14x08 - Coming Home

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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14x08 - Coming Home

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:

We miss you.

I miss you too.

Brian, why are you here?

I feel like
he's not telling me stuff.

Come on.
Let loose for a night.
I'll think about it.

Who wants a drink?

No, we're good.

You should really take a cab
home right now, really.

I was not aware
that I was flirting.

I'm not stupid, you know.

Mr. and Mrs. Riley
have legal custody.

It's not going to be
for a long time, I promise.

You've been lost?

Haven't you?

All right, so
tell me again.

Who were those
weird forest chicks?

The Wilis, they're
the spirits of girls

jilted in love,
left to haunt the woodland.

And that Macarena
thing they were doing?

Oh, they were trying
to make the prince dance

until his heart gave out,

but Giselle came
to his rescue.

Yeah, well, I guess
that happens, huh?

Oh, you don't like ballet.
Not about haunted

girls in the woods.

I like sugar plum fairies--
it's Christmassy.

Well, this was actually
pretty groundbreaking.

I mean, Gautier
created the whole idea

of investing emotion and
sincerity in ballet.

Uh-oh, you're one of those
smart girls, aren't you?

You've only just noticed?

I've been in denial.

Oh, you'll get over that.

Or else what?

Or else, I'll make you dance

till your heart gives out.

You know, I have
The Nutcracker DVD

back at my place.

It's got bonus features.

How long you
been living here?

Uh, two months.

It sucks, huh?
Shut up, Kim.

It's not that bad.
Yes, it is.

Isn't it, Sarah?

Yeah, it kinda sucks.

Yo, losers, meet our friend.

This is Sarah, she's new.

New from where?

Chicago, that's dope.

I haven't seen you around.

Yeah, I'm not your year.
What are you?



It's crazy in here.

I'm gonna go out front.

Wanna come?

(door closes)

Come on in.

It's, uh, very... dark.

Oh, yeah.

Look, I have one of these.
Watch this.

It's nice.

It's not bad.

It's, uh... it's
not bad at all.

Is this Sarah?

Yeah, that's her
at Halloween a few years ago.

You said she lives
with her grandparents?

She's a beautiful little girl.

Yeah, she is.

The party's lame.

You want to go for a drive?

Here, give it back if
you're not going to smoke it.


Wait, I'm coming.

I'm coming.
I'm coming.

You want some?

Oh, no, I try not to.

I think it's the way
God would want it.

Oh, you know, the Rastafarians
consider it a sacrament.

I'm very ecumenical.



Was it something I said?

Oh, no, this was,
this was great.

It was nice.

You know, it was...


What did we just do,
go to Disneyland?

You rocked my world, okay?

But I don't like
sleeping over

this early in a

Wow. All right, well, just

leave the money on the dresser
on your way out.

I still have to go.

(phone rings)

Oh, good, this is
my next appointment.


Tony, I need you to come!

I messed up.
I'm in trouble.

Sarah, what hap-- slow down,
what happened? Where are you?

I don't know!
I don't know where I am.

Sarah, where are you?!
Tony, just come!

I'm kind of busy, Dad.
I've been up all night working,

studying for my history midterm.

Yeah, I can tell you
look a little worn-out.

Maybe you should just try
getting a little more rest.

I just told you I've been up...

Did you not-- did you not hear
what I just said?

No, I heard you.

I heard you. Sorry.

I just wanted to check in

and see if, um,
you had given any thought

to what we discussed
the other day.

If Obama wins, do you think...

do you think there's going
to be riots in the streets?

Brian, look, I wanted...

I mean, 'cause, Dad,
people have to unify.

Like, you know, right now.

I've been reading
about Watts.

I mean, it's just like--
do you remember that, Watts?

Well, yeah, I-I-I mean,
I know about it. Yeah.

White America
is so r*cist.

It's... it's such a shame.

I mean, this country, Dad,

is a crock.

Look, Brian...

did you see that therapist?

You want the answer
to your question, Dad?

Is that what you want to know?

The answer to your
putrid question?

None of your damn business.

I have privacy rights,

which means you need
to leave me the hell alone.

Or else you can go to jail.

Okay, okay.

That is not what we're
talking about, all right?

What we're talking about is--
I'm just asking you.

I gotta go.

Hey, look...
I gotta study.

The, uh, this thing
is in, like,

a couple of hours.

I want to go to
the gym first.

Okay, but look,
son, look,

wait a minute.

Can you just
talk to me, son?

Thanks, Dad.

Thank you so much

for your paternal concern.

And Dad? I hope one
of your patients

stabs you with an AIDS needle.

So you're back on, huh?

Yeah, I took a few days.

I, yeah, that's, uh,
I have a seizure patient.

CT shows an AVM.

I was going to admit
to Neurosurgery.

Oh, right, good. Just make sure
that you call IR...

I did that.

Okay, good. Thanks.

Hey, look, Abby...

And Grady has a hip
dislocation in Three

that he wants to run by you
before he sends to, um, Ortho.


She wouldn't go to the police.

She wouldn't do anything
till I got to her.

I don't see her.

This guy...

Hey, buddy.

You know who Teri is?
I talked to someone named Teri.

You here about
the little girl?

She's in the back.

It's okay.

It's all right now.

Oh, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Take that.

Hey, I haven't seen
you in a few days.

You okay?
I'm fine.

Are we okay?

You know, that night
outside of Ike's,

it got a little ugly.
Oh, that was no big deal.

You haven't been
yourself lately, Abby,

and I'm not the only
one who's noticed it.

This place is a breeding
ground for gossip.

It's not gossip,
it's more like worry.

Well, maybe they should
worry about themselves.


It's just hard with Luka
not here, that's all.

I'm fine.

When is the big Croat
coming back?

Well, he was going to try and
get a flight out today,

so, hopefully, he'll
be here by tomorrow.

Well, that should
make things easier.

Yeah, it should.

Marcus Faneca, 20-foot
fall from a ladder.

No LOC, complains

of chest and right hip pain.

How'd thIS happen, Marcus?

I was cleaning leaves
from the gutters.

BP 100 over 60,

tachy at 120, had two
of MS in the field.

Hey, buddy, how
old are you?

I'll be 13 in January.
Where are your parents?

It's just my father.
He's coming behind.

We couldn't fit the chair
in the rig with us.

My dad's a paraplegic.

He gave me a sip
of something out of a flask,

and started touching me.



It's okay,
you can tell him everything.

So I reached down
and grabbed something

on the ground,
and hit him with it.

Hit him with what?

I don't know.

It was, like, metal,

heavy, kind of like
an "L" shape.

A tire iron?

I guess so, maybe.

You hit him with a tire iron?

Okay, Marcus, we're going
to sit you up now.

My dad, he might need help...

getting in here.

It's okay, the hospital's
wheelchair accessible.

(Marcus groans)
A little more morphine?

Uh, no, his
pressure's borderline.

Another .250
of saline first.

Small pneumothorax,
gonna need a chest tube. Okay.

Damn it.

Okay, displaced femoral
neck fracture, right?

You're asking me?

No, that's what it is.

Okay, I'll get
a Hare Traction.

No, I want to try five pounds
of Buck's traction.

You sure?

Yeah, Sam, I'm sure.


Hey, pal, I got here
as fast as I could.

How you doing?

I'm sorry, Dad.

I should've had the ladder
angled better.

Oh, hey, no.

No, th-that was not your fault.

Are you his doctor?

Yeah, I'm Dr. Lockhart.

So... what's the deal?

Well, your son has
a collapsed lung.

We're going to need to insert
a tube into the chest cavity

to expand it while
it gets better.

How bad is that?
Is that bad?

Not too bad, it'll heal.

He also has a fractured femur.

A broken hip bone,

which the surgeons
will take a look at,

and we're going
to try to reduce it

under general anesthesia.
And if they can't,
then what?

Well, why don't we wait
for the consult...

Wh-what could happen?

Sir, maybe we should talk
out here, huh?

I'll be right back,
pally, okay?

I don't think either
you or your son

need to be
worrying about...

Worst case scenario?

Why the hell shouldn't we?

(removes gloves)

Okay, avascular necrosis
of the femoral head,

chronic pain, a total hip
replacement at a young age,

he never walks normally.

That's what I was afraid of.

Mr. Faneca,

what I'm trying
to tell you is,
Damn it!

the surgeons should
be able to realign

and stabilize
your son's leg.

It doesn't need
to get to that.

Yeah, like I've never heard
that before.

Two-layer closure?

Yes. And what else?

Oh, and a psych consult.

The guy's a total nut job.

Right, well, get on it.

By the way, I need to be
out of here by 6:00.

It's my girlfriend Lacey's
homecoming tonight.

Big deal.

Go, go, Badgers.

That's their school mascot--
the Woodland Badgers.

You ready,
stallion? Huh?

You got your moves
all worked out?

Wait, wait, okay, let me see.

First, you have
the yawn reach-around.

(grumbly yawning)


You yawn like a horse.

Oh, then, there's
the earnest-emo shoulder hold.

I really, really
care about you, Lacey.

Oh, please.

Is that even a move?

And finally, the false
drop, intentional,


(chart thuds on floor)

Oh, excuse me.

How... how clumsy.

Please, you're making me queasy.

I'm letting him have the
sex machine for the big night.

Oh, wow, I really
appreciate it.

I got it specially detailed.

You're gonna love it.

I thought you were mad
at him about your car.


No more dings, okay?

Can you go man
the Triage Desk?

We got a backup
in Waiting.

No, but I can "woman" it.

Abby's bitching about where
Surge is for her chest tube.

Yeah, we're on our way.

Let her sniff
your hand first.

Is there a problem?

Uh, yeah.

Abby keeps going
like this,

I'm gonna slap her
with a colostomy bag.

At least I only have to
take it for a few more hours

before I switch over
to my O.R. shift at noon.

O.R. shift?

It's part of my
transpo training

for intubation experience.

Morris, go and
supervise, okay?

Uh, maybe you should.

I was just about to see
this "swimsuit model

with knee pain
after slipping on runway."

I'll take that.
You go deal with Abby.


Well, well,
look what the cat dragged in.


Three centimeter incision
over the fifth rib.

Uh... how's that?

Good. (sighs)

Okay, 36 French tube.

36? You mean 28, right?

Right, sorry, 28.

Tunnel over the
intercostal space.

You all right?

Yes, I'm fine. Why?

It's just,
a kid under 50 kilos needs...

I know what he needs.

Another vascular clamp.

Make it a curved vascular clamp.

Are you're kidding me?
Okay, you know what?

Neela, you want to show off
to your little sidekick here,

that's fine, it's all you.

What? What's wrong?

Uh, nothing.

Everything's fine, sir.

I stay superior
to the rib, right?

Yeah, if you were
to go inferior...

I could bag an
intercostal artery

and then he'd
bleed out.

How old are you?

What I lack in experience,
I make up for in enthusiasm.


This being my first
chest tube ever,

I am really committed
to getting it right.

You're kidding.

Is he kidding me?

This is a teaching
hospital and Dr. Zelinsky

is a very
qualified resident.

Well, I don't want him.

I want someone
with more experience.

Her-- why can't
she do it?

Uh, hello?!

I thought you were
coming home tomorrow.

I caught an earlier
connection from Frankfurt.

Nothing. I-I...

I just wish you'd told me

'cause I would've
taken the day off.

It was a last minute, so I
just thought, what the hell,

I'd surprise you.
No, it's nice.


Are you exhausted?

No, I feel good.

I just want to go
home and see Joe.

You should definitely
go home and see Joe.

I mean, Marnie probably has him
at swim class right now,

but they'll be home
by the time you get there.

I just wanted to
stop by and see you.

The look on your face.

And, uh, I got you something.

You did?


It's, uh, it's licitar.

I know it's corny,
but it's Croatian,

and it's what you're
supposed to get your girl

when you haven't
seen her in a long time.

And since you had
a blackout, I thought,

you know, candle...

You know, like...

I missed you.

Oh, I'm sorry.
Oops, sorry.


You must be Dr. Kovac.

Yes. I'm Kevin Moretti.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too.

I hear you've really whipped
the place into shape.

Yeah, well, you know,
I've certainly tried.

Well, uh...
So, how, uh...

was your, uh... Sorry.
No, being...

Being chief is a lot
of responsibility,

and after we had the baby,

I decided I'd rather spend
the time with my family.

Yeah, well, yeah, I mean,
it's a tough job, but...

Someone's got to do it.

That's right.
Someone's got...

I got an open distal
tib/fib fracture, contaminated.

Five of morphine in the field.

Okay, you'll excuse me.

Okay, nice to meet you.
A pleasure.

Nice to meet you, too.
Thanks. Bye.

Well, doesn't seem like
such a bad guy.

No, he's all right, I guess.

You called him


Okay. I'll see you later.

I'm gonna run by the desk,

I got some souvenirs
for the guys.

And when you get home,
I have a surprise for you.



I missed you, too.



Boy, you got some nerve,
don't you?

You don't want to
start this, Hank.
I don't?

Sarah got in trouble,
and she didn't call you.

Maybe you should
think about that.

Maybe you should think about
why she didn't turn to you

when she felt like
she needed help.

I know why-- because we have
rules here, and discipline.

We don't just let her
talk or dress

or do whatever the hell
she wants.


Go finish with the horses.

I can do that later.


Sarah's taking a bath.

She likes me
to wash her hair for her.

More coffee?

No, thanks,
we've got to go.

Let's go, Julia.

Where you from, Julia?

I was an Army brat.

My family moved around a lot.

Mostly the Midwest though.

What part?


and some time in South Dakota.

I got some apples
that need peeling.

How are you with that?

Where's your paring knife?

Hey, Abby.


We should talk.
We don't need to.


Hey, what's going on?

Hey. Uh, Mr. Faneca, I...

Sorry. Excuse me.

I was just reviewing
your son's chart.

Yeah, well,
where did you go?

You just left.

Well, the chest tube was
placed, and I'm here now.

Uh, repeat CBC is back?

Hemoglobin's stable.

Okay. Ortho ready for him?

Still tied up
with an open tib/fib.

I'm concerned
about his chest pain.

It hurts when I breathe.

Take it easy, Marcus,
it's going to be okay.

Okay, Harold, I'll try.

Should I repeat
the chest X-ray?

Mm... no.

Breath sounds are good,
sats are fine, BP's normal.

Try four of MS.

I'll try to get an ETA on ortho.

So it's all good?

Yeah. It's normal to
have a little bit of pain

when you have a tube
in your chest.

And the morphine
should help that.

You know,
you-you seem distracted.

Should I ask for
another doctor?

Excuse me?

I need you to fix this,
get things moving along here.

It just seems like
we're wasting time.

Just calm down, sir.
We're doing our best.

We really are.

Look, he's my kid, okay?

He's all I've got.

Guys, excellent.

I need a little
fashion help here.

You can say that again--
look at your tie.

For Harold.

Which one should he wear
to his homecoming tonight?

Go black.

All right, Sam,
that's what I'm talking about.

The black's a little short,

and Harold is lankier
than he seems.

I was measuring
his inseam earlier...

Oh! TMI.

All right, I got to pick up

a coledocojejunostomy
for Dubenko.

Greg, what is up with ortho?

We need to get that
roof fall kid up there.

They were still working
on the tib/fib when I left.

The washout was
a little gnarly.

It's going to be
a bit longer.

Hey, I heard
Luka was here.

You told me he was
coming back tomorrow.

Yeah, I know,
it was a surprise.

Um, I kind of need
to hurry it up, up there.

That's what I've been telling
them for the past 15 minutes.

And thanks for taking care
of that chest tube.

That was really Harold.

Tell Luka I said hello.

Hey, Benito left this stack
of preemptive orders

for you to sign off on.

Where is he now?

I'm not sure--
he went to take a call.

Something about his kid.

You people
and your dysfunctional families.

Hey, sir,
you just can't go in there.

Thank you, luv.
A little help, mate?

He's hurt his ankle
rather badly.

Uh-huh, and how
did you do that?



It's an old,
rather pointless,
pagan ritual

that some of us in
the local ex-pat community

periodically reenact.
They roll the wheel

down the hill and then
you tumble after it.

The first one down
wins the cheese.


This one is all you!

What can I do for you?

He's hurt his ankle.

Oh, wow-- wait,

are you one of those

Yes, I am.
Cool, cool.

I've read all about that,
let's find you a bed.

Dr. Morris,
I heard you were looking for me.

Yeah, go check out that
rack over there.

Pick out a suit
for tonight.

What? Really?


Hey, are you a

Yes, I am.

So, you're the lucky
winner, huh?

Enough Double Gloucester
for a year.

You must be proud.

He's quite a catch.


Well... probably
just a sprain,

but I'll get an X-ray

to be sure, give you
something for pain.

This won't
take long, will it?

We really must
be on our way.

We've got to pick up
some biscuits and mustard

at the market.
I'll get you moving

as I can, "guv-nah."


On your way then.

Good chap.

Still waiting
on ortho?

Yes, Doctor.

Nice suit.

You look... good.

Oh, this? I have a date.

But I wanted to check in
with my buddy Marcus

before I sign out
for my big night.

You rock, Harold.

Pressure's down
to 80 over 40.


(raspy gasping)

Uh, harder to breathe.

Oh, that's
not good.

Sats are dropping.


Oh jeepers, subcutaneous


Go get an attending!


you-you stay, help them--
I'll go!

What's happening?
because of your fall,

the air in your chest
is leaking

into your neck
and torso.

70 over 30.

It's constricting his chest,
I need a ten blade!

Come again?

I need to open him up.

He needs more

No, his pressure won't take it.

And there's no time
for a local.

Marcus, this is gonna hurt
a little bit, okay, buddy?

I'm scared.

Me, too.




What are you

Oh, my God.



(groaning eases,
breathing slows)

Sats at 99, pressure's
120 over 85.


Sorry about that.


That's a rental.

Hey, they said you
wanted to see me ASAP.

What's going on?
Yeah, um...

housekeeping's gonna have
to clean up this sink--

it smells like
somebody puked in here.

Uh, yeah, okay,
I'll get right on that.

Um, I have to go.

Frank is working on
getting me a flight,

but I'm gonna go to the
airport and just...



Where are you going?

I'd like you to
cover the shift.

I know that you've
expressed, you know,

uh, the desire for
more responsibility

in the past,
and, um...

let's use this as
a trial run.


Oh, okay.


Until when?

I don't know.


I don't usually...

let my personal obligations
interfere with my work--

and-and I expect the same
of my staff--

but... I, this, um, there's...

Hey, you okay?

It's my son.

He's having a tough
time at school.

He got very agitated during
an exam in a lecture hall.


And he accused the kid
next to him of cheating.

And then when the professor
tried to intercede, he just...

he lashed out at her.



I'm sorry,
I didn't realize.

Yeah, no, no,
I didn't either.

Maybe I should have.

All right,
if there's anything I can do...


All right, that's it.


Okay, here goes.

Harold, why don't you
get changed

and get out of here.

You mustn't be late.

Are-are you sure?

But Marcus...
Yeah, you'll have plenty

of other chances
to scrub in on O.R. cases.

Okay, I see the chords.


Only one high school

Well, actually,
it's my third,

but okay,
if you say so.


I'm in.
Nicely done.

Yeah, wow,


Well, bye, Marcus.

I'll check in
on you tomorrow.

Well, it's a night
of many firsts.

Let's keep our fingers crossed
for one more.

Bye, everybody!

What is taking so long?

You should be
to the joint capsule

by now.



Ten blade to...

Neela. Rasgotra.

Okay-- ten blade to her.

Between the sartorius and
the tensor fascia lata, right?

Trauma surgeons, so serious,

I love it.

Can we get some tunes
going in here?

She's good at that, Tony.

Must have some farm experience.

Only a little.

Oh, fold that right,
that's no good.

Did you know Meg,
my daughter?

No, ma'am, I didn't.

She was good
at her chores,

helping out
around the place.

Then she got older,

bored, a little wild.

And she moved away.

She doesn't need to know
all that.

No, it's fine.

I'm very interested.

You're here,
you seem nice enough,

maybe you can
help him understand.

Understand what, Becky?

Sarah's been changing--

talking back, disappearing,
having trouble at school.

She's becoming more and more
like her mother.

Now we love her--

and we never want to lose her
from our lives--

but we're old, and we've been
through this once before.

You fought to keep her.

You're the ones who
wanted it like this.

The child's not happy here.

She's 13 now,
it'll only get worse.

And we don't have it in us

to go through again
what we went through with Meg,

all the struggle.

You never thought
about this before?

We were grieving
for our daughter--

looking for a way
to hold onto her.

And trying to do

what we thought was best
for Sarah.

We made a mistake, Tony--

but out of the best
of intentions.

I don't want to punish her
because we were wrong.

Much better.

I knew the black one
wouldn't fit.

I told those guys
you're lanky.

This is pretty
Oh, yeah,
I like it.

Ooh la la.

Oh, can't be late.

Don't want to keep
the little lady waiting.

No, actually,
Lacey's five foot ten.

She's on
the volleyball team.

Now, this is
for her wrist,

so you don't have
to jump into

the deep end right
off the bat.

And this is nonalcoholic,
but you can always hope

for the placebo
effect, right?

I gotta get back

My gimpy limey
cheese freak is waiting

to get his ankle wrapped.

I... I wanted to show Neela
before I go.

All right, but
don't dawdle,

or your chances of
getting some tonight
are gonna be ruined.

Oh, I almost forgot!

Remember, there's a reason
we have speed limits.

Come here.

Yeah, yeah.

Looks like
the perisoteum

flipped into the fracture.

And we will flip it back out.

First liter of NS is in.

You want me
to hang another bag?

Uh, don't bother, we'll
be done in a minute.


Whoa! Vascular clamps!

Damn, damn,


Pulse 144,
78 over 45.

Okay, hang O-neg, saline,
whatever we've got.

PVCs. Go as proximal
as you can.


Something bad's happening.

It appears the, the broken
bone injured the artery.

Once they
repositioned it,

the tear started

It's rare, there's
no way the doctors

could have
predicted this.

How bad is it?

It's bad.
I mean,

the body's entire blood volume
can just--

Dr. Rasgotra is a wonderful
surgeon, she'll save him.

I thought you had
somewhere to go.


I'm gonna stay
here with you

until Marcus is okay.

I'm sorry, Grandma.

What about?

The way I acted.

Oh, listen here--

you acted the way you needed to,
to make me see.

I wasn't gonna see
it any other way.

And now, things'll all turn out
how they're supposed to.

So no being sorry.

You watch her now.

I'll be coming to Chicago soon,
so you be ready.

He's gotta be
here somewhere.

May I help you?

There he is!


Aw, man.

You stole my cheese!

Oh, sod off!

I won it fair and square!

Gareth crossed the line first!

Get off him,
you plonkers!

We have proof,
you little slag!
Hey, hey!


Break, break it up, guys!

Get off!

Ow! Ow!


David Beckham
is a w*nk*r!

(nervous laugh)

Just kidding.

Relax. Love the guy.


Okay, until
we decide

the rightful...



I will be the keeper
of the cheese.

Heard he was
flying out tonight.

Frank's getting him
a flight.


Mm-hmm. Something
about his kid.

Pretty serious,
from what I hear.

It must be.

Mind if I leave you
to this?

I got to check
on Pratt's MI in Three.

Sure. I got it.

See you soon,
Dr. Moretti.

Okay. Sure thing, Haleh.

(ambulance door shuts,
engine starts)

Take care, Abby.


I hope everything works out.

Heparin's in.

All right. Good
flow, no leaks.

We were able
to stop the bleeding

and repair his artery.

We have every reason to believe
he's going to recover fully.

And the leg?

Going to need a few screws,

but in time,
it should be as good as new.


All right, kid,
get out of here.

Are you sure?

I wanted to see
if Marcus would...

You-You can talk to him
in the morning.

Go-Go to your thing.

Okeydokey, then.

Um, congrats
on a successful outcome.

(door closing)

Nice kid, that one.

A little weird.


A little.

That's Margaret.

She saw
the whole thing.
Coming up

right... there!

MAN 3:
See? See? See?
Gareth won.

He passed out before
the finish line!

He didn't.
After you pulled me down!

Oh, poor Henry.

They had to
cart him off

in a stretcher.

All right, all
right, all right.

After careful
review of the tape,

I am ruling it a tie.

You each get half.

You're gonna
cut the cheese?

Well, I mean...

Yes, that's right.

Fine! Split it in two,
so I can go home.

No! No, no.

He can have it.

The cheese should
not be divided.

I would rather see it
absconded by a cheater

than be split in half.

I knew you'd cave.

Oh, not so fast.

Gareth, the cheese is yours.

Wait. But you
just said...

Uh. According to the
wisdom of Solomon,

Gareth has shown himself
as the true cheese-lover

and its rightful guardian.

He was willing to
forfeit the cheese

rather than see
it torn apart.

Oh, thanks
for nothing, Doc.


Yeah. What a bunch
of gits.

Hey, tossers.


Your, uh, roof kid's
doing well.

They're moving him
to Recovery.

Oh, great.

Oh, well, I... I thought
you'd want to know.

Thank you.

Are we fighting?

No. I don't think so.

We're friends, right?

We-We confide in each other?

Yeah, we do.

No. Forget it.

Hey, Neela, hold
up, Neela... just...

Uh, look, I know
I've been...

I don't know, bitchy
or something lately,

but I just hit
a rough patch,

and, um... and
Luka's home now,

so everything's
going to be better.

I'm going to go
check on the Fanecas.

Heard he's doing well.

Um, listen...

...I wasn't
attentive enough before.

You were right
to be angry.

Being angry's kind
of my baseline.

I was 28 when
he was born,

but I was still
a kid myself.

I wouldn't grow up.

I was reckless,
out of control.

I had this sweet
Ninja ZX-9.

Loved it.

Kayla-- that
was his mom--

she was riding behind me
the night I had my accident,

holding on
around my waist.

When I came
to, I saw her

lying on the

I saw them pull the
sheet over her face.

I did that.

One stupid night.

But you're a really good father.

I can tell.

I'm sure that makes up
for a lot.

I don't know.

You know, I've just...

I've carried this thing
in my gut for so long.

He spends all of his energy
trying to make me feel better.

He's my kid.

That's not his job.

You know, you could try
to change that.

You know, everybody...

Everybody screws up.

You know, just...

try not
to make the same mistake again.

There are some things
you can never fix.

(wry laugh)

You can't unring
a bell, they say.

No, I guess you can't.

(speaking Croatian)



Hey! Hey. Hi.

Uh, so, this is
my surprise.

Niko, this is Abby.

Abby-- my brother Niko.

Oh, hi. Wow.

Wow, you didn't,
uh, mention that...

After all these years,
we thought it was time.

Niko's never been
to America before, so...

I hope I won't be
in the way.

Oh, no, not at all...

I was just a little bit
surprised, that's all.

It's nice to
finally meet you.

Hey, uh, Joe's asleep, and
we have a pizza coming, so...

Okay, great.

You want some drink?

No, that... I'll
get it, thanks.

Um, so your
flight was good?

Yeah, the Germans know
how to travel in style.

We were lucky to make
connection in Frankfurt.

Luka wants to give
you a big shock.

Well, he did.


(conversing in Croatian)

Welcome home.



(can thuds onto floor)

sh**t... sh**t...

(footsteps approaching)

Hey, what are you doing?

I sp... I spilled.

Uh, Niko's almost ready
to go to bed,

so we can be all alone,
just the two of us.

Okay, I'll be right down.


Don't wake him up.





(cries and sniffles)
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