06x21 - Above Exalted Cyclops

T.V. Transcripts for the show "Two and a Half Men". Aired: September 2003 to February 2015.*

Moderators: Jk2write, Jk2write

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Series was about Charlie Harper, his brother, Alan and his son, Jake. They move into Charlie's beachfront Malibu house and complicate Charlie's freewheeling life after his divorce.
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06x21 - Above Exalted Cyclops

Post by bunniefuu »

What you doing?

Building an original 1978 Firebird.

I got it on eBay.

Okay. Why?

I had this model when I was little,

Spent a month building it and painting it
and putting on all the decals.

Is that the one I tried
to make a bong out of?

No, that was my Munster Mobile...

...and my ventriloquist dummy...

...and my Rock'em Sock'em Robots.

My Firebird you blowtorched with
a cigarette lighter and Mom's Aqua Net.

Oh, yeah, the Firebird.

Anyway, I loved that model,
and now I'm gonna have it again.

I am gonna have it again, right?

Relax. If I destroy any of your cars...

...it'll be that oil-dripping piece of crap
out there in my garage.


I'm worried about my brother.


Well, he's either so lonely
he's trying to recapture his childhood...

...which was not that good
in the first place...

...or he's created an elaborate ruse
to hide the fact...

...that he's become
a degenerate glue-sniffer.

To be honest, I'm rooting for the glue.

- I've been meaning to talk to you about him.
- You want him gone? He's gone. I love you.

No, no, he's a wonderful guy.

I have a friend
I think might be a good match for him.

Oh, no, you're wrong.

Come on, Charlie.



You don't wanna do that to a friend,
do you?

Alan's a doll.
He just needs to find the right woman.

If you check his closet,
you'll find the right woman is a doll.

At least let me try. I'll set up a dinner
with the four of us. It'll be fun.

For who?

It's bad enough you wanna punish
your friend. Why do I have to suffer?

Isn't it worth one night of your life
to maybe make two people happy?

That's not fair. I always come off bad
when I answer questions like that truthfully.

Just do it for me.


Is that a yes?


Remember those words
when we go to bed tonight.

- What words?
- "Just do it for me."

So anyway...

...he's Charlie's brother and a very
sweet guy, and I really think you'll like him.

Boy, I don't know.

Blind dates.

You never know what kind of freak
you're gonna end up with.

- So you don't know her name?
- Nope.

- And you don't know what she does?
- Nope.

- And you don't know what she looks like?
- What do you care?

You were gonna spend the night building
a scale model of The Dukes of Hazzard car.

Uh, actually,
I just finished the General Lee.

Now I'm working on Burt Reynolds'
Trans Am from Smokey and the Bandit.

Okay, okay. Just promise me
you won't bring any of that up tonight.

- Why?
- Why?

You're asking me
why a 40-year-old man...

...shouldn't talk about model cars
on a first date?

Hmm. I see your point.
Leave a little mystery.

Yeah, that's my point.

Come on.

Oh, speaking of mystery,
I am currently the high bidder...

...on an original mint in the box
Scooby-Doo Mystery Machine.

How do I look?

Don't open that can of worms.
You are what you are.

There's Chelsea.

- Sorry, we're late.
CHELSEA: No, no, we were early.

Charlie, Alan, this is my friend, Rose.

Rose, this is Charlie and Alan.

It's nice to meet you, Alan.

No, that's Charlie.

Ooh. Even better. Hi, Alan.


Why don't we all sit down?

So many reasons.

Chelsea's told me so much about you,

It's so nice to finally meet you.

Alan, I understand you're a chiropractor.


I am a chiropractor.



...he is a chiropractor.

Oh, that's just terrific.

And what do you do, Charlie?


I write kids songs and jingles.


Yes, he writes kids songs and jingles.

And I am a chiropractor.


...he's a chiropractor.

They don't get out much, do they?

Apparently not.

So, Chels...

...where did you meet...?
- Rose.



- Yoga class.
- No kidding.

Yeah. And then we ran into each other
at Pilates...

...and the manicurist and jogging
and the dry cleaner.

- Crazy, huh?
- Sure are. Sure is.

Seemed like every time I turned around,
there she was.

Seemed like every time I turned around,
there you were.

I thought maybe you were stalking me.



- That's funny.
- Good one. Yeah.

Can I start you off with cocktails?

I think I need to stay sober tonight.

- But you guys go ahead.
- I'll have a chardonnay. I'll be right back.

I'll go with you.
I'll have a double vodka rocks.

I feel a little reckless tonight.

Fun personality, huh?


she's got six more of them.

- And for you, sir?
- Whiskey, neat.

- Since when do you drink hard liquor?
- Since right now.

I'd order a glass of crack
if it were on the menu.

True that.

- Why didn't you say something?
- Why didn't you?

- I was following your lead.
- What lead?

The minute I saw her,
I practically peed my pants.

Well then, I did follow your lead.

So, what are we gonna do now?

I don't know. I guess we play along.

Play along? Are you serious?

What am I supposed to do, Alan?
Tell the truth?

Oh, Chelsea, I almost forgot.

Your new BFF and I had a one-night stand,
and when I dumped her...

...she superglued my nut sack to my thigh
and started stalking me.

I thought maybe I was in love with her
and followed her to England.

And when she came back...

...I thought I was dying
and almost asked her to marry me.

Yeah, when you put it in story form
it really does sound bad.

So we play along until I can find out
what Rose's angle is.

- So I'm supposed to date her?
- Stop flattering yourself.

This isn't about you.
It's me she's interested in.

What are you saying,
I'm not good enough for her?

You want that loony-toon
as a girlfriend?

No. But I am currently unattached.

Now, you listen to me.

This is a blind date that goes no further,
you understand?

I got it.

She really likes him.


CHELSEA: I thought there was
real chemistry between them.

I'm sure they have some meds
in common.

- But I wouldn't get your hopes up.
- Why not?

She's not his type.

What do you mean?
She's pretty, smart, rich.

Okay, then he's not her type.


- This is crazy.
- I know.

We just met.

Oh, no, no, no, you idiot.

- Morning, Charlie
- Morning.

Should've smothered him in the crib
when I had the chance.

Boy, take one day off
for a poker tournament...

...and you miss a whole lot
around here.

- You said you were sick.
- I was healed. It's a miracle.

You wanna catch me up?

Chelsea set Alan up on a blind date
with a girl she met at yoga class.

- What's he doing with Rose?
- She's the girl.


Diabolical, heh.

So Chelsea doesn't know?

Chelsea knows nothing,
and I wanna keep it that way.


Why is Alan playing along?

Because Alan is a horny idiot.

And horny idiots are perfectly willing
to have sex with crazy girls.

Yeah, I know, but I've grown.

Charlie, did you see?

Yeah, I saw.

Told you they'd hit it off.
Didn't I tell you?

You told me.

I'm a little worried
they're moving so fast.

Yeah, that's the worrisome part.

Berta, have you met Rose yet?

Screw it, I'm going home.

Feel better.

Cut it out. Cut it out.

Stop it. Stop it.


Sit down.

Um... You know I have company.

Yes, I know you have company,
now sit down.


What's up?

Explain it to me, Alan.

Help me understand.

You mean, Rose?

No, I mean the internal combustion engine.
Yes, Rose.

Uh, well, we started talking
on the ride home last night...

...and we really hit it off.

She has changed, Charlie.


She was stalking my fianc?e.

Ah, ah.
Well, actually, she explained all that.

Really? What did she say?

Uh, well...

I don't remember all the details because
she was tweaking my nipples at the time.

Oh. Hi, Charlie.

- All right, Rose, what are you up to?
- What do you mean?

I'm telling you right now.

I love Chelsea, and if you mess things up
with us, I will never forgive you.


What did I ever do to deserve that?

- You're kidding, right?
- Yeah.

So once again, what are you up to?

Okay, at first I was just doing
a little light recon on Chelsea...

...to make sure
you weren't dating a wackjob.

You thought Chelsea might be...

Go on.

Well, good news, she's not.

She's got a cousin
who's a truck-stop hooker...

...and her mom's an honorary Kleagle
in the Ku Klux Klan.

But Chelsea is clean as a whistle.

- Kleagle?
- According to Wikipedia...

...it's below Grand Dragon
and above Exalted Cyclops.


But what's the deal
with the lunch lady here?


Well, that was Chelsea's idea, not mine.

I tried to get out of it.

- Really?
- I'm sorry, sweetie...

...but I thought a double date with Charlie
and his fianc?e might be a little awkward.

A little awkward?
When I saw you sitting there...

...my sphincter slammed shut so quickly
you could've used it as a cigar cutter.

Yeah, you should've seen your face.


...it all worked out for the best.

Last night, I saw a side of your brother
that I've never seen before.

What side?

He's only got the two.

"Oh, no, here he comes"
and "Oh, good, he's leaving."

Look, Charlie. This has nothing to do
with you and Chelsea.

This has nothing to do with you and Rose.
The fact is...

...we really like each other,
and we wanna keep seeing each other.

And we'd really like your blessing.

So you actually wanna be with him?

I do.

And you believe she's got
no ulterior motive whatsoever?

I do.


I now pronounce you
fruit basket and nutcase.

May God have mercy on your souls.


I don't think that was really a blessing.

It doesn't matter.
So, what are we doing this afternoon?

Oh, gee, I gotta pick up Jake.
I promised him I'd take him to the movies.

- You know, a little father-son time.
- Oh, that's sweet.

Well, just call me
when you wanna get together again.

- Sure. Or you can call me.
- Okay.


Hello? Oh, Jake, thank God.

Uh, nothing.
Oh, wait, hang on, I got another call.


Yes, Rose, this is my number.

- So how'd you like the movie?
- It was an insult to my intelligence.


Everybody knows zombies
can't ride motorcycles.

Yeah, that bumped me too.

And why would they wear helmets?
They're dead.

Another good point.

I don't know who they're making movies
for these days.

Fine, next time you pick.

Anyway, there's something
I wanna talk to you about.

Oh, come on, it was one fart during
the previews, and everybody laughed.

No, no, not that.

I just want you to know
that I've been dating somebody.

You might be meeting her soon.

Oh, okay, good.

- So you have no problem with that?
- Not at all. You should have a girlfriend.

You think so?

Yeah. The model car stuff
was starting to freak me out.

I mean, seriously, you're a grown man.


What the hell?

You didn't call me!

- Hi, Rose.
- Hey, Jake.

So tell me about your new girlfriend.

I'm so glad you forgave me
for my little outburst in the car.

Well, you have a very compelling way
of apologizing.

But we need to have a little talk
about boundaries.

It was just my pinky, Alan.

No, no, that was fun.

Is it about me following you and Jake
into the movie theater?

You followed us into the movie theater?


Look, Rose, I really like you.

But you've got to realize that people need
their space and you need to respect that.

All right.

So we're clear on that?

Yes, I'm sorry.

It won't happen again.


- Well, good night.
- Good night.

Boy, this is an Alan Harper
I haven't seen before.


Forceful, confident.

Thank you.

I don't like him very much.

Morning, Charlie.

- Morning, Rose.
- Alan needs his space.

- I'm gonna give it to him.
- Okay.

- Say hi to Chelsea for me.
- Will do.

Oh, I got a bad feeling.



You okay?

Been better.

I'm coming in.




It's not me.

No kidding.

What is it?

Oh. Burt Reynolds' Trans Am
from Smokey and the Bandit.


Would you care to explain why it's parked
in your handicapped spot?

Not parked.


- Ah. Rose?
- Rose.

- Told you.
- You did.

- But did you listen?
- Nope.

Okay. Happy motoring.



I feel bad it didn't work out
with Alan and Rose.

Me too. Terrible.

The problem is they jumped
into bed too fast.

The problem is he doesn't keep
his glue solvent in his night stand.

What's that mean?

Another way of saying what you said.



What's wrong with him?

Little car accident.
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