02x17 - The Jinx

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Andy Griffith Show". Aired: October 1960 to April 1968.*

Moderators: Lindaballou, Lindaballou

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Andy Taylor who is a widowed sheriff raises his son in Mayberry, N.C.
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02x17 - The Jinx

Post by bunniefuu »

Henry, do you
have to stand

Looking over my left
shoulder like that?

It's bad luck
looking over

A player's
left shoulder.

Everybody knows that.

Stand somewheres else,
will ya?

Are you kiddin'?

No, I ain't

This is ridiculous.

Go, barney.
It's your move.

Oh, no, no,
wai-- no, no.

No, he doesn't
like to be rushed.

That's right, don't rush me,
just don't rush me.

Let me take
my own sweet time.

Oh! Say,
that was nice.

Nice move there.

I'll just take
my own sweet time,

Too, and I'll just
jump you here.

And here...
And here.

[ Laughter ]

It's easy to see
why I lost that one.

It's because you
was standing behind me

And you jinxed me,
that's why.

Could it be that

Maybe you was getting

And what made me careless?

Answer me that one.

Are you trying to make me out
like a jinx or something?

Well, maybe you are a jinx.


You remember
last labor day?

The horseshoe pitching

Virgil hodge was pitching
a beautiful game.

Just beautiful.

Then at one point

He went to get hisself
a drink of water

And you patted him
on the back

And ka-boom!

Virgil lost
the contest.

Now, ain't that right?

That is right.

Now, wait a minute.

It wouldn't be that
virgil was overconfident?


Facts is facts,

Virgil was winning
until you touched him

And hexed him.

Now, listen...
Listen to me.

This is just

A lot of just

I don't know
about that.

What's going on?

Oh, henry here
just hexed me

Into losing
a checker game.

And now they're trying

To make me out
to be a jinx.

Well, like barney said,
facts is facts.

I just happen
to remember something.

It was the opening day
at the little league.

You probably remember
this, barney.

Uh, what happened?

Well, a foul ball
went in the stands

And henry caught it
and threw it back.

Well, the very next batter
that comes up

He knocks a fly out to my son

And it goes
through his fingers.

Uh, floyd, could
that have happened

Because your boy ain't
a very good ballplayer?

It was the only fly

That my norman dropped
in the whole game.

Well, I don't know

But I believe it
was the only fly

That come to your norman
in the whole game.

It happened after henry
patted virgil on the back

Just like it happened
after he stood behind me.

The plain fact is,
you're a jinx.

I don't have
to stand around here

And listen to all
this baloney.

Barney fife,
you're a sap!

Just a great big sap!

And that goes for all
the rest of you, too.

Who you callin'
a sap?!

Well, I can't say
as how I blame him.


What did you expect,

Carrying on,
calling him a jinx?

What's the matter
with you?

Well, andy, he was there
when all these things happened.

So how do you account
for that, huh?

Facts is facts,

Fact number one,
I was playing checkers...

I know, I know.

You were playing checkers

And you conveniently blame
the checker game

And the ball game and everything
on henry.

You're all acting like a bunch
of superstitious young'uns.

I believe I'll just go
tell him so.

You ain't planning on a game
of cards or checkers?


If you get close to henry

You're going to be
somebody's pigeon.

[ All laughing ]

He's going to be
somebody's pigeon.

Hey, henry!

Sheriff, ain't you afraid
of getting yourself hexed?

You ain't going to take
them seriously, are you?

Well, dad-burn it, andy,

How would you feel
if they was to make out

You was the town jinx?

But they was just joking.


Oh, sure.

You know there's
no such thing as a jinx.

They was just trying to
get a big joke off on you.

Well, it ain't funny
to me.

Well, listen--

We'll just get a bigger joke
back at them.

Yeah? How?

Day after tomorrow's
the opening day

Of fishing season,

You come with barney
and me in my boat.


That's right.

We always do extra
good because we got

A special fishing
hole we know about.

They'll be laughing out the
other side of their faces.

Oh, that's a great idea,

Yeah, that will
show them.

It surely will.

But, uh,
what's your deputy

Going to think
about that idea?

Oh, don't worry
about him.

Once I explain it
to him

He'll be all for it.

That's one thing about barney.

Once you explain something
to him,

He gets real sensible.

Henry bennett in our boat?

You actually invited him
to be in our boat?

Henry bennett?

In our boat?

That's right,

Oh, brother!

I thought
I'd heard everything.

But I didn't
hear everything,

But I sure am
hearing it now.

Speak right up

If you got
any objections.


Oh, what possible
objections could I have?

Outside of the fact

That for the past
three years running

You and I have won
the opening day sweepstakes

For the best catch.

But the important
thing is that

Thelma lou and I were
planning to celebrate

By having an
intimate dinner.

Oh, you were?

That's right.

Just her and me.

We were going to have

A little candlelight
and wine.

Then we was going
to listen

To some of them
cole porter records

That has
that certain effect on her.

Outside of the fact that
that's all down the drain

I don't object.

Why should henry
make a difference?

He's a jinx!

It's as simple
as that, andy.

Oh, come on, barney.

You don't really
believe that stuff.

I do!

And with him
in the boat

How are we going
to win the sweepstakes?

What chance do we have
to catch one trout?

And without any trout,
how's thelma lou and me

Going to have
an intimate dinner?

And without
an intimate dinner

How are we going
to get to cole porter?

You see, andy

It just unravels
the whole evening.

Oh, ain't that awful?

Ain't that awful?

A whole evening spoiled.

Now, don't tell me anymore

Or I'll be standing here
up to my ankles

In a puddle of tears.

Oh, you're funny, you are.

Why don't you put
a flower in your lapel

And squirt water?


Barney: back room, ope.

Hi, barney.

Hi, ope.

What you doing?

Oh, getting ready
to go fishing tomorrow.

By readin' a book?

Yeah, I'm studying
to find something

To give us good luck.

This is an old book
of my grandma's.

It's just full
of valuable information.

Hey, here's something.

Listen to this.

"To insure good luck
before a coming event,

"Rub the head of
a redheaded man.

"If a man with red hair
cannot be obtained

A boy will do."

Well, now.

I don't reckon
you could find

Any hair redder than
that carrot top of yours.

If you don't mind...

That ought to do
some good.

We need all the luck
we can get.

At fishing?


Golly, you and paw always
win on the opening day.

Well, henry bennett is
going in our boat, ope

And henry bennett
is a jinx.

He is?

He is, and you
got to take

All the precautions
you can

Against a jinx.


Coming, andy.

Hi, paw!

Oh, hi, ope.
Hi, barn.

How is everybody?

Oh, fine.

You want
to rub my head?

I want to what?

Go on--
I'm a redhead.

Why don't you
run out and play, ope?

What are you
talking about?

I'm just helping
to take precautions

Against a jinx.

Where'd you learn that?

Oh, he probably picked it up

You know how kids are.

They're always picking
things up.

That's the way they are.

I'll see you.

Could it be he picked up
this particular gem

Right here from you maybe?

From me?

What you got behind
your back there?


Behind your back,
right here.

What's this?

I just... Catching up on
a little reading.

"Signs, omens,
portents and charms

To ward off bad luck."

Catchy little title,
ain't it?

Now, barney,
I want you

To stop
this nonsense.

Now, that's why
I asked henry bennett

To come fishing with us
in the first place

Was to stop
this foolishness

About him being
a jinx.

We're going to catch
just as many fish

As we ever did.

I want you
to stop fretting.

And quit rubbing
opie's head.


I ain't even had
a nibble yet, andy.

Oh, we're going
to do just fine.

We ain't been here
long enough.

Don't worry about it.

Right, barney?

What are you doing?

You stop that.

We ain't caught a fish.
He's jinxin' us.

Barney, quit!

It ain't going
to hurt

To try a few sayings.

Touch this rabbit foot.


Come, fish, come.
Come, fish, come.

Sam's at the gate
with a frosted cake.

Come, fish, come.

Silliest thing I ever heard.

Shhh! Here's
another one.

Fly away, buzzard.

Fly away, crow.

Way down south
where the winds don't blow.

Rub your nose
and give two winks

And save us
from this awful jinx.

You put that thing away...

Henry: andy!

Look at your line!

Look at that
pole bend!

You got a big one!

Andy, look!

I can't look!
I'm busy.

But, andy...

Look at
the size of him.

He is a big one.

Boy, he sure is.

The biggest I've seen
out of this pond.

Boy, you reckon folks
will still call you a jinx?

I reckon not.

Andy, will you
hand me an oar?

We ain't going anywhere.

Well, we'd better.
We're sinkin'.

Now, here's the man
that can tell us

Just what he had in mind
when he asked henry bennett

To fish in
the same boat with him.

Uh, what were you trying
to do there, andy?

Throw the fishing contest?

I don't think that's
a bit funny, floyd.

Oh, you mean you still
don't think he's a jinx?

Well, you asked for it.

You saw the whole thing

Biggest catch in years
in your fingertips

And you lose it.

Well, I can't lay all that
at henry's door.

Well, where do you lay it?

At a lot of doors.

Now, I dropped my pole
because our boat was sinking.

Well, why was that?

Because earl gilley
was too blamed cheap

And tried to save money
on the caulking, that's why.

Boy, you insist on flying

Right in the face
of scientific fact, don't you?

Scientific fact?

There are atmospheric rays
which control bodily motions.

Now, if a person containing
negative or hexing qualities

Gets between you and them rays

Why, he creates a static
that jars any successful motion

Into an unsuccessful motion
and jinxes you.

And that is
a scientific fact.

And that is also

The biggest crock of
nothing I ever heard.

It's guys like you
that laughed at edison,

The wright brothers,
buzz fluheart.

Buzz fluheart?

He discovered the scientific
fact I just was telling you.

Oh, for heaven's sakes, barney.

Hello, boys.

What you got there?

Tickets for the church
social saturday night,

And nobody leaves
without buying one.

I'll take one, aunt bee.

What's the door prize
this year, aunt bee?

A portable tv.

Oh, stepping up
in class, huh?

Remember but last year
it was just a transistor radio.

Without an earplug.

Well, the bigger the prize,
the more tickets we sell.

Say, that's cute.
"Bigger the prize..."

Hey, here comes henry bennett.

Quick, everybody.

Touch this rabbit's foot.

Touch it. Touch it.
Touch it.

Touch it, andy.

Turn the mirror face down.

take your right hand

Put it over your head,
touch your left earlobe.


Close your eyes
and listen to this:

Wink 'em, think 'em,
'nonymous rex.

Protect us all
from the man with the hex.

Wink 'em, think 'em,
'nonymous rex...

Hello, henry.

Hi, henry.

Hello, sheriff, aunt bee.

What are you fellas doing?


I'll tell you
what they're doing, henry.

Outside of behaving like
a bunch of nuts,

They're protecting themselves
from a jinx.

They saw you a-coming.

I know, I know.

And that's the reason
I'm, uh...

Well, I'm leaving.

You're what?

I'm leaving mayberry.

I come over to tell you that.

You can't be serious.

Oh, yes, I am.

Ain't no fun living in a town

Where folks are starting
to avoid you.

Folks that used to be
your friends.

From now on,

Everything bad that
happens in this town

Is going to be
blamed on me.

And after what happened
at the fishing,

I ain't so sure
but what they'd be right.

Well, uh...

[ Clearing throat ]

Maybe I'll be seeing you.

Well, I hope
you're all satisfied

With your picking at him

And your scientific facts
and all.

Well, andy, I didn't mean
to hurt him.

You hurt him bad enough
that he's leaving town.

Barney, sometimes
you beat everything.

Golly, andy, we
was only having

A little joke.

Your joke
went too far.

You don't really believe
henry's a jinx?


How about you fellas?

How about you, barney?

You believe henry's got
the power to hex somebody?

See? None of you
believe it,

But you got henry
to believe it,

And he's leaving town

And there's no reason
for it, too.

Henry's a good man
and every one of you

Ought to be ashamed
of yourselves.

What do you think
we ought to do about it?

I don't know, but you
better do something.

Floyd: like what?
How do I know?

Well, maybe we
could make it up to him.

Yeah, maybe we
could show him

That his luck has changed.


Well, maybe something like,

You know, if he
just won that tv

Saturday at the
social, you know.

You expect henry to win?
Are you kidding?

There'll be 100 people
with chances at that door prize.

Just how do you think
henry bennett will win?

Wait a minute.

There's a lot of ways
henry might win.

One way, of course,
by pure chance,

And then there's the fact

That henry's overdo
for some good luck.

And there's one more way,

And I believe that's
the way that I prefer.

What's that?


You mean, rig it
so's he'd win?

That's right.

Andy, how can
a respectable sheriff

And an upstanding group
of citizens like us

such a thing?

Well, if the upstanding group
of citizens

Will listen just a minute,
I'll tell you.

Aunt bee,
there'll be a hat

Full of numbers there,

Uh-huh. And corresponding
numbers in a fish bowl.

Now, suppose we had
all the numbers

In the hat
and the fishbowl the same.

Well, that would mean
everybody'd be a winner.

It would,
it would.

Supposing we got
everybody to agree

Not to answer
when the number's called.

Henry'd be the only one
to speak up.

He'd have to be
the winner.

That's right.
You want to do that?

I think that's
a pretty good idea.

Just a minute, andy.

How you getting henry
to the church social?

I'll get
him there.

Sheriff taylor, I got
to hand it to you.

For a fella sworn

To uphold law and order
and decent living,

You sure are a good sneak.

[ Hoedown plays ]

All right, now,
there you are.

There's a hat full
of lucky numbers,

And each one of them just
happens to be number 44.

Shh! He's over there.

Now, everybody
got it straight?

We all got it straight?

Yes, yes, I know.
Now, nobody's
to say anything

When the winning number's
called except, henry, okay?

I know.
Okay, go.

Oh, that was extra good.

Good. Come on up here,
aunt bee.

Good, sandy.
Don't your voice ever get tired?

All right, everybody,
all right, now,

Quit dancing, quiet down,
and come on up here

And let's make
a real close group up here

Around the stage here.

Aunt bee: now, folks,
get your numbers ready

For the big drawing

For the beautiful
portable tv set.

Come on, henry.

I think I'll step out
for a breath of air.

No. Wait a minute.

It's the drawing.
You might win.

You got as good a chance
as anybody else.

You took a number,
didn't you?


Well, then, come on then.

Now, everybody set?

Andy: go ahead,
aunt bee.

Andy, would you
do the honors?

Well, I'd be proud to serve.

Everybody ready?

There they are.
There they are.

There they are.

Whoop, whoop, whoop.

I got one, I got one,
you ready?

The winning number
is number 44.

And the winner is...

The lucky number's
number 44,

And the winner
is stepping forward right now,

And we see
that it is, uh...

No number 44, huh?

Everybody want to check
your cards?

Well, it ain't my number.

Why don't you look
at your number?

You did get a number,
didn't you?

Good. Folks, henry bennett's
going to show us

What number he
pulled out of the hat.

What'd you get,
henry, number 44?

No. Six and seven-eighths.

[ Clamoring ]


Let me see that.

Oh, andy, he pulled out
the hat size.

I told you, didn't i?

Now I've even
jinxed myself.

Uh, wait, wait
a minute, henry.

Wait a minute.

There's something
you ought to know.

This, uh, this drawing
was rigged.


That's right.

Folks, would you show henry
what number you got?

Well, they've
all got 44.

That's right.

Only they wasn't going
to say anything.

That way
you would have to win.

And I still lost.

Well, I wouldn't
be so sure.

What? What do you mean?

Well, henry, look what
everyone's trying to do

To prove you're
not bad luck.

What aunt bee's
trying to say

Is that you got to believing
that you're a jinx

And full of bad luck
and everything.

And, well, I don't know
how you figure it,

But the way I see it,

Why, the luckiest thing
a man can have is friendship.

Kind of friendship

These folks here
tried to show you tonight.

With friends like that,

I don't hardly see
how you can be a loser.

Speaking of which,
speaking of which,

Since henry was going to win
the tv anyway,

Let's award it
to him unanimously.

[ Cheering ]

All right, let me through.

What say
we just put the tv set

In the squad car right now,

And, barney,
you can drive henry home.

Come on, henry,
floyd, let's go.

Hey, andy!


You want me
to drive him home?

In our squad car?

That's right.

Well, come on, barney,
what you doing?

I'm just looking
for something.

If I'm driving him home,
I better take a precaution.


Hi, red!

[ Laughing ]

When are we going
fishing, paw?

We'll go in
a few minutes,

Soon as barney gets here.
Go on, move.

I got you cornered and I'm
going to lower the boom on you.


Well, I guess there
ain't much I can do.

Oh, no...

Oh, that's a good,
outstanding move.

Now, watch this.

Look, look, look,
look, look...


Look at that.

Hey, wait a minute.


I won! I won!
I beat paw!

Did you see that,

I sure did!
How long you been
standing there?

Long enough to see you
pull that boo-boo.

That was a dilly.

Well, no wonder I lost.


You hexed me.

Well, how else
you explain me

Getting so careless
all of a sudden?

You were standing
right behind me.

Aw, come on, andy!

Wish I'd known
you's standing there.

I'd have rubbed
opie's head.

Well, if you're going fishing,
let's go fishing.

I don't know we want you
in the same boat with us,

You being
a jinx and all.

Cut that out!
Let's go.

[ Thunder rumbles ]

Holy cow!
It's beginning to storm!

Storm's coming up!



Well, bad luck barney,
you've done it again.

Come here, opie.

You're a riot,
you know that?

Why don't you go
some place and happen?
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