08x15 - The Devil Inside

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Dead Files". Aired: September 2011 to present.*
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"The Dead Files" features two independent investigations into locations that are reported to be haunted. One investigation is performed by a psychic medium, while a former NYPD homicide detective investigates. Each show concludes with a meeting, where they discuss their findings together with the victims.
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08x15 - The Devil Inside

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm hearing m*rder.

They appreciate when
horrible things happen.

I know there's something very
evil in this house.

I don't know
if they're tricksters

or some kind of demon.

I feel like
I'm losing my mind.

I'm feeling panic and fear.

I hate this place --
hate it.

This seems like a possession.

My name is Amy Allan.

Everything was built on blood.

I see dead people.

Very disturbing.

I speak to dead people.

There's victims around him.

And they speak to me.

Her voice sounds like death.

But there's only one way
to know if my findings are real.

The living don't
stand a chance here.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve Di Schiavi.

I'm a retired New York City
homicide detective.

You could have
got k*lled.

And I know every person,
every house has secrets.

This is coming
straight from Hell.

It's my job to reveal them.

Your mom was m*rder*d
right here in this room?

Yes, she was.

But Steve and I never speak...

We never communicate
during an investigation.

...until the very end...

This was
just the beginning.

...when we uncover
if it's safe for you to stay...

Oh, my God.

...or time to get out.

They're very bad.

This house
is going to k*ll me.

I'm in the small town
of Applegate, California,

about an hour
north of Sacramento.

I got a call
from a desperate woman

who just b*at lung cancer

but doesn't think she can
survive her own home.

She says, unless Amy
and I can help her out,

she doesn't think
she's gonna make it.

Before Amy arrives, I clear the
area of any leading information.

Personal items,
family photographs,

and even dream catchers
have to be covered or removed.

When I'm finished, the location

will be ready
for tonight's walk.

Oh, boy.

I see this, like, super tall guy
with, like, red eyes,

and he's standing
in the shadows.

All of a sudden,
two little, like,

gargoyles with red eyes
run out from him.

They're pretty close
to the ground.

They're about this tall
but with super long arms.

They have, like,
no hair on them,

and I'm gonna say there's
a lot of issues with this land.

It's not good.

You know, Heidi,
one of the reasons

that I took this case
is you told me,

after b*ating cancer,

you feel like
you're fighting for your life

all over again.
Is it really that bad?

It's really bad.

I'm scared.

That's insane.

It is insane.

So, how long you been
living in the house?

It's my sister's house.

I've been living here
for about 31/2 years,

and then I lived here
before in the late '90s.

Did you have
activity then?

Yes, it was horrendous.

Why'd you come back?

With cancer, it financially
tore me apart.

So, you b*at the most
treacherous thing

anybody can go through --
is cancer.

Yeah. And my daughter had
an emotional breakdown.

They won't stop,
and I am very angry.

That's why we needed
you here to help us.

It seems it's a lot worse
than I thought originally.

Well, who actually lives
in the house now?

That's me, of course.

That's my sister, Petra,
who owns the house.

That's my daughter,
Sasha, who's 22.


And that is Ciara,
who's 15.

All of us are lashing out
at one another.

The negativity, you feel it when
you walk in this house.

It feels like something
you can cut with a Kn*fe.

So, Heidi, give me a rundown
of what's going on in the house.

Noises, the apparitions,
they rush you.

They charge you, and
being pushed, shoved, pinching.

Is anybody getting
more harassment, I should say,

from the paranormal here
than anybody else?

Me and Sasha.

She feels like she can't
leave the house.

She can't function.

She's scared to death.

I am mama bear
to my girls,

and I protected them
all their lives so far,

and I will
continue to do so.

I'm just trying to keep it
together for my children

because they need me,

and I can't give up,
and I won't give up.

I'm glad
I took this case.

It's heartbreaking
to hear you talk.

I want it to stop now.

I want them out of here.

So, what do you think
is here?

I'm not sure, but I know

there's something very evil
in this house.


I don't know why, but my
grandfather is very freaked out.

My grandfather is
one of my guides,

and he tags along usually
when it might be a little funky.

Ooh, it must be not good here,
at least for sensitives.

I'm assuming that there would be
some kind of physical thr*at

that he's extremely
worried about.

Okay, so,
what's going on out here?

You know, sometimes,
I come out here in the morning

when I have to go to work,
and there's growling.

Not for nothing, but we're in
the middle of the woods.

What kind of growling
are we talking about?

Growling that I've never
heard before.

It's not distinctive.

It doesn't sound like
a coyote, a wolf.

Now, is there any way

you could describe
what that sounds like?

A sound
that goes into a growl

and then almost sounds
like a human at the end,

something in agony.

Now, have you
ever had the house

checked for rodents
or anything like that?

Okay, anything else?

I keep getting
rushed by shadows.

What do you mean
by rushed?

They run at you,
and they run through you.

And how does that feel
when it goes through you?

You get nauseated,
feel like you want to vomit.

It feels like a cold force
just went through you.

Okay, what else
is going on?

I had an occasion where I was
getting ready for work.

I went out the door,
went down the steps,

immediately got shoved,
and my knees were cut up,

and I was bleeding,
and I was crying.

Can you feel actual hands
on you or --

Okay, demonstrate on me
how hard you got shoved.

Okay, so,
you got a nice jolt.

Oh, yeah.
It just felt like boom.

So, this is...
pretty serious.

Pretty serious --

Because even a short fall
can cause major damage

or even k*ll you,
and I've seen it.

They try to hurt me.

The little
gargoyle-y things,

one of the things
they like to do

is, like,
tripping people,

also scaring people,

like, jumping out
of dark spaces.

And I think
they're outside.

I think they're inside.

And it's almost like they're
jumping out of closets,

and people
are freaking out.

Those little gargoyle thingies,
I feel like they come

and go in this room
in particular.

I don't know why.

How do these things interact
with the living?

They can, like,
trip people.

They rush them.

I don't like
this room at all.

So, Heidi, this is
like a dorm room.

I've never seen
a setup like this.

I mean, there's three beds
in here. What gives?

This is the way we choose to
live to keep my children safe.

It keeps them feeling
better that Mom's right here.

All right, so,
what's going on in here?

I actually get scratched,
and I'm in bed,

and you'll feel
someone just scratch me.


No. The scratching,
it feels like human hands,

like, just marks
going down.

It sure sounds
like something

doesn't want you
to get some sleep.

Exactly. "Let's keep
bothering her.

Let's keep
harassing her."

Okay, anything else?

I see black spirits
all along the walls here

where they
just stare at you.

So, like
a shadow person?

Just like
a shadow person, yes.

They just stand and look at us,
no expression.

That's no way to live.

No, it's not.

We would like to see
this house be a home again.

Why are they here?
What do they want?

Why are
they hurting us?

It's the house.

It's what's
in the house.

So, the little gargoyles,
they're, like,

coming and going in here,
coming and going,

coming and going.
They like it.

Do you know why they're
attracted to this room?

They're attracted to negative
energy, bad energy.

They like it.
They love it.


I'm gonna say
that there was a m*rder,

and I'm gonna say
that I think

that these things would like it
if another one happened.

I'm hearing m*rder.

I'm just hearing m*rder.

All right, Ciara,
how old are you?


Now, your mother mentioned about
being at each other's throats.

What's going on?

We have been, like,
so mean towards each other

that we would normally
not act towards each other.


Everything is so just, like,
evil, I feel like.

You think it's because
of the stress,

or you think
it's whatever's here's

influencing you guys?

Whatever here
is influencing us.

As far as experiences go,
have you had any?


A couple weeks ago,
I woke up,

and there was a bruise
on my arm.

I had no idea where it came
from, and it hurt really bad.

Now, this is a pretty
precise location on your arm.

Did you bang it on anything
maybe while you were sleeping?

Not that I remember.

Okay, anything else?

When we first moved in,
every night,

a shadow with red eyes
would be staring at me

as I fell asleep.

Now, did you see this outside,
or was it in the room?

It was
outside the window.

Did it have a shape?

It was just a mist
with just red eyes

just staring at me.

I was just so scared

it would come att*ck me
or something.

How would you feel
about leaving?

I would like to leave.

This house has
traumatized me.

That tall guy with the red guys
who the gargoyles run out of,

I think people see him.

Can you describe
what they see?

I think, to them,
it looks more like a ball,

like a black ball.

I feel like they see
the red eyes.

One of them scales the tree.

He's watching.
He's interested.

Now, Sasha,
how old are you?

I'm 22.
You're 22.

But you're living in a room
with your mom

and your younger sister.

Not cool, right?

No, it's not.

Mom mentioned you're having
some issues emotionally --

stuff like that.

Do you think it's because
of what's going on in the house?

I feel like the house
is making it worse.

Everyone's been

and at each other's
throats lately.

Can you tell me about
some experiences you had?

I was downstairs
taking a shower,

and I hear
this voice in my head

in some language
I've never heard before,

and it's just chanting.

The next thing I remember
was waking up in my mom's arms

outside of the shower.

She said that I had
started speaking

in a very strange language
that she had never heard,

which I had assumed
was the language

that I was hearing
in my head.

And she said that I charged
out of the bathtub

and tried to choke her.

What do you think

I don't know.

How do you explain
something like that?

Okay, anything else?

Well, this was my bed,

so I'd wake up
in the middle of the night,

and I'd just see the shadow man
standing over me.

How often
has this happened?

At very least,
once a week,

but I always feel
his presence there.

I feel like
he wants to hurt me.

I feel like
I'm in danger.

Okay, anything else?

At night, my bed gets shoved
so hard that it wakes me up.

Okay, can you show me
how hard that shake is?


Okay, so,
if you're sleeping,

you're getting up
from that.

All right.

What would you like
to see happen, sweetie?

If I had it my way, I'd be gone,
and I'd never look back.

It's kind of hard
to remain in some place

that's hurt you
so much.


I don't know what the [bleep]
is going on in here,

but it is not good.

So, the little gargoyles,
they're, like,

jumping all over the place.
They're laughing.

I mean,
they absolutely love it.

I mean, they're jumping
up and down on the beds,

and I'm gonna say
that I do think

that the living are pretty
damn well aware of these things.

I think they're feeling,
you know,

they're definitely feeling
the [bleep] pressure

on the bed and [bleep]

They're [bleep]
with the living.

Do you know
what these are?

I don't know yet.
They were never alive.

I don't know
if they're tricksters

or some kind of demon.

This is your house.

Now, your sister moved
in about 31/2 years ago,

and you did
the right thing.

You made her come in

when she was going through
a tough time.

You got to be worried
about her.

Very worried.

As far as experiences go,
have you had any?

Yes. I felt someone actually
grab my ankle

and just
jerk my foot down.

So, now are you sure
this wasn't some kind of

a sleep paralysis thing?

I'm sure it wasn't.

It has never happened before
and never happened again.

You sound like you're
really tense about it

right now
talking about it.

it was very scary.

My heart was pounding for,
I'm sure, hours after that.

I don't think I would have --
I think I would have ran.

Okay. Did
anything else happen?

Yes. I had
one other experience

that was just
the worst one, you know.

What happened?

I was basically
pinned down in bed.

I felt like there were two hands
on my shoulders

literally holding me
down in bed,

and I woke up gasping.

What'd you do?

I started to call out.

I told it to leave me alone,
and I was always told, you know,

"Say, 'In the name
of Jesus Christ, leave me,'"

you know, things like that
because it was --

I don't know
how long it was.

And finally, I just
feel it lift like it

just took its hands off me
and left me alone.


It's okay.
You all right?

Come here.
I'm okay. Thanks.

Aww, I'm sorry.

It's okay.

This person, I feel,
is, like, a sensitive.

trying to talk to her.

She's getting
physically injured.

So, I'm seeing there's,
like, a woman in here.

Is this the person
you were describing

in the bedroom
as a sensitive?

I think so.

I'm getting frustration,

Stuff is moving,
something with pots and pans.

I think this living woman with
abilities is creating a P.K.

P.K. manifestations are
extremely powerful

because they can cause things
to move on their own.

So, is it just
the pots and pans?

No! Mnh-mnh.

She has issues
with herself.

She has some kind of
guilt complex.

She thinks that
somebody's, like,

hitting her or strangling her,
but actually,

she is manifesting
enough energy into,

like, a physical manifestation
and then attacking herself.

It's pretty advanced.

I don't like it in here.

It's terrible! Terrible!

Amy and I have done
investigations up here before,

so my first call was
to an old friend,

Chris Enss,
an historical author.

Now, she did some
digging for me,

and it turns out one
of the very first owners

of the property was involved
in an epic family feud

I'm definitely going
to want to know about.

So, Chris, it's good
to see you again.

Before we get to this big family
feud, who are the players?

The players in this situation
are Jefferson Wilcoxson

and his brother,

and here's a picture
of Jefferson here.

In 1849, the brothers
left Missouri

and came out west
looking for gold.

The brothers
did not find gold,

but they made a fortune
selling supplies

to the other 49ers,
and they made a lot of money.

How did they wind up
on my client's property?

Jackson had a lot of property,
and when he passed away,

he willed the property
to Jefferson,

and so
that's how Jefferson

is now in charge
of that land.

So, Chris, is this land
transfer part of the feud?

No, it involves Jefferson
and his niece, Amanda.

Right. So, how'd she wind up
in the picture?

Well, Jefferson is sick,
and he needs someone

to take care of him,
so he does send for his niece.

She's quick
to come west.

How old is Amanda
at this point?

She's 19 years old.

For the next 20 years, she gives
up her life to devote to him.

She bathes him.
She takes care of his finances.

She promises even
not to marry.

He promises that he's going
to be giving her $150,000

when he passes away.

When did things go bad?

When Jefferson dies,
he has left a lot of funds

to his family members,
but nothing to Amanda.

Well, Chris, it sounds
like she got screwed.

Did she contest the will at all?
What happened?

She does. She hires attorneys to
go in and fight this will.

So, she went to trial.
How did it go?

What they give her is $18,000,
which they estimate is her worth

for all of those years
of taking care of her uncle.

Sounds like she gave up
her life for him

and got practically
nothing in return.

Well, yes, she had suitors
who wanted to marry her,

and she had
to call it off.

She gave up men
that might have been the people

that loved her
for the rest of her life.

So, the little gargoyles
are pissing off the living,

and the living are getting
pissed at one another.

What they're doing to the living
is, like, irritating them.

The gargoyle-y things
really want the living

to turn on one another.

They appreciate when
horrible things happen,

and if they can
nudge it along,

it's what's causing
a lot of the agitation.

Do you have any idea

how long these things
have been here?

Is it just this house?

Where else?

Oh, around, you know,
pretty far, yeah.

I think that they like it,
you know,

when murders
and [bleep] happen.

Everyone in the house
is complaining

about growling and footsteps.

Of course, they're convinced
it's paranormal.

Call me crazy.
It could just be rodents.

I'm driving
up to the house now

to meet with
a pest-control expert

who's gonna give the place
a complete once-over.

All right, guys, so,
this is the deal,

why I called you
out here.

My clients that live
in this house are complaining

about growling and noises
and knocks and stuff like that.

Call me nutty, but we're out
in the middle of the woods here,

so I'm thinking
it could be

some kind of a rodent
or an animal.

You guys get anything
like that out here?

Yeah, definitely.

Banging noises and stuff
could be a rodent.

Could be a large rat
running around.

All right, so, do me a favor --
Go in there,

do the best you can,
the entire house,

and let me know
what you find.

All right, sounds good.

With all the bizarre sounds
Heidi and her family

are hearing, I know I have to
rule out the obvious first,

and if there isn't
a physical explanation,

our only hopes for answers
will have to come from Amy.

Okay, guys, so,
how'd it go?

My inspection on the lower
basement area down there,

all I found was
a light infestation of mice.

Mice. All right.

Could that cause those noises
they're hearing?

All right, so,
nothing you guys found

would cause
any kind of sound

that would sound like growling,
scratching, knocking?


All right, so,
I know the problem's

not nature
and their surroundings.


So, the little gargoyles,
I hear them down here playing.

The living are
pretty freaked out.

Whoever stays in here
probably hearing those

little guys
causing a ruckus.

They're talking,
but it's not a language

that anybody
would understand.

Need to go.
Need to go.

I hate this place.
Hate it.

If you need us
to investigate

unexplained activity
in your home,

Click on "Help me, Dead Files!"
to submit your story,

and we'll help if we can.

So far, I've got a family
under att*ck on a property

where a nasty
family feud took place,

but I want to see
if there's anything else

that could help
my investigation.

Searching through old records,
I find an unsolved m*rder

that took place in 1973.

Turns out the homicide happened

right next
to my client's property.

Now, this case is still open,
so the local cops

don't want to talk to me
about this m*rder.

But I've managed
to track down a P.I.

who says the victim belonged
to a strange cult

and that they set up shop

right next
to Heidi and Petra's house.

Well, Larry, thanks
for meeting me.

I really appreciate that.

Before we get to
the unsolved homicide,

what's the story
with this cult?

It was called
the Esoteric Fraternity.

The cult originally
started in New York.

The founder was a guy,
a Civil w*r veteran

and an author named
Hiram Butler.

Mr. Butler wrote a book
in the late 1880s

called "Solar Biology."

"Solar Biology" ended up being
the bible, if you would,

for the fraternity.

It spouts immortality
through celibacy.

All right, so, people bought
into this crap?

They did, and this drew the ire
of the authorities

in both
New York and Boston,

and I have an article here
from the Boston Herald.

Why'd they
go after him?

Mr. Butler purified the women
members of the fraternity

by having sex with them,

and that didn't
set too well.


So, this guy was full
of [bleep], basically.

How or when
does he wind up

right next
to my client's property?

Records indicate that, in 1891,
he purchased the 500 acres

next to
your client's property.

He built
a four-story building,

and he called it
the Esoteric College.

So, how long does this guy,
Butler, stick around?

He stayed on the property
until 1916.

At the time of his death,
he was 75.

By all accounts, his followers
were quite disappointed

that he did not
achieve immortality.

So much for that.

There's a bad man out here.

Mnh. Mnh.

I don't like it over there.
Mnh-mnh. Mnh-mnh.

No. No.

I'm repulsed.

I feel like my stomach
drops in here.

There's a lot of domestic
v*olence in here.

I'm feeling panic and fear.

Got to calm it down.
Got to calm it down.


So, Larry, I know the homicide
happened back in '73,

and the cult was still going on
back then, correct?

Yes, it was.
The cult was still there,

although there were
only four members left.

Okay, so, what do we know
about the victim?

Victim's name was
Matthew Bosek.

He was
a Russian immigrant.

He was said to be
a mild-mannered man.

He had lived
on the property

and been a member of the cult
for over 50 years.

Well, how's the circumstances
of his death? What happened?

Well, on the night
of August 2nd, 1973,

they found Mr. Bosek
in the fetal position

laying on his right side
in a pool of blood.

He had three sh*ts in the back
and one in the back of the head.

So, it sounds like we got
a execution-style homicide.

Certainly fits
common idea

of an execution-style
k*lling, yes.

All right, was there
any indication of a robbery?


Okay, so, there's only three
people left on this property.

I assume the cops
talked to them.

They did interview
the people as well

as some of the adjacent
property owners.

Nobody came up
with anything.

And it's still open
to this day.
It is.

It seems like somebody
got away with m*rder.

I'm seeing two men,
and I'm seeing the word m*rder.

I'm seeing, like,
a red t-shirt.

So, this may be 1980s.

So, I'm getting two men,
but then I'm hearing a female.

Maybe there's, like,
some kind of domestic [bleep]

going on here.

I'm hearing a --
I think it's a shotgun.

I'm hearing, like,
an expl*si*n.

Feel like I'm being hit, and,
like, the head pain from --

Dude, major head
trauma going on.

I saw several disturbing
things on my walk,

but the gargoyles
terrorizing the living

have me
the most concerned.

These things are
on the bed.

To me,
they looked frightening.

They had red eyes,
and they were, like,

very, very dark.

Amy, is this
what you saw?


Now that Amy and I have
completed our investigations,

we're ready to reveal
our findings to each other

and our clients
for the first time.

So, Amy, I want you
to meet Heidi,

this is her sister, Petra,
and Heidi's daughter, Sasha.

They all live here with Heidi's
other daughter, Ciara,

- who's about 15.
- Yes.

Now, here's the deal.

Heidi's already had
a brush with death once.

She b*at lung cancer,
but now she feels

she's in a fight
for her life again

by whatever's
in this house.

All three of these ladies
are terrified, and they feel

if you can't come up
with a solution for them,

somebody's gonna
get seriously hurt.

Now that Amy knows a little bit
about you guys,

I'm gonna ask her
to describe her walk.

When I arrived here, I got
that there's something wrong

with this land
and this neighborhood.

Then when I got inside,
I see the word m*rder.

And I saw
two men and a woman,

and then I heard
the blast of a shotgun.

And I got something wrong
with my head and my eyes,

and I got that it was part of
some kind of domestic dispute.

And it seemed, like, recent,
like 1980s.

This is a small town,
and the only documented m*rder

within that time frame
you're talking about happened

actually right
next door in 1973.

Now, from the 1890s all the way
through the 1970s,

there was a cult
that owned 500 acres

right next door to your property
called the Esoteric Fraternity.

By the 1970s, there was
only four members left.

Now, one of them was
a 79-year-old

Russian immigrant
named Matthew Bosek.

August 2nd, 1973, he's working
on his vegetable garden.

All of a sudden,
four sh*ts rung out.

Three hit him in the back.

One caught him in the back
of the head.

the guy was hit execution style
from what I can tell.

I think it was one of the other
three cult members.

Yeah. Seemed like they knew
each other, for sure.

They knew each other.

Cops interviewed them,
but nothing came of it.

Case is still open
to this day.

When I went into
the bedroom upstairs,

and it's the one with just
the one bed in it,

I got that the individual
in there was a sensitive

and that the dead were
trying desperately

to communicate
to that person.

Then I walked
into the kitchen,

and then I saw this person
preparing dinner.

There were pots and pans
clanging or moving,

and then I realized
that this person

had created a P.K. entity.

This one is very advanced
and unusual,

because not only is it
moving objects,

it's also attacking
the person who created it.

I got that this person
has an enormous amount of guilt

and that a lot of things
that would be happening

would be more projected
onto herself.

I'm just really surprised,
I have to admit.

You know,
I always thought that Heidi was

more of a sensitive.

I would never guessed that you
would be talking about me.

She's felt very guilty
about a lot,

and I've told her
she needs to let it go.

She's held a lot in.

I wasn't really there
when my mom passed away,

and that was probably
the biggest guilt.

Typically, people with that
ability are the people

who take on everything,

take care of everybody else,
repress, repress, repress.

You just described me.
That's her.

And then -- Bam.
That's her to a "T."

Amy says you turned
this PK thing against yourself.

I want to go through some of the
things you've been experiencing

like the time
you were grabbed in bed.

I was just ready
to fall asleep,

and I had just
rolled over in bed

and felt a hand wrap
around my ankle

and just jerk me.

But you were also pinned.

Right. I was in the house alone,
and I woke up just feeling

these two hands
on my shoulder,

you know, just holding me
to the bed.

That was
my worst experience.

Now, is that the P.K.
doing that to her?

I think so, yeah.

So, it sounds like
you're haunting yourself.

Does sound like that,
doesn't it?

So, what else?

So, during my walk,
I saw these two beings,

and to me,
they looked like gargoyles.

They're extremely bad.

They're not just
in the house.

They definitely go around
the neighborhood.

They're attracted
to negativity.

That's what they thrive
and feed on.

One of their favorite areas
is in this house,

and it's in
the larger back bedroom.

I think it has
three beds in it.

Right, so, that's where Heidi,
Sasha, and Ciara sleep.

Okay, they love it in there --
love it.

Their motivation is to pit
the living against one another.

That's what they do.

And that's what's
been happening.


We are argue
for no reason.

We'll get in fights
over the simplest thing,

and that's not us.

We're a very tight,
close family,

and also
with Sasha's breakdown.

Sasha, do me a favor
in telling me, if you can,

about your depression
and what you're going through?

I had a mental
breakdown last year.

I feel like
I'm losing my mind.

I can't function

I feel like something's
holding me here.

Was there a trigger?

My entire childhood,
I was abused.

I've been holding that
in my entire life.

I never
talked about it.

I never
cried about it.

I held it in, and I tried
my hardest to ignore it.

And I feel like
this house

is just holding me back
from healing.

Now, Amy, there is a history
of people turning

against each other
on this property.

One of the original owners
of your property

was a guy named
Jefferson Wilcoxson.

This guy was pretty well off,

and he owned this property
back in the 1880s.

By all accounts, he was
a great guy when he moved here,

but the day he set foot
on this land, all that changed.

He convinced a young niece
of his named Amanda

to move in
and take care of him.

I do have a picture
of Amanda.

Now, when Amanda came

and started
taking care of her uncle,

she did everything
a maid would do and more

because she knew,
at the end of it,

when he d*ed, she would be
a big part of his will.

And this went on
for 20 years.

Well, the old man finally keels
over and drops dead, right?

She got nothing.

So, Amanda sued the estate,

but she barely got any money
out of the courts.

Now, these gargoyle things,

could they have
influenced these people?

Yes. Yes.

This house is evil.

I know without
a shadow of a doubt.

Did these things
do anything else

besides pit people
against each other?

Yes, they make
loud noises.

I heard them
laughing, grunting.

Heidi, do me a favor.

Describe the growling
thing to me.

It's a weird growling --
like, this low growl,

and then it almost
turns human at the end.

Now, because they
were experiencing

all these noises
and growling,

I brought in
a pest-control expert to see

if that was the problem.

The only thing they found
were very small mice droppings

but nothing that would cause
these kind of noises.

The other thing I saw them was
jumping up and down on the beds,

especially in the room
where the three beds are.

They love that.

At very least
once a week,

my bed
gets shoved so hard

that I am
awoken at night,

and we're not talking
a little shove.

It's a big, big shove.


Also, they do like
to trick people.

I think the living
would feel them rushing by.

There's, like, a wind,
you know?

That must be the things
that are rushing me

and trying to go
right through me

and trying to scare me,
and it works.

I'm scared.

It's very horrible.

It's mean.

Yeah, they are mean.

Heidi, do me a favor.

Talk about
getting shoved down the stairs.

I had to go to work
one morning.

I walk out the patio door,
and I get hit from behind,

and I fall down three steps
onto the concrete.

And would that be
these things also?

Oh, yeah.

I did have an artist do a sketch
of one of the situations

that I saw
with that back bedroom area.

Oh, you're not going
to want to see this.

Oh, hell, no.

These little [bleep] need to go.
I want them gone.

When we
first moved in,

Ciara would see a shadow
outside the window

with glowing red eyes,
and she could never fall asleep.

She'd turn over and try her
hardest to fall asleep,

but the red eyes
were always there.

Now, not only your sister,

but you saw
a shadow figure by your bed.


He stands right next to my bed,
and I see shadow.

I see his frame.
I'm scared.

I'm very scared of him.

What the hell are they,
and what do they want?

The little guys are what I call

the lowest level demon
that you could encounter --

obviously, very evil.

They've always been
in this area.

They like when
horrible things happen.

That's something that I think
would be their ultimate goal

is to create people
k*lling other people.

We've been feeling that.

I'd rather be homeless
than live here.

I want to know how we k*ll them.

You know, Heidi, after fighting
and b*ating lung cancer,

you deserve some peace
in your life,

and it pisses me off that you
ended up in a house with demons.

Look, I don't know
what Amy's gonna say,

but I personally hope you can
find a way

to kick these little
rat bastards out of here

so you and your family
can live in peace.

So, the first thing that
I would like to see you guys do

is take buckets of salt water
and big sponges,

and you are going to wash
every surface

that you can with this
saltwater solution.

The second thing you're
going to do is take sage,

and you're going to go
to every single room

with this
to every single doorway,

and you're gonna seal it
with the sage.

How often they got to do that?

You're going to need
to cleanse once a month.

You guys won't have
a problem with that?


For the property line,
you need to go on a rock hunt.

Just pick up rocks
that call to you.

When you start building
your fence, so to speak,

you'll take one rock at a time,

place it on the earth and say,

"Thank you, Earth, for providing
this protection for us forever."

So, what is that gonna do?

It's going to place
a protective barrier,

and it's gonna keep these
demons outside of the barrier.

For you, I would like you to
find a certified EMDR therapist.

I'm not familiar with EMDR.
What exactly is that?

So, basically, it's a form
of intensive therapy for people

who have PTSD,
are stuck in grief, guilt.

This will help
with your P.K.


So, the big question
I have is

if they do this huge
laundry list you got,

which it sounds
like it's doable,

will they start feeling better?
Will they stop fighting?

Oh, yeah, it's gonna be

pretty dramatic change,
actually. Yeah.

I'm just happy that there
is something that we can do.

If it's something
that needs to get done,

then I'm willing to help,

but ultimately I would
like to get out.

There's too many
bad memories here.

I will not go down
without a fight,

and I'm willing
to fight and hard.

They're not gonna
destroy my family anymore.

I can't imagine the pain
this family's going through,

being tormented by demons,
dead people,

and a P.K. manifestation,

but with EMDR therapy,
Petra can weaken the P.K.,

and a barrier will protect them
from the demons,

allowing them to lead a safe
and peaceful life.
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