12x07 - The Human Shield

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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12x07 - The Human Shield

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on ER:

We got to clean this place up.

Gallant won't be here
for another three days.

I just want it
to be nice for him.

He's been over there
a long time.

Oh. Hi. I'm Zoe.

14 years old?

Why didn't you tell me
how old you are?

'Cause you never asked.

Zoe, I'm going to give
you a prescription

for doxycycline
for the chlamydia.

It's just that you've
been warned three times

and, uh...

We're going to have
to let you go.

Who's this
Clemente guy anyway?

I'm done arguing
with a television set.

It's believed to suppress
radical formation...

Did you just call me
a television set?

Is he gonna be the
new department chief?

We're forming
a search committee.

The guy wouldn't be here

if he wasn't angling for it,

You going to
eat your eggs?

They're cold.

What about your waffles?

I'm not hungry.
I got a stomachache.

You want to bring them
home with you?

Mr. Coogy might want
to eat them later.

( sniffing )

He doesn't like waffles.

Um, excuse me.

Can we get the bill, please?

I'm sorry.
Our machine's still out.

Would you like
more coffee?

Uh, no. Thanks.

It should be just
a couple of minutes.

Come on. We're gonna
get out of here.

Grab your coat.
Hurry up.

You want your picture?

No, no, this way.

Let's go.

You can't come back here, sir.


( sighing )


I like your picture.

Okay, I think
we should keep it.

( tires screeching )




I'm hit!

Don't move. Stay down.


Okay, I'm going to
take care of you.

Try to stay still,

I'll call
for another rig.

73, we need backup.

( grunting )

Put him down, Darrel!

What the hell
are you doing?!

Just checking for
internal bleeding. That's it.

By sticking your
finger in my butt?!

It's called a guiac test.

Oh, geez. Get that
away from me.

Ugh... ugh!


Ah, ah! You got
crap on my nose.

Oh, man!
That's horrible!

( gagging ):

( groaning ):
Oh! Oh! Oh!

That guy
is terrible!

Somebody give me
a towel! Oh, my God!

Guiac's negative.

( groaning )

Give him two of Ativan.
Make it four.

Has C-spine
and first-day labs.

That's horrible!

I need a tetanus shot!


You seen your
buddy KJ around?


Me neither.

I'm going to broom him.

What, you can't fire him,
he's a volunteer.

Very involuntary

I need kids
we can count on.

All right,
I'll talk to him.

Okay, okay, okay, kids,
gather around.

It's show time.

Yo, Lockhart, Barnett,
come on, fall in.

You, too, Pratt.

All right, in order to bring
this ER into the 21st century,

we're gonna be introducing
new equipment

and new procedures
on a regular basis.

Now, first up...

my, uh, lovely assistant
will be demonstrating

the Patient Communication board.

No more pens and paper.

This'll make
life easier.

From now on, intubated
patients can point, circle

or mark any questions

or requests they have.

Beautifully done.

Next up will be
the Freedom splint.

The federal regulations
are discouraging

the use of wrist restraints,
which, by the way,

should be checked
every ten minutes.

( snickering )

What's so funny, Barnett?

Uh, I just find that
hard to believe.

Well, there have been a few
cases of patients left

unattended for few hours
who've lost hands to ischemia.

Therefore, we are going to start
using the Freedom Splint.

Any volunteers?

Any volunteers?


Thank you, Jerry.
All right.

The Freedom splint is less
restrictive and should

be used before any
hard or soft restraints.

The splint is very helpful
in preventing

obtunded or
combative patients

from pulling out tubes,
picking at wound sites

and disrupting

medical equipment.

Oh, yay.

Oye... mami.
Que sexy.

Thank you.


What's the occasion?

Playboy doing a "Girls
of the ER" edition?

Bugger off, Frank.

You do look very nice.

Michael's coming
home today.

Well, hello, soldier.

Vic, Big Darrel just put his
head through the supply cabinet!

Well, give him five
of Haldol.

Wait, make it ten.

But the guy's like
a rogue elephant.

Do you sh**t it
from a tranquilizer g*n?

We got one of those?

That was just a joke.

Hey, X-Ray, you and me,

come on, tag team--
you distract him,
I'll sh**t him.

Distract him
with what?

You pretend to be
a rodeo clown.

Come on, do something.
You go first.

Heads up, guys.
Multiple GSWs coming in.

Abby, you're with me.
Neela, call the OR.

Make sure the
suite is open.

Pratt, you prepare Trauma
One and Trauma Two.

I'll clear out the rooms.

Frank, hold
the blood bank!

Tell them we're gonna
need some O-neg!


Is this a g*ng sh**ting?

Father used his daughter
as a human shield.

Ah, lovely.


Well, you missed


Clemente is

some changes and
new equipment.

Think they're going to
make him head of the ER?

That's what
they were saying.

Look, the guy who got you
and Neela suspended

for working
on a monkey?

It was a chimp.

Well, if he wants the Chief
position, he can have it.

Maybe he can open a petting zoo
in the doctor's lounge.

single GSW to the right chest!

BP: 85/60.
Pulse: 120.

Pulse ox?
96 on two liters.

What's your name?

Vincent calls me Mezoti.

Who's Vincent?

Guy she was with.
She's a kidnapping victim.

Her father started sh**ting.
We returned fire.

You shot her?

No. I had a clean shot,

but the guy's g*n must have
discharged when he went down.

Is Vincent dead?

73's bringing him in.

Guy got popped a bunch of times,
at least once in the head.

He shot one
of our guys.

You got this?

Okay, I'll go with
for the next one.

Come on. Let's get
you fixed up, okay?

It really hurts.

I know. We're
going to make it

stop hurting
real soon, okay?

I lost Coogy.

Who's Coogy?

My stuffed puppy.

Maybe the police found him.

I'm sure
he's okay.

One's open. Blood's on its way.
You need a hand?

No, I think we got
this. Thank you, Sam.


Nice mustache.

Ian Summerlin.

Your buddies do that?

I wouldn't call
them my buddies,

but, uh, yeah, uh, we live
in the same dorm.


How'd you guess?

( chuckles softly )

I thought campus life
was supposed to be fun.

If you like being tortured.

You've been vomiting?

Yeah, I puked all night.

Keg party?

Passed out, woke up
with a bad hangover

and a magic-
marker facial?

Something like that.

Okay, well, you don't
have a fever,

so it's probably not viral.

Your BP is a little low, which
means you're maybe dehydrated.

All right, thank you.

Um, what if I have
to puke again?

Ah. Here you go.

Uh, you got anything
a little bigger?

Well, if it isn't
the hatchet lady!

Which beloved employee
are you axing today?

Stick a sock in it, Frank.

I'm sending Haleh
her last check.

You want to
include a note?

Haleh was Eve's idea.

I was just
following orders.

That's what Himmler said.

You got a letter here somewhere
from your jailbird boyfriend.

Yeah, probably marrying
his cellmate.

Jimmy Howe, 25!

Grazing GSW to
the upper arm

with a lot of
blood loss!

Have no fear.
Dr. Pratt is here.

This isn't
the sh**t?
No, this is
the cop he shot.

Oh, this is my first week
riding solo.

I just got out
of the academy.

Looks like the b*llet
snuck up under his vest.

I thought the other guy
had more critical injuries.

We just took
what they told us.

BP: 100/65.
Pulse: 120.

Must have bagged
the brachial artery.

I can't feel my hand.
Median nerve, too.

Oh, am I going to lose my arm?

No. The bleeding will stop.
We can repair the artery.

You okay with this?

I'm to go check on Abby.
I'm all over it.

Hey, where you been?
Doing stuff.

I'm going to do some
stuff on your head.

We need O-neg
from the blood bank. Go, now!

I've never seen him
move that fast.

I can't move my hand.

You might have
bruised the nerve.

( groans )
What's this?

Penetrating axillary trauma
with neurovascular deficit.

You want to clamp
the bleeder?

Only if we can
visualize it.

Oh, I'm getting dizzy.
Don't let me die, man.

Hey, you're not going to die.

Please don't let me die.

Hey, you with the 23rd?

What? Yeah.

Ready? one, two, three!

( grunting )

My father and brother are
with the 17th and the 109.


You know Joe Buchitelli?

Yeah. He helped me
through the academy.

He's your brother?

No, he gave me my first orgasm.

( Jimmy groans )

Hey, it was a milestone.

How's his pulse ox?

Holding at 92.

And what's the status
on the other patients?

Uh, Pratt's got a cop
with a grazing GSW

to the upper arm,

and there's another victim
en route.

All right,
I'm on my way down.

The station confirmed her ID.

Her name's Sydney Carlyle.

She was abducted
in a campsite

from upstate New York in August.

Is your real name Sydney?

It's okay.

You can tell me.



You're gonna have to do
a r*pe exam.

I'll open a kit.

Sydney... we're going to check
between your legs, okay?

Is Vincent dead?

Vincent Jansen...
the creep who took her.

I don't know.

They shot him.

How big's
the pneumothorax?


Multiple abrasions adjacent
to the external genitalia.

Four lacerations
to the labia

in various stages
of healing.

Did Vincent hurt you?

Did he touch you
in your private parts?

Only when we play
the married game.

Vincent loves me.

Systolics down to 70.

Hey, the sh**t's here.

Thinking about
a chest tube?


Yeah? What?

Chest tube.

Yeah, they're processing
the film.

Okay. Don't wait.
Just do it now.


Betadine and steridrapes.

Vincent Jansen, 34,

multiple GSWs to the chest
and abdomen.

And one through
the melon.

You didn't intubate him?

Spontaneous resps,
sating at 96.

He needs two IVs.

Full up.
Exam 2.

How's the little girl?
I think she's stable.

Hi, I'm Tony Gates.
Dr. Rasgotra.

BP's at 100 palp
after a liter.

You should have
needled the chest.
We scooped and ran.

He's bleeding out!
This guy shot a b*llet
through our windshield.

Almost blew Gates' head off.

It's true. I saw my life
flash before my eyes.

I think we were on a beach.
Stop it! Can
we focus here?

I lost the radial pulse.

He needs two chest tubes
and a central line

and call for four units
of O-neg.
Yowza, look
at that head shot.

This guy's gonna need
a couple chest tubes
and a central...

Isn't that your patient?
What, that? I could do
with my eyes closed.

It's probably best
if you didn't.

I'll call you
if I need help.

Yeah, you'll call me.

His head could roll off,
you wouldn't call me.


Is that good?

Couldn't be better.

Just sliding off
the vest.


Okay, we need to lift up
your arm and take a look.

( groans )

Whoa! Got it.

Oh, God.
I'm bleeding out.

No, you're not.

Hey, Jimmy, look at me.

Look at me.

Is Marty Stats still
the desk sergeant at the 23?

What? Yeah.

He used to baby-sit me.

You know he's got a metal plate
in his head?

I need a procedural tray.

Okay, right away.

Oh, what's happening?

Sterile gloves, please.

What's happening?

We need to clamp the artery
you severed.
Oh, man.

Can I steal your hemocue?

Help yourself.

Eve, you want me
to take over for you?


Yeah, that would be good.

I gotta go check on the others.

Hang in there, Jimmy.
I'll be right back.

Cut, please.

Did they find Coogy?

Who is that?

Um, her stuffed animal.

He's a puppy.


Great, hang on.

I got her mom.

Vaseline gauze dressing on that.

Hi, Mrs. Carlyle.
This is Abby Lockhart,

I'm treating
your daughter.

Uh, yes,

she was shot
in the chest,

but we're doing
all we can for her

and she's doing well.

She's a very brave
little girl.

Just a minute.

200cc's in the thoraseal.

It's your mom.


I miss you, too.

( sobs ):
I am.


I will.

I love you, too.


I'm going to give you
back to the police now.

We have to continue treating
your daughter.

But we'll see you
in a couple of hours.


Mrs. Carlyle,
Officer Yau.

It's okay, Sydney.
You're safe now.

Your parents are
coming to get you.

Nobody can hurt you here.

What about Vincent?

You don't have to worry
about him anymore.

How's the chest tube output?

Less than 500cc's.
Small hemothorax.

Good. Should be able to manage
her conservatively.

Hey, nice lid.

You get a free bowl
of soup with that?

Pressure's down: 80/50.

Okay, call for

and run in 500
of saline.

No, let's not.

Hi there.
I'm Dr. Clemente.

We're going to put
a little glop on your belly,

then I'm going to take this
camera to look inside, okay?

Are you the little princess
I heard was coming this morning?

I'm not a princess.

She's hypotensive.

Hypotensive can be
a good thing.

What are you
talking about?

Leave her systolic at 80.

Right, Dr. Dubenko?

Permissive hypotension.
Landmark papers
by Bickell and Mattox.

When you have a vascular injury

you need a low pressure
to stabilize the clots.

You blast away
with blood and fluids,

you raise the pressure
and blow out the clot.

Lots of sub-q air
in the chest wall,

but the belly is dry.

Okay, well, we never allow
the pressures to drift this low.

So I'm checking with Kovac.

Abby, the chief of surgery
agrees with our plan.

We're going to make you

all right,
sweetie pie?

Okay, I'm in.

Hooking it up.

Sounds like tension
pneumo here.


and Xeroform next.

Five centimeters
in the thoraseal.

Pressure's up.


He just needs a little blood
to his brain.

Nice work.

I heard Gallant's home on leave.

I didn't get a chance
to see him last time.

Actually, he gets home today.

Hopefully he'll be here longer
this time.

Well, tell him to stop by.
I'll buy him a beer.

Hey, this guy
just looked at me.

4x4s and elastoplast.

He's got spontaneous
eye opening.

( yells )

Lie back down!
Son of a bitch!

Stop! You have tubes
in your chest!

Push four of versed.

Stop it. You're hurting me!

No! Don't sh**t!
Don't sh**t!

( yells )
I'm trying.

( sighs heavily )

You okay?

I guess his head injury
wasn't as bad as it looks.

It's a clean
frontal lobe injury.

No vital functions are affected,

but he will have ongoing
impulse control problems.

Wh-Where's Sydney?

Safe from you.

( whining ):
I didn't hurt her.

I took care of her.

You r*ped her.

You don't understand.
I need to see her, please.


Shut up.

Oh, God, I didn't do
anything wrong.

Sounds like the lung is back up.

You think you know me,
but you don't.

She loves me.

Not much blood
from the chest.

It's all
in the belly.

She needed me.

( softly ):
She wanted me.

Looks like hemoperitoneum.

Yeah, and a grade 4
hepatic injury.

Grade 4?

AKA chopped liver.

I know what you're thinking.

You want me to die.

I want you to shut up.

Tachy at 120.

Hemocue is eight.

Okay, transfuse
another two units.

How soon can he go

to the OR?
No vacancy.

I can turn over a room
in 20 minutes.

Okay, you've got ten.

Have the blood bank

stay ahead four units.

Maybe you should
just let me die.

A little more exposure?

Sure. Suction?

I got your blood.

Great, thanks.

Give it to her
and get your butt over here.

More 4x4s, Ray?

Read my mind.

Can you visualize the brachial?

I'm working on it.

Eve was complaining
about you today.

I don't even know
who that is.

The nurse manager.

Tall blonde.

Oh, yeah,
that Amazon?

She doesn't like me.
Hey, show some respect!

This is her turf,

and you're damn lucky
to be here.

You want to do the rest
of your community service

in some smelly-ass soup kitchen?

Well, do you?!


Well, you'd better
get your act together then.

Okay, there it is.

Okay, ease up
on the gauze.

( all shouting )

Sorry about that.

Proximal pressure.

I'm telling you, I hear
one more complaint about you,

and your ass is...

That's one hell of a pep talk.

Let's get a gurney in here!

How much saline
has she had?

Very little. It's TKO.

BP is 80 palp.

Why aren't you
giving her fluids?

Permissive hypotension-- don't
want to disrupt hemostasis.

When is she
going to the OR?
Waiting to hear from them.

You can't do
permissive hypotension

without a
definitive plan.

Abby, give her
a liter wide open.

No, look, I've had experience
with this, and it works.

I don't want our residents
put in the position

of using unproven therapies
on critical patients.

Dr. Kovac,
we need you back in here.

Get her pressure up
to 100 systolic.

Dr. Clemente.

Just a minute, please.

Well, CT's calling about
your patient Darrel Insley.

Yeah, so what did
Big Darrel do now?

He stopped breathing.

And why the hell
would he do that?

Don't give a fluid bolus
unless the MAP drops below 70.

BP's down to 60 palp.

Where are we
on the packed cells?

Units three and four.

Hang another two.

Mr. Jansen?

Vincent, can you hear me?!

Sux and etomidate,
8-0 tube.

How fast we can
get him upstairs?

Won't have an OR
for at least ten minutes.
Move him to pre-op.

He'll bleed out in the elevator.

Our job is to save lives,
not judge them.

Death is the
easy way out.

He deserves to rot in jail.

I'm in. Bag him.

What are you doing?

Exploratory laparotomy.

Here? Now?

Sterile drapes, cut-down tray,
masks and gowns.

Scrub in, Neela.

You want to save
this guy?

It's the only way
I know how.


Come on, honey.

Come on, baby.

Hey, Luka!


Come on, Sydney.

Come on.
Let's stay awake.

Say hi to your mom and dad, huh?


Somebody get Kovac in here.

Tachy to 150,
BP not registering.

Starting CPR.
Can't get a pulse.

What do you need?

She's going down.

Squeeze in the saline and
give me two units packed cells.

You did type and cross her,
didn't you?
Of course I did.

Where is she bleeding?
I don't know.

Chest tube slowed down
at 300cc's, belly was clean.

You need to stay ahead
of a patient like this.

My attending felt otherwise.

I'm the attending now.
Prep the chest.

If she doesn't come
back with a saline
bolus, we'll crack her.

I was just talking...

Go ahead and intubate.

6-0, ET, and suction.

Okay, got it.

Well, here goes nothing.

All right.

Looking good,
dry as a bone.

Okay, moist 4x4s.

Let down
the Weitlaners.

Did you save my arm?

Yeah, the bleeding
is controlled.

You got this
from here?

Piece of cake.
I'll keep my eye on him.

Dry Kerlix, please.

Okay, what's his damage?
One and half centimeter
scalp lac.

Am I going
to have a scar?

Nothing anybody
would be able to see.

What if I shaved
my head?

Not such a good idea--
not with that helmet.

Two to three staples
ought to do it.

Okay, I got this.

I never fainted before.

It's probably the best thing
you could have done today.

What do you mean?

Eve was going
to give you the boot.

Now she'll probably let you stay
just out of pity.

Hold still.


Yeah, that's going
to burn a little.

It got a little

but he's a tough kid.

He's going to be
just fine, okay?

Good to see you.

I'll come find you guys
when I have more details.

Got a thing for
the boys in blue, huh?

No. I know
half of them.

My dad was as cop,

My brother, fiance...

You're engaged?

I was--
a few years ago.

He was k*lled
on the job.

I'm so sorry.


Still have a thing
for that uniform
though, you know.


Can I ask you
a question?


Under what circumstances
would a prisoner

be transferred from
one state to another?

Your ex?

He wrote me a letter
saying he's being moved

from Cañon City in Colorado
to Cook County.

There could be
a lot of reasons,

but I can check
it out for you.


Sam, this man
is looking

for Dr. Rasgotra.

She's with a patient.

That's what I told him.

Dad, please,
can we just go...

Excuse me, I want
to talk this
doctor right now.

Yeah, well, you're
going to have to wait,

unless I can help you.

She wrote this prescription
for my daughter,

and I want to know why.

Doesn't your daughter know?

She won't tell me.

Dad, you're making a scene...

Well, if your daughter
won't tell you, sir,

there's nothing
that we can do about it.

Excuse me.
Yes, there is.

You can get this
damn doctor for me

right now, before I hit
this whole place with
a malpractice suit.

I've got
lawyers, lady.

Yeah? Well, I've got Jerry.

So unless you want to
be carried out of here
like a dirty diaper,

I suggest you take a seat.

( sighs )

Come on, Zoe.


You know,
I abhor v*olence.

Yeah, I know that.

But he doesn't.

So put on your best
tough guy face.

Here we go.

From the xiphoid

to the symphysis pubis.

What kind of retractor
do you need?

The human kind.

Lots of exposure.

What's this?

Linea alba.

Straight through it
to the pre-peritoneal fat.

the deep fascia.

Got it.

Neela, you
got a call

on line one.
Sounds urgent.

Take a message.
You need scissors?


Poke a finger through
the peritoneum and tear it open.

It's from a Lieutenant

He's calling from
Camp Claiborne
in Iraq.

Okay, stand back.

Oh, God.

Can't take it, Jerry.

Get a number.

Okay, suction.

Lap pads.

She's not responding to fluids.

She's in PEA.

Brady to 60.

10 blade to Abby.
Rib spreader to me.

I'm not really used
to doing this on kids.

Pretty much the same.
It's just everything's smaller.

The pleura is dry.

Check the pericardium.

Oh, my God,
it's full of blood. Really full.

Damn it. She's in tamponade.

Too much pressure
on the heart.

She's collapsed
her ventricles.

Pick up and metz.

Where's Clemente?

Three lap pads around
the suprahepatic space.

Three around Morrison's.

And the liver is packed off.

Eight units in.

Pressure's up
to 90 systolic.
That'll do.

OR's ready.

Okay, it helps
to compress the liver

up against the diaphragm.

That was brilliant.

Another five minutes

and we would have been
taking him to the morgue.

Let's go.

Sorry about your floor.

Ready for another unit?

What the hell happened?

Cardiac tamponade.

That's impossible.
It was a peripheral wound.

You know a b*llet's trajectory
can go anywhere.

She had a hemothorax.

She was only bleeding
in the chest.

No, she was bleeding
into the pericardium.

The pressure kept
her heart from filling.

That's impossible.

There was no indication
of tamponade.

Didn't you check for effusion
on the ultrasound?

Of course,
but there was sub-Q air.

I couldn't get a clear view.

She needed volume
to fill her ventricle

and you withheld

Based on what we knew,

permissive hypotension
was reasonable.

You k*lled her.

Um, her parents are coming here
to take her home.

They think
she was rescued.

Can we keep her alive
until they get here?

Okay, let's cross clamp
the aorta.

She's not bleeding
in her belly. She's gone.

Well, this will help
perfuse her heart and brain

until we get
more blood into her.

Vascular clamp.

Vascular clamp!

Dr. Rasgotra, what's the word
on that little girl?

They're still working on her.

The guy you brought in
is going to pull through.

I wish it was
the other way around.

Well, at least
child molesters

don't last long
in prison, right?

Are you a 'Hawks fan?

Excuse me?

Chicago Blackhawks.


I have two tickets
to Friday's game
against the Kings.

You interested?

You, me, hot wings,
cold beer?


You more of a theater gal?

See, I figured as much.

I also have tickets
to the opera and
the Philharmonic.

You moonlight
as a scalper?

No. Actually,
my cousin does.

You know, I appreciate
the offer,

but I don't get
much time off.

Oh, yeah, I know that story.

Well, you know what.
We'll just stay home.

We'll stay home.
Order a deep dish.

You can quiz me
on renal pathophysiology.

And what do you know about
renal pathophysiology?

Not enough.
That's why I
need your help.

It's one of my
fourth-year electives.

Fourth year of what?

Medical school.

I just do this
for the free coffee.

Maybe some other time.

I'm sorry. I have to deal
with something really urgent.

No problem.
I'll see you around.


Jerry, do you have that

Lieutenant's phone
number for me?


Didn't say what
it was about?


You have something
sarcastic to say, Frank?



Hey, is this you?
Dr. Rasgotra?



You mind telling me
what these are for?

See the patient's name
below mine on the bottle?

That's who the prescription
is for.

Unless you're Zoe Butler,
I can't tell you anything.

Look, if you treated
my daughter,

I need to know why.

I'm sorry, sir.

There are
confidentiality rules.


She's a little kid.

You didn't have my permission
to treat her.

You know what?
I want to see your supervisor.

Dad, let's go.

He won't tell you
anything different.

In these situations, we...

What situations?

Is she pregnant?
Is she using dr*gs?

What? I'm her father.
I have a right to know.

Dad, please.
If you want

it has to come
from Zoe, not from me.

Excuse me.

I'm Dr. Barnett.


got this.

You the boss?


Yeah, um, Mr. Butler,
my name is Ray Barnett,

and the thing is...

I need to speak
with you in private.


Let me deal with this.


You know, I can
handle this.

No, you can't.
Yes, I can.


By talking to him?

Telling him his daughter has
a sexually transmitted disease?

Because if you do, it's
a breach of confidentiality.

Look, I just want
to do the right thing.

Now you want to violate
her privacy, too?

What you did
is a crime, Ray.

If you tell him the truth,
you'll go to jail.

You know that, right?

Best thing you can do

is just let it go
and allow me to deal with this.



Resume compressions.

See if you can find a hole
in the right ventricle.

Did she have
a high-dose epi?

Five minutes ago.

If there's a cardiac
injury to occlude,

we'll get better
ventricular filling.

Pulseless V-fib and asystole
for 25 minutes.

Still not perfusing
with open compressions.

I'm giving her
another chance.

All you're giving her
is more abuse.

Stop it.

Just stop it.


I'll sew up the chest
before the family gets here.

Camp Claiborne.

Hello, I'm trying to reach
a Lieutenant Strickland, please.

Can I ask your name
and what this is regarding?

Neela Rasgotra.
I'm returning his call.

One moment, ma'am.

Come on.

Miss Rasgotra?


Lieutenant Strickland.

I understand you're a friend
of Michael Gallant.

Yes, yes, I am.

Well, I have some bad news,

There was an incident
outside of Mosul.


Lieutenant, can you hear me?

Lieutenant Strickland,
are you there?

There were several casualties

and Michael's unit
had a heavy patient flow.

He'll be unable to make it home
on leave as anticipated.

His CASH is incommunicado
right now.

He's asked me to pass
this information on to you.

But Michael's all right?
He's not injured or anything.

No, ma'am. A little homesick
and sand-weary, I imagine,

but he's fine.

Uh, thank you, Lieutenant.
I appreciate the phone call.

You're welcome, ma'am.
You have a good night.

( sniffling )

Hey, does this look
like a subdural to you?

Right here.


95% of the time,

controlled hypotension
would have worked
in this situation.

Make sure you tell that
to her family.

Come on.
There's no way

she should have had
a tamponade and
you know that.

All I know is that she did.

And if she'd been given fluids,
she would have survived.

That's not a certainty.

We would have
seen the signs.

We could have drained

the pericardium.

Look, I did
what I thought

was in her best interest.

Even when two other doctors
disagreed with you.

Dubenko agreed with me.

You would have done the same
even if he hadn't.

That's your style,
do whatever the hell you want,

regardless of what
anyone else thinks.

You don't like my style?
What is that?

We were all here
a long time before you.

We work together.
You're the new guy.

You need to fit in
with us...

What is this,
a damn social club?

If you can't do that,
then we have a problem.

I take risks
to save my patients.

I'm sorry
if that scares you.

Especially if you start
sucking in the residents.

How about cutting-edge

I see a problem,
I fix it-- bam!


Maybe you should
fix that.

( sniffling )

Here you go.

Does that happen often?

Only after five or six beers
and a bar fight.

God, you know, people
just seem really wired

after what happened
the other day.

You picked up
on that, too, huh?

Maybe we should have
a critical incident
debrief after shift.

That's a great idea.

Ooh, Dr. Barnett,
we're going to have

a critical incident debrief
in Exam 3 after shift.


Why do you think?

Look, this was
a tough shift for people.

Helps if we can get
a chance to decompress

before we go home.

Yeah, well, that's why
God created beer, right?

This thing's mandatory?

Yes. Pass it on.

What do you think?

Kovac versus Clemente
in a street fight?

Kovac has size,
but I have a feeling
Clemente's kind of squirrely.

I think
you need help.

( sniffling )

What are you doing?


What happened
to your nose?


He hit you?

No, but I bet
he would like to have.

The last time
I got one of these

was when Tina Marino
caught me with her cousin.

Let me see.
Let me see.

You're going
to need to be packed.

No, it's tapering off.

Yeah, that's
not working.

Lockhart, I'm fine. I'm fine.

I'm really sorry
about the little girl.

Me, too.

I was trying to save her,

despite what Dr. Kovac
might think.

I know.


I'm really, really sorry.

Okay, put your head back.

Hey, Kerry, have you found
someone to replace Susan

as chief of the ER?

We're still looking
at candidates.

Is, uh, Clemente
the favorite?

He's certainly
up there. Why?

I'm just not sure
he's the right person
for the job.

Yeah, well, if you think
of somebody better,

feel free to give me a call.

Uh, what about me?

You? I didn't think
you wanted to be chief.

Luka, it's really
not your style.

Well, maybe it's time
for me to change my style.

Look, I've been here
for a long time.

I know the people.
I know the department.

I just want to put my name
into the mixture.

The mix.

All right, I'll let
the committee know
you're interested.

Thank you.

Eve's waiting for you guys
in Exam 3 for the big powwow.

She said it was

Yeah, so did

They want us to express
our feelings

about what happened today.

Well, today sucked. Good night.

Great. Was it mandatory
for everyone except
the attendings?

Edna Casselman, 56,
found down in the park, altered,

no sign of trauma.

Thank you, Edna.
Tell Eve I'm with a patient.

( scoffs )

It can't be
that bad, can it?

It's not that.
Michael's leave
has been postponed.

I'm sorry.

Hey, can I come
by the house tonight,
pick up my amp?

I really don't feel
like sticking around

for this dumb thing.

I'll ditch if you do.

I've got dinner
reservations at Gibson's

if you want to grab
a drink or five.

Wow. I like the way
you think, roomie.

Your treat, right?

As long as you stop
calling me that.

( chuckles )

How's the nose?

Seems to be working.

Thank you.

The hell with this.
Go home.

See you later.

Eve, I thought
it was a great idea.

I really did.

This department needs
a lot of work.

This department needs
a kick in the ass.


Parents show up?

No. They should
be here soon.

After all
she's been through.

Maybe she's better off.

I'm not sure
anybody's better off dead.

Yeah. I recovered this
in the parking lot.

She was asking
for it earlier.

I got to go check in
on Officer Howe.

I hear he's driving
the nurses upstairs crazy.

How much trouble
do you think

we're going to get in
for not showing up?

Well, I'm not working
again until Saturday

so hopefully things will
have blown over by then.

You're kidding me.
I'm working tomorrow.

That's great, Ray.
Now I'm going

to get punished
for both of us.

Whoa! Stop it! Stop it!


Someone call security!


Mr. Butler! Mr. Butler!
Stop it!

( groans )

You ever come near my daughter
again, and I'll k*ll ya.

You hear me?

( coughing )


I'm fine.

I'm fine!

...across the Chicago area.

I'm going to widen the view out.

Big storms across central
Illinois. This is along...

( knocking )

( TV turns off )



Want to come in?

You didn't, uh...

you didn't go
to that debriefing.

Did you?


It was just me, Eve,
and Clemente.

You hungry?
You want some pizza?

I can warm it up
in the microwave.

No, I'm not hungry.

Mad about something?

What do you think?

Yes? I didn't need
to go to the briefing.

I don't care
about that.

What are you
talking about?

I'm talking about
you and Clemente...

and whatever it is
that is going on

between the two
of you.

If you want to get into
a pissing match with him,

that's fine,
just leave me out of it.

He was wrong.


And that's the most important
thing, isn't it?

He was wrong
and you were right.

And while you were arguing
about it, the little girl died.

As if she hadn't
suffered enough.

God, she was
ten years old, Luka.

And he had her
for months,

and I just, I just can't
stop thinking about...

( voice breaking ):
what she must have
gone through.

I can't stop thinking

about how afraid
she must have been,

and I can't stop thinking
about why we couldn't save her.

I just...
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