11x21 - Carter Est Amoureux

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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11x21 - Carter Est Amoureux

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER.

You won't tell me how you feel.

It's fine.
If you're

having trouble, you should see
a couples therapist, and

if you can't do that,
you should work
separate shifts.

This is our niece, Shelley.

I just found out
they were here.

We're waiting on
Social Services
to come down here.

It was my father's.

I want you to have it.

It suits you.

( heavy machinery
buzzing and whirring )

Surveying your kingdom?

I was just wondering,

what do they do
with all the dirt?

When's it supposed to open?

A year from


Hey, congratulations,
by the way.

Uh, tenure.

( machines beeping )

Thank you.

But that's not
a good thing?

No, it's good.

It's great.

So, you got about two weeks left
on your internship, huh?

You ready to be an R-2?

Do I have a choice?

I can't believe
it went so fast.

Don't hear many interns
say that.


Who's Joshua?

Family member.

Yes, I got that from
the "Carter" part.

Joshua's what Kem and I
were gonna name the baby.

It's a good
thing you're
doing here, John.

If Surgery's mad

'cause some guy went up
without a central line,

they call and
scream at you.

If GI is pissed because some
ulcerative colitis went home

without follow-up, who
do they call and yell at?

You got it.

You also have
office hours

for the med students
and residents to stop by

if they have any problems
or questions.

I get an office?

Well, the other chiefs
haven't really used it.

Where is it?

Morris, office hours is just
really a figure of speech.

Just make yourself
available at Admit.

You're the new
head cheerleader.

You organize parties,
bring treats for residents

working holidays,
host happy hours.

Do I get a budget for that?

Yup, it's called
your ATM card.

Next year's
resident contracts--

sign them and have
them in my box

by the end
of the week.

Dr. Barnett, we need
to find some time

to talk about yours, okay?

So, you two work together?

Yeah, in the E.R. at County.

I'm a... a nurse.

Luka's a doctor.

Must be challenging.

Can be.

Place is an
insane asylum.

How long have you been together?

About a year
on and off.

Mostly on.

Have you sought therapy before?


So, what brings you to me today?

I-I don't think Luka
and I should be together.

Oh, mama, mama, mama!

Another four of M.S.,
with two of Versed?

Is that a statement
or a question?

Four of MS and
two of Versed.

You want Ativan?

Oh God, it hurts!
No. It has too long

a half-life
for pre-op assessments.

( man crying )
Calm down, sir.

What is all the ruckus?

Mr. Lillion was checking
radiator leaks

while his
engine was on.

I caught my hair
in the damn belt.

Yeah, avulsed his whole scalp.

( Lillion crying )

Okay, okay.

Then tried to
pull his hair

out of the moving
fan with his hand.


Open fracture of the third

and fourth metacarpals

and extensor tendon lacs.

You want antibiotics?

A gram of Ancef
I.V. piggyback.

Anything else?

( Lillion crying and coughing )

100 of gentamicin.
Why gent?

( Lillion panting )

Because open fractures

are susceptible
to gram negative organisms.

Hey, Pratt,
some guy

out front says
he's a friend of yours.

What's his complaint?
he'll tell

me about. Says he knows you
from high school.

Go ahead, I got this.

( groaning and panting )

Oh, my head.



Greg, how you
doing, baby?

What's up, man?
All right.
My boy.

Remember KJ, right?

Yeah. What's up, little man?

Get up and say hello
to Dr. Pratt, man.

Where's the love at?

Yeah, right.
Yeah, you're getting big.

Yeah, tell
me about it.
So, what's up?

Got somewhere
we could talk?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

All right. Be right back.

I'm happy.

No, you're not.

I'm not.

Well, nobody is
happy all the time.

( sighs )

He's like a sphinx.

I never know what
he's thinking.

We talk.

We don't talk.

I talk.

You sit there
and smile.

you nod.

( sighs )

And then I get mad.

I am always the one
who's getting angry.

I am always the one
who's yelling.

What, you want me to get angry?

Yeah. That would be nice.

Could you please break a dish,

or-or scream at the top
of your lungs, something?

( sighs )

That's what I'm talking about.

What are you feeling, Luka?

I'm happy.

I'm happy, and Sam's not.
I don't...

I don't know why.

We're healthy,

we-we enjoy each other,
our work.

We have a good life.

How does that make
you feel, Sam?

Like hitting him
over the head with a... hammer.

Was there a particular event,

or series of events that led
to your decision

to come here today?

Uh... yeah.

I thought that, uh,
I might be pregnant.

And are you?

No. Thank God.

That's a pretty
unequivocal answer.


That's how I feel about it.

Is that how you feel
about it, Luka?

What is that?

Hey, what the hell is that?!

What's what, Billy?

That, up there,
coming out of
the damn ceiling.

Smells like crap.

It is crap!


Bad enough I'm
stuck in here,

you're-you're gonna let
the building crap on me?

I think it's just
your DTs kicking in, Mr. Seiger.

Hey, uh, uh...

unless they're
passing out ponchos,
better get him

back in the ambulance
and over to Mercy pronto!

Jake's in Philadelphia?


I thought he was
in San Francisco?

That was a couple
of weeks ago.

Frank, something
disgusting is leaking
out of the ceiling.

You might want
to call maintenance.

That or a
Hazmat unit.

So, Carter
gets tenure,

and Dr. Lewis doesn't?


Well, how do you explain that?

Lewis has more seniority,
she runs the E.R.

Show me the green.

Hey, anybody seen Carter?

He's got African love
on the overseas line again.

He took the avulsed scalp.

Sorry, Kem.

Can I take a message?

So, you get tenure based
on how much money you have?

Well, he's building a new
wing for the hospital,

and she's pushing
paper and banana bags.

Highly-qualified woman,
well-liked man.

Who do you think
they're gonna get?

Oh, put your bra back
on, Gloria Steinem.

Carter's been
here ten years,

Lewis split, and
then came back.

Yeah, and it's a level
playing field now.

Haven't you heard?

Uh, Xnay on the Lewisnay.

Dr. Barnett,
do you have a
minute for me?



So, what, is he interested
in medicine or something?

No, but he's got

to do his community
service hours somewhere.

What did he get busted for?

Tagging. Had some
weed on him, too.

( sighs )

Hey, we did
a lot worse,

just never
got caught.

Yeah, speak for yourself.

( laughs ):
It ain't my fault
I ran faster.

( laughing )

All right, look,
on the real,

I'm just a hired hand
around here, you know?

It's not really my decision
to make.

But you'll ask?

Yeah, man.

My man. Oh.

I'll ask.
My man,
50 grand.

( laughing )

Because I don't think
it would be fair to Alex.

Alex is?

My son.

You know, he doesn't have
enough problems already

without feeling like

he's getting elbowed
out by a baby.

I think Alex would like

to have a brother
or a sister, a family.

He has a family.

Hang on, hang on. Time out.

Luka, issues revolving around

having children can be
very complicated

when one person
in the relationship

already has a child.

God, Luka, I didn't even want

to have a kid the first time.

Alex was unplanned?

Yeah, you could say that.

I was 15.

Well, you're not 15 anymore.

After what happened
to your wife and kids,

you really want to
bring another baby

into this world?

You had a family before?

He says he's happy,
and he can't even talk about it.

I had two children and a wife.

They were k*lled years ago.

I mean, how does it help us--

for me to talk
about these things?

Because that's a huge part
of who you are,

and you won't let me in.

How come every kid

named Destiny

Miracle or Faith

ends up with leukemia?


Alkanalize her fluids and
give Oncology a heads up.

That scalp guy
went to the O.R.

Oh, you got another call
from your Kenyan love nest.

It's the
Congo, Frank.

And I know that you
know it's the Congo.

Kenya, Congo.

It's all mosquitoes the size
of flying toasters to me.

She sounded kind of upset.

You're all set.

You're just
gonna leave
that bucket

sitting there
in the middle of the floor?

We shut off the
toilet up in the O.R.

Soon as it drains,
we'll snake it.

So, how long are we gonna have
raw sewage

seeping out of our ceiling?

Another hour or
two, at the most.

Oh, okay, great.
So when the bucket's full,

maybe we should just toss it out
into the street

like we do
with the chamber pots.

Hey. Kem Likasu, please.

Is this Charles?

Hey, Charles.
This is John Carter.

Good, good.
Is she around?

Hey, Frank, I
found what used

to be the Chief
Resident's office
down by the lounge,

but there's a
ton of boxes I
need you to move.

She what?
I look like Bekins to you?

Get a couple of your interns,
lean on them.

I... I...

See, but they're
busy, and you're not.

What happened?

Ray, honestly, what
are you doing here?

This is a
great program,

you were lucky
to get into it,

and you're just
taking up space.

You don't think
I'm a good doctor?

I think you could be
a very good doctor.

But you know what?

You watch the
clock all day,

just waiting
to punch out.

( sighs )

You have two
weeks left on
your internship.

Take your degree

and go work
at a doc-in-the-box,

or do air-transport.

If you're doing this
to make a living,

you don't need a specialty.

You make more than enough money
right now to support your music.

Don't sign this contract
unless you are sure

this is what you want to do.

( sighs )

Did something happen to Kem?

No. It's her mother.

She's in the hospital.

In Africa?

No, her mother lives in Paris.

Did she say what happened?

I didn't talk to her.

She'd already left
for the airport.

Hey, Frank, I don't know
where Susan is,

but would you please
tell her that I had to go?

Go where?

Uh, just tell her

that I'll call her
from O'Hare, okay?

I've got to go by
the bank on the way
back, if that's okay.

Do you need anything
from Home Depot?

Thought I'd swing
by before work.

Home Depot?

Yeah, I need to
get some anchors

to fix that towel
bar Alex pulled down.

Where are you going?

Leave me alone, Luka!

Are you gonna walk?

It's got to be five miles.

Towel bars!?


So, what's he doing in Paris?

Kem's mother is sick.

Meningitis. She's
from chemotherapy.

So, with Professor
Carter AWOL,

you and me are stuck
picking up the slack.

Five night
shifts in a row?


The new schedule.

If that's
what it says.

A swing shift and a day shift
back to back?

And Ray gets every weekend off.

Hey, Cubbies-Braves, right?

Got you covered, Chief.
All right!

Oh, I see.

So he bribed you
for a good schedule?

Of course not.

That would be
totally unethical.

Oh, I hear U2 tickets
are hard to get.

It's a shame,
I really wanted to go.

Dr. Lewis?!

( sighing ):
He's the Chief.

Any way we can make Abby
Chief Resident?

You know Morris isn't the
sharpest shovel in the shed,

but he's a
paperwork hound.

Besides, it keeps him
from seeing patients.

Think of it as
community service.

C.T. call on Werntz, yet?

I'll call them again.

Flowers usually work.

Hey, Jerry, I want
you to meet KJ.

He's our new volunteer.

Ah, Volunteen.

Yeah, Jerry
runs this place.

He'll be telling
you what to do.

Jerry, just have him
run specimens up to
the lab, or whatever.

Yeah, blood, urine.


( stifled scoff )

Nasal swabs, wound cultures,

stool samples--
the whole enchilada.

Hey, Pratt, 47's pulling
in with a septic newborn.

Hey, you don't like it,
the door's that way.

Is "stool sample"
what I think it is?


Septic newborn?

So they say.

Hey, you study
your antibiotics last night?

The Gentamycin
for the open fracture.

Come on, you should know
that stuff cold by now.

You're gonna be an R-2
in a couple of weeks,

supervising new interns.

You got to start
stepping it up.

Eight-day-old female,
febrile to 104.

with severe retractions,

can't get a pulse ox.

Tachy to 192,
resps 80...

It started this morning.

I thought it
was just a cold.


Had a 23 gauge in the hand,
but it blew.


Vous parlez anglais?


Vous parlez anglais?


Uh, je cherche... Mme. Almont.

Fabienne Almont?

Elle as chambre?

Chambre quatre six


Quatre cinqante quatre?

Quatre... six... quatre.

Quatre six quatre?

C'est par là.


( women speaking French
in hallway )


What are you doing here?

I got your message
about your mom.

You should have told me
you were coming.

Well, I called your cell.

No, it doesn't work in Paris.

( sighing )

How is she doing?

I can't tell what antibiotics

they're giving
her from the I.V.

Oh, she's not on antibiotics.

They're not giving her
antibiotics for meningitis?

Viral meningitis.

Who told you

she had meningitis?
I called the clinic.

Charles said
you flew to Paris,

and with all the chemo,
I just assumed...

So, she's okay?

Ah, she had a fever,
and the doctor got worried

so he admitted her,
but she's much better now.

Ils n'ont pas
de sandwich.

Alors, j'ai pris
deux croissants.

Michel, je te presente

un ami à moi,
John Carter.

John, this is an old friend
of mine, Michel Timbaud.

BP's 58 over 29.

She needs volume.

You're hurting her!

We can't help
unless we're able

to give her
fluids and medicines.

I'm in. Portable X ray,
call R.T. for a vent.

Good chest rise.
All right.

Airway and access.

what's your plan?

Normal saline, C.B.C., blood
culture, Amp and Cefotax.


Hey, your Hodgkin guy's
pressure dropped

after the antibiotics.

Run in a liter.
He's altered

and trying to pull
out his broviac.

Give the bolus,
I'll be right back.

100 ccs NS
through the I.O.

Will somebody please tell me
what's going on?!

We suspect your daughter
has an infection.

We're giving her antibiotics
for it,

fluids to help elevate
her blood pressure,

and the tube
is helping her to breathe.

I.O.'s infiltrated,
it won't flush.

How old is she again?

Eight days.

Her umbilical stump
is still attached.

Is that bad?
No, that's good.

Umbilical line kit,
5 French.

Sterile 6s
and a 10 blade.

Hey, Jerry,

Hodgkin's guy needs a med bed,
and let the NICU know

they got a customer down here.

Your Volunteen kid doesn't
seem very interested.

Yeah, well,
he's not.

So, why is he

He has to work off
his probation.

Ah. What'd he do?

Second degree
m*rder, I think.


He got caught
tagging a police car.

Wait, he tried to spray paint
a cop car?

Yep, with the
cops still in it.

( chuckling ):
Whoa, the kid's got guts.

Either that, or
he's an idiot.

Small bowel obstruction

secondary to a popcorn overdose.

Six-year-old ate
a huge tub of popcorn

all by himself.

Yeah, and...?

Call surgery
and get a C.T.

Think they'll be ready

to supervise interns
in two weeks?

Not a chance.


( sighing )

That was awkward.

Where are you going?

Back to the
airport, I guess.

You just got here.

( uncomfortable chuckle )

Well, you were right, I
should have called first.

Michel and I
went to school together,

and he's fond
of my mother.

Are you two a couple?

We were.

Does he know
about the past-tense part?

Are you jealous?


( chuckles softly )

Hey, don't do that.

Don't laugh at me.
Okay, okay.

Are you
sleeping together?

No... do not answer that.

Well, you haven't
been dating?

Look, is there
someplace around here

where I can catch a taxi
and go back to the airport?

Don't be so dramatic.

Okay, look,
I'm sorry, okay?

I'm tired...

and I shouldn't have
just barged in on you,

and I feel completely

it was very sweet.


Okay. Look, I'm really
glad that your mom's okay.

And why don't you call
me when you get home?


Just stay.

Just for the night.

Flushes easily.

Hook up
the transducer.

Sats 93, systolic's
up to 78.

Good. That's good.

How we doing in here?

What are you doing?

Umbilical lines.

You're what?

Umbilical lines.

I heard you. Why?

I.O. infiltrated,
we needed access.

Why not just put in
another I.O.?

She still has an
umbilical stump.

UAC and UVC allow

for frequent
blood draws,


Did she do
something wrong?

Hotel Lamartine.

I'll come by in
the morning, we'll
have some breakfast.

Michel coming, too?

He has to work.

Those his real teeth?

They're a little
too straight.

Get some sleep.

I'm going to
pick you up early.

Ah, you get
some sleep, too.

Bonne nuit.

You can't be placing

umbilical lines
by yourself.

Do you know all the things
that could have gone wrong?

vascular injuries, arrhythmias.

I thought
arterial monitoring...

You're an E.R. intern!

You can't go playing

you feel like it.

I did a bunch...
of these

when we rotated
through the NICU.

Really? And when was that,
two years ago?

Have you done one,
or even seen one

since then?

You told me to take
more initiative.

What about common sense, Neela?

What's next, neurosurgery
in the lounge?

You need to know
when to ask for help!

W-What the hell
is this?

you gonna cry now?

All right, look, you got lucky
this time.

She's stabilizing.

But you have to start
using your head.

Now, go on,
get out of here. Go.

I'll deal with
the NICU guy.

( sniffling )

( phone ringing )

Bonjour. Hello?

Um... I'm sleeping.

It's still dark outside.

All right, I'm up.

All right, I'm up,
I'm up, I'm up.

( horn honks )

Bonjour, mon soleil.

How's Michel going
to get to work

if we have his car?

Who said it's his car?

Come on, I want
to show you something.

Does it involve coffee?

Everything in Paris
involves coffee.


( horn blaring )

We're going to miss it!

Where are we going?

Nowhere. We're here.

You got me up at 5:00
in the morning

to ride a commuter train?

Mm-hmm. Be patient
for once in your life.

She spent the night...
at her dying husband's bedside.

He was a member
of the Resistance,

fought bravely
against the

while she smuggled

for the Free French

through n*zi lines
on her bicycle.

He still loves her,

but she's not

so sure
after all these years.

He's an accountant.

She is a waitress

who longed to
be a singer.

She had a mad, secret,

tempestuous affair

with her
sister's fiancé.

What about them?

Mm. It's a sad story.

She only has a few months
to live.


They love each
other desperately.

Spend every moment

What about us?

Do you have a story for us?

Quick, close your eyes.

Quickly, quickly,
quickly, quickly!

Come on!

Close your eyes.

Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait,

wait, wait.

Paris le matin.

What are you
doing out here?

Deciding if I'm sick.
Pratt's on.


Hey, Neela.


I got you a bear claw.

They don't have
the apple fritters.

What are we doing?

Neela's trying
to decide if she
should go to work.

We get to decide?

She put in
umbilical lines

in a newborn

Really? Cool.

Unsupervised. Pratt
became unglued.

Wow. I miss
all the good stuff.

Well, I've got to go,

or I'm going to be late.

Got to get back
on that horse.

( siren beeps )

Nothing fancy.

Just some primer
and a couple coats.

I was thinking Lichen.
Morris, I'm not painting

your office.
The hospital does it.

I just need a
purchase order.

Yeah, a purchase
order that comes

out of my E.R. budget.

Hey, Pratt,
stabbing victim

in Trauma One.

Back up the
interns, please.

Paramedics are two minutes out
with an MVA,

nine-year-old kid.

Uh, okay.
Hey, Luka, can you get that?

I've got an
extubation in C.T.

We don't have
to do the trim...
No, Morris, no.

MVA coming in.

Trauma panel,
type and cross for four.

Pulse ox
down to 78.

Taking down
the neck dressing.

Shouldn't we
tube her first?

Be my guest.

Maybe there's

we can tie off.

Etomidate and sux.

Got the jugular,
spared the carotid.

I can't breathe...
Okay, it's okay.

You're going to sleep.
We'll breathe for you.

Prep for a subclavian
on the right.

8-O E.T. tube.

Is this
the penetrating neck?

Single s*ab wound.

No sub-Q air.
Two of O-neg

on peripheral I.V.
Pressure's up to 90 palp.

I'm in. Bag her.

Got a flash.

We'll have a
central line

for the next
two units.

Good breath sounds.

Excellent. Maybe there's hope
for you two after all.

Professor Carter.

It's associate professor,

( chuckling ):
Well, I'm proud of you.

Susan didn't
get tenure.

Susan Lewis? Really?

She's pretty pissed
about it, too.

She's not
talking to me.

Now, this is what

I really miss in Africa--
baked goods.


You have, uh... a lot of jam
on your face.

Well, help me.




Pardon, il vous ennuie?

Ah, non,
pas du tout.

Tu viens ici.

( speaking French )

Tu dis au revoir?

Au revoir.

Au revoir.

Hey, hey, got a minute?

Uh, not really.
What's up?

Uh, I got to finish
my rank list for my match.

I could use
a little advice.
Excuse me. Excuse me.

There's something leaking
from the ceiling.


Okay, um...

I'm going to move you...

right over here...

and Christian's going
to take care of you.

Thank you.

Is that what
I think it is?

Yep. Susan, code brown

from the ceiling again.

Damn it, that is it.

Jerry, call the A.O.D.,

tell them we are closed
to trauma

until someone comes
down here

and deals
with the raw sewage

leaking from
the ceiling.

Is this
the respiratory distress?

Jerry, what's open?

There's a bed open
in Curtain Three.

Arnold Brixton, 65,
short of breath.

Sats 83 on room air,
91 on a non-rebreather.

Tachy at 115, afebrile,

good B.P., on theophylline
for emphysema.

( coughs ):
Don't say it.

Say what?

I stopped smoking
five years ago.

Good for you.

Come on.

So, I was thinking

that I might rank County
as my first choice.

You want to...

stay in Chicago?

Yeah. I mean, my friends
are here, all my family.

He needs a monitor

and a continuous Albuterol
with 500 of Atrovent.

What about San Francisco?

UCSF has a great program,

but, um, County has
a lot to offer, too.

Look who's back.

Okay, 60 of Pred
and a portable chest.

And do you want
to talk about this later?


Rebecca? Birdy?
They okay?

Do you know them?
Yeah, they've been in
a couple times before.

Circumferential ecchymosis.

Neela wants to get her
a telemetry bed.

What happened?

Rebecca almost got strangled
to death.

I tried to tell you guys
it is too dangerous

for you to be out there
on the streets.

I'd be dead if-if Birdy
hadn't stabbed her.

You... you stabbed
the attacker?

Well, I had to.

Is she going to be all right?

Yeah. I mean,
she seems stable for now.

We might have to...
No, no, not Rebecca.

Our niece.

They're working on her
in that room over there.

I grew up playing here

when we weren't
in Kinshasa
with my dad.

My mum would save
the old bread

so I could feed the
ducks on the weekends.

There was thousands
of them in the summer.

It sounds idyllic.

Yeah. Yeah, it was.

So, why did you leave?

It was different
when I was little.

You know, we were
a novelty then.

My very white mother...

my black father with
their little brown girl.

( laughs ):
It wasn't easy
for them.

You know that Joshua
would be a year old now?

Uh, I'm going to head
back to the hospital,

see my mother, okay?

What are we doing?

What are we doing?

I still love you,
and I know you still love me.

We talk to each other
every day.

We talk for hours,
on the phone.

We tell each other absolutely
everything about our lives.

I make you happy.

I make you laugh.

I tried living
in Chicago, and
it wasn't for me.

We don't have to live
in Chicago.

You have a life there,
your career, everything.

I would give it up for you.

I don't want you to.


we had a baby, and he died.

It's a tragedy
that happens to people,

and it happened to us...

but that doesn't have
to define us.

It doesn't.
We're stronger than that.

Aren't we?

I can't...

We can have another baby.

Stop, please,
don't do this...

I'm sorry...

I'm sorry.

Are you going to come
to the hospital, hmm?

'Cause Fabienne's going
to want to say good-bye.

Tidal volume's 700,
AC 14 on 100%.

Units three and
four on board.

Ray, did you ever follow up
with Social Services

on that home visit for
the Chaddock sisters?

I'm sorry. Who?

The two
old ladies

that panhandle
on LaSalle.

You sent them home
with their niece, right?

The two old ladies
from a few weeks ago?

Pressure's down
to 60 systolic.

Check for tracheal shift.

And let's get four
of type specific.

This is the niece, Shelley.

Birdy stabbed Shelley
because she was trying

to strangle Rebecca.

She what?

You sent them home
with Shelley.

Did you forget
about the follow-up,

or just not want
to deal with it?

No, I called,
but what am I supposed to do,

chase them around all day,
make sure they do their job?

All right, come on, people.

Can we focus on this patient
for a second?

V fib.
Starting compressions.

Ambu bag.
Charge at 200.

Does she have a cardiac history?

I don't know, Ray.
You're the only one

that's ever
met her. Clear!

( zap )

( laughter )

( Michel speaking French )

Quel menteur,

Ne dis pas de mal de tes amis.

Non, pas ici.

( Michel speaking French )

Oh, we're being rude.

I'm hungry.

Will you get me something,
mon ange?


Vas-y, j'ai faim.

Rapporte-moi du chocolat

et un cafe creme
avec deux sucres.

Thank you for the

beautiful flowers.

He's a very handsome young man.



Yeah. Yeah,
I guess.

Also something of a fool.

When are you going home?

There's a flight
tonight at 9:00.

You're giving up
awfully easily, aren't you?

I was rather firmly discouraged

from continuing to try.

You know what life is?

Joy and grief hand in hand.

You can't know real happiness

until you've had true sorrow
to contrast it with.


She hasn't learned that yet.

Leave him alone, Mother.

We were just catching up.

Rib spreader.

Abby, get
the suction.

I don't get it.

She was stabbed
in the neck.

Yeah, the knife must have
angled down,

bagged the subclavian.
Stand back.

This is gonna be pretty bloody.

Dry as a bone.

Starting internal compressions.

We put in six units.

Where's it all going?

All right, whoa, whoa.
Hold compressions.

Fine V fib.
Internal paddles?

Oh, man.
Son of a bitch.

All right, stop bagging.

18-gauge needle.

( sighs )

Coronary arteries are full
of air.

An air

( Pratt sighs )

All right, that's it.

We're done.

Time of death, 11:47.

How'd she get
that much air
in her heart?

I don't know.
She had an open neck wound.

The negative

intrathoracic pressure
sucked the air

into her jugular, but I don't
see how that's possible.

She has an occlusive dressing.

I-I, uh...

I took it down
to explore the neck.

Was it before
or after the intubation?

This was before.

You took down
the patient's dressing

before she
was intubated?

Excuse me, Dr. Lockhart?

Your emphysema

guy is coding.

It was only
for a few breaths. I...

Damn right we're closed.

And we're gonna stay closed
as long as I've got crap--

and I don't mean that

literal crap pouring
out of my ceiling!

I came back to check his neb,
and he was down.

Mr. Brixton?
Mr. Brixton?


All right, a Mac-2
and an 8-oh.

You should have come
and got me

if it looked like
he was tiring out.

No, no, he was holding his own.
( alarm )

Systolic's 77.

Okay. NS wide open,
start a second line.

( alarm )

Run of six.
All right, what now?


He went apneic
on continuous nebs.

V tach.

No pulse.

All right, start

and mark the time.

Let's get an ABG and
a capnograph, now.

How's she doing?

Good sats,
no stridor.

Got a repeat EKG
and neck films.

You're doing good, Rebecca.

I didn't mean
to hurt her.

I just wanted her
to leave Rebecca alone.

Did she suffer?


We put her to sleep
to work on her.

She didn't suffer any pain.

I didn't mean to k*ll her.

( teary ):
We love... we loved her.



( zap )

Back in sinus.
Got a pulse.

What have you got?

Emphysema flare.

Abby had him
on continuous albuterol.

He was wheezing
and tight,

and given the acute
setting, I thought...

Chuny, correlate the capnograph
to the ABG,

set the rate at 40.

Abby, what's the end tidal C02?


Can you tell me why?

He was apneic.

He wasn't

That's not an answer.

He has

Tired out?

No. Basic
respiratory physiology.

He was hypoxic.
ABG's back.

PH 7 point one.

Think about it.

Emphysemics chronically
retain C02.

They rely
on relative hypoxia...

To trigger
their respiratory drive.

And I put him
on continuous nebs,

blasted him with oxygen

and took away his impulse
to breathe.

Leading to hypercapnia,
acidosis and v-tac.

I'm sorry.

Don't apologize to us.

He'll be okay
once you blow off some C02.

It's a classic intern mistake.

You won't make it again.

Get up.

Get up!


What-What's going on?

Tell them.

That poor woman
in there thinks

she m*rder*d
her own niece.

Now, Ray.

( clears throat )

Faites demi-tour
s'il vous plait.




( Jake sighs )


If it's, um,
any consolation,

that was a great
teaching case for me.

I'm glad my public humiliation

can further
your educational goals.

The guy's fine, Abby.

It's not your fault

he smoked two packs
a day for decades.


I, um, was thinking

that I might rank County
as my first choice

for internship.

What about UCSF?

Um, I don't want to go to UCSF.

I want to stay right here.

Don't do that for me.


Now this...

This was a seriously
crappy day.

Who wants to go
get mad drunk

and pick a bar fight with
a bunch of law clerks, huh?

I still have an hour
of charting to do.

How are Birdy and Rebecca?

They're gonna be fine.

Did you find out what happened?

Turns out the niece had them
on the corner panhandling

to support her crack habit.

Knocked them around

when they didn't
bring home enough.

Well, well.

If it isn't the three amigos.

Let's me see.

Failure to recall

basic respiratory

uh, unsupervised umbilical lines
in an infant.

Ew. And a fatal air embolus.

Wow. Hey, when do
the new interns start?

A week from Monday.

Man, oh, man.

God help your patients.

( laughs ):
Wait up, dude.

Well, I don't know
about you, but I feel

really inspired right now,

so I think I'll go
and throw myself under a train.


Don't go away mad, Jake.

But do go away.

( horn honking )

( door buzzes )

( doorbell ringing )

( panting )

I'm moving back to Africa.

And we can start over.

We can do everything
that we didn't do before.

And you take as much time
as you need.

You can take a month,
you can take a year,

you can take ten years.

I don't care.

And I'm not leaving
without you.

And I'm not living without you.

( panting )

I love you.

( laughing )

I love you.
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