12x02 - Nobody's Baby

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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12x02 - Nobody's Baby

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:

Don't go away mad, Jake.
But do go away.

I don't want to have
any more kids. I'm done.

You're responsible
for every thing an intern does,

but you question history
and they get testy.

Sounds like
you had a great day.

You told me to step it up.
Yeah, but it's not moving meat.

You're a resident now.

Your name is Charlie Pratt?

Chas? Who is it?

Is there a problem?

Are you Charlie?

Yeah, I'm Charlie.


Is Alex still here?
Uh, no, he just left, why?

You're up early.


Everything okay?
Ah, just couldn't sleep.

Uh, I've been thinking about...

( phone ringing )


This is Sam.

Yes, I did.



Okay, sure.

If I come in 20 minutes,
will someone be there?


Okay, thank you.

Sorry. What were you saying?

My father's been bugging me
to visit him.

I haven't been home
in a long time and,

I have some vacation
coming up,

so I was thinking about making
a trip back to Croatia.

It would only be for
a couple of weeks.

Might be good for us
if we spent some time apart.

Alex and you can hang out
and you know...

I already started looking
for a new place.

A new place?
For me and Alex.

You're moving out?

You just said it'd be good
to spend time apart.

That's not what I meant.
I was gonna tell you.

I just think that it's...

I need to think things out
by myself.

Where you going now?

I'm gonna look at an
apartment before work.

So what, that's it?
We don't talk about this?

Never seemed to do us
any good before.

Did he really?

God. You've gotta tell me later.
Okay, I've got to go. Bye.

Hey, wait!

Wait, wait, hey.
Can you hold the doors?

Hey, can you hold the doors?

Thank you.



Good morning.

Well, maybe for you.

I was up writing a paper

on paint ball injuries
for Morris.

Are they talking about us?

Can we help you?

We were just wondering
where you got your shoes.

They look very comfortable.

They match
your backpack.

Just ignore them.

They're on a bulimia high.

I don't understand what he said,
he was like, oh...

Oh, my God.

Are you okay?
My foot.

Can you stand on it?

Oh, call 911.

Should we check her out?

( groans )

Don't... touch me.

Try not to move. I'm a doctor.
You may have broken your ankle.

If you're a doctor,
I want a second opinion.

Dr. Lockhart, would you care
to give a second opinion?

Sure. Your ankle may be broken
and you're a bitch.

All three are a liability.

Look at them. Huddled together
like a bunch of prairie dogs.

This is the best we have?

They should've made me chief.

And why's that?

For one, I would've been

a little pickier
in choosing our residents.

What are you saying?
Abby, Ray, Neela.

No brain, no courage, no heart.
They is to see the wizard.

And who's the wizard, you?

That's why they pay me
the big bucks.

Officer on deck.

Me. I'm the chief.
Yeah, Chief Pain in the Ass.

Ha, ha. Abby, if only you were
as talented as you are funny.

At least I'm funny.

If making jokes
at the expense of those

with Native American heritage
is humorous to you.

Yeah, I happen to be
1/16th Choktaw Indian.

Hey, Jake sent us a postcard
from San Francisco.

Right on.
How's he doing, Abby?


I think he really
likes it there.

Yeah, well, not according
to this.

Guys, you know our new interns?

Clemens, Munson and Babinski.

Abby, Neela and Ray.
They'll show you the ropes.

I'm Dr. Morris, but everybody
calls me chief, because...

Anyone? No?
Well, I'm the chief resident.

You present to the residents,
they present to Pratt and me.

And they present
to the attending.
That's a lot of presenting.

Dr. Kovac, do you have
a patient in the cath lab?
Yeah, why?

I think he might have died.

If you'll come to the board,
I'll show you how I like
things around here.

Applies to you three as well.
I'm implementing some changes.

I'd like to stick
an implement in his eye.

Pick a number
one through ten.



Oh, so close.
It was six.

Neela gets to choose between
Munson and Babinski.

Wait a minute.

Who's up?

Clemens, you're with me.
I am?

I trust you, girl.
Just don't let me down.

Claire Jansen, 24,
unrestrained driver,

rear-ended at
moderate velocity.

Term pregnancy,
good vitals.

Definitely having contractions.

Fetal heart rate
looks good-- 160.

Okay, any pain when I push?

Not now.

Hemocue is 14.1.
Pretty normal.

I don't think you're
bleeding internally.

I should hope not.
I think my water broke.

Premature rupture
of membranes.
Is that bad?

No, but there's a good chance
you could have your baby today.

Oh, I wanted to have another
home birth.

Your second pregnancy?

Yeah. Zoe's two.

This one's a boy.

Want me to call your husband?

No, there's no such creature.

But you could call
Toni Stillman.

She's my friend.
She needs to be here.


24-year-old G2P1, 39 weeks
"prommed" after a TC.

Normal vitals and crit.

Ultrasound and send her up
to OB for a sterile spec exam.

Do you have a minute?

Uh, no, not really.

I've got to get labs off,
do a cathed UA,

assist Ray with a pelvic,
and find an ultrasound.

Can you do some of this?


No, she can't.

Uh, sorry, Inez,
this is Dr. Kovac.

I'm helping her get
the lay of the land.

When you're finished?
Sure. Might be a while.

Welcome to County, Inez.
Thank you.

Sit tight, Claire,
you're doing great.

We'll have you upstairs
before you get comfortable.

I feel, it's gonna be several
hours before I'm comfortable.

Okay, Clemens, what's next?
A bimanual exam?

Not before the ultrasound.
Why not?

Third trimester, you've
got to rule out previa
before the exam.

Most important thing in the ER,
is if you don't get it, fake it.

There's no time
to ask questions,

and patients don't wanna
see you scratching your head.

So, in the meantime,
could you get me
some Nitrazine paper?

Come on, go, go.

Excuse me? Dr. Barnett wanted me
to get some Nitrazine paper,

but I don't know what it is.
You didn't ask?

He said if I didn't know

The number one rule
of the ER is

if you don't know something,
ask. Okay?

You're never gonna learn
this stuff by yourself.

And that's why we're here.
What do I do with the...?

Dr. Rasgotra, could you
tell me how to use
the Nitrazine paper?

Not until I finish suturing
a very fidgety six-year-old.

You're an intern
now, Clemens.

If you don't know something...
I know, fake it.

No, of course not.

Well, I already asked.
Look things up yourself.

When someone gives you
the answer, you forget
five minutes later.

Read it, and it sticks.

Your primary responsibility
is to educate yourself.

No one else is going
to do it for you.
Thank you.

How's it going?



Do you have any questions?


Uh, anything to present?
I'll let you know.

Okay. Can I make
a suggestion?

Unless your patient
has situs inversus,

her heart should be
on the left.

Tests came back on
the girl in four?

Looks like she's going to
need Amphotericin B.

Your intern picked up

Yeah, he just doesn't
know it yet.
How's he doing?

I don't think he likes me.

Everybody likes you.
Not this guy.

He's acting like I k*lled
his dog or something.

He's probably just nervous.

I don't think
I'm gonna be great

at this teaching-
the-interns thing.

You will.
You did a great job with Jake.

Too bad he didn't match here.

Dr. Pratt, can you get
on the MICN?

Paramedics need you to pronounce
a GSW in the field.


Abby, got one.

Munson, we're up!

Unidentified kid,
looks about ten,

found down in the food court
at City Center Mall.

Still hypotensive
after 500 cc's.

Mental status waxing
and waning en route.

Hi, I'm Dr. Lockhart.
Can you tell me your name?

( mumbling )
Is he alone?

With his buddies, but they
split when we got there.

Sats only 92.
What's your plan?

CBC, chem seven, tox screen?


...head CT?

Try to find next of kin.

ABG, LFTs, oxygen,
normal saline,

activated charcoal.
Let's go.

Don't worry, you'll get
the hang of it.
I know.

Okay, 57, I concur,

we can pronounce.
What's the status on number two?

GSW to the chest, 110 palp.
We've got IV, O2
and a nine-minute ETA.

All right, sounds good.
We'll be waiting for you.
County, clear.

Dr. Pratt.

Guy out there says
he knows you.

Which guy?

Sitting next to the old lady.

He a friend of yours?

Not really.

So you want me
to bring him in or no?
No. He can wait.

This is Dr. Pratt.

I'll need one of
these two trauma rooms

in a few minutes.
How are we doing?

I don't know about you,
but I'm having contractions.

Nitrazine is positive.

Which means your
water did break.

Follow it caudad.

Is everything okay?

Looks like a breech

Dr. Barnett, can I get your
advice on something?

This doesn't feel
any different
from my last pregnancy.

The baby's been active.

You're doing good, Claire.
The baby's heart rate
is right on target.

Uh, Dr. Pratt?

Could you come and take
a look at this, please?

Dr. Pratt.

What is it?

Well, it looks like you've
delivered the feet.

But that's okay, right?

I had a friend who
delivered breech
and her baby was okay.

Page OB and get them
down here right now.

Don't worry.
We'll take good care
of you and your baby.

Dr. Kovac,
this is Toni Stillman.

She's here to check on
Claire's condition.
The pregnant MVA.

Somebody called and said
she's had an accident.
Yeah, she was uninjured.

Thank God.
What about the baby?
You're a family friend?

Claire's our
gestational surrogate.

She's living with my husband
and me for six weeks.

She's having your child?

Yes, she's implanted
with our embryo.

So is our baby
going to be okay?

I'm afraid I can't
tell you that.
Not without Claire's consent.

She's carrying my baby.

I'm sorry.
I need the patient's consent.

We're best friends.
She'll want to see me.

Sam, this is
Toni Stillman.
She's a friend of Claire's.

Oh, I spoke with
you on the phone.
I'm Sam.

Come on in, she's been
asking for you.

Sam, how's she doing?

Pretty good.

When I get a chance, okay?

I was so worried about you.
I'm fine.

You shouldn't be driving.
I can take you
anywhere you need to go.

It was just
a tiny fender bender.

Sam, you have
activated charcoal here?
Yeah, bottom shelf.

There's a guy
in the waiting room
looking for you.

I know. Thanks, Malik.

( Claire gasps )
Claire? Claire, are you okay?
What's happening?

Another contraction?
What? She, she,
she's in labor?

But, but are you gonna stop it?

Because she's not due
for another week.

39 weeks.
Junior here is ready
to make an appearance.

His feet are already
popping out.
His feet? He's breech?

Are you gonna
do a C-section?
We're waiting on OB.

GSW's two minutes out,
Dr. Pratt.

Come find me
when they get here.
You, you're with me.

Go ahead, I got it.

Have you ever
been in a GSW
trauma before?

I grew up in the Bronx.
Dr. Pratt, can we present?

Not now. Got a trauma
rolling in.

Okay, uh, what's next?

Uh, Exam Three,
possible talar fracture.

And I should warn you,
she already took
my head off

for how long
she's had to wait.

Oh, God. Could this
day get any worse?

This is
Drew Filmore.
We've, uh, met.


You figured me out, huh?

Five minutes after
you left, I knew it was you.
I can't talk now.

Looks like you're busy.
I am.

What do you want?

I don't know.

What were you looking for
when you came to find me?

I guess I just had
to see for myself.

And now I have.

So how do we do this?

We don't.
I'm sorry I bothered you.

I didn't know you were in
Chicago. Heard you were
still in Detroit.

Yeah, well,
I'm not in Detroit anymore.

I can imagine
what you think about me.

There's a lot of things you
probably need me to explain.

No. I don't need anything
from you.

I never have.
I made a mistake
that night.

So forget I came by.
Don't come back anymore.

Hold on.
I can understand you're mad,
I can accept some of that.

Some of it?

You have a half brother
and sister.

And they're your
family, too.

Now family's important
to you, huh?

Single GSW left chest
during a carjacking.

Jocelyn's at U of I
and Chas is a senior
at South Geary.

BP 100 systolic.
Decreased breath sounds
on the left.

He's probably gonna get
a scholarship from Loyola

if he wins the regional
at tonight's swim meet.

Entry wound left parasternal.
No exit.

All right, intubation
tray, 32 French.
Let's notify the OR.

I'm sorry I walked away.

Don't make the same mistake
I made.

CT's good.
No blood, no mass effect.

Barbecue's ready.

Charcoal's in.

Resps down to 14.

Shallow but clear.
Another .5 of Narcan.

I'm sorry. Can you,
can you, uh, repeat that?

Is that 140 or 114?


If you do that, we'll have
to restrain you, okay?

Malik, get him two of Ativan.

Wait a minute.
Are you sure?

I thought benzos could cloud
the neurological picture?

Yeah, fine.

Soft restraints then.

Narcan's in.

Come on, talk to us, doctor.

White count's 12.3,

hemoglobin's 14,
hematocrit is 34...

I gotta GSW.
I need you outta here now.

Kid's ready
to go up to PICU.

He's not.
He's getting worse.

Head CT's fine,
labs are normal,

from the ER standpoint,
workup's done.

He could've
infectious encephalitis.
We should tap him.

They can do it upstairs.
Sounds good. Let's go.

Put him in sutures
until I can get PICU
to pick him.

Need a hand?
Not yet.
I'll let you know.

Did I do something wrong
in there?


Am I not handling
this patient correctly?


Are you okay?

Sam's moving out.



I've got a feeling it's
a communication problem.

Well, if you're not sure...

it probably is.


Uh, if you want
to talk about it...
No, no.

If I wanted
to talk about it,

Sam probably wouldn't
be moving out.

Thanks, Luka.

I always thought
it was my fault

that things didn't work out
between us, but...

now I know it was you.
( laughs )

Hey, no problem.

She's gonna need a C-section.

I don't want surgery.
My friend Julia
had a breech.

It was probably a Frank Breech,
which is butt...

You've got
a footling breech.

Cervix doesn't dilate,
the baby's head can get stuck

and the umbilical cord will be
compressed with contraction,
jeopardizing the oxygen supply.

You need to do what's best
for the baby.

What happens if I don't have
the surgery?

Well, we allow the baby
to be delivered up to
the umbilicus

to give the cervix time
to dilate,

and then use maneuvers to
deliver the head and shoulders.

Then let's do that.

Uh, that's not a good idea.

With a footling breech,
there's a 25% chance
of major complications.

It's less than 2%
with a C-section.

But that's a 75% chance
that the baby will be born
without any problems.

Okay, we can wait
while the labor proceeds,

but if the baby's
heart rate gets low,

you may still need
a C-section.

I don't want surgery.

Um, I'll send
somebody down

as soon as we have
a room ready.

Can you please
find Toni for me?

You know what?
I'll get her.

Dr. Coburn?
Are you really not going
to consent for surgery?

Can't do it against her will.

What if there's trouble midway,
and needs a rescue section?

I still can't do it.
Are you kidding me?

What about
the intended parents?

This is Toni's baby,
isn't it?

She's the genetic mother
and the intended mother,

but it's still
Claire's body,

and she has the right
to refuse surgery.

MALIK: Abby!

PICU on line three.

Hey, Abby, what's the status

on that kid running
from the mall?

I'm hoping it's PICU
to say they're ready. Why?

His buddies are asking
about him.

Okay, don't let
them leave.

Yeah, this is Abby...
Dr. Lockhart.

Okay, great. We'll send him
right up. Thanks.

Is he okay?

No, he's not okay.

Did he take something?

You guys...
you need to tell me
if he took something, okay?

I've got to go.
Hey, hey, hey, hey! Chuny!

Wait a minute. Not so fast.
Hold on. Hold it. Hold on.

Come here, come here.
Let me go!

No, settle down.
Here, sit down.

Your friend
is very sick.

What's his name?


And what did he take?

No dr*gs?

Then why did you run
when the paramedics showed up?

We were skipping school.

Has Liam been sick?

He hasn't been in school much.
Why not?

His parents are getting divorced
and he has to go back and forth.

That's why we ditched,
to hang out.

Does he have any,
any medical disorders?

Like what?

Mm... his family
are vegetarians.

Was he acting
different today?

Not really.

He was kind of bummed, maybe.

He ate two jumbo cheeseburgers.

Didn't you say
he's vegetarian?
Abby, he's getting worse.

What's this?
The kid's backpack.
Find out what's in it.

What's going on?
He seems pretty

Check his gag reflex.

Liam. Liam.
Whoa, hold it. Liam.

You've got to wake up,
big guy, okay?

He moved his hand
a little bit.

Barely has a gag.
All right, this way.

Okay. You know
the VITAMIN mnemonic?

Yes, for altered
mental status.

"V" is for vascular,
strokes or clots.

We ruled that out with CT.

"I" is for...


What, this game's
only for interns?

no pneumonia.

Normal white count,
urine's clean.

We're waiting on the cultures.
"T." "T"?

Or toxins. Utox is negative,

but that doesn't mean
he didn't take something
we can't test for.

What am I looking for?
I don't know.
dr*gs, meds. Wait.

It's "M."

Sorry. Sorry.

Um, "M." The "M" in VITAMIN
stands for...

This kid

could have a metabolic disease

that keeps him
on a restricted diet.

What diet?

His buddy told me
that he was a vegetarian.

What buddy?
And then, today he had
two cheeseburgers.

I'm lost.
We need to get this guy
upstairs, Abby.

No, what we need
is an ammonia level.
Get some ice.

Ammonia has to go
to the lab cold. Run.

That's my Frappuccino!

They can do this upstairs, Abby.

Yeah, after they do
their assessment, review labs,

and repeat X rays.

Meanwhile, his brain
is being pickled

by whatever metabolite
is growing in there.

Okay. Get that to the lab. Go.

Hang in there, Liam.

Good signal.
Fetal heart rate 158.

That's still good, right.

For the time being.

But if your baby
gets in trouble,

and is deprived of oxygen,
every second counts.

But that's not happening.

Not yet.

You trying
to scare me?

No, I'm just trying to prepare
you for what might happen.

Listen, thousands of
C-sections are performed

in this country every day.
It's a simple procedure.

I want to have more kids of my
own one day-- naturally.

And lots of women go on
to have vaginal births
after having Cesareans.

Excellent variability
of the FHR.

Could I consent,
but only as a last resort?

Only if the baby's
in serious danger?

Absolutely. Sam has
a consent form right here.

Okay, but only
as a last resort.

You need to be made aware
of the risks.

What sort of risks?


Bleeding, infection,
paralysis, stroke...


These are minimal risks.

Can I speak with you
outside, please?

I don't want this.

No, just, just think
about it, okay?


What the hell is
going on in there?

She needs to be aware
of the risks. It's called
informed consent.

You made it sound
like brain transplant.
And you like a pedicure.

It is not your job
to explain the procedures!

No, that's your job,
and you're not doing it.

Look out!
What's going on?

You tell me.

How are we
on the packed cells?

Units 5 and 6 infusing.

What about Kovac?

I've got this.

What can I do?

Internal paddles again.
Charge to 30.

You're shocking
It's fine V-fib.


How long
she's been down?

Hang another unit.
Charge the paddles again.

Shouldn't we save blood
for someone who's got a chance?

Proximal great vessel injury,

She's been
down too long.

Now that you two
are residents, you're experts?

If we restore her volume...
It's time to call it.

Call it.

Call it.

Death at 14:40.

What's the survival rate in
patients who reach this hospital

alive after
a penetrating chest trauma?

When you two can answer that,

then you can start
second guessing me.

You want to do something?
Notify her next of kin.

Abby, stats are down to 76.

Can't get a good seal.
He needs a tube. Get a Miller
two and a six-five.

What's wrong?

What's going on?

Uh, hypoventilating
at a rate of six.

Is this the mall kid?

Told you to send him
to PICU hours ago.


I wanted to check
one thing.

Great, so you kept him down here
long enough for him to crash.

Tube. I got some history that
suggested further workup.

Which you should have given
to the team upstairs.

I'm in.

Good chest rise.

Equal breath sounds.

Ammonia's back. 214.
You were right.

The kid has a metabolic

Some kind of protein
intolerance. Okay, run to
the pharmacy.

See if the sodium
phenylbutyrate is ready.

Sodium what?

It's a nitrogen scavenger. It'll
help bring down the ammonia

and reverse
the encephalopathy.

Got it.

The kid's family are
strict vegetarians.

But his friends told me today
that he had two cheeseburgers,

because he was depressed.
Because his parents
are getting a divorce.

So it was probably some sort
of fast-food rebellion,

only he can't handle
the protein.

Any family members
to confirm this?

Uh, Chuny's still trying
to track them down.

Switch him to D10 half
at 150 an hour?

You got it.

Luka, I've got a hot MI
on its way.

Be right there.

Lower the ammonia, get him
out of his catabolic tailspin,

he'll start to wake up, right?

...nice pickup.

Lockhart comes up big.

( ball bouncing )

You call that a jump shot?

Hey, Luka.

I hear your mom's
looking at apartments.


Who knows, might be even close
enough for you to walk to my

It's not. It's only
a few blocks from here.


You know, it's not my idea.

Back to work.

We're going to still go camping
again on your birthday, right?



Dr. Rasgoata?



Neela's fine.
Miss Filmore's freaking out

about how long she's been
waiting to have
her ankle splinted.

Maybe you could help
with this one.

How we doing, Drew?

I've been here
for six hours.

Is there anybody here who knows
what the hell they're doing?


Then what the hell
are you waiting for?

I've got a national
sales conference
I'm supposed to be at.

I'm sorry you had to wait.
Sometimes we lose track of time

when we're trying to save
people's lives.

Is that sarcasm?

Because I don't need that.
I'm a customer here.

And if I'm not happy
with the service,

or the way I'm treated,
I will go to your supervisors.

We have a contract.

I didn't agree to surgery.

You agreed to consent
to all medically
necessary procedures,

associated with the pregnancy.

What is going on?

This is my husband, Rob.
Dr. Barnett...

Are you the OB?
No. ER.

She needs a C-section and I have
a legal document
giving permission

Can we go out to discuss this?

You don't, it's a breach
of contract, and you
won't get paid.

I want to have
the baby naturally.

I'll get a court order
forcing her to.

I don't think
you can.
Watch me.

She's endangering
our unborn child.

I am doing everything
to convince her
to get surgery.

But I can't force her.
She's carrying
our baby.

We've been trying to have
kids for five years.

We spent a fortune
at three tries at IVF

and every time,
I miscarried.

We gave the last
of my embryos to Claire.

I'm sorry, but we
can't do it like this.

Let me go and talk
to her again.

I'm still getting
a court order.

She had a late decel.

How low?

Let's get her to the OB.

You need
to wait outside now.

We're taking her
to labor and delivery.

How we doing, Claire?

Are you moving me?

Yep, we're going upstairs.

Inez, go hold
an elevator.


Your baby's heart rate dropped
during the last contraction

which could mean a sign
of cord compression.

The baby could be in trouble.

What's the heart rate now?


That's still okay,
though, right?


We're doing okay.

15 liters by mask.

( Claire screaming )

You need to have a C-section,
Claire, you know that.

I know you have to trust me.
I know my own body.

We wanna go with her.

We wanna be there
when our baby is born!

I don't want them
to be there.

( screaming )

Dr. Pratt.
This is Karen Simms.

You treated her mother.


Oh, right, thanks, Chuny.

No one will tell me
what happened.

What's GSW? Is that gastric
something? Is she okay?

Uh, would you like
to sit down?


GSW stands for
g*nsh*t wound.

Your mother was shot during
a robbery attempt.

She was shot?


We gave her blood transfusions,
emergency surgery,

everything we could
to save her.

She's dead?

I'm afraid that her injuries
were too severe.

I'm very sorry.

How did you find me?

We found your name
in her address book.

Did she say anything?

She talked a little
when she was brought in,

but she lost a lot of blood
and lost consciousness

as we were trying
to save her.

Would you like
to see her?

It's too late.

We haven't spoken
in a long time.

We had a falling out
a while back.

We were both waiting
for the other one

to give in and admit
they were wrong.

I guess I win.

I need to push.

No, not yet. Just breathe.
You're doing great.

Fetal heart rate is 120.

Where's pedes?
On their way.

God, it wasn't as
hard the first time.

Take a rest.
Umbilicus past the perineum?

Yup. Good news, Claire.
The baby's hips are out.
You get to push next time.

Okay. I told you I could do

Sterile towel.

Some gentle traction can
help us get to the axilla.

Okay, baby's heart rate's
below 100.

97, 90, 85, 79.

We need to put her on
100% O2, non-rebreather.

What's wrong? Is he okay?

Your baby's heart rate is
dangerously low.

Umbilical cord's getting
compressed, he's not
getting enough oxygen.


It should rebound between

We could still
do a Cesarean, Claire.

We can push him back in
and in less than two
minutes-- start surgery.

But he's almost out.

We don't know that.
His head could be entrapped.

Okay, this is it.
Big push, Claire.

The difference between two
minutes and five minutes

of low oxygen is the difference
between a normal and
brain-damaged baby.

Dr. Barnett!
Consent to the C-section.

I'm trying, I'm really trying!

Okay, the head's stuck. We're
going to need to pull him
out with forceps.

Okay, sling a towel
under his body.

Hold him up right here.

48 on the monitor.

Open the intubation tray.

Okay, Claire, once more.

One big push!

Pretty cyanotic.

Clamp and scissors.

Okay, come on, baby.

Just give us one little cry.

He needs a little stimulation.

No respiratory effort.
Bag him.

No femoral.
Starting compressions.

Three and a half

Can you please tell Rod
and Toni that he's out?

I'm in.

Epi point zero four by ET.

How is he?

He doesn't have a pulse

and he's not breathing.

So what does that tell you?

Okay, Doctor, that's it--
you're out of here.

I thought I could do it.

( sighing )

( cheering )

Hey, Chas!

Let's do this!

( cheering )

Come on!

Have you been in
to see your baby?

they're still doing
tests on him.

It's been
over an hour.

It was a hard delivery.

What aren't they telling us?

Your son was deprived
of oxygen during the birth.

Um... but... but he's going
to be all right?

We'll know more
in a few days.

There's a good chance
that he suffered
neurologic damage.

Well, did he
or didn't he?

I think that
he probably did.

( sobbing )

Come on, let's go.

Go where?


What about our son?
I'm not leaving him.

The pediatrician will come
see you and he'll
have more answers.

You already gave us
the answer.

We didn't pay to have
a brain dead baby.

He's not
brain dead.

He's not normal.

Which he would have been
if you had done the C-section.

We were going to call him David,
after Rod's father.

Toni, you still can.

Let's go.

Hey, Liam,
how are you feeling?


Well, your parents
are on their way.

They were very worried
about you.


I'll send them up to the
PICU as soon as they get here.

You'll like it up there.
They have video games.

My friend thinks
you're a MILF.

Shut up.

Excuse me?

It's a mother I'd like to...

Ah, well, I'm not a mother.

I'm a doctor.

Guess that makes you

Okay, see you later, Liam.

Stay on your diet, and wear
your Medic Alert bracelet.

Am I supposed to pretend
I didn't see that?

See what?


Well, come on.

I don't hear from him
and he sends the ER
a postcard?

You practically chased him out
of town with a torch.

Where's Pratt?
He left.

Must be nice
working banker's hours.

Um, no...
this is incomplete.

You didn't document
the distal neurovascular exam.

Let me see...

10 millimeter kidney stone.

No, urology needs to see
this guy prior to discharge.


this looks good.

Just right down the CBC
and Chem 20 results.

Lab slips
are on the back.

Not good enough. You have to
transcribe them to your H&P.

Since when?

There's a new sheriff
in town, ladies.

All right, let's see
if you can do better

than one for four, Lockhart.

Need me to sign off
on some charts?


You said you had stuff for me

to sign off on.
That was Neela.

Aren't those
your charts?

Could someone show me how to do
a filiform and follower?

Where's Ray?

He never came back down
from labor and delivery.

Probably stayed upstairs to hit
on one of those OB nurses.

I'll show you
how to do it.

How's his muscle tone?

Uh, it's not too good.

Is he overbreathing the vent?


Hypoxic brain injury.

The chance for complete
neurological recovery is slim.

Has his mother
been in to see him?


Claire doesn't consider him
her child...

and the Stillmans don't want
a ventilator baby.

There's nothing else
you can do for him.

Little guy has
had a rough day.

I don't think he should spend
his first night all alone.

Hey, Chas.

I'll talk
to you guys later.

All right.

Congratulations, man.
You swam a good race.

Oh, yeah, yeah, thanks.

I'm Greg.

Yeah, I remember you.

Uh, you came to the house
a few weeks ago.


So did your dad say
anything about me?


He didn't?

No, but I mean,
he's right back here

with my mom
and my sister
if you...

No, no, that's cool. I, um, I
actually just wanted
to introduce myself to you.

Your father
and my mother, uh...

I'm your half-brother.

( snorts )

Get outta here.

No, it's true.

I'm just surprised your dad
didn't mention it to you.

I mean, I've heard
family rumors
and stuff, but...

Oh, wow,
this is trippy.

Good to meet you, man.

You, too.

Come on, Chas,
I'm starving.



So you two've met.



Yeah, that's good.

We're going to get a bite to
eat. Do you want to join us?

Uh, not tonight. I just, uh,
wanted to introduce myself to
Chas, you know.

I'm glad you did, too.


Okay, well,
I've got to go.

Wait, Greg.

Uh, this is my wife,

and my daughter,

This is Greg...

my son.

Nice to meet you,


Come join us.

Uh, I can't.

I got to get back
to the hospital.

Maybe another time. It was nice
meeting all of you.

It was nice meeting
you, too, Greg.

Come on, Chas.

Hold up, Greg.

You know, this is hard.

For all of us.

So come on, man...
give it a chance.

This is your family.

No, this
is your family.



( sighs )
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