15x18 - What We Do

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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15x18 - What We Do

Post by bunniefuu »

(CARTER) Sit? Do you want me to sit?

Yeah, we're rolling.


It's a little warm in here.
Must be the, uh...

All right, so you guys
started yesterday, huh?

You can relax, Dr Carter.

And you're interested in, what?
life in the ER?

We're documenting the challenges of
emergency care in the 21st century.

And you want to know what?

About you, the people
who work here. What you do.


How long have you
been at County?

I started about 15 years ago.

That's actually
kind of hard to believe. Wow...

Can you focus here? Yeah.

Oh, here? Yeah.


Oh, uh, I was a med student
then, and, uh...

Well, the thing that you realize
pretty soon is that you see it all.

You see all of human experience.

Does that sound
a little pretentious?

It did, right? Sound a little
pretentious, uh...

Well, you guys
are going to probably...

Go on with that.

Yeah? Good?

Um, well, whatever you
can imagine, it happens here.

Sometimes you're there
for the end.

And that part
never gets any easier.

Uh, it can be the loneliest
place in the world.

Or where you go
for a second chance.

And every once in a while,

if you're smart,
or lucky, maybe...

you find exactly
what you need right here.

Come on. You can be
a little late.

No, I can't.

What's so important?

Um, a m*rder

Oh, that's the best
you can come up with? You're cute.

Hey, did you mean
what you said?

You hate the way
this place is decorated?

You're a man, OK?
Just get rid of the futon.

I love that futon.

And what's with this paint job?
It's like shades of faeces.

I was a bachelor
till very recently.
Give a guy a break.

I'll whip you into shape.

The one thing
that you keep learning

is that you can never think
that you know what's coming.


Because when the rig rolls up,
and the doors pop open,

you have no idea what's inside.



Diaz, talk to me!

10-1, 10-1. Beat 54-12,
my partner's been shot.

I need an ambulance at 2549 West
Harrison, third floor, rear landing.

Returned fire,
offender's locked inside.

So the only rule is...never relax.

< Dr Carter?

Sorry to interrupt.
Two GSWs five minutes out.

One's a police detective.

Set up both trauma rooms
and call for some O-neg. I got to go.

Can we finish
this later?

Yeah. If you can find me.

The most common thing I see?
That's easy.

Rectal insertions.


I say, I say "stat."
Yeah, I say "stat" quite often.

This guy, he was, um...
he was high on PCP.

But he was, like, over seven feet
tall, and we had him strapped down.

I mean, the funny part is,
is that

it doesn't matter if it's a shampoo
bottle, a light bulb, whatever.

They always tell you
the same story - "I fell on it."

"Thoracotomy, stat!"

"I fell on it."

And that guy got up,

and he had the gurney strapped
to...strapped to his back.

And he was chasing us
all up and down the hall.


People in Australia can
understand me, which is good.

I've got an accent,
you see, um...

"Just clerks"? Those were his words?
"Just clerks."

He said that we didn't count
as emergency healthcare providers.

Who is "he"?

A writer, I think.

Of a documentary?
Documentaries have writers?

Well, he pieces it together.

Well, that's what's wrong with TV.

He seemed like a pipsqueak to me.

So you've met him?

He interviewed us yesterday.

The nurses?

Got their own day?

Get over it, Frank.
We go to school for this.

That's it.

If they can make their own
stupid reality show, so can I.

Can't argue with that.

I don't think that's
such a good idea.

Here. Press and point.

You know how to work it.

There's nothing wrong with a life
lived out of the spotlight.

A stack of files, a broken stapler,

a three-hole punch... But lives
are saved and lost right here.

It's a desk, Frank.

Admit, the nerve center
of the ER.

What you're about to see
is a document of the gatekeepers.
My name is Frank Martin.

Jerry Markovic.

The few, the proud...

(BOTH) The desk clerks.

That film crew
get to you yet?

They just asked me questions
about the effect of the economy.

People get poor and they use g*ns
to get money and the ER stays busy.

What are we getting?
I heard officer down.

A detective. How'd he get shot?
He's a she.

This one's ours.
Perp's coming behind.

Claudia Diaz,
I think you guys know her.

She and Morris have a thing.

"A thing"?
Is that what it is?

(CARTER) What happened?

Son of a bitch shot me
when I was walking away.

Lucky you had your vest on.

Yeah, I feel real lucky!

Here's the sh**t. Took multiple
sh*ts from her partner.

Let's get chest and abdominal
films, type and cross...

Type and cross four...

You OK?
Yeah. Work on access
when we get in there.

Does Archie know yet?

My partner said he'd call him.

I'll try, too, just to be sure.

Thank you
for bringing breakfast.

Yeah, this is nice.

You like it? I was torn between
eggshell white and something bolder.

Like a, like a robin's egg
type thing.

Now I sound gay. I mean, not that
there's anything wrong with that.

You're nervous.

It's kind of risky, asking her
to move in. Maybe she'll say "no."

I think any girl appreciates a guy
willing to repaint for her.

How are things going
with the wonder from Down Under?

Good...I guess.
As long as we don't talk much.

Typical guy.

You fellas have to have your
deepest thoughts and feelings pried

from your cold,
dead fingers, but...

Still, he's hard to figure.

Well, it's understandable
with what happened to him as a kid.

I told him he needs
to see somebody.

You know, if you've been hurt
like that sexually,

at a young age, it doesn't just
go away on its own.

Well, it's, um...good
he confides in you.

Well, it's been
hard for him.

There's you and there's me.
His whole circle of friends.
Real ones, anyway.


Wait. You didn't...?
He never told you?

Hmm-mm, it, um...

Neela, I'm sorry.

It explains a lot.
I have to get to work by 9am.

We've got a complicated
triple-a repair, so um...

No, Neela...
I'll see you later.



Decreased on the right;
ten blades,

sterile eights
and a, um...

And a chest tube tray.

Hey. She took two sh*ts,

one to the buttock,
one to the shoulder.

We got an exit wound
in the right chest.

I told you to get a desk job.
Shot me in the back.

How's your partner? He's OK.
You were covered?

Any pain here? OW, yeah!

It wasn't like that.

How do you know?
It was clean, Archie.

Fur milligrams morphine IV, set up...

Is 32 OK?
No, it's not, it's too big!

John, let's just get the films.
I'll do the chest tube.

Sats 88.

Just dig up a 28, would you?

Are you sure
you're OK with this?

It's all you guys.
This has to stay on you, OK?

Let me get the sterile eights,

b*llet crossed the mediastinum.

(GATES) That doesn't sound good.
Probable aortic injury.

I need a 28.
Try the hallway.

Whoa, whoa, half a litre out.

Hold compressions.

He's still asystole.

OK, start up.
Let's, uh, let's hang another unit.

Should we do a thoracotomy?

There isn't much point.

It's worth a shot.

When you're new,
everything's a question.

Even when you know you know
something, you say it
with an inflection.

It's never, "thoracotomy!"

It's more like, um,


You got my smokes?


The orderly said he'd get me a carton
of Salems for the right price.
That was two days ago.

I hate smoking these things.
Taste like wet leaves.

Where's Carlos?

I was, uh, hoping today
would be the day you'd remember me.

I remember you...well enough.

I'm your daughter. I'm Sam.

I said, I know who you are.


They told me you been around.

It's good. You're more alert.

Yeah, this place
is like a dream come true.

I feel like
i won the Super Lotto.


Turn off my t*nk for me, would you?

You can't smoke in here,
it's against the rules.


So it's your turn now,
is that right?


I want to make sure
that you're OK. Kelly and I both do.

Kelly never left.

Kelly stayed home
and took care of me.

I don't know
what you've been doing.

You kicked me out.
I didn't.

You called me a "whore"
and a "slut."

You said you didn't care
what happened to me.

You were always dramatic.

You told me no-one would even
notice I was gone.

I was 15 years old.

What happened
to that baby of yours?

His name's Alex.


When a head injury
rolls into the ER,

every minute counts.

And, um...
Delays. Talk about delays.

A delay of even 15 minutes

can mean the difference
between life...

and death.

Here's the pelvic film.

And Brenner's calling it next door.

Guy lost a lot of blood.

How are we doing in here?

I'm going to be late for a meeting.
She's not lucid.

They lose him? (HALEH) Yeah.
I doubt anyone'll miss him.

A guy died.

(CARTER) b*llet traversed the pelvis.
Could've hit the bladder or uterus.

Where's surgery?

In the OR. They promised they'd send
someone in a few minutes.

There's fluid around the liver.

Tachy, 134.

Let's hang another unit. She going
to need an ex lap. Or maybe not.

Let's CT her. She could be in
and out of the scanner in, like,
ten minutes.

Christ. Mac 4 and 7.5.


Yeah, we've got
to protect her airway.

Her lungs are re-expanded.

IS IS THE TIME. He's right.

You're right.
Laryngoscope and a tray, please.

How's she doing?
How's it look?
Hang in there, Diaz.
What happened?

We were taking witness statements.
Some guy started sh**ting
through the door.

Can I get that laryngoscope,

Where were you?
Right next to her.

Huh, not a scratch.
You're a lucky guy.

Not so long as you had her back.

You'll want to think about
slowing your roll here.

Is that what I want to do? Archie...

A badge beats
a lab coat any day.

Band of brothers, right?
Where's the department?

On their way, pal. Ease up.
This guy always such an assh*le?

You want to get into it with me,

Hey, hey!

All right, you got us
both in frame there, Boris?

I'm Max and that's

my best friend

We spend lots of time together.

- (purrs)
- When I'm at school

he has to
play by his self.

- His favourite toy is the whale.
- Miaow!

But Mum says he loves fish
even better.

New Whiskas Oh so,

with the whole pieces of fish
that cats love.

Naturally rich in omega 3.

I'm trying to catch him some fish,

but he won't let me.

My cat loves Whiskas
and I love my cat.

When skin is well moisturised,
tans look more even.

So Dove Summer Glow
blends subtle self-tanners

with rich moisturisers
that smooth skin,

letting your tan
develop more evenly.

Dove - good for your skin,
great for your look.

Even more to smile about.

Dove Summer Glow,

up to half price
at selected retailers.

You are freakishly tall
and Frank's head
is square like block of wood.

Thanks, Spielberg.

In this segment, we are going to
highlight some of the unsung heroes
of the ER.

First up is Sadiq,
the computer guy.
Sadiq Gilbran-Hassani.

I'm not just a "computer guy."

My family has illustrious history
in Syria before we were forced out.

Let's just try to stay
on point, sadiq, OK?

Without me, there'd be
no timely lab results

or X-ray readings which are crucial.

You let me know when I can speak
again. OK, Uncle Sam?

Thank you, Sadiq.

You're the boss.

And this is Crystal Hung,
pharmacy tech.

OK, when a doctor says, "I need an
amp of lidocaine," a nurse gets it.
No lidocaine, it's a problem.

I put the lidocaine in the cart
every damn day. So that's that.


Very interesting.

And here we have good ol'
Fred Tennyson, service engineer
and catcher for the softball team.

I switch out
whatever's broken.

Like light bulbs. Without
light bulbs, it's hard to see.

And doctors, they...

Well, you know,
they need to see stuff.

And uh, here we have...?

From the cafeteria?

And without food,
we would all go hungry.

And on camera,
we have Boris from Media services.

Please, leave me out of this.
This is horrible.

When was your last dialysis?


Banfield thought I should know.
Since you were gonna be working.
Two days ago.

Must be fluid overloaded
since he's not making urine.

Are you waiting on
a kidney transplant?

Yes. Long story.

Any fever?

Increased salt
or fluid intake?

Maybe an extra sip of coffee,
a handful of popcorn, nothing crazy.

Sometimes this kind
of thing is idiopathic.

It can happen
with chronic dialysis.
I know.

Systolic's down to 92.

Let's get nephrology down here.
I'll grab the ultrasound.

If there's a big effusion,
we need to tap it.

Get my nephrologist -
Gustavo Petrov at Northwestern.

Anyone else
you want us to call?


I'll be right back.

Pelvic trajectory goes
through the soft tissues.

Could have bagged
the iliac vessels.

How's she doing?
She needs angio.

She should go
to the OR first.

It didn't enter
the peritoneum.
We don't know that.

Let's not argue here. I'm not
denying she needs surgery.

Let's look at the iliacs first.
There's no hematoma.

She starts bleeding
while you're in the OR?

We'll deal with it.
Vascular standing by?

You're not listening to me.
You're not thinking
things through.


We've got time to
be systematic here.

Angio, retrograde cystogram.
Let's not lose our heads.

Calm down and make a decision.

Archie, it's your call.

Angio or surgery?

You guys need
to decide this.

Bone fragments to the bladder wall.
She needs the OR.

The pace down here is visceral.
It demands being instinctive...
in the moment.

I prefer having time to think
something through,

hash out different
possible versions, make a plan.

I mean that's why I'm better
at being a surgeon

than I was working in the ER.

You're going to get in trouble
if they catch you.

Maybe they'll throw me out.

You know, if you don't want me
here, you should just say so.

It's not like I'm going to leave,
but at least we could talk about it.

Why don't we just try to forget our
mistakes and wipe the slate clean?

Mistakes? What mistakes?

The ones that
we both made.
Speak for yourself.

I'm not going to sit here and play
along with you as the martyr
and me as the evil child.

You don't have to sit here
at all.

I was young and dumb and in love,
Mom. I believed everything he said.

I raised you better than that.

No, you didn't.

You actually... No, you didn't.

What is this? it's all wet.
You spill something?

Leave it.

I'll get somebody
to clean it up.

No, it's just fine.

It's what they get paid for.

I said stop it.

It's disgusting.
It's not...

Would you please get out
of here, you little bitch!

Get out! Just get out of here!

Give it to me! Give it to me!
Just get out!

Mary, I was coming to get
you for flex and fun. You ready?

Do I look like I'm ready
for flex and fun, you idiot?

So your mother's stroke
affected her frontal lobe.
Do you know what that is?

Yes, I'm a nurse.

I thought you were in fashion.
No, that's my sister.

I didn't realize
there were two of you.

What we see with frontal lobe
injuries is the filters come down.

The ability to self-censor,
be sensitive, tends to be affected.

Yeah, I know what
you're getting at.

So the things that she says it's not
really her. It's the stroke talking.

I appreciate
what you're saying.

I do, but the thing is, is that
my mother hasn't changed a bit.

What you see in there that's
who I grew up with. That's exactly
how I remember her.

Could use a bit more angle
on that needle.

Good. I'll be right back.

We'll, um, do a liver lac,
then explore the pelvis.

Urology will fix
the bladder.

Gyn will scrub in
to address the uterine issue.

Primary repair
will get it done?

She may need
a hysterectomy.

Whatever you have
to do.

Four more units cross-matched.
We'll have 'em sent up with her.

OR's ready.

I hate the fact that you put
yourself in danger every day.

Every time you do,
I'm so proud of you.

OK, let's go.

How's it going?

Fluid is serosanguinous and Johnny
boy here is a backseat driver.

Dr Carter? John?
Dr Carter? John!

He's in v-tach! No pulse.

Did I irritate his myocardium?
No, it's not your fault.

500 of calcium gluconate,
amp of D50, 10 of insulin.

We don't know his potassium level.
Trust me, it's high if the kidneys
can't excrete it.

Charge to 360. Clear!

Still v-tach. Again! Clear!


Hi, you guys have
a consult for renal?

Mig of epi, 150 of amiodarone.
Excuse me, Dr....?

Emily Haverman from nephrology.

Gates, switch.

You're a med student?

Fourth year.
I'm doing a rotation.

That is an ER attending
coding on the table,

so please turn around, walk out, get
your attending, and come back now.

I'm sure Dr Wheeler would prefer it
if I...

If you're not walking away
from me within three seconds,

I swear to God, I may start
doing compressions on your head.

I spent a lot of years
in the army

jumping out of choppers and...
I thought I was a team player.
I wasn't.

Not until I got here.

Whoa, k's 7.6.

Calcium's on board.
Going again. Clear!

Back in sinus.

Carotid's good.

Recheck the lytes
now and q 30.

I'm Dr Wheeler from nephrology.
My attending.

Perfect timing.


You saved me?
I'll never live it down.


I gotta get to work.

When's Kelly coming back?

I'm not sure.

A week, maybe.

I must have spilled some water
on that blanket or something.
I don't know.

I'll take care of it.

I'll get it back to you tonight.


I'm gonna keep coming here,

no matter what.

You won't go through this alone.

You do what you gotta do.

We all have our cross to bear.

You know, the unos list
can take a long time.

Have you thought
about direct donation?

Your wife not a match?

If not, you know, we have a paired
organ-donor program here.

The two of you could
qualify for that.
I'm aware of that.

I just haven't talked
to Kem about that yet.

There's very little
risk in testing.

It's just not something
we're in a place to get together
on right now.

Does she know
about your status?

She knows that I have some medical
issues. I came back to Chicago.

She's in France.
She's visiting her family.

I left the whole thing
kind of vague.

OK. I will shut up now.

I'm just kind of tired.

I'll split.

Pull that curtain
for me?

You got it, boss.

Hey, I didn't realize
you were coming in.

Yeah, me, either.

I got paged for
an organ transport -
heart donor.

Plane leaves
in two hours.

How's your mom?

feel like Jodie Foster
in Silence Of The Lambs.

Fun. Hey, no offense,
but this smells like piss.

I'm supposed to bring that to her
tonight, but now I'm never
gonna make it.

I'll take care
of it for you.


All you really have
to do is send it up to laundry.
Not a problem.

Sure you don't mind?

Did I not just

You know, you're not such an ass
as some people say.

Thank you.

Um, what were we talking about?

Oh. But you know, eventually,
I started to figure things out...

as a doctor, you know,

and how I fit in professionally
with this place,
this community of people.

Yeah, that's a big, big part
of it...

for me is being good
with yourself

and who you are...
and who you're meant to be.

You know, finding yourself.

And then there's
the next step...

after that, which is...

finding somebody else.

And sometimes you think...

"No, that's just...

"That's never gonna happen
for me."

And you meet someone...

who makes you feel...

you know...

who-who-who gets you.

And-and you get her.

Some-someone you can,
you can imagine...

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

People think all we do

is scrub poop and vomit
off the floor,

pero I refill the paper towels,
the toilet papers,

stock the soap,
the dispensers.

Without clean hands,
you get lots of bad infections.

She's right.

Nosocomial infections
cause over 30,000 deaths

in the US each year.

He knows.

So, boys, what's this all about?

Oh, the interview guy said
that we were non-essential staff.


We're offering a rebuttal.

You're essential.
You're quintessential.


I'm sure
you'll set him straight.

Let me get a
little rest, eh?


Hey, hey, I think

this lady's having an allergic
reaction or something.

We'll page somebody. Let's put her
right over here.

(FRANK) Let's get Morris.

Morris is upstairs.


Uh, critical ICU.

How long have
you had this rash?
An hour.

She's having trouble


Did she say "penis"?

This is getting a little weird.


Peanuts! I knew a kid
who had this in school.


He died.

Oh, man, she's not
moving any air.
We need help.

Uh... Uh... No, we don't.

Oh, thank you!


Oh, in your face,
reality boy!

Yeah, do we look
non-essential now?!

I thought you'd be upstairs
working on Claudia.

Uh, urology's doing
the bladder reconstruction.

They swapped me out
for their own resident.


I'm, um, going
on a heart retrieval,

so I figured
I'd grab a coffee.

What do you have?

A heart retrieval
for Joanie?

Yeah, it's good news.

That's fantastic!

The, uh, heart's in Seattle,

so we won't be back
until the middle of the night.


Are we all right?

What do you think?

Um, that...
something's bothering you?

Clever twist.

Forget it.

No. Explain it to me.

How is my being
worried about you a twist?

Because you keep
turning everything around.

I don't think I'm smart enough
to fight with you.

Like that.

You're plenty smart enough,
but right now

it's easier to make me
seem hyper-analytical

and this morning,

wasn't going your way,
so I was "irrational."

I never said you were...

I'm the one
who's bothered

by something. I'm the one

refusing to have
a reasonable conversation,

and I'm the one
who doesn't make sense.

It's all a defense mechanism.

Defense for what?

I don't know.

Something you haven't told me?

I don't tell anyone

Then what are we doing?

We hit a speed bump weeks ago

and you react by disappearing.

We see each other
all the time.

We talk.
We sleep together...

There's a way to do all those
things and still disappear.

Why would I want to do that?

Tell me.

Look, Neela, there are...

There are things that
should be kept private.

Not if we are trying to figure out
if they belong together.

I'm comfortable with you.

Well, maybe
that's not enough,

not when I have to find out
important things

about you from other people.
Oh, so that's it?

What, I'm not chatty enough,
so you go snooping around, trying to
get under my skin?

No. It's not like that.

Trying to make me
share my emotions and...

and talking
about every stupid damn thing
that bothers me? No.


Look, a terrible thing
was done to you.

I understand that.

And I hate
that it happened.

But somewhere in all of what's gone
on between us, one thing is clear.

We're not meant to be together.

It doesn't mean we don't care
about each other deeply, but...

You know, I truly believe

there's something better
out there for both of us.

Whenever we're ready for it.


Something more right.


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# My-my-my...
Oatibix - natural oat energy

And why not try tasty Oatibix Bites?

Bring out your Italian side tonight

and share spaghetti and meatballs

drenched in tomato and herb sauce.

Catch up with friends and family.

Tear off some garlic bread
and pass around the salad.

A traditional Italian meal for four.


Good with food.

So, Northwestern, huh?

Too good for County.

Well, what can I say, Frank?
I've seen how you care
for your patients here.

Dr Morris says to make sure
they check another potassium
as soon as you get there.

Thanks, Haleh.

We're going
to see you soon, right?

Not if I see you first.

You can visit him
when we're not on the clock.


Primary repair worked.

So, I guess the world
can look forward to, uh,

a gaggle of olive-skinned kids
with red hair and freckles.

If that's something
that you want.

The life you lead, the things
you have been through...

They define how you do your job,

the quality of...

the quality of your work.

Especially in a place like this.

So at the, um...

At the end of the day,
you choose to...

deny or deal.

And which do you choose?

It's evolving.

I'm evolving.


All I know is that I know...

um, that there is a lot of work
that I need to do.

Can you be more specific
about that?

No. Not with you.

Mrs Taggart?


Tony Gates. I work with Sam.

I used to play.

You know, Christmas time.
Play the carols.

It's all gone now.

Yeah. Well, Sam wanted me
to get this back to you.

Well, she said
she was coming by.

Well, she can't tonight.

She's on a work call.


And you are?

I am a friend.

A friend?

Do you smoke?

No, ma'am, I don't.

That's too bad.

You're a good-looking fella,
though, aren't you?

Hmm, must be the lighting in here.

Do you know that out of
all these people in here,

I'm the youngest one
by about 15 years?

What the hell did I do
to deserve this?

I can't imagine.

I don't want her
to stop coming.

So, if she thinks that's so,
you tell her it's not.


You know,
Sam's an amazing person.
She's very strong.

She's overcome
a lot of obstacles.

You get to know her,
you'd be very proud.

She hates me.

No, she doesn't.
Well, she thinks
that I hate her.

Well, then, change that.




Well... It's up to you.

Have a good night.


You're not lying, are you?

She's going
to come back tomorrow?

When Sam makes up her mind,
nothing stops her.

I love helping people.

You know, originally,
i wanted to, um,

be the first baseman
for the Chicago Cubs.

The thing I hate most
about my job?


- Smells.
- The smells.

The human body's got
some pretty interesting smells.

the dating life like?

Well, I'm not going to tell you.

It's personal.

A patient is a patient.

Um...pain is pain.
It's-it's universal.

I reached a point
about five years ago

where I started to feel

that every day was the same thing,
and I'd had enough.

But I've been through
a lot of stuff since then.

And now,
I try to embrace the idea

that everything that happens
has never happened before.

Like that saying that you can't
stand in the same river twice

because by the time
that you come back,
it's not the same river.

And you're not the same man.


I look around this place now

and I can't imagine
ever finding it boring.

Cos right at the moment that
you think you've seen it all...

something happens that
you never could have expected.


A mum is someone

who knows that
giving kids the freedom to grow up

means getting the balance between
being tough and being gentle

just right.

A mum is someone
who uses Persil because,

100 years,

been tough,

but gentle too.

Don't risk having your car crushed.

You can now pay your
car tax by phone.

Dad. I've got some news.

# "Which Will" - Nick Drake

(music covers voices)

Whether you're saying something
momentous or something everyday

it's better to take your time

and use your BT landline.

And with Friends & Family Mobile

calls to mobiles
are now just 7p a minute

Mowing can be a pain,

but not with new

Evergreen Mow It Less lawn food.

It's formulated
to go right to the root,

giving you a thicker, greener lawn.

And it needs
less cutting

than a standard fertilised lawn.

So you can spend more time

relaxing in the garden.

# "Daydream Believer"



At Halifax, we understand that

buying a new home can leave you
a bit stretched.

So choose a mortgage
from our new range,

and we'll pay half
your first year's council tax.

Just apply by 23rd May.

A little extra help from Halifax.

Don't you hate being misled?


I was expecting something
at least the size of my head.

"Get the body
you've always dreamed of." Really?

How do you know
what kind of bodies I dream of?

"The funniest film of the decade!"

I doubt it's even the funniest film
about a goat this decade.

- (mouths)
- "It's not you, it's me."

And the guy
you're sleeping with at work.

Just give it
to me straight,

a pear cider

that's made from 100% pears.

The only fruit

that goes into
a Magners Pear cider

is pear.

athletic build"?
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