03x22 - The Great Filling Station Robbery

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Andy Griffith Show". Aired: October 1960 to April 1968.*

Moderators: Lindaballou, Lindaballou

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Andy Taylor who is a widowed sheriff raises his son in Mayberry, N.C.
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03x22 - The Great Filling Station Robbery

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring Andy Griffith...

With Ronny Howard...

Also starring Don knotts.

Howdy, Barn!

What's the big idea?

Just saying hello.

You don't have to be
a smart-aleck about it.

What is it, Barney?

It's an intercom.

Just what
this place has been needing.

About time we started

modernizing this place

What are you going
to do with it?

Going to use it to communicate
with the prisoners.

Tell them it's time for lunch

or it's exercise time
in the compound

they got a visitor, or whatever.

Wouldn't it be easier
just to walk over and tell them?

They don't do things
that way anymore.

This is the age
of science know-how.

Electronic marvels.

Speaking of marvels

I got a marvelous new carburetor
out in the patrol car.

I ought to get it put on.

Well, I'll get to that.
I got it on my list.

Listen, I didn't tell you

the most important part
about this.

This thing works
the other way, too.

Whatever goes on in there

we'll be able to listen
in on it out here.

Don't you get it?

It's our own little
spy in the sky.

What kind of things
will we listen in on

outside of Otis' snoring?

All right, I'll show you.

I'll give you a for-instance

of what we could hear.

You ready?


All right, lefty

you and me's bustin'
out of here tonight.

Did you hear that?

Perfect. Heard every word.

There you are.

Complete control
with just the flick of a switch.

I didn't turn on no switch.

I heard you good and plain
without it.

Come on, Andy,
you're not cooperating.

Besides, prisoners
wouldn't talk that loud.

They'd whisper.

Turn it on and I'll show you

how that thing will pick up
even whispers.

All right.

Come here a minute, ope.

You just sit right down here.

Now, when I give you
the signal, you whisper:

"All right, lefty

you and me's
bustin' out tonight."

You got that?


Ready at master control?

Ready. Switch on.

All right, lefty

me and you's bustin' out

Did you hear that?

No. Must be too far from it.

Oh, well...

Come here.
Come here.

Sit right there.

Okay, let's take it again.

All right, lefty

me and you's
bustin' out tonight.

No. Still no good.


Stand right over here.

Right there, okay.

Okay, once more from the top.

All right, lefty, me...

No, I can't...

I can't quite make it out.

Okay, go ahead.

All right, lefty

me and you's
busting out tonight.

You hear that, an?

Perfect! I heard every word.

Now if we can get one prisoner

to hold the other one
up like that

we can hear every word they say.

Do you want me

to say it again?

That's all right, lefty.

You can go ahead
and bust out and play.

Okay, paw.

I wonder if it'd be louder
with bigger wires.

I don't know.

Since you're busy,
Mr. Marconi,

I'll get the carburetor
put on myself.

This is Mercury control.
Over. A-okay and out.

Howdy, gomer.

Hi, Andy.
What will it be?

Regular or high test?

Neither one, gomer.

I want to get this
put on the patrol car.

You want that put on your car?


Sure ain't going to help
the looks of it none.

Uh, it don't go
on the outside, gomer.

It goes on the motor.

That's the carburetor.

Wally, he'll put it on.

That's a good idea.

If it's one thing
he knows... it's engines.

Yeah, boy.

But he can't attach
that for you.

Why not?

He ain't here.

He ain't?

When will he be back?

Couldn't say... he's gone over
to Jefferson county seat

for the week.

And me, I don't do
no engine work.

Just gas and oil, water and air.


Water and air's free.

We don't make no charge for it.

But now, you take gas and oil...

That is a different
proposition entirely.

We make a charge for that.

Depending on how many times

the pump out there
goes ding-dong.

It's 30 cents a ding.


Well, I reckon
you can't help me.

Hiya, gomer.

Hi, jed.

See you boys tonight?

Sure thing.

Howdy, boys.

Hello, sheriff.

I've arranged to let
the henson brothers

park their car inside
while Wally's away.

I'll check your air
and water for you... no charge.

Okay. Okay, gomer.

See you boys.

But I didn't do anything, Mr. Carter.
I just borrowed it.

I was gonna give it back to you.
You've told me that a dozen times...

Oh, sheriff.

Hi, Mr. Carter.
Something wrong?

I finally found
who stole the battery

out of my truck.

And just as I figured all along

it was young Morgan here.

Fine way to show his gratitude.

You know, I hired him
to make deliveries for me.

I paid him a sight more
than he was worth.

And just the minute
my back was turned

he stole me blind.

Oh, and this was
your idea, sheriff.

"Give him a chance," you said.

"He's always getting
into trouble

"so give him a job

and let him prove
what he can do."

Well, he certainly proved it.

I built a starter motor
out of old parts

and I just wanted
to see if it worked.

So I took the battery
out of the truck

into the back room
for a few minutes

to connect it up.

Now that is a likely story.

Go on, Jim.

It was kind of greasy

and it slipped out of my hand
and broke.

I was going to get Mr. Carter
a new one. Honest, I was.

Uh... Jimmy, you want
to wait outside

just a minute?

Right over there.

You don't actually
expect me to lock him up

do you?

Well, that isn't
the worst idea in the world.

A new battery won't cost you

but about 12 dollars
and 95 cents.

Why don't you just take a little

out of his pay every week?

No, because there
won't be no pay.

I told him he was through.

I cannot have a boy like that

working for me.

It's very simple.

Either I get a new battery...

Or you put him away.

It's a brand-new carburetor

and he's going
to put it on his car.

Boy, that'll really
boost the power!

Put on dual points,
advance the timing

switch the manifold.

That'll really hop her up.

Uh... Jimmy?

You reckon you can
put that thing on?

Oh, sure.

Gomer, how'd you like
to have somebody help you

get caught up on all this piled

who's that?

Jimmy here.

You ready to go to work,
ain't you?

In a garage?

Sure thing.

What do you say, gomer?

Well, I don't know.

Wally ain't here.

I'll fix it up with Wally.

Now see here...

It'd solve everything.

You'd get a new battery,

gomer would get
some help he needs,

and I wouldn't have to fill out

them long complaint papers.

Well, it might be all right.


Oh, you're making
a mistake, sheriff.

A big mistake.

This boy cannot be trusted.

He's got sticky fingers.

You're just asking
for more trouble.

Sarah, get me
the bluebird diner.

I know it's early

but there will be
somebody there.

♪ Pa-pa-poo-boo

♪ ba-Bo-Bo-bee-bee-bee

♪ pa-pa-bee...




I just thought I'd be the first
to say good morning.


No, I just made that up.

Listen, since you're working
the breakfast shift

I guess that means

you'd be getting off
early tonight, huh?

You, uh, guess what
I'm building up to?



8:00? Good.

Okay, I'll see you then.


Oh, you want to hear that again?

You kind of like that, huh?



You want to stand up, Barn?

I want to see

if there's an egg in the chair.

Why don't you say something

when you come
bustin' in on people?

I didn't know there
was anybody here

but you chickens.

Sneaking up like that...

You can blame Jimmy for that.

He's got the car running so smooth
and quiet now, you can't hardly...

Sheriff, sheriff...

You got to help me out.

What am I gonna tell Wally?

What's the trouble?

The box with all his brand-new
tools in it is missing.


all I know is when
I opened up this morning

they was gone.

Wally's best tools, gone.

The gas and oil was there

but the tools... they was gone.

Are you sure about that?

Yeah, I remember

'cause Jimmy was using them
last night

and he stayed late
and locked up for me.

Uh... you
say, uh...

Jimmy locked up?

Now, who could have done
a thing like that?

You say the door was locked

when you come in
this morning, huh?

Yeah, and all the windows, too.

I don't know how anybody
could've broken in.

Gomer, I don't want you
to tell anybody about this.

Not even you?

Uh, no, you can tell me

but don't tell anybody else.

Gomer, when you gonna open up?

I wanna get my car out.

Right away.
Right away.


Morning, sheriff.

You know, the lock don't seem

like it's been
tampered with none.

Ain't no Jimmy marks on it.

Hey... speaking of Jimmy...

Hello, Jimmy.

Gomer said you wanted to see me.

I understand he's workin' you

till all hours of the night.

Oh, it's not that bad.

You findin' plenty
of tools to work with?

Oh, sure. Wally's got
a great set of tools.

Wouldn't mind
havin' them myself.

Nothing wrong, is there?

Your car's running all right
since I fixed it.

Oh, never better.
Never better.

No, there's nothing wrong...

Just wanting to see
how you was makin' out.

Well, we better get on back.

Come on, Barn.


Well, I don't know why
you didn't just bring him in.

It seems like
an open-and-shut case to me.

That's just it...

It's too open-and-shut.


Whoever's doing this

is dependin' on the fact
that Wally's out of town.

With just gomer there,
it's a easy touch.


Any calls?

All right. Thank you.

See, they think they got away

with them tools unnoticed.

So more than likely,
they'll be back for more.

Oh, I get it.

We set the trap,
we bait it, we wait

and when he tries again,
we pounce and we got him.

Pretty neat.

That's the idea.


Since Wally'll be back
end of the week

they'll probably
try again real soon...

Maybe even tonight.

So we set up
an all-night stakeout.

Well, scientific crime-busting

ain't come up
with anything better

than just them long
hours a-waitin' around.

Nothing else we can do.


Maybe there
is something else we can do.


Maybe there just is.

Watch this.

You take that piece of string.

You attach it
to the shutter of that camera.

You make sure it's secure.

Then you take your string.

You run it through

your hook number one...

You run it through
your hook number two...

Your number three...

And your four...

And your door.

And now the trap is set.

Gomer, from now on,
anyone entering these premises

the minute he opens this door

he triggers that apparatus
and gets his picture took.


Captain marvel wouldn't have
thought of that, Barney.


You see anything?

What are you doing here?

I was just wonderin'
what was happenin'.

Well, nothing's happened.

Chances are the word's out

that I'm here ready and waiting

in which case, ain't nobody
gonna try nothing tonight.


The more I think,
the more I'm convinced.

We've scared them off, gomer.

Pretty obvious

there ain't gonna be
no action here tonight.

Close as I can tell,
that's what's missin'.

Four flashlights, six fan belts

two sets of battery clips...

I can't figure it.

I just can't figure it.

Honest, Andy,
I didn't leave my post

except maybe once or twice
to walk around.

Well, that's all right, Barn.

Well, whoever got in here
didn't bust in.

They got in quiet-like
with a key.

With a key?


Well, wait a minute. Jimmy's got
a key, ain't he, gomer?


Well, then it's him.

It's got to be him.

If he's got a key,
then it's him.

It's the boy, all right.

Wonder why the cash register
wasn't touched.

I keep that locked up.

Oh, it was the boy.

There's no question.

Well, I'll go over
to his place and pick him up.

I'll see ya, Barn.

Wait a minute.

That key you gave to Jimmy...
Which door does it fit?

The front door there.

Gomer, we got ourselves
a picture.


The trap worked.

Screwdriver, gomer.

Let's get this film
down to the lab

at Mrs. Mason's drugstore.

You don't have
the slightest notion

how these items
happened to disappear, huh?

That's right, sheriff.

Well, Jimmy, the fact is,

somebody's been taking stuff
from the filling station...

Somebody that knows his way
around there pretty good.

But it wasn't me, sheriff.
Honest, it wasn't.

Lookee here, boy, the best thing
you can do is come clean,

'cause we got even more proof...

Something the sheriff
don't even know about.

It's on its way
across the street right now.

What's that, Barney?

What you didn't know
was that you was under

high speed photographic
surveillance and reconnaissance.

Here she is.

Mrs. Mason rushed it
through the chemicals

and made an enlargement
for you, Barney.

Then there is a picture on it.

Gentlemen, I give you
science in action...

Proof positive the
camera does not lie.

It sees all, tells all.

There is your criminal.

Well, it's me.

You take
a real good picture, Barney.

Me, I never do.

Well, Jimmy, I'm afraid
this don't change things...

He's gone...


Well, we was looking
for proof positive.

I guess this is it.

Won't do him much good, though.

He can't get far.

Oh. That must have happened
when I was setting it up.

Mrs. Mason said she'd make up
a whole bunch of prints for you.

You could give one to aunt bee,
one to Thelma Lou.

You could have one here
at the office,

and they make
real nice presents.

And you could have a whole bunch

of wallet-sized ones printed up.

Shut up, gomer!

Wonder where that boy
went off to.

I don't know.



How long ago?

Well, you stay clear.

We'll be right over there.

Gomer just went by
the filling station

saw somebody movin'
around in there.

You mean
it's being robbed again?

I guess so. Come on.

Do you see anything?

No. We're gonna have
to get closer.

Wait a minute.

There's somebody
in there for sure.

Come on.

It's him.

It's Jimmy.

We caught him red-handed.


What's he doing with that wire?

I don't know.

You don't suppose

he's fixin' to blast open
the cash register?

I don't know. Come on.

He's stealing batteries.

It just don't figure.

Well, let's go.

All right, Jimmy, that'll do.

But, sheriff, I...

I guess there's
no more to be said.

It's prothro hanson.

Turn it off!

I'll tell! I'll tell!

I'll tell!
Turn it off!

I connected spark
coils to the cash box.

Well, I'll be dogged.

He hid in the trunk.

How about that,
a regular trojan horse?

Yeah. Come on.
Come on here.

Well, I'll guess
we'll have to chalk one up

for the youth of today

not to mention
good old scientific know-how.


Good work there, Jimmy.

Sarah, uh, get me
the bluebird diner.





I, uh, I finished that poem.

You want to hear it?

You got something to hold onto?




Lovely, dear juanit.

From your head
down to your feet,

there's nothing half so sweet...

As juanita, juanita...

Lovely, dear juanit.

Oh, there are things of wonder

of which men like to sing.

There are pretty sunsets
and birds upon the wing.

But of the joys of nature,
none truly can compare

with juanita, juanita...

She of beauty beyond compare.

Juanita, juanita...

Lovely, dear juanit.

From your head down to... from
your head down to your feet,

there is nothing half so sweet

as the beautiful juanit.

That's beautiful, Barn.
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