04x20 - Fuller House

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Full House". Aired: September 1987 to May 1995.*
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A widower enlists help to raise his three daughters..
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04x20 - Fuller House

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, steph, I just came

From my conference
with your teacher.

Did you have a nice visit?

Honey, everything's fine.

Miss claire just told me

You're having some
trouble learning fractions.

I don't get it.

I used to be a math whiz.

Now I'm a math weenie.

You got nothing to worry about

Because miss claire
gave me some great ideas

To supplement everything
she's doing in school.

Your entire family is gonna
take you on a magical journey

Into the exciting,
wonderful world

Of fractions all around us.

They're back! They're
back! They're back!

Jesse and rebecca are
back from their honeymoon?

They're back! They're back!

They're back! They're back!

I just said that! Don't
you people listen?

Captioning made
possible by warner bros.

♪ Whatever happened
to predictability ♪

♪ The milkman, the paper boy ♪

♪ Evenin' tv? ♪

♪ How did I get
delivered here? ♪

♪ Somebody tell me, please ♪

♪ This old world's ♪

♪ Confusin' me ♪

♪ Clouds as mean
as you've ever seen ♪

♪ Ain't a bird who
knows your tune ♪

♪ Then a little voice
inside you whispers ♪

♪ Kid, don't sell your
dreams so soon ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a heart ♪
♪ there's a heart ♪

♪ A hand to hold onto ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a face of
somebody who needs you ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ When you're lost out there ♪

♪ And you're all alone ♪

♪ A light is waitin' ♪

♪ To carry you home ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Do be do ba ba da ♪♪

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Welcome back! Ow! Ow! Ha ha!

Hey! Hey!


Ah! Ah!

I missed you. I missed you.

Whoa! Comet.

Oh, dog breath. Go brush.

Stand back. Let me at him!

Short stuff!

Big guy!


How was bora bora?

It was beautiful beautiful.

I got the whole
honeymoon on tape.

Well, the outdoor stuff.

Well, we took some
home videos, too.

We figured that you'd want
to see every single thing

That happened while
we were gone last week.

Start with danny
makes tuna salad.

You'll laugh, you'll cry.

It's the feel-good
movie of the year.

Jess, I hate to say this,

But if we're gonna
get you packed up

And moved over to my apartment,

We'd better get started.

Yeah. Now's as
good a time as any.

Ok. Let's pack up.

Where are you going?
You just got here.

Michelle, I told you.

Now that I'm married
to your aunt becky,

I'm gonna live at aunt
becky's house now.

We're gonna miss you so much.

Well, you guys don't
have to miss me yet.

Help me pack. Come on.

Michelle, is something wrong?

This is not good news.

Honey, we're still gonna
be one big, happy family.

Now cheer up. It's moving day.

What is moving day?

Well, that's when we all
put everything into boxes,

And load it into
a big, red truck,

And move to my apartment.

Do you want to help?

You got it, dude.

All right, babe.

We got work to do.

We're moving to
aunt becky's house.

Hey, steph, how's it going
with your fractions?

It's hopeless.

I'll be stuck in
third grade forever.

I'll be the only
100-year-old lady

Carrying a barbie lunch box.

Steph, you're putting way
too much pressure on yourself.

Why don't we take a
little cupcake break?

Good idea. I don't want to
look at one more fraction.

Hey, I'm with you.

Well, let's see.

There's two of us and
one whole cupcake,

So I guess I'll just cut
it into two equal pieces.


Oh, my goodness. Look.

There's one half for you

And one half for me.

Hey, that's not a
cupcake, that's a fraction!

Steph, I can't help it.
Fractions are everywhere.

Now, suppose I cut
those two halves in half.

What do you call the pieces?


Thanks. Don't mind if I do.

Next time I give a math lesson,

I'm using liver. Bye.

So, squirt, when are you
moving into jesse's old room?

I don't know.

When I'm in the mood.

Well, you don't have to move.

Thank you very much.

We'll move for you.

Kimmy, grab an end.

Whoa, whoa! Let's
talk about this.

Ok, I'm in the mood,
I'm in the mood.

♪ It's moving day,
it's moving day ♪

♪ Hey, baby, hey ♪


I should be on the radio.



Comet, help me close this.

I need a bigger dog.

This thing's heavy.
What the heck's in here?

My hair supplies.

Put 'em in the front
seat and belt them in.

You got it, dude.

What do you bench?


Well, that's the last of it.

You know, jess, I always knew

You'd be moving out someday.

I just can't believe
that day's finally here.

Ah, no sense getting
sentimental over this whole thing.

Oh, my little pink bunny.

Remember when your
room was totally covered

With stephanie's pink bunnies?


I'll never forget the
day I moved in here.

Nice, huh?


Not overly masculine.

Oh, golly, it's swell.

You know what would look
great over here by the window?

Barbie's dream house.

We've got one.

Look, jesse, I just
want you to know

That having you and joey here

Really means a lot to me.

Just knowing somebody's here

Who cares about the girls.

They're so happy you're here.

Oh, god bless you.

You're hugging me in a
room with pink bunnies.

I'm sorry. I... I'm
an emotional guy.

It's all right.

Ok, let's face it.

I'm a lean, mean
hugging machine.


Danny... Listen.

Pam was my big sister,

And I loved her very much.

And I love your kids.

And I'm happy to do what I can.

Oh... Aah! You're
hugging me again.

Now, listen, you
and me will sit down.

We'll set aside a
special time for hugging,

But not now.

Oh, great. I live
in webster's room.

It's amazing. I was only gonna
move in here for 2 weeks.

I ended up staying 4 years.

Well, things sure
have changed, though.

When you first came here,

You werea wild,

Elvis-obsessed rock 'n' roller.


Well, your hair's a
little shorter in the back.

Jess, in case I haven't
told you enough lately,

Thanks a lot for
helping me all this time.

Ah, what the heck.

Just this one time.

Aw... Aw... Aw... Aw...
And I get caught.

Aw... Aw... Aw... Aw...

I'm all packed.
Let's go, people.


Didn't you hear? We're
moving to aunt becky's.

Sweetie, uh...

I think you got things
a little mixed up.

You're not going anywhere.

Uncle jesse's the
one who's leaving.

But we're supposed
to be a big, happy family.

The kid's really having
trouble with this.

I'll go try to explain
to her why I'm leaving.

Michelle, I think it's time

For one of our
world-famous talks,

Man to munchkin.

Why are you leaving me?

Darling, I'm not leaving you.

It's just that I'm married now,

And I have to live with my wife.

It's kind of a tradition.

I'll be over here all
the time, I promise,

And I'm gonna be
working with joey.

I'm just a 10-minute
walk from here.

2 Minutes by car.

3 Seconds by jet.

Are you still gonna sing
me the teddy bear song?

No, not every night,

But your daddy and
joey, they'll sing for you.

And they sing...
I'll tape it for you.

I'm gonna miss you.

I'm gonna miss you, too, pal.

But we... I have to put
on our bravest face.

We've got to be really brave

About this thing, all right?

So let me see your brave face.

Can you smile for me?

Atta girl.

Now that we've got this
bravery thing happening,

I want you to give me

The biggest, most gigantic,

Most greatest hug
you ever gave me

In the whole entire world.

Ready? And go!

Hug, hug, hug, hug! Mmm, mmm!

Atta girl.

This is a goodbye present.

Michelle, it's your
pig. Are you sure?

Yes, I'm sure.

In that case, here. I
want you to have this.

This is my pink bunny.

Put it up on the wall.

And whenever you look at it,

You can think of me, ok?

You got it, dude.

Good-bye, michelle.

Good-bye, uncle jesse.

All right. That's it.
That's the last load.

I am not carrying
one more thing in here.


Aren't you forgetting something?



All right. Hop on.


Kidding! I'm kidding. A
little newlywed humor.

All right. And she's up.

She's over. They kiss.


And she's down!

Ha ha ha!

Well, boy, this is it.

Our new life in our new home

Has officially started.


Let's talk about this new
home of ours, shall we?

Let's regroup here
and take a look.

Now, uh... No offense,

But I think the motif here

Is a little on the
girlie side, if you will.

Well, I am a girl.

Yes, that's one of the
main reasons I married you.

The point is, a man
lives here now.

We've got to make it
a little more manly...

Like some manly
naugahyde over this,

Which will go quite nicely

With my hubcap end
tables right here.

Sweetheart, come sit down.

Now, before we
start redecorating

Or putting your stuff
back into storage,

Why don't we just
sit back and relax

And pretend like we're
already unpacked?

Loving it.


Michelle's pig.

You know what I'd be doing
right now if I was home?

Honey, you are home.

I... I meant my old home.

Me and the guys would be
singing michelle to sleep.

♪ Baby, let me be your
loving teddy bear ♪

♪ Put your chain
around my neck ♪

♪ And lead me anywhere ♪

♪ Oh, let him be ♪

♪ Oh, let me be ♪

♪ Your teddy bear ♪

♪ Your teddy bear ♪

♪ Your teddy bear ♪

♪ Your teddy bear ♪

♪ I just want to be
your teddy bear ♪

♪ Ooh ♪♪

That was a very good try.

I know, michelle, we're
missing a third of our trio.

I miss uncle jesse.

I know, sweetie.

We all miss uncle jesse.

It's just gonna
take a little time

To get used to
him not living here.

But you're gonna see him
first thing in the morning.

So the sooner you fall asleep,

The sooner uncle
jesse will be here.


I'm getting very sleepy.

Good night, honey.

Good night, joey. Good
night, daddy. I love you.

I love you, too.

Good night, uncle jesse.

Kimmy, do you know
where I am right now?

On my side of the room.

And guess where I am right now.

I'm still on my
side of the room.

It's mine, all mine.

Howdy, neighbor.

Miss me?

Uh-oh. I'll call you back.

I have a visitor.

May I help you?

It's lonely sleeping
in uncle jesse's room.

I know. I miss him, too.

Well, good night.

Tell me, why are we so
happy we have our own rooms?

Because sleeping
in separate rooms

Will bring us closer together.

It will?

Well, sure.

See, we're together
all the time,

So we never have a
chance to miss each other.

But now that we're apart,

We can miss each
other like crazy,

And it'll bring us
closer together. Get it?

I think so. For
us to get closer,

I've got to stay away from you.

Exactly. Now try it.

I'm missing you already.


Oh, yeah. I'm missing
you even more.

I guess it's working.

We have never been closer.


Ok, everybody, who
wants more pancakes?

Me! Me! I do!

Here you go.

Thank you very much.

You better make more.

These people look hungry.


Uncle jesse!

My family! Hello!

Oh, I've missed you all so much.

You guys missed
the cutest thing.

Danny says, "who
wants more pancakes?"

Michelle took the
whole stack, and said

[High voice] "you
better make more.

These people look hungry."

It was funny, uncle jesse.

I missed it? Danny,
tape these things.

No problem. I'll
just quit my job

And videotape their
every waking moment.

Good. Aw... Isn't this great?

The whole family's
back together.

That's right. One whole family.

What a perfect time
for a fractions lesson.

No! Please don't turn my
pancake into homework.

Just relax. This
time, I'm using people.

Everybody stand up.

All right, now listen,
we have 7 people here.

7/7 Make make a whole,

So each person is 1/7.

But uncle jesse and aunt becky,

They don't live here anymore.

But I'm still part
of the family, right?

Yes, but right now,
you're a visual aid.

So... 2/7 From 7/7 is how many?

1... 2... 3... 4... 5.


And 5/7 plus 2/7

Equals 7/7... One whole family!

Steph, you just added fractions.

I did? Sure did.

I did, I did, I did!
Thanks, everybody.

I've got to get to
school while I'm still hot.

You know something?

Now that she's out of my room,

I think she's adorable.

Come on, becky. We've
got to get to the studio.

All right, michelle,

I'm gonna drive
you to preschool.

Uncle jesse, could you sing
me the teddy bear song tonight?


Would it be ok, honey?

We'll just have dinner here,

Then I can put her to bed.

You know what,
jess? That reminds me.

We can't sleep at home tonight.

I completely forgot.

The exterminator is coming
over to spray for termites.

I set it up weeks ago.

Danny, is it ok if we
sleep in the attic tonight?

Sure. No problem.

All right! We're
spending the night!

Did you hear that, buddy?

We could have a pajama party.

Great. Shall I wear my ninjas

Or my california raisins?

Twin cots.

I hope wally and the beav
don't come up and disturb us.


Yes, june.

I have a confession.

We don't have termites.

Don't tell me it's silverfish.

I hate silverfish.

Sweetheart, there aren't
any insects in our apartment.

I made it up because
I just thought

You could use a
little family reunion.

Was I that obvious?

Jess, you slept
with michelle's pig.

Aw, this is very sweet of you.

Come on, let's go home.

We don't want to
sleep in this attic, right?

Well, it's... Kind of nice.

Like our own
apartment, you know.

It's cozy and private.

13,000 Square feet,
fully insulated,

With complete plumbing hookups

For a full bathroom...

Ideal for a young
newlywed couple

Saving to buy their first home.

What are you getting at?

Well, I talked to danny
about us living up here.

He thinks it's a
great idea, and so do i.

Ah, beck... Nah, this is nuts.

Honey, we're a married couple.

We're man and wife.

We should have a
place of our own.

We could make
this place our own.

Well, look, I could
never ask you

To make that kind of sacrifice

Just because I miss my family.

Yeah, but they're
my family, too,

And I love them.

And I love you.

Now, admit it. You like
this idea, don't you?

Well, there's
nothing in the world

That would make me happier

Than moving back in
with my family, but...

Are you sure about this?

I insist.


As a favor to you,
we'll move back in.

Hey, everybody, get up here!

He went for it!

All right! Yay!

Start the pajama party!

Aw, you guys are the best.

Thank you, danny.

It's great to have you back.

Joey, our equipment's up here.

Where are we gonna work?

Simple, jess. You guys
move into the attic,

I move into your room,

The studio moves into my room,

And steph moves back in with...

Honey, I'm home!

Well, I guess it's worth it

To have uncle jesse
and aunt becky here.

You know, they say
you can't have it all,

But I feel like I do.

I got the most beautiful
wife in the world,

The greatest family,
really cool hair...

Great bike, a shiny bike.

Jess, we get the picture.

Speaking of which, michelle,

Would you like to do the honors?

It would be my pleasure.

Uncle jesse, welcome home.

Hit it, boys!

♪ Well, baby let me be ♪

♪ Wop doo wa do ♪

♪ Your loving teddy bear ♪

♪ Wop doo wa do ♪

♪ Put a chain
around my neck... ♪♪
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