07x01 - Causa Mortis

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order". Aired: September 1990 to May 2010.*
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Detectives and prosecutors work to solve crimes and convict perpetrators.
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07x01 - Causa Mortis

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system

the people are represented by two
separate yet equally important groups,

the police
who investigate crime

and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

MAUREEN: A lot of young
men like you in my work.

Boys everyone gave up on.
But they turned their lives around.

So can you, Fernando. I can help you.
I want to help you.

SALVA: Get out of the car.

No, wait.
Listen to me.

Think of all the people you're going to hurt.
Your family. You'll ruin their lives.

SALVA: Come on.
Come on, move.

No, please.

Look at the picture.
Look at my little babies. Come on.

I love them so much.
I love their father.

Please, don't take me away from him.
Come on!

No! No, I don't want to die!
Let go!

No, stop!

Shut up! Don't talk.
Oh, please!

For the love of God,
don't k*ll me!

Let go! Turn around.

Please, just stop and think, Fernando.
You're making a terrible mistake.

Just stop and think.

Leave that here.
Turn around!

"Hail Mary,

"full of grace, the Lord is with thee.
Come on, move!

"Blessed art thou among women, Shut up!
Don't talk!

"Blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus."

Turn around.
Turn around!

Victim is a female, white, late 30s.
No ID, no purse.

The guy in the Armani found her.
He owns the lot.

He wants us out of here before
the TV cameras show up.

And what's that
bivouac down there?

Bunch of homeless. I got a couple
of people canvassing for witnesses.

A suspect would be nice, too.

Hey, Kenny,
what are we looking at?

Posterior cranial fracture.
Sometime between 9:00 and 12:00 last night.

A dump job?

No, Lennie. Look at
the dirt on her shoes.

She walked here. Still got her
wedding band, watch, earrings.

Could be a sex thing.

No evidence of that.

The skirt was pulled down
like this to cover her legs?

And the sweater was over her face.

Maybe the perp didn't
want her catching cold.

Yeah, right. I'll get out
a warrant for my mother.

Look at the inscription.

"October 3rd,
1982. Forever."

Guess again.

I kept telling him, don't
jeopardize our friendship.

Besides, he's not my type. Now, Mr.
Giuliani, that's a handsome man.

Well, I don't know if we
can help you there, Sally.

The Mayor is married.

Oh, that's okay,
I'm not jealous.

So, getting back to last night.

I'm pushing my wagon
down the road

and out of nowhere, Enzo Ferrari comes at me.
Nearly runs me over.

Do you remember what
kind of car it was?

One of them sushi rolls.
Put a nice ding in my wagon.

You see that tan paint?
Got to get in touch with his insurance company.

BRISCOE: Did you get
a look at him?

Too dark, but I saw his plate.
New York, with an M and a 2.

Tell CSU we're gonna
need them down here.

Sally, we're gonna lift some of
that tan paint off of your wagon.

Sure, but can you do
something about those dings?

Textbook whack upside the head.
Didn't k*ll her right away, though.

Took her another 20 minutes.

So, she bled out.

And you said he was
just a pretty face.

Scalp lacerations suggest a narrow w*apon.
A pipe or a steel bar.

No other injuries.
No sexual trauma.

What about recreational trauma?


No needle marks. Drug panel is negative.
She was clean, well groomed.

She's had kids.
More than one.

Definitely not one of your
12th Avenue regulars.

Yeah. No better off,


The paint on the shopping cart gives
us a late-model Nissan sedan.

DMV is running
the partial plate.

CURTIS: We spent half the day
at Missing Persons.

You wouldn't believe how many
wives, girlfriends and daughters

go missing in this city.

The victim's face
and legs were covered?

Postmortem. I've never seen that.
Usually perps take clothes off.

But this one felt bad about
leaving her out in the open.

Someone close.
A husband or a boyfriend.

Yeah, who runs over little
old ladies in his Nissan.

I'll go check with DMV.

Close the door.

How is he?

Sharp as a tack.

He going to his meetings?

(CHUCKLING) Ask him.

I did. Now
I'm asking you.

He says he is.
I don't get a note from his sponsor.

If there's going to be a problem,
I want to know about it.

So, I pass?

It's her job to ask.

Yeah. It's my own
fault anyway.

Come on, Lennie.
Nobody is perfect.


DMV just faxed this.

Twenty-seven Nissans with an
M and a 2 on their plates.

Check out the '95 Maxima
in the middle of the page.

Registered to lan Rankin of Queens.
Friend of yours?

I looked at GTA reports.

The car was stolen last night,

and Mr. Rankin made the
report this morning.

Thanks, Gia.

lan Rankin at home?

He'll be here this afternoon.
He's flying back from California.

He reported a car stolen?

No, I did. I'm their babysitter.
You found it?

No. What about Mrs.

She didn't come home last night.
She teaches night school.

I called Mr. Rankin in California.
He told me to call the police.

But they said she
wasn't a missing person

until she's been
missing for a day.

Okay, wait, wait.
Slow down.

What's your name?
Susan. Susan Bayer.

So, I called Mr. Rankin back.
He told me to report the car stolen.

He said the police pay more
attention to cars than people.

What does Mrs. Rankin
look like?

Uh, my height, light
brown hair, hazel eyes.

Okay, Susan, we're going
to have to ask you

to come down to the station
if you wouldn't mind, okay?

What about the kids?
I can't leave them here alone.

And Mr. Rankin will...
We'll take the kids with us,

and we'll send somebody out to the
airport to pick Mr. Rankin up. Okay?

How about it, kid?
You want to ride around in a police car?

(GASPING) It's her.

She called me during
her break, around 8:30.

She said she was going to stop for
gas and then come right home.

Was she planning to
stop anywhere else?

She's always home
by 11:00.

Even when Mr. Rankin is
out of town on business?

These people aren't like that.
They love each other.

They really do.

We have a problem.

(CRYING) She's dead, isn't she?

I don't want to be here.
Why are we here?

GIRL: Mommy!
I want my mommy!

Why can't I talk to her?
I want my mommy!

Hey, hey, hey.
It's going to be all right.

Your daddy is coming
to take you home. Yes.

The unit at JFK just called.
I want my mommy! I want my mommy!

They're bringing
Mr. Rankin in.

It's okay. Daddy is coming.
He's going to take you home.

She's been teaching
adult education for a year.

She used to teach high school,
but they had cutbacks.

I kept telling her to quit.

Why's that?

I make a good living.
But Maureen loved teaching.

She was always trying to improve
herself, better her skills.

She... You know, she taped her classes,
she took those public speaking courses.

Was she having any problems
with anybody?

No. She never
said anything.

VAN BUREN: She taught
high school equivalency?

She must have had some real
characters in her class.

Oh, sure. About
what you'd expect.

Any of them ever
give her trouble?

I don't know. I went
to a graduation with her.

Some of her students were
ex-cons, ex-drug addicts.

They all stopped to thank her.

I was really proud of
her for what she did.

I have to get back to my kids.

Hey, that was Rankin's school.

Security guard last saw her walking
to her car in the parking lot.

They're going to fax over a
list of students and teachers.

What, on the off chance that one
of them had a beef with Rankin?

We'll split them up
between Gia and Profaci.

You two follow Rankin's tracks.

The sitter said she
stopped to get some gas.

Eight sales?
That hardly pays for the squeegees.

Accounting is not my major.
Music. Juilliard.

That's why I took this job.

You know how hard it is
to get a practice room?

These eight customers,
any of them a tan Nissan?

No. No tan cars.

Anybody look like this?

No. No women, either.
Excuse me.

I don't know, maybe she was grabbed
in the school parking lot.

Well, assuming our perp had brains
enough to read a gas gauge,

maybe he stopped for gas.

CURTIS: She would have been
in a Nissan sedan.

I know Cadillac, Rolls
Royce, Mercedes, Lincoln.

The others all look the same.

Okay, this was a tan,

Oh, yes, yes, yes.

Came in right after 11:00.
A young man. Spanish.

He bought $5 worth of petrol.
He made me very nervous.

Why is that?

He went behind the station.

Not for very long.

The dumpster.

Rey, anything moves in there,
I'm backing you up.

Hey, there's room
for two here, Lennie.

Well, if I'd have brought some gloves,
I'd be right in there with you.

Hey, what's this?

Maureen Rankin.

CURTIS: Latent already went through this.
The purse was wiped clean.

BRISCOE: All her credit cards are
accounted for, plus $46 and some change.

Her husband said she
recorded her classes.

So, where's the tape?

No tape was found
on or near the body.

We got six unmatched pairs of shoes,
dozen panties, condoms by the bucketful.

Sounds like the back
of my first car.


Right here.

Looks like the real deal.

Yeah, with a footprint on it.

The American Revolution

was a revolution of the middle
class against unfair taxation.

That goes on for
about 20 minutes.


we get this.

MAUREEN: Please, let me pull over.
I'll get out. You just take the car.

SALVA: Shut up.

I won't tell
the police. I swear.

I'll say I found
the car stolen.

Shut your mouth
and keep driving.

That's the end of the tape.

VAN BUREN: What about
the other side?

MAUREEN: I've got four kids.
What's going to happen to them?

I got no choice.
You do, Fernando.

You can get out of the car
right now and walk away.

Shut up.

You won't get
away with it.

You know, up in Belmont, with
a new car, people will talk.

Shut up!

You'll shame your
grandmother, your fianc?e.

There's no Fernando
in her class.

You heard her.
He's from Belmont. Find him.

I did the area four times.

No tan Nissans with that
plate number or without.

Okay, he was seen putting gas into the car.
We think he's a local.

Mmm. No, sorry.

Listen, when I'm in the work zone,
all I see are expired meters.

You don't even see the
tenderonis buffing their rides.

No, let me get this one.
It's on me. Oh!

Here you go.
All right.

Well, we'll just have to count
this as our first date.

Okay, see you later.
(LAUGHING) All right.

So, besides raising the cholesterol
count at the parking bureau,

this is a waste of time.

Hey, speak for yourself.



Good. Stay on it.

Eight blocks away, Lennie.

Halfway down the block,
on the right side.

I've been watching it
for half an hour.

No one has come near it.

No, no. We're looking for a tan Nissan.
That one is black.

Besides, the plates
aren't even close.

Those plates are for a Chevy.

I did a walk-by.
The paint job is new.

Gold star, Wheeler.
We make a collar, it's yours.

All right, radio in.

Tell them we want two plainclothes units
on either end of the street, all right?

I thought I saw some bromo in here.
That pizza is making a comeback.


Oh, thanks.

Jeez, Rey, I didn't start carrying
this stuff around till I turned 40.

Hey, once when I was young, I
boosted a car with some friends.

Drove it around till
we ran out of gas.

Never got caught, but I had
stomach cramps for a month.

Catholic guilt.

So, what are you
guilty about this month?

This come with
a confession attached?

Hey, Lennie.

This is Unit Four.
Hit it.

MAN O VER RADIO: Roger, Four.

Police. Step out of the car.
Lady, don't even get in. Come on around here.

What are you doing?
Put your hands on the roof.

Don't worry about it.
Put your hands on the roof.

For your own safety, ladies,

just keep your hands on the roof, please.
It's the Rankins' car.

It's my car.
I got the papers in the glove box.

It's registered to Salvatore Terra.
Look on the other side.

It's signed over
to Anna Galvez.

That's me. This is my mother.
Terra sold me the car. It's mine.

Okay, thanks.
DMV never heard of Terra.

How much longer
do we have to wait?

I got to take
my mother to work.

First, you're gonna tell us how
you happen to own that car.

I got it two days ago from an ad at the
bodega on Prospect. It was all legal.

What did the ad say?

It had a beeper number. This guy Sal
called me back and brought the car around.

Is this him? He also goes
by the name of Fernando.

No. Terra had a moustache.
He said he was moving back to San Juan.

I gave him $1,500 and
he gave me the papers.

So, what are you going
to do with my car?

The car is stolen, Ms. Galvez.
It's going back to the legal owner.

Stolen? That's impossible! He showed me his ID.
He had the registration.

I never had a car before.
I thought it was okay.

Hey, you help us find him,
maybe you get your money back.

You still have
his beeper number?

No, I threw it away.

I can't believe you're taking my car.
It's not fair.

My daughter spent all her
savings on that car.

Really? Talk to the owner.
Let him tell you what it cost him.

You get their phone number
and walk them home.

You know, somehow I don't
think that registration

just walked itself out the
front door of the DMV.

We check theft reports,
maybe we find a thief.

It's real simple, Marty.
You tell us who you sold registrations to,

we talk to the D.A.
About your sentence.

So he admits he sold
stolen registrations.

(SCOFFS) That will impress
the appellate court.

What, an appeal?

Who do you think you are?
Claus von B?low?

I don't know what Alan dirt-for-brains here
told you, but you don't stand a chance.

We're finished
talking. Marty.

Sit down.
Take a seat.

She had four little kids.
This bag of scum k*lled their mother.

Marty, don't say a word.

Hey, you're looking at
two-and-a-half-to-five, Marty.

You really want to do
the whole nickel?

You know, I want to do the
right thing here. Marty...

For those kids and
all that, you know.

Victor Driscoll. I sold him 20 cards.
He works out of The Firefly in Crotona.

You guys are going to talk
to the D.A., right?

First chance we get.

Watch it, I got
very sensitive skin.

Get over there.


What's this?

Green cards, one for everybody
in the Third World.

I didn't get a good
look at those badges.

You INS? We're Homicide, Mr.

Whoa! Whoa!
I am not a violent man.

Check my sheet. Ask
around the neighborhood.

I'm an artist,
I make documents.

Well, this document is a straight shot
between you and a dead woman, see?

What are you talking about?

Is that yours?

I say yes, I'm admitting to a crime.

Say no, see what happens.

Okay, okay. Sure,
it's one of mine.

I sold it three days ago
to some no-name Latin kid.

This Latin kid?

Pretty close.

He gave me the right
references and 500 bucks.

He just walked in
off the street?

I'm known in the community.
I make a quality product.

He didn't want any problems because
the car was for his fianc?e.

I already told you.
I saw the ad in the bodega.

Well, you must have been
the only one who saw it,

because nobody else
remembers it.

Well, maybe I was the first one who
saw it and I took it home with me.

Good answer. But tell me something,
where does a girl like you get $1,500?

I saved it
from my quincea?era.

Got to admit, she's quick, Rey.
Fernando is marrying himself a handful.

The only Fernando I know used
to pitch for the Dodgers.

Well, this Fernando told the guy who
forged the registration for him

that he stole the car
for his fianc?e.

And that implicates you
in a m*rder, sweetheart.

I bought the car
with my own money.

Did you hear what I said?

You're up to your little patootie
in a death penalty case.

You talk to us now, or you're going
to spend your honeymoon on death row.

My Anna didn't do
anything wrong.

Mrs. Galvez, we have
a sound tape of the crime.

We know the k*ller's name.
We know he lives in Belmont with his grandmother.

Doesn't that sound like
your daughter's fianc??

She doesn't know
anyone like that.

Let me tell you about your
future son-in-law, Mrs. Galvez.

That woman he left
in the field?

First he violated her,
then he k*lled her.

They didn't say that on the news.
You're lying!

I'm a cop.
I don't lie.

There are certain details we don't
release to the public, Mrs. Galvez,

out of concern for the victim's
family, for her children.

CURTIS: Here, take a look
at the pictures.

See for yourself how
he brutally r*ped her.

Go ahead, open it.

Look at what kind of monster
your daughter is going to marry.

Go ahead, open it.


It's Fernando Salva.

He lives on 188th Street with
his grandmother, Rosa Citrone.

He told Anna he bought
the car for her.

She's innocent, I swear to you.

She doesn't mind a m*rder*r
in the family, but a r*pist?

I'll grab a couple of guys
to help with the arrest.

It's gonna take more than a couple.
Trust me.

This is it.

Police, open up!

Police, open up!

We've got a warrant
for Fernando Salva.

Nando no here.
I don't see Nando one week now.


I'm the grandmother.
Yeah, well, listen, Grandma.

Your grandson is in a lot of trouble.
You understand?

Now, if you see him,
give us a call.

All right, thanks, fellas.
Let's get out of here.

Okay, so you were right.
He wasn't here. Now what?

There's a great pizza place a
couple of blocks from here.

I want to try
their turkey sausage.

We tried the turkey and the ham, we
had two cannolis apiece. Can we go?

Salva's people had to give
him the all clear by now.

Yeah, let's do it.





Stand up.

Hey, hey, don't run!

BRISCOE: Rey! Rey,
he's going outside!

Where are you going?

Don't even breathe!

Fernando Salva, you're under arrest
for the m*rder of Maureen Rankin.

You have the right to remain silent.
Anything you do say

can and will be used against
you in a court of law.

You have the right
to an attorney.

CLERK: " Case number 661254.
People v. Fernando Salva.

"m*rder in the First Degree,
Robbery in the First Degree."

What is your plea,
Mr. Salva?

Not guilty.
No bail, Your Honor.

The People want Mr. Salva
remanded to custody.

Your Honor, Mr. Salva
has no record,

he has lived in the same apartment with
his grandmother since the age of 10.

And he kills people.
This is a capital charge.

Mr. Salva k*lled a total stranger, a
mother of four, to steal her car.

Unlike my young colleague, I believe
in litigation before incarceration,

as did the Founding Fathers.

U.S. V. Salerno. There's no
constitutional right to bail.

In the State of New York...

The New York Appellate
Division ruled similarly

in People ex. Rel. Shapiro v.
Keeper of City Prisons. I prepared a brief.

Keeper of City Prisons.
I haven't heard that cite since law school.

Your Honor, my client fulfills all
the customary standards for bail.

I may not have
prepared a brief...

You should have,
Mr. Mercer.

The defendant is remanded
to custody.


You're taking the Salva case.

Salva will plead out.
An answering machine can handle it.

Nothing on the front page
of The Post is that easy.

You'll need a second chair.

I'm doing fine on my own.

You're not getting paid all that money
to look up cases in the library.

If I need somebody, I can borrow
Crocker for the afternoon.


What do you know
about Jamie Ross?

Not much. She used to work
at Gorton and Steinhart.

She was married to Neal Gorton.

She asked to stay on the case.

She's been in the office
for less than six months.

She's had five years as a
criminal defense attorney.

Eight homicide trials,
seven acquittals.

And a kid in day care.
I need somebody who can put in the late hours.

To watch the answering machine?

I like her.
So will you.

We're presenting the Salva case

to the grand jury
this afternoon.

I prepared the slip.
It's my first capital case.

I wanted to make sure
I dotted all the I's.

It's fine. Just amend it
to m*rder two.

m*rder in furtherance of
a robbery is m*rder one.

The statute reads, " With intent to
cause the death of another person."

Salva bashed Rankin's head
in and left her for dead.

His intent couldn't
have been clearer.

It would be if he
had used his g*n.

I didn't realize I was still in the
business of arguing the defense's case.

We're in the business of proving
things beyond a reasonable doubt.

We can prove m*rder two, depraved
indifference, without breaking a sweat.

So, give the jury the option
with a lesser included charge.

I don't mind breaking a sweat if at the
end of the day we put Salva's lights out.

An eye for an eye?
No. One worthless life

for the six he destroyed.

You heard the tape. She showed him
pictures of her kids, for God's sake.

A good emotional argument.
It doesn't prove the prima facie case.

I'm surprised. I mean,
with all due respect,

you witnessed Mickey Scott's execution
and went right back to work.

I haven't gone soft,
Ms. Ross.

I can believe in the death penalty
without being sanguine about it.

Well, don't temper your
enthusiasm on my account.

This is not a capital case.

Well, I've seen this evidence
of yours, Mr. McCoy.

No prints on
the purse. No g*n.

And there's the member
of our Hindu community

who can tell a Brahman
bull from a Guernsey,

but can't tell what kind of car it was
that my client was allegedly driving.

Mr. Mercer...
And then there is Victor Driscoll.


What can we say about him that hasn't
already been said by a dozen parole boards?

We have the victim's own
identification on tape.

My turn to have a brief
handy, Ms. Ross.

Motion to suppress.

Tough to suppress the fact that the
car was in his fianc?e's possession.

Well, then charge her
with the carjacking.


Oh, no, it's a lawyer's joke, son.

He's very much
in love with her.

Mr. McCoy,
Ms. Ross.

Mercer's arguing that the tape can't
be authenticated. Is that right?

Well, I compared the voiceprints from
Salva and the voice on the tape.

It's a 20 to 40% match.

Well, 100 would be good,
but I'd settle for 60 to 80.

Well, you have a muffled microphone,
too much background noise,

not to mention the tape
was ground into the mud.

They cleaned up a tape that
went through a plane crash

and sat in a Florida
swamp for two weeks.

This tape wasn't encased
in a steel box.

You write 40% on your report,
and no jury will ever hear it.

I'm not perjuring myself.

I'm just asking you to be a little bit
more aggressive in your conclusions.

Expert defense witnesses
do that, Ms. Ross.

MERCER: The voice can't be conclusively
identified as my client's.

And we don't have the victim to authenticate
when or where this tape was made.

We don't need Mrs. Rankin
to authenticate.

People v. Brown allows
the admission

of a spontaneous description
of events as they occur.

That's fine if Mrs.
Rankin had physically described my client,

but all they have is a voice.

She elicited from Mr. Salva his first
name, where he lives and with whom.

Under People v.
McGee, that's enough to authenticate.

And if he had
identified himself as Jack,

a lawyer living alone
on the West Side?

No, the only thing the tape proves
is that the k*ller knew my client.

I have a cite here,
People v. Theriault.

Theriault supports admitting
tape recorded conversations.

Yes. It also sets a standard
for admissibility.

"A mere self-serving
statement of identity

"by a person whose voice
is unknown to the listener

"is insufficient

Let me see that.

What possible motive would he
have to lie about his identity?

He knew he was
going to k*ll her.

I'm sorry, Mr. McCoy.
It's on point.

You need Mrs. Rankin
to authenticate.

If she were available, Your
Honor, we wouldn't be here.

It's absurd. His client
benefits from k*lling.

That's enough. I'm ruling for the motion.
The tape is out.

Thank you very much,
Your Honor.

Abe Mercer. Ten years ago,
he was a broken-down valise.

Bad divorce, partners
suing him, ethics review.

If Doc Gooden can rise from
the dead, why not Abe Mercer?

With a little help
from Judge Scarletti.

Spilled milk.

Half the time he makes idiotic
rulings in our favor.

There still a case here?

Without the tape, it's the
Bulls without Jordan.

Yeah, well, seven-and-a-half-to-15
is better than nothing.

Put on your game face
and talk to Mercer.

In his shoes, I'd take
a chance with a jury.

Yeah, well, Scarletti will
take the hit in the press,

and a month from now
it'll be "Fernando who?"

JACK: Come in.

Jack, you got a minute?

This is Chuck Rodman with the U.S.
Attorney's in the Southern District.

Chuck and I went to
Columbia together.

I told him about
the Salva case.

Yeah. Jamie tells me you might have to
take a plea and you're not happy about it.

I appreciate your stopping
in to commiserate.

Well, I can offer more
than my sympathies.

We'd like to take
the case off your hands.

Under the federal
anti-carjacking statutes,

we don't need to prove that Mr.
Salva intended to k*ll Mrs. Rankin

in order to seek
the death penalty.

U.S. V. Holloway.
I'm familiar with the ruling.

Then you're also aware that the
federal standards for authentication

are much broader
than New York's.

They can get the tape back in.

It's forum shopping.

I did the research. Collateral
estoppel won't prevent a federal judge

from revisiting
Scarletti's decision.

We can practically
guarantee a conviction.

And an execution.

That would make a nice pair of
antlers to hang on your wall.

I'll think about it.
(EMPHATICALLY) The Feds have a stronger case.

I said I'd think about it.

Thanks for coming in,
Mr. Rodman.


Stacking sandbags.
You learn that from Neal Gorton?

No, I learned what defense
attorneys are capable of.

Mercer is halfway
to an acquittal.

We lose in state court and
the Feds can't touch Salva.

He's going to be free because we
passed up on this opportunity.

Think how that will play
in the media.

No wonder Adam likes you.

The case is dead in the water.

According to you.

You seem to think that you're the
only capable attorney in this office.

I have known Chuck Rodman for 10 years.
I don't see what the problem is.

I don't like end-runs.

You want to bring in the
Feds, you talk to me first.

So, this is a pissing contest?

I thought if Salva gets the
maximum, everybody wins.

In my office, we don't hand
off the ball, we run with it.

Maureen Rankin was k*lled
in our jurisdiction!

Prosecuting her k*ller
is our responsibility!

We tossed Salva's apartment
and his fianc?e's. No g*n.

The car was repainted.

I read in a forensics textbook last night
that paint has unique characteristics.

Right. You can match it up
to the manufacturer.

So, if we knew who in Salva's
neighborhood uses this paint,

that might lead us
to another witness.

Well, not that we didn't think of that,
but the lab says they're all backed up.

Would a call from
the judge's clerk help?

Consider it done.

See you.


Lot to be said for
pretty faces, Lennie.

Marino's Titanium Black?
You're talking about a very popular color.

Everybody carries it.

Yeah, well, here in Belmont, everybody
is you and two other places.

And we checked out
their invoices.

They've been out of that
color for over a month.

Look, you painted that car, eh, Mr.
Cervantes? That's destroying evidence.

Maybe even accessory to m*rder.


This is a joke.

Oh, you think that's funny?
Well, just for laughs,

maybe we'll close your place
down for a couple of weeks

while we investigate.

Hey, look, I just let Salva
use my shop after hours,

but I didn't know it had anything
to do with any stolen car.

You saw him with the car?

No. I lent him the keys.
He used to work for me.

He came by about a week before.
Then his girlfriend stopped by.

CURTIS: What for?
To pick out the color.

She thought that Titanium
Black sounded sexy.

The paint is an exact match,

but Cervantes can't put him
together with the car.

Not exactly a smoking g*n.

No, you had the smoking g*n.

Which was left in a muddy
field for three days.

I guess our screw-up
was finding it.

Rey, cool it.
Come on.

The counselor is right.
We messed up.

Group effort, Detective.

If Salva walks,
we're all in for it.

Unless we turn his fianc?e.

As far as I know, they haven't
canceled the wedding.

She picked out the paint color three
days before the car was stolen.

She knew what Salva was up to.

It's enough to make her
an accomplice.

At least for a grand jury.

Pick her up.
The charge is m*rder.

MERCER: This is
getting out of hand.

Next, you'll be warming a bed down the
geriatric ward for his grandmother.

You can't get me,
so you go after the women.

That make you feel like you got
something between your legs?

It doesn't give me the same rise you
got from k*lling Maureen Rankin.

If you want to spare your fianc?e,
you know exactly what to do.

He's not admitting to anything.

What about you,
Ms. Galvez?

She's not talking either.

JACK: Ms. Galvez, unless you want to
go down the same drain as Mr. Salva,

I advise you to
get your own lawyer.

I don't understand what's taking so long.
I mean, you have the right guy, don't you?

Yes, we do.

I see him on television with his lawyer,
that superior look on his face,

and I wanna just...

I want that punk
dead, Ms. Ross,

and I want to do it
myself, you know?

I hate what this
is doing to me.

I understand that feeling, Mr.
Rankin, but he's not your responsibility.

We'll take care of him.

Somebody will call you as
soon as we have a trial date.

I appreciate that.
Thank you.

The part of the job they don't train you for.
Looks like you handled it well.

It's not hard once you
identify with their hate.


Neal and I had a client.
James Carper.

A sex m*rder*r.

While the D.A. Is describing
the crime to the jury,

Carper gets an erection Barnum and
Bailey could have pitched a tent on.

I threw my coat over his lap
so the jury wouldn't notice.

I remember the case.
Carper walked.

Yeah, even though his DNA
was all over the crime scene.

Neal built his practice on the
infallibility of DNA evidence.

Then he met Carper's trust fund.
New tune, DNA is unreliable.

The jury acquits.

And three months later,
Carper k*lled again.

I believe in monsters and things
that go bump in the night, Jack.

May they rot in hell
along with their attorneys.

I got a call from
Marcy Wrightman.

As of this morning, she
represents Anna Galvez.

Looks like the wedding is off.

I'm not going to bore
you with a lot of talk

about soul-searching
and heartbreak.

Anna spent a week in prison.
It was enough.

We're listening,
Ms. Wrightman.

Salva told her where he
hid the g*n he used.

She talks, she walks.

Maybe you didn't read the case file.
Mrs. Rankin wasn't shot.

He struck her with the butt.
All the evidence you need is on the g*n.

But first, all the charges
against Anna disappear.

After she testifies in court.

(SCOFFS) No way.

I'm not talking against
Fernando to his face.

I'll tell you where the
g*n is, but that's it.

Okay, deal.

Provided the g*n conclusively
links Salva to the m*rder.

BRISCOE: He makes a wrong
turn with that hook,

somebody sitting on the john
is in for a big surprise.

I can think of nicer ways of
getting goosed in the morning.

Got it.

The grip panel is cracked.
That could be hair.

It's Rankin's hair and
blood and Salva's prints.

Tell Scarletti's clerk
we're ready for trial.

From Mercer, about the g*n.

He's moving to suppress
on a claim of privilege.


The People's knowledge
of the g*n's whereabouts

came as a result of a privileged
communication between my client and myself.

Our information came
from his client's fianc?e.

Mr. Salva and his fianc?e, Ms.
Galvez, were conferring with me

when Mr. Salva disclosed
where he had hidden the g*n.

People v. Osorio, when a
client communicates with his attorney

in the presence
of a third party,

it's assumed he's
waived privilege.

Yes, it is.

But at the time, I was both Mr.
Salva and Ms. Galvez's attorney.

The communication was made for the
purpose of mounting a common defense.

It's privileged.
Your Honor, for all we know,

Mr. Salva told his fianc?e
about the g*n over dinner.

I direct your attention,
Your Honor,

to the supporting affidavits
from Mr. Salva and Ms. Galvez

attesting to the time and place
the communications occurred.

Your Honor, these affidavits
can't be taken at face value.

They're self-serving, and in one
case, it may have been coerced.

An outrageous accusation.

Calm down, Mr. Mercer.
I'm granting your motion.

The g*n is out.

You didn't think to mention that
there might be a privilege problem?

She didn't tell me.

She didn't know it made a difference
when Salva told her about the g*n.

And you didn't ask?

I assumed it was between bouts
of heavy breathing. So did you.

So, sh**t us both.

She'll have to take the stand.

She'd rather eat ground glass.
Forget it.

Use your powers of persuasion.

Absolutely not.

You agreed to a plea. We held up our end.
We gave you the g*n.

You renege, try cutting a
deal in this town again.

See you.

Your credibility is not a boomerang.
Give it up, it doesn't come back.

One defendant is not worth it.

We lost the tape.
We lost the g*n.

I'm starting to doubt
the Constitution, Adam.

Well, gotta move to Montana.
Live on a compound.


You'll love this.

Twelve years ago, Marcy Wrightman
shared an office with Abe Mercer.

Where did you learn this from?

A process server.

Back then, Wrightman went
by her maiden name, Fletcher.

Oh, yes. Marcy Fletcher.
They shared more than an office.

Son of a bitch.
Mercer played us.

He sent Ms. Galvez
to cut a deal

knowing the g*n
wouldn't get in.

He got her off the hook,
but we'll never prove it.

Not to sound like
a broken record...

I'm not giving up on Salva.

The g*n can't be used
against Mr. Salva,

but it can be used
against your client.

We have a deal.

With the State of New York, not
with the United States Government.

JACK: Mr. Rodman,
this is Anna Galvez,

and this is her attorney,
Marcy Fletcher Wrightman.

Mr. Rodman is with
the U.S. Attorney's Office.

What's going on here?

This letter cedes
jurisdiction to the Feds.

Ms. Galvez, you and your boyfriend
will be prosecuted in federal court.

Mr. Rodman assures me the tape
will be admitted into evidence.

Both of you will face the death penalty
under the anti-carjacking statute.

It's not
Romeo and Juliet...

Just because she knew
where the g*n was

doesn't make her an accomplice.

I'd settle for one execution.

What do you want from me?

You take the stand against your
boyfriend, I tear up this letter.

We need a moment alone here.

So, what am I,
the dog or the pony?

I don't know what
you're talking about.

I blew off a staff meeting
to come here for this.

Now, I came here in good faith and I
expected to leave with a capital case.

I never promised you anything.

Persona non grata, Jamie.
Your calls don't get returned.

He'll get over it.


Before she agrees to testify as to what Mr.
Salva told her about the crime,

my client wants
an assurance from you.

JACK: Yeah?

I don't want my baby
to grow up without a father.

I don't want Fernando
going away forever.

You have to promise me
that he won't.

Ms. Galvez, I'm sorry
about your situation,

but the only way you can
help your boyfriend now

is to keep Uncle Sam from
shoving a needle into his arm.

You don't understand.
It's my fault.

I made him promise
to get me a car

so that I could take my mother
to work at night in Brooklyn.

He has his pride.
He wanted to take care of me.

He told you he was
planning to steal the car?

Only after, when it was on the news.
He was so sick about it.

That's why he didn't sh**t her.
That's why he covered her up.

He is not evil.
He did it for me because I wanted a car.

Oh, God. I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry it happened.

SCARLETTI: For the record, the
jury having found Fernando Salva

guilty of m*rder in
the Second Degree,

we are here for the purpose
of imposing sentence.

Mr. McCoy, are you
ready to proceed?

Your Honor, I renew my objection.
You excluded this tape...

At trial.
It's being offered at this hearing

not for its probative value,

but as an aggravating
factor in sentencing.

Now, sit down.

please, think about this.

All the trouble
you'll get in.

You'll regret it for
the rest of your life.

SALVA: It's too late.
It don't matter.

I've met a lot of young
men like you in my work.

Boys everyone gave up on.
But they turned their lives around.

So can you, Fernando. I can help you.
I want to help you.

Get out of the car.

No, wait.
Listen to me.

Think of all the people
you're going to hurt.

Your family.
You'll ruin their lives.

Come on. Come on, move.

No, please.

Look at the picture.
Look at my little babies.

I love them so much.
I love their father.

Please, don't take me away from him.
Come on!

No! No, I don't want to die!
Let go!

No, stop!

Shut up! Let go!

For the love of God,
don't k*ll me!

Let go!
Turn around.

Please, just stop
and think, Fernando.

You're making
a terrible mistake.

Just stop and think.

The People have nothing
further, Your Honor.

The lab ran off a copy.


I'm leaving instructions to play it at
Salva's parole hearing 25 years from now.

Makes you wonder how close she
came to walking away from it.

She was dead the minute
he said, "Drive."

Then why didn't he sh**t her?

The noise.

So, you want to join me
for a club soda?

Not tonight.
Rain check?

You know, a few weeks before it
happened, she wanted to quit.

I talked her out of it.

Yeah, well, I could have
kept walking past that bar.
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