14x05 - Under the Influence

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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14x05 - Under the Influence

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:

Joe, uh, fell and hit his head
in the park today.

But he's awake now.

We're at the hospital.

It would be a lot easier
if I wasn't doing this alone.

(cork pops)

There's no ozone
in the tropics.

Our skin
will melt off.

Okay, enough.
You don't want to go.

I'll go without you.

You can check yourself
in the ICU.

Greg. Greg,
wait up, wait up.

Thyrotoxic crisis.

You give propylthiouracil
or methimazole?

You've got a patient
in thyroid storm?

Go with PTU.

What dose?
I'll look it up for you.

(makes buzzer sound)...
600 migs.

Then why'd you ask?

Written boards are in a week.
Failure is not an option.

If we quiz each other
every day, we'll nail it.

Morris, if you don't know
your stuff by now,

then you never will.

Did you see that?

See what?

That, that vixen,
the way she smiled at me.

What are you
talking about?

Yup. They all want a bite
of the forbidden fruit.

Seriously, at the coffee shop,
at the gym, at the bank,

women are coming on
to me like crazy

ever since Hope
gave me this ring.

You and Hope
got engaged?

No, no.
It's a promise ring.

Yeah, what'd
you promise?

To be faithful
while we're apart.

Aw, that's sweet.
Or stupid.

No, no. What's stupid is

I should have put this ring on
years ago.

Man, I could've tapped
so many hotties.

Anybody seen Abby?

No, she's not on
until 10:00.

Alright, Morris,
belly-pain lady in 3.

No, no. You got to keep me
away from the ladies.

She's 85, man.

60%, 700cc's,
AC 14.

Moretti's looking for you.

I'm taking this guy
to the ICU.

He's in the break room.
Well, he's going to have
to wait.

He said it's important.
What the hell
does he want?

Don't sh**t
the messenger, geez.

I'll be right up.

You summoned me?

Ah, Dr. Gates...

Look, I'm playing by your rules,
I'm doing my time upstairs.

I don't know what else
I'm supposed to do.

I spoke with
Dr. Shuster...

Is this about my Coumadin
overdose with the GI bleed?

I ordered FFP.

The blood bank was responsible
for the delay, not me.

Well, I'm not familiar
with that case, but...

Pneumothorax on the COPDer?

Even the radiologist missed it.

Alright, Dr. Gates...

When the guy deteriorated,
I had the chest tube in

even before
they processed the film.

Dr. Gates, if, if I might?

Go ahead. What?

Okay. I just wanted
to congratulate you

on your fine work
in the ICU.

You do?

Yes. Dr. Shuster has given you
rave reviews

for your performance.

She did?

Yep. And I think you're ready
to come back to the ER.

I am?





Then I'll,
uh, you know what?

I'll finish up my work
this week...

Well, you do whatever
you have to do,

but I want you back
on the floor today.


Alright. Thank you.

This was supposed to be
a simple bowel resection.

I never should have
promised his kid

he'd make it
to the Packers game.

The family here?

Yeah, there's a son,
uh, named Jeremy.

He just drove up
from Notre Dame.


Hello, I'm Dr. Rasgotra.

Hi, yeah,
I've been waiting for you.

Surgery took a little
longer than expected.

That's okay.
I was fine here.

There were some...
complications, I'm afraid.

Sorry to hear that.

Would you like
to sit down?

No, I'm good.

Well, during surgery, we think
he suffered a heart attack.


Yeah. He's on a ventilator

and IV meds to maintain
his blood pressure.

Oh, man,
that's never good.

Are you alright?

I got to admit,
I'm a bit little nervous,

but I am really, really,
psyched to be here.

Your father's
in critical condition.

Oh, no. No, he's not.

I don't think
you understand...

Actually, I do...
Jeremy, this is
very serious...

Listen. My name is
Harold Zelinsky.

My father died ten years ago.

I'm your new intern.

You are?


Excuse me.

Do you have any news
about my dad?

(baby crying)

(crying continuing)
(phone rings)


Oh, hey, Luka.

No, I'm, I'm awake.

(crying continuing)

I've been calling
for three hours.

I was exhausted,

so I, um, took the ringer off
so I could get some sleep.

Is that Joe?

So he's okay now?

Yeah, he just woke up.

Hi, baby.
Good morning.

I'm sorry
I wasn't around.

We got stuck
at the hospital.

(Joe crying)
(machine buzzing loudly)

I tried calling you at work.

They filled me in.
Told me his MRI was normal.

Yeah, yeah. He's fine.

(both speaking in Croatian)


With, uh,
with the spinal fracture,

even after surgery,
my dad can't move his legs.

So when he gets home,

he'll have to get around
in a wheelchair.

We're building ramps
for the steps

and handrails
for the bathroom...

Yeah. How soon can
you fly home?

We need to fix up
the house.

It's a lot of work.

You could just call the airline

and just get
on the standby flight.


And I'm sure
there's a seat available...

I'm sorry, but it's going to be
at least another week.

Another week?!

Luka, Luka...
(Joe crying)

Why can't your brother
just finish up?

Hey, I know you don't like it.
I don't like it either.

But I need to do this. Okay?

just don't make it harder.

(Joe crying)


Okay, but we miss you.

I miss you too.

We miss you a lot.

Alright, let's set up
for irrigation.

I'll come back once
the skin is numbed up.

Serum osmolality

Serum "ozzims?"

Two times sodium,
plus glucose over 18,

plus B.U.N. over 2.8.

Way to go.

Morris, somebody's
waiting for you.

You see
what I'm talking about?

Here's the Levaquin
you ordered.

So you came to drop off
an antibiotic?

Sorry, Dr. Morris,
I can't say

that I agree
with your assessment.

And you're invited
to my opening.

Your... opening?

Pharmacy's my day job,
but sculpture's my passion.

I do a lot of figures,
mainly nudes.

You like art?

Uh, I love it.
Uh, you know what?

I'm going to put this up
in the lounge in case

anyone's interested.

No, this invitation's
just for you.

Assess that, Dr. Pratt.

County General
on 2-B.

Dr. Morris and Pratt
are the attendings.

Frank is the grouchy clerk.

This is Harold Zelinsky,
my new intern.

don't go far.

We've got two car crash victims
en route.

Grab your coat from
the second floor,

meet me
outside Trauma.

Oh! It's going
to be awesome

working with you guys.

That kid's an intern?

What is he like, 12?

They keep
getting younger.

Or we keep
getting older.

Looks like he's
in high school.

I asked.
He said he was 25.

No way.
He's lying.

First one to verify his age
wins the pot. Who's in?

I'm with that.

What do you got?

Bevan Guang, driver of
a solo car versus utility pole.

I'm Dr. Gates.
Do you remember what happened?

Not really.

I do.

He fell asleep at the wheel
and went off the road.

Traci Martinez,
front-seat passenger.

I didn't fall asleep.

Are you okay, baby?

I think so.
How about you?

I'm okay.

Any neck pain,
chest pain?

Dr. Gates,
back in the saddle, huh?

Yep. Possible syncope
at the wheel.

He works all night
at a warehouse.

Wiggle your toes for me.
Good. Now squeeze my hand.

I should have been driving.

I don't like you driving
when you're pregnant.

How far along are you?

20 weeks.

I got this.

No, I got it.
No, I'm good.

Were you wearing
your seat belt?


We'll check
you and the baby out,

make sure everybody's healthy.

The success or failure of
your interns depends on you.

I'm looking forward
to being a good mentor.

No, no, not a mentor.

You're not their friend,
you're their taskmaster.

They need to be whipped.

Yeah, well, that's
not quite my style.

You should make it
your style then.

Fear is what motivates them
to learn and excel.

They should hate you.

Well, you know,
I think there are other ways...

It's worked for decades
of surgical training.

You need to be Lou Gossett
to their Richard Gere.

You're from
Connecticut, right?

There are only two things
that come out of Connecticut:

steers and queers.

Which one are you, boy?

I don't see no horns.

Doesn't quite work
with Connecticut.

I'm not joking, Neela.

Without discipline,
interns screw up.

And if he screws up,
you screw up.

You want your
first-choice elective?

Bring him to his knees.

What have we got,

I thought I was supposed
to wait out here for you

before I went in.

Do you know what it means
to be proactive?

You could be halfway
through your assessment by now.

But you...
Next time,
get right on it.

Am I understood?
Where are we?

Uh, good vitals,
no obvious injuries.

First crit is 39.
Very stable.
Is this your
new intern?

Harold Zelinsky, Nurse
Marquez, Dr. Lockhart.


Hi. I'm Dr. Rasgotra
from Surgery.

Nice to meet you.

Okay, uh, fetal Doppler
and Surgilube.

Is there anything
I can do to help?

No, just stand back and observe.

So, Harold, how do
you like your iPod?

Yeah, it's cool.

Abdomen's soft
and non-tender.

I remember
when you had to go

to the record store
to buy music.

I bought my first CD
when I was ten.

Sonosite's ready.

So when was that,
like mid-'90s?

Eminem, huh?
He wasn't around yet.

Right, right. Probably, uh,
Spice Girls then?

Mozart Clarinet
Concerto in A Major,

Richard Stoltzman,

Dr. Zelinsky,
take a look.

You might learn something.

No abruption.
That's good?

Very good.

Okay, serial crits, fetal
monitor, and send off a, um...

A what?

You know...

The test, the test,
for, for, for...

fetal-maternal blood exchange.


No evidence of previa.
Type and R.H. to the blood bank.

Are you alright?

Yeah, I was just up all night
with a bad stomach.

It's probably a virus.

So what do you need,
an IV?

Why don't you go take a nap,
get some rest?

No, it's alright.
I just need...

Look, it's slow right now.
Go, before we get slammed.


Yeah, go.

What are you doing?

Just taking this off
for the x-ray.

Please, don't lose it.

It was my grandma's.

C-spine's clear,
let's sit him up.

Do you want
cardiac enzymes?

How about a head CT?

No. No headache,
no focal findings.

(Bevan groans)

I forgot to eat breakfast.

Maybe that's why I got dizzy.

Well, you've got a lot
on your mind.

Boy or a girl?

We want
to be surprised.

You got kids?

Yeah, I have
a little girl.

She doesn't live
with me, but...

Okay if I send him
to get a chest x-ray?

That's up to Dr. Gates.

We'll get a better film
in Radiology.

You know what?
Let's leave him here.

If it's simple fainting,

symptoms could last
a couple minutes.

His dizziness only lasted
a few seconds.

That could indicate
a dangerous cardiac arrhythmia.

Valid point.

I've got something

Probably not, but we're going
to keep you on a heart monitor.

Give you another listen, huh?

Anybody seen the Wood's lamp?

Are you still okay?

You know what?

You're working too hard.

How's the baby?

They did an ultrasound?

Yeah, they did.
We'll let you guys

chat in a
minute, okay?

Come on, lie down
and relax.

I don't feel so good.

(alarm beeping)
V tach!


No pulse.

Charge to 360.

Everyone clear?


Okay, back in sinus.

He's a healthy 22-year-old.

You need me?

No, just the Wood's lamp.

Sorry. I'll put up a
"do not disturb" sign.

Thank you.



No ectopy
on lidocaine.

Is this going
to keep happening?

I don't know.

You ever have
chest pain?

Your father
have heart disease?


Any drug use?



we live in a studio apartment.

I'm trying to save up
for a two-bedroom

before the baby comes.

I work at a print shop,

then pull the graveyard
at a furniture warehouse.

So, you took something
to stay awake.

Couple a nights ago,
I took a pill.

Like speed?

I don't know.

My friend gave it to me.

You think it messed up my heart?

You know, it probably
wasn't that.

Your, uh, EKG has
a different kind of abnormality.

It could be a condition
that you were born with.

You want to tell
Cardiology to come down?


I want to be a good dad.

I'm trying.

I'm really trying.


Hey, uh,
Security needs

a-a photocopy of
your driver's license.

I don't have one.
You don't?

I took driver's ed
in high school.

I never got around
to taking the test, though.

Uh, Dr. Rasgotra's
waiting for this.

If you don't have
a driver's license,

how do you... how
do you get places?

I take the El.

If the weather's good,
I ride my bike.

Do you want a copy
of my hospital ID?

No, no, I'll talk
to the authorities.

Find out
what we need.

Repeat crit
is 38.

You figure
it out?
No, he's crafty.

Dr. Zelinsky,
your progress notes

and dressing changes?

They're all done.

Does that baby have ascites?

We're focusing on the placenta.

Looks like
pleural effusions, too.

I think you're right...

in the way of my screen.

Step back, please.

What's-What's wrong?

Is my baby okay?

No. The heart's beating well.

It could be isoimmunization
if mom's Rh-negative...

She's Rh-positive.

What are you talking about?

There are some
fluid collections.

Are you with children a lot?

I teach preschool.

Dr. Zelinsky, can you page OB?

If the kids gave her a virus...

I get colds all the time.

20% of hydrops is caused

by parvo or fifth disease.

It's a common infection
amongst toddlers.

Is that serious?

There's increased risk
of fetal

abnormalities and miscarriage.

Oh, my God.

Parvo is one

of the few treatable etiologies
of hydrops fetalis,

so actually, you're
pretty lucky if that's it.


He just said
I could lose my baby.

Oh, no, no.

Not with a UV

Look... I know
this is hard,

but we're going to do
everything we can

to help you and
your baby, okay?


Vincent Greco,
skin infection.

I got two boils--
here, here.

Okay, um,

how long
have you had them?

About a week.

Started out
like a pimple.

Tried hot compresses,
but they just kept growing.

Mm-hmm, and do you
work out a lot?

Yeah, I'm a
personal trainer.

Uh-huh, well,
gyms have nasty germs.

It looks like
I'm going to have to open...


Did you have a nice nap,
Dr. Lockhart?

Yes, thank you.

Dr. Moretti,
can you tell me

why Gates has two patients
on the board?

Yeah, he got stuck
with a V tach arrest.

Well, is the patient
in V tach right now?

Cardiology is
on their way.
Well, good.

Then he can come down
and pitch in.

No, I think there is benefit
to his staying with the patient.

Greg, you have something
to ask me?

No. Oh, right,
the boards.

Uh... I don't know.

Antidote for aspirin
overdose is what?

Come on, you call
that a question?

Okay, new-new deal.
New deal.

From now on,
tough questions,

and only when we're...
when we're stressed.

That'll recreate
the anxiety of test day.

Come on, Morris.
Let me check some labs.

What the hell
is that?

I'm ordering
herbal anaphrodisiacs.

You need

No, no, no.

"Curbs your libido and puts
the brakes on sexual energy.

These tablets ensure
a lust-free day."

Come on, you've seen
what's happening, guys, huh?

I need this stuff.

You want
to lose your libido,

get married
and have a kid.

Well, I'm impressed.

It usually takes an OB
to pick up hydrops.

It was not tough
to diagnose.

Ascites was a
clear tip-off.

Traci, this is
Dr. Coburn from OB.


Your blood test
shows you had a recent

parvovirus infection.

I had a bad cold
in August.

That was it.

Well, we're concerned
about the possible effects

of the infection
in your baby's bone marrow.

Blood velocity in the brain
is 44 centimeters per second.

That is not what
we were hoping for.

a severe anemia.

But I went to the clinic
last week.

My blood count was fine.

You're not anemic.
Your baby is.

So, we need to give

a transfusion directly
into the umbilical cord.

Are you sure?

Without it, there's
a serious risk of fetal death.

(sotto voce):

With it, there's a very high
probability of a cure.

(sotto voce):

You want to stick

a needle in the umbilical cord?

It's the only way to help.

Although there is a slight
possibility of a miscarriage.

Seven percent.

Well, just look
at the numbers.

The benefits outweigh the risks
by a factor of 12.

I want to talk to Bevan.

He's, uh, with the cardiologist.

Can he be here when you do it?

If it's okay
with Dr. Kayson.

I need him with me.


I'll go get
things set up.


Uh, Dr. Zelinsky
will assist you.

When I first
found out...

I wasn't sure
I wanted the baby.

But then Bevan stepped up.

He said we could do it

It made us closer.

Everything was really good.

It can still be good.

I thought it was a blessing
getting pregnant.

Now I'm not so sure.


Is it sharp here?

Can't feel a thing.

Alright, let me know
if anything hurts.

That's a lot of pus.

Good thing I came in.

Smells anaerobic.
You want a wound culture?

Jin Kim?

Right here.

Are you going
to be my doctor?

Nope. Actually, no.
No, I'm not.


Dr. Lockhart,
can I take over, please?

There's a lady with foot pain
in Exam 2 I need you to see.

Sounds good.


Heart sounds good.

EKG shows S-T segment elevation
in V one, two and three.

I'm thinking
Brugada syndrome.



Dr. Gates will be back

to discuss all
of my recommendations.

Please, can I go in
with Traci?

Yeah, as soon as I get back.

It's not Brugada.

Ventricular arrhythmia
in an Asian man,

classic EKG findings?

That's not S-T elevation.
It's early repolarization.

How do you explain the V tach?

Gee, maybe it has
something to do

with the amphetamines
in his urine.

Alright, he took a pill
three days ago,

but nothing since then.

And every drunk with an ETOH
of 500 only had two beers.

Repeat his
cardiac enzymes.

If they're negative,
I'll clear him

for discharge,
or jail for DUI.

He had a cardiac arrest.
From the amphetamines.

And you don't think
it can happen again?

Not unless he takes more dr*gs.

Well, I disagree
with you.

If it's Brugada, it
could happen anytime.

I think he needs an
implantable defibrillator.

Well, let's continue
this discussion

after you complete
a Cardiology fellowship.

This is... This is
a good guy here.

Excuse me.

Why are you
writing him off?
I'm not.

He's had eight hours
of normal monitoring.

I don't think that's enough.

I think you need
to keep him in overnight.

Don't tell me how
to practice medicine.

I am not admitting
a speed freak.

Can you hold it down?

It was a mistake,
a one-time thing.

A kid who's popping amphetamines
doesn't need the CCU.

He needs rehab.

And you had better learn

to take the advice
of a senior consultant

if you intend on finishing
your residency.

Uh, any more pain,
Mr. Greco?

No, I'm fine. I'm fine.

Dr. Morris, my
daughter, Layna.


Uh... he needs
to be admitted

to the IV antibiotics
for the hospital.

I mean... Uh... you know...
you know what I mean.

Let's get a dressing on this.

It looks pretty bad.

It's not that
bacteria, is it?

No, No, this'll clear up
in a few days.

Thank God.
I've got your Clinda.

Are we out of kerlix?

I don't think so.

So, Doctor, may I ask,

what kind of car
do you drive?

Uh, yeah. BMW 328.

Not bad, but I'd love
to see you in Z-4.

I sell luxury cars,

and a man like you
deserves something sexy.


Uh, anything else,
Dr. Morris?

Some tape.

So, what's your wife in?

Well, actually, I'm-I'm

not married.

Oh, really?

So, the ring's just
to sweeten the pot?

All we have
is three-inch.

I've heard you can
make that work.

Hey, Sam, where'd you
move the boyfriend?

Bevan Guang.
Exam 3 with Chuny.

We're still waiting
on troponins.

Oh, we still
have time.

Will you talk
to Kayson?

You want me to override
the Chief of Cardiology

and demand admission?


We have to think about working
with Dr. Kayson in the future.

We have to think
about saving lives now.

Well, sometimes you have
to defer to the consultants.

Yeah, well, what
if they're wrong?
Get creative.

Could the needle hurt the baby?

There's a small chance,

but Traci wants to
have the transfusion.

She decided
on her own?

Can I talk to her about it?

Uh, I don't think she
wants to see you right now.

Because of the speed?

It was only once.

It's not like
I'm a tweaker or-or...

She's a little

I won't listen
to his crap anymore.

I should have known.


He used to deejay
at warehouse parties.

He'd be out all night
with his boys.

I thought he was
different now.

I think he is.

He lied to me.

He was, like, "I'm
going to work hard

and support you and the baby
and be a good dad..."

He's trying to step up.
He's trying to step up, Traci.

By getting high?

By almost getting
us k*lled?

People change, Traci.

I used to get high all the time.

Made a lot of dumb mistakes.

But I straightened out
when it mattered.

He's not like that.

He proved it.

He messed up.

You know, sometimes things
aren't always right or wrong

or black or white.

My baby's sick.

Might not even make it.

Can we not talk about this
right now?



You look, uh,
very lost.

Um, yeah, I'm looking
for Traci Martinez.

They pointed me
in this direction.

They said she was
in Trauma 1.

Yes, I'm Dr. Gates,
and the good news is

you are very, very warm
'cause Trauma 1
is right there.

Thank you.

So are you a friend?

Um, not exactly.

Julia Dupree.

I'm the on-call chaplain.


Oh, so they called you
for a consultation?


Good. Well, listen,
I'm very familiar with the case,

so, um, if you have
any questions...

No, I think I can manage.

Thank you, Doctor.


(clanging nearby)
The nerve gets, uh,

compressed and inflamed
right here.

So what do we do?

There's a pad for your arch,
but you're going to have

to stop with the high heels
for a few months.

Are you serious?
I'm sorry.

Can you, can you
make her stop doing that?

She's expressing
her frustration.

Yes, well, so am I.

Emily, give that to Mommy.

(Emily shrieking)
I'll be right back.

(shrieking continues)

Your lady
has a Morton's neuroma.

Oh, I figured. Thanks.

Well, looks like further surgery
won't be necessary.

How's it going, Dad?

Ah, much better,

Thank you.

This guy...
guy's the best.

You ever been inside a Shelby?

Those are some
tight little numbers.

Didn't we talk about this?

I mean, I was perfectly clear
about my situation.

What situation?

Hey, Sophia.

I see you've met
my sister?


We were hoping we could
take you out for a test drive.

So... you two work together?

We do everything together.
We do everything together.


Advancing the needle.

When my friends had babies,

they were all so happy.

I thought I could handle it.

It's okay
to be afraid.

I'd be scared
out of my mind.

I'm not strong enough
to do this alone.

Hey, I think you might
surprise yourself.

There's the tip.
I'm not so sure.

Really shows up.

Do you want to say
a prayer?

It's etched, echo tipped.

We can do it together.

Go to the right,
toward Mom's feet.

There's the cord.

Packed cells and
platelets are up.

How big is the umbilical vein?

At 20 weeks,
it's about a millimeter.

Alright, I'm in.

You hit that
with a 22-gauge?


Dr. Zelinsky, I need you to
check on the rule-out appy.

Right now?
I don't want her
to perf. Go.

Pull off one cc
for the lab.

It's okay so far?

It's perfect.
It couldn't be better.

Must have been
one hell of a prayer.

Don't worry, Harold.
She's having a bad day.

(Harold slams can lid)

I'll be in Trauma
if you need me.

Got it.
Gates, is that even
your patient?

I'm taking care
of the boyfriend.

He's very concerned.

Yeah, well,
I'm very concerned, too.

You've been working on this case
for about eight hours now.

These two have a lot
of special needs--

you know, medical,
social, psychological.

You know, that's just great, but
you're not in the ICU anymore.

Quick. Top three organisms
for neonatal sepsis.

You need to be re-booted
back to ER mode.

That means stabilize and pass
off to the admitting team.

That might be appropriate
if it were simple pneumonia
or cellulitis...

Dr. Pratt,
I need an answer.
Shut up, Morris.

Let me just check
on this transfusion.
What did I just say?!

Kayson wrote the orders,
I'm discharging Bevan.

No, you're not.

I got to deal with this.
I'll talk to you later.

Okay, you're feeling
some pressure-- excellent.

Name three bacteria
for neonatal sepsis.

Bend over and kiss my ass.

Those are not bacteria.

Group B strep,
E. coli, and listeria.

Not bad, Abby.

It's turbulent flow in the UV.
Excuse me.

My intern's in with
your belly pain guy?

Uh, okay, but, uh, Dr. Coburn,
I had a question for you.

Another consult?

No, not exactly.

Could you find me
when you're done here?

Let's go ahead with
the platelet infusion.

18cc's of packed cells
are in.

So I hear Luka's in Europe.

Something about his dad?

Multiple myeloma.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Well, things are
a little bit better.

He should be home soon.

Must be hard.

You're managing
with Joe?

Joe's amazing.

You should see him.

He's walking, babbling,
feeding himself.

He loves the books
you got him for his birthday.

Good Night Gorilla has to be
the last book every night.

You drank?



Last night.

You want to get
to a meeting?

I don't have time
to go to a meeting.

I don't need to go
to a meeting.

I just...
I had a bad day,

a very bad day,
and it was just one time.

I'm not going
to start drinking again.


Are you an alcoholic?

Yes, but...
Yes, but?

All those years that you
were sitting in meetings,

were you an
alcoholic then?

Yes or no?

Okay, keep drinking.

Do the research,
see what happens.

I can handle this.

Just let me know how
it works out for you.

Okay, I've got a clinic
full of patients.

Janet, Janet, you're my sponsor.

I was your sponsor,
but now it's very simple.

If you've decided
you're not an alcoholic,

I can't help you.

If you are,
I'll be your sponsor again

and I'll support you
in recovery.

Let me know
what you decide.

Really, it's okay.

You can call me anytime.


Good luck on
your midterms.

I love you, too.


That was my son.

In Rhode Island.

He's having a hard time
in college.


Yeah, he's a long way from home.

I don't know if it's
the normal school stress

or if it's more...

But... I feel like
he's not telling me stuff.

You know.

It's hard to know
what's going on

with someone
even if they're your own kid.


I'm sorry, but they're waiting
for me to sign out.

Oh, good night, Abby.

Migraine lady's
still groaning.

Uh, four more of MS.

You out of here?
I'm trying.

Frank, did Ortho call back yet?

Oh, damn it,
another dead end.

You said this
would be easy.

And you're sure you
spelled his name right?


...there's nothing.
There's no mortgage.

There's no credit cards,
not even any student loans.

Well, maybe he had
a full scholarship.



Not yet.

I can't even find
a birth record for this guy.

What are you guys doing?
Background check
on Neela's intern.

Yeah, we're going
to figure out his age.

Oh... I'm here late

because our clerk
can't get CT results

or call consults, and
my attendings don't have time

to hear about a migraine,

DKA, femur fracture, or an
incarcerated hernia because

they're all too busy playing
"how old is the intern"?

It was just a
couple of minutes.
What are you talking about?

We've been here
the whole time.

These are my pass-ons.

Hey, Harold,
how old are you?


That's an intern?

How old were you
during the O.J. trial?

Uh... well, that was,
uh, like 1995...

You're not 25.

You're right. I'm 19.

No way.

I started college
when I was 12,

med school when I was 15.
I was home-schooled.

How is that

I got a perfect score on
the SATs when I was 11,

so I knew I was ready
for college.

Alright, let's go and check
on that rule-out appy.

Dr. Gates.

Can I talk to you for a minute?


I understand that Dr. Kayson
wrote a discharge order

for Bevan Guang.

And that you
cancelled it?

Is this your idea of
creative problem-solving?

I didn't know
what else to do.

Well, did you consider
a holter monitor?

What about
a transfer?

Runs of V tach,
I need a doctor in here!

Open the crash cart.
Call Kayson.

Dr. Morris.
Dr. Morris.

Your dad got
moved upstairs.

We just wanted

to say good-bye.

You've been
very wonderful.

Uh... just doing my job.

It's too bad
things didn't work out.

We could have
had some fun.

See ya.


How about the LFTs
on my hepatitis guy?

Called five minutes ago.

Well, call again.

It's been three hours.
Abby's right.

Why can't anything
get done around here?

Tell me the Ottawa
Ankle Rules.

Where's his chart?

C'mon, Archie,
the ankle rules.

There's only
five of them.

I don't have time
for your stupid games.


Going again.


Normal sinus.

Strong carotid.

What happened?

V tach.

You're kidding.

Well, take a look
at the strip.

150 of amiodarone.

Recurrent ventricular

arrhythmias in the absence
of amphetamines.

It's possible he'll need
an implantable defibrillator.

Glad I didn't
discharge him.

He would have died
on the way home.

Good thing we got busy
with another trauma.

I'll go prep the EPS lab.

You alright, Dr. Gates?


Jack, hold on.


Welcome back.

You know,

sometimes I wish I could just
see the patients by myself

without the residents.

Life would be
so much easier.
I know.

They don't listen.
They don't wanna learn.

They think they
know everything.

And you know
the worst part?

Every now and then,
they turn out to be right.

Excuse me, Miss.

Is that yours?


I miss you, too, baby.

Is it hot down there?


So, uh...

what are you, what are you
wearing right now,

like a, like a t*nk top?

All hot and sweaty
and clinging to your skin.

(drapes open suddenly)

I need this bed.

Yes, uh, thank you.

Uh, could you
please page Urology

for Dr. Morris in the ER?

Hope, you still there?

So when you're...
when you're all hot and steamy,

what, what do you to cool off?

Oh, I'm so jealous.

You're that close
to the Caribbean?

Do they have
any topless beaches?

Oh, you are such a bad girl.

Wouldn't mind going
skinny-dipping with you

late at night.

Yeah? Yeah, then, then,

then I'll take you back
to your tent...

Right, hut.

Oh, I'll, I'll sneak into
your hut one of these nights

and, uh...

Hold on. Hold on.

Uh, Bardelli.

Can I, can I use

your rig for five minutes?

I have an administrative tour.

Take your time.
I'm gonna grab some dinner.

Okay, okay.

Okay, where were we?

Right, right, right, you...
you're, you're, you're,

you're fast asleep naked
under satin sheets.

And first, first I gently nibble
on your toes,

then your, then your ankles.

Now I'm licking the back
of your knee.

My baby's okay?

Yeah, everything
looks great.

No contractions.

Hydrops should resolve
in a couple of weeks.


So did you hear about Bevan?

Heard his heart was bad again.

Yeah, but
this time,

there were no

in his system.

So we think it's something
called Brugada syndrome.

That means he was born with an
electrical problem in his heart.

So it wasn't the dr*gs?


And he'll need a shock
box in his chest.

Okay, but he still took speed.

Yeah, once, to get
through work.

And he realized

it was wrong
and he promised

from now on, nothing
stronger than coffee.

You think he means it?

I guess I should go see him.

If you're ready.


I'm gonna go talk to Bevan.


I think that's
a good thing.

You know that guy
Robert Frost?

He was right.

Robert Frost?

He said, "The only way out
is always through."


Done a great job
with her.

Oh, I just held
her hand.

Told her it was okay
to be mad at God.

Is that right?


I get mad at God
all the time.

It's actually done wonders
for our relationship.

And I haven't been struck
down by lightning.

Yeah, not yet.

Alright, so,

how, how does
someone like you

become a, a chaplain?

I mean is there a lot
of training?

No worse than
med school.

So, I guess, um,
so I guess,

you'd have to give up
a lot of things, huh?

Well, I don't know.

Aren't there like, like,
like vows or something?

Dr. Gates,
I'm not a nun

and I'm not a saint.

I'm a woman who happens
to be a chaplain.

And you don't really
get that, do you?

Yes, I do.

Get what?


That I have a
spiritual life,

and a spiritual

but I live in the
real world.

That sounds nice.

You should try
it sometime.

I don't know.

Maybe it's not too late
to switch to something else.


Seriously, I don't think
I can take a year of this.

Hey, listen, I gotta go.
Call you later.

Do you want to start
evening rounds?

No, trauma's coming in.

You alright?


Are you...

You're not...


No, I'm fine.

This is all because I've
been riding you so hard?


Bollocks. Come on.

I'm not really
a mean person.

It's just that
my boss told me

that I had
to be that way

so you'd work harder
and learn more.

It's not working.
Yeah, I knew
this was stupid.

But you were
so convincing.

But I think you're
doing a fine job

and from now on, I'm
gonna be a lot nicer,

and a lot more
supportive, okay?

No more
unnecessary scut,

no more pimping just for
the sake of humiliation,

and no more
taking credit

for all your
good ideas.

Oh, crap.
Don't believe

a word I'm about
to say.

Just play along.

What's coming in, Neela?

s*ab wound
to the chest.

And don't think you can
set foot in that trauma

until you advance all the drains
on the service,

write your evening
progress notes,

and check
pre-op labs

for tomorrow's OR cases.

Am I clear,

Yes, what?
Yes, Dr. Rasgotra.

Well, what are you waiting for?



That's what I'm
talking about.

What do you got coming in?

s*ab wound under
the left nipple.

I can stay
if you want.

It's alright.
We got it.

Good work today.

Nice to have you back.

Beautiful night, isn't it?

Everything okay, Dr. Morris?

Oh, yeah. Everything's good.

Real good.
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