11x18 - Refusal of Care

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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11x18 - Refusal of Care

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:

I was thinking

that maybe we shouldn't
be quite so together here.

Uh, I thought
everybody already knows.

I didn't tell anybody.

Dad's taking me
to Florida.

You can take whatever
you want, I don't care.

He's not going
anywhere with you.

We'll catch the whales
in the Fall, kiddo.

I'm going
the other direction.


( sobbing )

I know what you want
me to say and...

and I can't say it, okay?

But things with Wendall
didn't work out.

Oh. I'm sorry.

Yeah, it's weird.

She's actually
not really even
speaking to me.

( chuckles )

Oh, my God!

What? What?

You have to get up!
Get up! Get up!

What, what, what?


Rounds are at 8:00.

I hit the snooze.

No, you shut
the alarm off.


What are you doing?

I thought you were
going to go home

and change into
some other clothes.

No, it's okay.

No, it's going
to look weird.
No, it won't.

Yes, you're back
in the ER now.

People will think that...

What are they
going to think?

That I don't do
my laundry?

That I sleep
in the park?

Donde esta Abby?

Abby needs to take
a few pass-ons.

Ella esta tarde--
"she's late."

Brushing up on
your Spanish, huh?

Helps me relate
to the community better.

Oh, yeah?
What's her name?

Okay, one left.

Asthma going to the ICU.
Needs an art line.

I got it.

Meaning that...?

I'll take care of it.

So you'll teach
the residents how to do it?


That's the board.

Alex has soccer
after school.

I thought maybe you
could drop him off.

Isn't the carpool
picking him up?

Yeah, but you know,

he needs to work
on his corner kick.

He's still
pretty mad at me.

Well, think of it
as an ice-breaker.

Maybe we should
give it a little
more time, huh?

I'll see you tonight.

All right. Have a good nap.



I came in to work
on our manuscript revisions.

Yeah, we'll see
if I have the time.

They're due by 5:00 P.M.


Yeah. We don't want
to miss the deadline.

You two are

in Long Bone Fractures:

A Retrospective Review."

Accepted in
the Annals next month

if we can make a few changes.

Some substantial changes.

Why don't you go to the
Doctor's Lounge and get started?

I'll be right in.

Consider it done.

( quietly ):
You're working
with Morris?

Yeah, you know,
he's thorough,

good with statistics...

And the only resident
desperate enough
to write it up?

You got it.

Doctor Lewis,
I was wondering
how you'd feel

about letting me run
a trauma today.

Do you think
you're ready for that?

Well, in a couple
of months I'll be an R-2

supervising the interns.

I thought it might be good
to get some practice.

Hypothermia and syncope.

All yours.

Elena Tobajas, 39,

passed out at
the Immigration Building.

Tachy at 120.
She's cold.

Some kind
of a protest.

You need to call Benjamin Coe.
He's my lawyer.


Don't do anything
until he's here.

CBC, chem panel, EKG,
a liter of warm saline,

O2 at two liters
and get a rectal temp.

What are you doing?

We're going to give you
some warm I.V. fluid.

Don't do that.

It will help.


I'm on a hunger strike.

They want to deport my son.

Elena, you're cold

and dehydrated.

Maybe now the INS will give us
a new hearing.

Do you know the risks
of refusing our care?

Do you know
that you could go
into a coma and die?

I don't want to lose my son.

Okay, cancel all the orders.

No fluid bolus?

No labs, no EKG?

You heard her.

No one is going to remember
what I was wearing yesterday.

People notice.

Watch out.

( laughs )

Are you all right?


Morning, Jake.

Hey, Liza.

How's the ER?

Good. This is Abby,
my girlfriend.

Liza's the night clerk
on surgery.


We're kind of late.

Oh, me, too.

Hey, stop by sometime.

Did you say,


Nothing. Takes me
right back to
junior high.

( chuckles )

What do you want
me to call you?

How about introducing me
as "Abby?"

You don't want
people to know
we're going out?

We're late.

Look, this is important.

Well, let's just talk
about it later?

Yeah. Yeah, I guess
it can wait.

You look ridiculous.

What was I supposed
to do?

They only had small
and extra large.

What's up, homie?

Buenos tardes.

Sorry about being late.

Nice scrubs.

You know, you two

should coordinate your outfits
every day.

Yeah, it's cute.

Maybe we can find you
matching stethoscopes.

Victim of as*ault for Abby,

and low blood sugar
for your boy toy.

Okay, all right,
all right.

It's rough when everyone knows
you're an item.

That could work.

"This is Abby.
She's my item."


Do you want a warm blanket?

Please. I'm thirsty.

Some orange juice?

Only water.



I'm Benjamin Coe,
from Legal Aid.

I'm Dr. Lewis.

How's she doing?

Malnourished and dehydrated.
Heading for a coma.

Maybe we'll see
some movement now.

This should finally
get the INS to grant
us a new hearing.

Her son's an illegal alien?

"Undocumented immigrant."

They can just send
the kids back

without their parents?

Elena has her green card.
She came here in '89.

Her brother brought
Santiago up through
Mexico seven years ago.

How'd the INS get involved?

Santiago got into trouble--

attempted robbery.

They locked him up
for two years in Juvie.

Once he did his time,

they transferred him
to Immigration.

He won't last in El Salvador.

The police there
round up g*ng members.

Sometimes they get beaten
to death,

sometimes they just disappear.

If he goes home,
they'll k*ll him.

I brought her
durable power.

What's that?

It says that she's competent
to start a hunger strike

and refused nutrition
even if she's unconscious.

We can't even give her an I.V.?

That would be
felony as*ault.

If you try to treat her,
I'll call the police.

We need a kitchen.

Well, the staff break room

can accommodate
a refrigerator and...

No. I mean a
commercial kitchen.

The HIV daycare program
should be able

to provide a hot lunch.

I'll mention that
to the architect.

So, John, if you're okay,
we're ready

to go to contractors for bid.

I'm thinking $150 million
is in the ballpark.

That's a nice ballpark.

A leadership gift
from the Carter Foundation

would help to get
the ball rolling,

and we've drawn up a list
of potential corporate donors.

We were hoping
that you could make
some calls

on the hospital's behalf.

No, thanks.

Your personal involvement

would be very useful
in contacting...

We weren't happy with the idea
of corporate sponsorship,

so we would be

interested in covering
the construction cost.

The entire thing?

Plus an endowment

to supply the Center's
annual budget

to treat uninsured patients.

This is an incredibly
generous offer.

We would appreciate
a naming opportunity.

Of course.
Do you have some suggestions?

I do, actually.

But I would like
to discuss it further

with a few family members first.

To the side...

up and down.

How many times
did you get punched?

Just once.

Then he grabbed
her purse.

Where did this happen?


It wa-wa-was near the corner.

Did you file a police report?

What's the point?

They might catch
the guy.

We didn't get a
good look at him.

Okay, I'm going
to take you to X ray.

Want to look
this way?

Can-can I stay with her?

Uh, no, I'm sorry.

Chuny, maybe Rebecca
would like some coffee.

Can I have tea?

Sure. You want
to come with me?

Stay out
of trouble, sweetie.

Okay, Roberta,
I just have

a couple more questions
for you.

Birdy. Everybody
calls me Birdy.

Um, who do you live with?

Just my sister and me.

Been that way
for 50 years.

Is there anything
you want to tell me?

Like what?

Like, sometimes people are
injured by their friends

or their family members.

It was a kid. Just some punk.

Are you sure?

You feel safe
at home?

Of course.

Okay, I'm going
to order your X rays.

I left a voicemail
for the caseworker at the INS.

When she calls back,
can you talk to her?

And say what?

Hey, Frank?
Hold on.

Just tell them
how sick she is.

Doctor Lewis, I converted
the tables to a TIFF file.

You removed
the P-values?

Oh, crap.

Morris, they want the
differences expressed
as relative risk.

I'll be back.

Well, page Social Work again.

I need a facial series in 4-B.

For Birdy?
You know her?

She and her
sister panhandle
out on Wabash.

I give them a buck
once in a while.

It's a travesty
what we let happen
to the elderly.

Hey, Wendall, I have
a consult for you.

The hunger-strike lady?

Oh, yeah,
that's mine. Sorry.
Elena Tobajas?

Yeah, I read about her.
You did?

She was in the newspaper
a few weeks ago.

Something about trying
to get asylum for her son.

A few weeks?

I had pancakes
for breakfast.

I'm starving already.

I don't know
what to say, John.

Well, I've been looking
for some time

for the right thing
to donate to.

Seemed only fitting.

Have you thought
about any future role

in the Outpatient Center?

Yeah, I'd like
to sit on the board,

and I suppose I might
see a few patients.

But you'd agree
it'd be better

to recruit someone
with more experience
as director?


Yeah, I don't want
to run the place, Kerry.

Too much paperwork.

Good. I've identified

four outstanding

Oh. Well, I'd be happy
to look over their C.V.'s,

but I've actually
been talking

to Todd Becker.

Todd Becker
from Stanford?

Well, he's at Columbia now

and he's set up a network
of clinics in Harlem

and the South Bronx.

He'd be perfect.

Why are you are doing this?

He'd be a great director.

No, I mean
the whole thing,

the center,
the $150 million.

What's going on?

The city needs it.

There's no prevention,
there's no primary care.

The whole system's broken.

Well, that's not new.
Why now?

Because for 11 years
I've been here

patching up these people
who fall through the cracks

and it hasn't been enough.

I want to do more.

Doctor Carter,

tier two trauma.

Fell down a flight
of stairs.

Chest and hip pain.
Good vitals.

Okay, why don't you guys
get started?

I'll be right there.

So you'll send me
that file?

What's that?

The guy from Columbia?

Todd Becker.

You're going to love him,
Kerry, I promise.


How are you?

I'm okay.

I'm going to
finish an eval

before Psych gets here.

Trauma panel, C-spine,
chest and pelvis.

Type and cross for two.

You fell down the whole
flight of stairs?

From the very top.

Was there carpeting?


I slipped while I was mopping.

Pulse ox 92.

breath sounds here.

What's this going to cost?

That's what
insurance is for.

I don't have any.

Worker's comp will cover it.

I'm a temp.

Once a month, they pay me
$50 to clean the warehouse.

Well, you're at County,
we'll take care of you.

Could you put your
right leg down, please?

I-I can't.

Looks like
posterior hip.

I should go home and rest.

It just feels like a bruise.

Mrs. Graham,
you have a collapsed lung,

your hip is out of joint

and you could be
bleeding internally.

I'm okay.

Jake, chest tube
on the left.
Got it.

Ray, you take
the hip.

Ten of etomidate.

Please, just-just-just
take all this stuff off of me.

Ma'am, ma'am...

Listen, there's been

a head trauma, she's
not thinking clearly.

Yes, I am.
No, you're not.

Keep going.

You'll thank us later for this,

I spoke to Psychiatry.

They support her competency
to refuse nutrition.

Even if she's unconscious?

Even then.

So we're all in agreement?

No treatment, right?

Dr. Lewis,
she's seizing!

Probably hyponatremia.

You need to let
this happen.

Her only intake has been water.

Her serum sodium is too low.

Got a good vein here.

What are you doing?
Keeping her alive.

She doesn't want to be treated.


A patient takes
an overdose,

we tie them down
against their will

and pump their stomach.

But we're gonna let
this woman die?

Yeah, what's
the difference?

She isn't suicidal,
she wasn't depressed.

She's motivated by her desire

to achieve an end,

not by a desire
to k*ll herself.

Same outcome.
We have to respect
her autonomy.

We have a duty to act
in her best interest.

Heart rate's up,
poor air exchange,

and she's getting dusky.
Dr. Lewis?

What do you want to do?

How about oxygen?

Five liters.

Dr. Lewis...

It's a comfort measure,
it won't save her life.

Go ahead.
We may not like
what she's doing

but she has
the right to do it.

How long can this
go on for?

After 30 minutes

there's a very high risk
of brain damage.

Ah, she's bleeding.

Oh, God.

Can somebody find out
if the INS has called?

She bit her tongue.

What is that? Stop!

Ativan, two milligrams.


We have a legal document

stating that
she did not want

to be treated for
the consequences of her fast.

Neela, out of the room.

It could've saved
her life.

Thank you.
You're off the case.

Your sedative's going to wear
off in about two minutes.

32 French.

It won't budge.

Keep going.

( groans )

I can't get this.

Try the Whistler technique.

I, uh, don't
know that one.

All right, your arm goes under
the bad knee, over the good one.

You stabilize the ankle
with your right hand.

Okay to pass
the chest tube?

Check the tract and wait.

Chuny, would you come over
here and help me with this?

Matter of fact...

I'll stabilize the pelvis.

Ray, get in the position
I was just in.


I can feel lung tissue.
She's starting
to wake up.

( groans )
Okay. Listen...

Your arm's a lever.

Stand up straight
and the femoral head

will slip over
the acetabular rim.

Was that it?

I heard a pop.

You got it.

Good job, Pratt. Ray.

All right,
let's fix her lung.

There's some resistance.

Give it a little
more muscle.

Hey, man.


What are you doing?

Pull your pants up.

Sterile gloves.

That's a bummer.

Dr. Pratt, do you think
you could, uh...?

Hell no.


No, I need to do
a post reduction exam.


That would be sexual harassment.

Okay, all right,
thank you very much,

Oh-silk, please.

Yes, Roberta and Rebecca

Chaddock, all in-patient...

records and ER visits
for the past year.


Anybody to present?

Uh... yes.

Elder as*ault,
possible abuse.

Social services on it?

Um... yes, and I'm reviewing
all the old charts.

Abby, I'm all yours.

I was just filling
in Dr. Carter.

I can come back.

No, that's okay.

Um, why don't you two
go see the patient,

and you can bring me
up to speed later.


My head hurts.

Yeah, that's from
the seizure.

Elena, I don't know
how much longer

your body can take this.

Do you have to do that again?

We're trying to respect
your wishes...

But I would hate for you
to do this unnecessarily.

It's not unnecessary
if it helps save Santiago.

What if they don't
give you a hearing?

You really want your son
to have to live with your death

on his conscience?

I wasn't there
when he was little.

My husband was k*lled
in the w*r, so I came here.

I sent Santiago money
for seven years.

When he was 12,
I got tired

of waiting for the papers
to come through.

He was old enough,

so my brother Alfonso
snuck him in.

You've done everything
you could.

You don't have to do this,
let us treat you.

I'm so tired.

We'll let you rest.

I can't believe she has
to go through with this.

She's a mother trying
to save her son.

I'd throw myself in front
of a train for Cosmo.

Ella esta en el coche

Y... ella esta embarazada
y ya, ya viene!

Where's Chuny?

Ahorita, señorita, ahorita,
por favor.

Que me ayude.
Mi esposa...
esta afuera en el coche.

Ella esta en trabajo.

Okay, all right.
We need a BOA kit.

His wife's having a baby?

( cries )

Habla ingles, senora?


Voy a examinar, okay?

Should I get a gurney?

She's crowning.

We need a bulb syringe
and some towels.

( groans )
Okay, now push it
for me, mama.

Okay? Come on, push it.


Uh... puta.

Come on, puta.


( cries )
Come on, puta.


Que llamo mi esposa?!

Que llamo mi esposa?!

Esta mi esposa... puta!
What the hell
you doing, man?!

You crazy?!
Get off me!
Llamaste mi esposa puta!


Va a empujar...
( men yelling )

What the hell is the
matter with this dude?

"Puje" means push.

You said "puta."

What's that mean?

You called his wife a whore.

Okay, here we go, honey.


Hey, Dr. Lewis.

I'm just getting coffee.

Chuck's on line two.
Sounds like Cosmo's sick.

With what?

No, I'm at
the hospital now.

Okay, I'll take it
in the lounge.

I've got the doctor
right here.

Wait, wait, I prepared
the new bar graphs.

Morris, this is
not a good time.

We got four hours before
we have to turn it in.

Did you include the 95%
confidence intervals?

Catch me later.

Hey, Chuck.

She'll be right
with you.

Any vomiting?

He's alert,
good eye contact?

Okay, okay, well, just call me
when his fever comes down.

Okay, listen, I gotta go.

All right, bye.
Bye, bye, Chuck.

I've got the INS.

This is Dr. Lewis.

Yes, I am.

She's dying.

No, but there's something
you can do--

you can give her son
a new hearing.

She may not make it
another day.

Thank you.


I know she didn't want
to be force fed,

but I gave her Ativan.

Ativan doesn't have
any calories.

Would you shock an end-stage
cancer patient with a DNR?

What you did was
every bit as wrong.

She was suffering.

She was unconscious.

I couldn't just
watch her die.

Then you should have
left the room.

It doesn't seem right.

It's not.

It's just the rules.

Pre- and post-reduction hip.

No fracture.

And the lung's
expanded nicely.


What happened to you?

Had a rough delivery.

Hip lady's labs.

Crit's okay?

Yeah, but
calcium's 12.4.

What caused the bump?

It's a long

But the top
two causes are...


And cancer.

Yeah, you see these
rib fractures here.

There's lesions underneath

that may have
weakened the bone.


But that isn't where
the malignancy started.

No. You have go to back

and find the site
of the primary tumor.

( sighs )

That sucks.
She's a nice lady.

Yeah. I hear that's a
risk factor for cancer.

Looks like the nose
is slightly cracked.

And the knee is bruised.
Nothing serious.

Oh, she's a tough one.

You two have been mugged
several times in the past year.

Occupational hazard.

How come you have
to panhandle?

Because they aren't
hiring at Hooters.

( chuckles )

I'm serious.
It's dangerous.

Don't tell me you haven't
been smacked in here.

What about Social Security?

We have rent
and heating bills,

electric, medications...

Maybe we should
have Adult Services
make a home visit.


They went out
last summer.

The place was
pretty messy.

Well, we would've
cleaned it up

if we knew they was coming.

You didn't have much
food in the cabinets.

We like to eat out.

Is there anything
we can do to help you?

We do just fine.

I could request
another home visit.

Suit yourself.

I'll be back with your
discharge instructions.

Yes, ma'am.

Still tachy at 120

She can have
some more water.

Dr. Lewis,

navicular fracture
has his thumb spica.

That the hunger
strike lady?


There's got to be
a better way.

She's got no money,
no political influence.

This is it.

Ortho clinic in a week.

You got it.

She should at least
get to see her son.

They know she's dying,
maybe they'd let him visit.

Maybe he can
get her to eat.

It's worth a shot.

He'd better
get here fast.

Thyroid feels good.

You say I've got
holes in my bones?

In two of the ribs.

I should drink
more milk.

I need to do
a breast exam next.

What for?

The bone lesions could've been
caused by spread of a tumor.

You mean cancer?


Have you felt this before?

A mass?

Upper outer quadrant.
Five centimeters.


When did you
first notice it?

Couple years ago.

Why didn't you see a doctor?

I've been fine.

They could've caught this
before it spread.

Surgery might not
be as effective

at this advanced stage.

You want to cut me?

I don't think so.

An operation might be part
of the treatment plan.

Where are my clothes?

Whoa. Okay, take it easy,
take it easy.

You're all hooked up.

I never should
have come here.
You have to stay.

I don't want you
cutting into me.

Okay. Relax.
Relax, please.

It's okay.

You don't cut into cancer.

We're not going to.
I know what happens.

Settle down.
You cut cancer, it spreads.

Mrs. Graham.
It spreads...

and you die.

( cries )

Okay, wound check
in two days.

We'll see you then.

Thank you, Doctor.


Hey, hold on.

Um, why don't you guys try
to have a nice dinner tonight.

You are so sweet.

Was that a 20?

No wonder your patient
satisfaction scores
are so high.

Are you waiting
on a run?

Sort of.


Boxers would
stick out more.

It could be


Maybe Abby
can settle this.

Settle what?

Boxers or briefs?

Actually goes commando.

( chuckling )

A hunger strike?

It's been
41 days.

Damn. All I heard was
she was protesting.

She's weak--
lost a lot of weight.

Can't you make her eat?

That's why you're here.

Do you want
to go in?



here to see you.

Mami. Que tal?

Santi. Mijo.
Mi vida.

Take a step back.

Is that necessary?

He's still in custody.

Can you give
them a minute?

Long as he keeps
his distance.

¿Como estas, mijo?

I'm okay.

I haven't seen him
in six months.

How long can she last?

It's hard to know.

A few days at most.

You should be
helping her.

We're trying.

No, you're not doing anything.

You're doctors.
You're supposed to help.


please let these people
help you.

People still think
that about cancer?

It's an urban myth.

No, not to her.
To her, it's a reality.

It's superstition.

Yeah, well,
there's no screening,

no early detection
in her community.

She only sees friends who are
diagnosed late in the disease.

All right, look, check this out:
a guy with colon cancer--

he comes in, he presents
with bowel obstruction.

Gets surgery,
mets are everywhere.

They do a colostomy,
they close him back up...

He's dead in six months.


And all his friends say,
"he was fine until he
got the surgery."

How are you doing,
Mrs. Graham?

Have you had the chance to think
about what we discussed?

I don't want no surgery.

They just put a thin needle
into the lump

and pull out some cells.

What happens then?

Well, based on the findings,

we can recommend
the appropriate treatment.

Like what?

You know, that really depends
on the tumor.

Could be radiation,
could be chemotherapy...

No, I don't want that.

Look, I'm
sorry, ma'am,

but is this about money?

You know, because with cancer,

you qualify for state aid.

It's not about money.

Look, if the biopsy shows
a certain kind of tumor

your options are very good.

You could take medication
once a day

and survive for years.

You're telling me
I got cancer in my bones

and all I got to do is
take a pill?

If it's the right kind of tumor.

I'll take the pill then.

Okay, good, but first we
have to do the biopsy

and make sure it'll work.

No. No needles.
No surgery.

I've had it for
two years

and I've been
doing fine.

We can't help you
if you don't let us.

Who's going to help me get
to the doctor all the time?

Going to stay with me when
I'm spitting up all night?

Who's going to help me
up the stairs

when I'm too weak to walk?

Who's going to do that? You?

Why do you want
to k*ll yourself?
To save you.

She needs food.

We know that.
Then feed her.

Give her a sandwich
or something.

She wouldn't eat it.

You can force it
down her throat.

Santi, please.

I don't need your help.
I can take care of myself!

Where can
we put him?

Family room.
Bring the van around.

You say you want to help

and all you do
is mess up everything.

Don't talk like that.

You should have just forgot
about me!

I was better off in El Salvador!

I'm sorry.

Hey... Hey!

What is your problem?!

She's the one with the problem.

She's doing this for you!

Well, I never asked her to.

Come here.

You know what?
Maybe we will
force-feed her.

Because your getting
deported sounds

like a pretty good
idea right now.

I'll go back home.
I don't care.

So you want to die?

Look, it's not like she says,
I had a good life there.

She ruined everything.

She wanted you to be together.

Right, yeah,
she worked two jobs.

I hardly know her.

She wanted
a better life for you.

Oh yeah?
You think it worked out?

She loves you.

She isn't doing this for me.

She's doing this because
she feels guilty.

Just let her go if that's
what she wants.

No. You don't mean that.

Sure I do.

Just let her die.

( knocking )

You have Mueller's chart?

Oh, yeah.

Sorry, I'm doing
three consults....

That's all right.
I just need to co-sign it.

You want to grab some lunch?

I, uh...

I have to get
up to the unit.


I don't know.

Look, I feel bad
about everything.

Me, too.

I'm sorry.

You know, I'm really good

at getting in
my patient's heads.

I wish I'd been able
to figure out

what was going on in yours.

I have to get up
to the ICU.

There's a family waiting.

You left some stuff
at my place.

I could bring it
by sometime.

I can come by tonight
and pick it up.


Just leave 'em bag
on the front steps.

If that's what you want.


Doc, think she'll
eat now?

Probably not.

Too bad.
She'll die,

and the kid will probably
still get deported.

What about
the hearing?

Not sure if it
will change anything.

We'll see what
my boss says.

Thanks for your help.

Can't say we
didn't try.

Dr. Lewis, Elena's

I checked the Internet.

45 days.

For what?

IRA prisoners
in Belfast.

They started dying
45 days after fasting.

How long she
been going?


Oh, Sam, a paramedic's
on the MICN.

Hey, okay.

I made all the revisions,
rewrote the abstract

and conclusion.

Morris, I can't deal
with this right now.

We got an hour, okay?

If you just look it over, I can
e-mail right away.

We'll make the deadline.

Look, it's important
to me, too. I'm sorry.

Dr. Lewis, wait...
May I call you Susan?


I need this publication for
my chief resident application.

Trust me, Morris,
it's going to take

a hell of a lot more than that.

Convert the chest tube
to a Heimlich valve.

Call for an ambulance

and have a visiting nurse
drop in on her tomorrow.

You're sending her home?

We need to put a little bit
more pressure on her.

I just tried.

Not very hard.

Well, we can't force her.

Yeah, but we can help her.

Maybe in a couple days

she'll change her mind
and reconsider it.

If she goes home,
she's not coming back.

We're respecting her wishes.
That's the first step.

Then maybe She'll get
into oncology.

Or she's lost
to follow up.

This lady doesn't have
a primary care doctor.

She doesn't feel comfortable
with the medical system.

That's what's
making it tough.

I'm feeling a lot better.

The beta-blockers
kicked in,

so your heart rate's down.


Overactive thyroid
can cause glaucoma.

So I need to check
your eye pressures.

Go for it.

First a drop.

Now this might feel
a little weird.

Excuse me.
Need a Heimlich valve.

( coughing )

It's okay. It's okay.

Did you use proparacaine?


( yells )

( screams )

Did my eyeball come out?!

Oh, my God!

Chuny, ten of morphine
right away.

Jake, dribble the local.

Adrian, what's happening to you
is called a subluxed globe.

Get me an attending right away.

I think Kovac just got here.

Everything's blurry.

That's normal.
You're going to be okay.

Adrian, Adrian,

We need you to stay still.
I can't!

You have to.

Is that legal aid
lawyer still here?

No. He had
to go to class.

Turns out he's
a third year
law student.

Cocky little bugger.


Five more minutes
and I'd have given
him the Ativan myself.

Hey, Sam, your hunger strike
lady's asking for you.

In there?

She's coming around.

Elena, what do you need?

The bathroom.
The bathroom.

Where did this
come from?

I don't know.

I didn't have an order
for an I.V.

With an amp of multivites?

Did you do this?


What's going on?

Uh, well, Elena's

with an I.V.

Yeah, I can see that.

What is this?

We just
came in.

Could you two
step outside.

I need to talk
to Elena alone.

What happened?

It's okay.

Elena, it's okay.



Who knew Lewis
could start an I.V.
all by herself.

All right,
I'll stop by. Thanks.

Hey, Pratt. We'll run the board
as soon as I help Abby.

Okay. Need to go to Oncology

for a bit.

Okay, Adrian,
keep looking down.

Heard you needed
an attending.

Welcome to your
night shift.

Subluxed globe.
Scleral pressure's

not doing it.
Okay, we need

a Desmarres

We don't have one.

Uh... do we have
a paper clip?

A paper clip?

You're sticking a
paper clip in my eye?

Don't worry,
won't feel a thing.

Oh, God.

Okay, okay, okay. How
about some versed?

Don't you have like an eye
specialist here or something?

Okay, insert between
the upper lid

and the
superior rectus.

It's tough.

Jake, retract
the lid superior.

Got it.

Little bit more.

Good. Cover the end

and depress
with your ring finger.


The eyelid... is
past the equator.


Look up, Adrian.

Oh, my God.

I can see.


I'm cold.

They're getting you
some warm blankets.

Did you do this?

It's just one bag.

After that,
it's up to you.

I thought it was
up to me already.

You know,
I talked to some reporters.

You're getting
a lot of attention.


Because I'm dying.

Here you go.

The INS is taking
your demand

for a hearing
very seriously.

They don't want
the bad press.

You have done

all you can.

It's okay to eat now.

Not until
they let him stay.

He wasn't always
like this.

He was a good boy.

He did a stupid thing
and then in jail,

he joined the g*ng.

You try so hard,
but never know

how they'll turn out.

All he has now
is anger and hate.

But you want
to keep going?

He's still my son...

even though he doesn't
care about me.

I think he does.

He just doesn't know
how to show it.

The last thing he said
on his way out

was, "Please,
don't let her die."

What time is the ambulance
coming to take me home?

Should be in
about an hour.

There's someone
I'd like you
to meet before you go.

Long as it's
no surgeon.

She's not even a doctor.

Debra Graham,
I'd like you

to meet May Crawford.


What are you?

A social worker?


A psychologist.

I'm a secretary
at an ad agency.

And a breast-
cancer survivor.

It's been
three years now.

We'll let you two talk.

I had some spots
on my bones.

That's how they found it.

They broke
my leg.

They put
a rod inside.

There's a cancer
support group

upstairs and they

have patient
navigators to help

people get
through the system.

Think it'll work?

Maybe she'll
listen to her

more than she'll
listen to us.


I thought you were going
to leave it on the steps.

Yeah, I got stuck doing
an L.P. on a 300-pound guy.

It's cold, huh?

Yeah. Springtime in Chicago.

Want to come in for a
second and get warm?

I don't think so.

You have my stuff?


Hang on a second.

( phone ringing )


( phone still ringing )

You need to get that?

No, the machine
will pick it up.

Sure you don't
want to come in?

I can make some coffee.
Or some tea.

No, I should get going.


Good night, John.

Good night.

Thought we did
a pretty good job

getting that kid's
eyeball back in.

Yes, we're
a pretty good team.

Yeah, this is Abby,
she's my....


This is Abby,
she's my...



Sounds like we work
at a law firm.

How about...

"my special friend"?

What are you afraid
that people will think?


This morning,
that's what you said.

I just don't want
us to go too fast

and get ahead
of ourselves.

You have two
weeks to decide.

Decide what?

How fast you
want to go.

How you'd like
to be referred to.

What happens
in two weeks?

Big family thing.
Oh, yeah?

Yeah. It's like
a Saturday brunch.


And before that,

we're gonna have
to go to church.


Yeah. My niece is
getting baptized.

I have to hold her.

Oh, you're
the godfather.

Yeah. If something
happens to the parents,

I'm responsible.

That sort of thing.

Mm-hmm. So I'm
going to a baptism

as the godfather's...?

Fill in the blank.

Doctor Carter, Ed Miyamoto.

The revised architect's
plans'll be

in my office Friday.
Stop on by.

( beeps )

Hello. If your current
mortgage rate is...

( beeps )

Hi, John.

About 6:00 in the morning here.

Just wanted to say hello.

You can call, but I'm leaving
for work in an hour. Bye.

Hey. Hi.

It's me.

I wasn't sure
I was gonna catch you.

Well, I just
got home from work.

It was good.

I looked at the plans today.

Yeah, and I've been thinking
about a name for the building.

Well, how would you
feel about...

The Joshua Carter Center?

Yeah, after the baby.

For the first two days,
it's pretty much all I.V.,

but we can try a small
amount of clear liquids.

That's it?

Just a few spoonfuls
until your stomach
gets used to it.

I swore I wouldn't stop
until he was safe.

( praying in Spanish )


Bless us, O Lord,
and these Thy gifts

which we are
about to receive

from Thy bounty
through Christ our Lord.

Keep my son away from harm.



( phone ringing )


Uh, yeah. Hey.

Okay, hold on.

Dr. Lewis, it's
Chuck on line four.

Oh. I'll take it
in the hallway.


Okay, put him on.

Hi, baby. It's Mommy.

Yeah, you need
to go to bed for Daddy, okay?

I'll be home soon.

No, I'm sorry,
I can't do that right now.


All right.

All right, I'll try.

"One hippo, all alone,

"Calls two hippos on the phone.

"Three hippos at the door.

"Bring along another four.

"Five hippos come over-dressed.

"Six hippos show up
with a guest.

"Seven hippos arrive in a sack.

"Eight hippos sneak in the back.

"Nine hippos come to work.

All the hippos go berserk."
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