02x14 - The Keeper of the Flame

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Andy Griffith Show". Aired: October 1960 to April 1968.*

Moderators: Lindaballou, Lindaballou

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Andy Taylor who is a widowed sheriff raises his son in Mayberry, N.C.
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02x14 - The Keeper of the Flame

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring Andy Griffith...

With Ronny Howard.

Also starring Don knotts.

I promise
I will never reveal

any of the secrets
of the wildcats.

I promise I will never reveal

any of the secrets
of the wildcats.

I will not even tell anyone

there is such a club
as the wildcats.

I will not even tell anyone

there is such a club
as the wildcats.

Not even my paw?

Not anybody.

And if I ever do,

I will be struck down
by the curse of the claw.

Come on, you've got to say it.

And if I ever do,

I will be struck down
by the curse of the claw.

You are now an official
member of the wildcats

forever and ever.

Okay, the ceremony is over.

Open the door.

Now that he's a wildcat,

we've gotta give him a job.

I know.

I've got one for him.

Opie, everybody in the wildcats

has gotta have
an important office.

Know what you're going to be?

Keeper of the flame.

Oh, boy...

What's keeper of the flame?

You're in charge
of the sacred candle.

It's your job

to bring it to every meeting,

and you must never lose it

because it's a sacred candle.

But what happens

when the sacred candle
gets all used up?

We go down to the dime store
and buy another sacred candle.

Hey, you guys!

Old man foster's comin'!

Come on!

Come on, let's get out of here!

Remember, this is
a secret hiding place.

Don't ever tell anybody about it

or you know what'll happen.

I'll get the curse of the claw?

That's right.

Get out of here, now!

Didn't I tell you
to get out of here?!

Darn pests.

Hi, paw!
Hi, Barney!

- Oh, hi, son.
- Hi, ope.

How's everything?


Well, don't you look happy?

I declare, I believe if
you grinned any wider,

your teeth'd fall out.

He sure looks pleased.

Don't he, though?

I am.
Guess where I been!

Why, I give up.

I can't tell you,
but you know what I did?

I joined a club.

Well, that's fine.

What club was that?

I can't tell you.

You're kind of
secret, ain't you?

Uh-huh. Know
where we meet?

No, where?

I can't tell you.

I got a job in the club, too.

You have?

Know what it is?

No, what?

I can't tell you.

Well, doggone it,
why can't you tell us?

Well, I can't tell you
why I can't tell you.

Well, for heaven's
sakes, why not?

'Cause somethin'
would happen to me.

What would happen to you?

I can't tell you.

Well, so long.

I just thought
I'd come by and tell you.

Oh, I almost forgot.

I'm gonna have to pay dues
in this club.

How much are the dues?

I know, you can't tell me.

That's right...
What I wanted to ask was,

could I do a job
or somethin' for you

so's I can earn some money
for dues?

Oh, well, let's see.

Yeah, I guess there is
one thing you could do.

Take that waste basket
out there in the back

and empty it.

Thanks, paw.

That oughta earn
you a few pennies.

Thanks, Barney.

They sure come up with
the durndest ideas, don't they?

Yeah. We all went
through it, though.

Didn't you belong
to a secret club

when you was little?

I can't tell you.


I come here to make a complaint.

It must be a pretty
good-sized one, Mr. Foster,

for you to come tearin'
in here like this.

What's the trouble?

It's them young'uns.

Now, you've got to keep them

from trespassin'
on my property, you hear?


They done any damage?

Well, no...
No damage.

Anything been stolen?

Well, no, nothin' stolen.

But there's gonna be stealin'
and damage

if you don't stop them
from comin' on my property.

Now, you got to keep them
off my property, off.

You keep 'em off!

All right, jubal,
we'll keep a eye out.

Make a note of that, Barney.

Keep an eye out on the jubal
foster place, I got it.

You can just set your mind
at ease, jubal.

It'll be taken care of.

Yeah, well, it better be.

Because if it ain't...

Why, there's one of 'em
right now.

That's right.

That's one
of the bothersome brats

I seen on my property.

Ain't you?!

Now, wait a minute, foster!

Don't be comin' in here,

scarin' my boy half to death.

But he...
And I don't appreciate you

callin' him
a bothersome brat, either.

You made your complaint.
You can leave.

You heard the high sheriff, out!

Well, some sheriff's
office this is.

He sure is a miserable
crank, ain't he?

He sure is.

If he'd a said one more word,

I'd a been forced to get
physical with him.

He would, too.

Well, why should
we move from here?

It took us long enough
to find this place.

I think it'd be safer.

It's safe as long as
no one blabs, right, fellas?

Right. Sure. Yeah.

Then it's settled...
We don't move.

If we ain't got anything else
to talk about,

then the meeting is closed.

Everybody give the growl.

Okay, open the door.

Oh, don't forget the candle.

I won't.

Hey, you guys!

Old man foster's comin'!

Hey, you guys, hurry up!

You get out of here!

Get out of here, you kids!

Didn't I tell you
to keep off of here?!

Doggone you!


Stickin' their noses
where they hadn't oughta be.

I told that sheriff.

I says,
"keep 'em off my property."

He says, "sure. Sure."

As soon as your back is turned,
they're right back here.

Bothering decent,
respectable people.

I'll fix 'em.

Don't you worry.

I'll fix 'em, all right.

A man can't even

run a good, honest still
without being bothered anymore.

Yeah, I'd...

I'd like to get my hands on just
one of them little brats.

I'd learn 'em.

Not bad.

Not bad at all.

Wet down the rest of that hay!

It's still smolderin'!

I told him.

I told him...

To keep the kids out of here,
or there'd be trouble.

Boy, she really
burned to the ground.

How come you didn't call

them volunteer fire brigade?

They might have saved somethin'.

Well, there wasn't time.

Went up...

Just like that.

It was them kids.

I tell you, it was them kids.

I told you there'd be damage

if they was allowed
to hang around here.

Look, I seen 'em.

I seen 'em comin'
out of this Barn

and one minute later... poof!

There was a fire.

You're sure of that, now?

You're sure you saw young'uns
comin' out of the Barn?

Why, sheriff, are you
makin' me out a liar?

No. Barney,
we're gonna have to start

an investigation.

Yeah, full-scale.

Now, we'll need names.

Who are these young'uns?

Well, I don't know their names,

but I'd know 'em again
if I saw 'em.

I was tellin' you
about one of 'em

in your office
just the other day,

only you didn't believe me.

Now, don't start in
on Opie again.

He's too little
to be messin' around

with the boys
you're talkin' about.

I think this calls for a lineup.

No, Barney.

We'll call in every
kid in mayberry...

No, Barney.
Come on.

Well, you better catch
them kids quick, sheriff.

All right.
Yeah, I mean, because somebody's

gotta pay for this damage.

I still think
that lineup's a good idea.

Well, if the kids are lined up,

he'd have a chance...

No, Barney.

Wet that hay down!
It's still smolderin'!

Come on!

Celia, let go.

I must leave for the airport.


You mustn't go!

John, I'll promise anything.

I'll be anything,
I'll do anything.

Just don't go to Beverly.

Don't ever see her again.

Not see... my wife?

Your wife?

We were married at gretna green
at 4:00 this morning.

Oh, Celia, Celia, Celia...


Men, men, men.

Aunt bee?

Anybody home?

Andy, I'm sorry.

I was upstairs

and I just didn't notice
the time.

Oh, that's all right, aunt bee.

How is Celia today?


Celia Gordon.

What are we gonna do
about that poor woman

and all of her suffering?

Oh, stop it.

Do you reckon she'll ever
find true happiness?

That brighter tomorrow,
that stairway to the stars?

Oh, I just worry so much
about her.

What's this?


This here.

Oh, I found that in Opie's room.

You give him that?

What in the world is it?

Aunt bee...

Why, is something the matter?

There was a fire
out at jubal foster's today.

There was?

That's right,
and he claims he saw Opie

and some other young'uns
foolin' around up there.

Oh, Andy, you don't think...?

Where's Opie?

Well, he was out in
the back playing a while ago.

Opie, you out there?

Yeah, paw.

Come in here.

Your aunt bee found

this candle and these
matches in your room.

Suppose you tell us about 'em.

I got an explanation.

That's fine.
Let's hear it.

I had the candle in my room
to see when I go out at night.

You know you ain't
allowed outside after dark.


When I am allowed,
I want to be ready.


How come that candle's
half burnt?

I been practicing,

so when I'm ready...
I'll be ready.

Well, let's see if we can
get at this another way.

Did you know there was
a fire today at jubal foster's?

There was?

That's right... his Barn
burnt to the ground,

and he claims

a g*ng of boys are responsible

'cause accordin' to him
they been

hangin' around there
a lot lately.

Now, what I want to know is

were you there
and did you start that fire?

Gosh, paw,
I didn't start any fire.

Were you
at jubal foster's today?

That club you told me
you belong to...

Is that where they meet?

At jubal foster's?

And were you there?

I can't tell you
nothing about that, paw.

I can't.

Then jubal's right
about what he told me.

I sure must've looked foolish
standing there defending you.

Get on up to your room.

I didn't start any fire, paw.

I didn't.

Go on.

You do believe him, don't you?

Aunt bee, that boy's been
playing with matches,

and he's got to get a whippin'.

He claims he didn't
start the fire.


Say, maybe he knows who did
and he's covering up for him.

Kids do that, you know.


Meantime, I'm going to
have to pay for that Barn.

Well, why?
Why you?

Because a father's responsible

for any damage
his son might cause.

Well, before you
pay for that Barn,

I think it'd be a good idea

if somebody else
talked to the boy.

Why not let me
have a go at it, Andy?

Well, sure.

I'm pretty good
at interrogatin'.

Remember last week when
I got Otis to confess

that he was drunk right out?

Got him to confess?
He come crawlin' in here

on his hands and knees

"close the door,
there's a elephant behind me."

Now, that's not exactly
what you'd call

wormin' out information.

Say your prayers?


You know, I got to go
up at jubal foster's tomorrow.

You do?


You know what I got
to go up there for?

I got to go up there

and see about paying him
for that burnt-down Barn of his.

See, I'm responsible

for any damage
that you might've caused.

But, paw, I told you,
I didn't start that fire.

I know, you told me that.

There's one other thing that
I want to get clear, though.

Now, I'm gonna ask you
one more time,

no beatin' around the bush,

and I want a straight answer.

Were you at jubal foster's
the day his Barn burnt down?

Were you?

Yes, paw.

You're looking at the man

that's gonna have to pay
for that Barn.

I just want you to know that.

Well, sheriff.

Hello, jubal.

Well, did you, uh,
catch them kids yet

that started the fire?

No, but I'm here
to make good on that Barn.

Oh, so you're finally
willing to admit

that it was your own boy
that done it, huh?

I didn't say that.
And you don't have to be

so happy about it, jubal.

All right...

How much you figure
the loss to be?

You, uh...

You're gonna pay

for the whole thing
yourself, huh?

I said I would.
How much?

Well, uh, you know, uh,

I, uh, I suffered
a big loss here.

How much, jubal?

Well, let's see,
I guess it must be like, uh,

two, three hundred dollars
for materials.


Ain't only the lumber.

I got to replace the windows

and got to get shingles
for the roof.

Then, of course, there's labor.

Now, come on, jubal,
give me a figure,

so I can write you a check.

Now, that's what I'm here for.

What do you need
to build a new Barn?

It's just the Barn I'm
paying for, you know,

not a house.

Well, sheriff,
I figure about, uh...

$450 ought to cover it.

All right, jubal, $450 it is.

Uh, now, just a minute, sheriff.

On second thought,

maybe, uh, $450 won't cover it.

All right, what will?

Well, I mean, you know,
I left out a few items.


Just a second, Barney.

What items?

It wasn't only the Barn
that burned down,

there was the contents, too.

Just a second, Barney.

What are the contents,
and how much?

Well, let's see.

I had my wheelbarrow in there...

And my tools...


And I had quite a bit of hay.

Must've had about a hundred
bushels of corn.

Hundred bushels of corn.

Oh, yes, there was
some irons in there

and I guess maybe, oh,
two, three gallons of paint.

I figure that
ought to come to...

About two, three hundred.


What is it, Barney?


I'm trying to tell you

You're trying to what?

I'm trying to tell you something
that's very important.

Wait a minute.

Maybe you won't have to tell me.

Just a minute.

Jubal foster,
you're under arrest.


running a still and setting fire
to your own Barn.

A still?

Why, you must be crazy!

Look, I told you

about them kids.

I mean, what still?



Jubal, jubal, jubal...

Ju... bal.

That must be what my deputy
discovered accidentally.

Accidentally... that's right.

Well, what else
would you be doing

with a hundred bushels of corn?

Ain't that the finest way

for a fire to really
spread every which way?

When it hits that alcohol?

Congratulations, deputy Fife,

on an outstanding job
of detective work.

Let's take the prisoner in.


And all the time

I thought you didn't
trust me enough

to tell me the truth
about that fire.

Turns out I was the one
didn't trust you.

I apologize for that.

Will you forgive me?


Police officer ought
to know better than that.

Person is innocent
till he's proven guilty.

Now, I pronounced you guilty

and then went out
looking for evidence.

Sure am sorry about that.

I'm glad it's over.

Big load off my mind.

Big load off my mind, too, paw.

Well, let's me and you

just consider this case closed.

You want to?

Okay with me, paw.

Now, one other thing.

When I was your age,

I belonged to
a secret club, too.

Know what my job was?


Keeper of the flame.

Know what that is?


That's the fella that has to
bring the candle

and the matches
to every meeting.

Oh, is it?

Now, my pa had told me
not to fool around

with candles and matches
and stuff like that,

and when he found out about it,

he indicated that I
ought to give up that job,

and he indicated it real good

right back there.

Oh, did he?


Then pa come up with
a outstanding idea

how we could modernize our club.

'Stead of messing around
with old-fashioned

and dangerous candles
and matches,

he suggested
I change my title...

To keeper of the flashlight.

Why don't you try it?

It's a lot safer.

Gee, thanks, paw.

It's all right.


He ain't so dumb.
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