10x21 - Midnight

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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10x21 - Midnight

Post by bunniefuu »

-What else did we get?
KEM: Another book...


...Elizabeth Corday.
Elizabeth. Who's that?

Surgeon. British.

The American Way of Birth.

Don't let Dr. Ford
catch you reading that.

Oh, yeah? Why not?

Because it argues that the shift
from home births and midwives...

...to hospital births and
C-sections is the result
of American OBs' greed.

-All right, what do you think?
-I'll read it today.

-No, about the paint.

Maybe something with more blue.


You know, Americans are way too
neurotic and technology-reliant.

I mean, with all your money
and equipment...

...your infant mortality rate
is still terrible.

Oh, you'd rather be back in
Kivu, giving birth on a concrete

You're, like, 34th or something,
behind Guam.

I like the second one.

Mm. Too much gray.

Well, why don't we ask George?

-Oh. George?
-You don't like George?

-Oh, please.
-I like George.

It's the name of first president
of the United States, the quiet

The current occupant
of the White House.

Well, no name is perfect.
Hey, George.

It's Dad.

Say, listen,
would you rather be born...

...on the filthy dirt floor
of a primitive mud hut...

...in Central Africa, or--?

I do not live in a mud hut.

Or in a modern hospital...

...surrounded by the finest
doctors and equipment in the

Kick once for America,
twice for the mud hut.

I resent your characterization--

Shh. He's deciding.

-He's not deciding.
-He's deciding.

-You know what, he's sleeping.

-I'm back.
-Hey, you get there in time?

Yeah. It's a nice-looking

It's kind of
heavy-duty security, though.

They have a drug sh**t there
recently or something?

What the hell is this?

Honey, you knew what that was
when I met you at 15.

Where did he get it?

He saw it with my stuff, and he
wanted to know what it was.

So you gave it to him?

He knows not to take it
to school.

A condom?

Hey, look.
Come on, I'm sorry, all right?

It's no big deal. I shouldn't
have had the thing in my damn

Picked up a few, just in case.

You're not on the pill right
now, right?


A boy can dream, can't he?

You look good, baby.

I missed you.

-What are you doing?
-What you like.

It's still what you like,
isn't it?

No. I gotta go finish laundry.

Hey, can you hang with Alex
tonight? I got something I gotta

A date?

Yeah, sure.

I can't believe we graduate

Neither can future patients.
Today, ill-prepared students.

Tomorrow, doctors with the fate
of countless helpless victims...

...in incapable hands.

They ought to make them
wear caution signs.

"Danger: New Doc"
in big letters on your coats.

Thanks for the pep talk.

Happy to lend encouragement
to the newbies.



How long will it take me to
get to O'Hare at midnight?


My family's arriving
from London. I had to get
the cheapest flight.

How many are coming?

-How many?

Really. Eighteen if my uncle's
hip is still dodgy.
Your families coming?

Father and mother,
Dad's new wife, Mom's new boy--

-Abby, any family jetting in?
-No. We're not that close.

We're more like survivors
of a particularly brutal
carjacking than a family.

Hello, ladies. Let's get a move
on. It's your last chance...

...to learn something before you
start screwing up your
malpractice premiums.



-Is Alex coming with us?

It'd be fine with me if he did.

-Just you and me.
-Where do you wanna go?

Just hang out. I miss you.

Eighty-five-year-old male,
combative and uncooperative...

...wandering around naked
at board and care.

Give me my watch back, you

EMT: Thinks we took his watch.
-I want it back, son of a bitch!

It's on his wrist.

SAM: You want restraints?
-Not yet.

CBC, chem panel, UA and chest

Somebody call the cops.

And let's see if we can find
a reason for his deterioration.

Hey, back so soon?

-Lucky me, huh?
KOVAC: Abby, you free?

What, everybody just decide
to not file anything for two

Frank, my man. Ha-ha!
Thank God you're back.

You start blubbering, I swear
I'm gonna smack you.

-Back to work already?
-Wife threw me out of the house.

I think I was getting on her
nerves. She was definitely
getting on mine.


God, how long have I been

About an hour.

-Here, drink this.
-No, thanks.

-No, really, I don't want it.
-Come on, come on, come on.

You been doing your kick counts?

What? No.

The baby squirms like mad all
the time.

You've been reading too many

I'll count, okay?

Just go do something useful.
Unpack a box, paint,
do something.

-Go, go.
-Okay, okay.

Dr. Pratt, remember that kid
with high blood pressure last

-Burnt his hands on a grill?

His belly CT came back. No pheo,
no coarc, no renal artery

Nothing indicates cause
for high blood pressure.

-He has primary hypertension.

What? That big kid
who flips burgers?

What'd you tell him on

To lose weight,
get some exercise.

Gave him a scrip
for hydrochlorothiazide.

And referred him
to Family Medicine Clinic.

-Voilà. You're a miracle worker.
-Look at his cardiac echo.

-Left ventricular hypertrophy.
-You call the clinic?

-He hasn't made an appointment.
-Call and remind him.

He has end-organ damage.
He could have CHF or arrhythmia.

Neela, he's a kid, okay?
That would take decades.

Call him, tell him to get his
butt to the clinic sometime
before he's 30.

No fever, no pneumonia, no UTI.

-Something metabolic?
-Pulse ox is 98.

Sodium's okay. Sugar's normal.
No anion gap.

Mr. Ferguson, you have
to stay in bed.

I have to go feed the cat.

We'll make sure the cat's taken
care of, but you have to
stay in bed.

-What else?
-Uh, could be toxic ingestion...

...but there's no toxidrome. I
think it's just a worsening of
his dementia.

Five hundred cc saline bolus
and D5 half at 100 an hour?

Yep. You graduate tomorrow?

-Eight short years later, yeah.
-Got your boards results yet?


MORRIS: Dr. Kovac, you got a

They gonna let you graduate?

I can walk, but I don't get my
diploma until I pass.

You haven't passed your boards

I took them last week.

Wow, I had to take mine, like,
six months before my graduation.

Morris, what do you need?

Hey, Malik. Can you hang 500
for the old guy in Exam 3?

-You got it.
-Dr. Corday is a surgeon.

She'd be on the sixth floor.

I went there first.
They told me to come here.

-Yeah? Well, they were wrong.

-Jerry, how've you been?
-Oh, my God. Look at you.

You're all grown up.

Frank, you remember
Rachel, right?

Rachel Greene.

-Dr. Greene's daughter.

No bleeding, right, and no
contractions? Nothing hurts?

Hey, slow down, honey.
You're scaring me.

Did your membranes rupture?
Could've happened in the shower.

I saw Dr. Ford yesterday,
and the membranes are fine.

Hey, you can't park here.

-It's okay. I'm a doctor.
-Good for you. You gotta move

It's a tow-away zone!

All right, thank you.

When he does come in, would you
get him to call me back, please?

Thanks. Bloody hell.

"Bloody hell" already?
It's not even lunchtime.

I'm trying to find a
hypertensive 17-year-old with
end-organ damage.

No answer at home.
Hasn't turned up for work,

Organ damage in a hypertensive
teenager? Is that even possible?

Anybody know whose patient that


Malik. Larry Godiva's taking
another afternoon stroll. Thank

One of you Samantha Taggart?

-You a process server?

Then that's me.

Better eat them quick.
They gonna start melting soon.

-Ice cream?
-Anybody want a sundae?

Somebody sent you ice cream?

Yeah, she's here right now.

Uh, with a boy, yeah.

BJ. Right, okay.

All right, thanks, bye.

-I called your mother.
-How is she?

She's surprised you're here.

BJ, could you give us
a few minutes, please?

Cafeteria's on the first floor.
Could you get me some fries,
Diet Coke?


-You good?
-Yeah, fine, thanks.

So your mother tells me that
you're not living at home

Moved in with a friend
from school.

Living with her family?

No, got our own place.
How's Ella? Can't wait to see

Excuse me, Elizabeth.
Can I borrow you for a moment?

Yeah. I'll be right back.

I've got a bad mesenteric
occlusion. May need the O.R.

Fine, sure.

I got those Itzhak Perlman
tickets for Sunday.

-Shaw's first?
-Right, yeah, yeah.

-Where'd you say the patient
-Angiography suite.

I'll be right there.

Um, I'm sorry, Rachel.
I have to get back to work.

Who was that?

-Colleague, Dr. Lawson.

-So we can stay with you, right?
-How long for?

Couple of days. I wanted to
check out U of I, maybe

You know you're always welcome.

-Separate bedrooms, of course.
-Of course.

I was 15 when we met.

I was scooping ice cream at the

...little apron, white hat,
whole bit.

-Anything left?
-Help yourself.

Hey, you just had bypass
surgery, like, seven weeks ago.

A treat now and then
is not gonna k*ll anybody.

In your case, that little truism
might not be completely

Steve and his buddies
would come after work.

He was working construction

He was all tan, sweaty,
little cowboy boots.

-How old was he?

-And you were 15?
-Yep. Disgraceful, huh?

He'd come to my school...

...and pick me up in this old
Mustang GTO he was always fixing

We'd go out driving
or go play "X-Men" in the

Lots of times, we'd just park
somewhere and steam up the

And your parents had nothing
to say about this?


They had plenty to say,
but I didn't listen.

-So, what happened?
-Alex happened.

When was the last time
you were sure you felt the baby

In the bath, this morning.

-No bleeding, no cramping?

A little buzz here.


And again, a little buzz.


You sure you had
that positioned over the head?


The amniotic-fluid index?
If she's got poly--

John, sit down.

Take Kem's hand.

I've been looking for over five

There's no heartbeat.

There's no gross body movement.

There's no response
to acoustic stimulation. I'm

John. Kem.

I'm so sorry.

The baby died.


FORD: It could have been an
infection, a cord accident...


We may never know.

I'm gonna admit you
so we can get started on

An induction?

We should get this baby out
as fast as possible.

I have to go through labor?

I'm sorry.

I'll go order the epidural
and get started on your


-Blood pressure was fine.

-Rh-positive, she's afebrile.
-We're gonna do an autopsy...

...after the delivery
and see what we can find.

I'll ripen the cervix with
misoprostol. We'll start Pitocin
about four hours after.

-How long will that take?
-Twelve to 24 hours.

Sometimes it's longer
for first-time moms.

-LV wall thickness is 18.
-Is this Burger Boy again?

Called in sick at work.
No one's answering at home.

Seventeen-year-olds do not have
trouble with high blood

Left ventricular hypertrophy in
teens can lead to heart failure.

And sudden death
from cardiac arrhythmia.

You're a cardiologist now?

I looked it up on the internet.

Everything on the internet
is true.

I wanna go by his house and see
if he's there. He lives 10
minutes away.

I can take a BP cuff,
some IV supplies and oxygen.

Don't forget a thoracotomy tray
in case he needs a heart

Where does he live?
Morgan Taylor Homes?

Ha! Bring an armored personnel
carrier and a squad of Rangers.

-You can't go in there.
-I'm taking my lunch.

-I'll be back in 30 minutes.
-Hey, Mother Teresa.

I get off at 6. I'll take you.
But you owe me vindaloo after.

Who's got the geriatric flasher?

-Ferguson has dementia.
-Had him in self-restraints.

-Keeps getting loose.
-Use the Posey vest.

I don't wanna see his "wee Willy
wagging around here anymore.

I'll go make sure he's okay.

Nail him to the bed
if you have to.

Hey, Kovac, Security's on the
line. They say your car

...going off in the garage.
It's driving them crazy.

So you like Indian food?

I love Indian food:
chicken tikka, masala, naan. I
love it.

When you open your match letter,
maybe I can take you out to

Might not be anything to

You're gonna do great.
You're smart...

...cute. You work your ass off.
Got nothing to worry about.

Not like Lockhart.

Some residency program's
gonna get a shock...

...when they find
she hasn't passed boards.

-I need to go and see a patient.
-So are we on?

Sure, maybe.

Your TV control is here,
on-button, volume, channels.

It's gonna feel a little tight.

This is the call button,
straight to nurses' station. If
you need anything--

-All set.
-You thirsty?

I'll get you some ice chips.



You know,
your alarm's a little sensitive.

You might wanna raise
the motion-detection threshold a

It's a nice ride.

-What'd it set you back?
-What do you want?

The sports package.

Should hold up pretty good on

I really screwed this thing up
with my family.

But I'm gonna make it right this

And I need time to make it

Let Sam see how much I've

Time to be a father to my son.

We belong together,
Sam, Alex and I.

And Sam knows that.

NEELA: You paid that kid $10
to stay with your car?

PRATT: I want there to be wheels
on there when we get back.

Thanks for doing this.

PRATT: He's here, we yell at him
to get to the clinic.

If not, just leave a note,
and that's it, okay?

Lifts are over there, I think.

Trust me, the elevators
don't work.


-Thirty-nine, right?

So much wire mesh.

So they don't throw things
on folks below.

-Like trash?
-Like bricks.

Nobody's home. Got the note?


Come on, would you? I'm


It's Neela from the hospital.

I just get a little winded
climbing the stairs. It's no big

-You remember Dr. Pratt, right?
-What's up, man?

You been taking
your hydrochlorothiazide? Why

Because you told me if I
exercised a little, I'll feel

I said you could stop taking it
in six months if you exercised
and lost weight.

-Is that dinner? Cheeseburgers.

My mother's working tonight. I
have to pick up the kids from
Ms. Johnson at 7.


Can someone look after the kids
so you can come to the hospital
for more tests?

-I'm feeling okay.
PRATT: Take your pills.

Come in next week
for a blood pressure check,

-All right. Thanks, doc.
-You got it.

He needs an EKG and a chest

He needs to pick up his family
and get them fed. You found him.

You told him what he needs.

Unless you plan on adopting the
kid, let's get something to eat.

What time is your graduation


-You're not gonna go?
-I'm off.

Thanks, but no. It's boring.

It's boring, and I'm not even
sure I'm gonna go myself.

To your own graduation?

Yes. It seems pointless
considering the fact...

...that I might not actually get
to practice medicine, so I would
rather no one come.

-Abby, got a minute?

But thanks.

-Anything new on Henry?
-No, no, uh, thank you.

Abby, did you get confirmation
of your match list yet?

Couple of weeks ago, yeah.

Well, with your clinical skills,
I'm sure you'll do very well.

Off the record, I can tell you
that we ranked you in our top

If County's top of your list,
you're guaranteed to match here.

I thought we weren't supposed
to talk about that.

No. No, of course not.

You found out I failed my

Well, I took them again last

The hypothetical concern would
be that if you don't pass

...and you match with a program,
whatever that program might

...you would be ineligible
to begin your internship.

And the program would be short
an intern.

Programs can still delete
applicants from their match
lists until Friday.

That way, the applicant would
match with his or her second

And if he or she didn't pass
their boards, the second-choice
program would be...

...the hospital short a body.

Well, I guess if that happened,

If that happened, the applicant
that was deleted would lodge a

...with the National Board
indicating he or she'd been

...by the chief of staff in
violation of clearly stated

...governing how matches
are conducted.

-Hey. Where to? I'm starving.

Um, I'm gonna have
to take a rain check.

-Everything all right?
-Yeah, yeah, fine. I'm just...

...just tired.

This have something to do with

Because I keep telling him
he's gotta find another place to

I just think it's maybe
confusing for Alex.

Alex isn't confused.

It's not that simple.

Can I give you a lift?

No, that's okay.

Hey, it's morning in Kinshasa.
You want me to call your family?

Kem, do you want me
to call your family?

You sure?


-What's that?
-Have you told anybody?

No. No. Been here with you.

I don't want anyone to know.


-You didn't restock.
-No, I didn't.

Just restock when you use

I will, when I actually use it.

You need anything?
Do you?

I don't want anyone to know,

RACHEL: Ella's asleep?

Guy named Dave called.

Wanted to know if you were still
up for a movie Saturday night.

He has a daughter,
the same school as Ella.

Guy at the hospital, tall
British guy.

-You dating him too?
-How are you liking school?

Don't worry. I'm going to

Do I look worried?

My mom's worried.

Rachel, why are you here?

I just wanna look
at a couple of colleges.

I need a prescription
for Plan B.

The, uh, morning-after pill?

Why didn't you go to your

Five centimeters, 100 percent
effaced. You're moving along.

KEM: How much longer?
-Hard to say. Hours still.

My legs are completely numb.

We can turn the epidural down.
I'll come back and check on your

I'm gonna go get a cup
of coffee or something.

You'll be okay for a couple of

One more big push.

That's it. Push.

Push. That's it. Good.

Long night, huh?

-Your first?

-I got three already.

All girls.

This one gonna be a girl too.

Even our cat's a girl.


You know what time it is?

-Yeah. It's almost midnight.

I am dying for a cigarette.
But you gotta go all the way

...halfway across the building
to get to one of them smoking

So I'll probably see you
around the hallway later on,

-Good luck.
-You too.

Didn't mention anything
about the ice cream.

It was a big hit.

-God, you're beautiful, Sam.
-Yeah, this is me at my finest.

No, really.

-You're all grown up.
-You're drunk.

A little bit.

Hey, did you go to the hospital
and say something to Luka?

Sam, I want another chance.

Well, I don't want you
going to the hospital, okay?

I gotta get up early.

Come on. Steve.

Do you remember those cottonwood
trees down by the river we used
to go to?

Used to lay under those trees
for hours, just drinking

...and rum-and-Cokes with no

Making love, Dave Matthews...

...coming from my car stereo.

Listen, Steve. Please.

Sammy, I love you, sweetie.
I love you, Sammy.

Please, Steve.

Please, Steve, what?

Let me-- Let me by, please.

-I can't feel anything.
-Head's almost out.


One, two, three, four, five,

-Bear down. Hard as you can.
-Shoulder's out.

-I got it. I got it.
-It's almost over.

He's out. He's out. It's over.

True knot. Clamp.

Your baby twisted and squirmed
in such a way that he tied a

...in his umbilical cord.

Send 5 cc's of cord blood
to the lab for Rh factor.

There's nothing you could have
done to prevent this.

Not genetic.
It's not an infection.

It was just bad luck.

-Would you like to see him?
-No. No.

Are you sure?




It's okay, son.

It's okay.

CORDAY: Stillborn?
-Yeah, true knot in the cord.

-Oh, how terrible.
-Oh, I can't even imagine.

I'll try and get up there after

Those poor people.

-Seven months old?
-Almost eight.

Yeah, tough break.

What? I was being sincere.

This is the admit area
where we keep track...

...of all of the patients
we have in the ER.

That's Jerry. He makes this
whole place work, and he's very

That's Frank, works with Jerry.
Had a massive heart attack

...shouldn't be eating that
doughnut. And this is the ER

-Staff, this is my family.
-Nice to meet you.

Okay, well, lovely to see you

Down this way are the trauma
and exam rooms...

...where we save the lives
of unfortunate souls who end up

On a busy shift, we'll see over
120 patients, sometimes as many
as 200.

Back there is the Suture Room,
where we attend to minor skin

That's a naked patient.
Let's step through this way.

-Is that too tight?
-No, it's fine.

Would you like a lock?

To keep?

Good morning. You look radiant.

Liar. I was up half the night.

Doing what, one might wonder?

I was hoping you could do me
a very large favor.

Will there be a very large

I need you to write me
up a scrip for Reglan...

...Yasmin and two packets of
Plan B.


I'm off in a few minutes. I
asked them to get a room for you

I wanna watch Kem
for the rest of the day.

Just make sure there's no

Has she held the baby yet?

I've been doing this for over 20

There's nothing more difficult
than what you've been through.

But if Kem doesn't say goodbye
to her child...

...she will regret it
for the rest of her life.

And a three-month supply
of oral contraceptives.

Birth control pills?

You'll still need
to use condoms.

-Who's Dr. Lawson?
-He's a friend.

Why didn't you do it?

When your mother discovers

...in your dresser drawer, I'd
rather she didn't know they came
from me.

Lawson. Was he that
British guy from yesterday?

Your gynecologist back home
can write you a refill...

...for the Yasmin when it runs

Do you like him more than
the guy from Ella's school?


They're both nice, you know, but
it's just an occasional meal.
It's a movie.

You know, I have Ella.
I'm very busy with my work.

It's okay. Dad would've wanted
you to be happy.

Do you miss him?


Yeah, I do.

Me too.

I appreciate you both coming.
But you should go home.

I don't want you to miss
your graduation. That is today,

I was gonna miss it anyway.

They didn't have any bagels,
but the coffee was fresh.

I was just saying, Dad, how much
I appreciate you guys all being

...but I think that we're okay.

And, um...

...I think you guys can go.


You know, if you--

I know.

You too, Dad. You can go.

Oh, thanks. I think I'll stay.

Lester, have you seen Abby?
Abby. Have you seen her?



They want us to move
to another room soon.

And they're gonna take
the baby when we go.

Would you like to hold him?

Campbell, Edward Barrington the

Ann Marie Barstow.

Corazon, Linda Benitez.

Bennings, Jonathan Bett.


What did I miss?

Molly Ivins gave
a kick-ass speech.


They haven't gotten
to Abby yet.

I thought you were on bed rest.

Please, I'm already a week late.
I am desperate to get this kid

Lily Yay Lin Chang.

Lee Son Chow.

Robert David Betterman.

-I can't breathe.
-Wet crackles to the apex.

He's in pulmonary edema.
Hey, I know you.

Pratt's patient?
Pratt, think this one's yours.

-Pulse ox is 78.
MORRIS: He needs Lasix.

What's going on?

with pulmonary edema.


-We need a nitro spray.
-Had two in the field.

-Want an intubation tray?
-What? No.

Just got a little hypertension.

He has a little congestive
heart failure.

Start a nitro drip at 40 mics
and 25 sublingual captopril.

-Sats dropping to low 80s.
-Page Cardiology.

We need a stat echo
down here now.

Never seen a kid this young
in heart failure before.

I don't see Abby, do you?

No, said she probably
wouldn't come.

To her own graduation?

Lester Rodney Kertzenstein.

Andrashi Lapoor.

Abigail Marjorie Lockhart.



Robin Jay Nancy.

Neela Rasgotra.


When your brother died...

...the thing I hated the most
were other people's platitudes.

There are no words.

You don't know where you'll find
the strength, but somehow you

You can have another child.

It was an accident. A tragic...

...unforeseeable accident.

The whole thing was an accident.

No, it wasn't.

You love each other.
Everybody can see that.

I don't know that she'll want
to have another baby with me.

Sure she will.

Just give it some time.



Hey, this is so great.
Good for you.

We're gonna get something to
eat. Wanna join us?

-Um, no, I'm tired. But thanks.

And thank you guys for coming.

-See you at work.

I'll be back.

Hey, Mom, it's Abby.

No, no, everything's fine.
We just haven't talked in a
while, so....

Yeah, it's good to hear your
voice too.
Hey, Mom?

Guess what. I graduated today.


Can you believe it?


They're gonna come down and take
us to our new room soon.

And when they come,
they're gonna take the baby...

...and we're never
gonna see him again.

I don't know what
the right thing is to say.

I don't know what
the right thing to do is.

It was an accident.

It was nothing that you did
wrong. It was nothing that we
did wrong.

It just happened.

I love you, and I want to spend
the rest of my life with you.

But we have to say goodbye
to our son now.

I have to help you to do that,
and I don't know how to do that.

Please, help me.



-He's beautiful.
-Oh, my God.

I love you so much.

I love you so much.
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