okay?

Are you mad at me?

He's got a good
blood flow.

No, not for that.

For coming over last night.

No. It was fine.

Because what I said before--
I didn't mean

that we shouldn't see each other
at all.

I didn't mean
to hurt your feelings.

You want things to be casual.

Right, but...

if it's a choice
between something serious

or nothing,

maybe serious is the way to go.

Hey, Sam?

Yeah. I got it.

Sam, uh, maybe you
should page urology?

You think?

Yeah. Better
to be safe.

Adam Grant,

61-year-old slip
and fall with no LOC.

B.P. 136/72,
pulse 106.

Mucho ETOH
on board.

Wow, nice

Tequila. Breakfast
of champions.

Sam, start an IV,
hang a banana bag and call CT.

You guys hear
on the news?

Some guy robbed the
National Guard armory.

Stole a frigging t*nk.

I mean, it's
all over the news.

A t*nk t*nk?

Yeah, George Patton,

big turret,
armor, treads.

The whole deal.

Come on, big guy.

You got this?


You have beautiful skin.

Leave me
alone, Morris.

That thing's gigantic.

60 tons
of American firepower.

Don't hit
the newsstand.

Anybody need
any kindling?

Excuse me?

What, what?


Oh, crap.

Hope he doesn't have any a*mo.

The guys from the
National Guard
say he doesn't.

We're going to believe them?

They're the ones
that let him steal

the damn thing
in the first place.

Where's he headed, do you think?



He-He's headed here.

Tell 'em.

He said he was going
to get a t*nk

and blow my ass up.

( sighs )


t*nk's moving pretty fast.

It has a top speed
of 35 miles per hour

on the open road.

That's what
they said on CNN.

I had an '88 Civic
that couldn't do 35.

He's tachy, 130.

Are you hurting him?

We numbed the skin.

Cordis introducer.

His pressure's down
to 74 systolic.

Uh, why don't you
wait outside?

We'll come find you

the second we're done.

No, I want to stay.

Excuse me.

He going to
be okay now?

We can give him
medicine and fluids,

but he's still
very sick.

He's strong, you don't know.

Four-oh vicryl
and a needle driver.

Oh, what a mess.

You doing hernia repairs

in the ER now?

No. Mister Taslitz needed access
for blood and pressors.

I'm here to replace
his PICC line.

I put it in three months ago.

Well, thanks
for stopping by,

but he has a lovely
femoral cutdown, instead.

Dress the wound
and repeat the crit.

I, uh, I don't appreciate
you poaching my cases.

And when your cutdown
gets infected, call me.

I can assure you
I washed my hands.

We still on for
dinner tonight?

You find a sitter?


Great, I'll call
you about 7:00.

He's doing better.

His pressure's
up to 88 over 57.

How do they do that?


Men. They argue
with you one minute

and chat about dinner
the next.

You're asking
the wrong girl.

Mister Taslitz' tachycardia's

and he's starting to perfuse.


Transfuse to a crit above 30,
then titrate the dopamine.

Okay, but, uh...

he better start
making urine soon

or he's going
to need dialysis.


Doctor Chen, I don't think
the daughter really understands

how serious her dad's
condition is.

He's responding
to treatment.

He's got a good chance.

A good chance at what?

Being in a vegetative state
for the rest of his life?

Look, he didn't sign
an advanced directive.

His daughter's responsible
for his medical decisions.

She's 19.

And she knows her dad
better than we do.

Okay. So if he arrests,
do we shock him?

Yeah, if that's
what she wants.

He's turning right
on Wells again.

He keeps going in circles.

Guy's probably
just out having fun.

Doesn't he have
a map in there?

GPS or something?

He's got GPS, night vision,
laser targeting.

And this one uses those
uranium-tipped shells, too.

He starts sh**ting,
you grab your gonads.

All right, back to work, people.

It's not the moon landing.

Where is this lunatic?

He's crossing Monroe.

Six miles,
as the crow flies.

How long till
he gets here?

He won't.

We got roadblocks
on Adams and Jackson.

If he's coming here, we'll
feed him onto the Eisenhower,

force him to run out of gas.

That's your plan?

Let him run out of gas?

They're also getting
a helicopter

with a gigantic magnet.


Doctor Lockhart,

you treated this guy.
What was his story?

There was no physical
explanation for his pain.

He was just angry because we
couldn't help him.

There was nothing
wrong with him.

You keep telling me
to dispo patients faster.

Nobody said
you did anything wrong.

Hey, hey, check it out.

He's about to hit
the roadblock at Adams.


You got a plan B, Detective?

Oh, my God.
He's coming for us.

Not us, pal, you.

Built models of Shermans

and Tigers,
but never an M-60.

Hmm. My son's
almost your age.

He makes models.

He likes to blow them
up with firecrackers.

Did you figure out
what's wrong with me yet?

Your urine test came back.

It's positive
for chlamydia.

What's that?

It's a sexually
transmitted infection.

You're having sex, Brian?

I hook up sometimes.

With who?

Girls in my class,
like after school.

Like more than one?

You're 13.

How do I get rid of it?


You don't have
to cut anything, do you?

One dose of antibiotics,
and you'll be cured.



You have to tell these girls
to get treated, okay?

Chlamydia can be very serious.

We'll get you
some STD handouts
to give to them.


A 13-year-old kid
with chlamydia.

Consent him for an HIV test
and give him some condoms.

Is that what I have
to look forward to?

Doctor Kovac?

See you later.

19-year-old female
with buttock pain

after ice skating pileup.

Minimally displaced
coccyx fracture.

Give her some naprosyn
and a donut cushion.

What's this, duplicate film?

No, twins.
Blonde twins.

They never came
for the boxes?

I'm filing them under "D"
for Dumpster.

Just put them
in the storage room, okay?

Ca va?


I had to drop off
my carte jaune
at the consulate

and the traffic's awful, so...

Yeah, someone
stole a t*nk.

I know, I heard.

and their big cars.

Um, do you have
time for coffee?

Double MVA rolling up.

Sorry. We're
kind of swamped.

Okay, later then.
Around 6:00?


And I want to do
something fun, like dancing.



BP 102 over 78 after two liters,
tachy at 112.

Easy, Mister Rojas.
He's right behind us.

( speaking Spanish )

You need me?

I got this.
Help Pratt.

Who was that?

Uh, she's Gillian.

Oscar Rojas, seven years old.

Pinned behind
the passenger seat.

GCS 15, in respiratory distress.

( Oscar screaming in Spanish )

One, two, three.

( Rojas screaming in Spanish )

Easy, Mister Rojas.

( tries to speak Spanish )

Tell him we're taking
care of his son.

( speaks Spanish )

Bilateral femur fractures.

Probably the pelvis, too.

He screamed
when we put him on the board.

( screaming )

Okay, okay, calm down.

Head-on collision?

Nope. Ford truck
versus M-60 t*nk.

Your boyfriend
better learn to drive.


Calmase, Senor Rojas.

Equal and reactive.
Good breath sounds.

Okay, Neela, what do we do?

Full trauma panel...

C-spine, chest and AP pelvis,
and a foley.

Chuny, grab a central line
and set up...

Easy. I think we should
be okay with two large...

He's running people
over out there.

( Rojas screaming Spanish )

He wants you
to find his wife, Maria.

Let's see if we
can find his wife,

and then see
if Luka needs a hand.

( screaming in Spanish )

Frank, can you locate
a Maria Rojas?

You got the area code
for Guadalajara?

Just find this
man's wife, please.

( Rojas screaming and gasping )

Hold on a minute.

I'm calling from...

( gasps )

( groans )

I'm going to need
you to take

some deep
breaths, Oscar.

I knew her before in Africa.

She's just visiting.

You want blood?

Yeah, two bags of O-neg.

( screaming in Spanish )


I need a suture kit.


Looks like multiple rib

fractures with flail
segments on the right.

Hey, what the hell
was that?

I need a suture kit.

Please. I'd like it on the
Mayo stand with 3-0 vicryl.

You two need me
to call Dr. Phil?

Sats are falling,
88 percent.

All right, let's prep
for a chest tube.

Breath sounds are
down on the right.

Oscar, I'm going

to put some cold stuff
on you, okay? Frio.



( gasping )

Oscar, this is going
to pinch a little, okay?

Hey, you have
to stay still, okay?

No, no, no, you have
to stay still, okay?

( gasping )

Chest tube prep.

Push that lido.

He keeps moving.

I'm not cutting
this kid open

without numbing
him up first.

His BP's falling fast.
Sam, get Chuny

to get some help here.

She's busy.
Grab the portable oxygen.

He's on the wall line.

Come on, do something.


( Rojas speaking Spanish )


Oscar, there's
your papi.


See him?
See him?

( speaking Spanish )

All right, 10 blade.


Shh, he's right there.

( Oscar sobs quietly )

Okay, get plastics
to check this facial lac.

I'll call.

Oh, my God.

Frank? Wake up.

Come on, Frank.


I need some help in here!

What happened now?

What'd he do, choke
on a doughnut? Oh, man.

Draw troponin, lytes,
CPK, coags,

type and cross for four.

What happened?

He's having a huge anterior MI.

You, grab a gurney.

Spontaneous resps on ten liter

Last BP 102 over 60.

He needs metroprolol.

As soon as the bradycardia

Push 5000 of heparin.


Oh, no. MI?

How'd you guess?
Come on, up.

I gave him 325 of aspirin.
He's on oh-two. What else?

Duvata, call cards, tell them
we've got one for the cath lab.

All right, everybody grab hold.

( all groan )

He sucks down fried chicken
for 30 years, now we gotta pay.

All right, slide him up.

Pratt, you go with him.

I have patients.

I'll cover.
Stay with him.

I want somebody there
when he wakes up.

Is there anyone we should call?
Does he have a family?

Only thing I know
about his miserable life

is that you just saved it.

( sighs )

An hour ago, you told me
not worry.

And now you want me to evacuate

because you can't stop
one wacko?

Just consider it
as a precaution.

I got sn*pers up on the roof,

snowplows blocking
my ambulance bay...

Doctor Weaver, if I'm
endangering any lives,

I'm willing to leave.

Good, why don't you go stand
in the middle of Lakeshore Drive

and play Tiananmen Square?

She has a boyfriend.

That's nice.

You said you didn't
want to be exclusive.

I said it four days ago.

I forgot she was coming.

You know what?
I don't care.

It's fine, Luka.
It's fine.

You think I really care
how many little French
girls you're screwing?

You already nailed
every nurse in the E.R.

Dr. Kovac, sir?

Uh, I called on my cell.

They took the bus over.

You said they needed
to get treated.

Hi, I'm, um, Dr. Kovac.

It's very important
for all of you

to get checked today.

Because Brian gave
us chlamydia, right?

Listen, I-I know you're
all experimenting,

but having sex
at your age,

and with people you don't have
any feelings for...

Y-You... you may regret it

Hey, look who's awake.

I'll call your daughter
for you, all right?

Whoa. You need that line
for your medication.

( whimpers )

Do you want to be
treated, Mr. Taslitz?

If your heart stops...

or you stop breathing,

do you want us to
use heroic measures
to keep you alive?

Or should we stop?

Blink twice if you think
we should stop.

There's the occlusion...

right there.

Hey, what's up, Frank?

You're in the cath lab.

What are you doing to me?

You had a heart attack.

If we can open up the blockage
in your artery,

it'll save you
from bypass surgery.

Whoa, L.A.D.'s
down to nothing.

Blood cells are marching through
single file.

Timi zero to one flow.

What's that mean?

You are going to give
a 2-B-3-A inhibitor?
You just watch

the pretty pictures
and leave the medicine to me.

( alarm sounds )

Another 50 of lido.

What's happening?
Pratt, you are

my patient, and you're bugging
the hell out of me.

Why don't you wait outside?

Fine with me.
Take care, big man.

Please... don't go.

Please stay.

Think I'll stay
a few more minutes

if you don't mind,
Dr. Kayson.

I do mind.


Yeah, wow.

( sighs ):
Well, at least
the E.R.'s slow.

Mm. Closed to trauma,
closed to transfers,

closed to ambulances.

Thank you, Dr. Morris.

Hey, I.R. called
about, uh, Mr. Rojas,

the driver that he hit.

They, uh, embolized
a small retroperitoneal bleeder.

He's going to be fine.
What about his son?

Still in surgery.

I pulled his old charts.

The t*nk guy.

Back strain, broken finger,

five psych consults
but no admissions,

distant history of cocaine
and amphetamine abuse.

Probably nothing
that would've convinced

a psych resident
to give him a bed.

He had pressured speech,
paranoia, delusions of grandeur.


I missed
a drug-induced psychosis.

Psych saw him five times.

He never met admission criteria.

Don't beat yourself up
over this.

I'm not beating myself up.

The guy came here looking
for help, and I let him go.

That's just what happened.

Dr. Carter.

Dr. Carter.

Sam is looking for you,

and Mrs. Delyanov
has tight wheezing and
her urticaria is back.

She's on alb...
Excuse me, excuse me.

Do either of you work in
the emergency department?

I'm trying to find
my husband.

Uh, what's his name?

Francis Martin.
He works here.

My daddy answers the phones.
He's in charge.


Yes, Frank Martin.

Someone just called
and said he was sick.

Um... I'm very sorry.

He had a heart attack.

( gasps ):
Oh, my God.

He's up in the cath lab now.

Oh, my God.

What are they doing
to him?

Um, angioplasty.
It's a procedure

where they take a balloon

and unblock a blocked artery
in the heart.

Uh, the cardiologist
can explain all this to you.

Neela, will you
take them upstairs?

Please, I'll show you
where to wait.

Mr. Taslitz,
can you hear me?
He blinks all the time.

It doesn't mean anything.

His systolic's only 62;
his pO2's even less.

He was satting well
before-- he was alert.

Mr. Taslitz,
I want you to blink twice

if you can hear me.

He's not following
any commands.

I had a connection.

He wants his
suffering to end.

What's up?
You guys need me?

I asked him to come.

He's my patient, Sam.

I just wanted someone
more objective.

( alarm sounds )
Pressure's bottoming out.

Down to 40.
I'm not getting a pulse.

It's P.A. What
are we doing?

Starting compressions.
Amp of epi.

This isn't what he wants.

Epi, Sam.

through the occlusion.

Wonder what's for dinner.

You hungry? That's a good sign.

They used to fly us in
a hot meal

every time
we were in a firefight.

He's looped on the versed.

Let's hear some vitals.

A.C.T's 220.
Pulse 87, resps 24.

Tay Nihn Province, second in
the 22nd, mechanized infantry.

I'd hear those first
enemy rounds: pop, pop, pop.

So you know how
to use a bazooka?

They could use you
outside right now.

It's funny... we were...
that close to dying...

and I'd be thinking... 'I wonder
if it's beef stew tonight.'

You're not dying, Frank.

Vessel's pretty angulated.
Want a shorter stent?

No, it has to cover
the lesion if we're
going to prevent

acute re-occlusion.

I can wiggle it in there.

Half of my unit was black.

They were all cocky S.O.B.'s,
just like you.

Some of your best friends, huh?

Yeah. Shanks...

He was shot right through the
left eye... February 12, 1967.


Bauer... Woodward...

None of 'em made it.

None of 'em.

All right, that
looks good.

Inflate to 15

You know what you are, buddy?

You were what those boys
could've been.

( alarm sounds )


Frank? He's out.

Inject contrast.

Pulse is up to 125.
Pressure's dropping, sats 85.

He's perfed. He's bleeding
into his pericardium.

Give me a covered stent, now.

Pressure's 65/0.

He's maxed out on
dopamine and levophed.

Still no pulse.
How much longer
are we going, Deb?

Okay. Holding compressions.


Charge to 200.

Do it. Shock him.


No change. You're torturing
the guy.

Keep going, please.

Charge to 300.

Last time.

( alarm silences )

Sinus tach.

Got your father's heart beating
in a normal rhythm

again, but he's going to have
to have medicine

to keep him from having
another arrhythmia.

Don't stop. Don't stop.

His heart is beating.

Run a liter of saline
wide open.

Oh, Lord, another one--
can't you people stay

down in the E.R.?
His family's here.
What happened?

The artery is so calcified,
the stent cracked it.

Muffled heart sounds.


Heart's surrounded
by pressurized blood.

It needs to be drained.

All right, run
dobutamine at 10 mikes

Prep for pericardiocentesis.

I'll get it.

Needle to me.

You, stop.

This is not the E.R.

We do things a little
more controlled

up here.
Let me help.

( alarm sounds )
Pressure's dropping, 80/45.

We have to up
his cardiac output.

I'll have the stent in
in 90 seconds.

He doesn't have 90 seconds.

Systolic's down to 71.
I can draw off 50cc's.

That'll buy us some time.

Dr. Kayson?

Just don't lacerate
another coronary.

( alarm sounds )
All right. Okay.

Ah, yeah.


Now you're putting him
into v-tach.

Okay, once you get ectopy
on the monitor,

you just...
pull back a little, uh...

like magic.

BP's coming up, 98/60.

Almost 30cc's of blood out.

O.R. Four is ready.

All right, let's roll.

One lucky needle
doesn't make you

a cardiologist, Pratt.

Where is he?

On Ashland.

It's the only way
he can come-- the
roads are all blocked.

They'll stop him.
They will.

He can't go past
the snowplows.

Now they can throw his ass
in jail.

What he needs is an eval
and a psych admission.

What kind of eval
does he need?

"Have you ever stalled a t*nk?"

Oh, God.

41-year-old male,
three GSWs.

Where was he hit?

Chest, neck, shoulder.
BP 108/72, tachy at 112.

Arterial bleeder.
I need more gauze.

Deep breaths, Mr. Welling.

I said I was coming back.

Can't get
a radial pulse.

You know,
he's not going anywhere.

Cuffs stay put.

Mr. Welling?

He needs intubation,
a chest tube, and 0-neg.

Morris, get your ass
over here!

BP 78/56.

Hang two units on
the rapid infuser.

He's hard to bag.

I can't get a good seal

with all this blood.
I need suction.

All right, two
more breaths,

then he gets tubed.

Sats are falling,
down to 86.

Let me tube him.

I've got this.
Come on, everybody,

let's push some
SUCCS, huh?

Crichoid pressure?

Easy, Morris.

He has a GSW
to the neck.

BP's falling down with his sats.

Oh, there's a lot
of blood in there.

Okay, Yankauer.

Got it.

Okay, I am in.
Bag him up.

Good breath sounds

on the right.
Sats are only 68.

They're not coming up.

He might have a
pneumo on the left.

Prep for a chest tube.

I'll do the chest tube.

No. Carter,

he's not doing it.

He was my patient!

Yeah, he was,
and look what happened.

Morris is up.

Okay, Chuny, set him up
with betadine.

Betadine, and a ten blade,

Heart rate's only 48.

All right, Morris,
fifth intercostal space.

In the mid-axillary line,
I know.

That's right.

Blunt dissection,
stay superior to the rib.

I've got it.

32 French on a curved
vascular next.

Run of six.

( grunts )

I can't get it in.

I'm losing the pulse.


He's got it.

Keep your finger
in the tract.
Chuny, open

the crash cart.

Stand by to start

No. I'm in.

Hook up the thoraseal.


Sats are coming up.

That's nice work, Morris.

Okay, hang two more units,

let's get him to the OR.

Strong carotid,
good breath sounds.

BP's up to 60 systolic.

Kick the brake.
Are we clear?

Can I scrub in?

He's going to be okay.

We saved him.


Joanne's admitting one
of Brian's friends.


Upper-tract chlamydia with a
huge tubo-ovarian abscess.

They'll try

I hope she doesn't
need surgery.

She could lose a tube.


Going home?

Another hour.

Do you want to get some coffee?

I'll wait.

No, thanks.



Are you ready?


Okay. Let's go.

Oh. Thank you.

It's very kind of you
to sit with us.

You know, it was always
my worst nightmare

when Frank was on
the police force...

that I'd get some call
from the hospital.

You can't ever stop
worrying, can you?

Dr. Pratt will find us
when he has any news.

You know, Frank took this job
because he wanted

to put more money away
for Janie.

That's all he ever
thinks about is his Janie.

I'm sure he talks about her
all the time.


But he loves it here, comes home
with stories all the time.

He always makes the work
day very interesting.

You're Neela Rasgotra, right?


Frank always says
how bright you are...

and how well you're doing.

( crying )

That's very kind.


Frank's always been
a people person.

They should be taking him up
to the ICU in about an hour.

He won't open
his eyes anymore.

Uh... he might
have suffered
more brain damage

when he wasn't
getting oxygen.

After he gets out
of the hospital,

it's gonna be hard to
take care of him at home.

We can help you
find a good long-
term facility.


Do you think people get
what they deserve?

No, not really.

I was 17 when he got hurt.

Tim Landau called
from the floor of the shop.

I thought it was Dad calling

to see if I was home
from school.

He called every day
since the fifth grade.

He wanted me to be there
when he got home...

because my stepmom would still
be at the restaurant.

So we'd be alone.

You and your dad?

I'd take a shower,
and wait in my room.

He liked it
when I left my hair wet.

We can go to Beat Kitchen
or Liquid.

I heard it's very hip.


You want to just go home?

We can dance there.

You don't want to dance.


Are you in love
with her?

The nurse?

You know, I'm jealous.

I don't have any
right to be, but...


A bientot.

Je t'embrasse.

You're okay.

We had to open up your chest
to bypass the blockage.

So, no more nachos,
no more perogies.

Remember, today is the first day
of the rest of your life, Frank.

I'm in hell, right?

You k*lled me.

You and your...

faithful Indian companion.



( groans )

I wasn't scared,
I wasn't.

That's my good girl.

( groans )

You're my...

my brave girl.

Hard to believe he was
an officer.

And a husband
and a dad.

And a bigot.

That, too.

Bypass went well?

Yeah, less than 30 minutes
of pump time.

Kayson says you're banned
from the cath lab.

Nice work, you two.

Dr. Corday, they
need you in OR 1.

I'm already late for dinner.

They said it was 911.

So the guy's head comes off

and then these
spider legs grow out.

It's really cool.

You should probably
close your eyes.



We rented The Thing
and Evil Dead II.

Have you seen them?


Well, Mom got me

but you could probably
order a pizza.

Alex, why don't you
head upstairs?

Isn't Luka
coming up?

Put the popcorn on--

two and a half minutes on high,

It's cold.

They said it was
going to snow.

Luka, I'm tired.

Gillian went to a hotel.

She was at your apartment
last night, wasn't she?

When I came by.


You talked to me
and closed the door,

and, like, five minutes later...

I was probably
still on the stairs.

I'm sorry.

God, I am so stupid.

I really...


You came here to say something,
so say it.

It's freezing outside.

I screwed up.

I just wanted to apologize.



Just tell Alex I said...

Just tell him I'm sorry
I couldn't stay.



These movies scare the crap
out of me.
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