12x14 - Quintessence of Dust

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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12x14 - Quintessence of Dust

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:

We're gonna have a baby.

I know.

You're not going anywhere.
I don't care what
Dr. Cruella says.

You must have
impressed Albright.

How so?

You've been accepted
into the surgical elective.


Your d*ck of a
husband Bobby's

put up a missing
person's report.

I haven't seen her.

But I can see
what's going on here

and it's pretty low.

How long do you think

before I'm walking around

with my testicles
in a jar? You tell me.

Vicky, Vic, Vic.

Ooh, I love you.

We have no attending
for the day shift.

Clemente hasn't shown up yet
and can't be reached.

Intractable hiccups
is on his way up to the floor,

self-tanner ingestion
is waiting on tox,

and freaky nail g*n girl needs
Keflex and a psych consult.

Freaky nail g*n girl?

Yeah, performance artist.

Believe me, you do
not want to know.

Dr. Pratt,
who's the lucky lady?

Oh, no, no, it's
nothing like that.

It's just a little charity
event I gotta attend to.

Oh, don't you be coy,

Chicago's 50 hottest bachelors
are being auctioned off

to benefit
the Chicago Health Coalition.


I, the 51st hottest bachelor,
didn't make the cut.

How does Olivia
feel about this?

Feel about what?

The fact that somebody's buying
a date with her boyfriend.

Oh, no, no, I wouldn't
put it that way.

It's a good cause,
she's cool.

Really? Your African-American
girlfriend is "cool"

with her African-American
boyfriend being put up

on the block for a bunch of
rich, white women to bid on?

Take it easy,
Angela Davis.

How do you know
they're all white?

See ya.

Who's our attending?

Oh, we got a moonlighter
again, thank God.

What are you
talking about?

They're useless.

They never know
how anything works.

I conned the guy

into buying dinner

for the entire
overnight staff.

Aw, that eggplant thing
was delicious.

That's great, Morris.
What else did you do?

Tape a "kick me"
sign to his back?

Oh, you heard.
Wasn't that awesome?

Is Clemente ever
coming back?

He's missed, like,
three shifts in a row.


Hope he's okay.

Hey, you met Jodie.
I bet he's more than okay.

He's probably just

on a little * holiday.

( chuckling ):
Ho, ho, ho.

14-letter word for
"no higher form."

"No higher form."

( muttering )


( chuckling ):
Shut up.

go ahead, try it.



Oh, my God,
you're so smart!

How did you
know that?

It's Shakespeare, baby.

"Oh, that is too,
too sullied flesh or nothing..."

Shush, shush, shush.

I'm hungry.
What time is it?

( clacking )


( laughing )

Time to get a new bed

No, I'm serious.

Oh, baby, what do you
want me to do?

It's dark out, huh?



Eight letters for...

"great haste."

"Great haste."
"Great haste."


Oh, do you want
to see a movie?

Oh, yeah, I was thinking
more like in a movie theater.

TV is good.

Vicky, come on.


It's been a week.

I think we can go outside now.

We got everything we need
right here.

( soft chuckle )

Okay, eight-letter word
for "brisk."

( snorts )

( giggling )


( sniffing )
( giggling )

( slurping )

Let me see.
Let me see.


( soft moaning )

"Brisk." How about...


( laughing ):


I don't think
"quintessence" fits.





Whoa, easy, ladies.

It's only dinner.

( laughter )









490! 490
is the bid.

Do I hear higher?


Ah, hot off the presses:

a missive
from the long-lost Carter.

Carter? Really?

Finally found a stamp,

Does he say why we haven't
heard from him in so long?

He's happy.
He's busy.

Yeah, or he just doesn't
miss this place.

Hard to imagine.

What's it say?
How's Kem?

Hold on.
Hold on.

It's called the ER
for a reason.

ER residents get to do
the chest tubes and lines.

End of story.

Until your hack-jobs
get stuck,

and you have to call us
to do damage control.

Okay, Dr. Kovac,
I need the mighty force

of your authority
here, please.

I'll read it later.

You don't see me running
to my attending like a punk.

What's the problem?

Dr. Stalin here is invading
our turf again.

Wow, Morris, you're so versed
in world history.

Well, you know what, in college,
I spent a semester in Germany.

( clears throat )

Where we studied...



I know all about Stalin.

Look, how do you
expect my residents

to clean up your messes

if you don't let them
get the training?

For-for what?

Slicing hemorrhoids
and doing boob jobs?

Excuse me?

What he's trying to say is,

only a small percentage
of your residents

are ever gonna need any trauma
skills after they leave here.

Yes, right, whereas
our kids...

...need to be able
to handle whatever
comes through that door.

They need the practice.

Well, I'm with you there.

Okay, you know what,
no need to get cold.

That was, that was
cold, wasn't it?

Yeah, that was
a little cold.

Don't be such a sissy, Morris.

You know what?

I need, I need to kick out
my meth mom in Four.

Dr. Kovac,
please consider what I...

Why don't you two
work this out, okay?

I'll be covering
for Clemente today.


And I have to stay off my
feet as much as possible.

Hip still bothering you?

A little bit. Page me
if it gets busy.

I'll be fine, Kerry.

Hi, Dr. Weaver.

I consented sickle crisis
for the pain study
and heme's on its way.

We gotta log ER procedures
for the ACGME.

So you've got
to share, Red.

End of story.

We should have Weaver chat
with her, one bitch to another.

You know what?

I'm getting really
sick of this.

Why does "female"
plus "tough"

have to equal "bitch"
around here?

You know what, Abby?
I don't need you to defend me.

Thank you very much.
I don't mind that

guys think I'm a bitch.
I kind of like it.

At least they
respect me.

Oh. So, if they don't think
I'm a bitch,

does that mean
they don't respect me?

I got a hot appy
waiting to be seen.



Morning, folks.

So, what price
did you pull?

Excuse me?

Last night
at the auction?

We did a pool.

I had you at 320.

Ah, once again, y'all
underestimate me big, man.

I went high.
600 bucks.


That's right.

There were a lot
of lovely ladies

willing to part
with their cash

for a date
with the doctor.


Only problem is that the
winning bidder was a dude.

A what?

I'm having dinner
with a guy.

Is he cute?

( men laughing )

He didn't stick around long
enough for me to meet him, Ray.

Well, it's, it's
for charity.

Look at the
bright side:

Maybe he'll
buy dinner.

As long as he doesn't assume
that means anything.

Yeah. No means no,
Greg, okay?

( laughter )

It's really impressive
how you guys

can leap from misogyny
to h*m* in a single bound.

Hey, you're the one who just
called Albright a bitch.

Oh, yeah, after you did,
and that's not the point anyway.

The point is, why is everybody
so... bigoted around here?

No more overnights
for Abby.

Yeah, Kovac, your woman's
starting to sound
a little kooky.

Oh, Morris,
I swear to God

if you ever, ever refer to me
as someone's woman ever again,

I will slap you silly
with this hole-punch!

Don't you mean

Hey, let's walk.
I'm not kidding.

I'm really not kidding.

It's alright.
They get it.
They get it.

You okay?



Coburn's office is calling
with the amnio results today.

When is that?

Um... as soon as
they open, I think.

Why don't you relax
for a while,

and we can do the
call together, huh?

Dexter Jenkins, 62,

blunt trauma to the face,
chest and abdomen.

Try not to hit Morris
with any desk tools.


I'm not promising
you anything.

So what happened?

Just some dumb kids.
They don't know nothing.

They beat him up
right out in the open.

Witnesses called 911.

What, at 8:00
in the morning?

It's the breakfast special.

( grunting )

Sat's 99.

What do kids want
with a can opener anyway?

Still got their moms
cooking for them.

Distal pulses... two plus.

Your what?

EZ squeeze. Heavy duty,
ergonomic handle.

Hard to come by.

What's your plan?

CBC, trauma panel,
type and screen.

Some kind of
stupid dare.

Okay, and head CT scan.

He seems
a little confused.

I'm not confused.

What's the date today?

February 9, and I want
my can opener back.

( laughing hysterically )

( screams
and continues laughing )

You gotta have
a sip of this.

And this.
Chocolate milk?

What are you, 12?

Yes, I am 12.

Oh, yeah?


Yeah. Oh!

( laughing )

Oh, we gotta have
some of these, too.

I didn't see that.

Yeah, okay,
okay, okay, okay.

Make some s'mores,
you know.

I'm sorry, man.
I'm sorry!

Oh, dude, my-my bad.
( giggling )

I'll take care of it.


( laughing )

Maybe we should wait
till the end of the shift,

because if it is bad news...

It's not...
It's not bad news.

The chances of having an
abnormal amnio are what,

one in a thousand?

Two hundred.

Still pretty good odds.

We'll be fine.

Hi. This is, uh,
Abby Lockhart.

I think you have
my amnio results.

( whispers ):
She's checking.


That's great.

That's great.

That's great.

That's great. Thank you.

( moaning )

( moaning increases )

( laughing )

Get down!

Come here.
You're gonna k*ll me.

Come on. Come on.

Oh, God, I've got to get
you a Velcro belt.


( gasps )

You kiss your husband
with that mouth?

Oh, God, Bobby!

Oh, my God.

Did you really think
it'd be so easy?

Make yourself
at home, man.

I asked you a question.

Yeah, well, it sounded
kind of rhetorical, you prick.

I wasn't talking to you,
my love.

I was talking to Vic.


You know, Bobby,

Bobby, I know we got a lot
to discuss, you know,

but, you know, breaking
into my place

is not going
to get it done, okay?

'Cause we're adults here.

Anyway, how in the hell
did you get in here anyhow?

I've got lots of experience

getting into dumps
like this, Vic.
Oh, yeah?

'Cause you see,
I spend every day

staying three moves ahead
of scumbags like you.


Bobby, you got to get
the hell out of here.

Okay, this, all of this,
over, okay?

Button up, get your stuff,
and let's go.

Jodie, get your stuff.

I'm not going to go
anywhere with you.

Okay, listen, you and
your w*tback boyfriend...

Alright, alright, alright,
you know what, Bobby?

You always take things
too far, right?

So now you got
to go.

The smart thing for you,
is stay out of this.

Yeah, well,
I'm in it now.

I filed papers.

You what?

I called my lawyer, and I...
I want a divorce.

A divorce?

Yeah, imagine that.

Come on, baby.

I flew all the way
from Jersey to fix this.


I know I screwed up.

I'm so...

I'm so sorry.

It's too late now.

So, I don't...

Too late?

You don't think I can just leave
you here like this, do you?

I think...


I think that
you're going to have to.

Alright, Bobby, why don't you
just call her later, man.

Probably she'll
talk to you then.

Come on. Let's go.

Come on. Let's go.

Let's go.

( sighs )

All in all, it went well,
didn't it?


( door opens )

Frank, do me a favor
and call Central.

Order me a new scrub top.

I spilled betadine
all over my shirt.

Scrub top?

You can't wear scrubs
on your man-date.

Oh, no, no, you're
misusing the term.

A man-date is two hetero
guys hanging out for
dinner and a movie.

See, this is a date-date.

Yeah, keep it up, Morris,
and you're going to get

Hey, I feel you, bro.

I dated this chick
four times

before I realized
she had an Adam's apple.

So, how's Carter doing?

Oh, you know what,
same old, same old.

Saving the world,
counting the money.

Tell you what,
if I was rich,

I would be in Italy,
not Africa.

It's for a good
reason, Frank.

Yeah, you think there are no
hungry kids on the Amalfi coast?

Pratt, can you
write for morphine

for the infected
branchial cyst?

Is she still here?

Yeah. No surgical beds.

Albright's boarding her
until an OR opens up.

Give me that.

Excuse me, Doctor!

If the ER is going

to baby-sit your
surgical patients

at least have the courtesy
to write the damn orders.

As much as I enjoy
your little rants,

I don't have time now.

I'm late for
a sympathectomy.

Well, then you're going
to be even later

because I'm forbidding
my residents

to write orders on
surgical boarders.

You can't do that.
Oh, yes, I can.
New policy.

Fine, have it your way.

Your chief's a little penis.

Don't let her talk
to you that way.

So what do you think?

About what?

The baby's sex is right there
on that amnio report.

Did you know that
the X chromosome

carries three times
as much genetic material

as the Y?

And you didn't ask?

Do you think that's why
men are simpler?

Look, some nurse
in Coburn's office

knows the sex
of our baby

and we don't.

Isn't that weird?

It's a little weird.


Coffee and apple juice,

Two coffees, please.

I don't know.

Just makes it...
seem so real.

You're 16 weeks.

Amnio's normal,
and it is real.

Is there anyone
we have to tell?

Should probably
tell your mother.

Oh, yeah.

I was thinking I'd
hold off on that.

Till when?

Till we get...

( tires squealing )

( moaning )

I need help!

I need help!
Somebody help me!

You're going to be fine, baby.
You're going to be fine.

She must have lost
about a liter in the car.

Why didn't you
call an ambulance?

Trust me, it was
faster this way.

Jodie, can
you hear me?

Caught us completely
off guard...

Carotid's weak.
Sam, what's open?

Trauma one. What happened?

Entrance wound,
left chest

lower right quadrant
and flank.

Just out
of nowhere.

I wasn't expecting it.

Expecting what?
Expecting what?!

Just stop
the questions, okay?

Let's get the re-suss going.
Okay, Abby, take the head.

Sam, get her
on the monitor.

Start working on access.


Where's Vic?

I'm right here.

He shot me.

And what is that?

Morse code for "get me
the hell out of here"?

Nervous habit.

That looks like...

D... F... and B to me.

No, this is A and D minor.

You a musician?

I got this Yamaha

I like to tap things out
on once in a while.

Found it on
some heap one time.

Couldn't imagine why anybody
would want to throw that out.

Gone for good now.

Little bastards
smashed it all up.

So what kind of music
you into?

I stay with what
I know mostly-- blues.

You any relations
to a Brick Jenkins?

He was a bluesman
back in the '60s.

My dad used to listen
to his records over and over.

Played with Muddy Waters,
BB King.

Even Big Bill Broonzy
right before he died.

Nice to meet you.

Take care of stuff
like this every day, Jodie.

Worse than this.

You think this
is something?
This is nothing.

Tell her, Abby,
Abby, tell her...

Vic, you need to make room
for us. Come on.

Liter of NS, six units of O-neg
and call the OR.

I'm so sorry, baby.


Who shot her, Vic?

Who shot her?

Her husband shot her.

Well, you think it was...?

When she said "he,"
she meant her maniac husband

who showed up with a g*n,
that's who she meant.

She didn't mean me.

Where, at your place?


You don't believe me, do you?

Sure, we believe you.

Okay, tachy at 138.

Barely has a gag.
She needs a tube.

Sats aren't coming up.
She needs a tube.

Vic, why don't you sit
down for a while. Hey.

7-5. Abby, use a 7-5.

She's tiny, but she's got
a huge mouth. Small airway.

Okay, okay.
I'll put it in.
You want to put it in?

Systolic's only 72.
Alright, 10 blade.

You're not working right now.

I heard what happened.

Good. Maybe you can
explain it to us.

Where's the 10 blade?

Tell me where's
the 10 blade?

I've got to do

I've got
to do something.

If it wasn't for me, she
wouldn't be in this kind of way.

You alright?
I'm good.

Hey, man,
you're bleeding.

It's just a scratch.

Come on, man.
Let's take a look.

No, no, no, I got to stay.
She needs me, man.
Come on, Vic.

Come on. Get on
the gurney now.

Sit down,
sit down.

Listen... can you
listen to me...
I'm listening.

They think I did it, man.

Okay, alright.

Look at that.
You've been shot.

That's impossible, man.

Good distal pulses.

Wound looks
through and through.
I didn't feel it.

Need the infuser.
Yeah, go for it.

The bastard shot me, Sam.

He shot me, too.

Sam, you believe me now?

Sam, you believe?!

Suction and more cricoids.

Sat is 74.
Can you see the cords?

Yeah, I can
see the cords.

I just can't get
the tube to go.

She's bradying down. 58.

Okay, pull out.
Wait, hold on.
I had it for a second.

Abby, why don't you just
try a 7-0!

Kovac, how about more cricoid?

Somebody close
the door, please.

Hey, remember I said
to page me if anything came up?

Well, this would fall
under that category.

We've got it under control...

What do you got?

Clemente's girlfriend
Jody Kenyon--

multiple GSWs to chest,
abdomen and flank.

And a hinky attending next door
with a b*llet in his arm.

Okay, I'm in.

Hang another unit of O-neg

and rush the blood bank.
She needs type-specific fast.

What she needs is the OR.

Paged them ten minutes ago.
Oh, that's great.
We actually need Albright.

She's MIA.

Okay, page Dubenko.
We can't wait.

You want to explain
what happened
to you in there?

I don't understand.
I didn't cut a nerve.

True. But you didn't
look for it either.
You got lucky.

You were right there
when I made the cut.

Don't get defensive.
Don't make excuses.

911 page from the ER.

Can you hold it?

I, um... heard Gallant
got called back
by the Army again.

That's got to be hard.

Actually, he didn't.
He re-upped.


Well, he's certainly
got a strong sense of duty.


Damn it! Another 200cc's
of blood on the floor.

Sixth unit
of packed cells going up.

Cordis is almost ready.

Run of ten.
Can't get a BP.

Come on, Jodie. Thoroseal
and the autotransfuser.

What's going on?

About damn time.

Double GSW, we can't
get a surgeon down here?

Hello. Nice to see you.
We just got the page.

We've been calling your chief
resident for 15 minutes.

Neela, go check out
the other room.
You know what?

Let's focus
on the patients here.

We'll deal
with that later.

Hi. Here for surgery.

Dr. Clemente?

How's she doing?
How's Jodie doing?

They're having some trouble
keeping up with her blood loss.

He's got a through-and-through
GSW to his deltoid.

Neurovascularly okay,
but he's going to need angio.


No occult injuries?

You did a thorough

head-to-toe exam?

Yes, Doctor, we did.

Tell the blood bank

to send down
another ten

of packed cells
and two of FFP!

Need your portable

She's coding?
Don't tell me she's coding!

It's just precautionary
for the trip upstairs.

Oh, yeah?
What are they doing for her?

What we do
for any trauma patient:

fluids, access,
blood and pressors.

Platelets and calcium.
Platelets and calcium.

Myocardium loves calcium.

Dubenko, give her calcium!

Getting harder to bag.

You hear me?
Okay, up the rate.

Do the best you can.

Best you can?
Best you can, my ass!

Just let us take care
of you now!

I'm not going to let her die.

She's not going to die!

Oh, yeah? You know
you can't say that.

You know you can't.

Please, try to relax.

Look, I'm not perfect, and I've
messed things up in the past,

but I know what to do
with a shocky GSW.

And so does Dr. Kovac,
I assure you.

Okay, squeeze in the blood.
Call the OR.

Tell them
we're on our way up.

I gotta go! She needs me!

Dr. Clemente!

I gotta go!
She needs me in there!

Take it easy! Settle down!
Settle down!

I gotta go!
Calm down.

Settle down!


You're restraining me?

We don't even use
hard restraints anymore.


But since you're
spraying blood
on my staff,

I'm willing to
bend the rules.

What are we
looking at, Neela?

Well, Neela?

Renal pedicle?

That's a question,
not an answer.

I don't know.

It's the renal pedicle.

Dr. Albright. Decide to grace us
with your presence?

Sorry. Got stuck
in the ICU.


What's our next move, Neela?

Find the bleeder?

Find the bleeder.

Before that?

Isolate the hilum.

Before that.

I don't know.

Intraoperative IVP.

That's correct.

50cc's of contrast.
Get the portable
X-ray tech down.

Hi. Remember me?

I'm busy, Morris.

Oh, you're busy. Okay.

Is this your writing here?

Sure looks that way.

Electrolytes, D-sticks and
neurovascular status
every 15 minutes

on a branchial cyst?

I was making a point.

So am I. My department
doesn't have time

to carry out menial tasks

on patients who are
only boarding with us.

Let's talk about this later.
We're kind of busy here.

You're either scrubbing out
to rewrite the orders

or coming down
to do them yourself.

We've got a lady open
on the table.

Morris, this really

isn't the best time.

Neela, I can't hear you.

You're... you're dead to me.

Lucien, please
make it stop.

Oh. Oh, look at you,
going to your attending

like a... like a little penis,

punk, sissy.

Jessica, would you please
go take care of this?

It's getting
very annoying.

This is a complex anastomosis.

Don't you think
I should stay?

We'll be alright
without you. Please go.


dissect the mesentery...

I heard she tried
to k*ll him,

and he grabbed the g*n
away from her.

Well, his wound is definitely

He's a cagey
little bastard.

You think he shot her
and tried to cover it up?

Oldest trick
in the book.

I heard they were having sex
at the time.

Alright, come on,
guys, guys.

We all have our own
problems, right?



Hey, I'll come get you
when your boyfriend gets here.

Where's Clemente now?

I sent him
up to angio.

In restraints?

We let him out
once he shut up.

what do you think happened?

I think he's a
complicated guy.

Hey, Ray!

Alright, look,
let's try to keep the
chatter to a minimum

until we find out
what really went down.

Yeah, sure thing.

Hey, I picked this
up in Trauma One.

Think it belongs to
one of your patients.

Who, Jenkins?

Yeah, the old, uh,
homeless guy got
beat up by some kids?

Yeah, I got it. Okay.


What's this, Doctor?

Expanding hematoma,
lacerated vessels.

( alarms beeping )
That's an ER answer.

I want a surgeon's
answer. Which vessels?

only 92.

Neela, which vessels?

The renal artery splits
into the... anterior...

Stop vamping.
We don't have time.

You either know it or you don't.

Extravasating contrast,
left kidney's hit.

We're aware of that, Victor.

With a hilar injury like this,

the kidney is probably
the way to go.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Whoa, whoa.

Is the hilum completely avulsed?

Because if it's not,
you ought to, you to...

Please, please don't
tell me what I ought
or ought not do.

Yeah, well,
she's a friend, okay?

Okay. You can watch
from the OBS deck.

She's a good friend...
OBS deck now!

One peep, and you're out.

( clattering )

So, think
you can save the kidney?

She's young. We should try.

Mm-hmm. What's your plan?

I... don't know.

I've never
done this before.

Look, it's just
common sense.

If I weren't here,
what would you do?

Uh, Lucien, I just want
to point out that you are here,

and you are the attending.

Dr. Rasgotra?

Clamp the hilum
for vascular exclusion.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, but if you clamp
the hilum, you're gonna starve

the kidney
of blood.

Please continue.

Find the bleeders
and seal with fibrin,

repair the renal artery
with an omental patch.

How much time do we have
after we clamp the hilum

before the kidney starts to die?

About 45 minutes.

No, no, no, no,
no, no, no.

That's not...
It's not about 45 minutes.

That's 45 minutes tops.

That's tops.

Go for it.

She's all yours.

Lucien, you're not gonna
seriously let an ER resident

go in there and clamp the hilum,
are you?

You will stop talking now,
or I'll come up there myself...

She's not even a surgeon!
and personally remove
you from the deck.

I'm working on that.

Oh, yeah. Now. You're gonna be
working on that right now.

Look, Lucien,
this isn't a teaching case.

I want you to do it, Lucien.
I want you!

Stop playing
around, man!
Go ahead.

Her pressure's
going to bottom out!

Hilum's... clamped.

Alright. 45 minutes.

Clock's ticking.

Change the orders.

This means w*r, you know.

Change the damn orders!

Nice work, Morris.

She's been driving us crazy
all day.

Refuses to learn
any of our names,
calls us all "nurse."

She refuses
to learn our names, too.

I think she's only interested

in learning the male residents'

I hate women
like that.

Why are you
still here?

Um, because my fridge at home
is empty, and I was hungry.

You want a bite?

Didn't I see you eating
one of those 20 minutes ago?

This is my third.


What are you,


What are you talking about?

Oh, my God, you are.

You're crazy.
You are, aren't you?


You are totally pregnant.

So what? You're in
love with Albright.

No, I'm not.

Oh, Morris,
come on.
You shut up.

You shut up, too.
You shut up first.

Shut up about what?



This came back
on our GSW.

Want me to send
it up to the OR?

No, I got it.

Hey, Ray, help Morris
clear the board

while I run

Help me?
What is that?

I need help
all of a sudden?

No, it's not really
all of a sudden, nah.

I'm taking Mrs. Irby in
to see her father.

Oh, okay.

You, uh... you need
help with that?

Exactly. That's
my point.

Your father's
in here, ma'am.


You've been doing some
snooping around, young blood.

Well, I thought
your daughter should know.

Congratulations, princess.

It sounded
like a nice ceremony.

We wanted you to be there.

Didn't want to show up

for your special day
looking like this.

I would have
paid for a suit.

I don't want that.

I don't want your money.

This doctor told me
what happened today.

Stupid kids.

He needs to have
his sutures removed in a week.

Come home till
then, Daddy.

Nat and me--

we got a nice place
over in Old Town.

You can have
your own room.

That ain't me, Sarah.

Ain't never gonna be.

How's she doing?

Yeah, well, it's the 12th unit
they've hung so far.

I looked for you in angio.

Yeah, well,
you didn't miss much.

The b*llet missed the brachial.

( sighs )

This came back on Jodie.

It's positive for cannabinoids
and coke, Vic.

But you know... you know,
this-this is irrelevant

to her treatment, okay?

I don't even know why
you would send this in.

What are you,
Big Brother?

Come on. Standard
trauma labs, man.

You know that, and you might
have mentioned it before.

Why? Why, would it have affected
the resuscitation?

Would it have changed
your management?

Come on. Let's be real.

Yeah, maybe you should also know
that she's a Scorpio,

and she's allergic to clams.

Would that help?

So, this why you didn't want us
evaluating you?

You were worried what we'd find
if we sent in your urine.

You know... you know,
you're a really good guy,

and I like you,
but right now,

it's time for you
to shut the hell up.

( sighs )

I just hope your story's good.

Yeah, what story?

The one about
how you didn't do this.

Why, you think I did?

It doesn't matter
what I think, Vic.

The only important
thing is,

is there anyone
who can back you up?


She's down there.




Got it at the Boston game.

They k*lled us.

That kind of year.

Haven't seen you around.

My mom said
I was too distracting.

She wants
to study hard.

Yeah, she said I was
definitely going
to college.

That's good advice.

Sounds boring.

Besides, I want
to drive NASCAR.

I'll tell her you're here.

Thanks, Luka.

Hey, Chuny,

let's see if we can get
a taxi voucher

for a Dexter Jenkins.

Already gone.

He left AMA.

They didn't even sign
his discharge.

He did?

Yup. What do you want me
to do with his chart?

Let's break it down,
I guess.

Oh, Pratt, I forgot.
Your date's out
in chairs.

He is?

Been there
about half an hour.

Oh, don't keep
a young man waiting.

And allow me to say

that's the prettiest

I've ever laid
eyes on.



( chuckles )

Oh, that can't be him.

Had you guys going,
didn't I?

Write the post-op orders

and page me
for evening rounds.

How often should we check
renal function?

BUN and
creatinine BID.

There you go.

Just so you know,
that wasn't cool.


You deal with ER scut.

I scrub in on traumas.
Got it?

You weren't answering
any of your pages.

And that's cutesy shtick
with Dubenko--

that isn't working either.

I'm the one who writes
your evaluation.

I'm the one you've
got to impress.

I'm not trying
to impress anyone.

I'm just trying
to get something
out of this elective.

You get this:
you ever crowd me out
of the OR again,

there will be payback.

This is crazy. I...

Dr. Clemente.

Do you mind if I come in?

Yeah, sure.

Look, I want to thank you

for taking care of her.

We did our best.

Yeah. I know you did.

Hey, Sam.

Hey. I'm just trying
to get out of here.

Alex is at the
triage desk.


We chatted a little.

Oh, good.

Uh, hey.

Uh, I just, I just
wanted to talk to you
about something.


Uh, about me and Abby.

Luka, I know
about you and Abby.

Everybody knows.

And I really hope
it works out.

Really. I want you
to be happy.

There's, uh, there's
a little more to it.

Abby and I, uh,
we're, uh...

we're going
to have a baby.


A baby.


I just, I just didn't want
you to hear it somewhere else.

Uh, I-I appreciate that.

Uh, when is she due?





Do you know where
the Reglan is?

Because we're out
of compazine

and Chuny's mad at me
for not restocking.

But not that you would know
where it is.

Doctors never know.

Uh, try, try the bottom shelf.

Right behind the...



I'll, I'll see you tomorrow.

Yeah. Have a good one.

Yeah, you, too.

I remember now, Jodes.
I remember.

It was Hamlet.

You know that part
where he says

"Man is this
and man is that.

Noble and intelligent,
like the best thing on Earth."

But then he says,
but then he says,

to his two buddies, he says,

"Yet what is this to me,

this quintessence of dust?"

Like he's, you know, lost.

I heard they were able
to salvage the kidney.

Yeah, but with the loss of blood
and the long anesthesia time,

you know how the brain is.

The police are here.
They went to your place.

You know, the ICU attending
wants, wants to keep her

intubated and sedated longer.

They found marijuana,

some unprescribed medications.

You keep her
O2 consumption down.

They think you did this, Vic.

Did they find the g*n?


Am I fired?

Not yet.

Okay, then, so why don't we
start by you telling me

why in the world
your friend Henry thinks

he has to buy you dates.

I had a bad breakup
a few months back.

I think he got sick
of listening

to my single girl woes.

( chuckles )

Plus he figured

I could use a change
of pace.

You mean you never dated
a doctor before?

Something like that.

Good night, Pratt.

Good night, Ray.

I figured you'd be
long gone.

Good place to pick
up some change.

I'm not going
to try to talk
you into anything

your daughter could.

She's upset.
She'll be alright.

She figures this
is how it's going to be.

Every few years
she'll get a call

from a hospital
or a cop,

get a quick hi-bye
from her old man.

So when the last call
comes in,

it's the morgue.

Let me get you
a sandwich, at least.

Another couple hours,
I can buy my own.

Come on, man.

So, how does a young
fellow like you

know about Big Bill Broonzy?

I'm kind of a buff.

LPs, CDs, I got
a big collection
of everything.

I used to be in a band.

So what can I get
for you?

BLT and a Coke.


( playing bluesy song )

* Many rivers to cross

* But I can't seem to find
my way over *

* Wandering, I'm lost

* As I travel along

* The white cliffs of Dover...

Hey, Maggie, it's me.

Uh, I have some good news, Mom.

* I been ripped, washed up
for years *

* And I merely survive

( knocking )

* Because of my pride

* And this loneliness
won't leave me alone *

* It's such a drag
to be on your own *

* My woman left me,
but she didn't say why *

* Guess I'll break right down
and cry *

* Many rivers to cross

* But just where to begin,
I'm playing for time *

* There've been times
I found myself *

* Thinking I've committed
some terrible crime *

* Yes, there's many rivers
to cross *

* But I can't seem to find

* My way over.
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