03x19 - Class Reunion

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Andy Griffith Show". Aired: October 1960 to April 1968.*
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Andy Taylor who is a widowed sheriff raises his son in Mayberry, N.C.
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03x19 - Class Reunion

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring Andy Griffith...

With Ronny Howard...

Also starring Don knotts.

What in the world
you got in there, anyhow?

Just personal effects.

I hope you got room
for her in this garage.

We'll find a spot.

yeah. Let's hit it.

Over to these shelves
on the left.

All right.

Set her down.
Set her down.

I heard something rip.

Yeah. So did I.

Turn around.

You're all clear.
How about me?


This shelf here will do it.

Listen, this ain't gonna be
in your way, now, is it?

Oh, no.

My landlady just insisted

I get the darn trunk
out of the cellar.

What's she gonna use
the cellar for...

Spare room or something?

No. Mushrooms.


She's gonna grow
'em in her cellar.

She seen this ad in
the back of a magazine...

"grow mushrooms at home
for fun and profit."

Oh. I've seen those ads.

"V.j. Of Cincinnati

reports earnings
up to $600 a month."

"S.d. Of texarkana says
'my spare time

is now a money-making

yeah. Them's the ones.

Mrs. Mendelbright sure is
full of ambition, ain't she?

Yes. Last year, she
sent away for a machine

that tore car tires
into long shreds of rubber.

What in the world for?

Oh, she weaved 'em
into floor mats

and purses and seat covers
and other attractive items.

Um, I've seen those ads too.

"R.a. Says, 'old tires sent
my daughter

beautician's college.'"

well, I'm sure glad
she's taking up mushrooms.

For a solid year,

I slept with a tire shredder
in the next room.

Mushrooms are pretty quiet.

I hope so.

Guess we got her
all cleaned off.

You ready?

Oh. All right.

On three, okay?

All right.

One... two...


There we go!

See how light that was?
It's the counting.

Oh, durn her mushrooms!

Hey, I know, I know.

Get a hold.

Now, we turn her over

and use the top for the bottom.



well, that's why
you're the sheriff

and I'm the deputy.


Now, let's see...

Tennis racket.

What in the world's that?


What you saving
this old rock for?

Is it worth anything?

Well, not money-wise.

Got a lot of
sentimental value, though.


It was my daddy's rock.

Oh, I'm sorry, Barn.

Oh, listen, don't feel sad.

There's a lot of happiness
connected with that rock.

There is?

Yeah. It used to sit
on my daddy's desk.

I used to strike
kitchen matches on it

and hold 'em to daddy's pipe.

For a little fella, it was
a big kick to strike a match

and hold it to your dad's pipe.

Yeah, I remember.

I used to strike matches on the
bottom of my daddy's boots.

Oh, that wouldn't work
on my dad's soles.

Too soft.

Probably made out of old tires.

Hey, your cutlass!


Old high school yearbook.

I ain't seen one of these
for years.

Aunt bee gave mine away
to a disease drive.

Oh, no.

Oh, no!

Let me see.

Looky there.

"Andrew Jackson Taylor,

"second vice-president 4-h,

secretary, philomathian
literary society."


What was that
philomathian, ange?

It was a group that got together

and cut out current events

and pasted 'em in a book.

Sorry I didn't get in on that.

Sounds like fun.

Well, you was up for it...

But we won't get into that.

Would you look
at that head of hair?

There must be ten pounds of it.

Did somebody
blackball me or something?

Jack egbert didn't like you.

Don't you remember I told you
about it and you cried?

Oh, yeah.

Jack egbert.

Hey. Hey, look at you, Barn.


Yeah. I was painfully
thin then.

Yeah. You was mighty slow
in filling out.

Well, I got
my mother's family's frame.

When I was 17, I could reach
into a milk bottle

and take out an egg.

You can't do that anymore.


That proves you filled out some.


You want to know something?


Jack egbert was no prize.

"Bernard Milton Fife,

"board of directors,
tin-foil drive,

"hall monitor, volleyball
court maintenance crew,

Spanish club."

I didn't know
you was in Spanish club.


Hey! Ramona wiley!

"Always, Ramona."

That sounds pretty serious.

Don't you remember
how crazy she was about me?

It was a big thing, huh?

Ah! Oh, well...

Well, it was all one-sided.

I mean, I wasn't interested,

but, boy, she really had
a case on me.

I'll never forget
one note she wrote...

"Barney, beloved,

the tears on my pillow bespeak
the pain that is in my heart."

I can't remember any of that.

No wonder...
You and Sharon despain

were so much in love,

you didn't know
what was going on.

Sharon despain,
Sharon despain...

Ah! There she is.


What a knockout, huh?

Boy, you two sure were thick.

Weren't you voted
couple of the year

two years running?

Yeah. Junior
and senior years.



A little, uh... pumping
in the chest, huh, Andy?


A little, yeah.

You know what they say...

Your first flame
never quite burns out.

We even talked
about getting married one time.

How come you didn't?

Hmm... I don't know.

Wonder where she is now.

Last I heard, she was doing

some kind of designing work
in Chicago.

Oh, yeah?

I wonder where they all are now.


Be nice to see 'em
again, wouldn't it?


Jarvis eldridge.
Lilliane Becker.


Pearly may Dubois.

Wow! Yeah.

Hey, Barn?

What you think
our chances would be

of getting 'em all together?

What do you mean?

A reunion. Some schools
have 'em every year.

Hey, that's a great idea!

I wouldn't know
where to start, though.

We start right here in Mayberry.

There's eight or nine
of us still here.

We get a committee
together. Let's do it!

It's kind of scary, ain't it?

What do you mean?

Well, you know,
the idea of seeing

how old everybody's gotten.

Yeah. They'll
sure be shocked

to find we haven't
changed a bit, huh?

Come on.

Hi, Mary Lee.

Andy, Barney...

You'll never believe
what happened.

We sent out 35 invitations

and so far,
we got 20 acceptances.

Oh, great!

The ones I've checked
are coming.

There she is, Andy...
Sharon despain.

We haven't heard
from Sharon yet.

I sent an invitation

to her last address...
It was in Philadelphia.

What about Ramona wiley?

She's coming.
She's third on the list.

"Mrs. Harry bektoris."

"Harry bektoris," huh?

Well, let's just hope that
Mr. Bektoris, whoever he may be,

don't have any jealous bones
in his body.

Boy, I hope Ramona exercises
a little self-control

and don't horse around.

Cheer up, Andy.
We'll hear from Sharon.

They're awful good

about forwarding mail, Andy.

Even if she don't come,

we're in for the time
of our lives.

It's gonna be great.

Yeah, the old orange and blue.


♪ Mayberry union high

♪ victory is yours well nigh

♪ we'll hit the line
for points every time ♪

♪ The orange and blue
will try, try, try, try ♪

♪ And when the victory's won

♪ you'll be our favorite son

♪ proud waves your banner
in the sky ♪

♪ Mayberry union high

Excuse me.

Thank you.

Andy Taylor.

That's right, there.

I thought you'd forgotten
me there for a minute.

You sure are looking good.

And this is the missus, huh?

That's right, Andy.

You sure haven't changed.

You was in debate, wasn't you?

Yes, she was.

Yes, sir, you sure did do
some fine debating in your time.

She sure did...
Paul revere high school

Chicago, Illinois.


Jack sweet.

Oh, you remind me
a lot of a girl

that was in debate here
with us... edna thoke.

Jack sweet.

Do my bloodshot eyes deceive me,

or is that Barney Fife
lurking there?

Well, well, well,
if it ain't old Jack sweet.

And this is miz sweet, Barn.

We are Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph haynes.

How could you make a
mistake like that, Barn?

Is that him or ain't it?

It's the right picture,

but it belongs to
the name on the left.

"Ralph haynes," yeah.

"Wrestling, boxing,
football, basketball,

pole vaulting,
weight lifting, mile run."

Oh, I remember him.
He was always sweating.

You know this fella?

Well, here they are.

Why, you two chicken thieves.

Why, how the heck are you?

You son of a g*n.

You sure are looking good.

Well, so are you, Andy.


Nate bracey.

Nate bracey.

Nate bracey

Nate bracey, Nate bracey.

Nate bracey!

Nate bracey.

I always said you had

one of the most musical names
I ever heard.

Oh, thanks.

How about some punch, Nate?

Well, uh... um...

Is it spiked?

If it is, I'm not
supposed to know about it.

I'm the sheriff here.

Say, I know you're sheriff.

The whole g*ng is talking

about what a nice job
you've done with the law.


Where you living now, Nate?

Nate, Nate.

Oh. Yes, sugar.

They're playing a cha-cha-cha.

Oh... you'll have to
excuse me, fellas.

We took lessons.

Boy, this struggling

to remember names and faces

is about to wear me out.

Yeah. Me, too.

Uh-oh. Here
comes another one.

Let's just be honest
and tell them

we don't remember their names.

They can't put you
in jail, right?


I'm Andy Taylor.

This here's Barney Fife.

You'll have to excuse me,
but I can't quite place you.

Well, it would be
pretty funny if you did.

I'm just here by marriage.

Harry bektoris.

Oh. Bektoris.

I'm Ramona wiley's husband.

Ramona wiley?

You fellas remember her?

Uh, well...

I'll go get her.

Don't do that.

No. I'll be right back.

What am I going to do, Andy?

What do you mean?

I don't want to
wreck a marriage.

Don't give her
any encouragement.

Here they come.

Uh... I'll wash
these glasses.

Well, Andy Taylor,
it's delightful to see you.

It's wonderful
seeing you, Ramona.

You certainly haven't
changed much.

Mary Lee tells me
you have a little boy.

That's right.

Harry and I have
a boy and a girl.

That's wonderful.

You are just the man
I've been looking for.

Would you give us two glasses

of punch, bartender?


This is Barney Fife.

Oh, well, delighted
to meet you, Mr. Fife.

Oh, come off it, Ramona.

I beg your pardon?


Barney Fife.

Social studies 1-a.


I-i-I'm sorry.

I-I'm trying to place you,
but I'm afraid I can't.

It has been a long
time, Mr. Fife.

What do you know about it?

Uh... easy, Barn.

What do you say we dance, honey?

Uh, yes... yes,
I-I guess we'd better.

It-it was nice
seeing you both again.

The tears on my pillow bespeak
the pain that's in my heart!

You know what she's doing, Barn?

She's-she's covering up.

She's-she's fighting it.

You know, I ain't had a chance
to eat all evening.

How about a little
Turkey on rye?

No, you go ahead.

Turkey sandwich?

No, thank you.
I'm not hungry.

You ain't feeling sad

'cause Sharon
didn't show up, are you?

Hmm. I'm a little

You didn't actually
expect her to come, did you?

No. I knew it was
a long shot, but...

I was hoping.

Yeah. Tough break.

Uh-uh. Andy.

What was that all about?


Do I got something on my back?

Well, I'll be dogged.

Hi, Sharon.



Why not?

Look at that.

It was one of the great
natural romances of all time,

and it's still going on.

The original
Carl Benson's wildcats?

All but the lady up front.

That's Carl's mother.

Mayberry hasn't changed a bit.

No, not much.

You haven't, either, you know.

Oh, yes, I have.

Crow's feet.

And a little more here.

You're the one hasn't changed.


You still have all your hair.

Well, I've lost a few gross
around the edges.

Put on a few gross.

I sure am glad to see you.

It's wonderful seeing you, Andy.

You know, this is

a lot like graduation night.


I remember, at one point

we decided we'd take
a walk in the garden.

You wanted to take your
shoes off, I think.

I did not.

Maybe I wanted to take my
shoes off. I don't know.

I know we wanted to
get off by ourselves.

And then?

Well, then I, uh...

I said something pretty clever

like, uh, like, "it must be"

awful chilly out
here for you."

I said that so
that I could, uh...

And... then?

Well, uh... then...

I believe that's...

About the way it
happened, wasn't it?


Well, with a start like that,

how come we never...?

I mean, what ever
happened to us?

Don't you remember later?

We had a pretty big fight
that night.

Yeah. I remember
the fight, yeah.

I don't remember
what it was about.

I don't, either.

Funny, ain't it?

Here we are picking up

right where we left
off that night,

still able to be as
close as we were.

Makes you wonder how come.

How come what?

How come we never...

You know.

I don't know, either.


It's a shame.

It is.

You know what we sound like?

A couple of old folks

acting like it's too late
to do anything about it.

Well, maybe it's, um...

Maybe it's not.

Maybe not.

I'm glad you came.

Oh, yes.

I wouldn't have missed it
for the world.

I wouldn't, either.

Can you, uh...

Can you stay awhile?


I'd love to, Andy.

I can't.

Why not?

Mayberry's mighty nice
this time of the year.

I just can't, really.

I have to get back to Chicago.


What's so special about Chicago?

Well, there's my work.

Well, there's a lot
needs doing here.

I know.

I enjoyed growing up here.

Oh, it's a mighty nice place.

Lot of friends.

I know...

But you can't live up
to your potential here.

In a big city,

you have room to grow, expand.

You live
a different kind of life.


How can life
be that much different

if you're happy?

And that's the main thing,
ain't it?

That's-that's the goal that
every individual as a person

is sh**ting for, ain't it?

I mean, it's kind of the prize
of the game...

To... be happy?


How can you find that here?

I like trying to be a big fish
in a big pond,

not a big fish in a little pond.

What's wrong with that?

Well, what's wrong with it
is I don't care for that.

Well, I do.

I really do.

I've found what I want.

How do you know?

You've never tried
anything else.

I don't have to.

I don't have to.

Even if I did try, I'd find out
I already found it.

Uh, you know something?

It's uh... it's
coming back to me.

It's coming back to me

why you and me
never got together.

'Cause of what we're
talking about right now.

Your wanting to go your way.

Me wanting to go my way.

You reckon?

I reckon.

How about a couple of old
friends having that last dance?

I'd love it.


One of the great natural
romances of all time.

Altogether, I'd say it was
an emotion-packed evening,

wouldn't you?

I'd say that.

♪ Mayberry union high

♪ victory is yours well nigh

♪ we'll hit the line
for points every time ♪

♪ The orange and blue will
try, try, try, try ♪

♪ And when the victory's won

♪ you'll be our favorite son

♪ proud waves your banner
in the sky ♪

♪ Mayberry union high

kind of gets to you
a little bit, doesn't it?

Oh, no.

Well, yeah.

You know, seeing
all those people

you knew as kids
growing older...

Kind of makes you sad.

Yeah, I know.

Do the tears on your pillow

bespeak the pain
that's in your heart?


Me too.
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