07x05 - Corruption

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order". Aired: September 1990 to May 2010.*
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Detectives and prosecutors work to solve crimes and convict perpetrators.
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07x05 - Corruption

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system

the people are represented by two
separate yet equally important groups,

the police
who investigate crime

and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

Audio check, audio check.

Is that the guy?

That's a first.

A drug dealer
who shows up early.

Let's do it.

You Morales?

You got everything we need?

I didn't hear nothing
about two people.

You want the money?
I got the money.

FLYNN: g*n!

(g*n FIRING)

Piece of crap was
trying to rip us off.

He made a move for his g*n.

CURTIS: Lennie!

All right.
Where is his piece?

There it is.
That's what he was going for.

Two to the chest.

You make them when you
have to, right, Lennie?


I was just telling the fellows,
a situation like this,

what we strive for is uniform
recollection of events.

Rat squad wants to
hear the same words

come out of everybody's
mouth, right, Lennie?

No. We don't want
to confuse them.

You know, Lennie and me, we got
45 years on the job between us.

We know.

Well, Morales went for his
g*n and you took him out.


All I saw was on the monitor,

you can't really make it out.

I mean, they'll see the tape.

Sullivan will say that.

Who had the glasses?

You saw him reach.

Well, where you were, under the
trestle there, it was pretty dark.


I'm Lieutenant Van Buren.
Who's the sh**t?

Detective John Flynn,

Your precinct is
minus one drug dealer.

IAB wants your g*n at
Ballistics right away.

Statements will be
taken at our house.

Whoever's writing up the five ought
to get it in as soon as possible.

Kenny's got the five.

KENNY: Yeah, I'll get on it.

He'll have it on
your desk by 8:00.

Excuse me, Lieutenant.

So, about seeing him reach,

was that a yes or a no?

I saw movement.
I can't tell what it was.

Lennie, do us all a favor.

Tell your partner here
how things are done.

Help me with the sequencing
here, Detective.

You go to the trunk of the car,

and while your back is turned,
Morales makes his move?

That would be my guess.

As soon as I popped the trunk,

I heard Flynn yell,

And he fired immediately?

Yes. Two sh*ts.

Had Morales made any
threatening statements?

Demanded the money?
Anything like that?

I didn't hear any, but like I
said, I was several yards away.

Are you aware
that Detective Flynn

requested your presence
on the anti-drug task force?

It was my understanding that
my partner and I were assigned

because our precinct
was next up in the rotation.

That could be.

But Flynn requested
you by name.

Well, Flynn and I had worked together
in the 116 a few years back.

I'm a very likable guy.

D'A MICO: How did
Ruben Morales end up

being the target of
your investigation?

I don't know.

Should I know?

The way it goes is
we ask the questions.

It was my first night
on the task force.

When I showed up, the target
had already been determined.

So, you had no
prior knowledge of

or contact
with Mr. Morales?

That's right.

Did you know he worked
for Hector Garcia?

No. Who's Hector Garcia?

you were observing

with the binoculars, correct?

Did you see Ruben Morales

reach for his g*n?

Hey, Lennie.

Oh! I thought you forgot
the way over here.

Whatever you got on tap.

Yeah. And give me
another club soda

and put it in a dirty glass.

You see that fat guy down
there in the red shirt?

That's Mike Rotelli, Fat Mike.

He was the desk sergeant...
I didn't...

I didn't tell them
I saw Morales reach.

I wasn't about to lie on tape

to some IAB hatchet men.

Hey, nobody told you to lie.

"Lennie, tell your partner
how things are done."

That's Flynn and
he was just joking.

Yeah. Well, you know
him better than I do.

Yeah. I worked with him
for three years in Queens.

IAB asked me if I had any
prior contact with Morales.

They asked me, too, Rey.

Listen, the Hellman Commission's
only holding these hearings

because the IA missed 34
dirty cops in one precinct.

I mean, they had
to prove they could

still find their ass
with both hands.

Well, I pulled Morales' sheet.

He got popped in his car a little over
a week ago with a half kilo of coke.

Am I supposed to be surprised?

Criminal possession,

Two priors, same deal.

He's looking at the rest
of his life in prison,

so what's he doing out on
the street last night?

Duh. The word "bail"
comes to mind.

No. I checked with the court part specialist.
He got remanded.

Well, so what?
He's dead.

IAB gave us thumbs up.

That's one for the good guys.

All right!


Thanks for watching my back.

Another round for these two.

Feel better now?

So, as I go by this car,
I notice it's got no plates,

and Ruben Morales and his
brother are toking up.

I ask for license
and registration.

That's when you found the blow?

Right then. The brother in
the driver's seat, Richie,

while he's saying
he forgot his wallet,

I see Ruben shove a D'A
gostino bag under the seat.

18 ounces. You think
I wasn't excited?

So, you put them
in the system then.


A few days later,
the D.A. Tells me

Ruben's grand jury hearing
is postponed indefinitely,

and his brother got a walk.

The D.A. Tell you why?


You looking at Ruben
for something else?

He was shot dead
a couple of nights ago.

What, in jail?

On the street.

So, I guess he got a walk, too.

Looks that way.
So, you get an address on his brother?



I'm Detective Rey Curtis
from the New York City Police.


My mom don't know
no one in this building.

You Puerto Rican?

No. I'm Peruvian on my mother's side.
What's your name?

Leo. You ever use that?

Well, I try not to.

You don't use your g*n, how
do you arrest the criminals?

With this, right here.

Why? You want to
be a policeman?

LEE: Maybe.
Or a cartoonist.

So, what about Richie Morales?

You seen him around here today?

Uh-uh. But two guys came
looking for him yesterday.

What kind of guys?
White guys.

They said they were cops,

but they didn't
look slick like you.

They dressed down, you know,

wearing jeans and cowboy boots.


You know where Richie works?

I think he's a dancer or singer or something.
I saw him in his costume.


Here's where he works.

Club Bahia.

He had a whole box.


We don't open till 8:00.

You like salsa?

I'm more of a cumbia man.

I'd like to see that.

Well, I'll bring
my wife next time.

We'll give you a demonstration.

You're married.
That's too bad.

And I'm a cop.

That's really too bad.

I'm looking for
a Richie Morales.

I know a lot of
Richie Moraleses.

Yeah. Well,
this Richie Morales

had a carton of
matchbooks like these.

That makes him either a
regular or an employee.

Or he steals matches.

Look, if you're
watching out for Richie,

you should know his brother,
Ruben, was k*lled.

That makes him next.

He quit three days ago.

Well, if you had to get him a
message, what would you do?

He gave me an address
to send his last check.

No, no! No, no, no!
Please don't k*ll me, man!

I don't know anything!
I didn't do anything!

Richie, I'm the police.
Get up.

Oh, no.

How do I know you're
really the police, man?

Take it easy.
I'm gonna show you my badge, okay?

There it is.
So, where's Ruben?

How come he didn't
come by last night?

Richie, your brother's dead.

Oh, man! Oh, man!
He got him? He got Ruben?

Now he's gonna k*ll me, man!
Slow down. Hold on a minute.

Who got him?

Hector Garcia, man,
the guy Ruben worked for.

What're you talking about?

It's payback, man,
because of the deal

that Ruben made
with the D.A.

What deal are
you talking about?

The D.A. Said that if
Ruben gave him Garcia,

there would be some
warm-weather relocation.

And Ruben had some hard time,
so he had no choice.

It looks like your brother
went back to the life.

He got shot doing a dope deal.

No, no, man. No!

He had to keep working so
Garcia wouldn't think nothing.

Ruben was getting out, I swear.

He said that if Garcia ever found
out, he was gonna k*ll him.


Okay. So, Hector Garcia
hires Detective John Flynn

to clip Ruben Morales.

That's one hell
of a story, Rey.

What about
five of us are watching

and Flynn's the only one to see

Morales reach for his g*n?

Sonny Liston got knocked on his
ass by a punch nobody saw.

If Morales was
working for the D.A.,

does it make any sense at all

for him to try
to pull a rip-off?

If these guys had any sense,

they wouldn't be in the dope
business in the first place.

All right, look.
Maybe Flynn got on your bad side...

It's not personal, Lennie.

You know, you're turning into
one of these conspiracy nuts.

You ought to meet my cousin.
He still thinks NASA faked the moon landing.

That's good.
Act like it's nothing.

Rey, I haven't
seen any evidence!

What're you talking
about "no evidence?"

We've made cases with less!

This is a cop!

So, you're gonna change the rules?
That's right!

And you should know that!

Tell you what.

Pretend like I never told you.

Pretend like it never happened.

And what're you gonna do?
You gonna go to the IAB?

If Flynn's a wrong cop,
you bet.

You got a problem with that?

You'll be buying
yourself a lot of grief.

I hope that's not a threat.

That's all, pal.
I've heard enough.


Lennie's got a point.

Hey, a little grief
doesn't scare me.

I'd hate to see you
make a fool of yourself.

Most of what you told me is verbatim

from a cokehead salsa dancer.
The rest is smoke.

I pulled Garcia's file.

Five years ago, Flynn
arrested him for possession.

Well, that wouldn't
make them best friends.

The charges were thrown
out for lack of evidence.

That's twice it looks like
Garcia's going down and doesn't.

Twice Flynn is involved.

Policy is, you have
suspicions, you go to IAB.

First, I want to verify
Morales had a deal.

Then I want to talk
to whoever handled

Garcia's possession case
five years ago.

I'll make an informal inquiry with the D.
A.'s office.

If there's nothing to this,
I'm the one in a jackpot.

I remember the case.

Hector Garcia,
felony possession.

Three kilos of cocaine.

Why, who's so interested
in a five-year-old case?

It could be related to
a current investigation.

Why were the charges
against Garcia dropped?

What, has someone got
an argument with that?

Hey, that's what I like
about private practice.

There's no one looking
over your shoulder.

I'm asking you
because I don't know.

The charges were dropped because
the evidence disappeared.

No evidence, no case.

Disappeared how?


Right out of the property
room in the 116.

One day it's there,
next day it's not.

Did a Detective John Flynn
get looked at?

We looked at everyone
on duty that night.

Twenty-eight cops.
Blind, deaf and dumb cops.

And a lot of those cops I dealt
with were slimier than the perps.

That's why I got out
of the D.A.'s office.

And became
a personal injury lawyer?

Hey, hey, Lennie!

What's up, John?

Hey. You remember
the 116, Lennie?

Yeah, I remember.

Mostly what I remember is you getting
tanked and me driving you home.

Well, I'm off the sauce now.

Good for you.

Lennie, this kid that you partner
with, I got to meet with him.

Well, I'm not his
appointment secretary.

I got people telling me that he's
pulling sheets, asking questions,

general topic of things
relating to John Flynn.

It's nothing you
should worry about.

If he's got any questions, he
should come to me, don't you think?

I'll talk to him.

I got to be there, Lennie.

I'm hoping we can talk
some sense with this kid.

FLYNN: Glad you could
make it.

John's a little confused
about a couple of things.

I thought the best way
to clear everything up

was for us to
sit down together.

Oh, yeah? What's John
confused about?

About this nosing around that you're doing.
Pulling files on my collars.

I pulled Hector Garcia's file.

You just happened to be in it.

Is this for some case
you're working?

Because if it is, you
should've come to me first.

I'm here now.

Did you know that Ruben
Morales worked for Garcia?

You haven't answered
my question.

The same Garcia that
walked five years ago.

You know, I know he's talking

because his lips are moving.

Let's try this again.

This nosing around
is for what purpose?

I don't report to you.

The point being, it stops now.

Or should I make you
regret your career choice?

Hey! Hey, John.
You going gorilla on us?

He told you what
he's been up to.

So, now it's the two
of you, huh?

Hey, if somebody wants to
look up my old collars,

I could care less.

If I hear anything more
about either one of you

poking your nose
in my business,

I will make both
your lives miserable.

You still think he's joking?


I remember that Garcia case.

Flynn and I were in
the same precinct.

Yeah, the evidence walked
out of the property room.

Hey, just don't
do anything rash

until I get back
to you, all right?

(g*n FIRING)

Sullivan. Lennie Briscoe,
from the other night?

Oh, yeah. Sure.

What, are you qualifying?

I got my indoors next week.

Oh, me, too. Yeah.

Twenty-five years
with a revolver,

now I got to move
to the a*t*matic.

You like the Glock?
I do. But, you know,

the Smith & Wesson's
pretty good, too. Yeah.

Boy, that was something
the other night, huh?

I'm still sending
Flynn thank-you notes.

Yeah, you were out there.

I sure was.
With my back turned.

Hey, tell me about it.
I signed for the flash-money.

That rip-off goes down, I got about
eight bosses looking at me funny.

I guess somebody underestimated

the size of
Morales' cojones.

Yeah, and he wasn't
even the initial target.

No kidding? Who was?

Some dealer named Collins.

And at the last minute, Detective Flynn
said that Collins wasn't gonna show.

Wow. So, who brought
Morales in off the bench?

Flynn's partner, Kenny Edwards.

He said Flynn arranged
it with their CI.

Was that the same snitch
Flynn was using last year?

I don't know.
They call this guy Two-Tone.

Two-Tone, the fence?

I think I heard them
say something

about this guy running
a dice game uptown.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

TWO-TONE: No winner.
No winner...

Good afternoon, gentlemen!

Nothing to get
excited about, fellows.

You can take your
money and leave.

Except Two-Tone!
You stick around.

Do I know you?

Oh, yeah. We got
the same hairdresser.

You got the wrong brother.

Hey, hey, hey!
Ruben Morales got shot the other night.

I already talked
to Detective Flynn.

Now who the hell
is Ruben Toemales?

Ruben Morales!

Detective Flynn didn't
want to be here, Two-Tone,

because he's very upset.

Because Morales
tried to rip him off!

And you're the one
who sent him!

This is for real, man.

I didn't tell Flynn nothing
about no Morales!

Well, somebody did!

Look, I set him up with Lynrick Collins.
You got that? Collins.

Then Flynn calls and says that
the deal is off with Collins.


I look like the psychic hotline?
How should I know?

I just do my job, which I'm
supposed to get cash money for.

(SIGHS) Sorry I broke up your game.

The entire security detail
is moonlighting cops.

Now, you guys probably heard
about the bar discount.

We didn't come to socialize.

What is it?

The sh**ting the other night
is starting to stink, Kenny.

Well, I don't know
what you're talking about.

The IAB cleared that sh**ting.

Well, maybe they'll
have to unclear it.

Well, I got to
get back to work.

You go on ahead, Edwards.

Walk away.
We'll do what we have to do.

I talked to your informant.

We know you and John
switched targets.

You set Morales up?

I'm telling you now, like
I'd tell a perp, Kenny,

if you know something,
now's the time.

It was all John.

Before we got out there, he told me
that he had to take care of something.

And whatever happened,
to back his play.

And it never occurred to you to
call somebody before it went down?

I didn't know he was
gonna whack Morales.

And even if I did,
I took money, too.

So, I rat him out, he
rats me out, that's it.

You both were
working for Garcia?

I didn't know where
the money came from.

A few weeks after we partnered
up, John gave me $200.

Told me I'd get it every week.
And he promised

that it would never keep
us from making a collar.

And that we'd never
look the other way.

And I keep it all in a
coffee can in the basement.

Makes me sick
just to look at it.


We're giving you an opportunity
to reconcile this.

If you don't want it...

I want to do my job,

which is impossible when you drag
me in here every three days.

Now you bring in the D.A.

Hey, why don't you just pound
the nails in right now?

Spare us the theatrics,

If you don't want me
to amuse you,

what the hell am I doing here?

You take your head out from
between your legs for one minute,

you'll see we're trying to give
you a chance to come clean.

I've got nothing to
say to any of you.

We know you're dirty.

We know you m*rder*d Ruben
Morales and we know why.

You got that from
Detective Reynaldo Curtis.

Maybe if the dope-dealing scum
I shot was named O'Grady,

he wouldn't have
minded so much.

We spoke to your partner.
He made a full statement.

You're boring me, honey.

Hey, am I under arrest?


Then I'm leaving.

Put him under arrest.

Come on.

What, is this your
career-maker, sweetheart?

Railroading a cop.
You'd do better banging your boss.

I want to see
my P.B.A. Lawyer.

Fine! Bring him in.

He'll tell you to shut up and
then we go to the grand jury.

I want my lawyer.

Watch out for these guys.

They don't want cops
doing their jobs.

John Flynn, you're under arrest

for the m*rder
of Ruben Morales.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say can and
will be used against you...

Just what this city needs.
More corrupt cops.

How far does it go?

As of now, it's just the two
detectives, Flynn and Edwards.

I got a call
from Judge Hellman.

His commission wants to talk
to your Detective Flynn.

They've had a month of hearings

and they're still
looking for something

to put them on the front page.

They can have Flynn as soon
as we're done with him.

Well, that shouldn't take long.

He's looking at the death penalty.
He'll deal.

I'm not playing ball unless
he gives us Hector Garcia.

So far, we don't even have
enough for an arrest warrant.

And where is Mr. Garcia?

He knows we're looking for him.

He might've left the country.


See if Detective Flynn has
his forwarding address.

This man is a decorated police
officer, a 22-year veteran.

Now his arrest is an affront
to the 30,000 men and women...

Who aren't hit men
for drug dealers.

Let me explain something
to you, Detective Flynn.

When you are arraigned
this afternoon,

you'll be charged
with m*rder one.

Whether you end up strapped to a
gurney or serving life without parole

is entirely
within my discretion.

You're long on
character assassination

and short on case, Counselor.

Don't overestimate the public's
tolerance for dirty cops.

There's enough here
to convince a jury.

I'm prepared to take the
death penalty off the table

in exchange for his testimony
against Hector Garcia.

I'm not pleading to anything.

If you change your mind,

I might even reduce the
charge to m*rder two.

Well, what's your case?

A load of hearsay from a
dope dealer's brother

and a paid informant.

His partner's saddled
up and ready to go.

Ready to lie.

Look, if what Detective
Edwards says were true,

then it would
make him an accomplice.

Meaning his testimony's worthless
without corroboration.

The corroboration
was in a coffee can

in Detective Edwards' basement.

He saved every dollar
you gave him.

Sounds like you
have a solid case

against Edwards, not my client.

Flynn's fingerprints
weren't on the money.

It won't be easy to
trace it back to him.

How are we doing
with the searches?

Curtis and Briscoe were supposed
to page me if they find anything.

What about Flynn's locker?

Booze, skin magazines,
box of rubbers.

Every day's a party
for Detective Flynn.

This catalog was sent
to him at a PO box.

That's understandable.

This code number
on the address label

means he's ordered
from them before.

Maybe he wanted to
surprise his wife.

You know a lot about their
ordering procedures.

I'm wearing this right now.


I think his wife's more the flannel
robe and house slippers type.

Maybe their ordering department
knows who it was for.

ROSS: Do you know
a Detective John Flynn?

The John Flynn who
sends you lingerie?

We dated a few times.

I spoke to your super. He said Detective
Flynn bought this condo for you.

Do all the men you date a
few times buy you condos?

Johnny's married, okay?
It's very delicate.

Well, I hate to tell you this,
but Johnny's under arrest.

Whatever he got arrested for,

I don't know anything about it.


Don't you wonder how he
could afford this place

on a detective's salary?

No. It's really
not my problem.

Could you leave now? I have to go
out soon and I have to do my hair.

We're not done yet.

Did Flynn ever mention
a man named Hector Garcia?


I don't know.
I don't pay attention to names.

Somebody calls your boyfriend,

you don't give him the message?

Yes. Doesn't mean
I have to memorize it.

And it doesn't
make me a criminal.

It makes you
a material witness.

Have you ever been
to jail, Marilyn?

And I don't mean overnight till
the escort service bails you out.

I mean years.
I told you!

Because that's
where you're going,

unless I start feeling the spirit
of cooperation very quickly.

I know Garcia's sister.

She gave a party on one of
those big boats on the river.

That's where I met John.

You've seen him
and Garcia together?

I've seen them together
in this apartment.

Johnny keeps money
in the bedroom closet.

There's a safe in the floor.

You believe that bitch, huh?

Miss Manning is a convicted
check-forger and a prost*tute.

I don't care if
she's Ma Barker.

She can back up her story.

His fingerprints were on
a lock-box full of cash.

We have all
the corroboration we need.

The offer is m*rder two if
he testifies against Garcia.

The offer is kiss my ass.

We're done.

Mr. McCoy.

Detective Flynn wanted me to
apologize for his outburst.

He's very concerned
about his family's safety.

What do you propose?

John Gotti's hit man pleaded
guilty to 19 murders.

He served four years and was
relocated with a new identity.

Detective Flynn's entitled
to no less consideration.

See you in court.

Hector Garcia just
came up on the radar.

He's in Guadalajara on
an extended vacation.

You talked to
the Mexican authorities?

They'd be thrilled to honor
a request for extradition

as soon as we show them
an arrest warrant,

which we can't get without
Detective Flynn's testimony.

You think we should
give Flynn what he wants?

How badly do we want Garcia?

Not that bad.

Making an example of Flynn
isn't worth losing Garcia.

You call it making an example.

I call it putting a corrupt cop

who committed m*rder
behind bars.

Let me tell you
something, Jamie.

When people stop trusting the
police, we're back in the trees.

For a lot of people,
we're already there, Jack.

And for you?

Do you think
bringing Flynn down

is gonna sanitize
the police department?

I defended clients
who were actually innocent.

I have a healthy respect of
what some cops are capable of.

So, we should
throw in the towel?

We've been after Garcia
for years!



Yes, I know.

Sure. 2:00.

That was Judge Hellman
of the Hellman Commission.

He wants to meet with me.

Good to see you again, Judge.

I tried a couple of cases
in front of you in part 46.

You'll forgive me
if I don't remember.


Have a seat.

I'm sure you're aware of the
objectives of our commission.

I read the papers.

This Detective Flynn
that you're prosecuting

has agreed to appear
before our commission.

An altruistic impulse.

His attorney contacted us

and we worked out an agreement.

You don't have the authority

to make deals
with my defendants.

I was appointed
to this position

by the governor and the mayor.

The deal was worked out
under their authority.

What exactly did
Detective Flynn agree to?

at Lyon Mountain.

Lifetime probation.
And he forfeits his pension.

You're joking!

A couple of years of
minimum-security lawn mowing!

All sarcasm aside,
Mr. McCoy,

I agree he is
getting off lightly.

But he is providing us
an invaluable service.

With all due respect,
I don't see how

slapping the wrists
of a corrupt cop

who committed m*rder serves
any legitimate purpose.

If he gives us five dirty cops

and each of them
gives us five more,

that's how we excise
this problem.

I'm sorry, Judge.
My office won't approve this deal.

I called you here
as a courtesy.

Frankly, I don't need
your approval.

Yeah. The mayor
and the governor

send their greetings
and their two cents.

Have you seen
the terms of Flynn's deal?

He isn't compelled to offer any
testimony against Hector Garcia.

He doesn't even have
to give the guy's name.

It's a travesty.
It's a fact of life.

Hellman's reputation
is on the line.

He needs a star witness
and Flynn is it.

I hope they understand that they're
immunizing not one but two murderers.


They get rid of 20 bad cops
it's a house-cleaning.

Get rid of one, for sh**ting a
drug dealer, we're the bad guys.

That's a quote.

FLYNN: Some of the people
I've named took money.

Others received payment
in the form of cocaine,

which they would resell
or use themselves.

Tell us about the circumstances

leading to the sh**ting
of Ruben Morales.

Well, as I've mentioned,

the unnamed individual was paying
Detective Edwards and myself.

When he heard that Ruben Morales
had turned state's evidence,

he wanted him eliminated.


Yes, sir.

HELLMAN: And he came to you.

He came to me

and said that
unless I took care of it

he would expose
my illegal activity.

What did you say?

I said, "Go ahead."

I told him I'd rather lose
my career or even go to jail

than be a party to
something like that.

Then what happened?

The individual threatened
to harm my family.

I informed Detective
Edwards as to the situation.

We decided, out of concern
for our families,

that we had no other option
but to participate.

You mean,
to k*ll Ruben Morales?

Yes, sir.

There were three other detectives
assigned to this operation.

Were any of them aware of
what was going to happen?

FLYNN: No. Two of them were
half a block away in a van.

I made sure that the
other man on the scene

with Edwards and myself
was Detective Lennie Briscoe.

Why him?

FLYNN: I knew that whatever
happened, he'd go along with it.

HELLMAN: Why did you
believe that?

I first started working for the
unnamed individual five years ago

after I had arrested him
on a drug possession charge.

While he was awaiting trial,
we made an arrangement.

For the individual
to pay you a bribe?


I then enlisted Detective
Briscoe to remove the evidence

against that individual
from the property room.

And Detective Briscoe did
as you instructed?


Detective Briscoe
took the dr*gs.

I know because
he gave me half.



BRISCOE: No, I did not steal
dr*gs from the property room.

So, Detective Flynn is lying?

That's right.

When the evidence was
reported missing at 2:42,

you were still on duty.

Do you recall
what you were doing?

Detective, you're here
under subpoena.

If you don't answer,
you'll be held in contempt.

I was at home.

You didn't sign out
until 5:18.

Are you saying that you made a
false entry in the log book?

I signed in and then I left.

Detective, is there
any particular reason

why you were in dereliction
of duty on that day?

At that time...

I'm a recovering alcoholic.

So, your defense is that you
were drunk, on the job.

BRISCOE: I was asleep.

And I was drunk
the night before.

Is there anyone who can
corroborate your account?




You think Briscoe
could've done it?

Not the Briscoe I know, but five
years ago, when he was drinking.

Yeah, they put that mark
next to your name,

good luck getting rid of it.


I tracked down 22 of
the 28 cops on duty

when the dr*gs disappeared.

Four didn't return my calls.

The other 18 couldn't remember

whether Briscoe
was there or not.

When did we get appointed
to the Briscoe defense team?

I don't like to see good cops
get their careers ruined

while bad cops walk
away with wrist slaps.

Flynn's under
lifetime probation.

If we prove he perjured himself

before the Hellman Commission,

he goes to prison for life.

Which could motivate him
to testify against Garcia.

That's a neat trick.

Except no cop will come within
100 yards of the commission.

I did find one oddity.

A patrolman in the 116
named Dave Spence

quit the department a month
after the drug theft.

His sergeant said he resigned

right before he testified
in another drug case.

Find out why.

I might've met the guy.
The name sounds familiar.

But even if this Spence
did steal the evidence,

what makes you think
he's gonna talk?

It's been five years.
The statute of limitations has run out.

It's worth a shot.

I'm gonna wear a wire,
get Flynn on tape.

Why would he talk to you?

Let me worry about that.

Will you present whatever
I get to the commission?

I'm not authorizing this.

Flynn is holed-up in his house
with round-the-clock guards.

Listen, I'm off rotation.

I'm on indefinite

I'm not just gonna sit around
and watch Flynn destroy me.

We're not sitting
around either, Detective.

Give us a couple of days
to find Spence.

Spence testified for the
prosecution in a trafficking case.

On cross he was asked if he'd ever
witnessed any police officers

tampering with evidence.
He took the Fifth.

That doesn't mean anything.

He came back from an in-camera
conference with a grant of immunity,

and still refused to testify.

The judge threw him
in jail for contempt.

Did you talk to
the riding D.A.

Yes. He said Spence and his
lawyer alluded to a prior act,

but wouldn't say anything more.

How about an address
for Spence?

Mount Olivet Cemetery.
But his lawyer's still alive.

Whatever Dave Spence
said to me is privileged.

A good cop has been
accused of a crime

your dead client may have
admitted committing.

Only the executor of his estate
can waive that privilege.

He died intestate
and has no heirs.

This look like Park Avenue?

I gotta hustle once in a while.

I start broadcasting
clients' secrets,

I got the Bar Association looking
at me up close and personal,

which I don't need.

What if all I needed was an
off-the-record confirmation

to let us know if we're
barking up the wrong tree.

I'd definitely owe you one.

As a D.A.
Or the best-looking woman

to ever set foot
in this office?

As a D.A.

What's the question again?

Did Spence admit stealing
evidence against Hector Garcia

from the property room
at the 116?

I'm gonna get up and
open the door for you.

If I don't fall and break my
arm on the way over there,

then you can assume
my deceased client

confessed to
the crime in question.


Lennie. Hey.


It's been a long time.

You want to come up?

Let's go across the street.

Everybody in the precinct's

been watching those hearings.

I heard what that
jerk Flynn said!

Yeah. The guy who's gonna save
the department from itself.

Lennie, one of those mornings
after we were together,

I remember going
into the station house

and hearing about that robbery
from the property room.

I wanna tell the commission
that you weren't there,

that you couldn't have done it.

Hey, it won't work,
Betty, but thanks anyway.

I'm a big girl, Lennie,
I know what I'm doing.

No, really,
it's gonna be all right.

The D.A.'s got a lead,
some uniform named Spence.

Dave Spence is dead.

Lennie, they're gonna ruin you!

You remember why you ended it?

Because you had
a husband and a family,

and that was the life
you wanted, right?

The boys must be
getting big, huh?


this has nothing to do with us.

This is about me being a cop
who can't look the other way.

No matter what the reason,
the answer is no.

This is just terrific.

We know Spence did it,
we know Flynn's lying,

and there's nothing
we can do about it.

We can get an administrator
appointed to Spence's estate.

He could waive
client privilege.

But it'd still be hearsay.

Did you get a phone call
from a Betty Abrams?

She's a cop.

She says she has information
about Detective Briscoe.

Please have a seat.

State your name and occupation.

My name is Betty Abrams.
I'm a New York City police officer

in the 116th precinct.

DE MAIO: And how long have
you been a police officer?

ABRAMS: Fourteen years.


If you don't take her
out of there right now,

I'll kick your ass
from here to Hoboken.

She came to me.
I told her what she was in for.

This is a big mistake.

She said if I didn't call
the committee, she would.

Face it, she's all
you've got left.

I don't care!

Nothing good comes from this.

This really isn't
up to you anymore.

I met up with Detective Briscoe

in the middle of the
afternoon at his apartment.

We spent the night together.

When I left the next morning,
he was still asleep.

You're absolutely sure

as to the date and times
of this encounter?


It was two days before
my 10th wedding anniversary.

Thank you, Officer Abrams.

Judge Hellman, I submit we
recall Detective John Flynn

for further questioning
in this matter.

I'm not finished with this
witness yet, Mr. De Maio.

I'm curious, Mrs. Abrams.

On the day in question,

when you were having illicit sexual
relations with Detective Briscoe,

where did your husband
think you were?

I told him I was working.

HELLMAN: You lied?


Mrs. Abrams, have you had
other illicit affairs?

I remind you that
you're under oath.

Two others.

And when you had sexual
relations with those partners,

I assume that you lied to your
husband on those occasions as well.

I'm sure I did.

My husband and I were going
through a difficult period...

We're not interested in that, Mrs.
Abrams. A simple question.

Given your predisposition
to lying,

why should we believe you now?

I'd like to see if we can't
get this wrapped up by 4:00.

You get off on that, Judge?

Humiliating innocent people?

Are you upset because your corroborating
witness is a liar and a slut?

You sick son of a bitch!

Hey, hey!

What the hell do you
think you're doing?

You and Flynn
deserve each other.

I hope you both rot in hell.

Now we do it my way.

It's about time. I was getting
ready to send out for sandwiches.

What're you doing here?

I wanted to talk to you, John.

But they got your house
sealed up like Fort Knox.

Yeah. There's two state troopers
outside, won't like your being here.

Just give me five minutes.

We go way back.
You said so yourself.

Thirty seconds.

Why did you tell them I
ripped off the property room?

You remember the academy,

They taught us about loyalty.

Like you got a buddy on the
sauce, you cover for him.

You protect him.

I saved your career.

And you sit on your ass while that
snot-nosed partner of yours ruins me.

You let him do it.

You made your choice.
That's you.

But you don't lie about
another cop being dirty.

Hey, what do you want,
Lennie? Huh?

You want us to time travel
back six, seven years?

Start over?

You can't do that.

I just want you to tell me

that you know that I
didn't steal those dr*gs.

I just wanna hear you say that!


Where should I
direct the statement,

to your chest or
inside your thigh?

You want to check me
for a wire? Go ahead!

I know you didn't take
those dr*gs, Lennie.

You know the worst part, John?

You used to be a good cop.


You'll be okay now, Lennie.

Hellman's issuing a mea
culpa to the press.


We practically had to
strap him into his chair

to get him to
listen to the tape.

Jack ought to get
hazardous duty pay

for all the abuse he suffered.

You kidding?
I loved it!

Does Flynn know?

We'll pick him up as soon as
we get an arrest warrant.

It might be a little easier
on him if I was there.

Is your family home, John?

Nah, they're gone.
We're done talking, Lennie.

What, are those troopers
sleeping out there?

John Flynn, you're under
arrest for perjury.

You're kidding.
Perjury? What's that?

Eight weekends
community service?

It means you violated the
terms of your life probation.

You're going to prison
for a long time, Detective.

They have to take you in, John.

Don't say anything until
you get with your lawyer.

Come on in!

Get your things together,

I thought you'd show
some loyalty, Lennie.

You still wearing that wire?

You want to keep
your mouth shut, John.

Hey, you wanna
help me take a leak?

Leave the door open.

I was wrong about you, Lennie.

I thought you'd understand.

We've been there, John.

FLYNN: Hey, you wanna talk
about something else?

Talk to me, Lennie.

Hey, you want to
talk about the ponies?

(g*n FIRING)

Hector Garcia's back in town.

I guess he heard Flynn's dead,
and we can't touch him.

Lucky him.

Hey, Lennie, you want
to go have some dinner?

I can't.
I got to see an old friend.

She's got a little
situation with her family.
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