07x08 - Family Business

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Law & Order". Aired: September 1990 to May 2010.*
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Detectives and prosecutors work to solve crimes and convict perpetrators.
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07x08 - Family Business

Post by bunniefuu »

In the criminal justice system

the people are represented by two
separate yet equally important groups,

the police
who investigate crime

and the district attorneys
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.


I'm afraid you're going to have to come
out of there, ma'am. Store's closed.

WOMAN: I'm sorry,
I'm not dressed yet.

I'm sorry, ma'am.
Rules are rules.

Are you going to punish me?

Depends on
whether you cooperate.

Try this one.

Jose, this is
completely see-through.


Come on,
I just finished my rounds.

Floors five,
six and seven are all ours.

(g*nshots FIRING)

What was that?

Wait here.

No, here. On second thought, you better go.
Pass key will get you out.

Bobby, it's Jose. I heard something on eight.
Sounded like sh*ts.

I'll send someone up.

Hello, Bobby,
call an ambulance.

Oh, damn,
it's Mr. Spiegel.

Jose, what's going on up there?
Who's that?

Irma, baby, I told you to go.

I got scared.

(GASPS) Oh, my God!

Go, baby. Go!

I was in the seventh-floor dressing
room when I heard the sh*ts.

BRISCOE: That part
of your usual rounds?

No, no. Not really.

Well, what were
you doing there?

If I tell you,
it's gonna cost me my job.

If you don't tell me, I'm gonna
think you have something to hide.

I was in there
with my girlfriend.

It wasn't like that.
She was modeling stuff. Underwear.

What time did she leave?

Right after
I found Mr. Spiegel.

But you gotta leave her out of it.
She still lives at home.

Her old man finds out,
he's gonna k*ll her.

Well, you better come up
with a story for pops,

because we're
gonna have to talk to her.


Bobby Fox, head of security.
Before that, 20 years at the 19.

I was in the security office
when Jose called in the sh*ts.

CURTIS: The victim's
an executive here?

Yeah, Richard Spiegel,
chief financial officer.

Kate Bergreen's husband.

Yeah, the ones who own the place.

Well, somebody got out without
setting off security.

Well, the executive suite has its own
elevator and exit to the street.

No whistles, no bells.

What about the
rest of the store?

It's wired all around. But they hand out
the pass keys like they're gumballs.

I warned them, but unless
you make six figures,

the Bergreens don't want to
have much to do with you.

Lucky us.

Jose told us you got to
the store at about 8:00?

I don't know why I let
him talk me into it.

Did you notice anything
suspicious on your way out?

I wasn't exactly looking.
I mean, I was so freaked.

That dead guy's eyes
were open, staring up.

How about when you arrived?

Can you think of anything
that might help us?

There was this guy,
this tall, skinny guy

with long brown hair
standing outside, screaming.


By the executive entrance.

But at first, I just figured
he was some crazy guy.

Something changed your mind?

I saw he was on a cell phone,

ragging on somebody.

Did you get close enough
to see his face?

I was in a hurry.
Jose was waiting.

Your m*rder w*apon's
a.22 caliber p*stol.

Could be a stealth sh**t
for the mob.

Any signs of burglary?

Well, they're still trying to
figure out if anything's missing.

Kind of stuff
that store carries,

two shopping bags worth
would be quite a haul.

Best shoe department in the city.
Highest prices, too.

CURTIS: You know, it also could
be a current or former employee

running around with a pass key.

Well, have somebody
run their names through BCI.

What about the wife?

Kate Bergreen-Spiegel
has two secretaries.

One for work, and another one for
her appointments at her apartment.

You ever hear of that?

In Danielle Steele novels.

Yeah, well, her home secretary has managed
to squeeze us in for a 10 o'clock.

I spoke to Richard about 7:00.
He was waiting in his office for a call.

Thank you. He said he didn't
know when he'd be home.

And that's the last time
you spoke to him?


You were here all night?

With Dad,
and Chloe, my daughter.

How do you tell a three-year-old
her daddy's never coming home?

have to do this now?

Well, it's best to get all this while
it's still fresh in your mind.

What were your husband's
responsibilities at the store?

I brought in Richard six months
ago to supervise our expansion.

More stores? Yes.
Chicago, Dallas and Beverly Hills.

All Laura's idea.

My other daughter.

When my doctor made me retire,

I made Laura and Kate co-presidents.

What did Spiegel do before
he came to work for you?

Richard was CFO
of Cromwell Industries.

He had a brilliant
financial mind.

Did your husband have any
enemies that you know of?

Business associates?
Employees he might've let go?

I'm sure he fired people.
He did all of that.

Did he ever mention anybody
who was particularly upset?

We never talked
about business much.

You are co-president
of the company.

I'm president of clothes.

Everything you see when you
walk through the store.

Richard handled
everything else.

With my sister.

Believe me, I wish I could
take the day off to grieve.

It's bad enough that your investigation
delayed our opening for two hours.

The show must go on, huh?

If the store is open, someone
has to be here running it.

We understand that Mr.
Spiegel let several employees go recently.

A few. But they were all given
very generous severances.

Do you think a former
employee is responsible?

A man gets m*rder*d in the workplace,
it's a logical place to start.

Any non-employees
he might've offended?

Probably several hundred a day.
This is New York.

I mean business associates, suppliers.
That type of non-employee.

The only people we seem to
offend is our competition.

Anybody in particular?

D&S. Davenport and Styles.

They seem to think we're engaged
in some kind of holy w*r.

Over what?

Our designers mostly.

The latest battleground
was Paul Medici.

They claimed they had him exclusively.
We disagreed.

Richard was
dealing with the lawyers.

They were suing you?

For several million dollars.

Richard thought that
they were just posturing.

When was the last time
you saw Richard?

Around 7:00, as I was leaving the building.
He was waiting for Mr. Medici.

They'd been
trading calls all day.

MEDICI: He needed me to come
in and sign some legal papers.

Papers regarding the D&S case?

Yeah, that's right.

Richard said they'd settled their differences
and everyone would walk away happy.

Yourself included?

I'd think a little guy like you gets
put in the middle of a big lawsuit,

it couldn't be
too good for business.

There's no such thing
as bad publicity, Detective.

it was a very silly dispute.

First, D&S said I couldn't sell to
anyone else, then they said I could.

No, no, no, no, no!
Is no one listening?

This is three inches too long.
Like this! Go, go. Go make it happen!

Spring shows begin next week.

This time of year,
everyone gets on my nerves.

Everyone except Spiegel?

I just signed
the papers and left.

And what time was that?

See, we got a report of a man
matching your description

outside Bergreen's right about that time.
A very angry man.

If that was me, I was on the phone
with Valerie, my best cutter.

You'd think she'd pick
a better time to elope.

You can call her in Vancouver.

And where'd you go after
the meeting with Spiegel?

I was at the AIDS Foundation
benefit for kids at the Armory.

I donated some dresses.
I even paid for a patron's ticket. $600.

One lousy litigation.
You believe the mess these lawyers can make?

Anyone been able to translate?

Well, D&S claimed Bergreen's enticed Medici
into violating the terms of his contract.

They said he was making private
label dresses for Bergreen's

while he was exclusive to them.

Hey, Lennie, didn't you
work with this guy?

John Podbielski?

Pot Belly? Yeah.

John and I once worked vice in the 13.
He signed an affidavit declaring he'd seen

the private label dresses being
made at Medici's sweatshop.

Take him for a walk in the park.

I'd be looking at Medici.

He was gonna take a hit
on the settlement?

Parties to the suit were proposing
that he eat the dresses

he manufactured for Bergreen.


It was a lot more
combustible than that.

Spiegel's the guy
who proposed stiffing him.

He doesn't want to pay his bills.
So what else is new?

From where I sit, Spiegel wanted
Medici going down in flames.


I tell you that,
I'm violating my contract.

These guys still owe me money.

You don't want to
help us clear a homicide?

Hey, Pot Belly, come on.
We collared $5 whores together.

This is gonna cost me
a very good client.

Hey, John, how often do you
need a set of plates run?

Medici's been throwing a little
humpski into Spiegel's wife.


Did Spiegel know?
I didn't tell him.

I don't even think Medici
knew we were on to him.

CURTIS: How long?
Twice a week at least

for the two months
I've been assigned.

Any documentation?

Like animals they go at it.
I got pictures.

Okay, we're alone.
We're in this delightful room.

Now do I get to know why you
had to talk to me again?

How long you been involved
with Kate Spiegel?

She's Bergreen's
fashion director.

She saw my designs a couple
of years ago, and I...

Who took these?

Put yourself
in the here and now, Paul.

Whoever took them, there they are.
That's what we want to talk to you about.

I'm sure you can understand
why I would be reluctant

to broadcast my
involvement with Kate.

Your reluctance to broadcast is
what we call hindering prosecution.

It's a felony. We were having an affair.
It happens.

Even among police
detectives, I would think.

BRISCOE: You were the last
one to see Spiegel alive,

he was screwing you with this
lawsuit, and you're doing his wife.

I had nothing to do with
Spiegel's m*rder, I swear.

Yeah, but if Spiegel
was out of the way,

it would make things a whole lot easier
for the two of you, wouldn't it?

You think I wanted to marry her?
To move in together? No.

I liked things
just the way they were.

You tell Kate that?
Was that her attitude?

I don't know.

She never talked about her
marriage, and I didn't ask.

Yeah, and the fact that she
had more money than God

and ran the most important store in town,
this was just a physical thing, right?


BRISCOE: (CHUCKLES) Yeah, with all
those models hanging around...

I find all women
beautiful, Detective.

Yeah, well, Paul, there's
one other problem, see.

That AIDS benefit you were
attending the night of the m*rder?

Nobody saw you there.

we're gonna start all over.


The affair, what happened last night.
Don't waste our time again.

I was with Kate at my showroom.

The Medici Benefit.

What time did Kate leave?

MEDICI: About 9:30.

Spiegel didn't get
k*lled until 10:00.

After Kate left,
I called Petra. A model.

She came by at 10:00,
and stayed

all night. You can call her.

A k*ller's walking around,
my husband's k*ller,

and you're wasting your time
investigating my personal life.

You haven't answered
the question, Mrs. Spiegel.

I was not with Paul Medici
that night or any other.

Well, Paul says you were with him
at the start of the evening,

and he was with
another acquaintance later.

The later part we got verified.

If Paul says he was
with me, he's a liar.

Was that your daughter
we passed on the way in?

The little girl
standing with your father?


I wouldn't want her to walk in
while I was showing you these.

Well, I bet the boys down at the
precinct got a big charge out of these.

Did you pass them around?

Were you with Paul Medici the
night your husband was k*lled?

Is my total humiliation
your objective?

Because if it is,
you have certainly succeeded.

Yes, I was with him.
We had sex that very night.

Would you like to know
what positions?

When did you leave his studio?

I don't know.
About 9:00.

That's not what you
told us before.

Because I wanted to spare
my family embarrassment.

Is that something
you can possibly understand?

Where'd you go after you left?

Home. I was
home from 9:30 on.

Can anyone corroborate that?

I went to the kitchen for some tea.

I went to my father's room.
We watched the news together.

My God, I feel like
I'm a suspect here.

Was your husband aware of
your affair with Medici?

Yes, he was.

And how did he react?

Well, I hate to
disappoint you, Detective,

but there was no big fight.
There was no divorce.

There was no custody battle.

A model family.

Richard and I
had an open marriage.

I was free to partner
with anyone I wished

as long as I took proper
precautions, which I always did.

Then why was your husband playing tough
with Medici on this contract dispute?

Are the two of you dense?

I know nothing about business things.
I never cared.

But Richard was not
out to get anybody.

Well, call me old-fashioned, Mrs.
Spiegel, but I find that hard to believe.

We are not like you, Detective.

So you don't buy
the open marriage scenario?

Not unless Spiegel
tells me himself.

LUDS from Spiegel's
office phone came back.

Six calls the week before the m*rder
to an attorney, David Solomon.

You know, I think his datebook
listed an appointment with that guy

on his last day.

It could be business related.

A month's salary
this guy's a divorce lawyer.

You're on.

I don't do divorces.
I'm a criminal attorney.

What do you make a month?

You were representing Richard
Spiegel on a criminal charge?

Well, that's
privileged information.

Did it have anything to do with the
D&S lawsuit against Bergreen's?

No, see, that's a civil suit.
I am a criminal attorney.

And I'm a police detective.

What kind of criminal law
do you practice?

Financial fraud, primarily.

What, was Spiegel in some
kind of financial hot water?

I can't comment on that.

CURTIS: Who can?

Bergreen's comptroller,
Charles Herman.

We asked Herman to come in,
he showed up with his lawyer.

Well, we give him a walk on any of the
creative accounting moves he pulled,

he'll dish the dirt.

You think some kind of financial
scam got Spiegel k*lled?

Hey, money makes
the world go around.

I mean, it's take-a-number time on
who could've wanted this guy gone.

Herman have any kind of record?

He's clean.

Let's see what he has to say.

I told Laura it was wrong and I
didn't want to be a part of it.

I mean, every deduction on my
income taxes is legitimate.

We'll take
your confession later.

Tell us what was
going on at the company.

The company was broke.

Mainly because Laura had so much
money tied up in the expansion.

When things started
going really bad,

she insisted I use the employees' 401
k contributions to pay our bills.

Which is illegal.

She threatened to fire me.

I have two kids.
I can't...

Did Spiegel know?

Not at first.

When he found out, he
confronted Laura in my office.

He said she was breaking the law
and he wouldn't stand for it.

She said she was the boss and
things would be done her way.

Isn't her father still the CEO?

He didn't know anything.

Laura wouldn't let me send
him the monthly reports

while he was recovering from his surgery.
She said bad news might k*ll him.

What do you think?

I think Laura
was more concerned

about Mr. Bergreen finding
out she was doing a bad job.

Did you ever hear Laura
thr*aten Spiegel?

Not specifically.

Laura said Kate brought in
Spiegel to make her look bad,

and Spiegel thought
Laura was incompetent.

Yes, our cash reserves are
a little low right now,

but when the December
revenues are posted...

You have to understand that Charles
Herman is a nervous little man

who doesn't understand the first thing
about the retail clothing business.

You said you
left the store at 7:00?

That's right.

And what did you do
after you left?

I stopped for dinner.

CURTIS: Where?

An Indian restaurant
on Sixth Street

between First and Second.
And, no, I don't remember the name.

Did you use a credit card?

No, I paid in cash.

I'm afraid I have to tell you that I'm
beginning to feel like I'm a suspect.

Where did you go after dinner?

I visited my father.

What time?

My God, the only thing that's missing
is a spotlight shining in my face.

I think I got there a little before
10:00, I stayed about an hour,

and then I went home.
Is that good enough?

Did you see your sister?


You were in your sister's
apartment and you never saw her?

My sister has an 18-room townhouse.
It's not that difficult to miss each other.

CURTIS: I don't get how both sisters
could be visiting their father at 10:00

and not see each other.
I don't care how big the place is.

Which one do you like?

Maybe Laura?

Laura gets rid of Spiegel

'cause he's about to expose
her financial shenanigans.

(CELL PHONE RINGING) Which would put
her in jail and Spiegel in her office.


Or Kate k*lled him because a divorce would
make her lose her kid and half her money.

A woman in a custody battle.
Not a pretty picture.

Okay, good. Send it over to
the lab for prints. Thanks.

A couple of uniforms in the 35 took a.22
Ruger off an armed robbery perp.

Ballistics says
it's our m*rder w*apon.

Perp's being transferred
to our precinct now.

CURTIS: We have some more questions
we need to ask you, Clarence.

Look, man, I already...

I told those other officers that
I robbed the grocery store.

I did it.

You know,
that's very refreshing,

you taking
responsibility like that.

But we're interested in where
you got the g*n you used.

But I...
Could I say something first?

I just wanted to tell you
that if smack were legal, see,

I wouldn't have to be robbing nobody,
'cause I would buy it in a store,

and it would probably
only be like a dollar a hit.

That's a very nice vision
of the future, Clarence.

Now, will you tell us
where you got the g*n?

I found it in a trash can.


Are you gonna help me out?

If you give me some answers,
I'll talk to the D.A., sure.

All right.
The trash can

was right outside
this big store over on 50th.



Clarence here found the g*n in a
trash can just outside the store.

I'll raise you. Laura Bergreen's
prints are on the barrel.

Nice call, Rey.
Her prints are in the system?

Yeah, she was busted for
smoking pot when she was 18.

The g*n's permitted
to a Jeffrey Arbaugh.

He gives Seymour Bergreen's East
Hampton estate as his address.

Mmm-mmm. What is it you say, Lennie?
"Thank God they're stupid"?

Yeah, even the rich ones.

Jeffery Arbaugh?

It's Arbaugh.
Rhymes with "saw."

Well, Mr. Rhymes-with-saw, your g*n
was used to k*ll Richard Spiegel,

and you happen to live
in his father-in-law's house.

You want to explain all that?

Richard's dead?

You didn't know?

This is terrible.

Nobody told me.

I don't read papers
or watch TV.

I prefer face-to-face

Oh, thanks.
I'll remember that.

So, where were you two nights ago?

I was teaching my transcendental
meditation class.

I know, you think TM has been supplanted
by more with-it forms of meditation,

but I have to tell you...

How did your g*n
end up k*lling Mr. Spiegel?

I don't consider it mine.

It's registered to you.

Kate felt unsafe
much of the time.

She thought a g*n, its being
more than its presence,

would make her
feel more secure.

I bought it for her as a favor.

So it was Kate's g*n.

I suppose.
In a physical sense.

What exactly
is your relationship to Kate?

I'm her philosophical and
spiritual exploration guide.

And I feed the dogs.

Did she ever seek your
guidance on her marriage?

I don't think I should...

You should.

She was very troubled.


Richard had threatened to divorce her
and seek custody of their child.

Mr. Bergreen, your son-in-law was
shot with your daughter's g*n.

And your other daughter's
fingerprints are on it.

Somehow, this investigation
keeps leading us back here.

Notwithstanding, my daughters had
nothing to do with Richard's death.

You told us before Kate was with
you the night of the m*rder?


Around 9:30?

That's right.

What about Laura?

Yes, she was here, too.

And what time was that?

Around the same time.
She stopped by.

Mr. Bergreen, were Kate and
Laura with you together?


If either one of your daughters
asked you to provide an alibi...

I answered your questions.
Now get out.

Two shaky alibis, two legitimate
motives, Kate's g*n, Laura's prints.

Maybe they did it together.

I sure as hell don't buy

those now-you-see-her, now-you-don't
visits to the old man.

We got no proof
of a conspiracy.

Well, anyone you pick up now won't
be arraigned until tomorrow.

We'll stick them in jail overnight,
see who starts talking.

BRISCOE: Laura Bergreen, you're under
arrest for the m*rder of Richard Spiegel.

What are you doing?

Would you please turn around?

Oh, you're
going to regret this.

You have the right
to remain silent...

Is this some kind of sick joke?
Come on.

Because I am not laughing,
and my lawyer won't be either.

I don't know who
authorized this, but...

Your sister is two rooms down.

I understand she didn't care for the
powdered eggs at Central Booking.

Between fending off advances and
waiting for toilet privileges,

I didn't have time to ask.

I wouldn't think
you'd want to go back.

Has it sunk in yet, Miss Bergreen?
The situation you're in?

You mean being the target of envious
and vindictive district attorneys?

I mean the prospect of spending
the rest of your life in prison.

How'd you sleep last night?

JACK: You know something
I've learned as a prosecutor?

Family members turn on each
other as often as anybody else.

Whatever blood oath
they may have taken,

as soon as things fall
apart, one of them talks.

And whoever talks first
is much better off.

Are you offering immunity?

Her g*n is the m*rder w*apon.

It was in a drawer
in my office.

Eight thousand people
knew where it was.

You have no case, Miss Ross.

And unless you're dropping the
charges or offering immunity,

we have no reason
to give you anything.

Your client's fingerprints
are on the m*rder w*apon.

She showed me her g*n
when she bought it.

She wanted me to see
how light it was.

You were so desperate to stop
Spiegel's plan to inform your father,

you ordered your comptroller...

Says Charles Herman,
who has immunity.

Your New-Age friend
will testify that Mr. Spiegel

was going to divorce you
and take your child.

If that statement were admissible
in court, we'd contest it.

What makes you think it isn't?

My client's conversations with Mr.
Arbaugh are privileged.

On what grounds?


It's amazing. He's like a shrink
and a rabbi rolled into one.

After graduation
from Yale Divinity,

I was ordained
by the Episcopal Church.

Then I ministered two small
congregations in Virginia.

But after a time,
you left the church.

Church work
became too confining.

Too many demands from parishioners,
not enough time for serious studies.

So you never gave up
your religious studies.

Oh, no. Nor did I give
up my counseling work.

I became a
personal spiritual advisor.

So your work with Kate Bergreen
was in your role as clergyman.

Oh, yes. She referred to our
meetings as spiritual sessions.

During these sessions, did Kate
Bergreen ever talk about her marriage?

She talked about her problems
with Richard all the time.

We were working to overcome
them when he died.

PATTON: Thank you very much.

Mr. Arbaugh, in your capacity as
spiritual advisor to Mrs. Spiegel,

did you receive a salary?


What was that salary?

I was paid $400 a week.

And for that $400, did you provide any
services other than spiritual advice?

I helped out around the house.


I walked the dogs
and watered the plants.

Some of the people we spoke to out there
said that you also cut the grass,

wash the cars, do some house
painting, clean the pool.

Goes on.
Is this an accurate list?

Sloth is bad for the soul.

What percentage of the time you're
working is spent performing spiritual

as opposed to secular duties?

I'm always a priest.

Who spends most of his
time mowing the lawn.

You can hardly be called a
professional member of the clergy.

The declaration
of belief I took

committed me to the 39 Articles
of the Faith of my church.

Show me one article that says
a priest can't walk the dog.

A court-anointed clergyman.


Wonder how Cardinal O'Connor feels about
being equated with Jeffrey Arbaugh.

Not as bad as I feel.

His Eminence doesn't have to try
a m*rder case without a motive.

Losing Kate's motive
is the least of our problems.

And I don't see
any proof of conspiracy.

They both had reasons
to want Spiegel dead.

They're both tied
to the m*rder w*apon.

Where is the proof
that they agreed to k*ll him?

they didn't sign a contract.

We can't talk to their shrinks,

their friends won't talk to us.
Who's left?

Miss Laura said I should call
her if you people came by.

She was very unhappy with the
mess you made here last time.

I came to speak with you.

Me? I have my Green Card.

I'm not from the INS, Mrs.
Manquez, I'm from the District Attorney's Office.

It's in your best
interest to talk to me.

Okay. Come in.

In the days before
Mr. Spiegel was m*rder*d,

did Kate Bergreen come
here to visit her sister?

I don't remember.

What about Miss Laura?

Did she visit with Kate
or talk to her on the phone?

I don't remember.

Look, Mrs. Manquez, I appreciate
your loyalty to your employer,

but withholding information is a crime.
You don't look like a criminal to me.

I heard something.
It might mean something.

What did you hear?

Well, the night before Mr.
Spiegel died, Mrs. Kate did call here,

and she asked to speak with Miss Laura right away.
So she was with her masseur,

and I brought her
the portable phone,

and I left the room.
I didn't hear nothing.

Do you know where I can
find this masseur?

Very nice people.
Big tippers.

What kind of mood was Laura in?

Who knows about
moods of rich people?

She looked dark, unhappy.

With money like that,
I would be happy all the time.

Was there anything that was making
her particularly unhappy that night?

She didn't talk to me. But hands feel stress.
More after Kate called.

Did you hear
what she said to Kate?

Only when they start to argue.

Then I hear,
"We have to stop him."

I don't want to hear personal conversation.
I say, "Do you want me to leave?"

Now Miss Bergreen angry at me, says,
"You are not going anywhere."

What did Laura say next?

She turned away on phone.
Still argue.

I hear, "If you don't do
it, Kate, then I will."

Then she says, "Okay,"
and come back on table.

Thank you.


How about I give you a
full-body massage, no charge?

How many ways can I say it?
There was no conspiracy.

The conversation
between Kate and Laura

is proof of an agreement
to k*ll Richard Spiegel.

It's one side of a phone call
taken totally out of context.

If anything,
it implicates Laura.

It's an agreement.

If you people had even the smallest clue,
you'd realize that my sister and I

haven't agreed on anything
since the day I was born.

let me handle this.

Does anyone care what we really
talked about that night?

Or is mounting my head on the
wall all you're interested in?

Tell us.

Not until we know
what you're doing for us.

Fair enough.

Your client pleads guilty to conspiracy,
we tell the judge she cooperated...

I'm talking about full
immunity. Nothing short.

That must have been
some conversation.

It was.

You have it.

Richard knew Laura's expansion
plans were destroying the company.

He told her she should step down.
She could still be called President,

she just wouldn't be
running the company anymore.

Laura said she'd do whatever
was necessary to stop him.

I called to settle her down, but
all she could talk about was,

"He has to be stopped.
If you don't do it, I will."

Your client has been
indicted for m*rder.

Why haven't
we heard this already?

I just told my lawyer,
after my stay in jail.

I don't know why
I didn't mention it earlier.

I didn't think she meant...

I guess I didn't
want to believe it.

You want me to grant
immunity to Kate Bergreen,

whether or not
she k*lled her husband.

Her version of the phone
conversation is consistent

with the theory of Laura as sole
k*ller, but I don't buy it.

Yesterday, the same conversation
made Kate a co-conspirator.

That's right, and I think
we can convict them both.

And I think with their father as an alibi,
there's a good chance they'll both walk.

We make this deal with Kate,

at least one of the sisters
goes away for the m*rder.

Are we more concerned with our
conviction rate or with seeking justice?

Laura was
the driving force in this,

and, I think, the sh**t.

If you really believe that,

make your deal.

The night before he died,
Laura threatened my husband.

JACK: Do you know what
prompted your sister's threat?

My sister knew that Richard was
about to let our father know

about the damage
she had done to Bergreen's.

Why was Laura's fear of exposure to
your father so frightening to her?

Calls for speculation.

No one knows Laura Bergreen
better than her own sister.

Objection sustained.

JACK: I'll
re-phrase the question.

Did Laura ever tell you how she felt
about being exposed to your father?

Yes. The night
before the m*rder.

What did she say?

She said she'd spent the last 20 years
working at the store for one reason,

to prove to my father
that she could take it over.

And she asked for the millionth time
how I could have married Richard.

How did you respond to that?

I told her how I live my life
was none of her business.

And what about
Richard's plan to expose her?

What did you say about that?

Well, I don't remember exactly.

It was something like,
"Dad'll understand."

I was trying to calm her down,
but she just kept going.

She said if Richard talked to him, Dad
wouldn't give her another chance.

She was talking like
he was going to disown her.

Thank you.
Nothing further.

Weren't you also charged by Mr.
McCoy with murdering your husband?

Answer my question,
Mrs. Spiegel.

You were charged with m*rder and
conspiracy to commit m*rder, correct?

Those charges
have been dismissed.

They were only dismissed after you
volunteered to testify against your sister.

I volunteered
to tell the truth.

The entire truth would have to include all
the reasons you had to k*ll your husband.

I loved my husband.

Your affair with Paul Medici, the
prospect of a messy divorce...

Assumes facts not in the record.

Objection overruled.

In fact, your affair embroiled your
family in a multi-million dollar lawsuit.

You had more to hide
from your father than Laura.

None of that changes
what my sister did.

Laura got to Kate's apartment
about 9:45 p.m.

She stayed for
a little over an hour.

How can you be so certain
about the time Laura arrived?

I take my heart medication
four times a day.

That night, Laura brought me my pills a
little before the 10:00 news started.

Thank you, Mr. Bergreen.
Nothing further.

Your other daughter, Kate,
arrived home about 9:30 p.m.


And shortly thereafter,
Kate also came to your room.


Maybe you can help me with something
that doesn't make sense, Mr. Bergreen.

Kate said she watched
the news with you.

Laura said she watched
the news with you, too.

But they didn't see each other.

How can that be?

Did you watch the news twice?

10:00 on nine, 11:00 on four.

Isn't it true that Laura couldn't
have seen Kate that night

because Laura wasn't
at the apartment at 10:00 p.m.

When Richard Spiegel
was m*rder*d?

You have it backwards,
Mr. McCoy.

It was Kate who wasn't at the apartment.
She was at the store. She...

Sidebar, Your Honor.

Objection to the sidebar,
Your Honor.

I'd like to hear what this witness has to say.
The unabridged version.

So would I.
Continue, Mr. Bergreen.

She needed me to cover for her

because she wasn't at the apartment
till after 11:00 that night.

What did she
need you to cover for?

She told me the next day.

She k*lled Richard.

So your father is lying?

Of course he's lying.
To protect Laura.

JACK: Neat trick.

Your father says you confessed, you
deny it, the jury has reasonable doubt.

Your sister walks, and you're
immune from prosecution.

Dad said he was talking
to Laura's lawyer, Greer.

Greer told him I had nothing to worry
about because of the immunity.

Laura's lawyer told him
to offer that testimony?

I don't know.

I know my father would do anything
he had to to keep Laura out of jail.

And you weren't in on it?

Oh, yeah, I was in on it.

Kate has been completely forthright,
and I resent your implying...

Do you think I would volunteer to be
branded a m*rder*r? A husband-k*ller?

And then what?

I stroll through the rest of
my life like nothing happened?

It's nonsense, and you know it.

Seymour Bergreen perjured himself.
Go after him.

No. No.

The idea that Kate confessed
to her father is a joke.

Some joke.

We go after
Seymour for perjury.

You think that'll get him
to recant his testimony?

The idea sure bothered Kate.
Maybe she'll convince him to come clean.

Maybe she won't.
It's no time to speculate.

Closing arguments
start tomorrow.

We can ask for a continuance.

'Cause your case
is out the window.

If Laura's lawyer told Seymour
to lie, he suborned perjury.

That what Kate said?

It sounded like it to me.

Maybe Judge Larkin will grant us a
continuance to investigate the charge.

No sense being timid.
I'm gonna ask for a mistrial.

GREER: Suborning perjury?
That's preposterous.

Prior to his testimony, Mr.
Bergreen asked me about Kate's legal status.

I simply assured him that she was
immune from further prosecution.

The implication is obvious.

He assured Mr. Bergreen he could lie
on the stand at no risk to Kate.

The possibility of an ethical
violation casts a taint

on the integrity
of this trial, Your Honor.

There's the ethical violation!

Mr. Greer,
restrain yourself.

What is it you want here,
Mr. McCoy?

I see no alternative
to your declaring a mistrial.

On the basis of a single ambiguous
statement attributed to Mr. Greer?

We only started
our investigation.

He's desperate, Your Honor.
He's stalling.

I'm sorry, Mr. Greer,
but under these circumstances,

I have no choice but to take the
mistrial application under advisement.

GREER: I have
a better idea, Your Honor.

If Mr. McCoy needs some time
to conduct his investigation,

I'd agree to
a short continuance.

How long would you need?

Two weeks, minimum.

You get five days.

JACK: Mr. Bergreen,
sometimes we do things

without fully considering
all the ramifications.

Have you thought about the
effects of your testimony?

And I don't just mean
getting Laura off.

You'll always love Kate,

but other people are not as tolerant
as you are of a confessed m*rder*r.

You don't need to concern
yourself with me or my family.

What you said in court
will ruin Kate's life.

She'll be a pariah.
It's an ignominious existence,

and you will be responsible.

ROSS: Unless
you recant your testimony.

Which would mean Laura goes to jail.
What would you do?

JACK: Did you come up with
this scheme by yourself?

You gave her immunity.
It's not my fault.

Either you lied on the stand, Mr.
Bergreen, or you lied to the police.

There's about five felonies
we can charge you with.

Do you really
want to go to jail?

Tell us the truth.

The truth is, I love my daughters.
Both of them.

We'll see how much
they love you.

You're going to be arrested.

Why are you doing this?

We have no choice.

What he said about me is wrong, but
he was just trying to protect Laura.

All of it is wrong.

A trial will k*ll him.

JACK: I'm sorry.

Three days,
no word from Laura's camp.

Where are we
on the subornation charge?

Greer answered
all our subpoenas.

We haven't found anything
in the record to support it.

Yeah, so we go back to trial
in two days with nothing.

See if Laura'll take a plea.

I think we're wasting our time.

You're not being
paid by the hour.

Find out. And if she says no,
we got real troubles, don't we?

I guess your
smear campaign failed.

My office turned over
a truckload of records,

and you still couldn't
come up with anything.

We'd like to discuss
a plea for your client.

How do you sleep
at night, McCoy?

Why don't you
represent your client now

and chew me out later?

We're not dealing.

My sister said she did it.

That's a matter of opinion.

We're prepared to drop the
charges against your father

in exchange for your...

I said no deals.

Is this what you wanted?
Your father going to jail?

He will not go to jail.
He's bluffing.

Laura isn't even interested
in hearing the offer.

Game-playing's over.
Finish the trial.

What about Seymour's
perjury charge?

It's a felony.
If we drop the charge,

we look like
even bigger jackasses.

Offer him a plea and a $10,000 fine.
He can afford it.

Now, go face the music.

JUDGE LARKIN: Ladies and gentlemen of
the jury, have you reached a verdict?

We have, Your Honor.

Would the defendant
please rise?

On the sole count of the indictment,
m*rder in the second degree,

how does the jury find?

We find the defendant,
Laura Bergreen, not guilty.

JUDGE LARKIN: The defendant is released.
The jury is excused.

This court is adjourned.


We screwed up.
We're not supposed to screw up.

You act like it's
the first case you ever lost.


It isn't.
Doesn't mean I have to like it.

A m*rder goes unpunished,
it's bad for business.

Laura Bergreen's not the first rich
person to get away with m*rder,

and she won't be the last.
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