02x16 - The Manicurist

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Andy Griffith Show". Aired: October 1960 to April 1968.*

Moderator: Lindaballou

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Andy Taylor who is a widowed sheriff raises his son in Mayberry, N.C.
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02x16 - The Manicurist

Post by bunniefuu »

I want you to realize
this world is moving too fast!

We've got jet planes
flying coast to coast

In four hours,

Spaceships spinning
the earth every hour.

Well, you take
my word for it,

This world is
moving too fast.

You are absolutely right.

Watch the scissor!

Oh, I'm sorry.

I don't know, mayor.

Seems to me if
you're going somewhere,

You ought to get there
as quick as you can.

There's a lot of good sense
in that too, andy.

Floyd, please,
watch the scissor!

Well, how can
a man appreciate it

If he gets to where
he's going too fast?

Now, folks crossing the country
in a covered wagon,

That was really something.

But if they get there
in four hours,

How can they appreciate it?

Well, they may not
appreciate it, mayor,

But their clothes sure
don't get as wrinkled.


Well, andy's got
a point there.

Floyd! Are you
giving me a haircut

Or trying to make
the mark of zorro?

I agree with the mayor.

People are in too much
of a hurry nowadays.

What happened to
the fine art of sitting?

Just sitting and staring.

Oh, that's the finest
thing in the world,

Sit on the porch
in the moonlight night,

Stare at the sky.

That's what probably folks'll do
when they get to the moon.

They'll sit on the porch up
there and stare down here.

Then why the big
rush to the moon?

Maybe they're looking
for a different porch.

[ Laughter ]

A different porch!

You are a card,
you know?

Floyd, for god's sake,

For crying out loud,
be careful!

Well, I'm sorry --
you're finished, anyway.

Thank the --
just a second.

"Looking for
a different porch."


Floyd! Do you have to
dust me like that?

I'm not a diseased crop!

I'm giving your
money's worth.

All right, next.

Okay. Ah, not too
short, floyd. Ah.

[ Horn honking ]

Looks like the nashville bus
is comin' through.

Yep, and
right on time, too.

Hey, will you look
what's getting off that bus!

[ Horn honking ]


That is what
I call a female.

Me, too.

Yes. That's a
female, all right.

Right, andy?

Yep. That's definitely
not a boy.

Times like this

I wouldn't mind being
a young bachelor.

She's got it,
all right.

you're a bachelor.

You think you could handle
a gal like that?

You kidding?

You think you're talking
to a country boy?

Shucks, I know just what
I'd do with a gal like that.


What would you do?

Well, I'd be inclined
to treat a girl like that

A little bit rough.

They expect it.

You know, let 'em know
right off who's boss.

Rough 'em up a little bit.

Well, you may
get your chance.

She's headed this way.


She's coming right in here.

Hi there.

I'm looking

For the proprietor.

A-are you he?

Uh, uh, uh, yes, ma'am,
i-i-i am the proprietor.

Floyd lawson, proprietor--
that's he.

Uh, that's me.

I better get back
to city hall.

And i...

Uh, I better check and see

If there's been
any crime waves or anything.

Uh, well, good-bye, floyd.

[ Horn honking ]

[ Tires screech ]

Oh, they don't
seem friendly.

Oh, but, ma'am,
uh, uh, uh...

[ Babbling ]

Isn't that right, andy?

Oh, they-they're
friendly, ma'am.

They're friendly
as can be.

They're just shy.

Oh, well, I'm glad

Because that's the one thing
I'm looking for

Is a friendly place.

Where the people
are friendly?

I guess you're wondering

What I'm doing
here in mayberry.

I worked in this
big-city barber shop

And this barber, pierre, was
forever after me to marry him

And I kept saying,
"I need time to think."

You know how a girl
needs time to think?

Only he didn't think
I needed so much time to think

But I did,
and we had this fight,

And I just had to go away.

Well, you can see why
I had to do that.

Uh, to think.

And besides, I was
getting awful tired

Of the big city
because, you know

It's getting so a girl can't
walk down the street anymore

Without being whistled at.

Do you know why men
do that?

Oh, I wouldn't
have any idea.

Would you, floyd?

Oh, no, no, no.
I-i wouldn't know at all.

And another thing, the big city
isn't a very friendly place.

The people and all,
they're not friendly.

So, I just decided
I'd get on a bus

And the first
friendly-lookin' town I came to

I'd get off and stay there
a while and think things over

And do you know this bus
that I was on

It passed a sign that said

"Welcome to mayberry,
the friendly town"

And that seemed friendly,
so here I am.

Oh, well, we're,
uh, we're glad

That you think
we're friendly.

Well, you're probably
wondering why I came in here.

My chosen profession
happens to be I'm a manicurist--

I do nails-- and that's what
I was doing in that barber shop

Where pierre wants to marry me

Only he doesn't think
I need time to think it over

But I do because a girl
needs time to think over that.

I thought since I was going
to be in mayberry a while

I'd be needing a job

So that's why I came in here
to your barber shop

To ask for a job.

A manicurist?

Here? In mayberry?

That's my chosen profession--
I do nails.

Well, uh, uh, yes,
of course, uh, but...

Well, uh, ma'am,
i-i don't believe

That there'd be much call
for a fingernail doin'

Here in-in mayberry.

Yeah. I never heard
of anybod in mayberry

Having a manicure.

No. That's right, ma'am.

There just wouldn't be
enough work for you.

I mean, well, uh...
I couldn't pay, or...

Oh, well, that's the good part.

You don't have to pay anything.

I work strictly on commission.

Well, that's the way we work
in my chosen profession.

Now, I'll just work over here
at this table by the window

Where I'll be out of your way,
and this chair will be for me

And this will be
for my customers.

Uh, what customers?

There won't be
any customers.

You wait and see.

There'll be
all kinds of 'em

And anyway, as you say,
"what have you got to lose?"

I didn't say that.

Oh, well, you will.

Now, I better get over
to the hotel and get settled

And I'll be back later
for my things

And thanks ever so much
for giving me this opportunity.

That's all right, b-but...

That sign was right.

Mayberry is a friendly town

And that's what I was
looking for is a friendly town.

Oh... Oh, by the way,
my name is ellen brown.

Andy! This is ridiculous.

What are you going
to do about it?

What am I going
to do about it?

Well, floyd, now
manicurin' don't exactly

Come under the headin'
of a bona fide crime.

But this is revolutionary!

My customers won't take
to a drastic thing like this.

A manicurist. Oh, oh....

Now, now, now, floyd,
don't have a spell.

It's just a
passin' thing.


Sure. It won't take
her long to find out

There's no work for her.

I'll give her 24 hours.

But while she's here

She sure is pretty to
look at, ain't she?

Yeah? Kinda like a
calendar come to life.

Oh, she is. Oh.

What you fellas lookin' at?


Hi, g*ng.
What's going on?

Look, look...

Look over here.

Wh...? It's that
girl from the bus.

Is she working
in here?

Well, come on in, boys.

What are you
standing out there for?

Come on.

Uh, hmm, mm...


How do, gentlemen?

Anybody care
for a manicure?

[ All grumbling ]

How 'bout you, sir?

Uh, no, thank you, i-i-i
wouldn't care for one.

Manicure for you, sir?

No, ma'am,
no, thanks.

No, thank you.

How about you,


Would you like
a manicure?

Uh... No. No, thanks.

I, uh... I never, uh,
never went in, uh

For that, uh, kind of thing.

I heard you went rabbit
hunting sunday, mayor.


How'd you do?

Shot three.

Missed you
out there, sam.

Where were ya?


Do any good?

Caught a half-dozen trout.

Floyd: what did you
do sunday, barney?

Stayed home.

How'd you do?

Caught three.

Not bad.

How's everything in the
hardware business, sam?

Slowest week I've had
in three years.

That's nice.

Thinkin' of
runnin' a sale

To boost business.

Barney: oh, yeah?

What are you going
to put on sale?


That's always
a good household item.

Sure none of you gentlemen
would like a manicure?

Now is the time.

I find I have
an openin'.

Well, no, i...

No, i...

Howdy, fellas.

[ All mumble ]

Gone already, huh?

I told you that little ol' girl
wouldn't last 24 hours.

Imagine her thinking
anybody in mayberry

Would let a girl
cut their fingernails

And paint 'em and all.

Ain't that a laugh?

Why, I'd no more think...

Uh, howdy.

You know what I think?

I think this isn't
a very friendly town after all

And I think you've got a nerve
puttin' up a sign

Sayin' that it is.

Well, ma'am, I didn't know...

Excuse me

But I distinctly heard you say

I wouldn't last more
than 24 hours here.

Just to make sure
you're not wrong

I'll get my things together

And I'll just get back
on that bus, and...

And I'll just keep on travelin'

Till I find a town
that is friendly.

Nice goin', sheriff.

Goodbye, mr. Lawson.
And thank you.

Sorry it didn't turn out well.
I'm real sorry.

Oh, well, that's all right.
I just thought that--

Where you going?

I'm going to wait

For the bus,
if you don't mind.

Well, uh, that don't
seem like very good business

To leave when you
got a... A customer.

I don't see a customer.


if your manicurist

Has got
a open appointment

Why, I'd like
to get me a manicure.

Huh? You mean
you would...?

Well, just a
minute, then, andy.

Get your things.

[ Mumbling ]

Oh, yeah.

Gee whiz.

[ Mumbling ]

It's good of you
to do this, andy.

You're a real prince of
a fellow, that's what you are.

A real prince.

[ Laughing ]

[ Clearing throat ]

Uh, manicurist?



A real prince.

Well... Oh, manicurist?

Front and center.


Uh, they're... They're
a mess, ain't they?

I generally
cut 'em myself.

My aunt bee's got
a good-sized pair

O' dressmaking
scissors that I use...

Or I might just use
her poultry shears.

Sometimes I just set
out in the backyard

And clip 'em with
the hedge clipper.

[ Laughing ]

Don't get 'em
down too far.

I want... I
want to leave

A little bit
for scratchin'.

[ Laughing ]

A real prince.

Andy, what's
she doin' to you?

She's just givin' me
a manicure

Like any cultured gentleman
ought to get.



You're next.


Just be glad you're
a cultured gentleman.

Sit down.

But, andy...

You'll enjoy it.

As my deputy, I want
you to look nice

Right down to
the fingernails.

Now, andy, i...

That's a order.


there you are, miss.

Why, thank you.

And may I say

I have never had
a finer manicure.

There you are, floyd.

Thank you.



And I really do mean thank you.

Well, yes'm.

See y'all later.

Andy? Um...
Uh, andy...? Andy!

Um... Uh...


Well, let me
have your hand.

I won't hurt you.


[ Gasps ]

What's the matter?

It makes my skin crawl.

I'll be real careful.

Well, be extra careful
with that one.

That's my trigger finger.

You damage that, and I might
as well quit the business.

All right.
I'll only do nine.

Not frightened anymore?

Nah. Feels kinda good.

Do this one.

Howdy, fellas.
What's up?

Andy, look.
How 'bout that?

Do you believe it
when you see it?

It's just deputy fife
gettin' a manicure.

What about it?


Well, ain't everybody
gettin' 'em?

I know I got mine.

You? Got a manicure?

Well, sure. Lookit there.

You ever see fingers
come out so even?

Can't bite 'em down
that good.

Yeah, but nobody ever had
a manicure before in mayberry.

Oh, well, that's 'cause

They didn't know
what they was missin'.

You know what the best part is,
don't you?


Havin' a purty girl
like ellen

Hold your hand
the whole time.

She, uh... She sure
is a looker, all right.

There's no doubt
about that.

Oh, she is, and she wears
the purtie perfume.

Oh, it's just a pleasure

To sit there beside of her
and breathe.

Why don't you go in
and wait your turn?

Oh, I don't know.

I... I'm not so sure

How the little woman
would take it if i...

Oh, you, uh... Scared
of your wife, are you, mayor?

Oh, no.
Of course not.

She breathes heavy
and he jumps a mile.

That's not true.

If I wanted to get
a manicure, I'd do it.

Why don't ya?

Yeah. Why
don't ya?

Why don't you?
Why don't you?

Maybe I will.
Maybe I will,

All right,
let's both go.
Okay with me.

Me, too.
You go first.

I'll put you
down for 5:00.

Fine, thank you.

You may have to
work overtime.

My, this is
a friendly town after all.

There you are. Next.

Next. Next.

Mornin', floyd.

How's everything?

Awful, just awful.

What's the matter?

Well, it started
last night--

Call after call
canceling the appointments

And then more
this morning.

Well, she is going to think this
is an unfriendly town now.

Who can blame her?

You mean they're canceling
manicure appointments?

Yes, right and left.

I'll bet you
there won't be

One single appointment
kept today.

Well, what happened?

Wives. They don't
like the idea

Of their husbands
havin' their hands held

By a pretty young thing
like miss ellen.

Something we should've
thought of, ain't it?

Oh, I don't know
what to tell her now.

Things were goin' along
so well and everything.

This is just
where we started.

This is going to destroy
her fai in this town, andy.


Say, andy...


You're awful good
with words.

How 'bout you tell her?

No. Now, floyd,
I can't do...

Oh, there you are, floyd.

They told me you were here.

I've got to get back
to my shop.

Something's come up.

I have to talk to you.

Just talk to andy.

Uh, floyd, uh...

Ellen, won't you, uh...

[ Clears throat ]

Won't you, uh, sit down?

Well... Thank you.

But I did want
to talk to floyd

Because something very
important has come up.

When I first came
to mayberry

I wanted time to think

And I thought
this would be

A friendly town in
which to do that, and...

I-i-it is a friendly town,
miss ellen.

You've got to believe that

But, uh, there's somethin'
that, uh, that I want you

To... To, uh, understand.

There is?

Yes, there is.

Now, uh, i... I don't
know whether you...

Whether you know this
or not, but, uh...

Well, uh... Nature's
been good to you.

I mean real,
real, real good.

I can't remember when
I've seen nature spend

So much time
on any one person.

And, well, what
I'm, uh, tryin' to tell you

Is that bein' as pretty
as you are

And as unattached
as you are, well, uh...

You can be a pretty
worrisome thing

To other, married women.

I can?

Yes, you can.
You can.

The fact is, uh

Some of the married women
here in mayberry

Are afraid
that you're gonna

Steal their husbands
away from 'em.

Oh, well,
that's silly.

I'd never do a
thing like that.

I know you wouldn't

But it sure would help
matters a lot

If you was to be
married yourself.

And then, see,
the wives here

Wouldn't feel
so uncomfortable

About you holdin'
their husbands' hands.

You get
what I'm drivin' at?

Why, sheriff taylor

That is the sweetest
proposal I have ever heard.

What was that last thing
you said?

I said that is the sweetest
proposal I have ever heard.

Ellen, i... I...

You're askin' me
to marry you.

Ellen, i, uh... I...

Imagine me the wife
of a sheriff.

Ellen, i... I...

It's a good thing
you didn't tell me

All this yesterday

Or I might really
have been confused.

But I cannot accept your
proposal of marriage

Because I called
pierre and told him

To come and get me

As I have
thought it over

And I have agreed
to become his wife.

Well, that's what I
wanted to tell floyd--

That I can't work
in his shop anymore

Because pierre's comin' to get
me on the afternoon bus

But it was terribly sweet
of you to ask me.

Why, that's the most
flatterin' thing

That's ever
happened to me

And even though I'm
married to pierre

I'll always have
fond memories of you.

Well, I better get back to
the hotel and get packed.

Good-bye, and
thanks again.

Oh, hi, barney.

Hi. Hi...

Bye, barney.

Ain't we lucky
to be livin'

In such a friendly town?

Wasn't anything
floyd could do,

What with ellen
leaving and all.

Yeah, but it wasn't fair,

Getting a fella used to
having a manicure

And then cutting
it off like that.

Become an addict,
did you?

Oh, no, it's not
that I can't --

Andy, look!

Good ol' floyd,
he's got another one!

I'll be dogged.

Where's the manicurist?
The sign said --

She'll be right out.

[ Chuckles ]

Uh, manicurist?

Well, you had to bow to popular
demand, didn't you, floyd?

If john q. Public wants it,
give it to him.

Manicurist! Customers.

I'm first, now.

This time I don't want any
trouble with jealous wives.

But -- but what does emma watson
know about manicures?

Why, look, she's never had
any experience in her life!

Oh, stop blathering
and give me your hand.
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