12x03 - Man With No Name

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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12x03 - Man With No Name

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on E.R.:

Officer on deck!

Me. I'm the chief.

Yeah, Chief Pain-In-The-Ass.

Welcome to County, Inez.
Thank you.

I don't need anything from you.

I never have.
Don't come back anymore.

But I couldn't leave
without seeing you.

I need to think
things out by myself.

Where are you going now?

I'm going to look
at an apartment

before work.
So what? That,

That's it?
We don't talk about this?

Sam's moving out.



I got a feeling it's our
communication problem.

What did you say
your name was again?

I didn't.

( horse whinnies )

No. I guess you didn't
at that, did you?

Ay, Dios mio.

Morning, Zoila.

I think you at work.

First Thursday
of the month

is when Samantha
told me to come.

I'm running a little bit late.

You don't have
to clean up today.

But Samantha say...

Samantha doesn't
live here anymore.

Um, I'll, uh... I'll,

I'll have her call you.

All these was at the lobby.


The dishes...


You're going to get cucarachas.

Currently, patient
throughput is 8.7...

Pow! Pow!

Now the problem is...

Dr. Weaver, can we...
Not a good
time, Morris.

If they need to be admitted
to the hospital,

that goes up to over 19 hours.

Certainly room
for improvement.

That's where
Caduceus Systematics

come into the picture.

Houston, we have a problem!

Okay, one moment.

Why don't you, um... here.

Take a look at these.


Keep it down, Doctor.

I've got grant
officers with me.

Grant officers? Ka-ching.

All right.

They're considering funding
a pilot study here at County.

Kudos to you. Now,

what do we do about
this new nurse czar,

Eve something or other?


She came in to meet with the
Emergency Services Committee

and we all loved her.

Is it her job to slow the
floor down to a crawl?

I thought that
was your job.
My point being.

All the nurses,
they're all in there

just yakking away.
They're entitled

to a staff
meeting, Morris.
Not unless I say so.

We say so.

Not unless Dr. Weaver says so.

Exactly. Who's the
attending on today?

Supposed to be Susan.
Yeah, well,

that's not
going to happen.
So, it's true?

She's leaving
for a tenure position?

Not yet. She's just,
uh, interviewing.

Isn't Kovac coming in?

He's running
a little late.

So, what else is new?

Uh, Dr. Weaver?

Hold down the fort.

When's the last time
anybody even saw a nurse?

Oh... Malik did an EKG
for me six minutes ago.

Just let them
have their powwow.

No. Chief say
powwow over.

( chuckles )

Guess he hasn't met the
new nurse manager yet.

Uh, as part of the, um, upcoming
JCAHO site visit,

any individual practitioners...

I need you
to step out.

can and will
be asked...

specific questions
by the surveyor.

So, I need you
to become very familiar

with this booklet
here, okay...
Shut up.

I need a nurse, okay?

I'm sorry.

Dr... Morris, is it?

Yeah, I, uh...

have a patient
with an abscessed tooth.

Needs I.V. penicillin.

You need one of us
to administer

I.V. antibiotics for you?

That's what nurses do.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I wasn't aware of any literature
on the benefits of I.V.

antibiotics in dental


And as far

as I know, oral antibiotics

are still the standard of care.

Yeah. Yeah, I know that.

Oh, good.

Then maybe you
can educate the nurses

about inferior
alveolar dental blocks.


Doing a study

to track patients
is the best way to determine

how to improve...

Uh... Hey. Tony,

can you give my friends here
a tour of the rig?

Sure thing, Dr. Weaver.

Your shift started

40 minutes ago.

Morning, Kerry.

There's no attending
on the floor.

Well, we seem
to have a shortage.

Then don't make
me come looking

for you.
Can we talk about
this later please?

Okay. No, I need
to know that...

( man screaming in agony )

Sir! Stop where you are, sir!

( screaming )

I need a gurney here!

( gasping and screaming )

So, did you straighten
those nurses out, Chief?

Uh, they are autonomous

If they want to have a meeting,

we're in no position
to question that.

She spanked you raw, huh?

It was all a blur.

Can't find a femoral pulse
through the eschar.
Ayudame! Ayudame!

He's got a carotid
of two plus.

Need a hand
with that?

We got this, but can
you check on my guests?

They looked a little
freaked. Hey!

Sam, we need a nurse here.

Inez, you go, too.

Unidentified burn victim-- no
history, walked himself in.

Do you want me to start
an I.V. or check the B.P.?

Yeah, fine.

Access, vitals, fluids.
Let's go!

( gasping )

What's up with the camera?

Sending Michael a care package.

To Iraq?

Figured I'd include
photos of everyone.

Is there anything
you want to send?


Like what?

Well, something you
think he'd miss.

Something he can't
get there.


Oh, a movie, huh?

It's not a bad idea.

Let me put it
this way: it ain't Disney.

I know you're not
sending him porn.

Just a little
three-way, nothing dirty.

Oh, I like the way
you think, Frank.

I'm not mailing this.

He'll get in trouble
and I'll get arrested.
No, no.

I buried it inside some nature
snoozefest about snow leopards.

That'll get it past

those Army hounds.
This cannot be
a good idea.

Listen, dear,
I've been to w*r.

I know how horny
a guy can get.

Yeah, thanks...
Frank. That'll do.

KJ, I need you to make
a run for me, man.

Again? I just
got back

from getting her
that camera.

Hey, hey, hey.
No slouching, right?

Like a shark.
Now, take this $20.

What I want
you to do is...
The generous Dr. Pratt.

Catch me in a minute--

and help restock that cart.

What are you doing here?

Aren't we still
getting together later?

Yeah, but I had
a case upstairs,

so I thought I'd stop by.

Oh. What case?

11-year-old Latin queen

recovering from a s*ab wound.

The knife missed her
heart by an inch.

Wow. How's
she doing?
Tells me she made one mistake.

She should have
stabbed the bitch first.

Aren't they so
cute at that age?

You got anything for me?

I always got
something for you.

I meant work.


No GSWs yet,

but the day is
still young.

I saw Charlie Pratt
at Ceasefire.

He said he stopped
by here last week.

How'd it go?


It was quick.

I mean, we really have
nothing to talk about.

Okay. Um... so,

I'll see you
for lunch then?

All right.

( patient coughing )

Lungs are wet!

He's very tachy.

I need that line, please.
I'm working on it.

Tranquilo, señor.

Como se llama?
( shrieks )


Que paso?

No se.
Morphine and fluids.

We need access, Sam.

I know,
I know.
No I.D. and

he doesn't know
what happened.
Worry about I.D.

after you've got
him on a monitor.

I was getting...
And start a foley

to document renal function.

Got it!

18 gauge in the left antecube.

A liter wide open!

Feet and perineum
are clear of burns.

Sam, what are you doing?

I'm gonna hang saline.

I can see that. Why?

Because, uh, fluid requirements
are 4 cc's per kilo.

Good, so
you're familiar

with the Parkland formula?

( coughing )

Well then, you must know
that lactated ringers

is the preferred crystalloid.

Excuse me?

Oh, uh, Dr. Ko-vak,
I'm Eve Peyton.

Our new nurse manager.

It's "Kovach."

Sats are down to 78.

This is a bad time to start

pimping the
nursing staff.

The worst times are usually
the best times to learn.

Didn't Yoda say that?


All right.
You've got this.

Eve, why don't you,
uh, come with me

and I'll introduce you
to the bean-counters.

All right.

Did you call that woman?

Yes. Your daughter's
on her way.

Oh, hey, hey.

You might want to
check in on Penny.

Penny Nicholson?

If at first you
don't succeed...

Believe that would
be my kidney?

Hi, Penny.

Hi. Nice
to see you again.

I'm Dr.


It's my stage name.

How apt.

Do elementary school
health shows.

"The Respiratory Rumba,"

"Hi-Gene, Good-bye B.O.,"
"The Heart Is a Lonely Beater."

We get it.

Discomfort after a fall.

Slipped on a
puddle of Jell-O

in the cafetorium
right in the middle

of my musical number on
the reproductive system,

"Ova Here, Ova There."

Breath sounds are equal.

Check for splenic tenderness.

All right.

( moans )

Take a deep
breath, sir.

She was about to feel
my liver, wasn't she?

I mean, come on,

you're not in the fifth grade.

My spleen is right here.

There's no need
to get excited.

Should I draw you a picture?

Oh, look! I already have.
Miss Nicholson is
a medical student...

The entire human anatomy!
Actually, sir,
it's not!

You have no genitalia.



You blocked it.

What's that for?

care package.

I'm getting photos of everyone,

plus anything people
want to send him.

Frank's giving him porn.

Ah. The gift
that keeps on giving.

What are you going to send?

Well, I made
this mix CD,

but I don't know.

"Weekend in New England,"


Michael's got a weak
spot for Barry Manilow.

Very weak.

I could send him a menu from
Gibson's or a Cubs program,

or I've got some pressed
flowers I could...

You'll figure it out.

Yeah. Here, sign
this for him.

The lighting in here is brutal.

That's all you got from him?

No family, no address?

The guy was in pain, okay?

Well, I'll go up with
you in case he wakes up.

Uh, maintain the PEEP around ten

and tell the unit they'll need
central monitoring on this guy.

You didn't even
get a name?

He really wasn't up
for an interview.

Nice way to start the day, huh?


How's the new place?

Uh, it's okay.

You know, we're
getting used to it.

Oh, here.

Some of it's
a few days old.

Oh, thank you.

Are you gonna take Alex to that
soccer game on Saturday?

Oh, if you still
want me to...

Yeah. No, I think that...

No, I mean I
wasn't sure that...

No, I think, I
mean... you should.

That could be good
for everybody.

Well... okay.

I was thinking...

I've been thinking...

we let things get away from us,

but we don't have to...

we don't have to
leave it like that.


No. A lot
happened fast.

Huh? Too fast.

Maybe we should
just take our time,

make sure we know
what we're doing.

I don't want this to be
one more thing I messed up.

We're pretending, Luka.

I... don't want
to pretend anymore.

Sam, do you have that...

Uh, your piggyback.

Yes. Right here.

( groans )
I'm fine!

Let me out of here!

All right.
Sit down and relax, okay?

How old are you?


Pretty stupid.

I got a 2,200
on my SATs.

You work
for the county.

Who's stupid?
( laughs )

Two liters of saline,
send off a B.A.L.

and don't light a match
around our little genius here.

( laughs )

That's why they call me
the "Whiz Kid."

( laughs )
Oh, yeah!


Go with God.

Oh, yeah! Look at that.

Oh, yeah.

This is an 18 french foley
catheter, Erik.

What's it for?

I'll need you
to remove your pants.

Labs are back on your U.T.I.


Uh, how's
your burn guy?

In I.C.U.

Any leads?

Cops are looking into it.

And he just walked
in here like that?

High tolerance for pain,
I guess.

Okay, well...

uh, let me know
if you hear anything.

Robbie Beckwith, 11,
blunt face and head.

He was on one of those
motorized scooters,

hit some lady
on skates.

They're unloading her
right now.

I'll get that one.

Robbie, can you squeeze
my hand, please?

Okay, Pratt should take this.

He's altered
and he had no helmet. CT?

Chuny, where's Pratt?

With a new onset seizure in Two.

Guess it's you and me.


Trauma panel,

C-spine, chest and pelvis.

Head and facial CT?

After the plain films.

Yankauer, please.

My mom. I want my mom...

They called her.

She's on her way.
You lost a couple

of teeth, Robbie.

Wear a helmet
from now on, okay?

I promise.

Need anything here?

No, we're probably
just going to tube him
and get him to CT.

I'll call for a vent.
We may not need it.

You're not going
to tube him?

I don't know yet.

Uh, well, I've got three nurses
here for the traumas.

I can float in a fourth,

if you want.

( gurgling )

There's a lot

of bleeding
from the nasopharynx.


I can't visualize
the source.

He's getting wheezy.

Okay. He's going
to need help breathing.

That's all
I was saying.

I'm going in with Abby on
a diffuse abdominal pain.

Why don't you show her how
to secure the airway?


I'll be next door.

Seven O E.T.


is on board.

Pulse ox 99
on two liters.

Pupils equal and reactive.

What happened?

We were rollerblading
by the lake.

My first time.

She got dizzy and rammed
into some kid on a scooter.

No breakfast.

I tried to catch her,
but I...

Why are you wearing
those in here?

We left our shoes
at the rental place.

Good breath sounds

Have you ever had any seizures?

Any heart problems?

No, I'm healthy.

You on any medications?

Just multivitamins.

Hemocue's low-- 6.9.

You ever been anemic before?



Is that a burn?

It's probably from
the scooter's tailpipe.

Okay, belly CT,

two units of O-neg.

Call surgery and hold an O.R.

What's happening?

She's losing blood somewhere.

But I'm not even cut.

No, it's internal.

You guys good in here?
You mean like hemorrhaging?

He needs that lac
looked at.

Yes, he does.
Come with me.

I'll be back soon,

Hey, how do you like
those things?

They... they hurt
your knees at all?

Ooh, that Morris guy--
what's he do?

He's chief resident.

No, seriously.

Damn it.
There's a ton of blood.

The cords are swollen.
What if you can't
get through?

Then we move on
to Plan B.

What's Plan B?

Sam, set up the fiberoptic.

How long will the
paralytics last?

Look it up in the P.D.R.,
you'll remember it better.

I got the scope,
but the light source,
got to find one.

Morrison's is clear,
no free fluid.

Fiberoptic light source
in here?

Uh, I saw it in Exam Three.

How's it going
in there?

It's going.

First unit
of O-neg is up.

No hemothorax.
Is that good?

Yes, it is good, but it still
doesn't explain the blood loss.

I'm here.

Blunt abdomen,
severe anemia.

FAST is negative.

Uh, hasn't dropped yet.

She's tachy, but maintaining
systolic of 110.

Any pain there?

Not really.

Extra red top,
please. You.

Here you go.


Obviously, there is an occult
bleeding source.

Well, Dr. Kovac,

normally this might be the part

where we'd argue over whether

you were hasty
in calling me down.

I'd question the accuracy and
thoroughness of your assessment

and we'd play mind games
in a futile attempt

to one-up each other.

But you know what?

I'm just not
in the mood today.

Why? I don't know.

Lack of sleep,

Maybe you people
have just worn me out.

And yet, even then...

Dr. Lockhart, what do you see?

hypochromic anemia.

And is that
an acute condition?

No, it is not.

It is a chronic condition,

the differential
of which includes...

Iron deficiency,

lead poisoning.

Are any of those surgical?


New nurse?

Next time, please consider
the innate skills and abilities

that I suspect led us
all to be doctors.

Dust them off

and put them to use
before you summon me.

Good luck, dear.

Was it something you said?

Light source is on high.
Sats are 92.

All right, here we go.

This is Mrs. Beckwith,
Robbie's mom.

I've explained
the situation.

Is he in a coma?

No, ma'am.
He's just sedated.

Oh, I told him to be careful

on that thing, to wear a helmet.

Turn up the suction.

Has Dr. Kovac been in here?

He left to work on that lady.

Sam, crichoid pressure.

Got it.

Is he coming back?

I'll go update him.
Here, Penny.

You're sure you've
never been anemic?


Ever had an ulcer?

What is it?

You might want
to look in on this.

Not right now.

on the monitor.

Okay, is the first unit in?

No, I.V.'s

She's only got 50 c.c.'s.

She needs some blood.
Is there anything
from your

medical history that
we need to know about?

Anything else you
can think of?

Nothing important.

I mean, I tested positive
for BRCA-one last year,

but I'm tumor-free.


It's a genetic mutation that
indicates an increased risk

of breast and ovarian cancer.

Try an 85% chance, but I know
I don't have cancer yet.

Man, I cannot
get an I.V.!

Neither can I.

Okay, set me up
for a central line.

Betadine and
sterile gloves.

Sats are in
the low 80's.

Did Dr. Kovac say how long?

Damn it!

he didn't say much.

Let's get those sats up.

Is he not
breathing right?

Maybe you
should crike him?
Too young.

It's not indicated
in children under 12.

Line is primed
and ready.

Dr. Kovac...

Cordis introducer.

Dr. Pratt needs a more
experienced physician

to help him
get the fiberoptic.

Okay, wire is passing,
100 of lidocaine.

Pratt is very experienced
with the airways.

He'll get it.

Stephanie, is there
anything unusual you
might have ingested?

He needs you in there.

Multifocal P.V.C.'s.

This woman is

And that child is hypoxic.

Run of four.

Because to fix it,

we have to know
what it is.

I didn't take anything.

There should be an attending
in there.

I'll be in as
soon as I can.

Okay, then.

Where's your difficult
airway box?

It's over there.

Do you work with
pottery or-or
stained glass?

Those have heavy
metals in them.

Excuse me, Miss Peyton...
I have a Ph.D.,

so if you'd like
to get formal,
call me "Doctor."

Open the crash cart.

Stephanie, what is it?

I've been going
to Mexico

for treatments.

To prevent cancer?

A three-day juice fast

with herbal enemas,

and some natural medicine
to boost my immune system.

Lead poisoning.

Send a level.

Okay, B.A.L.
35 milligram

I.M. for chelation.

Why didn't you say
something sooner?

I was scared. I didn't know

what it would do to my coverage.

What's going on?

Laryngeal mask airway.

Tip of the cuff
on the palate

and guide with your
index finger

until you feel the
resistance of the

And inflate.

And bag.

You might want
to educate

your residents
about the L.M.A.
as a rescue device

in "can't intubate, can't
ventilate" patients.

Sats are coming up.
It's working.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Take it from here,

I'm going to go
find a bedpan that
needs emptying.

I didn't even know we
had LMAs on the floor.

Been on order since July,
arrived last Friday.

As part of my orientation,

I went through the supply lists,
item by item.

Oh, sounds like something
Weaver would make you do.

I did it on my own.

Is there some sort of history
between you and Dr. Kovac?

Uh, nothing to worry about.

It's a nurse-doctor issue.

If I don't worry
about it, who will?


it's a personal thing.

Won't come up again.

Sam, is our kid up in CT?

Uh, yeah, he's
with his mom.

Hey, and since when
do we have LMAs?

Since last Friday,
from what I'm told.

I hope I didn't blow it.

Kovac shouldn't have
left you.

Yeah, but I told
him I had it.

Hey, Dr. Pratt.
Got it.

We all set up?

Let's go find Neela.

If I wasn't a feminist,

I'd call that new
manager a bitch.

She's all up in my stuff,
writing everything down.

Are we getting
evaluated, Sam?

I guess so.

Beware the
Blood Countess.

A pizza?

You want to send a pizza
to Iraq?

It's a deep dish.
Mikey loves it.

I understand that.

Look, we got the dry ice,

we got the waterproof shroud,

It's going to be a week
in transit.

It will?

I... I could look
into flash-freezing.

It's all good.

Just, you know,
take the picture.

Come on.

All right. All right.

Say "cheese."


So, should I...

No, don't worry
about it.

I'll take care
of everything.

I got this.

What's the matter
with you, man?

This thing won't
make it to Baghdad.

What were you thinking?

Hey. CT's on the line.

Your, uh, scooter boy's
heart rate dropped.

( whispers ):
Watch it.

Is Stephanie okay?

They said that I still
can't talk to her yet.

How, uh... how deep
into this thing are you?


Oh, um...

we only met a few nights ago

at a, uh, J speed-date.

But we really
hit it off.

J what?

Oh, it's for Jewish singles.

You go around
to each table,

chatting for a few minutes
with each person.

See who responds to whom.


* Baruch Atah Adonai Elohaynu,
Melech Ha Olam... *

Are you... Jewish?

No, no, no, no.

I had a crush on
a Semitic girl once.

That's a, um... that's a holy
prayer that you just said.

Yeah, yeah.

I spent a lot of time
at synagogue,

guess you could say
stalking her.

Those rabbis, man--
they hit hard.

I think I...
I really like her.

Sorry about that.

( groans ):

( groans ):

Diffuse brain edema.

Facial CT shows a
LeFort Two fracture.

What does that mean?

He's going to need
surgeries to fix

the bones
in his face.
I'll put him
back on monitors.

And set up
for a formal trake.

What's that-- trake?

We need to put
a surgical airway
in his neck.

All right,
we're going to need
12 of decadron I.V. push

and 60 of mannitol.

Number eight sterile gloves.

Betadine and steri-drape.

One per cent with epi.

CT report.


Norma, you need anything?

Ten blade to Dr. Pratt.

Um, my husband...
we're separated.

Uh, did anybody...

Yes, he's been called.

Do you, uh...
do you have a washroom?

Uh, Chuny, I'll get that.

Why don't you show Mrs. Beckwith
where that is, okay?

Vertical incision?

Come with me, ma'am.

I'll bring you back
when they're done, okay?

Three centimeters from
the cricoid cartilage
to sternal notch.

I'm glad you found time
to supervise your resident.

Cauterize here
for the hemostasis.

There's no excuse
for what happened earlier.

I was with another patient.

That woman was
less critical.

Not by my assessment.

Then your assessment was wrong.

Ready to divide
the thyroid isthmus.

Two kellys.

A kid with severe head trauma
takes priority.

You shouldn't need a nurse
to tell you that.

And you shouldn't need a doctor
to explain to you

that it's not always clear
who the most critical is.

Then I suggest next time
you call in a second attending

or you get
a more senior resident.

Hey, I'm an R4, all right?
I thought I had it.

Perhaps you and I
need to have a talk

in private
about which nurses

you're willing to work with
and which ones you're not.

That way, this
won't have to
happen again.

Number six shiley.

It's hard to come up
with the right thing.

Are people sending Michael
loser presents?

Well, Pratt thinks
he can send him a pizza.

And Chuny got him these.

But I meant from me.

Well, what's
your current plan?

Well, I wrote him
a poem.

Are you sure
you want me to...



It rhymes.

Is it too high school?

Yeah, it's kind of

I'm an idiot.

No, you're not.

Look... you're
his girlfriend, right?

Well, I... I guess.

Well, Neela, a man at w*r
has certain needs.

You're beginning
to sound like Frank.

I get that a lot.

Meet me in the family room
in ten minutes.

Dr. Kovac...

I'm tired of
fighting with you.

Give it a rest today.
Look, if there's

an issue between
you and that nurse...

It's my job to assess
where I'm needed.

I understand that.
Yeah, and as

for me and Sam,
we're a couple.

I mean, it's...
it's not a problem.

All right, then.

Look, normally, I try
to resolve internal issues

as... as calmly,
as civilly as possible.

And you probably
don't understand that

because in this case...
well, I didn't.

Look, from now on,
I'm just going to
focus my attention

on determining how the nurses
should be utilized.

That sounds good.


Don't be so serious.

Try to relax
a little bit.

Have some fun.

This feels too weird.

It's okay, it'll be fine.

Come on.

( chuckles )

Oh, grab those lollipops.

You're kidding, right?

No. Come on.

This guy's asking
for you again.

Secret of my success, Chuny--
always leave them wanting more.

Done. Done.


And... done.


( shutter clicks )



( shutter clicks )


( laughs )

Okay. Smile.

( shutter clicks )

That's nice.

( shutter clicks )

Do my legs look okay?

Yes. You have the gams
of a patriot.

Now make love to the camera.

That's great.



( camera shutter clicks )


( groans )


Thank you.

Where's your roller-date?


He said he'd come back
with pizza and Snickers.

Seems like a sweet guy.

So, your lead levels
came back critical.

Is that from
my treatments?

It's probably from the
herbs you were taking.

You're going to need
a series of injections,

but the anemia
should resolve.

Um, more importantly

is, uh, what you're
doing about the BRCA.

What I'm doing?

Yeah. Can you hold onto
this for a minute?

If you like, I could
get an oncologist

to come down here
and talk to you.

No. I don't want that.

You okay?

I saw an oncologist
when I first found out.

And, um...

what made you
get tested?

My doctor recommended it,
on account of my mother.

Is she positive, too?

She beat cancer once
when I was little,

but it came back
to get her.

I watched her getting smaller
and smaller all winter.

And then, as soon as the
leaves began to go green,

she passed away.

It was right before
my senior prom.

She was 44 years old.

I'm sorry.

Did the oncologist
you spoke with

mention anything about
prophylactic surgery?

You mean having
my breasts removed?

And an oophorectomy.

I'd never do that.

That's why
I tried Mexico.

I want to... I want
to fall in love.

I want to have
a child, a family...

while there's still time.

Well, then, you might
want to consider

just the mastectomies
and wait for the ovarian...

"Just the mastectomies"?

Would a man even want
to look at me then?

There have been
a lot of advances

in reconstructive surgery

and you need
to protect yourself.

Can you promise me that giving
up my breasts would protect me?

It would decrease your chance
of getting cancer by 90%.

And I would lose months
of my life to recovery

with no guarantees.

And the clock
is ticking, you know.

I'm not getting
any younger.

Tell me which poison to pick...

...the cancer risk
or the surgery.

Well, I can't.

But maybe an oncologist could.

Mr. Beckwith?

Are you Doctor, uh...

Kovac. Yeah.
Please, come with me.

Where... where is he?
Can I see him now?

Uh, I'd like to talk to you
about his condition first.

Is my wife here?

She's in with Robbie now.

Oh, is he awake?
I want to see him.

You will, soon.

I told her not to
get him that thing.

She's always making me
out to be the bad guy,

spoiling that kid rotten.

Why don't we go inside
so I can explain to you

where we are at
with Robbie now.

I'm not going in there.
I know why you
take people in there.

Sir, please...
No, my boy is not dead!


Mr. Beckwith.


Where is he?
Sir, please.

Sir, can you just
calm down?

Where is he?

Robbie! Robbie!


Mr. Beckwith!

There's a swelling in his brain.

We hope it's going
to go down soon.

We had to put an emergency
airway in his neck.

What did you...?

What did you do?
What did you do?

( sobbing softly ):
I'm sorry, Jack.

I'm sorry.

( screaming )
No! No!


( yelling )

Stop it!

Stop it!

( yelling )

Oh, God!

( grunting )


( sobbing )


I didn't want that floor
to be without an attending.

It's all right.
My shift starts in
35 minutes, anyway.

Your shift?

Until we get new faculty,

it's just you, me
and the moonlighters.

Hey, Doc. Wife doesn't
want to press charges.

How about you?

No. When she leaves the room,
let him go inside, see his son.

Hey, uh, the burn victim
who went up to ICU,
how's he doing?

He's hanging in there,
last I checked.

The guy's such a
mess, he can't even
tell us his name.

How you doing?

That floor came out
of nowhere.

Hey, I signed
out to Morris.

He's our mini-
chief, right?

Just go.

Neela, you el-train-bound?
In a minute.

All right.
I'll walk out with you.

What are you doing?

Found it in sutures.

It was wrapped in
a death kit shroud.

It's kind of soggy.

Frank, that was
for Gallant.

Oh. Hey, try
Lou Malnati's.

They overnight.

So, uh, Neela...

I feel you should know
that I minored in photography.

So, if there's anything
you ever need a hand with...

Shut up, Morris.

What's he talking about?

Okay, different tack:

As chief resident,
I think I need to know

what you and Abby were doing
in that room on company time.

And by "know,"
I mean see.

You know what, Morris?

Just because you're so cute.

( chuckles )

Sebaceous cyst abscess.

On somebody's ass.

Oh, it's my fat guy
in Curtain Two.

Weighing in at
an easy 400 pounds.

Looks like it's
leaking, Morris.

You might want
to check that out.

( groans )

I won't have to sleep up here,
will I?

No. We have a bed for you
on the third floor.

We both know what
they're going to say.

The safest thing would be for me
to have the double mastectomy.

Well, I know it's a sacrifice,
but it's not as though

you'd have to live without
breasts forever.

It won't be the same.

It won't feel like my body.

Well, the things
you want

you can't have
if you get cancer.

So, if you were me, you'd do it.

Well, sometimes, we want life
to stay the same,

but it doesn't-- it changes.

And if I were you, I hope I
would be brave enough to change.

Hi, Abby.
Is this Miss Lowenstein?

Yes, it is.

Dr. Geary can
see you now.

I'll check on you tomorrow.


Someone picking you up?

Erica's dropping off Alex.

Heard you had a little
throw-down with a patient.

Uh, not a patient.

The scooter kid's father.

Oh, Robbie.

He's having some purposeful


More than I can say
for myself today.

I shouldn't have left him.

It was the wrong thing
for the wrong reason.

We'll figure it out.


Let's start again tomorrow, huh?

Tell Alex I'll be seeing him
for that soccer game tomorrow.

He's going to be
real happy.


So, you off?

No, coffee.

I got six more hours.

Hey, walk with me.


Something wrong?

You're sleeping with him.

I was.

It's over.

It's never over, hon.
Trust me.

So I don't think
it's appropriate

for the two of you
to work together.

And since I
can't control

physician shifts,
I guess I got to rejigger yours.


I took a look at
the schedule, and...

Whoa, come on.
Wait a minute.

It seems to work out
if you work

Tuesday and Friday nights

and pick up a third shift
Saturday or Sunday.

That's two less
than I'm already doing,

which I can't afford
and I'll never see my kid.

I'm doing you a favor.

It doesn't sound like it.

Well, I could do
what any other

manager would do.
How do you feel

about I.C.U. or Recovery?
Geriatrics always

has openings.
You're threatening
to transfer me?

I am giving you a choice.

Well, I'm an E.R. nurse.


So be here Friday, 8:00 p.m.,
ready to work.

Don't you have work?

Nope. 48 hours off.

Oh, lucky you.


Oh, there's more
in the fridge.

Well, who's the
other one for?

Having a sleep-over.

Hi. I ordered a Caesar salad
and a root beer.

It should be right out.

Hey, sailor.

New in town?

Have a seat.

No, I have to get going.

I took our BRCA lady
up to oncology.


It was sad.

She was telling me

how she's at this
point in her life

where she's worried that
some of things she wants

she's never going to have.

She could never

feeling that way...


You must miss it.



You'd be a terrible sponsor.

Yeah, I could never give up.

I'd miss it too much.

Well, you might
want to think

about suspending it
for the evening.

Mm. Need a ride home?

No, but I think you do.

I do?

You're not driving like this.

I'm not?

( rhythmic thumping )

I can't concentrate!

( thumping stops )

( thumping resumes )

Help yourself to something.


Didn't take you
long to embrace
the bachelor lifestyle.


It's like riding a horse.

Or living in a barn.

Can't get him
out of my head.


That guy.

What a mess.

All melted flesh.

But even so, enough will
to keep walking.

Body ruined, but still,
desperate to live.

And he's alive.

( TV starts )

Yeah, I wonder, if I...

If I were hurt like that...

If you'd keep on walking?

if anyone would know who I was.

I would.


You know, you might want
to think about

getting a housekeeper.

'Cause it's really
disgusting in here.

In a charming sort
of way, of course.

You want a coffee?

Probably don't want a coffee,
but I got you black coffee.

MAN ( on TV ):
I want everybody

to have plenty of those.

( indistinct voices over TV )

He'll be here any damn minute.

I think Sam's right.
We ought to.


What about after?

What about after we do it?


What do we do then?

Then you live with it.
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